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  • 00 preface_ Contemporary Approach to Dental Caries

  • 00a_Part 1_ The Caries

  • 01_Caries Through Time: An Anthropological Overview

  • 02_Socioeconomic Influence on Caries Susceptibility in Juvenile Individuals with Limited Dental Care: Example from an Early Middle Age Population (Great Moravia, 9th-10th Centuries A.D., Czech Republic)

  • 03_Impacted Teeth and Their Influence on the Caries Lesion Development

  • 04_Susceptibility of Enamel Treated with Bleaching Agents to Mineral Loss After Cariogenic Challenge

  • 05_Statistical Models for Dental Caries Data

  • 05a_Part 2_ The diagnosis of caries

  • 06_Traditional and Novel Caries Detection Methods

  • 07_How to Diagnose Hidden Caries? The Role of Laser Fluorescence

  • 08_Clinical, Salivary and Bacterial Markers on the Orthodontic Treatment

  • 09_The Dental Volumetric Tomography, RVG, and Conventional Radiography in Determination the Depth of Approximal Caries

  • 09a_Part 3_ Caries control and prevention

  • 10_Effect of 1000 or More ppm Relative to 440 to 550 ppm Fluoride Toothpaste – A Systematic Review

  • 11_Microbial Dynamics and Caries: The Role of Antimicrobials

  • 12_Inhibitory Effects of the Phytochemicals Partially Hydrolyzed Alginate, Leaf Extracts of Morus alba and Salacia Extracts on Dental Caries

  • 13_Sealing of Fissures on Masticatory Surfaces of Teeth as a Method for Caries Prophylaxis

  • 14_Probiotics and the Reduction of Dental Caries Risk

  • 14a_Part 4_ Medical treatment of caries

  • 15_Laser Technology for Caries Removal

  • 16_White-Spot Lesions in Orthodontics: Incidence and Prevention

  • 17_Filling Materials for the Caries

  • 17a_Part 5_ Dental caries in children

  • 18_Caries Incidence in School Children Included in a Caries Preventive Program: A Longitudinal Study

  • 19_Effect of Dental Caries on Children Growth

  • 20_The Effects of Plant Extracts on Dental Plaque and Caries

  • 20a_Part 6_ others

  • 21_Secondary Caries

  • 22_Molar Incisor Hypomineralization: Morphological, Aetiological, Epidemiological and Clinical Considerations

  • 23_Caries and Periodontal Disease in Rice-Cultivating Yayoi People of Ancient Japan

Nội dung

CONTEMPORARY APPROACH TO DENTAL CARIES Edited by Ming-yu Li Contemporary Approach to Dental Caries Edited by Ming-yu Li Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright © 2012 InTech All chapters are Open Access distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon published articles even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. After this work has been published by InTech, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work. Any republication, referencing or personal use of the work must explicitly identify the original source. As for readers, this license allows users to download, copy and build upon published chapters even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. Notice Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published chapters. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book. Publishing Process Manager Maja Bozicevic Technical Editor Teodora Smiljanic Cover Designer InTech Design Team First published March, 2012 Printed in Croatia A free online edition of this book is available at www.intechopen.com Additional hard copies can be obtained from orders@intechweb.org Contemporary Approach to Dental Caries, Edited by Ming-yu Li p. cm. ISBN 978-953-51-0305-9 Contents Preface IX Part 1 The Caries 1 Chapter 1 Caries Through Time: An Anthropological Overview 3 Luis Pezo Lanfranco and Sabine Eggers Chapter 2 Socioeconomic Influence on Caries Susceptibility in Juvenile Individuals with Limited Dental Care: Example from an Early Middle Age Population (Great Moravia, 9 th -10 th Centuries A.D., Czech Republic) 35 Virginie Gonzalez-Garcin, Gaëlle Soulard, Petr Velemínský, Petra Stránská and Jaroslav Bruzek Chapter 3 Impacted Teeth and Their Influence on the Caries Lesion Development 63 Amila Brkić Chapter 4 Susceptibility of Enamel Treated with Bleaching Agents to Mineral Loss After Cariogenic Challenge 75 Hüseyin Tezel and Hande Kemaloğlu Chapter 5 Statistical Models for Dental Caries Data 93 David Todem Part 2 The Diagnosis of Caries 103 Chapter 6 Traditional and Novel Caries Detection Methods 105 Michele Baffi Diniz, Jonas de Almeida Rodrigues and Adrian Lussi Chapter 7 How to Diagnose Hidden Caries? The Role of Laser Fluorescence 129 Camilo Abalos, Amparo Jiménez-Planas, Elena Guerrero, Manuela Herrera and Rafael Llamas VI Contents Chapter 8 Clinical, Salivary and Bacterial Markers on the Orthodontic Treatment 155 Edith Lara-Carrillo Chapter 9 The Dental Volumetric Tomography, RVG, and Conventional Radiography in Determination the Depth of Approximal Caries 181 Cafer Türkmen, Gökhan Yamaner and Bülent Topbaşı Part 3 Caries Control and Prevention 189 Chapter 10 Effect of 1000 or More ppm Relative to 440 to 550 ppm Fluoride Toothpaste – A Systematic Review 191 Alexandra Saldarriaga Cadavid, Rubén Darío Manrique Hernández and Clara María Arango Lince Chapter 11 Microbial Dynamics and Caries: The Role of Antimicrobials 203 Andréa C.B. Silva, Daniela C.C. Souza, Gislaine S. Portela, Demetrius A.M. Araújo and Fábio C. Sampaio Chapter 12 Inhibitory Effects of the Phytochemicals Partially Hydrolyzed Alginate, Leaf Extracts of Morus alba and Salacia Extracts on Dental Caries 221 Tsuneyuki Oku, Michiru Hashiguchi and Sadako Nakamura Chapter 13 Sealing of Fissures on Masticatory Surfaces of Teeth as a Method for Caries Prophylaxis 241 Elżbieta Jodkowska Chapter 14 Probiotics and the Reduction of Dental Caries Risk 271 Arezoo Tahmourespour Part 4 Medical Treatment of Caries 289 Chapter 15 Laser Technology for Caries Removal 291 Adriana Bona Matos, Cynthia Soares de Azevedo, Patrícia Aparecida da Ana, Sergio Brossi Botta and Denise Maria Zezell Chapter 16 White-Spot Lesions in Orthodontics: Incidence and Prevention 313 Airton O. Arruda, Scott M. Behnan and Amy Richter Chapter 17 Filling Materials for the Caries 333 Cafer Türkmen Contents VII Part 5 Dental Caries in Children 361 Chapter 18 Caries Incidence in School Children Included in a Caries Preventive Program: A Longitudinal Study 363 Laura Emma Rodríguez-Vilchis, Rosalía Contreras-Bulnes, Felipe González-Solano, Judith Arjona-Serrano, María del Rocío Soto-Mendieta and Blanca Silvia González-López Chapter 19 Effect of Dental Caries on Children Growth 379 Tayebeh Malek Mohammadi and Elizabeth Jane Kay Chapter 20 The Effects of Plant Extracts on Dental Plaque and Caries 395 Hamidreza Poureslami Part 6 Others 403 Chapter 21 Secondary Caries 405 Guang-yun Lai and Ming-yu Li Chapter 22 Molar Incisor Hypomineralization: Morphological, Aetiological, Epidemiological and Clinical Considerations 423 Márcia Pereira Alves dos Santos and Lucianne Cople Maia Chapter 23 Caries and Periodontal Disease in Rice-Cultivating Yayoi People of Ancient Japan 447 Tomoko Hamasaki and Tadamichi Takehara Preface Caries remains one of the most common diseases throughout the world. It has been classified by the WHO as the third world's health calamity. This book describes the cause, diagnosis, control and prevention of caries, and the progression in daily caries clinical practice, and an increased emphasis on the dental caries in children and secondary caries. The book will appeal to dental students as well as graduate students, dental health educators, hygienists, and therapists. It will also be useful to scientists working in the field of cariology and to qualified dentists who wish to update their knowledge. I wish to thank Ms. Maja Bozicevic and InTech. And an enormous thank to all the contributors who worked overtime to produce their sections. LI, Ming-yu Associate professor /Researcher/Dentist, Shanghai Research Institute of Stomatology Ninth People’s Hospital, Medical College Shanghai Jiao Tong University P.R.China [...]... al., 1983) This seems to be related to dental treatment and the introduction of fluoride13 water and toothpaste Also, the decline in dental caries rates was due to a range of changing social factors that seem to be linked to improvements in general health indicators (Haugejorden, 1996; Nikiforouk, 1985; Shaw, 1985) But in emerging countries the situation is the opposite and high caries rates are associated... York Clement, A.J (1956) Caries in the South African ape-man: some examples of undoubted pathological authenticity believed to be 800000 years old British Dental Journal 101: 4–7 26 Contemporary Approach to Dental Caries Clement, A.J (1958) The antiquity of caries British Dental Journal 104(4):115-122 Cohen, M & Armelagos, G (1984) Paleopathology at the origins of agriculture: editor’s summation In: Cohen,... allow one to discriminate between different degrees of cariogenicity of a diet (Fig 5) Caries depth and location are better markers to evaluate cariogenicity in past populations The most accurate indicators are dentine caries and extraocclusal lesions Occlusal caries are informative, but can be eliminated by intense dental wear (pulp exposures due to dental wear must then be subtracted from the total number... interdental origin of the caries and the absence of tooth picks evidence, the Broken Hill 1 developed his lesions due to his ignorance in the use of tooth picks, which was known by other earlier hominines (Puech, 1978) Fig 1 The unquestionable oldest evidence of caries in the human paleontological record Pictures of H rhodesiensis skull cast Map modified from Google Maps 2010 6 Contemporary Approach to. .. Contemporary Approach to Dental Caries strictly physiological, then differences between men and women should be universal, but in general there are many clinical and archaeological examples that suggest the existence of other factors involved (Powell, 1988; White, 1994) So, despite the plausible possibility that women show a higher intrinsic physiologic susceptibility towards caries than man, the caries. .. recording of caries experience Caries prevalence, defined as the number of individuals in a population affected by caries in a specific time span Caries frequency, defined as the number of teeth affected for caries divided by the total number of sockets observed (tooth/tooth socket) in a individual or population; and caries index as the Decay Missing Filling Index adapted to fragmentary samples (Duyar... in archaeological series related to consumption of phreatic waters from wells (Pezo, 2010; Valdivia, 1980) 13 14 Contemporary Approach to Dental Caries The deterioration of their oral conditions was evident in the beginning of the 1950’s In 1962, when the volcanic activity obliged inhabitants to evacuate towards England, more than 40 % of their teeth were affected by caries or had been destroyed The... factors have been studied by Bioanthropology under the label of Paleopathology (the study of diseases in past societies through ancient texts, art and human remains) The specific study of the oral diseases during ancient times is named Oral or Dental paleopathology (Campillo, 2001; Waldron, 2009) 4 Contemporary Approach to Dental Caries Considering the available data, we know that the highest caries. .. (Decayed Missing Filling Index) applied to archaeological samples, the I-CE (Index of carie-extractio) or DMI (Decay Missing Index – Lukacs, 1996; Pezo & Eggers, 2010; Saunders et al., 1997), calculated as the number of carious teeth added to the number of antemortem toot loss (AMTL) divided by the sum of teeth and sockets observed 8 Contemporary Approach to Dental Caries BC), but suffered a dramatic... of groups that took advantage of diverse subsistence strategies combining foods from hunting and gathering (terrestrial and/or marine), with vegetables from gathering and farming in different proportions (Hillson, 2001) These 20 Contemporary Approach to Dental Caries groups can not be classified into those two “hermetic” categories (hunter-gatherers and farmers) During the human history many societies . CONTEMPORARY APPROACH TO DENTAL CARIES Edited by Ming-yu Li Contemporary Approach to Dental Caries Edited by Ming-yu Li Published. orders@intechweb.org Contemporary Approach to Dental Caries, Edited by Ming-yu Li p. cm. ISBN 978-953-51-0305-9 Contents Preface IX Part 1 The Caries 1 Chapter 1 Caries Through. prevention of caries, and the progression in daily caries clinical practice, and an increased emphasis on the dental caries in children and secondary caries. The book will appeal to dental students

Ngày đăng: 27/06/2014, 10:20

