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Bài tập guided cloze

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Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng anh giúp các bạn ôn chuyên/ ôn thi hsg các cấp rèn luyện trí nhớ và khả năng trúng các câu hỏi trong đề thi

Trang 1

Câu 1: Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn đề điền vào chỗ trống số (1)

Câu 2: Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn đề điền vào chỗ trống số (2)

Câu 3: Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn đề điền vào chỗ trống số (3)

Câu 4: Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn đề điền vào chỗ trống số (4)A shouldn‘t let B won‘t let C didn‘t let D don‘t letCâu 5: Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn đề điền vào chỗ trống số (5)

Câu 6: Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn đề điền vào chỗ trống số (6)

Câu 7: Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn đề điền vào chỗ trống số (7)

Câu 8: Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn đề điền vào chỗ trống số (8) A publish B to publish C publishes D published

Câu 9: Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn đề điền vào chỗ trống số (9) A plenty B numerous C definite D certain

Câu 10: Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn đề điền vào chỗ trống số (10) A sailthrough B come into C deal with D turn out

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase for each of the blanks

Trang 2

Statesmen define a family as ―a group of individuals having a common dwelling andrelated by blood, adoption or marriage, (1) includes common-law relationships.‖Most people are born into one of these groups and (2)

live their lives as a family in such a group.

.relationship of people to each other within the family group changes as societychanges More and more wives are (4) paying jobs, and, as a result, the roles ofhusband, wife and children are changing Today, men expect to

(5) for pay for about 40 years of their lives, and, in today‘s marriages

(6) which both spouses have paying jobs, women can expect to work for about30 to 35 years of their lives This mean that man must learn to do their share of family tasks suchas caring for the children and daily (7) chores Children, too, especiallyadolescents, have to (8) with the members od their family in sharing householdtasks.

The widespread acceptance of contraception has meant that having

(9) is as matter of choice, not an automatic result of marriage Marriage itselfhas become a choice As alternatives (10) common-law relationships andsingle-parent families have become socially acceptable, women will become more independent.

(ID: 114994) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer

sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Education is more important today than ever before It helps people acquire the skills theyneed for such everyday (13) _ as reading a newspaper or managing their money It alsogives them the specialized training they may need to (14) _ for a job or career Forexample, a person must meet certain educational requirements and obtain a (15) _ orcertificate before he can practice law or medicine Many fields, like computer operation or policework, (16) _ satisfactory completion of special training courses.

Education is also important (17) _ it helps people get more out of life It increases theirknowledge and understanding of the world It helps them acquire the skills that make life more

Trang 3

interesting and enjoyable, (18) _ the skills needed to participate in a sport, paint a picture,or play a musical (19) _ Such education becomes (20) _ important as people gainmore and more leisure time.

Education also helps people adjust to change This habit has become necessary because social changes today take place with increasing speed and (21) _ the lives of

more and more people Education can help a person understand these changes andprovide him (22) _ the skills for adjusting to them.

Question 16.A requiresB requiringC requireD to requireQuestion 17.A thereforeB despiteC althoughD becauseQuestion 18.A such asB for instanceC such thatD for exampleQuestion 19.A applianceB equipmentC instrumentD deviceQuestion 20.A increasedB increasingC increaseD increasingly


Tattooing is an old art In ancient Greece, people who had tattoos were regarded as members ofthe (16) classes On the other hand, tattooing was (17)

in Europe by the early Christians, who thought that it was a sinful thing to (18) It was not until the late 18th century, when Captain Cook saw South Sea Islanderdecorating their bodies with tattoos that attitudes began to change Sailors came back from theseislands with pictures of Christ on their backs and from then on, tattooing (19) inpopularity A survey by the French army in 1881 (20)

that among the 387 men (21) there were 1,333 designs Nowadays, not everybody finds tattoos acceptable Some people thing that getting one is silly because tattoos aremore or less permanent There is also some (22)

about (23) a blood disease from unsterilized needles Even for those who do want atattoo, the (24) of getting one is not painless, but the final result, in their eyes, is(25) the pain.

Question 17: A blamed B exported C banned D finished

Question 20: A declared B showed C explained D said

Question 21: A questionedB inquired C demanded D spoken

Question 22: A danger B concern C trouble D threat

Question 23: A gaining B infecting C having D catching

Trang 4

Question 25: A worth B due C owed D deserved

(124320) IV Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate thecorrect word for each of the blanks.

Nearly 200 of the 1500 native plant species in Hawaii are at risk of going extinct in the nearfuture because they have been (33) _ to such low numbers Approximately 90 percent ofHawaii's plants are found nowhere else in the world but they are (34) _

by alien invasive species such as feral goats, pigs, rodents and (35) _ plants.

The Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Group is striving to (36) _ the extinction of the182 rare Hawaiian plants with fewer than 50 individuals remaining in the (37) _

Since 1990, (38) _ a result of their "Plant Extinction Prevention Program", sixteenspecies have been brought into (39) _ and three species have been reintroduced.

Invasive weeds have been removed in key areas and fencing put Up in order to(40) _ plants in the wild.

In the future the Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Program aims (41) _collecting genetic material from the remaining plants in the wild for storage as asafety net for the future They also aim to manage wild populations and where possible

reintroduce species into (42) _

33.A developedB reducedC disappearedD increased34.A conservedB guardedC investedD threatened35.A nativeB nationalC internationalD non-native36.A preventB influenceC encourageD stimulate

39.A contaminationB productionC cultivationD generation

42.A sheltersB reservesC gardensD halls

(ID: 122427) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on youranswer sheet to indicate correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numberedblanks.

The first question we might ask is: What can you learn in college that will help you in beingan employee? The schools teach (55) _ many things of value to the future accountant,doctor or electrician Do they also teach anything of value to the future employee? Yes, theyteach the one thing that it is perhaps most valuable for the future employee (56) _ Butvery few students bother to learn it This basic skill is the ability to organize and express ideas inwriting and in speaking This means that your success as an employee will depend on your abilityto communicate with people and to (57) _ your own thoughts and ideas to them so theywill (58) _ understand what you are driving and be persuaded.

Trang 5

Of course, skill in expression is not enough (59) _ itself You must have something tosay in the first place The effectiveness of your job depends (60) _

your ability to make other people understand your work as they do on the quality of the workitself.

Expressing one‘s thoughts is one skill that the school can (61) _ teach Thefoundations for skill in expression have to be (62) _ early: an interest in and an ear

(63) _ language; experience in organizing ideas and data, in brushing aside the irrelevant,and above all the habit of verbal expression If you do not these foundations

(64) _ your school years, you may never have an opportunity again.

Question 56: A to knowB how to know C knowing D of knowingQuestion 57: A transfer B present C interpret D represent

Question 60: A on most B much on C most on D on much

(ID: 113524) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer

sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 33 to 42.

Environmental Concerns

Earth is the only place we know of in the universe that can support human life (33)

human activities are making the planet less fit to live on As the western world carries onconsuming (34) _ of the world's resources while half of the world's population do so justto stay (35) _ we are rapidly destroying the only resource we

have (36) which all people can survive and prosper Everywhere fertile soil is(37) built on or washed into the sea Renewable resources are exploited so much that theywill never be able to recover (38) We discharge pollutants into the atmosphere withoutany thought of the consequences As a (39) , the planet's ability to support people is beingreduced at the very time when rising human numbers and consumption are making increasinglyheavy demands on it.

The Earth's (40) resources are there for us to use We need food, water, air, energy,medicines, warmth, shelter and minerals to (41) us fed, comfortable, healthy and active Ifwe are sensible in how we use the resources they will last indefinitely But if we use themwastefully and excessively they will soon (42) _

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and everyone will suffer.

Question 39: A result B product C development D reaction

a threat (56) the sight of the bear, I did what my father had told me I stood still untilshe stopped growling and walked away The trick was effective, but looking back now, I realizedthat the situation was (57) more serious than I thought at the time By the age oftwelve, I had lots of camping (58) , as I used to go camping with my dog on my schoolholidays We would spend days (59) the forest, catching fish for dinner, (60) at the frogs and the (61) of birds and the insects hopping up and down on the surfaceof the water Of course, this was possible only during the warm months When the autumn came,everything went quiet, which was quite usual in those parts It wasn‘t long before the animalsdisappeared, the birds (62) south and the snow took over The place became desertedonce

Question 53: A willingB keenC eagerD enthusiasticQuestion 54: A found outB came acrossC dealt withD reachedQuestion 55: A asB same asC such asD like

Question 57: A veryB quiteC farD so

Question 58: A experienceB skillsC qualitiesD qualificationsQuestion 59: A investigatingB detectingC researchingD exploring

Trang 7

Question 60: A watchingB lookingC noticingD observingQuestion 61: A setsB swarmsC bunchesD flocksQuestion 62: A flyB flyingC flewD flightEXERCISE 9 ĐỀ THI THỬ THPT CHUYÊN KHTN LẦN 1 – 2016

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word/phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks


A typical person needs about 1,800 calories per day to stay running They keep yourorgans operating (33) _ and your brain running They also keep your body warm Aperson gains weight because he or she consumes more calories per day than (34)

The only way to lose fat is to reduce the (35) of calories that you consumeper day This is the basic principle (36) going on a diet.

Unfortunately, diets don‘t work for most people They do lose weight but then go off thediet and put it back Building a sensible diet and exercise plan is the key (37)

maintaining a consistent weight You need to figure out how many calories you needin a day and how many you actually (38) The next step is to add exercise (39) you can raise the number of calories you can consume per day.

Burning 250 or 500 calories per day can make a big (40) You can ride anexercise bike while you are watching television (41) you can take the stairs instead ofthe elevator Find an exercise partner Exercises can be a lot easier if there is someone to talk to.It‘s a good idea to wear firm-fitting clothes if you are (42) .

Tight clothing acts as a reminder of what you are trying to accomplish.

Question 39: A as a result B so as to C so that D in asmuch as

Question 42: A on a holiday B on a balance C on either side D on a diet

(ID: 121588) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answersheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Trang 8


The joys and tribulations of being a pet owner! During our lifetime most of us have

some experience of either owning a pet or being in (26) _ contact with someone whodoes Is there such a thing as ―the ideal pet‖? If so what characterizes the ideal pet? Various(27) _ influence one‘s choice of pet, from your reasons for getting a pet to your lifestyle.For example, although quite a few pets are relatively cheap to buy, the cost of (28) _ canbe considerable Everything must be (29) _ into account, from food and bedding, tovaccinations and veterinary bills You must be prepared to (30)

_ time on your pet, which involves shopping for it, cleaning and feeding it Pets can bedemanding and a big responsibility Are you prepared to exercise and (31)

_ an animal or do you prefer a more independent pet? How much spare room do youhave? Is it right to lock an energetic animal into a (32) _ space? Do you live near a busyroad which may threaten the life of your pet? Pets (33) _ as turtles and goldfish can becheap and convenient, but if you prefer affectionate pets, a friendly cat or dog would be more(34) _ People get pets for a number of reasons, for company, security or to teachresponsibility to children Pets can be affectionate and loyal and an excellent source of companyas long as you know what pet (35) _ you and your lifestyle.

Question 27: A factorsB facetsC pointsD elementsQuestion 28: A maintenance B upbringingC raisingD upkeepQuestion 29: A heldB consideringC keptD taken

Question 31: A householdB housekeepC houseworkD housetrainQuestion 32: A reducedB detainedC closedD confined

Question 34: A likelyB suitedC appropriateD good

(126449) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheetto indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 55 to64

Trang 9

The UK Government ensures that all schools in the UK(55) _ certain standards, and thisincludes independent schools as well as those that are (56) _ by the Government Allqualifications are awarded by national agencies accredited by the Qualification and CurriculumAuthority (QCA), (57) _ the quality of the qualifications you will gain is guaranteed.At many independent schools inEngland, you will be encouraged to take part (58) _extracurricular activities to develop your hobbies and learn new skills, and you may beencouraged to take graded music exams (59) _ by the Associated Board of the RoyalSchools of Music The exam grades gained from these are widely accepted toward universityentry (60) _

Independent schools do not usually offer vocationally focused qualifications but if you are(61) _ in these qualifications, you can find out more in the 'career-based and pre-university qualifications' section.

The (62) _ you pay to attend independent school, include your course fees,accommodation and may include some or all extracurricular activities Fees (63) _

from school to school and are at the discretion of the institution; there are no national standards.You should expect to pay a minimum of £8,000 per year and fees can be

(64) _ high as £25,000.

Question 60: A requirements B troubles C problems D questionsQuestion 61: A worried B excited C interested D concerned

(ID:116211)Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer toindicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 01 to 10.

Early writing and Alphabets

When people first began to write, they did not use an alphabet Instead, they drew smallpictures to (01) the objects they were writing about This was very slow because therewas a different picture for (02) word.

The Ancient Egyptians had a (03) of picture writing that was (04)

hieroglyphics The meaning of this writing was forgotten for a very long time but in 1799 somescientists (05) a stone near Alexandria, in Egypt The stone had been there for (06)

Trang 10

a thousand years It had both Greek and hieroglyphics on it and researchers were finallyable to understand what the hieroglyphics meant.

An alphabet is quite different (07) picture writing It (08) of letters orsymbols that represent a sound and each sound is just part of one word The Phoenicians, (09) lived about 3,000 years ago, developed the modern alphabets.

It was later improved by the Roman‘s and this alphabet is now used (10) throughout the world.

Question 5: A discovered B realized C delivered D invented

Question 8: A consists B includes C contains D involves

(ID: 123293) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 35 to 44.

Royal Residences

Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle and the Palace of Holyroodhouse are the official(35) _ of the Sovereign and, as such, serve as both home and office for The Queen, whosepersonal standard flies (36) _ Her Majesty is in residence.

These buildings are used extensively for State ceremonies and Official entertaining andare opened to the (37) _ as much as these commitments allow They are furnished withfine pictures and (38) _ of art from the Royal Collection, which has been assembled overfour centuries by successive sovereigns Many of the State Apartments and rooms at the officialresidences have been in continuous use since their conception and many of the works of art are(39) _ in the rooms for which they were originally (40) _.

The official residences are in (41) _use and the style and manner in which they are(42) _to visitors reflects their working status Rooms are kept as close to their normal(43) _as possible Inevitably, opening times are subject to change at short noticedepending on circumstances.

The Royal Collection, which is owned by The Queen as Sovereign in trust for hersuccessors and the Nation, is administered by the Royal Collection Trust to which a proportionof admission and other income from visitors is directed.

Trang 11

The remainder of this income funds the majority of the cost of restoring WindsorCastle which was badly (44) _by fire in November 1992.

Question 40: A instructed B intended C performed D guarded

(125085) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answersheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from33 to 42

A solid object that has the power to attract iron and some metals is called a magnet It does thisthrough its magnetic field, a region of force surrounding it The (33) _ the magnet, the moreintense is the field.

Objects that are attracted to the magnet feel a force (34) _ as ―magnetism‖ when they areinside the magnetic field This magnetic force can pass (35) _ some materials Even a weakmagnet will attract a pin to the other side of a (36) of paper, for example.

Magnets come in (37) shapes A familiar one is the curved horseshoes magnet Thereare also bar magnets in the form (38) _ disc or a stubby cylinder Every magnet has (39) poles, called north and south, at opposite ends of it: at the two ends of a horseshoesmagnet, for example, or on the two sides of a disc.

Powerful magnets can be (40) _ by passing an electric current through wire coiledaround a piece of iron The (41) _ is called and electromagnet Magnets are (42)

in many household and everyday devices They are also commonly used inindustrial machinery, usually in the form of electromagnets.

Trang 12

Question 37: A separate B different C unknown D identical

(ID: 118138)Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on youranswer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numberedblanks.

Mobile phones emit microwave radio emissions Researchers are questioning whetherexposure to these radio waves might (36) _ to brain cancer So far, the data are notconclusive The scientific evidence does not (37) _ us to say with certainly that mobilephones are categorically (38) _ On the other hand, current research has not yet (39) _ clear adverse effect associated with the prolonged use of mobile phones.

Numerous studies are now going (40) _ in various countries Some of the results arecontradictory but others have shown an association between mobile phone use and cancer (41) _, these studies are preliminary and the issue needs further, long - term investigation.

(42) _ the scientific data is more definite, it is prudent for people to try not to usemobile phone for long (43) _ of time Don't think that hands free phones are

any safer either At the moment, research is in fact showing the (44) _ and they may bejust as dangerous It is also thought that young people (45) _ bodies are still growingmay be at particular risk.

Question 38: A riskyB secureC unhealthyD safeQuestion 39: A provedB createdC demonstratedD caused

Question 41: A WhileB ThoughC AdditionallyD However

Question 43: A quantitiesB periodsC amountsD intervals

) Đọc bài văn, chọn đáp án điền vào chỗ trống:

In this age of (30) telephone networks and electronic mail, it seems that fewer andeven fewer people are taking time to sit down and write letters (31) friends and relatives Forhundreds of years, letters were the only way to keep

Trang 13

(32) people who were any distance away and letter-writing was seen as an

Gradually, (34) , the importance of writing letters is decreasing to a point

that majority of us have to (35) a special effort to turn out something worthwhilewhen we apply for a job or make a complaint In business circles the tendency is forroutine communications to become shorter (36) clients may appreciate a detailedletter, an employee who sends out long letters is often regarded as (37) Manypeople prefer the telephone in all circumstances and its speed is essential in manysituations but (38) have you put the telephone down, dissatisfiedwith what you have managed to say? I don‘t think I‘ll throw my (39) away yet.

Câu 30: A advancedB progressiveC highly-developed D all are correct

Câu 32: A on good terms withB in step withC in contact with D in favour ofCâu 33: A masteredB to masterC masteringD to be masteredCâu 34: A for exampleB thereforeC howeverD in

Câu 36: A As thoughB DespiteC Even thoughD HoweverCâu 37: A impossibleB unusualC inefficientD unimportantCâu 38: A how aboutB how muchC how oftenD how

(ID: 125003) Read the following passage and mark the latter A, B, C or D on your answer

sheet to indicate the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 35 to 44.

Why is it that many teenagers have the energy to play computer games until late at night butcan‘t find the energy to get out of bed (35) for school? According to a new report,today‘s generation of children are in danger of getting so (36) _ sleep that they are puttingtheir mental and physical health at (37) _ Adults can easily survive on seven to eighthours‘ sleep a night, (38) _teenagers require nine or ten hours According to medicalexperts, one in five youngsters (39) anything between two and five hours‘ sleep anight less than their parents did at their age.

This (40) _ serious questions about whether lack of sleep is affecting children‘s abilityto concentrate at school The connection between sleep deprivation and lapses in memory,impaired reaction time and poor concentration is well (41) _ Research has shown thatlosing as little as half an hour‘s sleep a night can have profound effects (42) howchildren perform the next day A good night‘s sleep is also crucial for

teenagers because it is while they are asleep (43) they release a hormone that is essentialfor their ‗growth spurt‘ (the period during teenage years when the body grows at a rapid rate).

Trang 14

It‘s true that they can, to some (44) , catch up on sleep at weekends, but that won‘t helpthem when they are dropping off to sleep in class on a Friday afternoon.

Trang 15

Question 35 A behind time

Question 36 A few Question 37 A jeopardy Question 38 A or Question 39 A puts Question 40 A raises

Question 41 A organized

Question 42 A in Question 43 A at which Question 44 A rate

Trang 16


(ID:112853) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer

sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

Throughout history people have always communicated with one another, not only by speech but also by movements of the hands and body It is, however, only (42)

the last few years that these aspects of communication have been studied at all widely This type of communication is known as body language or non-verbal communication People sometimes wonder (43) you can learn how body language works It is of course possible to read books on the subject but you also need to (44) time observing people‘s movements A railway station is a particular good place for such observation, as here people can be seen openly expressing eagerness, sorrow, delight, impatience and many other human emotions by (45) _ of movement.

If you turn down the sound on your television set and try to understand (46) _ is happeningsimply by watching the picture you will learn even more about communication (47) _words By turning the sound back up every five (48) or so, it is possible to check howaccurate your (49) is.

Having studied the art of body language you will have a definite (50) at a boring party.You will be able to sit on your own for the whole evening and thoroughly enjoy yourself by bothwatching (51) interpreting the body language of all the other people there.

Question 45: A meansB gesturesC healthD postures

Question 48: A yearsB minutes

Question 49:A expressionB understandingC meaningD movementQuestion 50: A benefitB favour

C disadvantageD advantage

(ID: 118927 ) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answersheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 11 to 20.

In addition to the challenge to be excellent, American schools have been facing novelproblems They must ….(11) … with an influx of immigrant children, many of whom speak littleor no English They must respond to demands ….(12) ….the curriculum reflect the variouscultures of all children Schools must make sure that students develop …(13) … skills for the jobmarket, and they must consider the needs of nontraditional students, such as teenage mothers.

Schools are …(14)… these problems in ways that reflect the diversity of the USeducational system They are hiring or training large numbers of teachers of English

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…(15)… a second language and, in some countries, setting up bilingual schools They are

opening …(16)… the traditional European-centered curriculum to embrace material fromAmerican, Asian, and other cultures.

Schools are also teaching cognitive skills to the …(17)… 40 percent of Americanstudents who do not go on to higher education In the …(18) of a recent report by theCommission on Achieving Necessary Skills, ―A strong back, the willingness to work, and ahigh school diploma were once all that was necessary to …(19) ….

a start in America They are no longer A well-developed mind, a continued willingness to learnand the ability to put knowledge to work are the new keys …(20) the future of our youngpeople, the success of our business, and the economic well-being of the nation‖.

( Extracted from Info USA-CD Version)

Question 14 A addressing B delivering C distributing D.Discharging

(ID: 119836) Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best completes the passage.

The most dominant and reliable features of facial expressions provide a constant channel ofcommunication They can be shifty and evasive; convey hate, fear, and guilt; or (35)

_ confidence, love, and support.

Referred to as "mirrors of the soul" our eyes serve as the major decisive factor in (36)

_ the spoken words The eyes of the man converse as (37) _ as their tongues, with theadvantage that the ocular dialect needs (38) _ dictionary, but it is understood all over theworld When the eyes say one thing, and the tongue another, a practiced man relies on eyes.Except (39) _ extremely shy individuals, most people look for social acceptance by studyingthe eyes of others Eyes also can (40) _

indicate a positive or a negative relationship People tend to look longer and more often at thepeople whom they trust, respect and care about than at those whom they doubt or (41)

_ Normal eye dilation is not under control of the individual Personally characteristics suchas introversion and extroversion also influence eye behavior Eye behavior seems (42) particular importance and is generally used to indicate whether one is open to communication.This can be observed when a teacher asks the class a question: students who think they know theanswer will generally (43) at the teacher, (44) students who do not know the answerwill usually try to avoid eye

Trang 18

Câu 35:A reportB replaceC expressD considerCâu 36:A exchangingB transportingC changingD interpreting

Câu 40:A accuracyB accurateC accuratelyD inaccurateCâu 41:A dislikeB waitC loveD long

Câu 43:A noticeB thinkC aimD look

Speech is one of the most important (35) of communicating It consists of farmore than just making noises To talk and also (36) to by other people,we have to speak a language ,that is, we have to use combinations of (37) thateveryone agrees to stand for a particular object or idea Communication would beimpossible if everyone made up their own language Learning a language properly is

large, and not only about 2,000 words are needed to speak it quite (40) Butthe more idea you can (41) the more precise you can be about their exactmeaning Words are the (42) thing we use in communicating what we wantto say The way we(43) the words is also very important Our tone of voicecan express many emotions and (44) whether we are pleased or angry, forinstance.

Question 36 A be spoken B be examinedC be understoodD be talked

Question 37 A systems B soundsC languagesD talks

Question 39 A grammar B wordC vocabularyD structure

(ID:115989)Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 35 to 44.

You will make the interview process easier for the employer if you prepare relevantinformation about yourself Think about how you want to present your (35) ,

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experiences, education, work style, skills, and goals Be prepared to supplement all youranswers with examples that support the statements you make It is also a good idea to reviewyour resume with a critical eye and (36) areas that an employer

might see as limitations or want further information Think about how you can answerdifficult' questions (37) and positively, while keeping each answer brief.

An interview gives the employer a (38) to get to know you While youdo want to market yourself to the employer, answer each question with an honest (39).

Never say anything negative about past experiences, employers, or courses and professors.Always think of something positive about an experience and talk about

that You should also be (40) Ifyou are genuinely interested (41) thejob, let the interviewer know that.

One of the best ways to show you are keen on a job is to demonstrate that you have

researched the organization prior to the interview You can also (42) interestby asking questions about the job, the organization, and its services and products.The best way to impress an employer is to ask questions that build upon your interviewdiscussion This shows you are interested and (43) close attention to the

interviewer It is a good idea to prepare a few questions in advance, but an insightful commentbased on your conversation can make an even stronger statement At the (44) of an interview,it is appropriate for you to ask when you may expect to

hear; from the employer.

Question35: A pressuresB strengthsC practicesD promotions

Question37: A accuratelyB rightlyC hardlyD sharply

Question39: A abilityB responseC expressionD respectQuestion40: A enthusiastB enthusiasmC enthusiasticD.

Trang 20

(ID: 120649) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answersheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.

British families started going on holiday to the seaside around the middle of the 19thcentury The invention of the railways (45) this possible The first holidaymakers werequite rich and went for their health and education The seaside was a place to be (46) ofillness, and doctors recommended bathing in the sea and drinking sea water Also to (47) their knowledge, families attended concerts and read books from the library.

At that time, ordinary working people had very little time (48) work.

However, in 1871, the government introduced four ‗Banking Holiday‘ - national holiday days.This (49) people to have a day or two out, which now and then gave them a taste for leisureand the seaside At first, they went on day-trips, taking (50) of special cheap tickets on therailways By the 1880s, rising incomes (51) that many ordinary workers and their familiescould have a week‘s holiday at the seaside Rail fares were reduced and cheap hotels were builtto (52) them Holidaymakers enjoyed being idle, sitting on the beach, bathing in the sea,and eating ice-cream Cheap entertainment was (53) offer and holidaymakers went to havefun.

Today the English seaside (54) popular, with more than 18 million holidaystaken there each year.

Question 46: A recoveredB improvedC curedD remedied

Question 49: A allowedB providedC openedD offeredQuestion 50: A opportunity B advantageC profitD benefitQuestion 51: A meantB resultedC producedD causedQuestion 52: A boardB accommodateC lodgeD cater

Cure somebody of something = chữa (ai) khỏi bệnh gì

(ID:119420) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D onyour answer sheet to indicate the correct word.


Health experts suggest that ……[<1>]… healthy and happy, it‘s important to keepour lives in balance Chinese philosophy, which has spanned thousands of years, uses theprinciples of yin and yang to explain the importance of balance in life Explained simply, yangrepresents the active elements of the universe,

Trang 21

……[<2>]… the yin represents the passive elements This expresses the importance ofbalance in ……[<3>]… of living Today health experts agree that it‘s important to have abalanced life For example, they‘ve said it‘s necessary to have a balance between work andrest and to have a balanced exercise program.

……[<4>]… , I‘m sure you‘d agree that in our busy world, it‘s not always easy to get andkeep balance in our lives.

……[<5>]… business or study deadlines, many people work to excess, leaving littletime at the end of their busy day to spend with family and friends They eat fast - food anddon‘t get enough rest or recreation and then suffer badly from the effects of stress It‘s sad thatthis situation often happens when people

Trang 22

believe that access to ……[<6>]… is the answer to happiness instead of understanding theimportance of balanced living.

While ambition can be a good thing, ……[<7>]… too much ambition can cause aperson to become ‗out of balance‘ Of course it‘s also unbalanced to spend too much time onentertainment and pleasure activities, with little or no time

……[<8>]… to work or education Balance means allocating enough time for all theimportant aspects of life, such as spending time with family and friends, working orstudying, as well as resting and relaxing.

Experts now tell us that having balance in our life is the answer, not only to healthand happiness, ……[<9>]… to success If you‘re balanced, you‘ll have more energy andyou‘ll reach your ambitions in a more relaxed fashion; with less stress So ……[<10>]… is your life? Do you need to allocate your time

differently to have better balance in your life?

Câu 14: A lookingB to preserveC remainD to stayCâu 15: A whereasB in contrastC althoughD on the otherCâu 16: A all areasB all anglesC every fieldD all aspectsCâu 17: A.B HoweverC ConsequentlyD On the contraryCâu 18: A DespiteB AlthoughC BecauseD Due to

Câu 19: A have moneyB propertiesC wealthD richCâu 20: A havingB withC haveD there isCâu 21: A givingB allocatedC spentD usedCâu 22: A but it is the answer B alsoC and alsoD but alsoCâu 23: A how balancedB however balanced C whatD how balancing(126977) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate thecorrect word for each of the blanks from 26 to 35.


In Britain, the average young person now spends more money on games each year than ongoing to the cinema or renting videos But is this…… 26……a bad thing? For years, newspaperreports have been ………27… that children who spend too much time playing computer gamesbecome unsociable, bad- tempered, even violent as a…… 28…… But new research,………29……out in both Europe and the USA, suggests that the opposite may be true.

Indeed, playing some of the more complicated games may help people of all ages to improvecertain skills Researchers claim that this is because the games………30……the brain workharder in certain ways, like…… 31……sounds and movements quickly and identifying whatthey are The fact that people play the games

repeatedly…… 32…… that they get a lot of practice in these skills which are therefore likely tobecome highly developed.

Social skills may benefit, too Researchers in Chicago think that fans of first- person shooter

games……33…… ―Counterstrike” are better than non-players when it comes to building trust

and co-operation, and that this…… 34……them to make good friendships and become strong

Trang 23

members of their communities So rather than…… 35…….up computer games, perhaps youngpeople need to spend more time on them?

Question 26: A necessarilyB certainlyC fullyD nearlyQuestion 27: A speakingB informingC tellingD saying

Question 31: A realizingB noticingC imaginingD solving

Question 33: A in order toB such asC due toD as well as


The Open University was created in 1968 to give people who cannot afford

attend regular courses of study, the opportunity of studying and (2)_ auniversity diploma or degree They study at home and their academic performance

is assessed by (3) of written examinations or project work Most Open

while also holding down a job or coping with a busy home life They study in order to

At the heart of most courses is a (6)_ of specially written andprofessionally printed textbooks and workbooks which students receive by post On many ofthe courses, students are expected to watch television programmes on the

hours of the morning The (9) _ of these programmes is todevelop and

broaden the study experience, (10) students do not have to rely only on theprinted

material they are sent.

Question 2.A obtainB. to obtain C. obtained D.obtaining

Question 5.A satisfying B. satisfaction C. satisfactory D satisfied

Trang 24

Question 10.A although B. however C even thoughD so that

(ID: 118712)Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answersheet to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the following blanks from 26 to 35.

Health is something we tend to (26) _ when we have it When our body is doing well, weare hardly (27) of it But illness can come, even (28) _ we are young In fact, childhoodhas been a very susceptible time Many diseases attack children in particular, and people knowvery little (29) to cure them once they struck The result was that many children died.About a century ago, (30) _, scientists found out about germs, and then everythingchanged The (31) _ of many diseases was found, and cures were developed As this medicaldiscovery spread, the world

became (32) safer for children The result is that (33) _ a hundred years ago, theaverage man lived for 35 years, nowadays, in many areas of the world, people can (34) tolive for 75 years And what do we expect by the year 2020 ? Undoubtedly, medical science willcontinue to (35) Some people will be able to avoid medical problems that areunavoidable today.

Câu 30:A thereforeB moreoverC howeverD although

( 146223) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B , C, or D on your answer sheetto indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Schools in the United States have not always had a large number of libraries As(42) as 1958 about half of the public schools in the United States had no libraries at all.The (43) of public school libraries increased dramatically when the federal governmentpassed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, (44)

provided funds for school districts to improve their education programs and facilities, includingtheir libraries (45) , many educators claim that since the legislation was passed federalspending has not increased sufficiently to meet the rising (46) of new library technologiessuch as computer databases and Internet access.

Because the federal government provides only limited funds to schools, individual schooldistricts (47) on funds from local property taxes to meet the vast majority of publicschool expenses Therefore, the libraries of public schools tend to reflect the (48) capabilities of the communities in which they are located Districts in wealthy suburbs often havefully staffed libraries (49) abundant resources, spacious facilities, and curricular andinstructional support In (50) , school districts in many poor areas house their libraries inordinary classrooms or in small rooms The libraries in such areas are generally staffed byvolunteers, who organize and

Trang 25

(51) books that are often out-of-date, irrelevant, or damaged.


Trang 26

Question 50: A contrast B converse C contrary D conflict

Trang 27

[144848] Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.

One of the most important (3) _ of a standardized test is time You'll only be alloweda certain number of minutes for each section, so it is very important that you use your time(4) _ The most important time strategy is pacing yourself Before you begin, take justa few seconds to survey the test, noting the (5) _of questions and the sections thatlooks easier than the rest Then, make a rough time schedule based

(6) _ the amount of time available to you Mark the halfway point on your test andmake a note beside that mark of the time when the testing period is half over.

Once you begin the test, continue moving If you work slowly in an attempt to(7) _ fewer mistakes, your mind will become bored and begin to wander You'll endup with far (8) _ mistakes if you're not concentrating If you take too long to answerquestions that stump you, you may end up (9) _ out of time before you finish Sodon't stop for difficult questions Skip them and move on You can come back to them later(10) _ you have time A question that takes you five seconds to answer counts asmuch as one that takes you several minutes, so pick up the easy points first (11) _,answering the easier questions first helps build your confidence and gets you in the testinggroove If you're a little ahead, you know you're on track and may even have a little time leftto check your work If you're a little behind, you have several choices You can pick up thepace a little, but do this only if you can do it (12) _.

Question 12:A.comfortable B uncomfortableC comfortablyD uncomfortably

(ID: 129829)Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.

What‘s your dream? Touring castles in Scotland? Walking on the Great Wall of China?Working to improve the lives of women in rural Uganda? If you‘re thinking of studying(30) _, there‘s no end to the places you can go, things you can see, and subjects you canstudy At many top schools, such as Duke, Tufts, or Brown, over a third of the junior class take theopportunity to complete part of their

(31) _outside of the United States Even if your school doesn‘t have an extensive studyabroad program, you can often get credit from a different school.

Multiple benefits accrue to those who spend significant (32) _in another country,and a significant proportion of students see the experience as an important (33) _of their

Trang 28

college years You‘re likely to have fun But if you‘re also thinking about study abroad as a way togain a critical career advantage, read on You‘ll find that all foreign experiences are not createdequal in the minds of employers.

Employers are looking for graduates who can (34) _well with others, both inperson and in writing They know the (35) _of cross-cultural understanding and anappreciation for different points of view They gravitate toward students who demonstrate maturity,initiative, and (36) _ All of these assets

can be demonstrated through study abroad, but it‘s going to be much (37) _to setyourself apart if you‘ve taken the easy route.

It‘s not hard to find the ―easy route‖: that‘s the one where you go with your friends to anothercountry; all the arrangements are made for you by the school—including the American-styleapartment where you live with your classmates In this scenario, it doesn‘t (38) _whichcountry you go to because all your classes will be in English, and possibly even taught by yourAmerican professors You‘ll undoubtedly have a somewhat different experience, but to do the―easy route‖ is to forego some of the

major (39) _of your time away

(130866) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.


How many times in the last hundred years or so have people talked of the imminent death ofthe book? Films were an early threat because they were so effective at telling stories in a visualway Next there was radio, (26) stepped

into the mid-twentieth century and provided such an alternative to books as drama, documentariesand discussions When television arrived, many people believed that it would finish the book off.Nowadays, (27) the threat by TV, the

book is thought to be endangered by computers and the Internet, and by other technologicalattractions (28) theCD and the video game, too.

Trang 29

Surely there are now reasons why (29) book ought to be dead, or at least very badly injured.If so, why does it not show proper respect for these reportedly less

literate times (30) die out? There is clearly more than a single answer tothis question Firstly, we have more leisure time than we(31) to, and

people are generally living longer, which means there is more time to do more (including readingbooks) As (32) as this, there is the strength of the book

as a tradition We are all too dismissive of traditions in our modern world, butthey can have very strong pull(33) us.

Added to this, the book is such a practical tool: it doesn't cost too (34) , it isusually small enough to carry around, and it can easily be (35) We will nevergo without books, because they have served us so well for so long.

Question 35.A repaidB rewrittenC retoldD revisited

* [133279]Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answersheet toindicate the correct word or phrase for each of blanks

When you read something in a foreign language, you frequently come across words you do not(45) understand Sometimes you (46) the meaning in a dictionary and sometimes youguess The strategy you adopt depends very much upon the (47) of

If you are the sort of person who tends to turn to the dictionary frequently, it is(48) _remembering that every dictionary has its limitations Each definition is only anapproximation and one builds up an accurate picture of the meaning of a word only after meeting itin a (49) of contexts It is also important to recognize the special dangers of dictionariesthat translate from English into your native language and vice versa If you must use a dictionary, itis usually far safer to (50) an English- English dictionary.

In most exams you are not permitted to use a dictionary (51) you are allowed to use one,it is very time- consuming to look up words, and time in exams is usually limited.

You are, (52) , forced to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Trang 30

When you come across unknown words in an exam text, it is very easy to panic However, if youdevelop efficient techniques for guessing the meaning, you will(53) a number ofpossible problems and help yourself to understand far more of the text than you at

Two strategies which may help you guess the meaning of a word are: using contextual clues, bothwithin the sentence and outside, and making uses (54) _ clues derived from the

formation of the word.

Question 45 A totally B wholly C fully D complete

Question 46 A examine B inspect C check D control

Question 48 A valuable B worth C vital D essential

Question 49 A diversity B multiple C variety D variation

Question 50 A consult B inquire C survey D infer

Question 51 A Provided B Even if C In case D Although

Question 52 A but B however C so that D therefore

Trang 31

Question 53 A overcome B surpass C get on D go over

(130742) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheetto indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blank from 52 to61

Tomatoes – the whole truth

Leading scientists have (52) _ that tomatoes can be of great benefit to our health A lot of research has been (53) out in recent years It‘s the whole tomato

(54) _ may lower cancer risks, not individual compounds, (55) _ to

new research Experts have discovered that taking the antioxidant lycopene – (56) isfound in tomatoes, but is increasingly popular (57) _ a health food suppplementbecause of its link to a reduced risk of cancer – did not work as (58) _ as eating wholetomatoes Scientists believe people (59) eat them in pastas, salads, tomato juice andpizza Recent finding suggests that the risks

(60) _ poor eating habits cannot be reserved with a pill We shouldn‘t(61) easy solutions to a complex problem.

Question 52: A shouted B announced C called D told

Question 55: A depending B discussing C suggesting D according

Question 61: A experience B inspect C.expect D direct

(127537 ) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet toindicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 35 to 44.

Here are tips that help succeed in your job interview:

Always arrive early If you do not know (35) the organization is located, call for exactdirections (36) advance Leave some extra time for any traffic, parking, or (37) events If you are running late, call right away and let someone know The best time to arrive isapproximately 5 - 10 minutes early Give (38) the time to read your resume one moretime, to catch your breath, and to be ready for the interview Once you are at the office, treateveryone you encounter with respect Be (39) to everyone as soon as you walk in thedoor.

Trang 32

Wear a professional business suit This point should be emphasized enough First (40) are extremely important in the interview process Women should (41)

wearing too much jewelry or make up Men should avoid flashy suits or wearing too muchperfume It is (42) important that you feel comfortable While a suit is the standardinterview attire in a business environment, if you think it is (43)

informal environment, call before and ask Regardless, you can never be overdressed (44) you are wearing a tailored suit.

Question 37: A expectedB unexpectedC unexpectedlyD expectedly

Question 39: A pleasantB happyC disappointedD excitedQuestion 40: A attentionsB attendancesC impressionsD pressures

Trang 33

Question 44: A as ifB whyC unlessD if

143593Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheetto indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 16 to 25.

Over the last few years, the use of the Internet has increased dramatically in Frenchschools, offices, and homes and this trend continues to grow Who could have imagined, even inthe last decade, that we would be able to (16) our friends, colleagues and clientsaround the world simply through the (17) of a mouse and a modem? There is nodoubt, like any invention, that the Internet can be used for good or bad but it is here to stay andhas (18) the way we communicate.

In the world of business, no corporation can be competitive unless it (19)

access to the Internet It has become essential to advertise your product and servicein this way and an increasing number of companies are using this opportunity to reach a greaternumber of (20) consumers Indeed, the bigger the website is, (21) professional the company seems to be.

Similarly in education, the opportunities that the Internet can (22) are vast.More and more students are (23) on the Internet for their research; for instance, aphysics undergraduate in Paris can download information from a university library in the UnitedStates in minutes From the latest research in scientific and linguistic fields to new theories inpsychology and history, all this may be published on the world-wide web.

What will be the future for the Internet in France? It has been (24)

that 60% of homes and 50% business will have access to the Internet within five years Children,students and professionals will be able to (25) and explore the

world as they have never done before.

Question 16: A contactB stay in touchC keep touchD talk

Question 18: A been changed B revolutionizedC adaptedD modifiedQuestion 19: A getsB approachesC downloadsD usesQuestion 20: A would-beB potentialC competentD futureQuestion 21: A the mostB more and moreC moreD the more

Question 23: A relyingB workingC downloadingD surfingQuestion 24: A estimatedB calculatedC claimedD announcedQuestion 25: A log offB take onC log onD switch on (ID: 140573 )Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 33 to 42.

Everyone wants to reduce pollution But the pollution problem is (33)

Trang 34

complicated as it is serious It is complicated (34) much pollution is caused by things thatbenefit people (35) , exhaust from automobiles causes a large percentage of air pollution.But the automobile (36) transportation for millions of people Factories discharge much(37) the material that pollutes the air and water, but factories give employment to a largenumber of people.

Thus, to end (38) _ greatly reduce pollution immediately, people would have to(39) using many things that benefit them Most of the people do not want to do that, ofcourse But pollution can be (40) reduced in several ways Scientists and engineers canwork to find ways to lessen the (41) of pollution that such things as automobiles andfactories cause Governments can pass and enforce laws that (42)

businesses and traffic to stop, or to cut down on certain polluting activities.

35 A Specific B For example C Such as D Like

36 A takes B affords C carries D provides

40 A carefully B unexpectedly C gradually D little

42 A forbid B prevent C request D require

(142147)Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on youranswer sheetto indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 21 to30

The tourist industry is (21) _ to be the largest industry Before 1950 one million people traveled abroadeach year but by the 1900s the figure (22) _ to 400 million every year (23) _ large numbers of tourists,however, are beginning to cause problems For example, in the Alps the skiers are destroying the mountains theycame to enjoy Even parts of Mount Everest in the Himalayas are reported to be covered (24) _ old tins, tents,and food that have been (25) _ But at a time when we have (26) _ freedom to travel than ever before,more and more people are asking how they can enjoy their holidays (27) _ causing problems by spoiling thecountryside Now there is a new holiday (28) _ called "Holidays That Don't Cost The Earth" It tells you(29) _ you can help the tourist industry by asking your travel agent the right questions (30) _ you go onholiday.

Trang 35

Câu 21:A consideredB seenC regardedD figuredCâu 22:A were risingB has risenC had risenD rose

Câu 25:A launchedB thrown awayC disposedD littered

Câu 27:A apart fromB instead ofC hardlyD without

(139735) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 19 to 28

The term civilization basically means the _19 _ of development at which people live together peacefully in communities Ancient civilization refers specifically to the first

_20 _ and stable communities that became the basis for later states, nations, and empires.The study of ancient civilization is concerned with the earliest _21 _ of the much broadersubject called ancient history The _22 _ of ancient history began with the invention ofwriting in about 3100 BC and lasted for more than 35 centuries Mankind existed long before thewritten word, but writing made the keeping of a historical record

The first ancient societies _24 _ in Mesopotamia and Egypt in the Middle East, in the IndusValley region of _25 _ are now Pakistan and India, in the Huang He (Yellow River) valley ofChina, on the island of Crete in the Aegean Sea, and in Central America All of these civilizationshad certain _26 _ in common They built cities, invented forms of writing, learned to makepottery and use metals, domesticated animals, and created fairly complex social structures withclass systems.

_27 _ written records and carved inscriptions, the knowledge about ancient peoples isderived from the work of archaeologists Most of the significant archaeological _28 _

have been made in the past 200 years The Sumerian culture of Mesopotamia was discovered inthe 1890s, and some of the most important archaeological digs in China were made after the late1970s.

Question 20: A occupied B sectioned C settled D governed

Trang 36

Question 24: A raised B aroused C rose D arose

Question 27: A In regard to B Apart from C Instead of D In view of

Question 28: A inventions B researches C findings D.discoverings

(146049) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on youranswer sheetto indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 45 to54.

Reference books are not designed to be read from the first page to the last but rather to beconsulted to answer the questions and provide both general and specific pieces of information.

One of the most (45) _ used reference books is a dictionary, which providesinformation about words It lists meanings spelling, (46) _ how a word is pronounced,gives (47) _ of how it is used, may reveal its origins and also lists synonyms and (48) _To help you find the words faster, there are guide words at the top of each pageshowing the first and last worlds on that page-and of course it (49) _to know thealphabet!

There may be numerous special sections at the back with (50) _ about famouspeople and places, lists of dates and scientific names, etc There is usually a section at the front(51) _ how to use the dictionary, which includes the special abbreviations or signs.

An atlas is also a reference book and (52) _ charts, tables and geographicalfacts, as well as maps Political maps locate countries and cities, physical maps show theformation of the land with its mountains and valleys, and economic maps show industries andagriculture To find a specific place, you need to look in the (53)

_ at the back of the atlas and the exact position on the map There are numerous map(54) _ that you need to know in order to be able to read a map almost like

a special language and these are explained at the front of the atlas.

Question 51: A explainingB interpretingC suggestingD presentingQuestion 52: A composesB includesC consistsD containsQuestion 53: A forewordB prefaceC complementD index

Trang 37

Question 54: A marksB signsC signalsD symbols(145015) Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C,D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.

Around 200 million people are employed in tourism worldwide, making it the largest industry inthe modern global economy It is estimated that three-quarters of a billion people(35) _ on holiday each year, and industry planners expect this figure to double by2020 Some of the biggest beneficiaries are less developed countries, (36) _it is oftentheir main source of income.

(37) _, along with the economic benefits, this mass movement of people hasresulted in threats (38) _ the environment People often forget the damage causedby carbon dioxide emissions from aircraft, which (39)

directly to global warming Deforestation has cleared land in order to buildhotels, airport and roads, and this has destroyed wildlife In some areas, water shortages are nowcommon (40) _of the need to fill swimming pools and water golf courses fortourists By pushing up prices for goods and services, tourism can also be (41) to the people who live in tourist destinations.

In response to these concerns, some travel operators now offer environmental friendly holidays.Many of these aim to reduce the negative (42) of tourism by

promoting only hotels that have invested equipment to recycle waste and use energy and waterefficiently Increasingly, tourists are also being reminded to show respect (43) the customs of the people (44) countries they are going to visit, and to supportlocal businesses, such as restaurants and shops, which

depend on tourism for their main income.

(ID: 137484 )Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your

answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Ngày đăng: 20/06/2024, 13:12



