Record your transactions for the month ended October 31, 2022 II... Prepare unadjusted Trial Balance... Prepare adjusted Trial Balance... Prepare financial statements IIX... Disadvantage
Individual Writing Assignment
Subject: Principles of Accounting (TOPIC)
Record your transactions for
the month ended October 31, 2022
Trang 2Record your transactions for the month ended October 31, 2022
II General Journal
Trang 5
III Post to the ledger
Trang 6IV Prepare unadjusted Trial Balance
Trang 7V.Adjustment
VI Prepare adjusted Trial Balance
Trang 8VII Prepare financial statements
IIX Closing
1 Total revenues
2 Total expense
Trang 9Disadvantage: I found that my expedition in drinks and food are too much This is must
food spending sometime is not reasonable
Solution: I can see from the financial statements for October that my family's support continues to be necessary for the majority of my expenses I'll try to cut back on wasteful spending Reduce the cost of goods purchases and eating at outside restaurants, for instance I must set up my spending plan in order to prevent financial loss
My budget plan next month: I will divide my money into various parts and I will
will take the bill and put all the money into an accounting purse for which spending and separate in each items, how to spend and spend on what?
Trang 10BILLED: