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REVIEW Name……… Class………

I.Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs fromthat of the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions

Question 1 A occasion B passion C station D change

Question 3 A biologistB generationC gender D argumentQuestion 4 A A parachutistB spaceC donationD destinationQuestion 5 A tangle B dangerous C battle D calculate

II.Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other threein the position of primary stress in each of the following questions

Question 1 A beautifulB guitar C hotel D computerQuestion 2 A cameraB expel C animal D forest

Question 5 A achieve B happen C detect D enroll

III.Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following

Question 1 The discovery of antibiotics _ the treatment of bacterial infections.

A revolutionizes B has revolutionized C is revolutionizing D revolutionized Question 2 The conference _ by non-governmental organizations was about globalization.

Question 3 I really like all the characters in his last film, on a true story about a group of universitystudents in his hometown A is basedB basingC basedD is basingQuestion 4 _ their wedding anniversary, they decided to take a trip to Ho Chi Minh city.A On occasionB In occasion ofC In occasion D On the occasion of

Question 5 The company's profits _ steadily over the past few years.

Question 6 The advancement of artificial intelligence led to the _ of automation in various industries A adoption B adoptC adoptedD adopting

Question 7 The new skyscraper in the city center is _ building in the entire city.

A taller thanB the tallest C as tall as D more taller than

Question 8 Since my grandfather retired, he badminton with others in our neighbourhood.

Question 9 Thanks to our careful preparation, the year-end party very well.A came off B took upC turned up D went off

Question 10: Recently, a gang of enterprising New Zealanders an incredible scheme to raise awareness of

depression and mental health issues

A has introducedB had introduced C introduced D was introduced Question 11: My brother was feeling tired last night, so he went to bed than usual.

A earliest B early C more earlier D.earlier Question 12: She delayed _a decision, carefully weighing the pros and cons.

Question 13: She decided to _ improving her painting skills over the summer.

Question 14 We Đa Lat many times since we moved to Viet Nam

A have visited B had visited C visited D has visited

Question 15 My brother speaks English than I.

A fluent B fluently C more fluent D more fluently

Question 16 We do not allow in the classrooms because it maintains cleanliness, prevents distractions,

and ensures a conducive learning environment.

A to eat B to eating C eat D eating

Question 17 The electricity will be for ten minutes while the workmentest the circuit.A getting on B going off C taking off D getting off

IV.Read the following advertisement/ announcement and mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the

numbered blanks from

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We are excited to announce an upcoming educational excursion that promises to be both enriching and memorable ! Our school trip (10) to provide students with valuable learning opportunities outside the classroom, fostering personal growth and creating lasting memories.

Trip Highlights:

1 Educational Excursions: Explore Son Doong Cave and its cultural, historical and natural attractions

through guided tours and interactive activities.

2 Hands-On Learning: Engage (11) experiential learning opportunities that complement

classroom studies, enhancing understanding and retention of academic concepts.

3 Team Building Activities: Participate in team-building exercises and challenges that promote

collaboration, leadership, and communication skills.

4 Cultural Immersion: Immerse yourself in the local culture, customs, and traditions of local people,

gaining valuable insights into global perspectives.

We encourage all students (12) _ advantage of this valuable learning opportunity and look forward toembarking on this exciting adventure together!

Question 10 A was designed B designing C is designed D designed

Question 12 A to fill B to have C to take D to make

Zenith Electronics showed off its new phone, the Z10, at an event in New York City The Z10 is a big step forward in phone technology, (10) many new features that will make using a phone better.

The Z10 is stylish and modern, with a sleek design and a big screen that covers the whole front of the phone It isalso very powerful, with a fast processor that lets you use many apps at the same time and play games (11) any problems.

The Z10 runs on Zenith's latest operating system, Zenith OS 10 This system is easy to use and has many new features that make it easy to find what you need and change the settings on your phone The Z10's camera is also very good It can take great pictures and videos, even (12) _ low light.

Overall, the Zenith Z10 is a great phone that is better than many other phones on the market From its stylish design to its powerful performance and great camera, the Z10 is sure to please even the pickiest users.

Question 11 A Ø (no article)B without C ofD into

Dear Students,

We are delighted to inform you of an exciting new addition to our school community - the launch of Book Club! We understand the joy and enrichment that comes from immersing oneself in the world of literature.

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The Book Club aims to create a space where students can come together to share their love for reading, explore diverse genres, and engage in meaningful (13) _ about literature Whether you're a seasoned bookworm or just starting your reading journey, the club welcomes all enthusiasts.

Our club meetings will (14) _ every Wednesday after school in the library During these gatherings, we will discuss our chosen book of the month, share our thoughts and insights, and recommend future reads Additionally, we plan to organize various literary-themed events and activities throughout the school year to further enrich our reading experience.

To join the Book Club, simply sign up the registration sheet available at the library circulation desk We encourage you to bring along your favorite book recommendations and an open mind ready to explore new literary adventures.

We are excited to embark on this literary journey together and look forward to welcoming you to our first meeting on this Monday Should you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free (15) _ to our school email.

Happy reading!

Question 13 A talkings B lessonsC debatesD discussionsQuestion 14 A be heldB held C hold D holdingQuestion 15.A reaching outB to reach outC reach out D be reaching out

V.Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph/letter in each of the following questions.

Question 16

a.Face-to-face learning can do these but online learning does better.

b.First of all, coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is affecting every part of the world and schools are not an

c.Both face-to-face learning and online learning are good but personally, I believe that online learning is much

better due to some reasons.

d.Besides, learning on the Internet also provides us with active learning opportunities and develops our

e.Learning online helps us protect ourselves and reduce the spread of disease.A c-d-a-e-bB c-e-b-d-aC.c-b- e-d-aD c-e-b-a-dQuestion 17

a. Finally, if you are finding your lessons too difficult, you can always ask the teacher for some extra homework The more you study and practice, the more you will learn.

b. First of all, I know that you don't have many friends at the moment It can be really difficult in a new

place Why don't you join a society at your university? I'm sure they have a movie or a video games society

That's a great way to meet new people.

c. I hope this helps.

d. I also heard you aren't sleeping well You should stop using your smartphone for about an hour before

bed It can really help.

e. Hi, Anh I hope you are doing OK.I heard that you are having some problems at university, so I'm writingto try to give you some useful suggestions.

f. If you want to stop missing your deadlines, why don't you ask your classmates to remind you about them or set reminders on your phone?

A e-b-d-a -f-c B.e-d-b-f-a-cC.e-b-d-a-f-cD.e-b-d-f-a-c

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c Are you looking for an unforgettable travel experience?d If so, then you should definitely consider visiting Philippines

e In particular, this country offers something for everyone, from history fans to nature enthusiasts

A c - d - a - e – b B d - c - a - b - eC c - a - d - b - eD a - c - d - b - eQuestion 17.

a Your software update messed up my device, making it slow and glitchy.b Tried fixing it myself, but problems are still here, making it hard to use.c I'm writing this to express that I'm unhappy with your tech support.

d Please help me fix these issues and get my device working normally again.e Thank you for your quick help I hope you can resolve this issue soon.

Music also helps you think of new ideas, (21) If you are learning the guitar, for example, it can bereally exciting (22) One of the biggest benefits, of course, is that listening to music can reduce(23) _ And composing music can make you feel the same way Maybe your musical knowledge willeven open up a great career path for you in the future!

(Adapted from Preliminary for Schools Trainer)

Question 18 A And it is thought that music can help them learn other subjects better

B And which makes them learn other subjects better C Making them learn other subjects better easily D And it thought that music can help them learn other subjects better

Question 19 A who have studied music B.studied music

C.that studied music D.who were studying music

Q 20 A these school subjects connecting in some way B.these school subjects are connected in some way

C.students are connected in some way D.it makes it easier to connect in some way

Question 21 A beleiving more in yourselfB.and believe more in yourself C.so believe more in yourselfD.but believe more in yourselfQuestion 22 A to start composing your own pieces of music

B.when having able to start composing your own pieces of music C.when you are able to start composing your own pieces of music D.when you started composing your own pieces of music

Question 23 A their stressB her stressC this stressD your stress

VII.Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of

Recently, we've noticed that the weather is changing and getting hotter This change in temperature is causing a lot of problems for us and for nature On hot days, it's really uncomfortable, and it can even make people sick Sometimes, it gets so hot that people can get heatstroke or dehydration, especially if (18) _ for a long time Older people and little kids are especially at risk

But it's not just people who are affected by the heat The ice at the North and South Poles is melting because of the heat, and that's causing the sea level to rise When the sea level rises, it can flood coastal areas andmake it hard for animals like polar bears and penguins (19) _ The heat is also making it harder for plants and animals to live where they usually do Some places are getting drier (20) _, which means there's less water for plants to grow and for people to drink This can lead to droughts, where crops (21) _ and there isn't enough food for people and animals

Sometimes, when it's really dry, there are big fires (22) _ forests and homes All of these

problems are happening because the Earth is getting warmer It's important for us to find ways to stop this (23) so we can protect our planet and all the living things on it.

Question 18 A they are in outside B they were outside C they had been outside D they are outside Question 19.A to find food and shelter B finding food and shelter

C can find food and shelterD find food and shelter

Q 20 A because the heatB in spite of the heat C because of the heatD despite the fact that the heatQuestion 21 A deadB diedC die D dying

Question 22 A that destroys B who destroy C to destroy D that destroy

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Question 23 A from happeningB to happeningC happen D happening

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correctword or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 24 to 28

Ecotourism lacks a uni versally-accepted definition, but is generally regarded as responsible and (1) _travel to natural areas that both conserves the environment and improves the well-being of thoseliving there At the heart of it is the assumption that in a predominantly capitalist world (2) natureplays second fiddle to creating wealth, any conservation needs to pay for itself Money generated fromecotourism is invested back into the conservation of the environment it impacts upon.

Supporters argue that, by involving residents in accommodating tourists and acting as guides,(3) _ ecotourism aids development, both regionally and nationally In (4) cases, communitieswork as equal partners with ecotourism organisations rather than just as employees However, some detractorspoint out that the environment is effectively prioritised above the needs of residents Ecotourism’s apparentobsession with this, far from giving a boost to the development of wealth in a community, can actually damagethe ability of the majority of inhabitants to (5 themselves out of poverty.

Question 1 A undimmedB peculiarC sustainableD existential

Question 3 A for exampleB moreoverC thoughD nevertheless

Question 5.A render B augment C lift D remedy

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correctword or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Social media is filled with short content like posts, tweets, and videos that grab our attention (24) _ These kind of information have a big influence on our lives For example, we often find ourselves scrolling through our feeds, liking and sharing posts without (25) _ thinking about it This constant exposure to short-form content can affect our mood, behavior, and even our relationships Sometimes, we may feel (26) to keep up with the latest trends or compare our lives to others based on what we see online (27) _ , the fast-paced nature of social media can make it hard to focus on important tasks or have

meaningful conversations While short-form content can be entertaining and informative, it's essential to be (28) _ of how much time we spend consuming it and its impact on our well-being.

Question 25 A quicklyB timelyC carefully D happily

Question 27 A Additionally B HoweverC DespiteD BecauseQuestion 28 A ignorantB forgettable C mindfulD careless

VII,Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the

Self-help books are popular because they offer helpful advice for personal growth They cover many topics, like improving relationships and boosting self-confidence Self-help books are easy to get and affordable, unlike therapy You can find them in bookstores, libraries, and online You can read them at your own pace and go backto important ideas as needed.

Self-help books often use research, psychology, and real-life experiences to give practical advice that you can use in your daily life They give you steps and exercises to help you reach your goals and overcome challenges Self-help books can also inspire and motivate you by telling stories of people who have overcome challenges andsucceeded These stories can help you believe in yourself and have a positive attitude Overall, self-help books can give you the tools and knowledge you need to deal with life's challenges, have a positive attitude, and live a happy and meaningful life.

Question 29 What would the best title for the passage?

A Exploring the Impact of Self-Help Books on Mental Health B The Role of Self-Help BooksC Understanding the Psychology Behind Self-Help Reading D How to have a personal transformationQuestion 30 According to the passage, what is suggested as a key benefit of self-help books?

A Offering a quick solution to complex life problems B Providing a judgmental attitude of readers' behaviors.C Inspiring readers to take control of their lives D Presenting complex theories that are difficult to

Question 31 The word “accessible” in the passage is closest in meaning to .

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Question 32 What does the writer imply by stating "the fact that they are highly accessible and affordable"?A Self-help books are hard to find and costly B Self-help books are easy to locate and inexpensive.C Self-help books are difficult to locate but cheap D Self-help books are easy to find but costly.

Question 33 It can be inferred from the passage that what key factors contribute to the popularity of self-help books? A Their complexity and difficulty B Their exclusion of real-life experiences

C Their accessibility and practical advice D Their reliance on fictional narratives

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answerfor each question from 29 to 33.

Monopoly is one of the biggest-selling games in the world It is sold in 80 countries and comes in 26 different languages But where did this classic board game come from, and why did it become so popular? At the

beginning of the 20th century, an instructional game called ‘The Landlord's Game’ was first published by a

political activist, Elizabeth Magie The purpose of the game was to teach people how rich, powerful individuals take advantage of the poor while they accumulate even more wealth Unfortunately, the game was not popular,

and she sold very few copies of it.

In 1934, a man called Charles Darrow redesigned it, creating a game of chance However, when he presented his game, which he called "Monopoly, " to the games manufacturers Parker Brothers, they rejected it They said it

was too complex and contained too many flaws.

Darrow persisted and decided to produce the game himself He created and sold over 5,000 handmade sets to a local department store The game had immense public appeal, and was so popular that Darrow went back to Parker Brothers, who bought the rights to the game.

(Adapted from Complete IELTS by Rawdon Wyatt)

Question 29 What could be the best title for the passage? A Different Types of Games B The Story of Monopoly C An Old Game D Games with a Difference

Question 30 According to paragraph 2, what was the main aim of ‘The Landlord's Game’?

A It was created to promote some political activities.

B.It was designed to give instructions on how to play a new game.

C It was published to raise money for poorer citizens.

D It was made to educate users how rich people enrich themselves by exploiting the poor.Question 31 The word ‘it’ in paragraph 2 refers to _.

A copy B wealth C purpose D game

Question 32 The word ‘flaws’ in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _.

Question 33 Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?

A.Parker Brothers bought the copyrights of ‘Monopoly’ from Darrow.B.Charles Darrow recreated ‘The Landlord's Game’ under a new name.

C ‘Monopoly’ has been published in at least 26 different languages worldwide.

D ‘Monopoly’ held little appeal for Parker Brothers at first.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correctanswer to each of the questions from 34 to 40.

Alaska is disappearing slowly, but surely It is estimated that since the 1950s, as much as fifteen percent of Alaska’s land area has disappeared How can a whole state be disappearing? The problem is that Alaska’s glaciers are melting The state has more than 100,000 glaciers These glaciers account for about 75,000 square kilometers, or five percent, of the state’s area That is an area of land larger than Ireland!

According to a recent report by the US Geological Survey, ninty-nine percent of Alaska’s glaciers are either

retreating or diminishing This diminishing seems mainly due to the increase in global temperatures Since the

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1960s, the average year-round temperature has increased by almost 3°c Additionally, the average winter

temperature has increased by over 6°c Presently, an estimated 100 cubic kilometers of ice is disappearing from Alaskan glaciers every year It may be even more in the near future, as some scientists predict that the average world temperature could go up 4 to 7°c by the year 2100.

Another problem facing Alaska is its thawing permafrost Much of the land in Alaska used to be permanently frozen or frozen for most of the year Now, the thawing permafrost is causing a number of problems for people living in Alaska Roads and utility poles are collapsing as the ground around and under them warms and softens

Also, the hard permafrost that originally prevented beaches from eroding during violent storms is now melting

People who live along Alaska’s coasts are being forced to relocate For villages on small low islands, one terriblestorm could wipe out the entire community.

The melting permafrost and increasing temperatures are both affecting the forests of Alaska As the permafrost under the forests melts, insects that normally do not turn up until the warmer seasons are appearing sooner The spruce-bark beetle, for example, is increasing in numbers as a result of warmer winter temperatures It usually takes about two years for these beetles to grow and reproduce in very cold weather However, due to the increase

in temperatures, spruce-bark beetles are reproducing faster and damaging as many trees in one year as they

previously damaged in two If something cannot be done to changte things, Alaska’s forests will not survive the turn of the century.

Some scientists believe that human activity is linked to a global increase in weather temperature Whatever the cause of rising temperatures may be, the fact remains that temperatures are warming, affecting Alaska for the worse Horribly, this could be a preview of what will happen to the rest of the world in the next century.

(Adapted from Reading Challenge by Casey Malarcher and Andrea Janzen)

Question 34 Which best serves as the title for the passage? A.Alaska Is Melting! B.Disappearing Glaciers!

C Hidden Facts about Warmer Temperatures D Are Humans to Blame for Ice Melting?

Question 35 As stated in paragraph 1, the gradual disappearance of Alaska is due to .

A the destruction of rainforestsB saltwater intrusion C melting glaciersD natural

Question 36 The word diminishing in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to

A spreadingB freezingC sprayingD decreasingQuestion 37 The word eroding in paragraph 3 mostly means .

A wearing awayB putting away C taking away D cutting awayQuestion 38 The word they in paragraph 4 refers to _.

A temperaturesB forestsC beetlesD treesQuestion 39 Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?

A.The average world temperature has increased by nearly 3°c since the Industrial Revolution.B.Icebergs in Alaska are disappearing at an unprecedented rate because of climate change.

C The survival of many people in Alaska is being endangered by melting permafrost.

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D Novel insects emerge in some forests of Alaska as a result of thawing permafrost.

Question 40 Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A.Humans are certainly responsible for the considerable increase in global temperatures.B.Spruce-bark beetles living in forests of Alaska will become extinct due to melting glaciers.

C Glaciers play a vital role in maintaining the health of ecology in some parts of Alaska.D A rise in global temperature can have a deleterious effect on many parts of the world.

Ngày đăng: 21/06/2024, 00:45
