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English Literature Học phần năm 4 học kỳ 1 - ĐHNN - ĐHĐN Cung cấp những kiến thức tổng hợp về miêu tả các nhân vật và nghị luận các tác phẩm văn học tiếng Anh

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Hamlet is one of the most complex and fascinating characters in all of literature He is the Prince of Denmark, the son of the late King Hamlet, and the nephew of the current king, Claudius Hamlet's life is marked by tragedy, turmoil, and inner conflict.

Thoughts on Hamlet's life:

Grief and Loss: Hamlet's life is deeply affected by the sudden and suspicious death of his father, King

Hamlet This loss triggers a profound sense of grief and mourning in him, which becomes a central theme in the play His mourning is not just for his father but also for the state of Denmark and what he sees as the moral decay in the court.

Moral Dilemma: Hamlet's life is characterized by a profound moral dilemma He discovers that his father

was murdered by Claudius, his uncle, who has now become the king and married Hamlet's mother,

Gertrude Hamlet is torn between his desire for revenge and his moral reservations about killing This innerconflict consumes him and leads to his indecisiveness and contemplation.

Isolation and Alienation: Throughout the play, Hamlet becomes increasingly isolated from those around

him He feels betrayed by his mother, disillusioned by the court, and betrayed by his friends This isolation contributes to his sense of despair and madness.

Intellectual Depth: Hamlet is known for his intellectual depth and philosophical musings He frequently

engages in soliloquies, exploring profound questions about life, death, and the nature of existence His eloquence and introspection make him a fascinating character.

Tragic Fate: Hamlet's life ultimately takes a tragic turn His obsession with seeking revenge, his inability

to act decisively, and the complex web of deception around him lead to a series of tragic events that result in multiple deaths, including his own.

In essence, Hamlet's life is a study in the complexities of human nature He grapples with grief, moral quandaries, and the consequences of his choices His journey is one of tragedy and introspection, making him one of the most enduring and iconic characters in literature.


Strickland is the central character in W Somerset Maugham's novel "The Moon and Sixpence." He is a

complex and enigmatic character who embarks on a tumultuous journey of self-discovery and artistic expression Here's a description of Strickland and some thoughts about his life:

Description of Strickland: Charles Strickland is initially introduced as a seemingly ordinary, middle-aged

English stockbroker living in London with his family However, he harbors a burning passion for art that remains dormant until he makes a drastic and life-altering decision Strickland abandons his family and secure life in England to pursue his artistic calling in Paris, where he becomes a dedicated and relentless painter.

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Strickland's transformation is remarkable He evolves from a conventional, middle-class man into a radical,unconventional artist who is willing to endure poverty, suffering, and social isolation in the pursuit of his artistic vision He exhibits an unrelenting commitment to his craft, striving to capture the truth of life through his art, often at the expense of personal relationships and societal norms.

Thoughts on Strickland's Life: Strickland's life is a complex and tragic one, marked by a single-minded

devotion to his art at the cost of nearly everything else Here are some thoughts on his life:

Artistic Passion: Strickland's relentless pursuit of art demonstrates the all-consuming nature of creative

passion He is willing to forsake comfort, societal acceptance, and even basic human relationships to follow his calling His unwavering dedication to his craft is both admirable and destructive.

Alienation and Isolation: Strickland's choice to abandon his family and embrace a life of poverty and

solitude leads to profound isolation He becomes a recluse, detached from society and even his fellow artists His inability to connect with others is both a source of his artistic strength and a source of his suffering.

Moral Ambiguity: Strickland's actions raise questions about morality and the boundaries of artistic

pursuit His disregard for the feelings and well-being of those around him, including his family and his mistress, Blanche Stroeve, is morally questionable His pursuit of art often seems selfish and ruthless.

Authenticity: Despite his flaws and morally questionable decisions, Strickland's life embodies a quest for

authenticity He seeks to strip away the veneer of conventional life and societal expectations to uncover theraw truth of existence In this sense, his life is a radical rejection of societal conformity.

In "The Moon and Sixpence," Strickland's character serves as a complex exploration of the tension

between art, passion, and morality His life is marked by both artistic triumph and personal tragedy, leavingreaders to ponder the sacrifices one might make in the relentless pursuit of creative expression.


Becky Sharp is one of the central characters in William Makepeace Thackeray's novel "Vanity Fair." She

is a complex and morally ambiguous character who is known for her wit, ambition, and cunning nature Here's a description of Becky Sharp and some thoughts about her life:

Description of Becky Sharp: Becky Sharp is introduced as a poor orphan and a governess at the Sedley

household From the beginning, she stands out for her intelligence, sharp wit, and determination to rise above her lowly social status Becky is charming and captivating, using her beauty and charisma to manipulate and seduce men to advance in society.

Throughout the novel, Becky is depicted as a social climber who is willing to use any means to achieve hergoals She is resourceful and adaptable, changing her behavior and alliances to suit her interests Her moralcompass is highly questionable, and she often engages in deceit, manipulation, and betrayal.

Becky's relationship with Amelia Sedley, her childhood friend and the novel's other primary female

character, is central to the story Becky is both envious of Amelia's naivety and determined to exploit it for her own gain The two women's contrasting personalities and fates serve as a lens through which

Thackeray explores the complexities of class and social mobility in early 19th-century England.

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Thoughts on Becky Sharp's Life: Becky Sharp's life is a portrait of relentless ambition and moral

ambiguity Here are some thoughts on her character:

Survivor and Opportunist: Becky is a survivor who navigates the treacherous waters of Victorian society

by exploiting every opportunity that comes her way Her ability to adapt and take advantage of situations isboth impressive and unsettling.

Moral Complexity: Becky's character raises questions about morality and the pursuit of personal gain

While she engages in morally questionable actions, her resilience and determination to escape poverty and rise in society make her a complex and intriguing character.

Social Commentary: Becky Sharp serves as a vehicle for Thackeray's social commentary, highlighting the

hypocrisy and superficiality of the upper classes in 19th-century England Her character reflects the ruthlessness required for social advancement in a society driven by vanity and appearances.

Tragic Figure: Despite her cunning and ambition, Becky's life is marked by tragedy and disappointment

Her quest for status and wealth ultimately leads to her downfall, and she ends up isolated and ostracized.In "Vanity Fair," Becky Sharp's character is a compelling exploration of the consequences of ambition, manipulation, and social climbing in a society where appearances often matter more than substance Her life is a cautionary tale that reflects the complexities and contradictions of human nature and the society in which she lives.


David Copperfield is the titular character and the protagonist of Charles Dickens' novel "David

Copperfield." The novel follows his life from infancy to adulthood, chronicling his experiences,

challenges, and personal growth Here's a description of David Copperfield and some thoughts about his life:

Description of David Copperfield: David Copperfield is introduced as a sensitive and observant child

The novel begins with his birth and early years, marked by the death of his father before his birth and the remarriage of his mother, Clara, to the cruel and oppressive Mr Murdstone As a young boy, David is sent away to work in a bottle factory, where he faces hardship and abuse.

Throughout his life, David undergoes various transformations, both in terms of his personal development and his social standing He experiences both adversity and success, reflecting the ups and downs of life in Victorian England David is a kind-hearted and compassionate character who forms deep connections with those he encounters on his journey, including his loyal friend Steerforth, the ever-optimistic Mr Micawber,and the gentle and loving Agnes Wickfield.

Thoughts on David Copperfield's Life: David Copperfield's life is a reflection of the human condition,

marked by a series of trials and tribulations Here are some thoughts on his character and life:

Resilience and Adaptability: David's life is characterized by his resilience and ability to adapt to changing

circumstances Despite facing adversity and hardships, he remains determined to improve his life and find happiness.

Quest for Identity: Throughout the novel, David embarks on a quest to discover his true identity and place

in the world He grapples with questions of self-discovery, self-worth, and his role in society.

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Empathy and Relationships: David's genuine empathy for others and his deep, meaningful relationships

with characters like Agnes and Mr Micawber underscore the importance of human connection and compassion in his life.

Social Commentary: David Copperfield's journey serves as a vehicle for Dickens to comment on the

social issues and inequalities of Victorian England, including the mistreatment of children, the harsh conditions of the working class, and the importance of education.

Coming of Age: The novel can be seen as a coming-of-age story as David matures from a vulnerable child

into a self-reliant and successful adult His growth and development reflect the broader theme of personal growth and maturity.

In "David Copperfield," Dickens creates a richly detailed and emotionally resonant portrayal of a character's life, complete with its trials, triumphs, and transformative experiences David's life journey serves as a lens through which readers can explore themes of resilience, identity, compassion, and the human capacity for growth and change.


William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an English playwright, poet, and actor Widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in English literature, his enduring legacy includes iconic plays like "Hamlet," "Romeo and Juliet," and "Macbeth." Shakespeare's works explore timeless themes such as love, power, and human nature, influencing literature, theater, and language for centuries Despite limited biographical details, his genius shines through in the rich language, complex characters, and universal truths found in his plays and sonnets, making him a literary giant whose impact continues to shape the world of arts and culture.


Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) was a British playwright, novelist, and short story writer known for his keen observation of human nature and exploration of complex characters His works often delved into themes of love, society, and the human condition Maugham's notable works include "Of Human Bondage," "The Moon and Sixpence," and "The Razor's Edge." He traveled extensively and drew inspiration from his experiences in various cultures His writing style is characterized by its clarity and precision Somerset Maugham's contributions to literature continue to be appreciated for their insightful portrayal of human emotions and societal norms.


William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863) was a renowned English novelist, known for his satirical wit and keen social commentary He is best remembered for his novel "Vanity Fair," a biting satire of early 19th-century British society Thackeray's writing is characterized by its humor, irony, and examination of human flaws His works often explored themes of class, ambition, and morality "Vanity Fair" remains one of his most famous works, offering a vivid portrayal of the complexities and hypocrisies of Victorian society Thackeray's storytelling and wit continue to be appreciated for their enduring relevance and entertainment value.


Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was a prolific and influential English novelist during the Victorian era His literary works are celebrated for their vivid characters, social commentary, and memorable storytelling Dickens' novels often exposed the harsh realities of 19th-century England, highlighting issues like poverty, inequality, and industrialization.

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Some of his most famous works include "Oliver Twist," "Great Expectations," "David Copperfield," and "A Tale of Two Cities." Dickens' writing style is characterized by his use of humor, richly detailed settings,and intricate plots.

Beyond his literary achievements, Dickens was a prominent social critic and advocate for social reform Heused his writings to shed light on the plight of the poor and disadvantaged, contributing to social awarenessand change.

Dickens' enduring popularity and influence on literature continue to resonate today, making him one of the most celebrated and beloved novelists in the English language.

Ngày đăng: 23/06/2024, 20:29

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