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Bài tập lexico-grammar

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lexico-grammar cho các bạn ôn chuyên hoặc các bạn ôn thi hsg các cấp hoặc cho các bạn ôn thi môn tiếng anh trong kì thi THPTQG

Trang 1


Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes.

1 Little did I imagine The Amazing Race would entail long-winded journeys and ups and downs

A aplenty B inexhaustibly C profusely D superabundant

2 It stands to reason that a touch of humour and optimism can work .

A on all cylinders B spectacles C wonders D your finger to the bones

3 That Mary is an liar: you must take what she says with a small grain of salt.A incorrigible B incurable C irredeemable D irremediable

4 As the sky darkened it soon became obvious that a violent thunderstorm was .

A imminent B instantaneous C immediate D eminent

5 In some countries, confrontation between police and strikers on has become a feature of life

in the eighties.

A dole queues B picket lines C back benches D assembly lines

6 They were tempted to relieve the shopkeeper of his three juiciest-looking apples.

7 His appearance at the reception with the late Mayor’s widow caused something of a

8 A boycott of other countries’ sporting events appears a politically more expedient form of protest than

trade .

9 The low, unbroken of the machine next door gradually bored its way into his brain.

10 Her close personal friends never in their belief in her; whatever was written in the press.

11 The president was eventually by a military coup.

12 The collapse of the silver market left him financially .

Desolate(adj) = alone

dejected(adj) = despondent = sad Destitute(adj) = kiệt quệ

Derelict(adj) = abandoned

13 He so much harm on the nation during his regime that it has never fully recovered.

Induce: xui khiến

Inflict: chịu sự tổn thương Indict: truy tố

14 Union leaders called for between themselves and the government.

15 It was clear from the beginning of the meeting that Jack was on causing trouble.

16 The Internet has led to the faster and more effective of information.

17 This is the kind of crime that all decent people in society .

Appall: make sb shock / disapprovedDeplore = to think that something is bad

Disallow: something officially can’t be accepted

Trang 2

18 For many young people, driving cars at high speed seems to a rather fatal fascination.

Hold a fascination = fascinate sb

19 On the news there was some dramatic of the earthquake that had been captured by an

amateur cameraman.

20 I did not mean to offend her but she took my comments and now will not talk to me.

21 Most teenagers go through a rebellious for a few years but they soon grow out of it.

22 I bumped into John in Athens and he me before I had time to speak first.

23 She was so infuriated that she found it difficult to her temper.

24 My uncle pulled a few and got me a job in the company where he works.

25 The room was decorated in gold and silver; it was quite simply over the top.A ostentatiously B tantalizingly C tactfully D benevolently

Ostentatiously: 1 cách phô trương, to catch your attention by expensive stuffs

26 The prices were and there was little value for money to be had in any of the items on the menu.A oppressive B exacting C extortionate D fraudulent

27 Mr Parris said he’d like by Monday, if that’s possible.A the report finished B finished the report

C the report will be finished D have the report finished

28 I always get in my stomach before visiting the dentist.

29 Nobody wanted to tell Richard he wasn’t invited, but I drew the short so I had to do it.

30 Living as a foreigner in such a(n) place as this, it is hardly surprising that I get started

at walking down the street; I stand out like a sore thumb = notice

31 Instead of gilding the photographs added atmosphere - a sense of history.

Glid the lily : add something unneccessary and spoil it

32 People say that interest rates will have to rise again soon.

33 I can't think of anyone who'd be able to help you.

At hand : immediately

34 If the contract has not been signed by witnesses, it is considered

A null and voidB nook and crannyC neck and neckD nip and tuck35 For that he was put to death and there was, in one respect, a justice about it.

Rough justice/ luck : unfair

36 His future in the job is balanced on a

37 Take these to your stylist, safe in the that your new look is going to suit you!

38 More spaces are needed at less cost not another office block.

Trang 3

A dark horseB white elephantC red herringD brown bear39 She a raw nerve when she mentioned that job he didn't get.

A.touched B drilledC pulledD knocked

Hit / touch a (raw) nerve : to upset sb

40 One wall was filled to with books.

41 Derek had no experience of white-water canoeing, so it was extremely

shoot the rapids.

of him to try and

42 Peregrine Thorpe the rewards of his hard work when he was given the chair of classics.

43 I can’t understand Juan’s Spanish, because he speaks a regional

44 When the lift finally started moving, we were all packed inside like

45 The police accused the bank employee of , after financial irregularities were uncovered in

his department’s accounts.

46 The news of the attack left us completely

47 -“They say that your wife tends to pry into other people private’s matters.”

- “ I don’t care It’s no skin off my ”

Be no skin off one’s nose = make no difference to sb

48 Take the doctor’s advice into consideration He’s in earnest about the epidemic.

49 Every room in the hotel was characterized by shabby furniture and lighting.

50 It’s important to keep your about you when you are walking through the African bush.

51 Most frequently, the earthquake lasts 30 to 60 seconds, so usually there is no time to avert the mortal

once the shaking starts.

52 They live under a constant pressure of being and subsequently replaced by someone who is

younger, faster and more accomplished.

53 There was a lot of as throngs of people tried to see the famous actor walking through the mall.

54 Luckily my wallet was handed in to the police with all its contents

55 Serena is still ignorant of the fact that she is about to be made redundant.

56 No decision has been taken about the building of the new airport The authorities are still .

C sitting on the fence= unsure D holding all the aces

57 Oil spills will even the healthiest of marine ecosystem.

C pay the consequences for D take their toll on

58 Don’t look so worried! You should take the boss’s remarks with a of salt.

Trang 4

A teaspoon B pinch C grain D doseTake sb with a pinch of salt : đừng bận tâm

59 Rachel has an amazing of jokes that she uses to good effect at parties.

60 The question of peace settlement is likely to figure in the talks.

Figure prominently: là vấn đề dc thảo luận chính

61 The Higg Boson become hot talk following the release of a series of Hollywood movies based

loosely around the discovery of a so-called “Good Particle”.

62 A few of older campers were sent home after a week as they were

63 The barriers suddenly collapsed and the crowd of supporters forward on to the pitch.

Surge (v) : lao tới

64 Archaeology is one of the most interesting scientific

A divisions B disciplines C matters D compartments

65 The projects has progressed in and starts due to a constant change in funding.

Be in fits: laugh a lot

In / by fits and starts: often stops and then starts again

66 It’s as if that silly argument we had has driven a between us and we’ve lost all our old closeness.

67 The country is an economic with chronic unemployment and rampant crime.A lost cause B false dawn C dark horse D basket case

68 I and drew my foot out quickly The bath water was so hot.

69 We managed to the last economical depression by cutting down our workforce.

To weather a crisis/ storm/ depression : successfully do sth difficult

70 The renewed in Elizabethan times is evident in the of new Hollywood film set during that period.

In the spate of : nhiều

71 I knew my mother would a face the minute she saw my new hair cut.

72 When she started borrowing my clothes without asking, I had to put my

Put my foot down: kiên quyết phản đối

73 If you are going to town, keep your eyes for that book I was telling you about.

Keep your eyes peeled/ skinned : to watch carefully for sb/ sth

74 He was a tall, intimidating persson, with a firm tone of voice and a very short .

A very short fuse: nóng tính

75 Peter was of revealing the company’s future plans to the reporter.

Be wary of : thận trọng

76 I'd just met his parents for the first time so I was on my best .

Trang 5

A manners B conduct C behaviour D demeanour

77 As his whole family were doctors, it was in his to take up that profession

78 She tried to Tom’s importance to the company in order to gain a promotion for herself.

79 I hate the way Tony around looking so self – important.

80 Most frequently, the earthquake lasts 30 to 60 seconds, so usually there is no time to avert the mortal

once the shaking starts.

81.As we entered the farmyard we were met with a(n) … of animal sounds.

82.Only when she has realized that the only thing standing in her way is her … Llfestyle can she make progress in her career.

83.He is a(n) … young man who shows no respect for gods

84 Mark decided to follow in his father’s and become a dentist.

85 They’re having serious problems Their relationship is on the …………

86 In his days he was quite dandy.

87 My manager is a typical working mother who has to deal with activities every day.A miscellaneous B multifarious C many D manifold

88 Naylor was one of those men who to the challenge of danger.

89.Like more and more women, she believes marriage would her style.

90 He's not nearly such a good writer as he's up to be.

91 In these times of high unemployment everyone thought my giving up my job was madness.

92 With your qualifications, there will be no of firms willing to employ you.

93 The project will be kept until the new manager comes.

94 It would set a bad if we changed the rules just for one student.

A precaution B infringement C precedent D manifestation

95 To make a profit, we’ll have to add a few thousand new customers to our list, which is A a piece of cake B out of order C out of our depth D a tall order

96 Peace talks between the two countries , with neither side able to agree on terms.A collapsed B collaborated C collared D compromise

97 The problem with losing weight is that, if you succeed, all your clothes need to be

98 Even though it had a great deal of support, the political party suffered a resounding defeat.

99 Unconditional acceptance was the principle his core philosophy.A snagging B underpinning C conspiring D limping

Trang 6

100 As a , politicians and other public figures should avoid making direct statements thatcould be used against them.

A show of hands B word of mouth C rule of thumb D change of heart101 The spacecraft into space and then spent three days getting to the Moon.

102 Did you ever realise you have an uncanny of coming down to the kitchen just as I amabout to serve dinner? Very strange!

103 on by my husband, I applied for the job I had always dreamt of having.

104 by both financial and emotional problems, the father decided he had had enough andslipped away from the house quietly at dawn.

105 I felt let down by a very unsupportive boardroom, by the very chairman himself,Wilson Gray I had no choice but to resign.

A at most B not least C notwithstanding D henceforth

106 Out upon the cloud covered hills, we only caught the occasional glimpse of the town lights far below in the valley.

107 After a month, I will the ropes and won't keep bothering you for help.

108 The young rookie scored over 20 goals in his first year, taking the whole league by

109 Hubert remembered locking the door and couldn't understand how it was now standingwide open.

110 If you are looking for Sheila, she is over in the corner of the library with her head in her books.

111 With over 30 years’ experience, John is the channel’s reporter

112 Investigators have not yet the possibility that he was being blackmailed.A dug around B ruled out C boiled down to D thrived on

113 Grace couldn’t help feeling about missing the championships because of her injury.

Despondent about : chán nản

114 It was hard to tell what the speaker was saying as she was .

115.The company has expanded rapidly and is now looking for larger .

116 The final bill for the building work was , so we refused to pay.

117 While not a vegetarian, Kelly does have a strong to some kinds of meat.

118 Limited as their financial is, they are content with their lifestyle and never complain.

119 The local authority expressed regret as US drone strike has killed innocent hostages.

A incongruously B vehemently C inadvertently D graciously

120 His French is roughly with my Jananese, so communication was rather difficult.

Trang 7

121 The going for the job is $7 per hour.

122 State pensions are currently at the center of a (an) debate.

123 Due to inflation, my savings have gradually to practically nothing.

124 You could tell she had only just got out of bed She had no make-up on and her hair was .A commensurate B heinous C disheveled D eligible

125 On Halloween, candles are put inside hollow turnips and these turnip lanterns were used to scare

126 They’ve been going for so long now that all their friends expect them to marry soon.

127 Some of the cattle were placed in quarantine for fear of the disease being A contractual B congenital C contagious D contentious

128 The patient recovered from his operation

A by bits and pieces B gradual C by degrees D in bits and pieces

129 In order to give up smoking, you need to exercise great

130 The documentary gave him such a that he gave up smoking immediately.

131 He was absolutely with anger when he found that I had scratched his car.

Fickle (adj) : hay thay đổi, ko kiên địnhCarmine (adj) :màu đỏ son, giận tím người

Be livid with anger : extremely furious

132 I don’t think Paul will ever get married — he’s the stereotypical bachelor.

Confirmed bachelor: người độc thân

133 I cannot think who had the gaff, but it seems everyone knows that Nicole and I are planning

to get married.

Blow the gaff: lộ bí mật

134 As we were in an urgent need of syringes and other medical equipment, the aid organization

promised to deliver them the double.

135 She was so ill that it was whether she would live or not.

A win or lose B come and go C touch and go D on and off

136 “Have you got a copy of Gone with the

Wind?” “You’re luck We’ve just one copy left”

137 When I got stuck in the elevator, I was scared out of my

138 All traffic is being because of the military parades.

139 As he was running for a charity which was to his heart, he felt even more determined to

complete the race.

Trang 8

140 On completing her fifth Atlantic race, she decided to herself a new challenge.

141 ‘You won’t get away with this!’ the old woman angrily.

142 I'm afraid the problem from his inability to work with others.

143 I was puzzled by his reply to my innocent question.

Clement = mercifulWayward = stubborn

Indolent (adj) = show no interest or effort

Indignant (adj) = angry because of sth that is wrong or unfair

144 A good advertisement should the attention of its target audience immediately.

145 We woke up at the of dawn this morning.

146 Her poems began to reveal her growing dissatisfaction with her existence.

147 Woken up suddenly by the explosion, he out of his tent, still half asleep.

Waded: lội qua

Tramped : bước đi nặng nề và ồn ào trong thời gian dài

Trudged + Across, Along, Around, Down, Through, Up: lê bước, đi chậm Staggered out of : bước loạng choạng, lảo đảo

148 After their release, the hostages described the they had been through

Ordeal : a horrible experience

149 “The President says the company is making more cars this year than last year.” “ attribute the

increase in productivity?”

150 "Why has Dave resigned his job?" "It was my suggestion his education."

A why didn't he continue B him to continue C that he continue D he continues

151 Money was short and people survived by and saving.

152 You can try reformatting your computer, but once you open that , you’ll probably be working

on it for days.

A.apple of discordB.can of wormsC.load of cobblersD.spot of brother

153 The luxurious office accentuated the manager’s position in everything Every detail is matched

on each side.

A.on the pecking poleB.at the nipping postC.at the nipping postD.in the pecking order154 The first of the ladder is important in your career.

155 Anyone who lies under oath will be charged with the course of justice.

156 I’m realy glad that pompous oaf lost his court case, maybe that will bring him down a or two.

Trang 9

157 The designer refuses to glid the , preferring clean,simple lines for his creations.

158 She agreed to go with him to the football match although she had no interest in the game at all.

159 The number of people traveling by air has been growing

A by leaps and boundsB from time to timeC slow but trueD by hook and crook160 The Red Cross is an international aid organization.

161 The politician gave a press conference to deny the charges that had been ……at him.

Level at : chỉ trích công khai vào ai đó

162 General Custer was confident of victory despite being vastly… by the enemy.

163 The purpose of the survey was to the inspectors with local conditions.

164 My wife’s being for migraine headaches at the clinic.

165 Despite the high divorce rate, the of marriage remains popular.

166 He drove fast and arrived an hour of schedule.

167 There is no point in phoning him He’s certain by now.

168 The lawyer claimed that the tests had been carried out by experienced scientists but this is not

necessarily ……

169 If you don’t stop smoking, you the risk of developing chronic bronchitis.

Run the risk of doing sth: sth bad might happen b/c of it

170 The doctor prescribed tablets to help the pain.

171 He was a pickpocket and had to spend many years behind -.

Behind bars = in prison

172 Please drop me a -when you get to Paris.

173 Her performance in the last scene was quite .

174 You should be ashamed of yourself for what you have done.

175 Hardship and hard work are very much part and of student life.

176 You’ll be glad to know that Yuki’s work is showing a improvement.

177 Far be it from me to down the law, but I think we need to pull our socks up.

Trang 10

A put B lay C write D set

178 The prospects of picking up any survivors are now

179 I think that Tolstoy should be reading for anyone interested in literature.

180 Hopes are of finding the missing boat.

181 The day their first child was born, the new parents were with joy.

182 He was in the of despair when he heard that his mother was leaving him.

183 She is usually courteous to strangers.

184 Many people no longer trust their own memories and commit every detail of their lives to

some digital device or other and are completely lost without it.

Failible : có thể sai sót

185 I am not surprised their marriage is on They are the most incompatible couple I know.

186 Her parents died when she was a baby, so I family she ever had.

A was all theB was the wholeC was nothing but theD was everything of the188 We do not have a secretary , but we do have a student who comes in to do a bit of filing.

189 The experimental play was only a success, which disappointed the playwright.

190 The police have been the district for the murderer, leaving no stone unturned.

191 Egypt is a fantastic country for tourists It’s absolutely in history.

192 I wanted to talk, but she was determined to sweep the matter under the

193 The newspaper story was based on an interview which had been done off the .

194 Before you make a decision you should all the issues involved.

195 I’m afraid that cycling is off the until the weather improves.

196 I read some pretty news about the economy today.

197 He spent too much on his credit card, and now he can’t the minimum payments.

198 Her condition is improving, but she's not out of the

199 Some electric cars have a of 150 kilometres.

200 , I’d like to say how much I’ve enjoyed our meeting.

201 I’d give up my job if only I could find a better one.A at one swoop

Ngày đăng: 20/06/2024, 13:06



