This board includes 14 digital input/ output pins, analog input-6, a USB connection, quazt crystal-16 MHz, a power jack, a USB connection, resonator-16Mhz, a power jack, an ICSP header a
Name of students: ET-E4 – Team FLEE
Nguyen Viet HungNguyen Quang Huy
Le Quang HuyBui Thi Huyen Doan Minh Khanh
Name of instructor: Assoc Prof Truong Thu Huong
Hanoi, 3-2023
Trang 2Table of
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Purpose 1
2 Specification Requirements 1
2.1 Executive Summary 1
2.1.1 Project Overview 1
2.1.2 Purpose and Scope 1
2.2 Product Description 1
2.2.1 Product Context 1
2.2.2 Assumptions 2
2.2.3 Constraints 2
2.3 Requirements 2
2.3.1 Functional Requirements 2
2.3.2 Non-functional Requirements 2
3 Planning 3
4 Block Designing 4
4.1 Ardunio R3 5
4.2 PIR SR501 6
4.3 LED 9
4.4 250Ω resistor 11
4.5 LCD1602 11
4.6 E18-D80NK……… 14
Trang 34.7 MFRC522……… 18
4.8 I2C……….19
5 Testing 20
5.1 Simulation 20
5.2 Breadboard 20
6 Manufacturing 19
6.1 PCB layout 20
6.2 Final Product 21
References 23
Trang 4In the age of the present information explosion, the applicability and the potential development of the advertising information are very big, the application of the new techniques is very necessary in this field
We really appreciate Prof Truong Thu Huong help with our project, and he created favorable conditions for our team to complete brilliantly this project
Although we made every effort, our ability is limited Moreover, this project is a new field for our team, so we should not avoid design errors in content and the method of presentation Our team is looking forward to Prof Truong Thu Huong's guidance and your additional suggestion to improve this project
We would like to say thanks to everybody who helps us on this project!
Trang 5ABSTRACTBurglaries happen every day and become the most-mentioned property crime worry
in every corner of Viet Nam So, the demand for a system which can support owners to protect theirs home is indispensable The goal of this project is to design and build a system that can detect the thieves and send signal to the homeowners This report describes how the system was designed to meet the required standard, using Arduino in order to keep it simple The Proteus ISIS was used as a CAD tool
to construct the circuit, and its design was simulated in Proteus to confirm that it was functioning properly Next, the circuit was tested on a breadboard The project achieved its goals in many cases, but there are some suggestions for additional research and improvements
Trang 61 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
We choose this project because of following reasons:
- High crime rate is a big problem nowadays
- The system is cheaper than available products on market
- The system is easy to use (friendly with non-tech people such as old, kids, etc.)
- The electronics devices can be bought and designed easily They are also suitable for students’ economic conditions
- The project meets the needs of the subject
- Students easily get the basic knowledge about electronics
1.2 Purpose
- Understand 9 steps in the designing process
- Know how to use several electrical equipment and designing software
- Build a well-performed anti-thief alarm system sensor with low price
Trang 7- The product is connected to the motion sensor SR505 by a 3.5mm stereo jack.
- The product has one LED of one color: Green
- The product is connected to a buzzer and a resistor 220Ω
- The product should be powered by an DC adapter
Trang 8we use is Gantt chart.
Gantt chart is a type a bar chart used for project management that provide a visual representation of a project schedule Gantt charts help project managers to plan and monitor project progress, and to identify potential delays or issues They allow project team members to see their individual tasks in the context of the overall project, and to understand how their tasks relate to those of other team members
Figure 3.1 Project's Gantt chart
Trang 9Figure 4.1 Product's Block Diagram
Figure 4.2 Audio Input and Amplifier Block
Trang 10
Figure 4.4: Arduino uno R3 specifications
Figure 4.5: Arduino uno R3 pin diagram
It comprises 14-digit I/O pins From these pins, 6-pins can be utilized like PWM outputs This board includes 14 digital input/ output pins, analog input-6, a USB connection, quazt crystal-16 MHz, a power jack, a USB connection, resonator-16Mhz, a power jack, an ICSP header an RST button
Figure 4.3 Arduino uno R3
Trang 114.2 PIR SR501
This HC-SR501 PIR sensor module has three output pins Vcc, Output and Ground
as shown in the pin diagram above Since the output pin is 3.3V TTL logic it can be used with any platforms like Arduino, Raspberry, PIC, ARM, 8051 etc
PIR Sensor Module Pinout Configuration
Pin Name Description
1 Vcc Input voltage is +5V for typical applications Can range from 4.5V- 12V
2 High/Low Ouput
Digital pulse high (3.3V) when triggered (motion detected) digitallow(0V) when idle(no motion detected
3 Ground Connected to ground of circuit
PIR Sensor Features
Wide range on input voltage varying from 4.V to 12V (+5V recommended)Output voltage is High/Low (3.3V TTL)
Can distinguish between object movement and human movement
Has to operating modes - Repeatable(H) and Non- Repeatable(H)Cover distance of about 120° and 7 meters
Low power consumption of 65mA
Trang 12Operating temperature from -20° to +80° Celsius
How to use PIR Motion Sensor
The PIR sensor module can be powered from voltage 4.5V to 20V but, typically 5V
is used Once the module is powered allow the module to calibrate itself for fewminutes, 2 minutes is a well settled time Then observe the output on the output pin.Before we analyse the output, we need to know that there are two operating modes
in this sensor such as Repeatable(H) and Non- Repeatable(L) and mode TheRepeatable mode is the default mode
The output of the sensor can be set by shorting any two pins on the left of themodule as shown below You can also notice two orange colour potentiometers thatcan be used to set the sensitivity and time which will be explained further below
Repeatable(H) mode
In Repeatable(H) mode the output pin Dout will go high (3.3V) when a person isdetected within range and goes low after a particular time (time is set by “Off timecontrol” potentiometer) In this mode the output pin will go high irrespective ofwhether the person is still present inside the range or has left the area Thesensitivity can be set using the “sensitivity control” potentiometer
Trang 13Non- Repeatable(L) mode
In “I” mode the output pin Dout will go high (3.3V) when a person is detectedwithin range and will stay high as long as he/she stays within the limit of theSensors range Once the person has left the area the pin will go low after theparticular time which can be set using the potentiometer The sensitivity can be setusing the “sensitivity control” potentiometer
There are two important materials present in the sensor one is the pyroelectriccrystal which can detect the heat signatures from a living organism(humans/animals) and the other is a Fresnel lenses which can widen the range ofthe sensor Yes the white colour things is just a lense that is used to widen the range
of the sensor, if you remove the lense you can find the Pyroelectric sensor inside itcovered inside a protective metal casing as shown above
Trang 144.3 LED
A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor device that emits light when an electric current is passed through it Light is produced when the particles that carry the current (known as electrons and holes) combine together within the
semiconductor material
Since light is generated within the solid semiconductor material, LEDs are described as solid-state devices The term solid-state lighting, which also encompasses organic LEDs (OLEDs), distinguishes this lighting technology from other sources that use heated filaments (incandescent and tungsten halogen lamps)
or gas discharge (fluorescent lamps)
Different colors
Inside the semiconductor material of the LED, the electrons and holes are containedwithin energy bands The separation of the bands (i.e the bandgap) determines the energy of the photons (light particles) that are emitted by the LED
The photon energy determines the wavelength of the emitted light, and hence its color Different semiconductor materials with different bandgaps produce different colors of light The precise wavelength (color) can be tuned by altering the composition of the light-emitting, or active, region
LEDs are comprised of compound semiconductor materials, which are made up of elements from group III and group V of the periodic table (these are known as III-Vmaterials) Examples of III-V materials commonly used to make LEDs are gallium arsenide (GaAs) and gallium phosphide (GaP)
Until the mid-90s LEDs had a limited range of colors, and in particular commercial blue and white LEDs did not exist The development of LEDs based on the gallium nitride (GaN) material system completed the palette of colors and opened up many new applications
Trang 15Main LED materials
The main semiconductor materials used to manufacture LEDs are:
Indium gallium nitride (InGaN): blue, green and ultraviolet
high-brightness LEDs
Aluminum gallium indium phosphide (AlGaInP): yellow, orange and red high-brightness LEDs
Aluminum gallium arsenide (AlGaAs): red and infrared LEDs
Gallium phosphide (GaP): yellow and green LEDs
4.4 250 ohm resistor
Resistor is an electrical component that reduces the electric current
The resistor's ability to reduce the current is called resistance and is measured in units of ohms (symbol: Ω)
If we make an analogy to water flow through pipes, the resistor is a thin pipe that reduces the water flow
Trang 16pitch between two characters and a space between lines, thus separating characters and lines The number 1602 means on the display, 2 rows can be showed and 16 characters in each.
VSS: connected to ground
VDD: connected to a +5V power supply
VO: to adjust the contrast
RS: A register select pin that controls where in the LCD’s memory you are writing data to You can select either the data register, which holds what goes on the screen,
or an instruction register, which is where the LCD’s controller looks for instructions
on what to do next
R/W: A Read/Write pin to select between reading and writing mode
E: An enabling pin that reads the information when High level (1) is received The instructions are run when the signal changes from High level to Low level.D0-D7: to read and write data
Trang 17A and K: Pins that control the LCD backlight Connect K to GND and A to 3.3v Open the backlight and you will see clear characters in a comparatively dark environment.
Step 3: The Schematic Diagram
Step 4: ProceduresConnect K to GND and A to 3.3 V, and then the backlight of the LCD1602 will be turned on Connect VSS to GND and the LCD1602 to the power source Connect
VO to the middle pin of the potentiometer – with it you can adjust the contrast of the screen display Connect RS to D4 and R/W pin to GND, which means then you can write characters to the LCD1602 Connect E to pin6 and the characters displayed on the LCD1602 are controlled by D4-D7 For programming, it is optimized by calling function libraries
Step 1: Build the circuit
Step 2: Code
Step 3: Upload the sketch to the Arduino Uno board
Click the Upload icon to upload the code to the control board
Trang 18If "Done uploading" appears at
the bottom of the window, it means the sketch has been successfully uploaded
Step 5: Code4.6 E18-D80NK
The E18-D80NK is an advanced low-cost IR Proximity Sensor with an obstacledetection range of 3 cm to 80 cm The use of modulated IR signal protects thesensor from the interferences caused by the normal light of a light bulb or thesunlight
Components Required for interfacing E18-D80NK
Arduino Nano
E18-D80NK IR Sensor
Jumper Wired
E18-D80NK IR Obstacle Avoidance Proximity Sensor
E18-D80NK Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor is a low-cost IR Proximity Sensorwith an adjustable range of 3 cm to 80 cm The E18-D80 sensor comes with IRTransmitter and IR receiver in one module The IR transmitter transmits modulated
IR signal, which is then reflected by the object in its path and then detected by thereceiver This sensor has less interference by sunlight because of the modulated IRlight
E18-D80 IR Sensor is widely used in robots to avoid obstacles, industrial assemblylines, Reverse Car Parking, and many other automation applications The detectionrange can be adjusted according to the application using the multi-turn screw that islocated at the back of the sensor The switching signal output changes according to
Trang 19the obstacle detection It remains high when no obstacles and changes to low whenthere are obstacles A red LED is placed behind the probe that turns high whenever
an obstacle is detected The E18 sensor operates on 5V and consumes around 5mA
to 30mA current without any load
E18-D80NK IR Proximity Sensor Specifications & Features:
Input voltage: 5V DC
Current consumption: > 25mA (min) ~ 100mA (max)
Dimension: 1.7cm (diameter) x 4.5cm (length)
Cable length: 45cm
Detection of objects: Transparent or Opaque
Diffuse reflective type
Sensing range: 3cm to 80cm (depends on obstacle surface)
NPN output (normally high)
Environment temperature: -25 °C ~ 55 °C
Circuit Diagram for Interfacing E18-D80NK Sensor with Arduino
Complete schematic for Interfacing E18-D80NK Proximity Sensor withArduino is given below:
Trang 20The connection for Interfacing of E18-D80NK IR Sensor with Arduino is very easy,connect the Brown wire of sensor with Arduino 5V pin, connect the Blue wire ofsensor with Arduino’s Ground and connect Black pin of a sensor with a digital pin 7
of Arduino Nano
Trang 214.7 MFRC522
MFRC522 IC/Chip: The RC522 RFID Reader Module is based on MFRC522 IC/Chip This is the high integrated RFID card reader IC/Chip designed by NXP Company, it works on non-contact 13.56mhz communication It is low power consumption, low cost, and small size read and write chip The MFRC522 IC supports various types of RFID Tags like MIFARE 1K, MIFARE 4K, MIFARE Mini, and other ISO / IEC 14443 standard protocol-based cards and tags Also, it supports Mifare series higher speed contactless communication, duplex
communication speed up to 424 kb/s The MFRC522 IC operates at a 13.46 MHz frequency with an operating range of up to 50 mm depending on the antenna size and tuning The MFRC522 IC supports SPI, UART, and I2C serial communication with the host (Microcontroller like Arduino)
Electrical Parameters
Operating current: 13—26mA/DC 3.3V
Idle current: 10-13mA/ DC 3.3V
Sleep current: <80uA
Peak current: <30mA
Operating frequency: 13.56MHz
Supported Cards: mifare1 S50, mifare1 S70, mifare UltraLight, mifare Pro, mifare Desfire
Physical features: size: 40mm×60mm
Ambient operating temperature: - 20-80 degrees centigrade
Ambient storage temperature: - 40-85 degrees centigrade
Ambient relative humidity: 5%—95%