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individual assigment mkt103 copy content about situation of marketing success or failure in a real company please describe the situation of marketing success or failure in a real company you know

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Identify optionsOption 1: Interact more with customers.Option 2: Build an integrated and 360-degree marketing plan to keep customersengaged in all Shopee online and offline platforms.Opt

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Individual Assignment [MKT101]

1 Copy content about situation of marketing success or failure in a real company.Please describe the situation of marketing success or failure in a real companyyou know (In real life or search on the internet or other source)?

2 According to you, what does this marketing situation relate to in which contentsin principles of marketing course?

3 What do the marketing lessons you learn?

Student name: HUỲNH KIM NGÂNCode: CS180506

Class: IB1804

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II DISCUSSIONPart 1: General1 Overview of Shopee.

1.1 History begins1.2 Headquarters1.3 Developments2 Technological facilities

3 Shopee's advantages in Vietnam's e-commerce marketPart 2: The planning and promotion of the brand.

1 The Environmental analysis1.1 The macroenvironment1.2 The Microenvironment1.3 The internal environment1.4 SWOT summary table2 Determine the target

2.1 Product2.2 Price2.3 Place2.4 Promotion

a Promotion

b Shopee's advertising strategyc Shopee's Digital Marketing Campaignd Apply Lazada's tactics and grow successfully3 Identify options

Option 1: Interact more with customers.

Option 2: Build an integrated and 360-degree marketing plan to keep customersengaged in all Shopee online and offline platforms.

Option 3: Develop support plans suitable for all small and medium enterprises.4 Evaluate the options

Option 1: Engage more with customers.

Option 2: Build an integrated and 360-degree marketing plan to keep customersengaged in all Shopee online and offline platforms.

Option 3: Develop support plans suitable for all small and medium enterprises.5 Make decisions


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-In a modern and developed society like today, human needs are increasingly enhanced.Especially the need to buy goods With such diverse trends, Shopee, Lazada, and Tiki arebecoming a shopping destination for millions of people around the world However, thisis a place that requires perfection and meticulous attention to detail to attract customers.Each business establishment needs to have service standards, in addition to having itsown unique and outstanding features.

- Therefore, they always bring many products so we will have more choices The strongdevelopment of e-commerce has been strongly promoting the trade of goods At the sametime, it is an effective start-up opportunity for many establishments in the market, it willcreate many orders and diverse designs, so the place that can do that is Shopee.

- Shopee always has a lot of diverse designs, is always a place to have manypromotions, many great deals Making millions of people always want to choose it as aplace to buy products instead of buying elsewhere So Let's learn more about it togetherto know how its formation process makes people so interested.

DISSCUSSIONPart 1: General1.Overview of Shopee.

1.1 History begins

-Shopee is an e-commerce shopping site operated by Singaporean technology companySEA ltd - one of the largest unicorn startups in Southeast Asia, making constant efforts tocompete with the Chinese giant Alibaba and a number of other companies The othercomes from Indonesia Before venturing into the field of e-commerce, SEA was knownas a company specializing in publishing, shipping and developing games on PC andmobile platforms under the Garena brand.

-Forrest Li (Ly Tieu Dong) - co-founder, chairman and CEO of SeaLtd Group - becamethe richest billionaire in Singapore when the company's stock price increased sharply.The three founders of Sea - including Forrest Li, Gang Ye and David Chen - founded the

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Forrest Li, founder of Sea Photo source Forbes Asia

- With the mission "Connecting buyers and sellers" and the goal "We truly believe in thepower of technology and want to contribute to making the world a better place byconnecting communities." community of buyers and sellers through providing an e-commerce platform Shopee was built to create an e-commerce platform to providecustomers with an easy, safe and convenient online shopping experience with fastpayment and shipping processes With just a few simple registration steps and postingproduct descriptions, everyone can open a store on Shopee and this is also an onlinebusiness opportunity for any individual or organization.

- Established in 2015, it was not until August 2016 that Shopee officially entered theVietnamese market, covering all provinces and cities and stirring up the Vietnameseonline shopping market Shopee's CEO in Vietnam, Mr Tran Tuan Anh, has assumed theofficial position of CEO of Shopee since 2017, when this e-commerce site just set foot inthe Vietnamese market Under his leadership, Shopee has become one of the three largeste-commerce sites in Vietnam Previously, Mr Tran Tuan Anh was famous for hisacademic achievements when he graduated with honors from Foster School of Business,University of Washington (USA), and Master of Business Administration from WhartonSchool of Business, University of Pennsylvania (USA).

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Image of Mr Tran Tuan Anh at Shopee headquarters1.2 Headquarters

- Shopee's headquarters is located at: 5 Science Park Drive, Shopee Building, Singapore- Currently present in the following countries:

1.3 Developments

- According to the latest data from iPrice Group and SimilarWeb, the total number ofvisits to the top 50 shopping websites in the first six months of 2021 has reached morethan 1.3 billion - the highest milestone ever.

- In terms of visits, statistical results show that in the second quarter of this year, Shopeecontinued to lead with nearly 73 million visits, an increase of 9.2 million visits comparedto the first quarter This is the 12th quarter of the e-commerce platform This e-commerceplatform ranks first in terms of visits.

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Source: iPrice Insights-In 2015, Shopee was officially introduced in 7 markets in the region.- Organized the first Shopee University session.

- In December 2015, the first Shopee University event was held in Taiwan.-Currently, about 70,000 sellers in the region are benefiting from these events.- Introducing Shopee Mall in all 7 markets.

- In June 2017, Shopee Mall officially launched for the first time in Taiwan.- Up to now, Shopee has more than 11,000 sellers on Shopee Mall in 7 markets.-Total revenue (GMV) reached over 10 billion US dollars.

-In 2018, Shopee's total revenue (GMV) reached 10 billion USD with more than 600million transactions on the floor.

-Super Brand Day: In May 2018, Shopee cooperated with P&G to introduce SuperBrandDay for the first time in the Indonesian market Since then, it has continued to organizemore than 70 other Super Brand Days in the region.

- Regional Brand Representative In November 2018, Shopee is pleased to welcome themusic group BLACKPINK as the first Regional Brand Representative in the December12 Birthday Sale.

2 Technological facilities

- Mobile business applications: Shopee bets on the mobile wave, they believe that buyingand selling on mobile will be an inevitable trend Therefore, Shopee penetrates othermarkets through mobile applications - Business applications on the web.

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-In Vietnam, it was not until mid-2016 that this unit had a computer version.-Warehouse:Shopee develops based on the C2C (customer to customer) model, only building onetechnology system to connecting the seller, buyer, delivery party, payment This methodis much more economical if following B2C (business to customer), that is, businessesimport goods.

3 Shopee's advantages in Vietnam's e-commerce market

-According to Statista, Vietnam's e-commerce market will continue to grow strongly andcould reach 39 billion USD by 2025.

-Currently, Shopee is one of the largest e-commerce sites in Vietnam with high growthand monthly user traffic.

Shopee's first half of 2022 overview report.

Source: Metric.vn - Statistics from January 1, 2022 - June 10, 2022

-In which, the two product categories with high revenue attracting the most buyers andthe most purchases on Shopee in early 2022 are Beauty and Women's Fashion.

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Statisticalchartofprices basedonrevenue andnumber ofproductssold onShopee.

In the statistical chart above, it can be seen that the lowprice segment of 10,000 VND 50,000 VND has the largest number of products sold on Shopee Meanwhile, products intwo price segments from 100,000 VND - 200,000 VND and from 200,000 VND -500,000 VND bring high revenue to Sellers.

Statistics show that the two categories Beauty and Women's Fashion account for themajority of Shopee's total products sold in all price segments Moreover, Shopee buyersin early 2022 tend to buy a lot of beauty products and are willing to spend on low tomedium segments, especially on Shopee's big sale occasions.

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For the two price segments that bring in high revenue on Shopee (50,000 VND 100,000 VND and 100,000 VND - 200,000 VND), the two categories Beauty andWomen's Fashion account for a high proportion and have many brands in the top marketshare leader in the highest price segment.

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-Part 2: The planning and promotion of the brand.1 The Environmental analysis

1.1 The Macroenvironment

The politicalenvironment

- There are alwayspolicies to encourage thedevelopment of foreignbusinesses in Vietnam.- There are additionalchanges to improve thelaw and make it suitablefor the Vietnamese

(electronic transactionlaw, commercial law,intellectual propertylaw ).

- Vietnam is among 78%of countries in the world

- In 38% of countriesthere are users who

- High informationsecurity leads touser satisfaction andtrust.

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protect the policy- 45% of countries havepersonal data protectionpolicies.

- 75% of countries haveCyber Security laws.The economic

- Vietnam's GDP in 2014ranked 45th in the worldwith a figure of 2,600billion USD calculated bypurchasing power parity(PPP).

- NCIF forecasts thataverage GDP in 2025 willreach 4,688 Period 2017-2021.

- GDP in the secondquarter of 2021 increasedby 6.61%.

- Higher than the growthrate of 0.39% in thesecond quarter of 2020.- Lower than the growthrate of 6.73% in thesecond quarter of 2018and 2019.

- In the first 6 months of2021, the growth rate is5.64%.

- Stabilize exchangerates.

- Profits doubled.

- Inflationary.- Interest rates arenot uniform.- Bad debt.

- The widespread

- Achieving commerce growth

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e-granted.The Social andCulturalEnvironments

Current shopping habitsin Vietnam can be brokendown as follows:- 71% of online e-commerce transactionstake place on desktopcomputers.

- 18% of shoppingtransactions are made onmobile devices.- 9% of purchases aremade on a tablet oranother internet-enableddevice.

-Demand for onlineshopping increases.- The process ofurbanization andpopulationredistribution is

The NaturalEnvironment

- The Covid epidemicraged, storms, floods,natural disasters causedshops and businesses toclose.

- This is a bigopportunity for e-commercebusinesses.

1.2 The Microenvironment

- JD.com - a majorChinese retailer,announced that ithas completed itsinvestment in Tiki

Company, the ownerof the Tiki.vnwebsite.

● Lazada:

-Lazada Vietnam

- Attract sellers ontheir platform.- Continue tomaintain its positionin the context ofbeing stalked byShopee Vietnam.- Putting pressure onC2C groups likeShopee

Large competitorswill compete byincreasing pressureuntil smallercompetitors exit themarket.

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discount on eachsuccessful order anddelivery support ontwo major shoppingoccasions at the endof the year.● Sendo:

- Promote policiesand promote 2-hourdelivery service.Customers -Main customers are

mainlyintermediariesincluding sellers andbuyers, traders,organizations andindividuals withlegal commercialactivities.

- Price competitionis quite high.- Conflict betweenoffline and onlinestores.

- High ability torecognize brandsand operate systems.

Competitors -Easy to enter the commerce market

development oftechnology and

Competitivepressure is quitehigh: the leading e-commerce platformsin Vietnam today

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on the Internet.- Elements of

discount codes aswell.

the market.

Competitivepressure from withinthe industry

-There are manybusinesses applyinge-commerce inbusiness but few ofthem are successfuland profitable, there

opportunities thanthreats when thereare few competitorsin the industry.- iPrice's e-commerce map forthe second quarterof 2020 is only rarein Vietnam Shoppeis currently the e-commerce platformwith the largest webtraffic with about

visits/month.Followed by Tikiand Lazada.

Shopee's industrycompetitors inVietnam are low.

1.3 The internal environment

Human Resources The number of employees of this company in Southeast Asiancountries has increased by 176% in just two years This meansthat on average every day, Shopee recruits 3 new employees.Finance In 2018, Shopee's total revenue (GMV) reached 10 billion US

dollars with more than 600 million transactions on the floor.

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Marketing -Take advantage of influencer marketing

- TVC advertising to catch the trend - Reduced shipping fees- Localization strategy

- Marketing mix

Manufacture - Business applications on mobile devices and on the web.The Organizational

Owned by SEA Group (formerly Garena)

R & D - Shopee has two options for development and marketpenetration.

+ Firstly, use a cheap strategy to attract users to join theplatform.

+ Two: focus on building a differentiated image and qualityfor your products and services.

The Financial strategy -Individuals and organizations selling on Shopee will receive a1-2% discount on each order.

- Service providers can cooperate in advertising products onShopee.

- Provide added services based on buyer and seller data.

1.4 SWOT summary table:

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- Customers are increasingly inclined tobuy online.

- Many great incentives.

- The logistics system and logisticsinfrastructure in Vietnam are on the rise.- Reduce space costs for Publishers.

- Need to be constantly creative to findways to reach customers.

- Must have knowledge of Marketing,know how to edit images, videos, and writearticles.

2.Determine the target

Shopee is one of the most successful e-commerce sites in the user community with alarge market share in many Southeast Asian countries Its influence has turnedShopee's host company into one of the richest brands most available in the area Whathelps this brand achieve its current resounding success is Shopee's marketing plan.The way Shopee has implemented its Marketing Mix (4P) strategy is as follows:

2.1 Product

-Shopee's target is customers in many markets and countries, so they haveoptimized the website in many different languages, designed the interface based oncustomers' usage habits to facilitate Buy and sell and give customers the bestexperience This is considered part of the geostrategy localized for each marketthat Shopee is implementing.

- The products on this trading floor are very diverse in many fields from beauty,fashion, home, lifestyle, electronic devices, so they can meet each person's needswell customers when coming to their services.

Like other e-commerce platforms, Shopee also launched a Shopee mall storespecializing in providing genuine products from big brands such as Unilever,Adidas, Inochi, Samsung, Oppo, Helping customers trust More trust and peaceof mind with products sold on this e-commerce platform.

In addition, Shopee also has the followingattractive features:

- Shopee Live: Sellers conduct livestreams to sellproducts available at their Shopee store Thisfeature is not limited to time or location; Simplifythe process, increase revenue for sellers Besides,buyers can interact directly, ask questions and learnmore about the product with the seller.

Ngày đăng: 12/05/2024, 22:00



