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portfoliotopic environment and fastfood bìa tiểu luận

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Using renewable energy is an essential aspect ofprotecting the environment because it drastically cuts pollution while tappinginto more readily available and long-term focused resources.

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Instructor: NGUYEN THI HONG MINHGroup of students doing portfolio: group 9

Class: K24TCC

Hanoi, October 13, 2022

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1st article multiple choice: protect the environment

cosystems within our environment are deeply connected We mustprotect them all to protect our environment After all, we live and relyon nature to provide basic human survival needs Protecting theenvironment means paying our dues to ensure opportunities for futuregenerations The good news is that it’s often not too difficult, expensive, orinconvenient to become more

environmentally friendly Andthough small changes at theindividual level may seemtrivial, just think how muchcleaner the planet would be ifeveryone adopted even a fewof the following behaviormodifications.

1 Consume less: Curbing

consumption can have a hugeimpact on the environment.

The three "R's"—reduce, reuse and recycle— get a lot of attention, but theplanet could benefit from some focus on the most important and mostunderrepresented "R": refuse When you refuse, you say "no," which is notalways easy Freebies at events, cheap goods on clearance, the hot newchildren's toys or the latest gadgets that promise to make your life better—none of these are essential And they almost always end up either in the trashor forgotten in the back of a closet Next time you’re tempted to purchase oraccept a non-essential item, think about whether it would truly improve yourlife If not, it's ok to just say, "No, thanks!"

2 Choose reusable over single-use: Think about how many people you see

each day drinking beverages from disposable cups or disposable bottles,sipping from disposable straws, carrying disposable grocery bags, eating fromdisposable plates or containers, and using disposable utensils All that single-use plastic has to go somewhere, and it’s had a devastating effect on our soil,oceans, and marine life All of the above items can take hundreds orthousands of years to break down, making them extremely harmful to ourenvironment Switch to reusable items and make a commitment to use themas often as possible You’ll have less trash piling up at your curb, and you’llbe helping to protect the environment in a major way.

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3 Shop secondhand: Did you know it takes over 700 gallons of water to

grow enough cotton to make just one plain t-shirt? Instead of heading to themall to buy new clothes, consider looking first in a thrift store or vintageshop, or trading clothes with friends You can breathe new life into yourwardrobe without wasting the precious resources needed to produce newclothing.

Shopping secondhand also applies to many other categories of consumergoods: children’s games and toys, shoes, appliances, furniture, cars, and more.

4 Use fewer chemicals: Want to protect the environment? Use fewer harmful

chemicals and you’ll be on the right track It’s hard to be sure about the term negative effects chemicals can have, both on our bodies and on theplanet, so it’s best to avoid them if possible Opt for chemical-free lawn andgarden care; all-natural beauty and hygiene items; natural household cleaners;and organic food The Earth will thank you!

long-5 Walk, bike or carpool: According to the U.S Environmental Protection

Agency (EPA), a typical passenger vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons ofcarbon dioxide per year.1 Any amount that we can cut back on will help Forshort trips, try walking or biking—you’ll also get a healthy dose of exercise,without setting foot in a gym If traveling on foot or two wheels isn’t feasible,try carpooling with a friend, neighbor, or coworker to a mutual destination.And if all else fails and you need to drive your car, line up errands in the mostefficient route to save time and miles driven.

6 Use renewable energy: Take advantage of renewable energy sources such

as solar panels or wind power Energy production is a massive part of theeconomy and infrastructure, but traditional production methods are incrediblyharmful to the environment Using renewable energy is an essential aspect ofprotecting the environment because it drastically cuts pollution while tappinginto more readily available and long-term focused resources Renewableenergy does not produce greenhouse gas emissions, ultimately reducing airpollution In addition, our dependence on imported fossil fuels is reduced withrenewable energy Renewable energy can save consumers money whileprotecting the environment Renewable energy sources such as the sun andwind do not need to be refueled, thus improving our energy supply in an eco-friendly way.

So, the next time you step outside, think about the environment thatsurrounds you and remember that it is your environment That doesn’t mean itcan’t change, but that with help from your behavior, you have an active role toplay in deciding if and how it changes – for the benefit of present and futuregenerations


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https://www.inspirecleanenergy.com/blog/sustainable-living/ways-to-protect-Choose the correct letter; A, B, C, or D

1 According to the passage, what is the most suitable title?

A Causes and effects of pollutionB Environmental impacts.C How to protect the environment.D Environmental issues

2 In passage 2, besides “3R” mentioned a lot, what is the most significant“R”?

A RenewableB Rot C ReuseD Reject

3 Freebies at events, cheap goods on clearance, the hot new children'stoys, or the latest gadgets:

A Improve your life.B are very crucial

C are thrown away or forgotten.D contribute to climate change.

4 All of the items are about

A reusable items.B Single-use plastic.

C Animals, soil, plants, and oceans.D Garbage is thrown indiscriminately

5 In the writer’s opinion, Shopping second hand applies for:

A only clothes

B the precious resources needed to produce new clothing.C plain t-shirt

D other consumer goods besides clothes

6 What are the negative effects of hazardous chemicals?

A Not mentioned in the paragraph.

B They pollute land, rivers, lakes, waterways, and the atmosphere C They take care of their yards, hygiene tools, and create organic food.D They contaminate groundwater and threaten natural habitats

7 According to the author, what is not a solution to reduce carbonemissions?

A Try walking or cycling to improve your health.

B Join as many tree planting trips and plant trees as much as you can.C Carpool with people who have the same destination.

D Line up errands in the most efficient route to save time and miles driven.

8 T he renewable energy sources mentioned in the paragraph are:

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A Solar power and wind power.B Geothermal energy and hydro power C Fossil fuels and nuclear power.D Bioenergy and electricity

9 Why using renewable energy is essential to protecting theenvironment?

A Because it preserves biodiversity and natural resources.

B Energy production is a massive part of the economy and infrastructure C Because it promotes sustainable development

D Because it reduces pollution and takes advantage of available resources

10 According to the passage, what measures are not mentioned to protectthe environment ?

A Use renewable energyB Shop secondhand.

C Turn off your devices, and save energy to protect the environment D Use fewer chemicals.


1 Ecosystem (n) /i ko s s.təm/ː ʊˌ ɪ :all the living things in an area and the waythey affect each other and the environment

Meaning: hê D sinh th愃Āi

Example: Pollution can have disastrous effects on the delicately balancedecosystem.

2 Consume (v) /kən su m/ : ˈ ː to use fuel energy time, , , or a product,especially in large amounts

Meaning: Tiêu thu

Example: She avoids consuming caffeine in any form

3 Essential (adj) / sen əl/ ɪˈ ʃ : necessary or neededMeaning: CGn thi Āt

Example: Water is essential for living things.

4 Disposable (adj) /d spo zə.bəl/ : ɪˈ ʊ a disposable product is intended to bethrown away after use

Meaning: DIng mô Dt lGnExample: disposable cups/cutlery

5 Hazardous (adj) / hæz .dəs/ :ˈ ɚ something that is dangerous and likely tocause damage

Meaning: Nguy hiKm

Example: Heavy snow fell overnight, making road conditions hazardous.

6 Contamination (adj) /kən tæm.ə.ne t/: ˈ ɪ to make something less pure ormake it poisonous

Meaning: Sư뀣 lNm nhiOm đô Dc

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Example: Water contamination issues lead to different health problems indeveloping countries.

7 Natural resources (n) / næ rəl r s s z/: ˈ ʧ ɪˈ ɔː ɪ things such as minerals,forests coal, , etc that exist in a place and can be used by people.

Meaning: TNi nguyên thiên nhiên

Example: Some natural resources, such as natural gas and fossil fuel, cannotbe replaced.

8 Infrastructure (n) / n.frə str k.tˈɪ ˌ ʌ ʃɚ/: the basic systems and services,such as transport and power supplies, that a country or organization uses inorder to work effectively.

Meaning: Cơ sơꄉ h愃⌀ tGng

Example: The war has badly damaged the country's infrastructure.

9 Preserve biodiversity (v) /kən s v ba ə da v s ti/ˈ ɜː ˌ ɪ ʊ ɪˈ ɜː ɪMeaning: BTo tUn sư뀣 đa d愃⌀ng sinh h漃⌀c

Example: Preserving biodiversity is an important national objective.

10 Ultimately (adv) / l.tə.mət.li/: ˈʌ finally, after a series of things havehappened

Meaning: Cu Āi cIng

Example: Ultimately, of course, he'd like to have his own business but thatwon't be for some time

KEY Question 1: CQuestion 2: DQuestion 3: CQuestion 4: BQuestion 5: DQuestion 6: AQuestion 7: BQuestion 8: AQuestion 9: DQuestion 10: C

2nd article Q&A: Water pollution

From big pieces of garbage to invisible chemicals, a wide range ofpollutants end up in our planet's lakes, rivers, streams, groundwater, andeventually the oceans Water pollution - along with drought, inefficiency, andan exploding population - has contributed to a freshwater crisis, threateningthe sources we rely on for drinking water and other critical needs Therefore,

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water pollution is one of the serious pollution This type of pollution is causedmainly by sewage, fertilizers, and wastewaters.

Rivers such as To Lich, Set and Kim Nguu in Ha Noi have become sections ofthe city’s waste water drainage system

What happens in water pollution is that these chemicals and nutrientsenter the water system and make it undrinkable and dangerous for plant andanimal life In turn, this affects the ecosystem of the area and kills offimportant organisms.

One way that these pollutants enter the water system is when rainwaterwashes fertilizers and pollutants off crops The rainwater then drains intowells, streams, and other water sources and causes damage.

Industrial waste such as oil spills, mercury, sulfur, and phosphates are oftendumped directly into water sources This kills ocean life and harms humanpopulations as well.

Water pollution can result in human health problems, poisoned wildlife,and long-term ecosystem damage Bacteria and parasites in poorly treatedsewage may enter drinking water supplies and cause digestive problems suchas cholera and diarrhea Hazardous chemicals, pesticides, and herbicides fromindustries, farms, homes and golf courses can cause acute toxicity andimmediate death, or chronic toxicity that can lead to neurological problems orcancers Many water pollutants enter our bodies when we use water fordrinking and food preparation The pollutants enter the digestive tract Fromthere, they can reach other organs in the body and cause various illnesses.Chemicals come in contact with the skin from washing clothes, or fromswimming in polluted water and may lead to skin irritations Hazardous

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chemicals in water systems can also affect the animals and plants which livethere

When agricultural and industrial runoff floods waterways with excessnutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, these nutrients often fuel algaeblooms that then create dead zones, or low-oxygen areas where fish and otheraquatic life can no longer thrive Algae blooms can create health andeconomic effects for humans, causing rashes and other ailments, whileeroding tourism revenue for popular lake destinations thanks to theirunpleasant looks and odors High levels of nitrates in water from nutrientpollution can also be particularly harmful to infants, interfering with theirability to deliver oxygen to tissues and potentially causing "blue - babysyndrome." This happens when babies drink water that’s contaminated withnitrates and are unable to breathe properly If untreated, it can lead to earlydeath

The biggest issue caused by water pollution is that it leads to the deathof water creatures This, in turn, disturbs the food chain and throws off thebalance of different fish and organisms in an area Nutrient pollution in astream, lake, or river can create toxins that kill off fish Without enough fishin the water, it can become permanently soiled and the entire ecosystem cancollapse.

It’s important to take climate action to put a stop to these impacts onboth humans and animal life Otherwise, our planet as we know it is going tochange drastically for the worse.

So, now that you understand a little bit more about just how pollutionaffects the environment, it’s time to start making small changes in your dailylife.

Question 1 What are the causes of water pollution?

-> They are sewage, fertilizers, and wastewaters.

Question 2 What are the consequences of chemicals and nutrients entering

the water system?

-> Make it undrinkable and dangerous for plant and animal life.

Question 3 What kills ocean life and harms human populations?

-> The direct dumping of industrial wastes into water does.

Question 4 What can water pollution bring about?

> It can bring about human health problems, poisoned wildlife, and long term ecosystem damage.

-Question 5 According to the text, how are algae blooms formed?

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-> When agricultural and industrial runoff floods waterways with excessnutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, these nutrients often fuel algaeblooms

Question 6 Are high levels of nitrates in water not harmful to infants?

-> No, they aren’t.

Question 7 What happens when children drink water contaminated withnitrates?

-> They are unable to breathe properly and if untreated, they will die.

Question 8 According to the text, what would happen if water pollution

triggered the death of water creatures?

-> It would disturb the food chain and throw off the balance of different fishand organisms in an area.

Question 9 Why if there are not enough fish in the water, rivers and lakescan be depleted and the ecosystem can collapse?

-> Because nutrient pollution in a stream, lake, or river can create toxins thatkill off fish.

Question 10 What might be the purpose of this passage?

-> Show the reader that water pollution affects the environment , itsdisadvantages ,

New words:

1 freshwater crisis (n): khủng hoTng nước ng漃⌀t

Eg: In many countries, people have to deal with the freshwater crisis, inwhich there is not enough fresh water for daily use.

2 fertilizer (n):a natural or chemical substance that is spread on land in

order to make plants grow well.

Eg: Plants need fertilizers for better growth.

3 kill off (v): to destroy or remove someone or something completely

Eg: There used to be a lot of wolves around here, but most of them havebeen killed off.

4 oil spill (n): an accident in which oil has come out of a ship and causedpollution.

Eg: The risks of oil spill in both areas increased by sea conditions and thepresence of sea ice and icebergs

5 mercury (n): a chemical element that is a heavy, sliver-coloured metal,

liquid at normal temperatures.Eg: Mercury is used in thermometers.

6 digestive system (n): the organs in your body involved with the

digestion of food

Eg: Due to which the digestive system is always healthy

7 interfere with (v): to prevent something from working effectively orfrom developing successfully

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Eg: We have been silent because we did not want to interfere with policeinvestigations.

8 permanently (adv): always and forever.

Eg: Smoking is likely to damage your health permanently.

9 drastically (adv): in a way that is severe and sudden or has verynoticeable effects.

Eg: Their budget has been drastically reduced.

10 algae bloom (n): a rapid growth of microscopic algae or cyanobacteriain water, often resulting in a colored scum on the surface.

Eg: The red tides or algae bloom that deplete oxygen in the water.

3rd article T/F: The history of fastfood

Restaurants have been around in some form for most of human

civilization But they usually catered to travelers As far back as ancient

Greece and Rome, inns and taverns generally served food to people who hada reason to be away from home This trend continued until relatively recently.Although taverns and coffee houses were popular places to gather and share

beverages in the 17th century , the idea of eating out for fun didn't take off in

Western society until the late 18th century.Although McDonald's

was the first restaurant to

use the assembly - line

system, some people thinkof White Castle as the firstfast - food chain WhiteCastle was founded in 1921in Wichita, Kansas At the

considered the burgers sold

at fairs, circuses, lunch counters and carts to be low quality Many peoplethought hamburgers came from slaughterhouse scraps and spoiled meat

White Castle's founders decided to change the public's perception ofhamburgers They built their restaurants so that customers could see the foodbeing prepared They painted the buildings white and even chose a name thatsuggested cleanliness White Castle was most popular in the American East

and Midwest , but its success helped give hamburger meat a better reputation

nationwide So, like cars, White Castle played an important part in thedevelopment of fast food.

The McDonald brothers opened their redesigned restaurant in 1948 ,and several fast - food chains that exist today opened soon after Burger Kingand Taco Bell got their start in the 1950s, and Wendy's opened in 1969 Some

Ngày đăng: 19/06/2024, 18:04
