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brief introduction of the organization star kombucha

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Nội dung

The key performance indicator for the campaign wasachieving 2 million brand awareness over the six-month campaign period.A timeline and budget were created to ensure the plan was impleme

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I Executive summary 3

II Brief introduction of the organization/company 3

III Current situation analysis 5

1 Macro environmental factors 5

4 Consumer Behavior Analysis 11

IV Segmentation, targeting, and positioning 12

1 Segmentation Market 12

2 Targeting Market 13

3 Positioning 13

V Insights about brand's target market 14

VI Campaign objectives 16

VII Big Idea 16

VIII Message strategy 16

IX Media strategy 16

1 Print Media 16

2 Support Media 17

a Traditional Support Media 17

b Non-traditional Support Media 18

XII Timeline and budget 24

XIII Evaluation and control of IMC plan 27

XIV Appendix A Supplementary data 28

XV Reference list 28


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I.Executive summary

Star kombucha is a fermented beverage brand made from 100% natural tea, SCOBY, fruit andherbs This executive summary provides an overview of the Star Kombucha brand The purpose of thisIntegrated Marketing Communications (IMC) plan is to create brand awareness and interest, attractnew customers and increase sales.

Analysis of the current market situation shows that there is an opportunity for this brand in thehealth and wellness market Macro environmental factors impacting the industry are health awarenesstrends and advances in technology Competitors in the industry range from small craft kombuchaproducers to larger beverage companies, with varying levels of market share.

Segmentation, targeting and positioning are identified as key marketing strategies for brands Thetarget market is health-conscious people, between the ages of 30-44, who are looking for a product thatcaters to their lifestyle, habits and busyness The proposed big idea for this campaign is “Taste Elegant,Balance Your Life”.

The messaging strategy was to highlight the product's delicate and distinctive flavor as well as thehealth benefits associated with consuming Star Kombucha The communications strategy includes acombination of traditional and new media, including print media,OOH, transit, influencer marketing,digital marketing, social media, sales promotion and PR.

The goal of the campaign is to increase brand awareness among the target audience, sparkexcitement and interest in the product to create buzz and increase customer engagement on socialmedia and ultimately increase sales revenue The key performance indicator for the campaign wasachieving 2 million brand awareness over the six-month campaign period.

A timeline and budget were created to ensure the plan was implemented effectively and efficiently.Additionally, an evaluation and control plan has been developed to periodically evaluate campaigneffectiveness, maximize results, and adjust tactics accordingly.

In short, IMC's proposed plan aims to create awareness and interest in the brand, attract newcustomers and ultimately boost Star Kombucha sales It leverages the brand's dedication to taste andwellness to differentiate itself from competitors and appeal to the target market's desire for a refinedand refined beverage that supports the lifestyle of their healthy and active lives.


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acids, antioxidants, B vitamins, polyphenols, EGCG and probiotics to help "Healthy inside - Beautifuloutside".

Star Kombucha has also received many prestigious domestic and foreign awards, such as"Vietnam's No 1 Brandin2022"or"Asia'sExcellentBrandin2023".Theseareproofofcustomers'

Mission: the desire to bring Vietnamese people a healthy drink

To spread our craft to the world, the journey to improve health, one gut at a time (translation: tospread our craft to the world, a journey to better health, one gut at a time.)

Core Value: quality raw materials, standard production processes and valuable products for thecommunity Because health comes first and everyone's constant requirement will always be quality.

Message: "Khoe trong dep ngoai".

Target customers: The target customer group is women aged 30-44, who are starting to care about

their health and the quality of the water they drink every day.Competitors: Ladybuddha Kombucha, Teazen (Korean brand),

Strengths: Being the first enterprise in Vietnam to introduce Kombucha into modern productionprocesses As a member of the International Kombucha Association (Kombucha Brewers

Opportunity: First, most Kombucha ingredients are made from tea, fruit, sugar, etc It is reasonableto use raw materials in Vietnam Cultivated and produced right in Vietnam Second, the trend ofinterest in healthy products among Vietnamese consumers is increasing rapidly This is directlyproportional to their sense of product evaluation and screening More and more people will turn tousing healthy products.

Challenge: In Western countries like America, Kombucha is no longer strange But in the Asianmarket, this drink is just 'newly emerging' In Vietnam, Kombucha is mainly imported or made athome.

Revenue: Sales of Star kombucha products in July 2023 reached the highest level of 1.5 billionVND and 4.1 thousand in output.

Kombucha is a fermented drink produced on a production line or made at home, with a sour andsweet taste This drink is made from the fermentation process of tea (green tea, black tea), sugar andSCOBY (symbiosis of bacteria and yeast).

During the fermentation process, the SCOBY breed will convert the tea and sugar mixture intoprobiotics (lactobacillus strains), organic acids, vitamin B Kombucha fermented drink is rich inorganic acids, antioxidants, vitamin B, polyphenols, EGCG and probiotics have high health value StarKombucha is tea (either black or green tea) fermented for 30 days with Scoby (Symbiotic Colony ofBacteria and Yeast) - a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast imported from the United States - andthen supplemented with herbs and fresh fruit juice combine to provide a drink with several health

2Kỳ Thơ (2020) StarKombucha—ThươnghiệuKombuchathuầnViệtđầutiêntạiViệtNam [online]Vietcetera [ Nov, 1 2023] Available from:

at:https://vietcetera.com/vn/cau-chuyen-thuong-hieu-star-kombucha-thuong-hieu-kombucha-thuan-viet-dau-tien-1STAR KOMBUCHA (2022) Available at:

https://www.starkombucha.com/en/blog-star-kombucha -thuong-hieu-so-1-viet-nam-2022-i64 [Accessed 31Oct 2023].


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benefits, particularly for women Product: Star Kombucha has many flavors: Lemongrass, blueberry,peach orange, strawberry, passion fruit,

Price: 30,000 VND/240ml

Main ingredient: Organic tea - SCOBY (Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast) - Sugar - Fruitsand Herbs.

III.Current situation analysis

1 Macro environmental factors

* Political

“We are reviewingandreportingtotheGovernmenttocontinuetoconsiderreducingvalueaddedtax as applied for 2023, applying reduction of import and export tax rates, supporting domesticproduction and business, reducingcollectsomefeesandcharges,encouragetheuseofonlinepublic

beverage industry like Star Kombucha to reduce tax costs and have an advantage in price, stimulatingconsumers to buy.

* Economy

Vietnam's industry shows signs of a slight increase over the same period last year, in which totalretail sales of goods and consumer service revenue are estimated at 4,567.8 trillion VND, up 9.7%

favorable economic growth provides a conducive environment for businesses such as Star Kombuchato thrive As individuals perceive economic stability, they are more inclined to invest in dietarysupplements.

* Society

In the increasingly developing Vietnamese society, there is a growing awareness of health amongthe population Especially after the COVID-19 period in 2019-2020, the trend of consuming healthcare products has been on the rise According to a recent Metric report on the weight loss healthy foodmarket on major e-commerce platforms, the revenue in the past 12 months compared to the previousquarter has surged by more than 370% Moreover, within the context of Vietnam's aging population,specific demographic analysis is as follows:

4Vietnam, (2023) BÁO CÁO Tình hình thực hiện Nghị quyết số 01/NQ - CP, tình hình sản xuất công nghiệp,hoạt động thương mại, September 09, 2023, [online] Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Socialist Publicity ofVietnam [October 31, 2023] Available from:https://tinyurl.com/uzfvyrce

3Bộ Tài chính xem xét đề xuất tiếp tục giảm thuế VAT (2023, October 12) VietnamBiz [October 31, 2023],Available fromhttps://tinyurl.com/635aa2hc


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According to population projections from Danso.org, by the year 2025, the average age of theVietnamese population is expected to fall within the range of 34-60 years, and the urban population isprojected to reach 41.6% Both of these data points closely align with the target demographic that StarKombucha is aiming for, as they are typically in their middle age and have a high income level whileresiding in urban areas.

* Technology

Not only benefiting from export activities, many Vietnamese businesses have promoted investment

high technology in most of the world Applying production technology, Star kombucha has beenimproved to increase performance and product quality Using automated equipment and controlsystems helps Star Kombucha company improve production capabilities and reduce waste Theprocess of making kombucha can be enhanced by research and the use of new technologies infermentation and production Star Kombucha uses cutting-edge technology in both management andproduction.

Kombucha Company can take advantage of the technological environment to market and advertisetheir products online Using social media channels, websites, mobile applications and digitalmarketing can help them reach a large number of consumers and build customer relationships.Vietnamese businesses have promoted investment cooperation , transferring modern technology intoproduction.

The trend of online sales is growing and is predicted to become stronger in the late 2023 - 2024period.InthecurrenteraofpopulartechnologyandtheInternet,onlinesalesarean inevitable issue

can help ensure kombucha products are delivered on time and in the best condition

8Vu Ngoc Tram Anh, (2023) Xu hướng bán hàng online nổi bật trong năm 2023-2024 dành cho doanh nghiệp[October 10, 2023] Available from:https://magenest.com/vi/xu-huong-ban-hang-online/

7Thuy Nguyen, (2022) Cập nhật 10 xu hướng social media dự báo "lên ngôi" trong năm 2023, [July 18, 2023].Available from :https://bizfly.vn/techblog/xu-huong-social-media

6Nhat Khoi, (2023).Doanh nghiệp Việt chủ động đầu tư công nghệ, đáp ứng thị trường EU, [October 9, 2023].Available from:

5(2023) Dân số Việt Nam (năm 2023 ước tính và lịch sử) [online] Danso.org, [October 31, 2023] Availablefrom:https://danso.org/viet-nam/


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* Environment

World-famouschefGordonRamsayoncesaidthattheVietnamesestreetfoodsystemisa "matrix".Diners can find food stores on any street, any road, anywhere, from the city to the countryside.

face competition with other traditional drinks and foods They need to consider how to designkombucha products to suit the tastes and culinary habits of Vietnamese people.

After going through the difficult period of the Covid-19 epidemic, the need for health care isincreasing, in which dietary supplements are interesting and used by many people The demand for

Kombucha has the opportunity to create social and environmental campaigns to build a positive imageand attract socially conscious customers.

* Legal

TheMinistryofIndustryandTrade has just summarized the implementation situation and proposedanewpolicyexpectedtobeincludedintheLawamendingand supplementing a number of articles of

needs to comply with food safety and health regulations applicable to the beverage industry.* Conclusion for PESTEL

Overall, the macro environmental factors for health drinks such as Kombucha are still positive signsfor this brand to develop Despite the global and Vietnamese economic crisis, the demand for healthyproducts among consumers is still increasing Star Kombucha can take advantage of these factors todevelop its strengths, such as product quality and consumer outreach through modern technology.However, Star Kombucha also needs to be aware of challenges from competitors in the beverageindustry and comply with the Consumer Protection Law.

2 Category analysis

* Price

In the Kombucha market, Star Kombucha costs 30,000 VND for 250ml, while Lady BuddhaKombucha's price varies but can be higher per bottle Teazen Kombucha is the most budget-friendlytea, as it makes 250ml of tea per packet But the market is still strongly affected by traditionalwholesale and retail products, these products range in price from 23,000 VND to 35,000 VND.

In the beverage market, Star Kombucha is priced higher than other refreshing and health-enhancingbeverages, especially bottled beverages Because of this problem, Star kombucha has difficultyreceiving consumers' attention and this is a major shortcoming because Vietnamranks3rdinSoutheastAsia in terms of food industry revenue ReportonCulinaryBusinessMarketinVietnam2022shows

11Ngo Minh, (2023).Kiến nghị của Bộ Công Thương về sửa đổi Luật An toàn thực phẩm [September 20, 2023].Available from:

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that, thanks to the opening and promotion of tourism, the F&B (food and catering service industry)

* Positioning claim

Star Kombucha has a fairly high ranking in the market in terms of featured products When it comesto the product, many customers are impressed and have their first thoughts about the brand Thesesuccesses are due to the brand's reasonable investment in choosing real-life suppliers (such as WinMart, Circle K, Big C etc) and online suppliers (such as Shopee, Lazada etc)

In the food and beverage market, the product is still too new and appears quite obscure, so in thebeverage market, Star Kombucha is still too small compared to the beverage giants.

* Packing format types & Material

Star Kombucha positions itself as a brand with strong visual appeal, offering a variety of flavorsand convenient packaging for people on the go The use of colors inspired by nature helps convey afeeling of freshness and health This has contributed to creating star Kombucha's brand image moreprominently than its competitors

* Consumption Driver

The Star Kombucha market research report on e-commerce platforms Shopee, Lazada, Tiki fromAugust 2022toJuly2023conductedbyMetric.vnshowsthatStarKombucha'srevenueone-commerceplatforms reached 1,3billionVNDin12monthsandcomparedtothelatestquartergrewbymorethan

and best-selling Star Kombucha brands are Star Kombucha, Tea of Life Kombucha, Starkombucha,Farmersmark

3 Competitor Analysis

Including 4 main tastes:lemon, peach, berry, yuzu

the effect Very good for health,especially for the immunesystem.

Vary depending on the type ofproduct, but there is 1 1SOOSmain ingredient

Contains the following mainingredients:

Organic kombucha powderLemon juice

14(2023) STARKOMBUCHA [October 30, 2023] Available at:https://www.starkombucha.com/

132023 Star kombucha - Báo cáo xu hướng thị trường sàn TMĐT Metric.vn[October 24, 2023].Availablefrom:Báo cáo thị trường Star kombucha dành cho doanh nghiệp - Cập nhật tháng 11/2023 (metric.vn)

12Vu Khue, (2023).Việt Nam: Thị trường tiềm năng cho doanh nghiệp thực phẩm, đồ uống [October 24, 2023 ]Available from:https://en.vneconomy.vn/viet-nam-thi-truong-tiem-nang-cho-doanh-nghiep-thuc-pham-do-uong


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Synthetic flavor12 types of lactic acidpowder mixed

designed simply but eye-catching The main color ofeach can corresponds to thecolor of the taste, symbolizingnature and vitality.

A glass bottle throughout theplastic lid with a simple design.Two main types: 500ml or250ml bottle

Produced in the form ofpowder Close 5 grams/1pack, each box has 10 packsor 30 packs

Conclusion for Product: Compared to other competitors, Star Kombucha has the advantage of a

variety of flavors and convenient packaging This advantage helps brands attract customers with highdemand for convenience and also helps choose their favorite flavor for long-term commitment.

Value-based pricing.

Ladybuddha Kombucha wants tolocate its product as a high -endproduct, bringing high value tocustomers, want to attract customerswho are ready to pay higher for highquality products, and want to createbenefits higher profit.

Teazen Kombucha canpricing its products on parwith competitors Thisstrategy will help TeazenKombucha attractcustomers' loyalty to thebrand.

Conclusion for Price: Compared to two competitors, Star Kombucha's price is at an average

level for 250ml of finished product, from which we can see that Star Kombucha's price competitionstrategy is to make its product on par with its competitor, Teazan Kombucha even much lower thanLadyBuddha Kombucha The price advantage helps Star Kombucha stay in the top choices ofcustomers.

17(2023) Shopee.vn [October 30, 2023] Available from:Trà Teazen kombucha | Shopee Việt Nam

16(2023) NamAnMarket [October 30, 2023] Available from:Nam An Market

15(2023) Shopee.vn [October 30, 2023] Available from:Shopee.vn


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Star Kombucha LadyBuddha Kombucha Teazen KombuchaDirect

Two main distribution channels:(1) Star Kombucha's website:Customers can order productsdirectly on Star Kombucha'swebsite (2) E -commerce page:Star Kombucha is currentlycooperating with large e-commerce sites such as Shopee,Lazada, Tiki to sell productsdirectly to consumers.

Directly on the website ofLadybuddha KombuchaVia Facebook fanpage.

As a foreign brand, channelwill be directly through thewebsite of Brand, Amazon

Star Kombucha is currentlycooperating with traditionalretailers such as supermarkets,convenience stores, (Circle K,WinMart, BigC, Aeon Mall ) tosell products.

Collaborate with some hotels andrestaurants to bring Sant products tocustomers such as Wink Hotel,Missthu Restaurant, Saigon Hotel…However, this distribution channelof the company has not beendiverse and is currently developing

Some agents and retailers ofVietnam will import goodsfrom Korea and then sell tocustomers through e-commerce platforms orlocated in conveniencestores

Conclusion for Placement: Star Kombucha has a much greater advantage in reaching Vietnamese

customers through channels familiar to Vietnamese people such as the brand's own website ore-commerce site and direct shipping and consultation support The retail channels they push productsinto are also channels where target customers often shop.

Tiktok and some otherplatforms Emphasize theeffectiveness of the product

There are only some videoswith content waysKombucha, productionprocess uploaded onfanpage

There are TVCs on YouTube,however, they will mostly seeKoreans, not to reach manypeople in Vietnam

occasions of the year such asChristmas, New YearProvided free product modelsat grocery stores, agriculturalmarkets and other events.Provided a promotion programto buy 1 get 1 free for the newKombucha guava flavor.

Customers can use discountcodes when buying onlineon the website of LadyBuddha Kombucha.

Teazen has promotions on theoccasion or the distributors ofCuae Teazen will offer someVouchers for KH.


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PR and sponsorship Sponsorship: sponsor the MissGrand Vietnam program 2023on the journey to spreadVietnamese beautyHouse at a aid for athletes forEcopark MarathonPR: Minigame "Happy NewYear" so users can send goodwishes to relatives and friends.Giving 5000 Tet gifts forwomen in the city Ho ChiMinh Launch the campaign toimprove public health.

Appeared on Tien Phongnewspaper, Da Nangwebsite of Bach Hoa Xanh,or Bazaar magazine onhealth and kombucha

Receiving reviews from thefamous Korean members andsingers such as Jungkook, orfrom Tiktokers, YouTubers todayTizen Co., Ltd (CEO of KimJong-tae) declares that they willcarry out social contributionactivities seriously, and as part ofthis, they will implement theLove Lunch Box project with thenon-organization Korea WorldVision International Rescue andDevelopment

Conclusion for Promotion: Star Kombucha has a variety of promotional forms in the Vietnamese

market compared to its competitors Being present and approaching events that are familiar to customerswill help Star Kombucha attract many potential customers.

4 Consumer Behavior Analysis

Customers who come to Star Kombucha are mostly people who care about health They knew aboutKombucha tea, understood the benefits from it but also knew the difficult process to make this drink.Star Kombucha emerges as a convenient solution, saving time and delivering a multitude of health andskincare advantages.

The buying decision of consumers will usually go through the following 5 stages: (1) Perception (2)Searching for information (3) Evaluation of selection (4) Purchasing (5) Post-purchase.

(1) Star Kombucha is a specific drink, customers divided into two categories that want to tryKombucha drinks and people who know Kombucha before and want to find convenientsolutions From there, seeing the initial steps of awareness is divided into two branches: notunderstanding and knowing in advance about the type of Star Kombucha product.

(2) The two groups of objects above will have different information search processes For peoplewho do not understand Kombucha, they will search for information via search engines (Google,Edge, ), E -commerce site, expert blog, Brand's website, social networks, etc For the rest,they understood Kombucha in part, so they would focus more on reference through Reviewer,those who are influential.

(3) Next is the evaluation phase of options Customers will consider the product based on thecriteria: price, promotion, product quality, comments from other consumers, convenience,benefits it brings including internal value ( Health, skin), external value (time, relationship,experience, ).

(4) Two stages of information search and evaluation can be repeated many times until the userreaches the next stage of buying Currently, the two main purchasing methods are direct andonline, the methods have a way to affect the buying decision of customers in the same way ordifferent The common point of the two methods is to provide basic information about price,packaging, capacity, etc The difference between the way of buying communication and buyingonline includes the way to contact the product, the support method, the information referenceso depending on the needs, customers will choose one of these two forms Star Kombucha10

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products can be found through direct retail channels such as convenience stores, supermarkets, or online through the official website of brands and e -commerce channels There are manyforms of payment such as cash, bank cards or credit, this form helps customers morecomfortable in shopping.

(5) The final stage is Post-Purchase This stage is when customers rated their experiences aboutproducts and services related to purchases If customers are satisfied, they will be moremotivated to buy and stick with the product Star Kombucha is a specific drink, so first -timepeople who know the product will think that it is difficult to drink, and for familiar people willhave more positive assessments Based on this satisfaction, customers also easily share with thecommunity or those around them, which is an opportunity for the product to spread in themarket."

Star Kombucha is not considered an essential food product and is typically not the first choice forordinary consumers Its potential customers are health-conscious individuals with above-averageincomes This product addresses the time constraints of busy individuals seeking a healthy beverage.Specifically, Star Kombucha's target demographic comprises women aged 30-44, who prioritize theirappearance but have limited time due to family and work commitments, making them a prime marketfor products that address these concerns This group of customers mostly plays the role of purchasingfor the whole family and is very careful in choosing products, especially with drinks with healthfactors like Star Kombucha To satisfy them, Star Kombucha needs to emphasize the quality of theproduct, the physical benefits it brings, and also give them a good experience when enjoying theproduct through diverse fruit flavors.

Segment 3:Family

people, 25-44

Diverse age range,including young andmiddle-aged people,with children or largefamilies

Interests - Loves experimentation and iswilling to test new products,- Reduce alcohol consumption

- Interested in and careabout products that helpimprove health, bodyshape, skin- Seek relaxation

Family is important,Like to share and findsuitable products for thewhole family


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Value Experiences, relationships, health Spirit, health, appearanceFamily, health

Family, health

with a healthy lifestyle

The area has manyfamilies and close-knitcommunities

2 Targeting Market

Star Kombucha targets a diverse customer segment with a primary focus on women This segmentencompasses a wide range of age groups, including both young individuals and middle-agedconsumers These individuals typically have a moderate to high income level and often hold officejobs or positions that require them to maintain a certain appearance They share a common interest inproducts that contribute to improving their overall health, physique, and skin.

For this customer segment, the core values revolve around the promotion of a healthy lifestyle,enhancing physical appearance, and nurturing a sense of well-being Star Kombucha's offerings alignperfectly with the preferences of this dynamic and health-conscious audience.

3 Positioning

Star Kombucha is positioning itself in the kombucha market as follows:

brand, produced from natural ingredients, without using preservatives Star Kombucha productsprovide a delicious taste, are easy to drink, and have many health benefits such as

exchange for that, this is a truly quality product when certified by the FDA - short for Food and DrugAdministration of the United States.

audiences, from children to adults Except for pregnant women because this product contains alcoholalthough not more than 0.5

beverage, belonging to the Kombucha tea segment.

Vietnam As e-commerce has grown rapidly in the country, Star Kombucha has opened officialonline stores on the major platforms Shopee and Lazada To make its kombucha availableeverywhere, Star Kombucha sells in supermarkets, convenience stores, and specialized outlets likerestaurants, hotels, gyms, and yoga centers across Vietnam This multi-channel strategy allowscustomers easy access to purchase Star Kombucha products.


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V.Insights about brand's target marketIn this campaign, we will target women aged 30-44.

Mrs Trang - 33 years old - Business development staff shared that:

Lúc này, cơ thể bắt đầu có dấuhiệulãohóa,làndabắtđầuxuấthiệnnếpnhăn,nám,tàn nhang, Bên cạnh đó, phụ nữ cũng có nhiều áp lực trong công việc, gia đình,khiếnsứckhỏetinhthầncũngbịảnhhưởng.”

many positive and negative reviews about this product.

Mrs Nga - 40 years old - an NGO program manager shared that:

not been advertised much

Secondary research: there are some comment of user on social media


Ngày đăng: 08/05/2024, 16:14


