Fantastic Flyers 2nd edition has been extensively revised and updated for the 2018 syllabus with sparkling new artwork and additional teacher resources.Fantastic Flyers 2nd edition has been extensively revised and updated for the 2018 syllabus with sparkling new artwork and additional teacher resources.Fantastic Flyers 2nd edition has been extensively revised and updated for the 2018 syllabus with sparkling new artwork and additional teacher resources.
Trang 3Photo credits
7.1 Bigstock (StudioDin), New York, NY; 7.2 Bigstock (A[fafoto), New York, NY; 7.3 Bigstock (ChamilteWhite), New York, NY; 7.4 Bigstock (wittayayut), New York, NY; 7.5 Shutterstock (Dan Breckwotdt), New York; 7.6 Bigstock (Juanci), New York, NY; 7.7 Bigstock (NaturatVisions), New York, NY; 7.8 Bigstock (PicsFive), New York, NY; 1 2.1 Bigstock (zveiger), New York, NY; 1 2.2 Bigstock (vectorpocket), New York, NY;
12.3 Bigstock (tuul.ijumaLa), NewYork, NY; l2.4Shutterstock (Koztik), NewYork; 12.5 Bigstock (Corepics), NewYork, NY; l2.6Shutterstock
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Fontostic Flyers - Pupil's Book (2'd edition)
Copyright O 2019 by Ernst Klett Sprochen GmbH, Stuttgort, Germony.
Vietnom's edition @ 2020 by Nhon Tri Viet Co., Ltd.
This edition is published in Vietnom under o license Agreement between Ernst Klett Sprochen GmbH qnd Nhon Tri Viet Co., Ltd This edition is licensed for distributlon ond sole in Vietnom only.
All rights reserved No port of this publicotion mqy be reproduced, stored in o retrievol system,
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Trang 4#
Around the world
1 School friends
2 Seosons ond months
3 Weekends ond hotidoys
10 The post, present ond future
The Fontostic Flyers Game
Trang 5This is fontostic!
Hi, I'm Sondy.
I'm from Conodo
I'm from the USA.
Our flog hos got
stors ond stripes
Hello I live in
Greenlond It's winter
here for nine months Hi! I tive in Englond.
Our flog is red,
white ond blue.
Trang 6Look! Singopore
is o smoll istond.
Let's fty oroundthe world!
I live in Sydney I'm
going to the beoch
Trang 7@ lirt"n ond reoa ffi
Hi! I'm Robert I toke the bus to schoo[.
I'm eorly todoy It's twenty-five post
eight The bus comes ot holf post eight
Heltol I'm Dovid I wotk to school with mysister, Heten My rucksock's reo[[y heovy
todoy I've got footbo[[ ofter schoo[,
He[[o My nome's Koty It's twenty to nine, but I'm
stitt ot home I'm not going to be lote for schoo[ It
isn't for I Iive next to the school See you loter!
I Reod ond soy yes or no
1 Robert's bus is coming ot twenty-five post eight
2 Dovid ond Helen wolk to school
3 Dovid hos got votteyboll ofter school
4 Helen likes ort
5 School storts of quorter post nine
6 Koty lives for from the school
a//s - ^-, ,5-.4t/37
Hi, I'm Heten We've got ort ot
schooltodoy I'm reolly interested in
ort After ort we've got history Hurry up,
Dovid! School storts ot quorter to nine
Trang 8f;p Corplete the sentences.
1 Robert tokes
2 The bus comes ot
3 Dovid hos got footbott
4 School storts ot
5 Koty lives
6 She isn't going to be
ff litt.n ond order the coras ffi
g Ask ond onswer together.
1 Whot [essons hove we got todoy?
2 Whot's your fovourite subject?
3 Do you like ort?
4 How do you get to school?
5 Which longuoges do you study?
Trang 9fl loot ond listen Then ont*"t ffi
Memory gome Work with o portner.
Portner A, close your book Portner B, osk questions.
t Whot time is it?
2 When does [unchtime finish?
3 Whot's Emmo doing?
4 Whot's Wittiom doing?
5 Whot ore Soroh ond Michoet doing?
Who ?
Trang 10ffi neoU ond order the pictures.
We hod ort ot school todoy,
but we didn't go to the ort
clossroom We went on o
bus to town ond we visited
the museum We [ooked ot
pointings by fomous ortists
ond we found out obout them
My fovourite pointing wos by
Picosso It wos very stronge
After we looked of the pointinEs, we mode
pictures for o cornpetition I drew my teocher
My picture looked [ike o Ficasso pointing My
teocher wosn't very pleosed, so I didn't win!
@ Cnoose the best titte B ,o it together.
A visit to the ort museum
Trang 11tr Look ot picture A ond
onswer the questions.
1 Which room is this?
2 Whot time is it?
3 How mony books ore there?
4 Whot's the boy doing?
5 Whot colour is the blonket
on the bed?
6 Whot's on the floor?
fl loot ot picture B ond soy the differences.
Trang 12$ foU obout the pictures.
An interesting lesson
a Answer the questions.
1 Whot subject ore they studying?
2 Did Dovid go to bed eorly lost night?
3 Whot does Dovid do ot quorter to ten?
4 Whot time does the lesson end?
5 Whot do you think the teocher soys?
f! Continue the story.
Trang 13@ lirt"n, point ond soy ($f
@ neoa ond choose the correct word from obove.
on E ? Do 1-ou rr, ant to be famous?
If so, you should go to theatre school These schools are like
other schools They teach languages maths science and
other subjects, but the students also studl- all 1pes of music
(including rock music and pop music) dancing and thel- learn
to El After thel- leave school
man)-students get jobs in television or the [f
Reod ond choose the correct words.
1 Theotre schools ore like / os other schools
2 They teoch mony / o few subjects
3 Students olso study / studying music
4 They get jobs in television before / ofter they leove school
5 Mony / Some students become fomous
Trang 14@ neoa ond find out Answer the questions.
1 Where is Emi?
2 Does she tike school?
3 Does she go home for lunch?
a Moke sentences obout Emi qnd her schoot.
1 She goes to school by
7 Schootstorts
3 After school, she
* At lunchtinne, she uses .
5 At breok time, she "." {
lunch we cleon the clossrooms.
We work together in teoms so it's
good fun.
We hove two breoks o doy, one
in the morning ond one in the
ofternoon We go outside in the
ployground or we stoy inside ond
reod books or use the computers.
school We go to school by cor.
Schoo[.storts ot hotf post eightond firrishes of three o'clock,
Hetlo! My nome's Emiond
I'm from Jopon This is my
Trang 15@ lirt"n ond reod ffi
It wqs winter, One Soturdoy morning in
December, when Dovid ond Helen woke up,
the gorden wos white 'it's snowing!'they
shouted 'Let's put on our worm clothes ond
go out in the snow.'
'Let's moke o snowmCInl'They mode two big
snowbolls for his body ond his heod Helen
cut some cord for his nose Dovid foundtwo pieces of gtoss for his eyes They found
o piece of wood for his mouth.'He needs
clothes!' soid Dovid Dovid took off his striped
scorf Helen took off her gloves ond hot, ondDovid gove the snowmon his coot ond belt.'Look, Mum!'soid Helen.'Look of our
enormous snowmon His eyes ore mode of
gloss, his nose is mode of cord, his mouth ismode of wood ond his clothes ore mode of
woot He's nice ond worm now!''Yes, he is, butyou oren't!'soid Mum.'Come
inside ond sit by the fire.'
Reod ond soy yes or no
1 It wos spring
2 Dovid ond Helen were excited when they sow the snow
3 They mode two big snowmen
4 The snowmon's eyes were gloss.
5 The snowmon wore Dovid's gloves.
6 Mum totd them to stoy outside
Trang 16tr Complete the sentences.
1 It wosn't summer; it wos
2 Dovid ond Helen put on their
3 They mode o
4 His nose wos
6 After they mode the snowmon, they
! fsten ond mqtch the months to the chitdren (91
E Ask ond onswer together.
1 Whot dote is it todoy?
2 Is your birthdoy in winter?
3 Whot's your fovourite month?
4 Do you like snow?
5 Which do you like best: summer,
Trang 172 3
Whot month is it?
Whst ore they doingTWhot's Emmo weoring7
Whot ore Michoel ond Williom doing?Whot does Richord love7 -"':
$ loot ond listen Then onswer (B
a Memory gome Work with o portner.
Pqrtner A, close your book Portner B, osk questions.
Trang 18@ neod ond order the pictures.
Lost winter, our school ctosed for one
doy when it snowed
We were so excited, My brother ond I
went home ond we mode o sledge from
cqrd qnd string Then, we went to the
pork There were lots of children there
with snowboords ond different sledges.
Some were mode of wood or plostic;
others were mode of meto[
'Sho[[ we hove q roce?'suggested one
boy Some children toughed when they
sow our sledge.'You oren't going to winwith thqt sledge! It's going to breok!'
shouted one boy We went to the top of
the hitt ond we olt sledged down
Some children fetl off It wos funny Conyou guess who won? Yes, we wonl Our
sledge [ooked funny but it wos the best!
@ Cnoose the best title E oo it together.
The sledge race
Our school in winter
Trang 19o Look ot picture A ond
onswer the questions.
1 Which month is it?
2 Is it summer or winter?
3 How mony people ore there?
4 Whqt does the womon wont
to buy?
5 Whot's the weother [ike?
6 Whot's the mon who's
weoring o block coot doing?
@ loot ot picture B ond soy the differences.
@ nirttrdoy survey.
Itls in Moy.
Trang 20Q fott obout the pictures.
A storm in the hilts
Answer the questions.
1 Where were the children?
2 Whot wos the weqther like?
3 Where did they go when there
wos o storm?
4 Whot did they do in this ploce?
5 How did they get home?
@ Continue the story.
Trang 21tf lirt"n, point ond soy ('$f
@ neoA ond choose the correct word from obove.
December in Australia is usually very hot.
it never snows It isn't r,vinter; it's summer People
often have a picnic at the ff
and swim in the fl
They wear shorts and T-shirts and go out in a
tr It's a great time of year
to be in Australial
Reod ond choose the correct words.
1 December in Austrolio is in winter / summer
2 There ore often / never storms
3 People usuolly eot inside / outside
4 They weor / weoring shorts ond T-shirts
5 It is / isn't nice to be in Austrolio in December
Trang 22t s
o Reod qnd find out.
Answer the questions.
L Whqt seoson is it?
2 Whot ore the peopte doing in the photo?
3 Whst do you think the hotel is msde of.,
@ n{ote sentences obout winter in Corrie's country.
1 In Februory
2 They hove the biggest
3 There is o boot roce
4 Some peopte stoy in
My nome's Corrie ond I'm
from Conodo In Februory,
it's very cold ond it snows.
We hove the biggest winter
festivolin the wortd A big
friendly snowrno n soys'he[[o'
when you orrive.
do in
Trang 23@ lirt.n ond reod ffi
Dovid is going to stoy ot Robert's
house of the weekend He's getting
reody now He's very excited He's
going to sleep in Robert's room
He's putting o torch ond some books
in his suitcose They're going to reod
books ond te[[ stories until [ote He's
got some toys ond computer gomes
He's toking sweets ond biscuits, too
They're going to hove o snock ot
midnight They oren't going to tell
Dovid's suitcose is heovy It's
difficult to putt it down the step!
'Dovid,'soys his mum,'whot hove
you got in your suitcose? You're on[y
going to stoy for one night!'
'l know,'soys Dovid,'but we're going
to do [ots of things together.'
'Sholt I put your pyjomos, your comb, your shompoo,
your soop ond your toothbrush in your bog?' osks his
4 Dovid's suitcose is tight
5 He's going to stoy for two nights
6 Dovid's comb is in his suitcose
Reod ond soy yesor no
L Dovid's going to sleep in Robert's room
2 They're going to go to bed eorly
3 They're going to eot biscuits ond sweets ot midnight
Trang 24E
Complete the sentences.
1 Dovid's going to stoy
2 He's toking some books becouse
@ lirt.n ond order the cords ffi
Ask ond onswer together.
1 Whot ore you going to do in the hotidoys?
2 How ore you going to get there?
3 Whot ore you going to toke?
4 Are you going to toke o rucksock?
5 Are you going to send ony postcords?
Trang 25@ loot ond listen Then onr*"r ffil
Memory gome Work with o portner.
Portner A, close your book Portner B, osk questions.
Where ?
1 Whot's this Ptoce?
2 Whot's everyone going to do?
3 Whot's the womon in the bookshop going to buy?
5 Whot's the boy with the rucksock doing?
, )
It's block green.
Trang 26jeons ond o T-shirt.
When he orrived of the oirport in London,
he woited for his suitcose He sow o purple
suitcose thot looked like his suitcqse ond
he picked it up Then, he took o toxi to his
hotel He wos very tired ond he went to bed.
The next morning he got up ond opened his
suitcose It wos fult of women's clothes!
He hod to go to his meeting in his jeons ond
@ Choose the best titte C! ,o it together.
Trang 276 Look ot picture A ond
onswer the questions.
1 Is it summer or winter?
2 Whot ore the children doing?
3 Whot ore they going to do?
4 How mony people ore outside
the hotet?
5 Whot ore they going to do?
6 Whot ore the peop[e under
the trees doing?
@ loof ot picture B snd soy the differences.
@ word choin.
I'm going to go on holidoy ond
Trang 28@ rott obout the pictures.
A comping holidoy
Answer the questions.
1 Whot wos the weother [ike?
2 Where did they sleep?
3 Whot hoppened during the night?
4 How did they feel in the morning?
5 Where ore they going to stoy?
ft Continue the story.
Trang 29@ list"n, point ond soy fu$J
@ neoA ond choose the correct word from obove.
About 100 years ago the Wright brothers invented the
flrst S .They watched birds flying
and studied their ffi Their plane
was made of wood and the wings were made of cloth,
like our clothes They flew from a fleld There wasn't an
Today planes carr-y hundreds of people to (l ail over the rn'orld
They aren't made of u,ood no\{ - thel- are made of metal insteadl f,t
also fly into @ tar above [f
Reod qnd choose the correct words.
1 Two brothers invented the first oirport / plone
2 They studied birds'wings / feet
3 Their plone wos mode of wood qnd metql / wood qnd cloth
4 There were mony / weren't ony oirports
Trang 30ffi neoa ond find out Answer the questions.
1 Where is Austin going to go?
2 Who is going to be there?
3 Nome three things he is going to do.
Moke sentences obout Austin ond his holidoy.
1 He's going to stoy of summer comp for
2 This summer comp is in
3 He's Eoing to steep in
* In the doy, he's going to
5 Irr the evening, he's goinE to "."
There ore odults there too ond lots of other
children Peopte come from otl over the world
to [ook ofter the children ot summer comp.
This summer comp is in the countryside in o
forest, neor o streom; There's o [oke too, ond
We're going to do different things We're going
to ride bikes in the forest, go horse riding, go fishing in the streom ond toke boots out on theloke We're going to ptoy tennis, bosketboll ond
boseboll We're olso going to point pictures ond
moke things.
In the evenings, we're going to cook dinner oround the loke there ore lots of smoll houses
mode of wood I'm going to sleep in one of
these houses with some other children.
Nome: Austin
Country: USA
Trang 31@ litt"n ond reod (1$f
One doy, Dovid did
'Whot do you wont to do when you leove schoot?'
Sophie repIied,'l'm going to be o designer! I'm going
to design clothes for peopte to weor,'
'OK, thonk you,' soid Dovid Then he osked the some
question to Horry 'l'm going to go to co[lege,'soid
Horry.'l wontto be on octor I'm not going to work
in the theotre I'm going to be on television I'm
going to be fomous!'
a Reod ond soy yes or no
1 Sophie wonts to be o designer
2 Horry's going to go to university
3 Horry wonts to work in the theotre
4 Koty's going to work in on office
5 Koty's going to moke peopte tough
6 Dovid wonts to be o doctor
'Very interesting,' soid Dovid Then
he sow Koty on the swing He osked,
'Whot ore you going to do when you
leove school, Koty?''I wont to work
in o circus,'she soid.'l'm going to be
o ctown I'm going to hove orongehoir ond o big, red nose I'm going to
moke people [ough.'
Dovid louEl-led.'Thot's Eneot Thonk
you,' he soid He stsrted to write in o
'Whot ore you doing?' osked Koty 'Why
ore you osking so mony questions?'
'I'm trying to frnd out which jobs myfriends wont to do,' soid Dovid 'I'm
going to write obout it ond send it
to the newspoper I wont to be o
journolist when I leove schoo[.'
Trang 32
-@ Cornplete the sentences.
1 Dovid used his smortphone to
2 Sophie's going to design
3 Dovid osked the some
4 Koty wonts to work
5 She's going to moke
5 Dovid's trying to find
@ lirt"n ond order the cordt (rB)
@ art ond onswer together.
1 Whot does your dod do?
2 Whqt does your mum do?
3 Whot do you wont to do when you leove school?
4 Are you going to weor o uniform?
5 Do you wont to moke peoPle tough?
Trang 33@ mot ond [isten Then ont*"r (1$]
Memory gome Work with o portner.
Portner A, close your book Portner B, osk questions.
What colour ?
1 Whot hoPPened ot the foctorY
2 Who's in the ombulonce?
3 Whot's the journotist doing now?Whot's she going to do?
Whot's the PhotogroPher going to do?
Trang 34f| neoa ond order the pictures.
Lost Soturdoy, it wos my mum's 40th
birthdoy We went to on expensive
restquront for dinner
The woiter wos very excited becouse
there wos o fomous qctress in the
restouront She wos with her husbond
I wslked post their toble Suddenrty
o photogropher orrived ond stortedtoking photos
The next doy the photo wqs in thenewspoper - the octress, her husbond
ond me! I olwoys wonted to be fomous!
Trang 35@ loot ot picture A qnd
onswer the questions.
1 Where ore these peopte?
2 Whot time is it?
3 How mony people ore there?
4 Whot's the boy eoting?
5 Whot colour is the point?
6 Whot's the woiter corrYing?
@ loot< ot picture B ond ssy the differences.
Trang 36@ rom obout the pictures.
At the theotre
Answer the questions.
1 Where did Koty go?
2 Did she enjoy it?
3 Why did she woit ot the theotre
4 Where did she osk the mon to
write his nome?
5 Why did the mon lough?
fl Continue the story.
Trang 37.-.- @ litt"n, point qnd soy (9)
@ neod qnd choose the correct word from above.
Do you want to be a newspup" ffi ?
It's an interesting job You have to be good at writing
stories and you have to write quickly The newspaper
ffi is very noisy There are lots of people
talking on their ffi s News happens all
over the world in the day and night ffi
bring in their photos and people r,r'ork during the night to get
the ffi reacil tor the next morning.
Reod ond choose the correct words.
1 Journolists hove to be good ot write / writing stories
2 They hove to write quietly / quickly
3 News hoppens in the office / oll over the world
4 The newspoper office is noisy / quiet
5 People work ot night / in the morning to get the
Trang 38a
Reod ond find out.
Answer the questions.
1 How mony brothers ond sisters hos Esi got?
2 Where do her porents work?
3 Does she hetp them?
Moke sentences qbout Esi ond her form.
1 Esi lives
2 They grow
3 The chitdren go to school ond study
4 In the ofternoon, they
5 They setlthe beons ot
Hello! My nome's Esi My fomity ond I ore from Ghono
in Africo We're formers We live on o form in o villoge.
We grow cocoo trees on our form Chocotote is mode
from cocoo beons Do you like chocolote?
My mum ond dod work on the form oltdoy My
brother ond sister ond I go to school We study moths,
history ond Engtish In the ofternoon, we ploy outside
together ond we help Mum ond Dod on the form.
Nqme: EsiAge:11
When the cocoo fruit is reody,
we help to pick the fruit The beons ore inside the green ond yellow fruit We toke the beons
ond put them in the sun to dry When the beons ore dry, we put them in big bogs ond our porents toke them to the
morket They sell the beons
ot the morket ond then they
come home They're tired, buteverybody is hoppy.
Trang 39fl lirt"n ond reod ffi
Lost Soturdoy, Koty hod nothing to
do.'l'm bored,'she soid There were
some hotidoy mogozines next to her
ond she picked one up ond storted
to reod it, 'Thot's it!'she soid.'l'm
going to pton o hotidoy I wont to do
something new ond exciting.'
Dovid opened o mogozine.'Hove you ever ridden o
comel ocross the desert?' he osked.
'No, I hoven't,' onswered Koty 'But the desert is toohot.'
Rober'r took cnother moEozlne 'Hove you ever been
sk,iir c in the mounlolns?' he osked.
"\es" I hc'',,e,'soid Koty 'We r,vent [ost yeor I wos too
colo ]'v\,osFr't w,orm enough.'
'lov'e you ever touched on octopus?' osked Helen.
'No, I hoven't,'soid Koty.'And I hoven't eoten
octopus either! I prefer my mum's cooking.'
'Are you sure you wont to do something new ondexciting?' osked Dovid.
'No,'soid Koty.'I'm not bored ony more This is fun!'
a Reod ond soy yesoY no
1 Lost Soturdoy, Koty wos bored
2 Koty hos ridden o comel ocross the desert
3 Koty hosn't been skiing
4 She likes skiing
5 She hosn't eoten octopus
Trang 40m Complete the sentences.
1 Koty wonted to do something
2 Dovid osked, 'Hove you
3 Lost yeor Koty went
4 She wosn't worm
5 Helen osked,'Hove you
5 Koty prefers
@ uot.h the cords Then listen qnd order (r'T)
o Ask ond onswer together.
1 Hove you ever ridden o comel?
2 Hove you ever been to the desert?
3 Where did you go on hotidoy lost yeor?
4 Did you toke ony photos?
5 Whot's the best hotidoy you've ever hod?