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group assignment topic operational efficiency or productivity

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Business situationConsistent with what we have got interviewed from the the owner, the contemporary, enterprise state ofaffairs of the coffee shop is not very good, the monthly revenue i

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GROUP ASSIGNMENT [MGT103]Lecturer: Phan Hoang HaTOPIC: Operational efficiency or productivity

Course: MGT103Class: IB1803Group : Pass xanh lè

Name of group membersCodeContribution (%)1 Nguyễn Thanh Ngọc ChâuSS1811301002 Ngô Nguyễn Hoàng HảiSS18102290

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III Topic HRM/ Heading 5

1 What problems had the business encountered ? 5

2 How has the problems affect the business ? 6

3 Did the business have the solution for the problem ? 7

4 Some solution that we want to suggest ? 7

IV Lesson learned/ Recommendation 8

V Conclusion 11

VI Appendices 12

VII Reference 13

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Manipulate is the law of organizational activities so that a few targeted detail of performance remainswithin acceptable limits Without this law, businesses have no indication of how nicely they may be appearingon the subject of their goals Manage, like a ship's rudder,keeps the organization shifting inside the meant path.At any factor in time, it compares in which the business enterprise is in terms of overall performance (monetary,productive, or otherwise) to wherein it is supposed to be Like a rudder, manage also affords an organisationwith a mechanism for adjusting its route if performance falls outside acceptable boundaries.An enterprise without powerful control methods isn't likely to attain its goals-or, if it does reach them, to understand that it has

Controlling and management are very critical for commercial enterprise True manage can deliver topeffectiveness and efficiency Company governance is the process of handling and running a business to ensurethat commercial enterprise targets are efficaciously accomplished and responsible to stakeholders Threatmanagement is the manner of figuring out, evaluating, and controlling dangers that have an effect on businessgoals Inner control is a manage machine established via management to reveal and manage the activities of theemployer.

That is also the purpose for us the pick this topic And the commercial enterprise version that suits thetopic is a cat cafte “Duca Tea Catfe” is a coffee shop commercial enterprise model that mixes the "specialornament" of adorable cats Positioned at 311 Man Thiện avenue, Hiệp Phú Ward, Thủ Đức town As we hadaccomplished some studies, this location is a perfect place to you to relax However, there are may additionallyhave some problems in controlling that affect to your leisure So let us examine with this document so that youcan recognize the pros and cons of overall performance management on this business.


1 Total overview

“Duca Tea Catfe” will be a destination that you should not miss if you want to have fun with cute cats Thespace in the restaurant is always cleaned in a clean and fresh manner, without unpleasant odors Therefore,when customers come here, they will not feel uncomfortable by the smell of cats “Duca Tea Catfe” is currentlytaking care of beautiful cat bosses of many different breeds Therefore, you can freely play with the cats and

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relieve stress after hours of tiring work In particular, the drinking water here is quite delicious, so you canenjoy it comfortably.

2 Business situation

Consistent with what we have got interviewed from the the owner, the contemporary, enterprise state ofaffairs of the coffee shop is not very good, the monthly revenue is generally is just breakeven, no longerprofitable.

There's a lot of disadvantage in the location of the store.Even though it's on a main road, you can hardly seemany cars here in the morning, noon and afternoon.Compared to everyone's view, the space of the coffee shopis small and very deep inside compared to everyone’s view 'Cause most people don't see the shop, so they goby.

The revenue of Duca Tea Catfe is approximately 180,000,000vnđ for 1 quarter The money to buy rawmaterials is 24,000,000vnđ to buy fruit, food, syrup, milk, coffee, … Operating costs are about

87,000,000vnd, in which 36,000,000vnđ are used for ground-hired costs, 6,000,000vnđ for electricity and water,45,000,000vnđ for cat food and cat supplies The catfe owner hired 4 employees, and the salary for employeesis 48,000,000 The profit that a catfe owner gets for per quarter is 21,000,000vnđ That’s mean their profit permonth is 7,000,000 vnd And the catfe owner always keeps 5,000,000 vnd in reserve for emergency situations.

3 SWOT analysisStrength

- A lot of people really love cat.

- Unique concept: A cat cafe is a noticeably novel idea that is positive to get interest and enticecustomers looking for a completely unique enjoyment

- Other revenue streams: Cat Accessories-associated devices, including toys and accessories, maybe promoted by the café.

- Health care: The cost to vaccinate cats is quite expensive.

- Health concerns: Cat cafe may not be interesting for people who have allergies or infections withcat fur.

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- Problems with hygiene: Maintaining strict hygiene standards and sanitary practices is not an easytask to manage a cat café.


1.What problems had the business encountered ?

Cat cafes are a popular trend in many countries, where customers can enjoy drinks and snacks whileinteracting with cats However, running a cat cafe is not an easy task, as it requires a lot of staff to take care ofboth the customers and the cats In this essay, we will discuss the main problem that affects the revenue of a catcafe, which is a lack of employees, and propose some solutions to address this issue

As I talked to the cafe owner There are some main problems that affect the revenue of the cat cafe.Thebiggest internal issue is a lack of employees, which results in poorly cared-for animals and an abundance of hair.

The biggest internal problem is a lack of staff, which leads to neglected animals and an excess of hair.Only 4 people are employed by the company to keep an eye on about 15 cats this month and (possibly) about 30cats the following month (NguyenHuuDuc,2023) There aren't enough employees, according to a cafe owner Ispoke with (NguyenHuuDuc,2023)to handle the daily tasks of cleaning, feeding, grooming, and playing withthe cats in addition to serving the customers This coffee shop is open daily from 9 am to 11 pm (DucaTeaCatfe,2022) That equates to 14 hours each day They have divided it into two shifts, each with seven hours andtwo employees If the workers are unable to finish their tasks completely, this could become a serious issue At

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the same time, they have to serve customers, they must also care for numerous cats Employees may experiencefatigue as a result of this issue, which will reduce their productivity and performance Both the cats and thecustomers end up in a filthy and unpleasant environment, which may cause them to complain or post negativereviews online Additionally, because it takes longer to prepare and deliver the drinks, there are feweremployees, which has an impact on both the quality and speed of service Customers may become impatient ordissatisfied as a result, which will lower their likelihood of returning or recommending the cafe to others.

Because there aren't enough workers, businesses suffer a temporary decline in revenue (it takes a while to getdrinks) This may make a bad effect on the employee's health And also, they may feel bored and tend to quitthe job

The employees lack of knowledge: Most of the employees are students Therefore, they go to work onlybecause they need money, not because they want to get experience or love cats They completely have noknowledge in taking of the cats This can lead to a lack of professionalism in the work, sketchy in taking careof cats This will affect the health of the cats in the shop and especially the customers

2 How has the problems affect the business ?

Every problem has its effect, so does this We can clearly see some main problems here are “difficulty intraining staff”, “falling of revenue” and “attracting more customers”.

The employees lacking knowledge, so they can not do their best job in taking care of the cat and serving thecustomer.

Not enough money to pay for operating costs and rent The cat cafe has not generate enough revenue to coveroperating costs and rent, they had to find ways to reduce costs or find new sources of funding to keep theirbusiness running This may lead to cutting staff or reducing the quality of your products and services.Unable to increase revenue and profits: Their cat cafe is ineffective, you could not increase your revenue andprofits This can lead to an inability to sustain your business in the future.

Unable to attract new customers and retain old ones: After a while time having bad experiences in hygieneand service of staff, the customers did not want to return and may switch to other cafes This can lead to lostrevenue and loyal customers.

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3 Did the business have the solution for the problem ?

Reconizing the problems that they are facing, they have some solutions to make some changes in theirbusiness.

Minimize the number of unnecessary employees, but increase the number of employees not in someessential positions such as management.Too many staff but no one has the ability to manage or have knowledgeabout taking care of cats This will cause unnecessary losses and make it difficult to manage and serve customers

Edit the menu to make it more diverse According to one of the members of the group who went to survey, they commentedthat the cafte shop’s drinks were quite delicious and suitable for the majority of tastes However, there is a downside which is thatthe serving of water is quite small and not enough to satisfy This was also approved by the restaurant manager They decided tochange their source of goods and add some snacks for students who have just finished school and want to eat and play with cats atthe same time.

4 Some solution that we want to suggest

Therefore, it is essential for the cat cafe to hire more staff and improve their working conditions Some possiblesolutions are:

Hiring additional staff: The cafe owner should recruit more workers who are qualified, reliable, andpassionate about cats This would help reduce the workload and stress of the existing staff and ensure that allthe tasks are done properly and efficiently The cafe owner could advertise the job openings on social media,online platforms, or local newspapers and offer competitive wages and benefits to attract potential candidates.Pay raises and additional bonuses for staff who put in at least six hours a day: The cafe owner shouldreward the staff who work hard and long hours with higher pay and extra incentives This would motivatethem to perform better and stay loyal to the cafe The bonuses could be based on performance, customerfeedback, or cat welfare indicators, such as health, happiness, or cleanliness.

Employee situation-handling skills training: The cafe owner should provide training for the staff on how todeal with different situations that may arise in the cat cafe, such as customer complaints, cat emergencies, orhygiene issues This would help them handle these situations professionally and effectively and prevent anynegative consequences or reputation damage to the cafe.

Clean the cafe more thoroughly and take good care of the cats: The cafe owner should ensure that thecafe is cleaned regularly and thoroughly and that the cats are well fed, groomed, vaccinated, and entertained.

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This would create a comfortable and inviting atmosphere for both the cats and the customers, who wouldenjoy their time at the cafe and spread positive word-of-mouth.

Minimizing import costs: The plus point of the shop is that their source of goods is of very high quality, giving customers afeeling of drinking a glass of fresh juice However, the source of goods is too high-class compared to the revenue and profit ofthe shop We think the restaurant should look for another source of imports that are more affordable and cheaper but stillmaintain the same quality as the original.

Find a more crowded location: We think that if possible, the shop should find a more crowded location where more peoplepass by and expand the area of the shop so that it can accommodate more customers Fix the situation where the shop isblocked from view and have more parking spaces.

In conclusion, a lack of employees is a major problem that affects the revenue of a cat cafe, as it leads to poorservice quality and customer satisfaction To solve this problem, the cafe owner should hire more staff, pay themwell, train them well, and maintain a high standard of cleanliness and cat care These solutions would helpimprove the reputation and profitability of the cat cafe and make it a successful business venture.


1 What we had learned.

A cat cafe is a cafe in which customers can drink espresso or tea, while surrounded with the aid of cats thatcan function pets or food The commercial enterprise version for a cat cafe can range, however there arecommonplace ways to make money from it In one version, customers pay an entrance rate, typically by way ofhalf of an hour, to play with the cat and revel in the unfastened toy Inside the second model, the doorwaycharge is lower, however the purchaser has to pay for the food and drinks.

To begin a cat cafe, you need to installation an intensive plan for each component of your cafe You need todo market studies to understand your capability clients' needs and options, as well as perceive and examinecompetitors You furthermore might need to define enterprise goals and techniques to gain them You want tolocate funding in your coffee shop, be it a personal energy saver, credit score card, bank loan or angel investor.You need to pick out the legal shape for your cafe, be it a confined liability employer, joint inventory business

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enterprise or individual commercial enterprise You want to comply with policies and allows associated withmeals protection, kitten health and welfare, and civil liability You need to discover and hire a suitable vicinityin your coffee store, that isn't always huge enough to house cats and clients, has an attractive and relaxed layoutand decor, and is conveniently located and clean to close You want to recruit and train workforce for your cafe,which includes waiters, kitchen staff, and cat sitters You want to buy and maintain system, equipment,substances and components in your cafe, together with espresso machines, tables and chairs, cups, foods anddrinks, cat muddle, cat toys , and cat food You need to behavior marketing and promotional activities to yourcafe, be it through your website, social media, flyers, symptoms or promotional activities.Some of the thingsthat I might learn from researching cat café business are:

How to know and serve the customers who would visit the café, what they like, need and do

How to choose and analyze the location for the café, its potential, competitors, and other factors that couldaffect the business

How to manage the expenses and operations of running a cat cafe, including supplies and staff

How to follow the local rules and regulations for running a cafe, including food safety standards, licensing,and zoning requirements

How to offer different kinds of products and services that can attract customers, such as coffee, bakeryitems and cat merchandise.

2 Suggestion for cat cafe business is a term that means creating a new idea by combining two existing ones.In this case, it means combining a cafe with a cat shelter or adoption center, where customers can havedrinks and snacks while playing with cats that are looking for homes This is a way of creating a uniqueand appealing business model that can interest a specific group of cat lovers and potential adopters Someof the advantages of suggestion for cat cafe business are:

It can help you differentiate yourself from other businesses by offering a different and memorableexperience to your customers.

It can help you create social media buzz and word-of-mouth marketing, as customers are likely to sharetheir photos and stories of visiting your cat café.

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It can help you support a good cause by providing a safe and comfortable environment for cats that needhomes, and by raising awareness and funds for animal welfare organizations.

It can help you increase customer loyalty and retention, as customers may come back to visit their favoritecats or adopt one of them.

You can work with a local cat rescue or rescue group to create an adoption-focused cat café wherecustomers adopt cats for adoption This will help you find a home for a cat in need while attractingcustomers looking for a new furry friend You can also ask for adoption fees or donations to support ashelter or rescue organization.

You can create a cat cafe with a resident cat There are several cats living on the premises and cared for byyou and your staff This will provide your cat with a stable and comfortable home, while attractingcustomers who want to visit their favorite felines regularly You can also increase your revenue by sellingcat merchandise or offering membership or loyalty programs.

You can create a full-service cat cafe with a full menu of food and drinks for customers and sometimescats This allows you to cater to your customers' dietary needs or preferences while providing them with avariety of options You can also host special events or promotions such as cat-themed parties, brunches orseminars.

You can create a cat cafe themed around a specific concept, such as a specific culture, style, or genre Forexample, you may have Japanese cat cafes, vintage style cat cafes, and fantasy style cat cafes This way,you can provide your customers with a special and memorable experience while capturing their interest orenjoyment You can also decorate your cafe accordingly and offer related products or services.

These are just some of the possible ideas you can use to start a cat cafe business You can also mix andmatch different elements from these ideas or come up with your own ideas The most important thing is todo your research, create a business plan, and follow the necessary steps to start a successful cat cafebusiness.

Some of the difficulties of suggestion for cat cafe business are:

Ngày đăng: 13/05/2024, 14:52

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