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the final project for new media technology media campaign for miracle cloud safeguarding children

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Doctor Nguyen Trong An - The DeputyDirector of the Center for Community Development Research and Training said: “In order tolimit child abuse, we need to strengthen the education of youn

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The final project for New Media TechnologyMEDIA CAMPAIGN FOR“Miracle Cloud - Safeguarding Children”

Semester: FALL – YEAR 2022Group member:

Vũ Thu ThảoLê Đình Bảo NhiBùi Thúy QuỳnhNguyễn Việt AnhTrần Mỹ Khánh

Tăng Ý MỹLecturer Nguyễn Thị Thùy HiềnLecturer Lê Ngọc Phương Nguyên

Lecturer Lê Thị Mỹ DanhLecturer Nguyễn Thị Thới



1 Defined the problem2 Development stage

a Introduction projectb Research3 Project Overview

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a Media strategyb Goalc Objectivesd Target audiencese Strategy


1 Production planninga Facebookb TikTok2 Evaluation

a Fanpage “Miracle Cloud - Safeguarding Children” (https://www.facebook.com/safeguardingchildren71)b Tiktok “Miracle Cloud - Safeguarding Children” (https://www.tiktok.com/@safeguardingchildren?lang=vi-VN)3 Result

a Facebookb TikTokc Risk management4 Assessment

a Platform:b Strategies5 Suggestions for the future

a Contentb Platforms

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c Strategyd Research method



According to UNICEF Vietnam, up to 68.4% of children aged 1 to 14 are abused by their parentsor caregivers This fact shows the lack of legal understanding in the field of child protectionmanifested in families and parents That is the cause of many cases of parents brutally abusingtheir children In Viet Nam, child abuse is exacerbated by ignorance of the law and mistakes in

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parenting methods According to Mr Trinh Hoa Binh - Director of the Public Opinion SurveyCenter, Vietnam Institute of Sociology commented: " The cause of many cases of child abuse isthat people do not have a proper and adequate awareness of the law and morality Suchfundamental problems are lacking in the social community Thus, the stage of education,propaganda to let the law come to life, and transform into awareness is still limited We see aheartbreaking situation, despite living in a digital age, it is not high to learn and improveknowledge about children's law, leading to a series of consequences related to mistakes inparenting and protecting the rights of their own children Doctor Nguyen Trong An - The DeputyDirector of the Center for Community Development Research and Training said: “In order tolimit child abuse, we need to strengthen the education of young children and adults with skills ofcare and love between people The child protection network must be strengthened in accordancewith the three levels set by the Law on Children, the first being the level of prevention in thecommunity In order to prevent it, there must be a team of collaborators and social workersworking with children to propagate, educate, detect early, and prevent those things fromhappening If unfortunately, it happens, immediate intervention is needed to minimize harm tochildren and there has to be help and recovery.”

2 Development stage:a Introduction project:

Subject name

Miracle Cloud - Safeguarding ChildrenSubject

Safeguarding Children is an information site that revolves around the issue ofviolence and abuse of children The page belongs to the "Miracle Cloud"project, founded by multimedia students from FPT University in HCM City, inresponse to the call of UNICEF within the framework of the Get Childhood#Backontrack campaign.

Group member

1 SS160471 - Vũ Thu Thảo2 SS170830 - Bùi Thúy Quỳnh3 SS170108 - Tăng Ý Mỹ4 SS170158 - Lê Đình Bảo Nhi5 SS170136 - Trần Mỹ Khánh6 SE171866 - Nguyễn Việt AnhScope of


- Research

- Campaign Planning- Execution

1 Content Writer: Bảo Nhi, Ý Mỹ 2 Planner: Thu Thảo, Thúy Quỳnh

3 Designer + Video editor: Việt Anh, Mỹ Khánh4 Data finder: Thúy Quỳnh, Bảo Nhi, Thu Thảo

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- Reports

b Research:

Current status of violence against children around the world

Three-quarters of children aged 2 to 4 worldwide (about 300 million) – are subjected topsychological pressures and physical punishment by the people who care for them athome In the 30 countries for which data is available, about 6 in 10 1-year-olds areroutinely disciplined with violence Nearly a quarter of 1-year-olds are shaken aspunishment, and nearly 1 in 10 are hit or slapped in the face, head, or ear Worldwide, aquarter of children under the age of five (about 176 million children) – are living withmothers who have been victims of intimate partner violence Among the cases of violenceagainst children There are about 11% of cases of using spanking, and hitting; 15.7% inthe form of pushing, slapping, and throwing objects at children; about 56.6% are mentalabuse in the form of threats, scolding, and criticism.

Current status of violence against children in Vietnam

According to statistics from the Department of Child Protection and Care (Ministry ofLabor, War Invalids and Social Affairs), each year in Vietnam, on average, more than2,000 children suffer from severe violence and abuse that need intervention Analysis ofchild abuse data in 2021 updated through the national child protection switchboard 111shows that more than 70% of cases of child violence come from family members.Speaking at the workshop, Ms Nguyen Thi Nga - Deputy Director of the Children'sDepartment, Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs - also said that accordingto the report of the Ministry of Public Security, in 2018 there were 1,547 cases of childabuse in the whole country with nearly 1,700 subjects, abusing 1,579 children, of which1,293 children were sexually abused.

Research on competitors

In the "Miracle Cloud" general project, the "Safeguarding Children" branch has morethan ten satellite groups that have jointly established a page with child-themed content.The groups are all competitors in the goal of reaching the audience However, we andother groups work together on the same children's campaign The information pages ofthe groups are linked with each other through the hashtag and logo "Miracle Cloud" aswell as articles on the same topic This shows us, more than ten groups left fromcompetitors changed into members supporting each other This is an opportunity for us toshare and at the same time attract and reach the existing audience from other sites Userscan connect and find Safeguarding Children through similarities in logos, hashtags, andtopic content.

Currently, within the campus of FPT University in Ho Chi Minh City, we found that there are noclubs or organizations running projects on the issue of violence against children Previously, Safethe children was an information page with content about children However, this page has beenshut down since July 2022 In the context that news about children has not been spread within

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FPT University in Ho Chi Minh City, we saw this as a good opportunity to capture the interest ofpotential audiences, resonating with "Miracle Cloud – Safeguarding Children".

3 Project Overviewa Media Strategy

“Miracle Cloud - Safeguarding Children” focuses on using content strategy and mediastrategy to achieve our goal of getting more people to access the content we want toconvey through publications and content We want to maintain and attract audienceloyalty with quality content, images, and videos through two media channels Facebook

b Goal

The project was established to reach out and raise awareness about the current issue ofviolence against children, especially in areas with a high percentage of vulnerablechildren We aim to increase understanding of the importance of Children's Rights inVietnam Through that, the project will spread positive energy and love for children, andthe future sprouts of the country At the same time, wishing to bring about social values,calling on the community to join hands to contribute materially and spiritually to create ahealthy environment for disadvantaged children who need help.

c Objectives

Publish articles that provide remarkable information on the issue of child injury,including Child physical and mental violence, child labor exploitation, and childdeprivation (in education, health, life,…) In addition, our Facebook page also carries outmedia campaigns, promoting practical activities (including 4 stages: sprout - bud - leaf -flower), contributing to expanding the audience's reach with fundraising activities to

d Target audiences

With this topic, the audience is very diverse, but there is a limitation not everyone canreach our media channels, the audience is young people from 18-34 years old, who havea habit of using social networking platforms: Facebook, Tiktok, have understanding andconcern about issues of protecting children from negative impacts, they easily accesssocial networks and love new content and images We choose the age of our audiencebased on the social media measurer NapoleonCat According to statistics, the age of 18 -34 years old is the age of use Facebook the most in Vietnam The habit of using socialnetworks regularly helps the audience to have strong access to the posts on the fan page.

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- Condemn and help people better understand the impact ofviolence on children.

- Raise the importance of ensuring the implementation ofchildren's rights, and comprehensive development of children.- Raise funds from activities in the campaign to realize the plan

to visit children at the Lang Tre Humanitarian Center.Steps of the campaign

- Phase 1: Planning and assigning tasks Proceed to establish thepage, and introduce people to the page Seeding to let peopleknow about the page, like, and follow it.

- Phase 2: Post information to convey the project's message.- Phase 3: Have posts to increase engagement and reach Post

information about traditional musical instruments.Media timeline

- Facebook

1 Đặt ảnh bìa cho Miracle Cloud - Safeguarding Children 16/09/2022 20:002 Đặt ảnh đại diện cho

Miracle Cloud - Safeguarding Children

16/09/2002 22:003 Miracle cloud - Safeguarding Children Nâng cao nhận thức, xây

dựng tương lai.

17/09/2022 19:10

5 Hơn 1.6 triệu trẻ em có khả năng gặp nguy hiểm trước tình hình bãoNoru

03/10/2022 08:306 Thông báo nhận được phản hồi từ Unicef

Ở đây có một tin vui !!!

06/10/2022 08:307 Ơ động đất à? không phải.

đó là vì page chúng mình vừa được 500 anh em ghé thăm!!

08/10/2022 21:10

8 Trẻ nhỏ sẽ không nhớ bạn vì vật chất, mà vì tình cảm bạn dành cho chúng _ Richard l Evans

09/10/2022 08:309 Thông báo việc đi tiền trạm:

Miracle Cloud - Safeguarding Children đã đến trung tâm nhân đạo làng tre

14/10/2022 08:30

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10 Thông báo thành lập kênh Tik Tok 14/10/2022 19:1011 [Hỗ trợ truyền thông]

Giới thiệu chuỗi hoạt động gây quỹ “nâng bước chân em”

15/10/2022 11:3012 [Thông báo hoạt động của các giai đoạn Mầm - Chồi - Lá - Hoa]

Úm ba la: có gì thú dzị sắp diễn ra dzậy ta?

18/10/2022 08:3013 Thông báo hoạt động của các giai đoạn Mầm - Chồi - Lá - Hoa 18/10/2022 16:3014 [Giới thiệu nhà đồng hành]

Shake Tea đồng hành cùng Safeguarding Children

18/10/2022 20:0015 Shake Tea đổ bộ đến hội chợ gây quỹ “Mang chữ về bản” 19/10/2022 16:3016 Series: thông báo hoạt động của các giai đoạn Mầm - Chồi - Lá -

mà vấp phải đá, mà quàng phải feedback đây!”

25/10/2022 10:0020 Workshop - “Don’t be SHY Be SHINE” - nơi giúp bạn bước ra

khỏi vùng an toàn và tìm thấy giá trị của chính mình

26/10/2022 10:00

22 Đến với workshop “Don’t be SHY-Be SHINE” bạn sẽ được những gì?

27/10/2022 22:20

- Tik Tok

1 Bạn có muốn góp phần lan toả tình yêu và hỗ trợ các em nhỏ có hoàn cảnh khó khăn

11:132 Bạn biết gì về các vấn đề trẻ đang gặp phải hiện nay 17/10/202


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3 Recap gian hàng “Chồi" ngày hội chợ “Mang chữ về bản" của chúng mình nè

- This project has no budget.

II PRODUCTION:1 Production planning

Social Media is a social media channel created for people to interact and share information,images, videos, etc And it has strong interactivity Through media platforms, we believe thatthe Miracle Cloud - Safeguarding Children project can reach the audience and raiseawareness about the current situation of children being abused According to the strategy, wehave produced a lot of content and published it on two platforms: Facebook, and Tiktok Wehave chosen the above two platforms after researching their function and potential in thecurrent Vietnamese social media market.

Facebook is a widely used social media in Vietnam Data published onMeta's advertising resources shows that Facebook had 70.40 million usersin Vietnam at the beginning of 2022 Besides, the main user age rangefrom 18 to 34 years old is suitable for the target audience which we haveselected Facebook is also a channel where we can interact and reach outto our audience very effectively.

TikTok is now present in more than 200 countries and is growing verystrongly In all Southeast Asian countries, Vietnam has the highest usergrowth rate Figures published on ByteDance's advertising resources showthat TikTok had 39.91 million users aged 18 and over in Vietnam as ofearly 2022 TikTok is suitable for posting short videos That's why wechose TikTok as a platform to upload our videos, thereby achieving thegoal set by the team.

a Facebook:

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Facebook production phase 1: The "Miracle Cloud - Safeguarding Children"page was established Make a set of cover photos and avatars, post basicinformation about the page and conduct seeding to promote the page to manypeople

Facebook production phase 2: Post a series of introductions to let theaudience understand what the meaning of "Miracle Cloud - SafeguardingChildren" is and thereby convey to the audience the messages that the projectwants to bring to everyone Publish articles to attract audiences and conveyhonest information, create sympathy for them with sharing, therebycontinuing to increase the impression of the page.

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Facebook production phase 3:Communication for fundraising activities suchas fairs and talk shows to increase page engagement, and posting relatedimages and content At the same time, increase awareness and influence foractivities so that everyone has the opportunity to know the meaning offundraising activities for disadvantaged children On the other hand, it ispossible to call for sponsors, and benefactors,



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TikTok production phase 1: Create a "Safeguarding Children" page Make arepresentative photo Then, upload a video for the audience to understandwhat the meaning of "Miracle Cloud - Safeguarding Children" is and therebyconvey to the audience the messages that the project wants to bring toeveryone From there, proceed to call and promote the video to reach moreaudiences.

TikTok production phase 2: Posting videos of statistics and statistics aboutthe problems young children are facing, conveying meaningful messages andhonest information to viewers That helps attract interest, thereby further

Ngày đăng: 10/05/2024, 21:44


