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capstone project document management and take care patient zero at home

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Nội dung

06 Admin posts news about covid-19 information or tutorials relate to covid 07 Staff, doctor and patient have chart Table 3 - Major Features 6.2 Limitations & Exclusions ● Limited confir

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Capstone Project Document

Management and take care patient-Zero at home

Management and take care patient-Zero at home

Group Members

Pham Van Khanh - HE130446 Ho Ngoc Hai - HE130686 Phan Quang Anh - HE130956 Nguyen Dinh Duan - HE130823 Truong Quoc Khanh - HE130683 Supervisor Pham Ngoc Ha Capstone Project

code F-CDC

- Hanoi, December 10, 2021 -

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III Software Requirement Specification 29

Trang 4 Dashboard 59

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3 System Detailed Design 124

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3.5.14 Import patients by excel 155

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Second, we want to thank all of the lectures of FPT University, the FPT University itself and Coursera and Funix online learning system The knowledge which they provide us with is the most valuable resource for us to use in the project

Third, we want to thank all of the FPT University’s students and graduate students for always cheering us up and providing us with their experience

Finally, we want to thank and express respect to our families and friends for always supporting us from behind

Thank all of you

Definition and Acronyms

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DB Database

SRS Software Requirement Specification

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I Project Introduction

1 Overview 1.1 Project Information

● Project name: Management and take care patient-Zero at home

● Project code: F-CDC ● Group name: SWP490_G24 ● Software type: Website ● Timeline:

1.2 Project Team a Supervisor

b Team Members

Phạm Văn Khánh khanhpvhe130446@fpt.edu.vn 0966274390 Leader Trương Quốc Khánh khanhtqhe130683@fpt.edu.vn 0379416224 Member

Nguyễn Đình Duẩn duanndhe130823@fpt.edu.vn 0355679554 Member

● The number of deaths has reached more than 15,000

● Ho Chi Minh City alone has more than 300,000 cases, Binh Duong province has more than 160,000 cases, Dong Nai province has more than 35,000 cases

Because there are too many people infected while infrastructure and facilities are not enough to meet the needs of COVID-19 treatment, so many patients have to self-treat at home according to the request and instructions of the Ministry of Health

The current epidemic is very serious, the government has switched to treating covid patients in a 3-story tower The first layer is very important, it covers patients with a little or no symptoms, underlying disease, or stable underlying disease So the first floor will be treated at home

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In order to better manage and care for patients in each area, the Support Patient Zero treatment team decided to create a website to help staff in commune health centres manage and take care of patients in a timely and better manner

Self-This software will help medical staff and doctors to capture patient information in a smart, simple and fastest way And can cover the current situation of the epidemic

3 Existing System3.1 HCDC website

HCDC is a centre for health and disease The system focuses on services such as covid-19 testing, vaccination schedules, and other disease-related information

HCDC is a great site It provides a user-friendly interface that is easy to use Provide a lot of information related to the Covid-19 epidemic and effective disease prevention measures

Summary of the advantages and disadvantages of HDCD System

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• HCDC provides important information for everyone

provides information about 19 services but cannot advise or give effective advice directly to Covid patients

covid-Table 1 - Pros and Cons of HCDC System

3.2 Electronic healthy declaration

This is the daily electronic declaration to help people provide personal information and symptoms, health status at home

Summary of the advantages and disadvantages of Electronic healthy declaration website

• Users can use it simply and effective • Fully necessary information • Fully declared subjects

• This system allows you to declare many times in one day which leads to difficult to manage everyone

Table 2 - Pros and Cons of Covidmaps

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4 Business Opportunity

In the context of complicated epidemic developments, the number of people infected with the disease increased, the demand for health care consultations of patients also increased The State has implemented a 3-tier model of patient care and management The first tier is for patients with mild symptoms, no underlying disease, or non-serious underlying disease

Expect good first-floor care when the sick are isolated at home We need a system to help manage and care for patients

To solve this problem, a system of management and care of covid patients isolated at home was born

5 Software Product Vision

During the current covid pandemic, Vietnam is strengthening its anti-epidemic work People's health is always a top priority This system will contribute to a more effective anti-epidemic The F-CDC website helps patients who are treated at home to ensure their health and easier to manage and care for patients, reducing work for frontline medical staff and doctors

6 Project Scope & Limitations 6.1 Major Features

There are 5 types of users in F-CDC System: Type of User Description

Admin People who manage the F-CDC System Guest The users that don’t have an account Staff People who receive and manage patients' reports Patient The registered user of the system and declare everyday

Doctor The user is provided an account as a doctor who take care patients have a noted condition

F-CDC System will provide the following functions to the above users: FE Description

01 Patients must submit a report before 12pm

02 Staff receives reports and gives comment replies for each report

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04 Staff can update disease status

05 Text chat between staff’ facebook page and patients, doctor and guest

06 Admin posts news about covid-19 information or tutorials relate to covid

07 Staff, doctor and patient have chart

Table 3 - Major Features

6.2 Limitations & Exclusions

● Limited confirms: The patient may send the wrong health status if they aren’t careful

● Limited scope of use: The system is effective only in areas where patients self-treat at home and during outbreaks.

II Project Management Plan

2.1 Create report 2 (Project Management Plan) Complex 5

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2.4 Team meeting Simple 3 Define & analyse the main business flow Complex 10 Configuration & Setup environment Medium 4 Configuration & Setup environment Medium 5

3.1.4 Summary & Evaluation Iteration 1 Simple 1 Define & analyse requirement again Medium 5

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3.2.5 Summary & Evaluation Iteration 2 Simple 1 Change password screen Simple 1 Create daily report screen Medium 2 Manage patients screen Medium 2

Trang 21 Test iteration 2 Simple 3 Create report 5 (Test Document) Medium 10

Total Estimated Effort (man-days) 340


members before merging

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2.3.3 F-CDC Back-end Diagram Package Explanation

1 Controller Contain classes that are defined as controllers, the main function is connected between client and server through API endpoints

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requests a particular endpoint That endpoint is usually a URI or a path with a specific Request method (POST, PUT, GET, )

3 Service Standardized means of communication between client and server applications

4 Validator Contains various types of input check functions

5 Utils Contains standard form formats

6 Repository Data manipulation

3 System Detailed Design 3.1 Home

3.1.1 Log In a Class diagram

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3.1.2 Log out a Class Diagram

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b Sequence Diagram

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3.1.3 View news list a Class Diagram

b Sequence Diagram

3.1.4 View news detail a Class Diagram

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b Sequence Diagram

3.1.5 Search news a Class Diagram

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b Sequence Diagram

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3.2 User Profile 3.2.1 Forgot Password a Class diagram

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3.2.2 Change Password a Class Diagram

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3.2.3 Update avatar a Class Diagram

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3.3 Doctor Management 3.3.1 Dashboard number patient a Class Diagram

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3.3.2 Dashboard status patient a Class Diagram

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3.3.3 View daily report a Class Diagram

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3.3.4 Reply daily report a Class Diagram

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3.4 Patient Management 3.4.1 Create daily report a Class Diagram

b Sequence Diagram

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3.4.2 View report history a Class Diagram

b Sequence Diagram

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3.4.3 View daily report a Class Diagram

b Sequence Diagram

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3.4.4 View covid test result a Class Diagram

b Sequence Diagram

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3.4.5 Dashboard status patient a Class Diagram

b Sequence Diagram

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3.5 Admin Management 3.5.1 View news list a Class diagram

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3.5.2 Create news a Class Diagram

b Sequence Diagram

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3.5.3 Search news a Class Diagram

b Sequence Diagram

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3.5.4 Update news a Class Diagram

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3.5.5 Delete news a Class Diagram

b Sequence Diagram

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3.5.6 View staffs list a Class Diagram

b Sequence Diagram

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3.5.7 View doctors list a Class Diagram

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3.5.8 View patients list a Class Diagram

b Sequence Diagram

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3.5.9 Search users a Class Diagram

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3.5.10 Create staff account a Class Diagram

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3.5.11 Create doctor account a Class Diagram

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3.5.12 Create patient account a Class Diagram

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3.5.13 Delete user a Class Diagram

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3.5.14 Import patients by excel a Class Diagram

b Sequence Diagram

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3.5.15 Import doctors by excel a Class Diagram

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3.5.16 Import staffs by excel a Class Diagram

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3.5.17 Export users to excel a Class Diagram

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3.6 Staff Management 3.6.1 Dashboard number patient a Class Diagram

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3.6.2 View patients list a Class Diagram

b Sequence Diagram

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3.6.3 View normal patients list a Class Diagram

b Sequence Diagram

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3.6.4 Create daily report a Class Diagram

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3.6.5 View daily report a Class Diagram

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o In page “Danh sách bệnh nhân”, doctor click “Xem” in column “Chi tiết” o The mentee view list of daily reports of that patient with information related to

o Click to “Xem” to view detail of the report

Figure 10: View daily report detail

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o In page “Danh sách bệnh nhân”, doctor click “Xem” in column “Chi tiết” o The mentee view list of daily reports of that patient

o Dashboard display below list of reports with information about “Nhiệt độ, Nhịp thở, Nồng độ Oxy”

Figure 11: View dashboard ● Reply daily report

o In page “Danh sách bệnh nhân”, doctor click “Xem” in column “Chi tiết” o The mentee view list of daily reports of that patient

o Click to “Xem” to view detail of the report o Input comment in textbox at the end of the report

Figure 12: Reply daily report

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o In home page

o Click to “Đăng xuất” on the top right of the website

Figure 13: Logout screen 3.2.3 Patient

● View report history : o Patient login

o Click to name of patient in the top right of website o In page “Lịch sử báo cáo”

o Patient view reports list with informations relate to symptoms

Figure 14: View report history ● View daily report detail:

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Figure 15: View daily report detail ● View dashboard:

o In page “Lịch sử báo cáo”

o Dashboard display below list of reports with information about “Nhiệt độ, Nhịp thở, Nồng độ Oxy”

Figure 16: View dashboard ● Create daily report:

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Figure 17: Create daily report ● View test covid result:

o Patient login

o Click to name of patient in the top right of website o Click to “Kết quả xét nghiệm”

o Display result of covid test

Figure 18: View test covid result ● Update avatar:

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Figure 19: Update avatar ● Logout:

o In home page

o Click to “Đăng xuất” on the top right of the website

Figure 20: Logout screen

3.2.4 Admin ● View news list

o Admin login o Click to “Quản lý tin tức” o Admin view list of news

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Figure 21: View news list ● Create news :

o In page “Quản lý tin tức” o Click to icon “+”

o Input “Tiêu đề”, “Ảnh”, “Nội dung” o Click to “Tạo” button

Figure 22: Create news ● Search news

o In page “Quản lý tin tức”

o Input keyword in search bar to search news by title

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Figure 23: Search news ● Update news

o In page “Quản lý tin tức”

o Click icon edit to go to update news page o Edit “Tiêu đề” or “Ảnh” or “Nội dung” o Click to “Cập nhật”

Figure 24: Update news ● Delete news

o On page “Quản lý tin tức’’ o Click icon delete

o Click “Có” button when display popup

Trang 211

Figure 25: Delete news ● View users list

o Admin login

o Click “Bệnh nhân” to display list of patients o Click “Nhân viên” to display list of staffs o Click “Bác sĩ” to display list of doctors

Figure 26: View users list ● Search users:

o On page “Bệnh nhân” or “Bác sĩ” or “Nhân viên” o Input keyword in search bar to search users by name

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Figure 27: Search users ● Create user account:

o Admin login o Click “Tạo tài khoản”

o Input information of user, choose role o Click “Tạo” button

Figure 28: Create user account ● Delete user account:

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Figure 29: Delete user account ● Import users by excel:

o Admin login o Click “Tạo tài khoản” o Click Tạo bằng excel” o Choose file excel

Figure 30: Import users by excel ● Logout:

o In home page

o Click to “Đăng xuất” in sidabar

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Figure 31: Logout screen

3.2.5 Staff

● Export list Covid-19 patients to Excel: o In page ‘’Bệnh nhân F0’’

o Click button ‘’Xuất ra excel’’ to download excel file to your computer

Figure 32: Export list Covid-19 patients to Excel ● Export list patients recovered cured of Covid-19 :

o In page “Đã khỏi bệnh”

o Click button ‘’Xuất ra excel’’ to download excel file to your computer o

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Figure 33: Export list patients recovered cured of Covid-19

● View list Covid-19 patients

o In the page, staff chooses the tab “Bệnh nhân F0” o Staff can see all Covid-19 patients

Figure 34: View list Covid-19 patients

● View list patients recovered cured of Covid-19 o In the page, staff chooses the tab “Đã khỏi bệnh”

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Figure 35: View list patients recovered cured of Covid-19

● Search patient recovered cured of Covid-19

o In the page, staff chooses the tab “Đã khỏi bệnh” o Staff enter name or character to contain patient’s name o Show information patient(s) staff want to search

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● Search Covid-19 patients

o In the page, staff chooses the tab “Bệnh nhân F0” o Staff enter name or character to contain patient’s name o Show information patient(s) staff want to search

Figure 37: Search Covid-19 patients

● Change result status

o In the page, staff chooses the tab “Bệnh nhân F0” o Find patient who staff want to change o Staff click button “F0” to change status

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Figure 38: Change result status ● Delete Covid patient

o In the page, staff chooses the tab “Bệnh nhân F0” o Find patient who staff want to delete o Staff click icon “delete” to delete that patient

o Messagebox is displayed “Bạn chắc chắn muốn xóa tài khoản này ?” o Click Button “Có” if you want to delete

Figure 39: Delete Covid patient ● Set doctor to take care patient

o In the page, staff chooses the tab “Bệnh nhân F0”

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o Staff click list doctor in “Bác sĩ điều trị” column o Choose doctor who staff wants to take care for patient

Figure 40: Set doctor to take care patient ● Display list daily report and dashboard for each patient

o In the page, staff chooses the tab “Bệnh nhân F0” o Find patient who staff want to choose

o Staff click icon “eye” in “Danh sách báo cáo” column

Figure 41: Display list daily report and dashboard for each patient

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● Display daily report detail

o In the page, staff chooses the tab “Bệnh nhân F0” o Find patient who staff want to choose

o Staff click icon “eye” in “Danh sách báo cáo” column o Find daily report which staff want to show o Click icon “eye” in last column

Figure 42: Display daily report detail ● List of unsent reports

o In the page, staff chooses the tab “Danh sách báo cáo” - “Chưa gửi” o Show all of unsent reports

Ngày đăng: 09/05/2024, 10:57


