FOREWORD This is the thind yolume rhnt ineludes the syllatuses for the advaneed elective courses inthe art pmogram for grares 10, 11, and 12. Volume I Studio in Advertising Desim Stadio in Fashion Desipn and Hlotration Stadio in Produet Desin Studio in Singe Demimn Volme I Studio in Drawing and Painting Studio in Graphic Arts Studio in Photography Volume I Studlio in Sculpture Studio in Ceramics Studio in Jewelry and Silversmithing As with the other electives, those in this volume may be offered for one unit of credit tor students who have eamed eredit in the basic course, Studio in Art, This credit may be applied as part of the three-unit. maor sequence in irt. See the flowchart of the art program on the facing page- The following consultants were involved: Studin tn Advertising Dexign Minerya Markey, super isor of art, Niagara-₩ heatfield Central Schools writerof frst draf. Brita D Walker, formerly supervisor of art, (now retired) Milne School, State University of New Yark at A bans meditor of finst drafi. William W. Dehn, chairan, art department, Southside Sentor High School, Rockville Centre-reviser and contributor to the tinal manuscript. Studto in Fashion Design and Illustration Cilda Simiele, art teacher, Linton High School, Seheneetady-writer of the original manuscript. An Keagy. chairperson, Department of Fashion Design, Parsons Schoal -of- Deaiga -eviewer and contributor to the final draft Studio in Product Design Mitchell H. Siegel, director of ant, Ossining Public Schools-writer of first draft. Allen Tate, chairan, Department of Envirnmental Design, Parsons Sehool of Design-""reviewer and contributor to the nal manuscript, Studio in Stage Design William Sola, art department, Ticondemga High Sehool wnter of first draft. Edgar W. Swift, lechnical dicector and lighting designer, Fine Arts Drpartment, Stale Univerity College at Geneseo reviewer and reviser of final drafi The new syllabuses Wer prepard under The; direction icent), Popolizio, chief, Bureau Ant Education. The draft materials preparrd by tie writing- consultant _ indicated above were pupplemented and revised by Emrst Andrew Milla, associale education, and Harold Laynor, forerly asso-late in art eoincation, pow on the fuculty of hlileraville State College, Penasylvania, The layout of the publieation was planned by J ames ¥. Cilliland, associate in ant education, The curriculum responsibility for pre paring thue preliminary drafts for publication was carried out by Richard G, Decker, fomerly assoniate in Serondar Cumculam, now retired, Robert F. Zimmeran. associate in Secondary Currieulum, coondinated the final rviaiona and prepared thematerials for publication