We conducted a survey to assess the impact of media exposure on youth participationin the "Heed Her Voice" violence prevention campaign, which ran from May 27.. "Heed Her Voice" project
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Trang 3We conducted a survey to assess the impact of media exposure on youth participation
in the "Heed Her Voice" violence prevention campaign, which ran from May 27 8, 2023 toOctober 22, 2023 "Heed Her Voice" project is a media campaign to raise awareness andprevent violence against women and girls Through widespread media promotion, we aim toencourage individuals to actively participate in raising awareness about violence andprevention measures Our initial findings indicate that, after two months of running thecampaign, we have surpassed our initial engagement goals while also receiving verypositive comments on the topic
The widespread use of the Facebook platform for communication campaigns in Vietnam ishighlighted by its reach and influence With a remarkable 90 million Facebook accounts and90% of Internet users regularly using the platform, Facebook serves as the primary means ofcommunication and interaction among Vietnamese people Furthermore, the number ofFacebook users is growing rapidly and significantly in Vietnam, as Statista and Facebookstatistics show, showing great potential to effectively reach and engage a wide and diverseaudience fruit Currently ranked 7th worldwide in terms of number of Facebook users,Vietnam's presence on this platform is a testament to the huge number of users as well asthe country's importance as a hub of social interaction association and informationdissemination Therefore, choosing the Facebook platform for a communication campaign isnot only practical but also a strategically correct choice, thanks to its wide reach andprofound role in people's lives most Vietnamese people, making it a key tool to
communicate and successfully reach people easily
"HEED HER VOICE" is a communication campaign carried out by students majoring inMultimedia Communication Management, with guidance and supervision from the head ofthe department - Ms Le Thi My Danh From the basis of the subject "Media Psychology", theproject is carried out based on the topic "Elements of violence in the media" Specifically,preventing violence against women and girls Preventing violence against women and girls isabout protecting and ensuring the safety, health, and development rights of women and girls
in society Through the project, "HEED HER VOICE" aims to protect human rights, build afair society, protect mental and physical health, create conditions for personal development,and create a safe environment , building healthy relationships, thereby raising awarenessabout the harmful effects of violence against women and girls
This article will evaluate the approach as well as gain a deeper understanding of the
"Heed Her Voice" media campaign
The issue of violence against women and girls is a serious and long-standing controversialsocial problem To understand violence and how it is conveyed through the media isimportant Therefore, the following are definitions and theories cited and applied to research
on the topic of violence against women and girls
Trang 4Researchers have defined “violence” here, as behavior intended to cause physical harm
or pain to another individual In addition, certain types of behavior such as accidentalinjuries, destruction of property, and “psychological,” “relational,” or “verbal” aggression areexcluded from this definition (Simmons, 2002)
2.2 People who watch violence in the media.
A number of studies have focused on examining who watches violence in the media andwhy some people are more attracted to it than others (W Goldstein, 1998; Sparks & Sparks ,2000) These attraction factors may include novelty, feelings of excitement, and violations ofsocial norms that demonstrate mastery over threats or dependence on others (Zillmann &Weaver, 1996)
2.3 How modeling works.
From a modeling, social learning, social cognition perspective, people see a violent act
in the media and then, as a result, commit violent acts themselves
Based on what is learned from the research, new research directions or unsolved problemscan be identified For example, we can learn about other factors that might influence others
to watch violence in the media, or we can learn about new methods to prevent itsdissemination violent images (Excerpt from, Chapter 9: Violence Watching All ThatMayhem Really Matters of the book A Cognitive Psychology of Mass Communication, sixthedition by authors Richard Jackson Harris & Fred W Sanborn)
Sex and violence in the media, individually not new, have become more prevalent in recentdecades Cable, digital, and Internet technology allow private access to explicit content.Horror films now depict violence against women in a sexual context, even when rated R Asignificant concern is the combination of sex and violence and its potential consequences inshaping viewers' perceptions
This study applies both quantitative and qualitative research methods to study the level ofexposure and community attitudes towards sexual and domestic violence among womenand children over the years
Quantitative Research Methods:Quantitative research will focus on collectingnumerical data to assess the impact and reach of the awareness campaign
Online Surveys:
● Develop and distribute online surveys to Facebook page followers
● Collect quantitative data regarding their awareness levels, attitudes, andengagement with the campaign content
Analytics and Metrics:
● Utilize Facebook page analytics to track key quantitative metrics, such asreach, engagement, and demographic information of followers
Trang 5QualitativeResearchMethods: Qualitative research will provide a deeper
understanding of the personal experiences and stories related to sexual and domesticviolence
Storytelling and Interviews:Encourage victims, survivors, or those affected by sexualand domestic violence to share their personal stories through written narratives orrecorded interviews
Thematic Analysis:
● Use qualitative analysis techniques to identify and categorize themes in thecollected stories and interviews
Qualitative Content Review:
● Assess the content shared on the Facebook page, including comments andmessages from followers
● Use content analysis to understand the audience's sentiments, questions, andengagement with the campaign
● Ethical considerations prioritize the privacy and confidentiality of victims andsurvivors
● Continuous engagement with the Facebook page community ensures effectivecontent adaptation based on feedback
Social cognitive theory was initially applied to media in the context of studying theeffects of violent media models on behavior (see Chapter 9) Although that is still themost-studied application, the model has many other applications as well, as in the modeling
Trang 6of sexual, prosocial, or purchasing behavior For example, children randomly assigned toview high-risk behaviors on TV were more likely to later self-report their own tendency toengage in risk-taking behaviors (Potts, Doppler, & Hernandez, 1994 ) Such reportedrisk-taking was reduced by viewing a safety educational videotape showing high-riskbehavior and its negative consequences (Potts & Swisher, 1998 ).The amount of socialaggression (e.g., spreading rumors, social ostracism) that girls aged 5–10 watched predictedincreased socially aggressive behavior at school (Martins & Wilson, 2012 ) Young womenexposed to media portrayals of promiscuous sexual behavior (one-night stands) were morelikely than those not seeing the media models to anticipate engaging in such behaviorsthemselves if they did not already have such life experience, regardless of whether theconsequences were portrayed as positive or negative in the media depiction (Nabi & Clark,
2008 ) See Bandura ( 2009 ) for a recent and detailed formulation of the social cognitivemodel as applied to mass communication
In our project “HEED Her Voice," we took advantage of the advantages and influence ofthe media to be able to raise positive views of the goals of the entire project We want toconvey to viewers the true information and calls to prevent violence against women and girlsfrom happening more limitedly, thereby condemning acts of violence to help everyone have
a better perspective
Informationappeals:Using an information-gathering strategy, we posted informativearticles on the social networking platform Facebook to attract the attention of viewers on themedia platform Information is posted throughout the project page: "HEED HER VOICE" isbrought to the media audience with the purpose of bringing positive aspects, improvingawareness and knowledge about violence prevention, and preventing violence againstwomen and girls This information is shared clearly, helping readers have a more
comprehensive view of the issue
Emotionalappeals:Influencing emotions is the bestfirststepto influencing beliefs andbehavior.Different emotional appeals can work to varying degrees in different cultures.Wehave used emotions in each of our articles to sensitize media audiences to the truth aboutthe issue of violence Accurate sources of information about the articles will make eachviewer feel confident and more aware of the problem and issue
Testimonials(ProductEndorsements):Testimonials or product endorsements canplay an important role in digital campaigns to prevent violence against women and girls Inthis context, they serve as endorsements from individuals or organizations that support thepage's cause and can help build credibility and trust We have filtered and published theirarticles, stories, or personal experiences related to the issue of violence Authentic andrelatable stories can have a powerful effect on connecting with audiences
Fearappeals:Fear-inducing advertising involves some type of threat about what mighthappen if a person does not buy the product Applying fear advertising, we determined thatfear appeals can be a controversial but sometimes effective strategy for raising awarenessand preventing violence against women and children girl However, when using fear appeals
in a digital campaign, it is important to approach them with caution and ethical
considerations The goal should be to inform and motivate without causing unnecessarystress
Trang 7In this study, our team chose the media campaign “HEED HER VOICE” as the basis forresearch on the effects of violent media on others, in addition to creating awareness,educating and promoting positive social change related to this issue We will collect objectivedata from our page, such as the number of people reaching the page, the number of peopleinteracting with the page, and the number of comments on the page to evaluate the level ofmedia influence For young people, and especially the audience we want to target, FPTuniversity students can play an important role in creating awareness, educating, supportingand promoting social change actively involved in this issue It provides a platform to shareinformation, connect communities and make a significant impact in reducing violence andbuilding a good society
Trang 8Poston30/9/2023
Trang 9We established the page on September 30, 2023, choosing the Facebook platform as themain platform for the media campaign about violence Facebook is one of the largest andmost popular social networks in the world, with billions of users globally That is the reasonwhy Facebook was chosen as the platform to post about violence against young people andespecially students at FPT University, Ho Chi Minh This allows users to engage inconversation, share experiences and opinions, creating a vibrant online community aroundthe issue of violence The page will provide information and knowledge about types ofviolence, their causes and consequences By sharing information, statistics, stories andexamples, the page helps youth and students better understand violence and its impact onindividuals and communities Community building and engagement: The page will create asafe and supportive online space for youth and students We make sure that all information
on the site is based on a reliable and vetted source
On October 1, 2023, we posted the first post on our Facebook page with the topic: "Whattypes of violence do women and girls often encounter and their harmful effects, do youknow?" We have 14 reactions and 3 comments, showing that the page is clearly reachingsocial media (Facebook) users
Trang 10On October 3, 2023, we posted the second article for the page with the topic: "the problem ofviolence with the topic of women and children" Commendation (14 emotions): The page hasreceived positive praise from users The articles, images and messages have arousedsympathy and support from the online community The page has achieved some significantsuccess in spreading its message and creating awareness in the community Positive
Trang 11engagement from users demonstrates interest, motivation, and desire for positive change inaddressing the issue of violence against women and children The page has achieved itsgoal of creating awareness, advocacy and community building to end violence.
Trang 12Poston11/10/2023
Trang 13Poston15/10/2023
Trang 14With the article on October 6, 2023, we posted the third article for the page with thetopic: "the problem of domestic violence, sexual violence".
With the article on October 8, 2023, we have posted the 4th article for the page withthe topic: "the problem of child sexual violence"
With the article on October 11, 2023, we have posted the 5th article for the page withthe topic: "the problem of violence against children and adolescents"
With the article on October 15, 2023, we have posted the 6th article for the page withthe topic: "the role of education in the problem of violence"
Overall, the page has been able to create an interactive space where people canshare opinions, experiences and advice This encourages conversation and changes socialthinking about violence Users can learn from each other and find solutions together,creating empathy and support from the community Real stories and images of victims ofviolence can stimulate empathy and encourage support for those affected Convey a positivemessage about ending violence and building a non-violent society By sharing informationabout supporting organizations, campaigns and events related to this issue, the page canstimulate action and engagement from the community We will not be able to evaluatewhether human behavior can change after being exposed to our articles? We just hope thatthey will understand and receive positive information from us