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laboratory design and development iot supported smart agriculture for environmental monitoring and control using esp32

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Tiêu đề Laboratory Design And Development Iot Supported Smart Agriculture For Environmental Monitoring And Control Using Esp32
Tác giả Bui The Trung, Pham Minh Tuan, Pham Quang Anh, Nguyen Thai Son, Tran Hoang Hiep, Nguyen Dang Phuc Thanh
Người hướng dẫn Dr. Bui Huy Kien
Trường học Hanoi National University Vietnam Japan University
Thể loại science research topic
Năm xuất bản 2023
Thành phố Hanoi
Định dạng
Số trang 22
Dung lượng 4,12 MB

Nội dung

It also has a series of sensors and peripherals that can be used to collect environmental data.● There is a growing demand for smart agriculture solutions that can help farmers improve p

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1.1 Urgency of the topic 1

1.1.1 Topic name 1

1.1.2 Reason for choosing the topic 1

1.2 Research objectives 3

1.2.1 General research objectives 3

1.2.2 Specific research objectives 3

1.3.2 Scope of research 4

1.4 Overview of research situation 4

1.4.1 Overview of foreign research situation 4

1.4.2 Overview of domestic research situation 5


2.1 Internet of Things (IoT) in Agriculture 7

2.2 ESP32 - Microcontroller and Wi-Fi Module 7

2.4 IoT application in Agricultural Environmental Monitoring 8

2.5 IoT Application Development 8

2.6 Future development 8


3.1 System design 9

3.2 Select hardware device 10

3.3 Select device software 14

3.3.1 Web Blynk 14

3.3.2 Mobile app Blynk 15

3.4 Programming system 16


4.1 Results of experimental planting 17

4.2 Scientific contributions 17


5.1 Smart laboratory design solution 19

5.2 Proposal to expand and develop the system 19


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1.1.2 Reason for choosing the topic

Below are the reasons we decided to choose the topic: “Design and

Environmental Monitoring and Control using ESP32.” :

● IoT is a rapidly growing technology with many potential applications

in agriculture IoT devices can be used to collect data aboutenvironmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, light levels,and soil moisture This data can then be used to optimize crop yieldsand improve crop quality

● The ESP32 is a powerful and flexible microcontroller suitable for IoTapplications The ESP32 has a built-in WiFi and Bluetooth radio,making it easy to connect to the internet and other devices It also has

a series of sensors and peripherals that can be used to collectenvironmental data

● There is a growing demand for smart agriculture solutions that canhelp farmers improve productivity and reduce costs IoT-enabled smartagriculture labs can provide farmers with real-time data onenvironmental conditions and crop health This data can be used to

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make informed decisions about irrigation, fertilization, and pestcontrol.

In addition to these reasons, I'm also interested in this topic because webelieve it has the potential to make a real impact in the world Smartagriculture can help improve food security, reduce environmental impact andcreate new jobs We are excited to join this growing field and contribute tothe development of new IoT-enabled smart agriculture solutions

Here are some specific benefits of using IoT in agriculture:

● Increase crop yields: IoT can help farmers optimize their crop yields

by providing them with real-time data on environmental conditionsand crop health This data can be used to make informed decisionsabout irrigation, fertilization, and pest control

● Improve crop quality: IoT can help farmers improve the quality of

their crops by monitoring pests and diseases early This can helpreduce crop losses and improve the overall quality of the harvest

● Reduce costs: IoT can help farmers reduce costs by automating tasks

such as irrigation and fertilization This can help farmers save timeand money, which can be reinvested in their business

● Increased sustainability: IoT can help farmers make their operations

more sustainable by reducing water use and fertilizer runoff This canhelp protect the environment and ensure that future generations haveaccess to clean water and healthy soil

I believe that developing IoT-enabled smart agriculture labs is an importantstep towards a more productive and sustainable food system I'm excited tojoin this effort and contribute to the development of new technologies thatcan help farmers feed the world

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1.2 Research objectives

The research objective of the project "Design and Development of anIoT-enabled Smart Agriculture Laboratory for Environmental Monitoring andControl using ESP32" is to design and develop a smart agriculture laboratorythat supports IoT for environmental monitoring and control using ESP32 This

is one of the applications of IoT in smart agriculture Smart agriculture is anagricultural system that applies digital technologies to monitor, control and carefor crops automatically, helping to maximize productivity and quality ofagricultural products

ESP32 is a microcontroller designed for IoT applications and is widely used inIoT applications

1.2.1 General research objectives

environmental monitoring and control using ESP32

1.2.2 Specific research objectives

Environmental monitoring and control using ESP32

1.3 Object and scope of research

1.3.1 Research subjects

The focus of the project, “Design and Development of an IoT-enabled SmartAgriculture Laboratory for Environmental Monitoring and Control usingESP32”, is a smart agriculture laboratory equipped with IoT capabilities

This laboratory is specifically engineered to regulate its environment using theESP32 It employs various sensors to track environmental parameters such ashumidity, temperature, light intensity, and soil pH levels

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The ESP32 collects and processes the data from these sensors, providing userswith a comprehensive view of the laboratory’s conditions This informationallows users to fine-tune these parameters, optimizing the lab’s environment foragricultural production.

1.3.2 Scope of research

The research scope of the project "Design and Development of an IoT-enabledSmart Agriculture Laboratory for Environmental Monitoring and Control usingESP32" is to monitor and control the environment in the laboratory usingESP32 Specifically, this topic focuses on using sensors to monitor parameterssuch as humidity, temperature, light and soil pH in the laboratory Data fromthese sensors is collected and processed by the ESP32 to give users an overview

of the laboratory environment and can adjust parameters to optimize production

1.4 Overview of research situation

1.4.1 Overview of foreign research situation

IoT is a technology that plays an important role and is starting to impact theagricultural industry IoT includes the underlying communications infrastructureused to connect smart objects from sensors, vehicles, mobile devices to remotedata collection based on intelligent analytics, communication users andrevolutionize the agricultural industry[1] Smart agriculture is an agriculturalsystem that applies digital technologies to monitor, control and care for cropsautomatically, helping to maximize productivity and quality of agriculturalproducts[1]

.Ericsson Technology Group and RMIT University signed an agreement toestablish an Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (AI RMIT-Ericsson) on August

18, 2023[1] AI Lab collaborations will include integrated training/learningprograms on 5G, artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation, cloud

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computing, blockchain and related technologies[2] Also through the AI Labinitiative, Ericsson and RMIT will support businesses, communities andacademic partners in the industry to create and deploy AI solutions to pioneerindustry 4.0 applications in many industries, including energy, manufacturing,agriculture, transportation and logistics.

LoRa module is a type of wireless module that uses LoRaWAN technology toconnect IoT devices[1] LoRaWAN is a wireless network protocol based onLoRa (Long Range) that allows data transmission over long distances at lowcost and with low power consumption The LoRa module will be used to:

• Enhance home security

• Home automation for IoT-enabled smart devices

1.4.2 Overview of domestic research situation

● Development of IoT in Agriculture:

In recent years, the development of IoT in the agricultural sector in Vietnam hasattracted interest from both the government and agricultural businesses Thegoal is to improve the efficiency and quality of agricultural products, reduceresource waste and optimize farming processes

Universities and research organizations, such as the Institute of InformationTechnology and Telecommunications (IOIT) have conducted many researchprojects related to IoT in agriculture These projects focus on using sensors tomonitor many important environmental factors such as temperature, humidity,and light

Research in Vietnam also focuses on developing specific IoT applications in theagricultural sector, such as automatic watering monitoring and control systemsand smart farm management systems

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● Using LoRa module in research:

LoRa module technology has also attracted the attention of research andbusinesses in Vietnam LoRa modules enable data transmission over longdistances at low cost and with low power consumption, which is very useful inagricultural IoT applications

Research institutions and enterprises have used LoRa modules to developcustom IoT applications, such as smart farm monitoring and agriculturalinfrastructure management

In Vietnam, the development of LoRaWAN network infrastructure has createdfavorable conditions for the implementation of IoT projects using LoRamodules This has spurred the growth of LoRa-based IoT solutions in manysectors, including agriculture

● Projects and Initiatives:

Many projects and initiatives are implemented in Vietnam to apply IoT andLoRa in agriculture For example, the "Smart Agriculture" project in severalprovinces has helped improve crop productivity and manage resources moreeffectively

RMIT-Ericsson AI program, provide opportunities to develop and apply IoTtechnology in agriculture and other sectors

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2.1 Internet of Things (IoT) in Agriculture

IoT refers to the ability to connect and exchange data between devices via theInternet In agriculture, IoT plays an important role in providing real-timeinformation about environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity,light, and CO2 concentration This allows farmers and researchers to get adetailed look at the environments where crops and animals grow This helps inmaking smart decisions about watering, fertilizer use, and crop management.The combination of IoT with agriculture has improved efficiency and helpedsave precious resources

2.2 ESP32 - Microcontroller and Wi-Fi Module

ESP32 is a microcontroller with Wi-Fi connectivity, suitable for IoTapplications This means that the ESP32 is capable of connecting to the Internetand transmitting data it collects from sensors Using the ESP32 in the projecthelps create a reliable and efficient IoT system This microcontroller is capable

of real-time data processing and integration with environmental sensors,allowing data collection and data transmission to mobile applications or servers

2.3 Environmental Sensors

Environmental sensors play an important role in collecting information aboutagricultural environmental conditions Sensor types include temperature,humidity, light, pH, and CO2 concentration sensors These sensors providespecific data about the environment, such as soil temperature, air humidity,sunlight, soil acidity, and air quality Through the use of these sensors, thesystem is capable of monitoring and assessing the agricultural environment indetail and real time

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2.4 IoT application in Agricultural Environmental Monitoring

The combination of IoT with agricultural environmental monitoring allowsfarmers and researchers to monitor their crop and environmental conditions.Data from sensors can be used to make smart decisions about watering, fertilizeruse, and harvest timing management IoT helps improve agriculturalperformance by enabling more efficient use of resources and optimizing thefarming process

2.5 IoT Application Development

To use data from ESP32 sensors and microcontrollers, developing a mobileapplication or web interface is necessary This application allows users toconnect to the ESP32 device and view environmental data It also providesremote control, allowing users to adjust the agricultural environment based oninformation from sensors

2.6 Future development

The future of IoT in agriculture is promising with various potential applications.Using this project can help improve crop quality, optimize resources, andpredict weather and agricultural conditions Future developments may includeintegration with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to create smartagricultural management systems

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Figure 3.1 Device diagram

Figure 3.2 Model overview diagram

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3.2 Select hardware device

Table 1: Hardware lists.

1 ESP32

2 Module Relay

3 Arduino

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4 Mini pump 12VDC - 60W

5 Module RTC

6 Module Light sensor

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7 Module Water sensor

8 16x2 inch LCD screen

9 OLED screen

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10 Soil sensor

11 Beehive source

12 12V LED lamp

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13 Temperature and humidity


3.3 Select device software

Control software: Blynk

3.3.1 Web Blynk

a Software overview

Figure 3.3.1 Blynk web interface for humidity and…

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3.3.2 Mobile app Blynk

Figure 3.3.2 Blynk app interface for humidity and…

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3.4 Programming system

Refer to the code at the github link: MorpheusOQug/Lab_IOP: Nghiên cứu khoa học (github.com)

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4.1 Results of experimental planting

● Information on test plant samples:

- The experiment involved planting two types of plants: Giant tomatoes, beef tomatoes, and peas These seeds originated from the Russian Federation.

- The seeds typically germinate within 5 to 10 days The optimal temperature for their growth is between 15 and 40 degrees Celsius.

- The plants are ready for harvest between 110 to 120 days after planting The plants can grow to a height of 1.5 to 2 meters.

- When sowing the seeds, they should be covered with a thin layer of soil The best seasons for growing these plants are spring, autumn, and winter.

- The seeds have a cleanliness level of 98% The germination rate is high, with more than 80% to 90% of the seeds successfully sprouting.

- For optimal growth, it is recommended to plant 3 seeds per square meter.

4.2 Scientific contributions

● IoT in Agriculture: The project establishes a smart agriculture lab using

IoT, paving the way for research on utilizing this technology forenvironmental monitoring and control in agriculture

● Agricultural Environment Management: The project aids inresearching how to monitor and control agricultural environments liketemperature, humidity, light, and soil quality This can help in managingresources optimally and boosting agricultural productivity

● Energy Efficiency: The use of IoT and ESP32 for environmental

monitoring can lead to energy and resource conservation in agriculture

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Research on optimizing energy use in the lab can offer methods forenergy saving in agricultural contexts.

● Data Management System: The project involves building a data

management system for agricultural environmental parameters collectedfrom ESP32 This requires research on data storage and analysis,contributing to our knowledge about data management in IoT and smartagriculture

● Practical Application: The project offers a practical solution for smart

agriculture and IoT, aiding research in implementing and testing solutions

in real-world settings The insights gained from the projectimplementation can contribute to academic scholarship and thedevelopment of practical applications

● Cost-Benefit Analysis: Evaluating investment costs and economic

efficiency when applying the smart laboratory model contributes tounderstanding the cost benefits when applying technology

● Knowledge Sharing: Sharing lessons learned and recommendations for

implementing the model on farms and other agricultural facilities canguide future implementations

Ngày đăng: 03/05/2024, 16:27

Nguồn tham khảo

Tài liệu tham khảo Loại Chi tiết
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2. VOVWorld. (n.d.). Established A Laboratory in Vietnam. Retrieved from https://vovworld.vn/vi-VN/make-in-vietnam/thanh-lap-phong-thi-nghiem-ai-tai-viet-nam-1224761.vov Link
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9. Callaway Jr., E.H. (2004). Wireless Sensor Networks: Architectures and Protocols. A CRC Press Company Khác


