Contents 1 Common Instruments for Process 12 Analysis and Control 5 6 Determination of Cell Concentration and Characterization of Cells 179 IV.. The measuring techniques are subdivided
Trang 2Special Processes Volume 11 Environmental Processes Volume 12
Patents, Legislation, Information Sources, General Index
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ISBN 3-527-28314-5 (VCH, Weinheim) ISBN 1-56081-154-4 (VCH, New York)
Trang 3A Multi-Volume Comprehensive Treatise
Trang 4Dr P J W Stadler Bayer AG
Verfahrensentwicklung Biochemie Leitung
Friedrich-Ebert-StraBe 217 D-5600 Wuppertal 1
Volume Editor:
Prof Dr K Schiigerl Institut fiir Technische Chemie Universitiit Hannover
CallinstraBe 3 D-3000 Hannover 1
This book was carefully produced Nevertheless, authors, editors and publisher do not warrant the information con- tained therein to be free of errors Readers are advised to keep in mind that statements, data, illustrations, procedural details or other items may inadvertently be inaccurate
Published jointly by
VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Weinheim (Federal Republic of Germany)
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Editorial Director: Dr Hans-Joachim Kraus
Editorial Manager: Christa Maria Schultz
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Production Manager: Peter J Biel
Library of Congress Card No.: 91-16462
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data:
Biotechnology Second Edition
Biotechnology: Vol 4 Measuring, modelling and
Vol Ed Schiigerl, K
ISBN 3-527-28314-5
Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme
Biotechnology : a multi volume comprehensive treatise / ed by
H.-J Rehm and G Reed In cooperation with A Piihler and P
Stadler - 2., completely rev ed - Weinheim; New York;
Basel; Cambridge: VCH
NE: Rehm, Hans J [Hrsg.]
2., completely rev ed
Vol 4 Measuring, modelling, and control / ed by K Schiigerl
- 1991
ISBN 3-527-28314-5 (Weinheim)
ISBN 1-56081-154-4 (New York)
NE: Schiigerl, Karl [Hrsg.]
0 VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, D-6940 Weinheim (Federal Republic of Germany), 1991
Printed on acid-free and low-chlorine paper
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Trang 5Preface
In recognition of the enormous advances in
biotechnology in recent years, we are pleased
to present this Second Edition of “Biotech-
nology” relatively soon after the introduction
of the First Edition of this multi-volume com-
prehensive treatise Since this series was ex-
tremely well accepted by the scientific commu-
nity, we have maintained the overall goal of
creating a number of volumes, each devoted to
a certain topic, which provide scientists in
academia, industry, and public institutions
with a well-balanced and comprehensive over-
view of this growing field We have fully re-
vised the Second Edition and expanded it from
ten to twelve volumes in order to take all re-
cent developments into account
These twelve volumes are organized into
three sections The first four volumes consider
the fundamentals of biotechnology from bio-
logical, biochemical, molecular biological, and
chemical engineering perspectives The next
four volumes are devoted to products of indus-
trial relevance Special attention is given here
to products derived from genetically engi-
neered microorganisms and mammalian cells
The last four volumes are dedicated to the de-
scription of special topics
The new “Biotechnology” is a reference
work, a comprehensive description of the
state-of-the-art, and a guide to the original
literature It is specifically directed to micro-
biologists, biochemists, molecular biologists,
bioengineers, chemical engineers, and food
and pharmaceutical chemists working in indus-
try, at universities or at public institutions
A carefully selected and distinguished Scien-
tific Advisory Board stands behind the series
Its members come from key institutions repre-
senting scientific input from about twenty
The present volume, fourth in the series, re- flects the enormous impact of computer tech- nology on biotechnology, especially in the areas of measurement and control It describes monitoring of the biotechnological process with sophisticated analytical techniques, use of the resulting data by means of mathematical models, and computer-aided closed loop con- trol for improvement of the productivity of biotechnological processes While Volume 4
can be used independently, Volume 3 “Bio-
processing” is recommended as a companion volume
The volume editors and the authors of the individual chapters have been chosen for their recognized expertise and their contributions to the various fields of biotechnology Their will- ingness to impart this knowledge to their col- leagues forms the basis of “Biotechnology” and is gratefully acknowledged Moreover, this work could not have been brought to fru- ition without the foresight and the constant and diligent support of the publisher We are grateful to VCH for publishing “Biotechnolo- gy” with their customary excellence Special thanks are due Dr Hans-Joachim Kraus and Christa Schultz, without whose constant ef- forts the series could not be published Finally, the editors wish to thank the members of the Scientific Advisory Board for their encourage- ment, their helpful suggestions, and their con- structive criticism
G Reed
A Puhler
P Stadler
Trang 6Scientific Advisory Board
August Kirchenstein Institute of Microbiology
Latvian Academy of Sciences
Biochemical Engineering Research Centre Indian Institute of Technology
Weizmann Microbial Chemistry Laboratory
Department of Chemistry
Manchester, UK
Prof Dr C L Cooney
Department of Chemical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alimentaire
Cambridge, MA, USA
Department of Applied Microbiology The Hebrew University
Prof Dr G Goma
Departement de Genie Biochimique et Institut National des Sciences Appliquees Toulouse, France
Institut fur Biotechnologie
Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule
Zurich, Switzerland
Prof Dr D A Hopwood
Department of Genetics John Innes Institute Norwich, UK
Prof Dr E H Houwink
Organon International bv Scientific Development Group Oss The Netherlands
Center for Molecular Bioscience and Biotechnology
Lehigh University Bethlehem, PA, USA
Trang 7Department of Plant Sciences
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada
Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology National University of Singapore Singapore
Prof Dr E.-L Winnacker
Institut fur Biochemie Universitat Munchen Miinchen, Germany
Prof Dr H Sahm
Institut fur Biotechnologie
Forschungszentrum Julich
Julich, Germany
Trang 8Contents
1 Common Instruments for Process 12
Analysis and Control 5
6 Determination of Cell Concentration
and Characterization of Cells 179
IV Control and Automation
16 Control of Bioreactor Systems 509
S Shioya, K.-I Suga
19 Expert Systems for Biotechnology 625
A Halme, N Karim
Index 637
9 Cell Models 267
K -H Bellgardt
Trang 9Contributors
Dr Graham F Andrews
E G & G
Idaho National Engineering Laboratory
Idaho Falls, ID 83415, USA
Prof Dr Aarne Halme
Automation Technology Laboratory Helsinki University of Technology Electrical Engineering Building Otakaari 5A
CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
Chapter 2
Prof Dr Karl-Heinz Bellgardt
Institut fur Technische Chemie
D-3000 Hannover 1, FRG
Chapters 9 and 12
Prof Dr Nazmul Karim
Department of Agricultural and
Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA
Chapter 19
Dr Irving J Dunn
Biological Reaction Engineering Group
Chemical Engineering Department
Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule (ETH)
Trang 10Dr Sun Bok Lee
Pohang Institute of Technology
Pohang, Korea
Chapter 15
Prof Dr Henry C Lim
Biochemical Engineering Program
University of California
Irvine, CA 92717, USA
Chapter 16
Priv.-Doz Dr Andreas Liibbert
Institut fur Technische Chemie
Prof Dr Jose C Merchuk
Department of Chemical Engineering
Program of Biotechnology
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Beer Sheva, Israel
Chapter I 1
Prof Dr Axel Munack
Institut fur Biosystemtechnik Bundesforschungsanstalt fur Landwirtschaft Bundesallee 50
Prof Dr Matthias Reuss
Institut fur Bioverfahrenstechnik Universitat Stuttgart
Boblinger StraRe 72 D-7000 Stuttgart 1, FRG
Chapter I0
Prof Dr Dewey D Y Ryu
Department of Chemical Engineering University of California
Davis, CA 95616, USA
Chapter I5
Priv.-Doz Dr Thomas H Scheper
Institut fur Technische Chemie Universitat Hannover
CallinstraRe 3 D-3000 Hannover 1, FRG
Chapter 6
Trang 11Prof Dr Karl Schiigerl
Institut fur Technische Chemie
Prof Dr Suteaki Shioya
Department of Fermentation Technology
Faculty of Engineering
Osaka University, Suita
Osaka 565, Japan
Prof Dr Gregory Stephanopoulos
Department of Chemical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Chapter 7
Prof Dr Ken-ichi Suga
Department of Fermentation Technology Faculty of Engineering
Osaka University, Suita Osaka 565, Japan
Prof Dr Christian Wandrey
Institut fur Biotechnologie 2
Forschungszentrum Julich Postfach 1913
Chapter 12
Trang 12Introduction
Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany
The fourth volume of the second edition of
“Biotechnology” presents a survey on an in-
creasingly important field of biotechnology:
monitoring of the biotechnological process
with sophisticated analysis techniques, use of
the resulting data by means of mathematical
models, and (computer-aided) closed loop con-
trol for improvement of the productivity of
biotechnological processes
The bottleneck in biotechnological process
control is the on-line measurement of con-
trolled process variables Except for tempera-
ture, impeller speed (for stirred tank reactors),
aeration rate (for aerobic microorganisms),
pH, po,, which are usually controlled process
variables, and the composition of the outlet
gas (0, and C 0 2 content), which sometimes is
a controlled process variable (respiration quo-
tient, RQ, C 0 2 production rate, O2 consump-
tion rate), no other process variables are usual-
ly measured on-line in commercial equip-
However, manufacturers have recently
made great efforts to improve process analysis
and control In several laboratories, on-line
systems for the analysis of the chemical me-
dium composition are used to gain more infor-
mation about the process and to control the
concentrations of key components Further-
more, mathematical models have been devel-
oped in order to describe the production proc-
ess and to effect process optimization and con- trol Therefore, the Series Editors decided to add to Biotechnology a separate volume with
the title “Measuring, Modelling, and Con- trol”, and they asked the Volume Editor to or- ganize it
This volume consists of four main parts:
“Modelling, design, and control” of down- stream processes are also considered because
of the great importance of downstream proc- essing However, because of their broad scope, they are too heterogeneous and not yet suffi- ciently developed for treatment in the same way as processes for growth and product for- mation
The instruments are subdivided into three groups:
0 common instruments for medium analy- sis,
Trang 130 instruments for gas analysis, and
0 biosensors
The last group of instruments is still being de-
Only instruments that are (or can be) used
for process control are considered in detail
However, modern off-line techniques (e.g.,
NMR) are also taken into account
The measuring techniques are subdivided
into four groups:
0 physical techniques for the characteriza-
tion of fluid dynamics,
0 chemical methods for the analysis of
broth composition,
0 physical methods for the determination
of cell concentration, and
0 physical/biochemical methods for the
characterization of the biological state
of the cells
Most of these are on-line techniques; others
can only be carried out in a quasi on-line
mode All of them are used to characterize the
reactor/medium/cell system
There are interesting new developments in
the characterization of such systems by mod-
ern mathematical methods, with optimization
of sampling to gain maximal possible informa-
tion These new techniques are also included in
0 aerobic wastewater treatment,
0 anaerobic wastewater treatment, and
0 models for recombinant microorgan-
Models for animal and plant tissue cultures have not yet been included because no reliable kinetic data are available for mathematical modelling of these cultures
Modern control techniques are increasingly applied to closed loop control of bioreactor systems Therefore, different types of closed loop control techniques, including computer- aided control, are considered in detail Instrumental control is much more reliable than control by a human operator Further- more, long-range (many weeks or months) runs are only possible in the laboratories of re- search institutes and universities if automated equipment is used Thus, automation of bio- reactors is also taken into account
Chapter 18 on modelling, design, and con-
trol of downstream processing covers only the most important downstream processes Devel- opment in this field is still limited, so this chapter is not as extensive as the potential im- portance of downstream processing would warrant
Expert systems are being developed in dif- ferent aspects of technology, medicine, and the natural sciences Their use in biotechnolo-
gy is desirable, since they would permit the identification of equipment failures and their eventual elimination Furthermore, by means
of expert systems, large amounts of informa- tion from on-line and off-line measurements
as well as from the literature and from heuris- tic knowledge can be used with high efficiency The reviews consider only the most impor- tant techniques and omit some detail because
of limited space Further information can be gained through the reference notations
It is hoped that information given in this volume will help students, engineers, and scientists at universities, members of research institutes, and those in industry to increase their knowledge of this important and fast- growing field
Hannover, March 1991 K Schiigerl
Trang 14I Instruments
Trang 151 Common Instruments for Process Analysis and Control
2.2 Dissolved Oxygen Partial Pressure, po, 7
2.3 Redox Potential, Eh, and Dissolved C 0 2 Partial Pressure, pcO2 9
4.4 Dissolved COz Partial Pressure, pCo2
3 Instruments for Determination of Physical System Properties 10
Trang 166 I Common Instruments f o r Process Analysis and Control
1 Introduction
Biological processes are influenced by sev-
eral control variables: temperature, pH, dis-
solved oxygen partial pressure p o 2 , as well as
by state variables such as redox potential, Eh,
and dissolved C 0 2 partial pressure, pco2,
which have a direct influence on cell metabo-
lism (FORAGE et al., 1985)
Other control variables (power input, aera-
tion rate) and state variables (liquid viscosity)
have an indirect effect on cell growth and
product formation They influence gas disper-
sion (bubble size, gas holdup, and specific in-
terfacial area) and the transport processes in
the broth The broth volume can be deter-
mined by means of the liquid level and the
holdup In continuous cultivation, the residence
time of the broth or its dilution rate, which
equals the specific growth rate of the cells, is
determined by the liquid throughput and broth
With highly foaming broth the cells are
sometimes enriched in the foam by flotation
The diminution of the cell concentration in the
broth reduces cell growth and product forma-
tion rates Foam may be carried out of the
reactor by the air flow and then may clog the
gas analysis instruments and cause infection of
the broth Therefore, the foam detector be-
longs to the standard equipment of bioreac-
tors First, the use of these instruments for
process analysis, optimization, and control is
2.1 Temperature and pH
Cells have an optimum temperature and p H for growth and frequently another optimum for product formation Several authors have considered the calculation of the optimum temperature and p H profiles for product for- mation
FAN and WAN (1963) used the discrete maximum principle to calculate the optimum temperature and p H profiles for a continuous multistage enzymatic reactor to maximize product concentration
BOURDARD and FOULARD (1 973) consid- ered the optimization of yeast production in a batch process by means of optimum tempera- ture and p H profiles using the continuous maximum principle
SPITZER (1976) used a grid search method with subsequent steepest descent to maximize biomass productivity in a continuously oper- ated bioreactor by optimizing pH and sub- strate profiles
STANTINIDES and RAI (1974) investigated the
production of gluconic acid with Pseudomo-
nus ovalis and of penicillin G by Penicillium
chrysogenum in batch operation and used the
continuous maximum principle to maximize the productivity by means of optimal tempera- ture and pH profiles
CONSTANTINIDES et al (1970) and KING et
al (1974) studied the production of penicillin
G by P chrysogenum in batch operation and
used the continuous maximum principle and/
or a specific optimal control to evaluate the optimum temperature profile for achieving maximum productivity ANDREYEVA and BIRYUKOV (1973) also investigated the batch production of penicillin G and used the contin- uous maximum principle to find the optimum
p H profile for maximum productivity
Trang 17BLANCH and ROGERS (1972) maximized
profit in gramicidin S production by Bacillus
brevis by evaluating the optimum temperature
and pH as well as the number of stages using
the discrete maximum principle
Erythromycin biosynthesis in batch opera-
tion was maximized by CHERUY and DURAND
(1979) by evaluating optimal temperature and
pH profiles
On the other hand, the pH variation can be
used to control the production process PAN et
al (1972) reported on penicillin production
where carbohydrate and nitrogen source feed
rates were controlled by measurement of the
pH The nitrogen source was metabolized to
basic cations and the carbohydrate source to
CO, and organic acids The balance of the two
ingredients provided a basis for the pH con-
ANDREYEVA and BIRYUKOV (1973) pro-
posed a model for this pH effect and its use
for calculating optimal fermentation condi-
tions CONSTANTINIDES (1979) reviewed these
publications SAN and STEPHANOPOULOS
(1984) also proposed a relationship between
the total rate of biomass growth and ammonia
addition to the reactor for pH control
ROSEN and SCHOGERL (1984) used the con-
sumption of sodium hydroxide solution at a
constant pH to calculate the cell mass produc-
tion rate of Chaetomium cellulolyticum and to
control the substrate feed by means of a mi-
croprocessor in a fed-batch biomass produc-
tion process SHIOYA (1988) developed an ad-
vanced pH control system for the measure-
ment of biological reaction rates
In many microbial or cell culture systems
the pH varies during growth Acid or base
must be added to the broth to keep the pH at
the optimal value In some enzymatic hydro-
lytic reactions acid or base must also be used
to keep the pH constant by neutralizing the
produced acid or base From the amount of
acid or base required for keeping the pH con-
stant, the growth rate or enzyme reaction rate
can be calculated
If ApH(k+ 1) and ApH(k) are the differ-
ences of pH from the set point at times k + 1
and k, F(k ) is the feeding rate of acid or base
for pH control, and R(k) is acid or base pro-
duction or consumption rate, then Eq (1) can
be used to calculate R(k):
A pH(k + 1) = A pH(k) + aF(k) - bR(k) (1)
where a is a coefficient corresponding to the
pH deviation caused by adding a unit amount
of acid or base to the broth, and b is a coeffi- cient that corresponds to the pH deviation caused by the formation of a unit amount of cell mass or product
If the pH is kept constant, i.e.,
A pH(k + 1) = A pH(k) = 0, then the acid or base production or consumption rate R(k) can
be evaluated from
This principle was applied to
0 baker’s yeast production using a distur- bance predictive controller to determine the growth rate of the yeast,
0 determination of the reaction rate of N- acetyltyrosine ethyl ester (ATEE) with a-
chymotripsin to give ethanol and N-ace- tyltyrosine (AT) in a pH stat using a re- peated feedforwardlfeedback controller (repeated P F system),
0 determination of the overall production rate of (lactic) acid in hybridoma culture
Rhodotorula glutinis by means of the pH of
the medium The enzyme was excreted only in the pH range 4.5 to 6.5
Several microorganisms produce different
metabolites depending on the pH Thus, As-
pergillus niger produces citric acid in the pH
range from 2.5 to 3.5, whereas gluconic acid is produced at a higher pH and oxalic acid in the neutral pH range (SCHLEGEL, 1974)
Pressure, p o ,
Dissolved oxygen pressure or concentration
is a state variable widely used to calculate the biomass concentration by 0,-balancing and to
Trang 188 I Common Instruments for Process Analysis and Control
control the growth or production process of
aerobic microorganisms
Furthermore, Po,-electrodes are used as re-
search tools for determining oxygen transfer
rates (OTR) in pioreactors, biofilms, pellets,
and cells immobilized in beads
The use of oxygen balancing for real-time
estimation of the biomass concentration was
recommended first by HOSPODKA (1966) ZA-
BRISKIE and HUMPHREY (1978) worked out
this technique of observation in detail Using
the relationship between oxygen uptake rate
(OUR), the yield coefficient of the cell growth
with regard to the oxygen consumption,
Yx/02, the maintenance coefficient with regard
to the oxygen consumption, moZ/X, and the
where X, is the initial biomass concentration
Eq (4) forms the basis for estimating the
biomass concentration X(t) from the oxygen
uptake rate
The growth rate may be approximated using
Eqs (3) and (4):
With this method the biomass concentration
of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was estimated
Several other authors used this technique in
combination with the respiration coefficient,
RQ, to estimate the biomass (e.g., COONEY et
al., 1977; WANG et al., 1977; PERINGER and
BLACHERE, 1979; TAKAMATSU et al., 1981)
SQUIRES (1972) reported that po2 was used to
control the sugar addition to the broth of
Penicillium chrysogenum during penicillin pro-
duction The sugar feed was increased at a
high po2 value; at a low po2 it was reduced
Since a close relationship exists between oxy-
gen and substrate uptake rates, this control of the substrate feed is very popular
Under steady-state conditions, the oxygen uptake rate, OUR, and the oxygen transfer rate, OTR, are identical Knowing the driving force for the oxygen transfer, (0, - OZ), the volumetric mass transfer coefficient, KLa, can
be calculated:
0 TR
KLa =
(02 - 02) where 0, and 03 are the concentrations of the
dissolved oxygen in the bulk and at the inter- face (in equilibrium with the gas phase) By measuring the oxygen balance during cell culti- vation, the volumetric mass transfer coeffi- cient can be calculated in real time
In cell-free systems, KLa can be determined
by non-stationary or stationary measurements The non-stationary method is based on the re- lationship :
evaluated from Eq (7) However, the interre- lationships between sorption rate and driving force are in practice more complex Several re- lationships have been recommended for this calculation
A good review of these methods is given in a
‘Report of a Working Party on Mixing’ of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (LINEK and VACEK, 1986) and in the review article of LINEK et al (1987)
Several papers consider the mass transfer of dissolved oxygen into biofilms, pellets, and cells immobilized in beads The dissolved oxygen concentration profiles are determined
by means of micro-oxygen electrodes (BUN-
GAY and HAROLD, 197 1 ; CHEN and BUNGAY, 1981; BUNGAY and CHEN, 1981; BUNGAY et al., 1969, 1983; WITTLER et al., 1986)
Trang 19The combination of Eqs (10) and (11) gives
2.3 Redox Potential, Eh, and
Dissolved C 0 2 Partial Pressure,
The oxidation and reduction of a compound
is controlled by the redox potential of its envi-
The oxidation-reduction potential of a pair
of reversible, oxidizable-reducible compounds
is related to the equilibrium between the oxi-
dized (ox) and reduced forms (red) and the
number of electrons involved in the reaction
SON, in KJAERGAARD, 1977):
The redox potential of this reaction is given by
the Nernst equation:
R T activity of ox
E h = E o + - In
n F activity of red
where Eh is the redox potential referred to the
normal hydrogen electrode,
Eo is the standard potential of the sys-
tem at 25 "C, when all activities of
any reactants are at unity,
R the gas constant,
T the absolute temperature,
n the number of electrons involved in
the reaction,
F the Faraday constant
JOERGENSEN (1941) introduced a concept ana-
logous to the pH, namely the rH, which is de-
fined as
where aH2 is the activity of hydrogen in the hy-
drogen-hydrogen ion redox system according
to Nernst For hydrogen
The redox potential is used in practice for microaerobic cultivations, i.e., at very low dis- solved oxygen concentrations, which cannot be measured by standard oxygen electrodes An
example is the production of exoenzymes by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens in continuous cul- ture at 0.5% oxygen saturation by means of
redox-potential control (MEMMERT and WAN- DREY, 1987)
In small stirred tank reactors, the dissolved
COz concentration in the broth can be calcu- lated from the gas composition by assuming an equilibrium between the phases In tower reac- tors and large commercial units, no equili- brium distribution of COz exists between the
phases; therefore, the direct measurement of
pco2 can be useful
The driving force, (Pco2-pEo2), can be evaluated from the calculated pEo, at the in- terface and the measuredpco2 in the bulk The
CO, production rate, CPR, can be determined
from the evolved gas stream and the gas com- position
The volumetric mass transfer coefficient of the C 0 2 desorption is given by
CPR (KLa)co2 =
(Pco2-PEo2) CPR can also be used for the calculation of the cell mass concentration and the specific growth rate, ,u The instantaneous specific growth rate of Penicillium chrysogenum was
calculated by Mou and COONEY (1983) by
measuring the CPR during the growth phase
By monitoring the O2 and/or COz concen-
trations in the outlet gas and its flow rate, O2
and/or CO, balances can be calculated and
used for state estimation of biochemical reac-
Trang 2010 I Common Instruments for Process Analysis and Control
tors (e.g., STEPHANOPOULOS and SAN, 1982)
However, because this state estimation method
is based on measurements of the gas composi-
tion, it will be discussed in Chapter 2
3 Instruments for
Determination of Physical
System Properties
3.1 Temperature
Temperature is the most important control
variable for most biotechnological processes,
including sterilization as well as cell growth
and product formation In general, a precision
of f0.5 "C is necessary in the temperature
range from +20 to + 130 "C Only a few types
of the various industrial thermometers are
suitable because of this prerequisite (BUSING
and ARNOLD, 1980) Most popular are the Pt-
100 (100 ohm at 0 "C and 123.2 ohm at 60 "C)
resistance thermometers which are encased in a
protective steel tube fixed with a sealing com-
pound of high heat conductivity
According to DIN 43 760 (German Stand-
ard) the resistance of these instruments is guar-
anteed with the following precision: 1OOf 0.1
ohm at 0 "C, which corresponds to an error of
k 0.26 "C Therefore, these resistance ther-
mometers can be used without calibration
However, the resistances of all electrical con-
nections must be controlled These instruments
are steam-sterilizable at 121 "C Thermometers
with short response times for fluid dynamical
measurements are described in Chapter 4
3.2 Pressure
The absolute pressure is measured with re-
spect to zero pressure Gauge pressure is meas-
ured with respect to that of the atmosphere
The SI unit of the pressure is Newton per
square meter (N/m2) called Pascal (Pa)
(1 bar=0.1 M P a = 10' N/m2; 1 mbar = 100
P a = 100 N/m2.) Bar and millibar deviate with
less than 2% from the technical and physical atmosphere
Pressure measurements are necessary for the control of the sterilization and the state of the outlet gas filter as well as for the evaluation of the holdup and the partial pressures of the ga- seous components in the gas and liquid phases Membrane pressure gauges are commonly used
in biotechnology, because they are particularly suited to aseptic operations Numerous pres- sure gauges are used in the chemical industry (HIRTE, 1980; ANDREW and MILLER, 1979)
In biotechnology, the commonly employed pressure gauges are based on strain and/or capacitance measurements The capacitance pressure gauges can measure very small pres- sure differences; therefore, they are used for liquid level measurements For the construction
of the different pressure meters, see HIRTE (1980) and ANDREW and MILLER (1979)
3.3 Liquid Level and Holdup
Measurement of the liquid volume is impor- tant for filling bioreactors with nutrient solu- tions, for continuous and for fed-batch culti- vations It can be performed (OEDEKOVEN, 1980; ELFERS, 1964; ANDREW and RHEA, 1970) as follows:
0 by measuring the hydrostatic pressure difference between the bottom of the reactor, P b , and the head space, P h , by means of pressure gauges The pressure difference is proportional to the weight
of the liquid in the reactor:
where h is the liquid height above the
p the density of the broth, and
g the acceleration of gravity,
0 by measuring the total weight of the
reactor by load cells The accuracy of the volume measurement is +0.2% for large reactors and + 1% for laboratory reactors
The measurement of the volume of an aer- ated broth is accomplished with a level con-
Trang 21troller The common liquid level meters are
based on the variation of the capacitance C of
the sensor with the composition of the dielec-
tricum For plate condensers, the capacitance
is given by
C= E O E , -
where A is the area of the plates,
d the distance between the plates,
E o the absolute dielectric constant of
vacuum, and
E, the relative dielectric constant of the
aerated broth between the plates
The value of E, of the broth and of the air dif-
fer by a factor of about 80 In the case of non-
aerated broth the capacitance of the condens-
er, C, is given by
where Co is the capacity of the condenser
with air,
AC the capacity difference due to
broth per unit height, and
h the height of the liquid in the ca-
The capacity of the condenser with aerated
broth is given by
where E is the gas holdup in the aerated broth
Analogous relationships hold true for cylindri-
cal condensers (OEDEKOVEN, 1980)
The accuracy of the level control amounts
to * 2-4% depending on the uniformity of the
liquid level In the case of large reactors, the
level variation can be extremely large There-
fore, only the level of the broth can be meas-
ured in the reactor, not that of the aerated
broth, which is measured outside of the reac-
tor, e.g., in a non-aerated section Also in the
case of foam formation, the measurement of
the aerated broth level by capacitance instru-
ments becomes difficult Under these condi-
tions floating bodies can be used as level con-
Since cultivation broths have adequate elec- trical conductivity, the liquid level can also be measured by inexpensive electrical conductivi-
ty probes Their application is restricted to aqueous broths In the presence of a second (organic) liquid phase, their application cannot
in Chapter 2 Special techniques for measure-
ments of local liquid velocities are treated in
Chapter 4
Of the large number of available instru- ments ( S C H R ~ D E R , 1980; ANDREW et al., 1979; ERICSON, 1979) only three types are im-
portant in biotechnological practice:
- floating body flowmeters,
- differential pressure flowmeters, and
- magnetic-inductive flowmeters
The floating body flowmeter or rotameter consists of a conical tube and a floating body with the upper diameter D,, mass M,, and den-
sity ps (Fig 1) In the upstreaming fluid, the lifting force, which is produced by the differ- ential pressure across the slot between the tube wall and the floating body, is balanced by the weight of the floating body minus its buoyan-
cy The position of the float is a function of the flow rate and the density of the fluid, p
The volumetric throughput q v is given by
The flow coefficient a is a function of the Rey-
nolds number and the diameter ratio Dk/D,,
where Dk is the diameter of the tube at the up-
per edge of the floating body
Trang 2212 I Common Instruments for Process Analy> pis and Control
mass M
body density e ,
Fig 1 Floating body flowmeter ( S C H R ~ D E R ,
Calibration of q v is necessary because of the
nonlinear relationship between the position of
the floating body and the throughput It can
be carried out with water or air and recalcu-
lated for the nutrient medium with known den-
sity by means of the a-Ru diagram, where
the Ruppel number
depends only on the instrument constants and
fluid properties, but not on the throughput
The accuracy of rotameters is between k 1
and k 3 % depending on the ratio qv/qV,max
( S C H R ~ D E R , 1980)
Differential pressure flowmeters consist of a
tube with a restriction (usually an orifice
plate) The pressures p 1 and p z upstream and
downstream of the orifice are measured The
p the density of the fluid,
D the tube diameter,
q the dynamic viscosity of the fluid,
w the mean flow rate of the fluid
the orifice-to-tube diameter ratio d / D for
smooth tubes
In practice, standardized orifices are used for which the flow coefficients are given in diagrams The accuracy of calibrated orifice
flowmeters is f0.5'70 of qv,max
According to the induction law of Faraday,
an electrically conductive liquid passing a mag- netic field induces a voltage between two elec- trodes positioned perpendicular to the direc- tion of the flow The voltage is proportional to the flow velocity:
where U is the induced voltage,
B the magnetic induction,
D the tube diameter, and
w the mean liquid velocity
The volumetric throughput q v is given by
Magnetic-inductive flowmeters are fairly ex- pensive However, they have important advan- tages:
- the voltage U is proportional to qv,
- they are independent of the density and viscosity of the fluid as well as of the velocity profile of the fluidin tubes,
- they d o not produce a pressure drop,
- they do not have moving parts,
- they can be used for suspensions,
- they can be steam-sterilized
Their accuracy is k 1% at qv,max, and
k 1.5% at 0.5 qv.max
The flow coefficient a is usually given as a
function of the orifice Reynolds number and
Trang 233.5 Power Input
In an agitated reactor, the power input, P,
can be calculated by Eq (23) by measuring the
torque on the shaft, MN, and the speed of ro-
tation, N
The torque is measured by torsion dynamome-
ters or strain gauges and the impeller speed by
an electronic tachometer In large-scale reac-
tors, the consumed electrical energy, as meas-
ured by the wattmeter, yields useful data on
power input, if the mechanical losses in gear,
seals, etc., are taken into account
In small laboratory reactors, the mechanical
losses are considerable in comparison with the
power input into the broth Therefore, power
input measurements are inaccurate and are not
In bubble columns, P can be calculated by
where MG is the gas mass flow,
R the gas constant,
T the absolute temperature,
pin the gas pressure at the column
However, since the second and third terms to-
gether make up only 0.2% of the overall pow-
er input, the power input due to the gas expan-
in the reactor is high, improvement of heat transfer is also important to keep the tempera- ture constant
High viscosity can be caused by high sub- strate concentration (e.g., starch), high prod- uct concentration (e.g., xanthan), high cell concentration (e.g., penicillin), high solid con- tent (e.g., peanut flour), or by their combina- tion The most general description of the rheo- logical properties of fluids is given by the rela- tionship between the velocity gradient dv/dx and the stress, T, the so-called flow equation:
- = f (7)
as long as viscoelastic behavior is not present
or very slight This flow equation can be calcu- lated from the experimentally measured shear diagrams (shear rate versus shearing stress) It should be noted, however, that such a calcula- tion is not always possible In contrast to the shear diagram, the flow equation is indepen- dent of the experimental conditions (e.g., the type of viscosimeter) used for the determina- tion of the viscosity
There are many methods available to esti- mate the rheological behavior of fluids, but there are only a few that furnish true fluidity values These include the capillary, the falling sphere, the Couette, the Searle, and the tor- sional pendulum methods Until now, the eval- uation of the flow equation from the shear diagram has only been possible for the capil- lary, Couette, and Searle methods (MUSCHEL-
The capillary viscosimeter cannot be em- ployed for cultivation broths because of ad-
Trang 2414 1 Common Instruments for Process Analysis and Control
verse wall effects in the capillary As for the
falling sphere and torsional pendulum viscosi-
meters, the flow equation cannot be calculated
from the shear diagram (only partial solutions
are known)
The Couette and Searle viscosimeters can
only be used if the following conditions are
fulfilled: the annular slit between inner and
outer cylinders must be large enough to reduce
the wall effects, and measurements must be
made using different cylinder lengths to elimi-
nate the end effects In a Searle viscosimeter,
the speed of rotation is limited by the occur-
rence of Taylor instabilities
By measuring the torque MN on the shaft of
different types of stirrers at differing stirrer
speeds, N is suited for the evaluation of the
power input but not for the viscosity These
techniques, which are commonly used accord-
ing to the literature, are not suitable for the
evaluation of the shear diagram and the abso-
lute viscosity
Only the coaxial cylinder viscosimeters,
Couette with rotation outer cylinder and
Searle with rotation inner cylinder, are consid-
ered here, since they are the most popular
where w is the angular speed,
Mi the torque exerted on the inner cy-
linder, and
L the length of the inner cylinder
From Eqs (27) and (28) it follows that
The relationship between the angular velocity
of the rotating cylinder SZ and t is experimen- tally determined to obtain the shear diagram The relationship dv/dx=f(z) (flow equation) can be calculated from Eq (30) For this eval- uation, see MUSCHELKNAUTZ and HECKEN-
BACH (1980) and DINSDALE and MOORE (1962)
For Newtonian fluids, the following rela- tionship is valid:
T = - 9 -
where q is the dynamical viscosity
In practice, relative viscosities are frequent-
ly determined The shear stress is measured for different shear rates with fluids of known (oils) and unknown (broth) viscosities, and the relative viscosity of the broth can be calculated from the ratio of their shear stresses at the same shear velocity, if the broth has Newton- ian behavior
On-line determination of the broth viscosity
is sometimes useful for controlling a process The on-line techniques only yield relative vis- cosities The viscosity of the Aspergillus niger
broth was measured on-line by means of a tube viscosimeter by BLAKEBROUGH et al (1978) PERLEY et al (1979) used an on-line capillary technique for the measurement of the viscosity of the Hansenula polymorpha broth
et al (1983) developed an on-line slot-type vis- cosimeter and measured the viscosity of the
Penicillium chrysogenum broth KEMBLOWSKI
et al (1985) used an on-line impeller type vis- cosimeter to determine the viscosity of the
A ureobasidium pullulans broth
3.7 Foaminess
Integration of Eq (29) with s2 = R?/Ri = tilta
cially a combination of different surfactants with proteins, may cause stable foams in aer- ated bioreactors Foam control is necessary to
Trang 25avoid the loss of broth, the clogging of the gas
analyzers, and infections caused by foam
Foam can be suppressed by antifoam agents
(BEROVIC and CIMERMAN, 1979; SIE and
and VAN'T RIET, 1987; VIESTURS et al., 1982)
or destroyed with mechanical foam breakers
(VIESTURS et al., 1982) Foam can be detected
by an electrical conductivity probe, capaci-
tance probe, heat conductivity probe, or light
scattering probe (HALL et al., 1973; VIESTURS
et al., 1982) Antifoam and mechanical foam
breakers are frequently combined, if the foam
is very stable
The presence of an antifoam agent in the
broth may influence cell growth and product
formation as well as downstream processing
Mechanical foam breaking may exert stress
and selection pressure on the cells
4 Instruments for
Determination of Chemical
System Properties
4.1 pH Value
The dissociation constant K, of the purest
water is very low (10-'5.74 at 25 "C) The con-
centration of water can be considered as con-
stant because of the low K, value Thus, only
the ion product K, is taken into account:
[ H + ] * [OH-] =K,= 1.008 at 25 "C (32a)
Forming the logarithm of Eq (32a)
log [H '1 + log [OH -1 = log K, (32b)
and by multiplication with - 1,
The pH can be measured with a galvanic cell
(chain) The potential E of the cell is given by
the Nernst equation:
where Eo is the standard potential and
F the Faraday constant
In this definition the thermodynamic activities
of the ions were replaced by their concentra- tions since the activities cannot be measured The absolute potential cannot be measured either, only the potential difference U between the indicator electrode and a reference elec- trode
Silver-silver chloride electrodes are used in the galvanic chain for sterilizable electrodes Fig 2 shows the schematic assembly of a pH electrode (INGOLD I) In this figure E l is the
potential on the outer surface of the glass membrane, which depends on the pH value of
the sample solution E2 is the asymmetry (bias)
potential, i.e., the potential of the glass mem- brane with the same solutions on both sides
E3 is the potential on the inner surface of the
glass membrane, which is a function of the pH
value of the internal buffer solution E4 is the
potential of the internal Ag/AgCl lead-out electrode, dependent on the KCl concentration
in the internal buffer solution E5 is the poten-
tial of the reference AgCl/Ag electrode, which
elect rulyt
internal buffer solution
Fig 2 Schematic assembly of a pH-electrode (Dr
W Ingold AG, Brochure I, with permission) For details see text
are obtained
Trang 2616 I Common Instruments f o r Process Analysis and Control
depends on the KC1 concentration in the refer-
ence buffer solution, E6 is the diaphragm or
diffusion potential
Since El is the potential which we want to
measure, the individual potentials E2-E6
should be kept constant These are included in
the standard potential U", which has to be de-
termined by calibration
In modern pH electrodes, U" varies only in
a narrow range (e.g., Type U 402-K7 elec-
trodes of Ingold AG have a potential of
- 10.4k3.8 mV at pH 7.02 and 20 "C)
The potential difference between the indica-
tor and reference electrodes U is also given by
the Nernst equation:
2.3R T
where the Nernst potential UN = - -
59.2 mV at 25 "C However, in real pH elec-
trodes, the Nernst potential is not attained, but
only approached to 97.5% (in the case of new
electrodes) Furthermore, UN is reduced with
increasing age of the electrode The aging
causes sluggish response, increasing electrical
resistance, a smaller slope, and zero point (U")
drift During steam sterilization, a pressure
difference builds up on both sides of the glass
membrane Therefore, a counter pressure is
imposed to avoid the destruction of the elec-
trode Frequent steam sterilization has a con-
siderable aging effect Therefore, pH elec-
trodes must be recalibrated frequently with
buffer solutions
During in situ steam sterilization a consider-
able, irreversible signal drift of the pH electro-
des occurs Therefore, it is advisable to meas-
ure the pH value of the broth in the reactor
after each steam sterilization by an indepen-
dent method and correct the reading of the pH
Since the potential U depends on the tem-
perature, pH-meters have a temperature com-
pensation, which is usually calculated by the
4.2 Dissolved Oxygen Partial
Pressure, po,
The dissolved oxygen concentration is also measured by electrochemical methods Two types of electrodes are in use:
- polarographic electrodes
- galvanic electrodes
In polarographic or amperometric elec- trodes the dissolved oxygen is reduced at the surface of the noble metal cathode in a neutral potassium chloride solution, provided it reaches 0.6-0.8V negative with respect to a suitable reference electrode (calomel or Ag/ AgC1) The current-voltage diagram is called the polarogram of the electrode (Fig 3)
Negative bias voltage Oxygen
Fig 3 Polarogram and calibration curve for a po,-
electrode (LEE and TSAO, 1979)
At the plateau of the polarogram, the reac- tion rate of oxygen at the cathode is limited by the diffusion of oxygen to the cathode Above this voltage the water is electrolyzed into oxy- gen and hydrogen In the plateau region (0.6-
0.8 V), the current is proportional to the par- tial pressure of the dissolved oxygen (Fig 3)
In this probe, the cathode, the anode, and the electrolyte are separated from the measur-
Trang 27ing liquid by a membrane which is permeable
to gaseous oxygen In the electrolyte, the fol-
lowing reactions occur:
Since hydroxyl ions are constantly being sub-
stituted for the chloride ions as reaction pro-
ceeds, KCl or NaCl must be used as an electro-
lyte When the electrolyte becomes depleted of
C1-, it has to be replenished
The dissolved oxygen concentration is meas-
ured by the galvanic electrode which does not
require an external voltage source for the re-
duction of oxygen at the cathode Using a
basic metal such as zinc or lead as anode and a
nobler metal such as silver or gold as cathode,
the voltage is generated by the electric pair and
is sufficient for a spontaneous reduction of
oxygen at the cathode surface The reaction of
the silver-lead galvanic electrode is given by:
During the reduction of oxygen, the anode sur-
face is gradually oxidized Therefore, occa-
sional replacement of the anode is necessary
The polarographic or amperometric elec-
trode is in greater demand in biotechnological
practice than the galvanic electrode Fig 4
shows a schematic view of a steam-sterilizable
polarographic or amperometric oxygen elec-
A constant voltage (ca 650 mV) is applied
between cathode (Pt) and anode (AgIAgCl) A
regular control of this voltage is necessary in
order to avoid incorrect measurements The
Fig 4
Electrolyte Anode Cathode Electrolyte film Gas permeable mernbr 'ane
Sterilizable po,-electrode (Dr W Ingold
AG, Brochure 11, with permission)
control is carried out by measuring the polaro- gram and adjusting the bias voltage to main- tain a voltage-independent current in the pla- teau region of the polarogram
The current ip,02 is proportional to po2 only
in the plateau region:
where K is a constant,
A the surface area of the cathode,
P the membrane permeability,
d the membrane thickness
The response time is proportional to d 2 / P
Therefore, thin membranes with high gas 02-
permeability are used Two membranes are used for the p o , electrodes for sterile opera- tion The inner membrane consists of a 25 pm teflon foil, the outer one of a 150 wm silicone membrane reinforced by thin steel mesh This type of electrode was developed by the Instru-
Trang 2818 1 Common Instruments for Process AnalyJ :is and Control
mentation Laboratory Inc., Lexington, Mass.,
USA, and also produced by Dr W Ingold
AG, Urdorf, Switzerland (INGOLD 11) This
type of electrode has a fairly long response
time (45 to 90 s to attain 98% of the final sig-
During steam sterilization, the membrane
thickness and shape change irreversibly An
improved construction of BAUERMEISTER
(1981) enables the electrodes to endure many
(ca 20) sterilizations without any change in the
The temperature of the calibrations and
measurements must be controlled closely
(k 0.1 "C) because of the temperature sensitivi-
ty of the signal (temperature coefficient 3%/
"C) Since the electrode measures the partial
pressure of oxygen, the signal is independent
of the 02-solubility in the broth The calibra-
tion should be performed in the reactor under
the same fluid dynamic conditions (stirrer
speed) as those that prevail during cultivation
to avoid errors due to differences in diffusion
resistance at the surface of the membrane
The calibration is carried out with nitrogen-
and air-saturated broth by setting these values
at 0 and 100% The partial pressure of oxygen
is expressed as follows:
p o 2 = [PB-p(HzO)] x 0.2095 (37)
where pB is the temperature-corrected
(barometric) pressure in the
react or,
p(H20) the vapor pressure of the
broth at the temperature of
the calibration,
0.2095 the fraction of oxygen in at-
mospheric air
The sources of error in the measurement of
po2 are numerous: errors in reading of temper-
ature and pressure, drift due to membrane
fouling, change in membrane shape, variation
of bias voltage and electrical resistance as well
as capture of bubbles, etc With sufficient ac-
curacy of temperature and pressure measure-
ments, and with bias voltage in the plateau re-
gion, the precision of the measurements is on
the average f 5 % Below 5 % of the 02-satura-
tion, the error increases with decreasing po,
The dissolved oxygen concentration [O,] is calculated by the relationship:
and CY is the Bunsen coefficient
Bunsen coefficients CY of oxygen for some simple aqueous solutions and a few cultivation broths have been given by SCHUMPE (1985) For more details, see MELZNER and JAENICKE (1980), INGOLD 11, LEE and TSAO (1979), FRITZE (1980), BUEHLER and INGOLD (1976), and SCHINDLER and SCHINDLER (1983)
4.3 Redox Potential, Eh
The definition of the redox potential is given
by Eq (9) To determine E , the potential be- tween the redox electrode and a standard refer- ence electrode is measured The universal ref- erence reaction is the oxidation of hydrogen:
H 2 - + 2 H + + 2 e -
The standard potential Eo(H+/H2) is by defi- nition equal to zero at all temperatures The universal reference electrode is known as the Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE), which consists of a platinum-coated platinum foil that is immersed in a solution containing 1 mol
L - ' H + , and over which flows hydrogen gas
at a pressure of 1 bar The reference electrodes (Hg/calomel/sat KC1, or Ag/AgCl/KCl) used
in practice are referred to the SHE:
where Eh is the redox potential against the
Trang 29The sterilizable redox meter consists of a Pt
electrode and an Ag/AgCl reference electrode
The electrodes are calibrated with redox buf-
fers in the range of Eh = + 200 mV to 600 mV
(INGOLD 111) Since the redox potentials have a
high temperature coefficient, knowing the
temperature of the broth is necessary for cal-
culating the correct standard potential for the
reference electrode For example, standard po-
tentials of Ingold reference electrodes are giv-
en in INGOLD I11 for different temperatures
Redox potentials occur in a range of - 1200
to + 1200 mV Measurement precision is + 5
mV A simple pH meter with a mV scale is an
adequate measuring instrument The redox po-
tential depends on the po, and pH in the
broth However, since both are measured in
bioreactors, these effects can be taken into ac-
count In aerobic cultivations the po, and re-
dox meters give nearly the same information at
a constant pH value In microaerobic and
anaerobic cultivations the redox potential gives
additional information about the state of the
broth components However, because of the
complex composition of the broth this infor-
mation is only qualitative
For more information on the redox poten-
tial, see MELZNER and JAENICKE (1980),
(1980a, b)
4.4 Dissolved C 0 2 Partial Pressure,
The presence of dissolved C 0 2 in the broth
influences cell growth and product formation
(Ho et al., 1987) Therefore, thepco2 can be
an important variable The pco, can be meas-
ured in-line using thepcoz meter of Dr W In-
gold AG (INGOLD IV) The instrument con-
sists of a pH meter and a hydrogen carbonate
solution, which is separated from the broth by
a gas-permeable membrane Fig 5 illustrates
the main features of the electrode
The dissolved Cot diffuses through the
membrane into the hydrogen carbonate solu-
tion The equilibrium of the reaction
CO,+H,O + HCO, + H +
Fig 5 Sterilizable pco,-electrode (Dr W Ingold
AG, Brochure IV, with permission)
Construction of a C0,-sensor: (1) 20 mL syringe, (2)
high-temperature coaxial cable, (3) cable screw con-
nection, (4) adjustment nut, ( 5 ) locking plug, (6) supply duct, (7) welding socket, (8) bore hole con- ductor, (9) draw tube, (10) pH-electrode, (11) refer-
ence electrode, (12) C0,-electrode, (13) membrane body, (14) calibration buffer, (15) glass membrane, (16) reinforced silicon membrane
is determined by the dissociation constant K
I H f l [HCO;I [CO2l
K =
according to Henry's law
where H is the Henry coefficient
Since the hydrogen carbonate concentration
in the electrolyte is high, it can be assumed to
be constant Thus, Eq (41) can be simplified
The potential of the inner pH electrode is a function of [H'I:
Trang 3020 I Common Instruments f o r Process Analysis and Control
E = Eo + 2.3 ~ log [H '1 (44)
where 2.3 R T/F=59.16 mV at 25 "C,
E is the measured potential, and
Eo is the standard potential
From relationships (43) and (44)
The response time is fairly long (one to sev-
eral minutes) and is influenced by the thickness
of the membrane and by the electrolyte solu-
tion as well as by the response time of the pH
The measuring range of the electrode is 1 to
1000 mbar COz The deviation is f 2 % , if the
electrode is calibrated with gas mixtures If the
inner pH electrode is calibrated by buffer solu-
tions, the deviation is f 10% To avoid errors
due to the complex temperature dependence of
the reading, the calibration should be carried
out at broth temperature
The electrode is sterilizable The steriliza-
tion is performed after the reduction of the
pressure of the p H electrode on the stainless-
steel reinforced plastic membrane The p H
electrode is calibrated by buffer solutions after
sterilization Then the electrode is filled with
the electrolyte and put into the measuring posi-
tion Fig 5 shows the electrode during calibra-
tion and measurement For more information,
5 Performance
of Instruments
for Process Control
According to FLY" (1982) the relevance,
accuracy, and precision of the measured data
and the reliability, accuracy, precision, resolu-
tion, specificity, response, sensitivity, availa-
bility, and costs of the sensors/instruments are
important for their use in process control All
data which influence the productivity and the yield of the process and the quality of the product are relevant Accuracy of the meas- ured data is expressed as the difference be- tween the observed value of the variable and its true value, which is usually determined by calibration
The precision of the data relates to the probability that repeated measurements of the same system will produce the same values The distribution of the values around their mean is usually characterized by the variance and/or standard deviation, or, e.g., the 95% confi- dence interval
The most important property of a sensor is its reliability, which is made up of factors such
as failure rate, failure mode, ease of preventive maintenance, ease of breakdown maintenance, physical robustness, and its credibility in the mind of process operators (FLY", 1982) The latter plays a role only if the data are used by the operator and not by a n automated sys- tem
Based on information from three chemical works, LEES (1976) published data on the re- liability of the instruments important in the fermentation industry (Tab 1)
One can observe that at the time of investi- gation (1970-1975) the pH meter and the 0,
and COz analyzers were the least reliable in- struments During the last ten years, the relia- bility of these instruments has been improved considerably, provided an accurate flowmeter
is used for the 0, and CO, instruments
FLY" (1982) gave detailed results on the
performance of the instruments in a 1 m 3 pilot plant bioreactor (Tab 2)
One can see that the po2 measurement had
the lowest accuracy, the po2 and air flow con- trol the lowest precision, and the volume meas- urement the lowest resolution In the mean- time, the air-flow control should have attained
a much higher accuracy and precision, pro- vided the right instrument is used (e.g., mass flowmeter) In recent years, the accuracy of the po2 measurement has not been improved markedly, it can, however, be achieved by fre- quent calibration The accuracy and precision
of the po2 control is much better if one uses
three sensors and parameter-adaptive control
Trang 31Tab 1 Instrument Reliability (LEES, 1976)
Tab 2 Performance of Measurement and Control Instrumentation in a 1 m 3 Pilot Plant Bioreactor
0.41 R
0.4 R
-7.0 R kO.1 R kO.l R
0.02 "C
0.001 0.01
0.05 mbar 9.95
0.004 psig 0.07
0.14 L 3.4
0.02 L/m 23.0
Notes: W , weekly; H, hourly; R, per run, which relates to the frequency with which the measuring instru- ments are recalibrated
Trang 3222 1 Common Instruments f o r Process Analysis and Control
In this chapter, only H +-selective electrodes
are considered However, using ion-selective
membranes, in principle the concentration of
an arbitrary ion can be determined by means
of the Nernst equation:
IM the concentration of the measured
ion in the broth
The production of ion-selective carrier-mem-
brane-electrodes is very easy A standard pH-
electrode is combined with an ion-selective
membrane consisting of an ionophore in a
polymer matrix
The ionophore and the softener are usually
dissolved in a PVC solution, put on the sur-
face of the pH-electrode, and dried Fig 6
shows several constructions of such elec-
Ion-selective membranes may be prepared
by ionophore antibiotics (valinomycin, nonac-
tin, etc.) (SCHINDLER and SCHINDLER, 1983)
and synthetic carriers (crown ethers and cryp-
tates, cyclodextrins, cyclotriveratrylene, perhy-
drotriphenylene, etc.) (ATWOOD et al., 1984;
V ~ G T L E , 1975, 1981) Chiroselective transport
molecules are particularly interesting for the
more detailed analysis of broth components
(LEHN, 1988)
At present, reliability and selectivity of ion-
selective membranes are not always satisfacto-
ry However, host-guest-complex chemistry is
developing rapidly Therefore, it is expected
that some years from now reliable, ion-selec-
tive electrodes will be available
The combination of pH, po,-, pco,-, and
NH: -selective transducers with biochemical
receptors (enzymes, antibodies, lectins, etc.) is
considered in Chapter 3 (Biosensors)
(a) Glass membrane electrode (1) ion-selective glass membrane, (2) non-specific glass shaft, (3) Ag/
AgC1-lead-off electrode, (4) lead-off electrode (liq- uid), ( 5 ) cable
(b) Liquid membrane electrode with ion-exchanger reservoir (1) porous membrane, (2) ion-exchanger
reservoir, (3) lead-off electrolyte (liquid), (4) Ag/
(d) Coated wire-electrode (1) Pt-wire, (2) PVC ion-
exchanger membrane, (3) cable
(e) Disc electrode without O2 reaction barrier (1) carrier-PVC-membrane, (2) Pt-wire, (3) acryl/glass mantle, (4) PTFE-insulated, silver-coated Cu-wire,
( 5 ) PTFE or acryl glass
(f) Coated glass electrode (1) carrier-PVC-mem- brane, (2) ion-selective glass membrane, (3) acryl glass mantle, (4) Ag/AgCl-lead-off electrode, ( 5 ) in- ner electrolyte or cement lead-off, e.g., Ag/AgCl/
Harvard cement, (6) non-specific glass shaft, (7)
acryl glass or PTFE
(9) Disc electrode with O2 reaction barrier (1) car- rier-PVC-membrane, (2) Ag/AgCl (melt), (3) Pt- wire, (4) acryl glass mantle, ( 5 ) PTFE-insulated,
silver-coated Cu-wire, (6) PTFE or acryl glass with
Ag/AgCl/Pt-solid contact
Trang 33M (1983), Dissolved oxygen contours in Pseudo-
chemical Engineering: Kinetics and Thermody-
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Trang 362 Methods and Instruments
in Fermentation Gas Analysis
Zurich, Switzerland
1 Introduction 30
2 Mass Balancing for Gas Analysis 31
2.1 Basic Gas Balance Equations 31
2.2 Inert Gas Balance to Calculate Flow Rates 33
2.3 Steady-State Gas Balance to Determine the Biological Reaction Rate 33
2.4 Determination of CPR with Accumulation of CO, in the Liquid Phase 34
2.5 Determination of KLa by Steady-State Gas Balancing with Well-Mixed Gas and
Liquid Phases 35
2.6 Determination of KLa by the Dynamic Method 35
2.7 Determination of Oxygen Uptake Rates by a Dynamic Method 36
2.8 Loop Reactors with External Aeration to Determine OUR 36
2.9 Methods to Measure Low Oxygen Uptake Rates 37
2.10 Oxygen Transfer in Large-Scale Bioreactors 38
3.1 Systematics of Elemental Balancing 41
3.2 Elemental Balancing for Monitoring a Poly-P-Hydroxybutyric Acid (PHB) Producing Culture 42
4.1 Objectives of On-Line Gas Analysis and Requirements for Accuracy and Reliability 45 4.2 Definition of Measurement Requirements 45
4.3 Errors Caused by Simplification of Balancing 46
3 Application of Gas Analysis Results to Elemental Balancing Methods 41
4 Error Analysis for Gas Balancing 44
4.3.1 Simplifications Concerning Pressure, Temperature, Humidity, and Gas Flow 4.3.2 Errors Caused by Steady-State Assumption 47
4.4 Erroneous Estimation of Reaction Rates Caused by Measurement Errors 49
4.4.1 Errors in the Measurement of Gas Flow 49
4.4.2 Statistical Error Propagation 49
4.4.3 Errors in Oxygen Gas Analysis 50
4.4.4 Instantaneous Error Analysis for the Elemental Balancing Example PHB
4.4.5 Dynamic Error Analysis for Reaction Rates 54
5.1 System without Removal of Condensable Volatiles 56
Rates 46
5 Sample Pretreatment and Multiplexing 56
Trang 375.2 Application of Paramagnetic and Infrared Analyzers to the Measurement of Oxygen
and Carbon Dioxide 56
5.3 Special Valve Manifolds for Mass Spectrometers 57
6.1 Positive Displacement Devices 58
6 2 Rotameters 59
6.3 Thermal Mass Flow Monitors (MFM) 59
7 Instruments for Analysis of Gas Composition 60
7.1 Paramagnetic Oxygen Analyzers 60
Trang 38List of Symbols and Abbreviations 29
List of Symbols and Abbreviations
C concentration (kg m-3)
CPR carbon dioxide production rate (mol s - ')
CTR carbon dioxide transfer rate (mol s - ')
G gas flow rate (m3 s-')
H Henry coefficient (L bar mol-')
I ion current (A)
K equilibrium constant
K L a mass transfer coefficient (s-')
L liquid flow rate (m3 s - ' )
m/z mass-to-charge ratio
M total mass flow (kg s - ' )
n number of moles
N molar gas flow rate (mol SKI)
OUR oxygen uptake rate (mol s-')
OTR oxygen transfer rate (mol s-')
p pressure (bar)
PHB poly-P-hydroxybutyric acid
Q specific reaction rate (mol kg -' s - ')
r reaction rate (mol L -' s - ')
R gas constant (=0.08314bar L mol-' K - I )
6, 6 molar flux (=specific reaction rate) (mol k g-ls- ')
Subscripts and Superscripts
E electrode
G gas phase
i index for component
inert inert gas
L liquid phase
re1 relative
X biomass
0 input into the reactor
1 output from the reactor
* refers to gas-liquid equilibrium
' relative value ( - )
biomass concentration (g L - I )
gas phase molar fraction ( - )
Trang 391 Introduction
It is evident from Chapter 1 of this volume
of “Biotechnology” that on-line fermentation
analysis is of increasing importance because
precise control of environmental variables is
necessary to optimize process yield and selec-
tivity Most biological products are not vola-
tile and are either dissolved in the fermentation
fluid, precipitated, or enclosed within the cell
membrane boundary These products are
usually difficult or presently impossible to
measure on-line in a process environment
This is also true for the biocatalyst itself (cell
or enzyme)
In industrial processes each sensor causes
risks of infection, whether located in the sterile
region or connected to the process with a liq-
uid sampling device This risk does not exist if
measurements are made in the effluent gas
stream outside the sterile region
On-line gas analysis is of general interest be-
cause almost any biological process using liv-
ing organisms involves consumption and pro-
duction of gases and volatile compounds Es-
pecially oxygen consumption and carbon
dioxide production occur in any aerobic fer-
mentation process Measurement of these reac-
tion rates gives direct information about the
culture activity Oxygen consumption rate
usually is directly proportional to the heat evo-
lution of any aerobic process (COONEY et al.,
Historically, one of the first instruments for
gas analysis was the Orsat apparatus (HERON
and WILSON, 1959) In this apparatus CO, and
O2 are subsequently absorbed in sodium hy-
droxide and pyrogallol solutions, and volume
changes are detected Inert gases are deter-
mined by difference CO, production was one
of the first biological activities to be quantified
in yeast alcohol production Traditionally, the
measurements were made using volumetric
Under normal conditions, where the ideal
gas law is valid, gas volume, pressure, and mo-
lar amount are directly linked with each other
This makes barometric and volumetric meas-
urements very useful In microbiology the
Warburg apparatus is still a very popular
method of measuring gas reaction rates Oxy-
gen and CO, production can be measured si- multaneously by first measuring pressure change and subsequently absorbing CO, in an alkaline solution, then making a final pressure measurement Volumetric and barometric methods were also further developed to give on-line readings of gas composition (VANA, 1982)
Historically, the results of on-line gas analy- sis have almost exclusively been used to moni- tor fermentations Since more reliable analyti- cal instruments and on-line data acquisition and computing hard- and software have been developed, it is now possible to use gas analy- sis data together with other measurements to quantitatively characterize fermentation kinet- ics Cheap and reliable process computer sys- tems, together with increasingly powerful and easy to use software, have dramatically im- proved capabilities
Gas analysis usually involves measurement
of gas flow rates and gas composition Setting
up appropriate mass balances allows evalua- tion of actual production and consumption rates Today, gas flow rates can be measured with mass flow meters which directly give an electric signal This facilitates automatic data
evaluation using computers A whole series of instruments to measure gas composition on- line has been developed The instruments in- clude paramagnetic oxygen analyzers, infrared absorption photometers, gas chromatographs (GC), mass spectrometers (MS), flame ioniza- tion detectors (FID), amperometric and poten- tiometric sensors, and semiconductor devices Generally speaking, excluding pH measure- ment, gas analysis is the most widespread and most reliable on-line analysis in industrial fer- mentation processes It has been applied to the on-line analysis of bacterial, fungal, and high-
er cell culture systems Its potential in animal and plant cell culture has not yet been fully ex- ploited This is clearly seen by the fact that in a recent review of on-line analysis of animal cell culture the possibility of oxygen uptake rate measurements has not even been mentioned (MERTEN et al., 1986)
Trang 40Mass Balancing for Gas Analysis 31
ficient; V, and VL (L3), gas and liquid volume;
r (MT-'L-3), reaction rate
The above equations have been written to apply to any component (oxygen, carbon dioxide, ethanol, etc.) They include accumu- lation, convective flow, inter-phase transfer, and reaction terms Usually there is only one biological reaction term, but a special excep- tion is the case of COz dissociation to yield bi- carbonate In a batch reactor the liquid flow terms are L 1 =Lo = 0 In a fed-batch culture
L o # L 1 , and in a continuous culture Lo= L,>O
Here Ct, is the liquid phase concentration
in equilibrium with CG,, and it is calculated by Henry's law
C G I R T = C t , H (3)
2 Mass Balancing
for Gas Analysis
2.1 Basic Gas Balance Equations
Balances which consider gas transfer and
gas reaction rates are necessary to characterize
the aeration efficiency and to follow biological
activity The same equations can be applied to
any component Well-mixed phases, whose
concentrations can be assumed to be uniform,
can be described simply, while situations with
spatial variation require more complex mod-
els The following general gas balance equa-
tions can be written for a well-mixed (tank
geometry) system (Fig 1):
are: Ho, = 856.9 L bar/mol; Hco, = 34.01
L bar/mol; HN,= 1484 L bar/mol The solu-
bility of pure gases in water can also be ex- pressed in liters of gas per liter of water At 30°C the values are: Nz, 0.0134; 02, 0.0261;
v, - dCG1 - GoCt.-jo-GICG,-
-K,a(Ct, CLJ VL
Pressure and Temperature Effects
+ KLa (Ct , - C L , ) v L + z r VL (2)
The variables and their dimensions are as fol-
concentrations; G and L (L3T-'), gas and liq-
uid flow rates; KLa (T-l), mass transfer coef-
It is often convenient to write gas balances
in terms of partial pressures instead of concen- trations Using the ideal gas law
where R = 0.08205 atm L/mol K = 0.08314
(bar L/mol K) = 8314 (Pa L/mol K) or its equi-
valent for a flowing system,
where N is moledtime and G is volume/time
Thus, useful expressions are:
Fig 1 Gas transfer in a stirred tank reactor with ni = cGi v = ~ ~