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group assignment reportsaudi arabia import and export

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Table of ContentsI.Overview of the partner country''''s economy...41.Basic information:...42.Saudi Arabia’s economic situation...5II.Analysis of economic sectors with the strength of Saudi

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Group Assignment Report


Course: Business negotiation

Lecturer: Nguyen Anh Tuan

Members: Nguyen Thi Ly NaLe Khoi NguyenNguyen Thanh NhatPham Nhu QuynhNguyen Thi Minh Tam

Danang, September 24 , 2023th

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Table of Contents

I.Overview of the partner country's economy 4

1.Basic information: 4

2.Saudi Arabia’s economic situation 5

II.Analysis of economic sectors with the strength of Saudi Arabia: 6

1.Saudi Arabia´s Main Exports: 6

2.Saudi Arabia´s Main Imports: 8

3.Saudi Arabia´s Technology: 9

4.The relationship between Saudi Arabia and Vietnam: 11

III.Evaluate companies in the food industry, select partners (with backup choices): 14

1.Market potential for cashew nuts in Saudi Arabia: 14

2.Tariffs and basic regulations of imported cashew nuts in Saudi Arabia: 16

3.Evaluating the companies in the cashew product industry: 18

IV.Potential partner: 24

VI.Contract Analysis 30

VII Contract analysis: 39

VIII.Important terms that may cause conflicts and resolutions: 42

References 46

Table of Figures

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Figure 1: Saudi Arabia’s Industry Sector (2021) 5

Figure 2: Main oil importers of Saudi Arabia 7

Figure 3: Global Innovation Race 11

Figure 4: Proportion of import-export turnover with Saudi Arabia compared to Vietnam's in the period 2014 – 2018 12

Figure 5: Correlation between GDP and cashew consumption volume of Saudi Arabia 13

Figure 6: Kabsa Rice + Figure 7: Mandi Rice 14

Figure 8: Cashew imports (January to April 2022, 2023) of the Middle East from Vietnam and India 15

Figure 9: Vietnam's cashew export situation to Saudi Arabia (2015-2021) 15

Figure 10: Certifications 28

Figure 11: Cashew nuts 28

Figure 12 32

Figure 13 32

Table 1: Economic and Trade indexes in Saudi Arabia 6

Table 2: Companies in the cashew product industry 25

Table 3 28

Table 4 29

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- Climate: There are three climatic zones in the kingdom: Desert

 Steppe along the western highlands, forming a strip less than 100 miles (160 km)wide in the north but becoming almost 300 miles (480 km) wide at the latitude ofMecca.

 A small area of humid and mild temperature conditions, with long summers, in thehighlands just north of Yemen

- Population: Approximately 37.042.108 (5/9/2023)- Land Area: 2,149,690 km²

- Official Language: Arabic

- Ethnic Group: 90% Arab; 10% Afro - Arab- Currency: Riyal (SAR)

- Institution: Saudi Arabia is a monarchy Saudi Arabia is governed according to IslamicLaw, a Basic Law connecting the rights and responsibilities of the governmentpromulgated by royal decree in 1992.

- Business Culture:

 Even though about half of the Kingdom’s workforce of 13 million is expat, businessculture in Saudi Arabia dances to a decidedly local tune Most decision-makers areSaudi and people doing business can expect unrivaled Arabian hospitality, canceledappointments, cordial chat, and hard bargaining in equal measure Flexibility, open-

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mindedness, and a calm demeanor are essential when going into battle for businessin Saudi Arabia.

 Meetings and office environments in Saudi Arabia, while business-like, tend to beflexible and cordial affairs Meetings likely have no agenda (or anyone to takeminutes) and don’t take it personally if the appointment starts late, or they cancel itat the last minute.

 When it comes to the business end of negotiations, Saudi thinking becomes hard toread Communication becomes more about body language and other non-verbalcues.

2 Saudi Arabia’s economic situationa The economic structure:

Figure 1: Saudi Arabia’s Industry Sector (2021)

- Agriculture: 2.3% GDP, 2% employment (geographical and climatic constraints ->import most of agriculture and food products)

Since 5% of the country is desert or semi-desert, only 1.45% of the land is cultivated.Here are some of the largest desert areas, and this is a sign of an unfavorable climatefor agricultural development.

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- Industrial: 45.5% GDP, 25% employment (Dominated by non-manufacturing activities– oil drilling – accounts for 87% export and 70% government revenues)

The crude oil field in Ghawar can pump 4.77 million times the Olympic pool (thetank's capacity is about 2.5 million liters of water) This is the world's largest crudefield, with an estimated 75 billion barrels of crude oil still waiting to be mined.Saudi Arabia's oil and gas sector totalled $335.4 billion, contributing 45% of GDP,more than the total GDP of Morocco, Rwanda, Tonga and Iraq.

- Services: 52.2% GDP, 73% employment (Dominated by tourism, financial and bankingservices and the insurance sector)

A significant portion of the country's GDP is contributed by sectors such asconstruction, real estate, and tourism, which are heavily reliant on governmentspending, primarily funded through oil revenues Saudi Arabia boasts a wealth ofattractions, including historical and religious monuments, coastal resorts,archaeological sites, world heritage locations, and ecotourism destinations Tourismplays a vital role in the Saudi Arabian economy, serving as a major source of revenue.

b Some Economic and Trade indexes in Arab Saudi:

(Billion US)

CPI (%)Growth rate (%)

Inflation (%)2019

Saudi Arabia:

1 Saudi Arabia´s Main Exports:

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Saudi Arabia is home to the Muslim world’s holiest cities and also some of theworld’s most extensive oil reserves It remains one of the foremost powerfulcountries in the Middle East by virtue of controlling vast oil fields, having the mostland mass in the Arabian Peninsula, and having considerable military mightcompared to other countries in the region In 2021, Saudi Arabia was the number18 economy in the world in terms of GDP (current US$), the number 26 in totalexports, the number 32 in total imports, the number 39 economy in terms of GDPper capita (current US$) and the number 31 most complex economy according tothe Economic Complexity Index (ECI).

Unlike the United Arab Emirates that has diversified their economy to rely lesson their oil reserves Saudi Arabia focuses most of its energy on very specificexports including:

a Crude Oil:

The country is heavily reliant on crude petroleum exports to sustain thecountry’s GDP Saudi Arabia has 18% of the world’s known oil reserves and is theworld’s largest exporter of the commodity In fact, petroleum makes 70% of theirexport revenue and according to the Organization of Petroleum ExportingCountries (OPEC) the nation produced an average 10.3 million barrels of crude oilper day out of which 7.4 million barrels were exported per day Much of what thecountry exports is oil in its crude form

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Figure 2: Main oil importers of Saudi Arabia

The main oil importers of Saudi oil include China which takes 13.6%, followedby Japan with 11.3%, India with 10.7%, the United States takes 9.8% while SouthKorea takes 9.1% and Singapore 4.7% Their total export revenue is approximately$182 billion and crude oil is the major contributor to that figure.

b Refined Petroleum:

Saudi Arabia keeps some of the oil it produces to refine it into oil productsincluding diesel, fuel oil and gasoline which it not only uses domestically it alsoexports to other countries The Saudis exported $26.2 billion worth of refinedpetroleum oil products amounting to 3.3% of the total refined oil exportsworldwide However, it still remains among the 15% top exporters of refinedpetroleum products globally.

The reason for this may be because the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is reducing theamount of crude oil it’s producing They also consume a lot of their own refined oilproducts to run their industries since they are wholly reliant on oil and its productsto run manufacturing, production and assembly plants all over the country.

c Propylene Polymers:

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Among the countries that Saudi Arabia exports Propylene polymers are Chinaand Turkey To Turkey the revenue generated in 2018 from the exportation ofpropylene polymers was $853 million and from China it was $379 million in thesame period.

Other significant markets for Saudi propylene polymers include neighboringUnited Arab Emirates and Kuwait as well as Singapore, India, Italy, Mexico,Germany and Egypt Propylene polymers are the 84th most traded commodity inthe world market and Saudi Arabia tops the list as the biggest exporter of thecommodity.

2 Saudi Arabia´s Main Imports:a Vehicles:

Vehicles are a major import commodity in Saudi Arabia making them theleading import product in the country Even though the import of cars fell by20.5% in 2018 the figures were still impressive reaching 440,922 units TheKingdom of Saudi Arabia imports everything from four-wheel drives that arereliable in the desert landscape to sedans, heavy duty trucks vehicles, buses andcars for disabled members of society True to form is one of the Middle East’sleading importers of vehicles across its multiple ports.

Saudi Arabia has access to over 400 million customers for the vehicles theyimport not only domestically but all over the MENA region which comprises theMiddle East and North Africa The MENA region comprises 17 countries and sincethe nation is a signatory to the Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement (GAFTA) thisallows them to do business in the area duty free This is another revenue channelfor the Saudi government as they currently have monopoly of the vehicle market inthe region They use Ro-Ro cargo although some affluent people prefer containersfor some of their more expensive vehicles.

b Pharmaceuticals:

Saudi Arabia spent $5.53 billion in 2018 on pharmaceutical imports Thecountry accounts for 59% of the Gulf region’s imports of pharmaceuticals and by

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2023 they are expected to be importing $8.5 billion worth of pharmaceuticals astheir medical industry continues to grow.

The country’s vision for 2030 is to grow the public and private sector anddevelop the life sciences industry and pharmaceuticals The country is only able toproduce 30% of their pharmaceutical products locally and their growing populationis one of the reasons why they have such a high need for the importation ofpharmaceuticals.

They have tapped into the generic market in order to keep up with supply fortheir domestic demand American, European and Indian companies haveestablished a presence in the country to tap into the domestic demand and they arealready producing antibiotics, treatment for diabetes, anticoagulants andcardiovascular drugs The country is opening its doors to such companies that willhelp it mitigate their need to import by creating all types of drugs from vaccines toAP.

3 Saudi Arabia´s Technology:

Saudi Arabia is rapidly emerging as a robust ecosystem for digitalentrepreneurship The Kingdom has developed a deep understanding of leveragingdigital transformation and magnifying its impact The country’s conscious effort toprogress has contributed to becoming a tech hub of the future.

Published annually by the World Intellectual Property Organization, the GlobalInnovation Index (GII) ranks countries based on their innovation capabilities andoutcomes Saudi Arabia has been making significant investments in innovation,with a focus on developing its technology and knowledge-based economy Thecountry's Vision 2030 plan includes a strong emphasis on innovation andtechnology, which has helped boost its rankings in the GII by 15 places in 2022

Saudi Arabia has recently launched several initiatives aimed at making thecountry one of the most technologically advanced in the world by investing heavilyin building an innovation ecosystem to bring digital transformation to itsoperations, aiming to build a culture of innovation.

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 Saudi Arabia boasts an impressively young and tech-savvy population of 33 million,positioning the country to become the Silicon Valley of the Middle East Two-thirdsof the Kingdom's population are under the age of 35 This offers a great opportunityfor technology to embed itself in the nation’s progress as the population has a strongappetite for digital services, making it attractive to investors.

 Saudi Arabia has attracted more than $9 billion in investments in futuretechnologies.

 The Saudi government created an environment conducive to innovation Thisincludes investing in research and development, establishing supportive policies,and creating a culture of innovation within the government itself.

 One example of Saudi Arabia's investments in the tech future is the Saudi VisionCable, which spans 1,160,000 meters and is the first ever high-capacity submarinecable in the Red Sea.

 Saudi Arabia has also recently inaugurated one of the largest and most significantprojects to date: Center3 Company, the new digital regional center for the MiddleEast and North Africa (MENA) The company will serve as the owner of all stcGroup digital infrastructure assets, including data centers, submarine cables,international points of presence, and internet exchange points.

Figure 3: Global Innovation Race

4 The relationship between Saudi Arabia and Vietnam:

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Date of establishment of diplomatic relations: October 21, 1999.

Political relations: Vietnam opened its Embassy in Riyadh in April 2007, SaudiArabia opened its Embassy in Hanoi in December 2008.

a Trade relations between Vietnam and Saudi Arabia:

Saudi Arabia is one of the economies with the largest scale in the Middle Eastregion of Asia, and is one of the largest partners with Vietnam with two-way tradeturnover in 2022 reaching $2,7 billion (Increased 32,4% since 2021) The structureof trade between the two countries is mutually beneficial, as the primary exportgoods of each country do not conflict with each other Vietnam primarily exportsnatural goods to Saudi Arabia, including coconuts, nuts, cashews, and fish filets,alongside electronic products, footwear, and wood products In return, SaudiArabia exports abundant resources such as raw plastic materials (EthylenePolymers, Propylene Polymers, etc.), liquefied natural gas, chemicals, andfertilizers to Vietnam.

Figure 4: Proportion of import-export turnover with Saudi Arabia compared to Vietnam's in the period 2014 – 2018Saudi Arabia plays a significant role as a trading partner for Vietnam within theMiddle East region In recent times, Vietnam's economic and trade collaborationwith Saudi Arabia has displayed encouraging progress Vietnam and Saudi Arabia

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also share a strong bond, as evidenced by their diplomatic relations since 1999.Over the years, the two countries have consistently supported each other ininternational and regional forums One of the agreements that symbolizes thisrelationship is the Agreement on Avoiding Double Taxation, which was signed inApril 2010 Moreover, an increasing number of Saudi Arabian enterprises haveshown interest in and a desire to enhance cooperation with Vietnam in variousfields, including trade, investment, energy, seaports, Halal food, tourism, andinnovation in recent years.

b Investment relations between Vietnam and Saudi Arabia:

Vietnam and Saudi Arabia are two dynamic and developing economies in theSoutheast Asian and Middle Eastern regions, both undergoing significant economicrestructuring towards modernization and sustainability, which is why Saudi Arabiais the 79th largest investor in Vietnam, and many large Saudi Arabianconglomerates and investment funds have effectively implemented numerousdirect and indirect investment projects in Vietnam, particularly in the real estate,energy, and steel sectors A notable example is the pioneering Zamil Steel project(steel production), which has enjoyed a successful 25-year journey and continuesto thrive Not only that, the Saudi Fund for Development has also fundedpreferential loans to 13 Vietnamese projects.

In conclusion, the relation between Vietnam and Saudi Arabia is not just markedby economic cooperation, but also in many more fields and factors And this both-way relationship creates various opportunities and values for both countries Thebond between these two nations has evolved over the years, with both Vietnam andSaudi Arabia consistently supporting each other So it is important for each party tofurther develop and tighten this bond, and use this as an opportunity to overcomethe obstacles in the international market.

c Labor cooperation

- Vietnam began sending laborers to work in Saudi Arabia in August 2003, butsignificant development in this labor export sector occurred after the Vietnamesegovernment agreed to expand the program in late 2006.

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- By the end of 2019, approximately 10,000 Vietnamese laborers were working in SaudiArabia, mainly in sectors such as construction, industry, and services.

- The family assistance program was the most attractive sector for Vietnamese exportlabor, with over 8,000 workers involved, according to the Overseas Labor ManagementDepartment.

- Starting from 2020, due to the complex developments of the Covid-19 pandemic, laborexport activities from Vietnam to Saudi Arabia had to be temporarily suspended.

While this is an opportunity for Vietnamese labor, there are still variouschallenges and concerns, including geographical distance, cultural differences,climate, language This is still a field to be exploited for mutual benefits betweentwo countries.

d Cooperation in tourism:

Saudi Arabia is one of the wealthiest countries globally, and its citizens have asignificant interest in tourism, with around 10 million citizens travelling abroadannually prioer to 2020 (Their tourists primarily favored locations in South Asia).However, Vietnam's limited visibility in the Saudi Arabian market is attributed dueto the lack of promotion and tourism offerings And the potential of the tourismfactor of Vietnam has not been fully realized.

e Cooperation in the field of culture and society:

Saudi Arabia supports Vietnam’s cultural and social development alongside witheconomic cooperation:

- The SFD is involved in rural infrastructure projects in certain Vietnamese regions.- Saudi Arabia offers favorable loans through the Saudi Economic Development Fund to

support impoverished areas in Vietnam.

- Saudi Arabia provides sponsorship and support to Vietnamese people affected byfloods and the Covid-19 pandemic.

- Cultural exchange activities between Vietnam and Saudi Arabia have been intensified,including the organization of Vietnam Cultural Days in Saudi Arabia in February 2019,with the assistance of the King Abdulaziz World Cultural Center.

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The SFD has funded prefential loans to 13 different Vietnamese projects ($14.5million in Phu Yen project; $22.6 million in building 4 communes in Quang Triprovince; $25.5 million for medical equipment for a general hospital and a healthcenter in Bac Kan, )

partners (with backup choices):

1 Market potential for cashew nuts in Saudi Arabia:

Saudi Arabia is the largest agricultural market in the GCC region Due topopulation growth, increase in people's income levels and high presence ofsupermarkets and hypermarkets have increased purchasing power and access toagricultural products However, due to climate and harsh conditions, theagricultural industry here is not very developed, only 1.5% of the land area can becultivated Saudi Arabia has to import most agricultural products and food, and thisis a good opportunity for agricultural products Vietnam approaches this market.

Figure 5: Correlation between GDP and cashew consumption volume of Saudi Arabia

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Vietnamese agricultural products are now present in the Kingdom of SaudiArabia, including typical products such as: rice, tea, pepper, cashew nuts,fruits, With cashew products, Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia is the largest cashewconsuming country in the Middle East region Cashews are considered a luxurioussnack and are used as an ingredient in many traditional dishes In addition, cashewsare often used as toppings on desserts and as cake ingredients The use of cashewsin savory dishes is also growing significantly, helping to bring attractive flavors todishes rice like Kabsa or Mandi Consumption is boosted when cashew prices in2023 are still about 20% lower than the 5-year average price In the Middle East, ata lower price, cashews are used to partially replace other food items, such as


Figure 6: Kabsa RiceFigure 7: Mandi Rice

Another factor contributing to the growth in demand for cashews in the region isthat consumers in the Middle East are also becoming more health conscious andsome are choosing to add more plant-based protein to their diets The return oftourism after the pandemic has brought another boost to consumption, as cashewsare offered as snacks and ingredients in gourmet meals at tourist establishments.

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Vietnam and India are the two countries that process up to 80% of the world'scashew nuts The Middle East (mainly Saudi Arabia) imported 84,900 tons of

cashew nuts in 2022 During the first 4 months of the year In 2023, the MiddleEast region's cashew nut imports from Vietnam will reach 17,190 tons, up 22%over the same period last year

Figure 8: Cashew imports (January to April 2022, 2023) of the Middle East from Vietnam and India

Figure 9: Vietnam's cashew export situation to Saudi Arabia (2015-2021)

In recent years, the value of cashew exports from Vietnam to Saudi Arabia hastended to increase rapidly, especially in 2021, the export value of this item hasexceeded 38 million USD, more than 6 times higher compared to 2015.

2 Tariffs and basic regulations of imported cashew nuts in Saudi Arabia:a Tariff for cashew nut:

In Vietnam, regarding export taxes, both VAT and export taxes for cashew nutsare exempt.

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In Saudi Arabia, import tax for cashew nuts remains at 5% and is not subject tothe New Tax Increase Regulations Import valorem tax is levied on the CIF value.Saudi Arabia complies with the WTO customs valuation agreement (Article VII ofGATT), which regulates customs valuation methods Imports are subject tocustoms surcharges, port fees, cargo service fees and import inspection taxes.

b Basic regulations:- Quality Standards:

Cashew nuts should meet specific quality and safety standards established bythe SFDA These standards may include limits on pesticide residues, aflatoxinlevels, and other contaminants It's essential to ensure that the cashew nuts youintend to import comply with these standards.

- Regulations on Halal certification:

Cashew nuts exporting businesses need to meet standards-compliant productsand services due to Halal certification – Halal standards Halal certification doesnot address the technical factors, i.e no quality requirements, only themanufacturing process, raw materials must meet the requirements of Halal.Therefore, businesses that have been granted HACCP or ISO 22000: 2005 will beeasier to obtain Halal certification.

- Certificate of origin:

Country of origin (CoO) must be indicated on all imported goods by Arabic orEnglish unless impracticable because of size or nature of the goods In such cases,the items may have a country of origin clearly stated on the packaging or box CoOmust be specified in a way that cannot be broken and destroyed, whether byprinting, engraving, embossing, sewing or other permanent methods Shipmentsthat do not comply with CoO requirements may be re-exported or destroyed at theimporter's expense In certain cases, shipments that do not comply with CoOrequirements may be corrected by the importer in customs or warehouse withintwo weeks, subject to payment of a fine.

- Regulations on packaging and labeling

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 Packaging and Storage: Cashew nuts should be packaged and stored in a mannerthat ensures they remain safe, withstand handling rough, high temperature and highhumidity and afford protection against pilferage and free from contamination duringtransportation and storage

 Labeling: Imported cashew nuts must adhere to Saudi Arabia's labelingrequirements Labels should be in Arabic or include an Arabic translation and shouldinclude information such as the product name, ingredients, manufacturing andexpiration dates, and nutritional information.

 Marking requirements: according to SASO standards or applicable Regional orInternational Standards (e.g IEC / ISO / GSO / EN /ASTM) in Arabic or English.All signs relating to warnings and safety instructions must be in Arabic or Arabicand English Instructions for use or leaflets must be in Arabic or in both Arabic andEnglish.

- Refer to other regulations at: Link 1 Link 2,

3 Evaluating the companies in the cashew product industry:

Vision &Mission

1 Cropses Foodstuff Trading CO LLC - Saudi Arabia

$1 million (2021)

Specialized insupplying thehighest qualityfood productssuch as nuts,seeds, spices,and more in theirvarieties.Cropses worksclosely withsuppliers from

To continue tooffer the finestproducts forour suppliersand to bestronglypresent in theGulf market,supported byan excellentclient serviceteam and a set

Pros: One of thefamous spiceand nuts tradingcompanies.

products focusmore on a wide

almonds thancashew nuts.The business

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USA, China,India, Turkey,Indonesia,Vietnam, andothers aroundthe world todistributeproducts in the

Europeanmarket Thecompany is well-connected withproducers,growers,retailers, anddistributors from

world, offeringtop-gradeproducts fromtheir country oforigin.

of ethics thatmakes everydeal a successproject, for us,our partners,and customers,as well.

activities aremainly in the

Europe, so thebranch in SaudiArabia onlyaccounts for asmall marketshare.

2 Al Jameel International Group

$3 million (2021)

Headquartered inJeddah, SaudiArabia with over500 dedicatedemployees Thecompany focuses

Vision: To bethe pioneer inprovidingready-madeand processedfood products

Pros: One of themost important

wholesaletrading of nuts,spices, pulses,

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on thedistribution ofproducts,including nuts,spices, pulses,coffee, with anannual trade

100,000 tons Itimports goodsfrom more than50 countriesworldwide andchanneled intovarious sectors,servingwholesalers,manufacturingfacilities, retailcompanies suchas supermarkets,and numerousother clients.

to meet theneeds of thecommunityand customerslocally andinternationally.

Mission:Providing highquality foodproductssuperior tocompetitorsandcompetitiveprices thatmeet the needsand desires ofthe consumerthrough ourqualified staff,and in linewith our valuesand the valuesof our society.

The company

considerabletrade quantity of100.000 tonsannually withvarious partnersincludingVietnam.

Cons: Becausethe company hasa very diverseproductportfolio,cashew productsonly account for

percentage, sothe opportunityto export cashewnuts to thecompany will bedifficult toachieve in largequantities.


$1.86 million(2021)

Bahrain Dallafor Food Factorywas establishedin 1974, and has

Vision: To

Pros: It is one ofthe leaders in thepacked foodindustry

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grown to be oneof the leaders inthe packed foodindustry since.They have awide range ofproductsincluding spices,coffee, lentils,nuts and tea etc.The companysources the bestquality dry roastnuts such ascashews,almonds andpistachio fromcountries such asIndia, Vietnam,

Lanka, Chinaand Indonesia.All products aresupplied to aleading chain ofhotels,restaurants andsupermarkets inBahrain andneighboring

establishment,particularly bysatisfyingcredible Safetyand QualityManagementrequirements,such as GMP,HACCP andISO

Certifications.This is aimedat setting up acrediblegrowth modelthat makes ourproducts andservicesavailablethroughout theglobe.

Mission:Tocontinue toprovide world-class productsand servicesfor our clientsand to secure astrong brand

combined withmany safetyrequirements.The companyalso imports

Cons: Due to thecompany'sextensive rangeof products,cashew-relateditems make uponly a modestportion.

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countries presence in theregion.4 BAJA Trading Est

$159 million (2021)

founded in 1997,Riyadh, SaudiArabia It isconsidered oneof the mostimportantleadinginstitutions inthe production ofall kinds of nuts& coffee Baja isan industrialcommercialinstitution thatimports,produces, packsand sells nutsand coffee Baja

branches andprivate outletsthat sell anddistribute itsproducts to minimarkets,supermarketsand

Vision: To be

renowned foodcompany in theMENA region.

Mission: Tobringenjoyment toconsumers at

momentsthroughpremiumqualityeveryday food.

Pros: It is one ofthe leading localcompanies thatproduces nuts,coffee, tea It

branches so itcan facilitate thedelivery of large

products,includingcashews to itsbranches andoutlets.

companycurrently does

productsspecifically forcashews, onlycashews mixedwith other typesof nuts, so the

imported cashew

Ngày đăng: 27/05/2024, 10:05


