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analysis of management skills of bitis marketing director nguyen phu cuong

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In an organization today too, to develop and maintaineconomic activities requires a manager to have a lot of skills such as: Planning skillsand strategic thinking; communication and pres

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1 Introduction

Management is a labor function of society derived from the social nature of labor.Management, if understood simply, is the coordination activity of the managingsubject on the managed object to achieve the management's goals Since primitivetimes, human society has coordinated the division of work to perform tasks in orderto maintain and develop life In an organization today too, to develop and maintaineconomic activities requires a manager to have a lot of skills such as: Planning skillsand strategic thinking; communication and presentation skills; time management;decision making skills, inspiring employees…

One of the companies with a very ideal management structure and creating greatsuccess in the market is Biti's Established in 1982, Binh Tien Co., Ltd., with thebrand name Biti's, is always proud to be one of the successful Vietnameseenterprises in promoting Vietnamese footwear brands to the world With a focus onmanufacturing and trading footwear, Biti's has created great success in the shoemarket in Vietnam and internationally

The organizational structure of Biti's management is formed according to theHform model, each leader or manager will hold different roles to serve the commongoal of elevating the position of an innovative and developing enterprise And inBiti's management, the Marketing department headed by Marketing Director NguyenPhu Cuong is one of the important factors that bring success in Biti's communicationcampaigns Being a companion and revitalizing Biti's with new image orientations inthe 2016 period, with a series of Marketing campaigns that are considered a "bloodchange" for the brand Along with experiences in many fields, he has held manyimportant positions in many businesses He started his career as a Planning Associateat Redder Advertising, then he moved to Samsung to take on marketing for the homeappliance category Recently, he succeeded to the role of Brand Manager which wasrapidly promoted at Aquafina after a short stint at Mirinda as ABM Currently, he is

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the Chief Brand Officer of Biti's Group, overseeing the entire Biti's Hunter portfolio,Partner Marketing and Overseas Market Development

To better understand this manager, let's come to the detailed analysis andassessment of the contributions to the success of the organization that Mr NguyenPhu Cuong brings

2 Literature Review & Critical Analysis

2.1 Literarture review

- Communication skills: How well do you communicate with your boss, colleagues,and subordinates? Are you able to communicate in writing as well as verbally? Ifyou have any weaknesses in each of these situations, you need to work to improve oreliminate them Managers are role models for employees to follow Not only are youpart of a team, but you also need to understand how to fit within the largerorganization and work to strengthen these relationships You must maintain goodmanners in all your relationships Whether you use the phone, e-mail, or speak inperson, you should be polite and understanding Your goal is to make youremployees and colleagues feel comfortable around you and believe in you.

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Mistreatment of workers can lead to poor performance, frequent interruptions andlow productivity

- Time Management Skills: One resource that every manager can never have enoughof is time To be a successful manager, it is paramount that you develop, andcontinually improve, your skills, including time management Add to thatprioritization and delegation, which will reduce the amount of work you have to do,plus you must be able to maximize the things you need to do in the time you have - Flexibility: Every day we are faced with many changes Laws and regulations are

always changing Competitors are always releasing new products Disasters alwayshappen in the world Good managers must have the flexibility to deal with constantchange Good managers expect change and plan for it As a result, these managersare better prepared for unexpected changes Flexibility allows these managers toreact more quickly and reduce unexpected breakdowns

- Goal setting skills: Among the soft skills for managers, goal setting skills are alsoconsidered an extremely important soft skill Good managers can make decisionsabout what needs to be done and set goals to get there Don't let a day go by withoutdoing something you can You need to set priorities You have to figure out whatneeds to be done and set specific goals for yourself and for your team Whenmanagers establish a clear goal, employees will feel more motivated to complete thetask to accomplish the set goal

- Trustworthy: When you become a manager, your relationship with your colleaguesand subordinates should also be based on trust This will help build trust on bothsides, leaving your colleagues and subordinates to give you extra support when youneed them You also need to build trust when you do exactly what you say, thensubordinates will feel more comfortable working under the direction of superiors.This helps you build a role model, role model and a source of motivation for yourteam

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2.2 Analysis

As a Marketing Director, a manager is always towards innovation, creativity,responsibility and planning to execute the work Mr Nguyen Phu Cuong with manyyears of experience in the profession has made outstanding contributions to thebrand development of Biti's Along with these contributions are the necessarymanagement skills of a manager, and how to develop those skills contribute to thegrowth of the corporation Let's take a closer look at those skills and theircontribution to the organization

- Communication ability of a young director: As a young person, he has had manyyears of experience in the field of marketing, has been able to interact with manypeople, learn and contribute to many different organizations Mr Nguyen PhuCuong always knows how to boost employee morale, creating a dynamic andcreative working environment for subordinates Towards innovative thinking whilestill keeping the national identity Take care of employees and their families, forexample, have policies to reward, motivate, be serious at work and friendly whencommunicating with employees

- The flexibility of a dynamic young person: facing many challenges when the markethas a lot of brand competitors, the interference between the Y and Z generations,especially the emergence of a Gen Z, Mr Nguyen Phu Cuong has recognized therapid problem of having to change strategy as well as renovate the brand With thedecision to launch a new brand, both to reaffirm core values and to bring newness tocustomers And that's where Biti's Hunter started As the National brand,representing the progressive steps of people, Biti's Hunter wants to honor the storiesof #ProudlyMadeInVietnam With the meaningful message that the very Vietnamesevalues, Solidarity - Humanity - Positivity, will be spread strongly in the community,so that all of us Vietnamese people have more motivation to walk together throughhardships, that no matter what, no one is left behind in this war

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Innovating is not easy, especially innovating a brand that has become familiar toeveryone Biti's Hunter has suffered negative comments from consumers due tobeing affected by Biti's Those are "old" statements, outdated in design, consumerpsychology with the word "cheap", quality problems Facing the above challenges,Mr Cuong has deployed an impressive marketing strategy, hitting the consumer'smind by targeting the promotion of images, brands and new products through Viralvideo and influencer marketing MV “Lac Troi by Son Tung MTP and MV” Di detro ve" by Soobin Hoang Son are also associated with this campaign and causedfever for the online community and

fans for a long time Follow the line of events to celebrate the victory of the U23Vietnam team in the AFC U23 Championship tournament

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- Reliability of a manager: ''The happiest thing with Biti's is when a message isconveyed not only of respect, but it must be really attached to the lives ofVietnamese people The pride or positive things of Vietnamese people at that timewere not only heard and absorbed once, but also accompanied Vietnamese people onevery life journey proud of the people who built it And with his role, with the trustof the organization, Mr Cuong has really brought an impressive transformation tothe brand When Biti's Hunter has been able to hit difficult markets such as the US,Australia Penetrating into consumer markets and exporting to 40 countries aroundthe world Creating a distribution system of Biti's products stretching from South toNorth with 07 Branch Centers, 156 Marketing Stores and more than 1,500 retaildistribution intermediaries

3 Recommendation

A good manager is one who takes all the basic skills and develops them into his orher own strengths Looking at Biti's success in the innovation period from around2016, it is not difficult to see that behind the success are the great contributions of all

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levels of management, leaders and all members of the organization Behind everyinteresting marketing campaign are the important contributions of the marketingdepartment, the wisdom and intelligence of a person headed by Marketing DirectorNguyen Phu Cuong Such a manager certainly has a lot of advantages, but it is alsoinevitable that mistakes and disadvantages can be avoided

- Weaknesses can come from generational gaps, not really understanding eachother in the organization at first, or disagreeing opinions with members

-The main advantage is dedication, the ability to think clearly, see problems toadapt to rapid change The absorption of new things, improving quality andaffirming the ego of the business, bringing the pride of Vietnam to the world

From those successes, it can be seen that the shortcomings can be corrected, andturned into management experiences that Mr Cuong has for himself And one thingcan be learned that, when we put the organization's ego first, and put theorganization's overall goals above our individual goals, we can get rid of thefrictions and mistakes in order to understand each other, for management tounderstand employees, for employees to respect themselves

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4 Conclusion

Going from objective views to details, we can see that, to become a smartmanager requires skills, experiences, curiosity and the ability to adapt to innovation.And the lesson learned for myself is to always bring a working spirit to dedicate, toindulge with passion, to bring the spirit of the organization, to bring the pride of thebrand to everyone Always improve, cultivate and learn a lot of things, don't beafraid to experience and look forward to breakthroughs Especially, always want toconnect and understand each other at work to create a culture of solidarity in theorganization

Ngày đăng: 13/05/2024, 14:55


