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btec level 5 hnd diploma in business unit 16 operations and project management 528

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Currently, the managing director of areal company has asked your company for consultancy services in operations management.Specifically, he wants to be briefed comprehensively about all

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ASSIGNMENT 1 FRONT SHEETQualificationBTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and titleUnit 16: Operations and Project Management (528)

submission)Re-submission dateDate received (2nd submission)

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Summative Feedbacks: Resubmission Feedbacks:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

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Signature & Date:

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Assignment Brief 1 (RQF)

Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Business

Student Name/ID

Unit Number and Title: Unit 16: Operations and Project Management (528)

• This assignment is an Individual report

• You must use font Calibri size 12, set number of the pages and use multiple line spacingat 1.5 Margins must be: left: 1.25 cm; right: 1 cm; top: 1 cm and bottom: 1 cm • You should use in text references and a list of all cited sources at the end of the essay

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yby applying Harvard referencing style

• The recommended word limit is 3000 words (+/-10%), excluding the tables, graphs,diagrams, appendixes and references You will not be penalized for exceeding the totalword limit However, the report should be written in a concise, formal business style • The cover page of the report has to be the Assignment front sheet 1 (to be attached

with this assignment brief) Submission

• Students are compulsory to submit the assignment in due date (slot 20) and in a wayrequested by the Tutor

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• The form of submission will be a soft copy posted on http://cms.greenwich.edu.vn/.

• Remember to convert the word file into PDF file before the submission on CMS Note:

• The individual Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from anotherstudent

• If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams) from books, journals or othersources, you must reference your sources, using the Harvard Referencing System • Make sure that you understand and follow the guidelines to avoid plagiarism Failure to

comply this requirement will result in a failed assignment Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Review and critique the effectiveness of operations management principles LO2 Applythe concept of continuous improvement in an operational context

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

*This assignment guidance is for reference only and can be customized by the tutor to meetspecific needs

Assignment scenario

Assume that you are an operations assistant consultant working for Ernst & Young, one of thetop management consulting companies in the world Currently, the managing director of areal company has asked your company for consultancy services in operations management.Specifically, he wants to be briefed comprehensively about all operations managementconcepts & processes and given recommendations on how to further improve the efficiencyand effectiveness of his company’s current operations so that the company can become morecompetitive in the market You have been assigned to conduct a report to satisfy the client’srequirements

Note: You are free to choose a company (regardless the nationality) to be your client company(so called the chosen company) within the industry suggested by your tutor/lecturer

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Structure of the Report:

General introduction: Based on the scenario, briefly introduce the chosen company, mainpurposes and structure of the work

Main contents of the report:

1 Conduct a review and critique of the key concepts of operation vs operationsmanagement To be more specific:

Define the key concepts: operations, operations management & operational functionsand explain the relationship between operations and other business functions in an

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Discuss the development of operations management principles in modern context 3 Prepare a continuous improvement plan based on the review and critique of operations

management principles for the chosen company To be more specific:

Explain the application of operation and operations management concepts at thechosen company, especially for the relevance of operations and other businessfunctions at the chosen company

Identify and discuss the current continuous improvement processes (e.g Six Sigma,lean production, JIT, Kaizen) at the chosen company Explain the roles of lean principleswithin the cycle of continuous improvement in the company

Identify and discuss the impact of process technology has had upon operationalfunctions and information flows of the company (You may consider the use oftechnological tools, models, frameworks, and software systems in ERP, SCM, NPD & CRM )

Differentiate the different operation approaches (e.g TQM, Kaizen, processreengineering…) that a company can use to further improve quality of theproducts/services in general using appropriate theories, concepts, and/or models.Identify and discuss which operation approach (es) that the chosen company has been

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using and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of that approach 4 Recommendations to achieve improved efficiency

Based on the review and evaluation of the current method(s) that the chosen companyis using to improve the quality, make recommendations on how to further improve theoperation efficiency and effectiveness for the company

Some comparison with the methods of other companies in the same sector (better ifexamples in VN context are chosen) or application of appropriate theories, concepts,and/or models can be made to justify strategies of the continuous improvementplan/support your recommendations for achieving improved efficiency

A conclusion to summarize all the key findings and analysis should be presented Plus, you can

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also provide a critical self-criticism of your own report

Unit assessment criteria

LO1 Review and critique the effectiveness of operations management principles

LO 1&2

D1 Apply appropriatetheories, concepts and/ormodels to justify strategies ofa continuous improvementplan for achieving improvedefficiency

P1 Conduct a review andcritique of the implementationof operations management

organizational context

M1 Review and critiquethe implementation ofoperations management inrelation to Six Sigma methodology and Lean principles

LO2 Apply the concept of continuous improvement in anoperational context

P2 Prepare a continuousimprovement plan based on thereview and critique of

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2.2 Relationship between operations and other business functions in an organization 9



4.1 The operational process and operations management in selected organization 15

4.2 Prepare Continuous improvement plan for the selected organization 16




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Established in 2015, Le Trang Chicken Rice not only conquered millions of fastidious diners with itsunique and rich flavor but also was one of the first chicken rice brands to use aluminum boxes to keep foodwarm Ensure that each meal delivered to customers is always hot as if it was freshly cooked at home Thealuminum box is also a specialized packaging for hot food, very safe and suitable for health Not only that,Le Trang always uses fresh chicken to keep its freshness and natural sweetness, ensuring enough 2 elementsof deliciousness - healthy and complete meals for customers The first Le Trang chicken rice restaurantopened in Can Tho in 2018, since then, it has become the leading brand of chicken rice in Can Tho thanks tothe tireless efforts of a young, dynamic and professional staff The team is always ready to bring you thefastest and most convenient meal.

In the task of this report, the author will comprehensively introduce all the concepts & processes ofoperations management and make recommendations on how to further improve the efficiency andeffectiveness of existing operations company so that it can become more competitive in the market Morespecifically, this report has six parts (including both introduction and conclusion) First, the key concepts ofoperations and operations management will be presented here Second, the report will detail theoperational management processes Next, the author will analyze how the management process andcontinuous improvement plans are selected in this organization Finally, the author will giverecommendations to help improve operational processes for businesses to achieve the highest efficiency inbusiness.

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2.1 Key concepts

Operations is the work of managing the inner workings of your business so it runs as efficiently as

possible Whether you make products, sell products, or provide services, every small business owner hasto oversee the design and management of behind-the-scenes work The specific definition of operationswill depend on your industry and the stage your business is in Sometimes, improving operations meansthinking strategically about your systems and processes Other times, it means being part of the on-the-ground work to bring every aspect of a project, from tiny to huge, to reality [ CITATION TyK20 \l 1033 ]

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Operations management is the administration of business practices to create the highest level of

efficiency possible within an organization It is concerned with converting materials and labor into goodsand services as efficiently as possible to maximize the profit of an organization Operations managementteams attempt to balance costs with revenue to achieve the highest net operating profit possible.[ CITATION Ada215 \l 1033 ]

Operational function is the part of the organization that is responsible for operations Responsible for

creating and delivering services and products based on customer requirements However, it needs supportand input from other areas of the organization

Inside standard business organization, we can distinguish three key functional areas, including: finance,marketing and operations.

Finance is responsible for securing financial resources at favorable prices and allocating those

resources throughout the organization, as well as budgeting, analyzing investment proposals, andproviding funds for operations.

Marketing is responsible for assessing consumer wants and needs, and selling and promoting the

organization’s goods or services Marketing’s focus is on selling and/or promoting the goods or services ofan organization Marketing is also responsible for assessing customer wants and needs, and forcommunicating those to operations people (short term) and to design people (long term) Marketing,design, and production must work closely together to successfully implement design changes and to

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develop and produce new products Marketing can provide valuable insight on what competitors aredoing Marketing also can supply information on consumer preferences so that design will know the kindsof products and features needed; operations can supply information about capacities and judge themanufacturability of designs.

Operations is responsible for producing the goods or providing the services offered by the

The marketing department in an organization is responsible for nurturing loyal clients, boosting sales,and acquiring new customers On the other hand, the operations department optimizes cost efficiency

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through inventory, logistics, and other ongoing business operations Operations are also responsible forreducing business costs.

With the help of technological innovation, both operations and marketing have the opportunity toimprove their efficiency, thereby creating a close relationship between them The possible conflicts in thebusiness can be resolved by integrating the two departments Therefore, these parts are interdependent innature Besides, the two departments can better integrate through data transparency It is beneficial tohelp employees and decision makers to form an effective plan and solution to problems that may arise inthe business With the help of data visualization tools, the operations and marketing teams can work welltogether They can have access to the necessary analytics before making important decisions For example,if a software solution depends on numbers and facts about demand forecasting, the team can validate andperform other business tasks In addition, if businesses want to make themselves more profitable,marketing and operations need to develop a holistic approach to understanding customer needs Thisapproach can provide organizational benefits, including the following: Enables sales professionals toprioritize high-engagement leads at the top of the funnel; It guides sales activities to collect data that canaffect the top of the funnel Where Marketing can develop a campaign targeting your top competitors,they can focus on competitors that influence sales Marketing can be more focused if Operations can bestcollect data; it can provide marketing information on developing content and messages to emphasize intheir plans The marketing team can also create content about the conflicts that the sales activity identifiesin the data; Sales data is also essential to guide marketing in calculating Return on Investment Knowingthe amount of conduction produced is not enough What is more important is the amount of revenue thatcan be generated Activity plays a big role in matching marketing actions with closed deals [ CITATIONLoa21 \l 1033 ]

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Operational processes are the key activities or cluster of activities which must be performed in an

exemplary manner to ensure a firm’s continued competitiveness because it adds primary value to an output[ CITATION Com17 \l 1033 ] In addition, operations management is also known as the set practicescompanies use to increase efficiency in production Operations management is concerned with controllingthe production process and business operations in the most efficient manner possible [ CITATION Reb21 \l1033 ] In summary, there are duties involved with operations management Making sure the company runs

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efficiently, both in terms of utilizing the fewest resources necessary and satisfying client demands to thebest degree economically feasible, is one of those duties The process by which raw materials, labor, andenergy are transformed into goods and services is managed as part of operations management Success inoperations management requires a combination of technical expertise, people skills, creativity, andanalytical thinking.

Modern operations management revolves around four theories: business process redesign (BPR),business process management, six sigma, and lean manufacturing

Business process redesign (BPR) was formulated in 1993 and is a business management strategy

that focuses on analyzing and designing workflow and business processes within a company[ CITATIONReb21 \l 1033 ] The goal of BPR is to help companies dramatically restructure the organization by designingthe business process from the ground up.

Business process management (BPM) is a structured approach to improving the processes

organizations use to get work done, serve their customers and generate business value [ CITATION Lin22 \l1033 ] A business process is an activity or set of activities that helps accomplish an organization's goals,such as increasing profits or promoting workforce diversity BPM uses various methods to improve abusiness process by analyzing it, modeling how it works in different scenarios, implementing changes,monitoring the new process and continuously improving its ability to drive desired business outcomes andresults.

Six sigma is an approach that focuses on quality It was primarily developed from 1985 to 1987 at

Motorola[ CITATION Reb21 \l 1033 ] The word "six" references the control limits, which are placed at sixstandard deviations from the normal distribution mean Jack Welch of General Electric started an initiativeto adopt the six sigma method in 1995, which brought the approach a great deal of popularity Every six

Ngày đăng: 08/05/2024, 12:45