Alternatives based on critical analysis ofthe physical constraints, present situation,and in future consideration, In order to get above purposes the determination of inundation depth, i
Ngo Van Quan
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Degree of Master of Engineering
Examination Committee: Prof Ashim Das Gupta (Chairperson)
Dr Mukand Singh Babel (Co-chairperson)
Dr Roberto Sulit Clemente
Dr Sutat Weesakul
Nationality: Vietnamese
Previous Degree: Bachelor of Water Engineering
Hanoi Water Resources University Vietnam
Scholarship Donor: Government of Denmark (Danida), Vietnam
Asian Institute of Technology
School of Civil Engineering
ThaiLand May, 2006
Trang 2Dong Thap Muoi region isa hollow part of Mekong Delta in Vietnam Flood causes alarge inundation area in this region every year It affects to water resources, environment,ecosystems, and socio-economic activities of people More on specific, flood inundation
affect directly to agricultural production Therefore, this study deals with the assessment offlood control alternatives in order to determine damage reducing on agricultural sector to find
the best alternative which bring securing long-term benefits in agricultural production in
Three possible alternatives are proposed, through the assessment based on the mosteffective net benefits and whose cost of construction is acceptable for implementation for
selection Alternatives based on critical analysis ofthe physical constraints, present situation,and in future consideration,
In order to get above purposes the determination of inundation depth, inundated area
‘and inundation time in calculation for the scenarios are very important in damage assessment,
‘Therefore, this study, the VRSAP model was applied to calibrate for the flood 1996 and tosimulate forthe flood 2000, with expect to determine inundation depth and inundation time in
‘Tien riever, Vam Co river and the existing channel systems in calculation cases The GIS
tools were used to simulate and determine inundation area after getting water level fromcalculation of VRSAP mode
[Benefit-cost analysis of planned Mood control alternatives indicates that scenariosDredging An Phong - My Hoa channels and Building up Sluice at the end of channel is found
a the most effective flood control alternatives The combination flood control constructionalternatives and damage reducing on agricultural production from flood inundation is
recommended for implementation, with discount rate 10% is calculation result BenelïUCostratio of 291
Calculation results of relationship between present value (P) and interest rate (i) the
results are determined that, with change of discount rates as 6%, 8%, 12% and 14%, thecorresponding Benefl/Cost ratios are 3.26, 3.08, 2.75 and 2.61, respectively and internal rate
‘of return of IRR 34.2% which is concluded that the selection is economically justified
Trang 3Firsily, T would like to express my deepest gratitude to my adviser Prof Ashim Das Gupta
‘and my co-adviser Dr Mukand Singh Babel for their advices and encouragements throughoutthe period of this study
Very sincere thanks and appreciation are due to Dr Sutat Weesakul and Dr Roberto SulitClemente who serves as the member of the examination committee for this helpfulsuggestions and comments
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Prof Dao Xuan Hoe, who help me a lot helpfulsuggestions of this study and I also gratefully acknowledges the kin cooperation and help of
Eng Nguyen Thai Quyet, who help me to understand and use VRSAP model
T thank to second base Water Resource University and my friends who help me complete datacollection Dong Thap Muoi region, Mekong delta in Vietnam I also would like to thank to
my classmates in AIT and my friends in Vietnam for their kind helps during the study
Sincere gratitude is due to WAterSPS, MARD - DANIDA - Vietnam for providingscholarship for me to study in the Water Engineering Management field, in School ofEngineering Technology, at AIT
Finally, Lam profoundly grateful to my parents, my sisters, my brother, and my uncle for theirlove and continuous encouragement inthis study
Trang 41.2 Rational of the Study
1.3 Statement of the Problem
1.4 Objectives of Study
1.5 Scope ofthe Study
2.1 Flood Routing Model
2.2 Geographic Information System Application in Water Resources
2.3 Approaches and Methods for Assessment of Flood Control Planning
3.1 Approach for Research
3.2 Theoretical Consideration VRSAP Model
3.2.1 Schematization for hydraulic computation
3.3.5 Root mean square error
3.4 Are view GIS in Simulation of Flood Inundation,
Trang 54.2 The Methodology of Research
5.1 Data Analysis
5.1.1 Rainfall data
5.1.2 Runoff data
5.2 VRSAP Model Setup, Calibration and Verification
5.2.1 Establish schematization of river network for VRSAP model
5.2.2 Run model, calibration and veriicat
5.2.3 The simulation for historical flood year 2000
5.3 Development of Flood Inundation
5.4 Calculation Results Inundation Area and Damage Reducing
6.1 Caleulation Methodology and Calculation Content
6.2 Proposed Construction Program
6.3 Construction Costs
6.4 Operation, Maintenance and Renewal Costs
6.5 Benefit Calculation
6.46 BenefityCosts Analysis,
6.7 To Compare and Select between Alternative A and Alternative B
6.8 Benefil/Codts Analysis with Other Annual Interest Rates,
7.1 Summary
7.3 Recommendation
Trang 7“The administration map Mekong River Delta, Vietnam and the study area
‘Schematic representation of flow systems in dong Thap Muoi region
Figure 2.1 Literature review of hydraulic and assessment flood control planning
Methodological framework for assessment analytical flood control planning
The location of all stations of study area
‘Methodological framework detail of thesis ure summarize as shown below
Calculated and observed at Tan Chau station on Tie river flood 1996
Calculated and observed at Moc Hoa station on Vam Co river flood 1996
Calculated and observed at Hung Thanh station Phuoe Xuyen channel 1996
Calculated and observed at Tan Chau station on Tin river flood 1999
Calculated and observed at Moc Hoa station on Vam Co sive food 1999
Cateulated and observed at Hung Thanh station on Phuoe Xuyen channel 1999
‘Water level (Scenario 1) at some nodes along Tien river of flood 2000
Figure 5.10: Water level (Scenario 1) at some nodes along Vam Co river of flood 2000
Figure 5.11: Water level (Scenario 1) some nodes along Phuoe Xuyen channel flood 2000Figure 5.12: Husteation of agricultural cultivation periods and water level
Figure 5.13: Hlustration to separate Field cells
Figure 5.14: Simulation flood inundation map on 30/Aug before have flood control
Figure 5.15: Simulation flood inundation map on O1/Nov before have flood control
Figure 5.16: Simulation flood inundation map on 30/Aug for Sub-scenario 3 (Seenario 2)Figure 5.17: Simulation flood inundation map n 01/Nov for Sub-scenario 3 (Scenario 2)Figure 5.18: Simulation flood inundation map on 30/Aug for Sub-scenariol (Scenario 3)
Figure 5.19: Simulation flood inundation map on 01/Nov for Sub-scenariol (Scenario 3)Figure 6.1
Figure 62:
Figure 6.3:
‘The stages of construction for implementation plan in Scenario?
‘The stages of construction for implementation plan in Secnario3
“The relationship between present & interest rates
Figure 6.4: Cash flow graph of not benefits and costs
Figure 5.20: Flood inundation map on 30/Aug before flood control (Scenario!)
Flood inundation map on 01/Noy before flood control (Scenario 1)
Flood inundation map on 30/Aug for Sub-1 (Scenario 2)
Flood inundation map on O1/Nov for Sub-l (Scenario 2)
Flood inundation map on 30/Aug for Sub-2 (Scenario 2)
Flood inundation map on OL/Nov for Sub-2 (Scenario 2)
Flood inundation map on 30/Aug for Sub-3 (Scenario 2)
Flood inundation map on O1/Nov for Sub-3 (Scenario 2)
Flood inundation map on 30/Aug for Sub-4 (Scenario 2)
Flood inundation map on OL/Nov for Sub-4 (Scenario 2)
Flood inundation map on 30/Aug for Sub-1 (Scenario 3)
Flood inundation map on O1/Nov for Sub-l (Scenario 3)
Flood inundation map on 30/Aug for Sub-2 (Scenario 3)
Flood inundation map on 01/Noy for Sub-2 (Scenario 3)
Flood inundation map on {O/Aug for Sub-3 (Scenario 3)
Figure 5.35 Flood inundation map on 01/No for Sub-3 (Scenario 3)
Flood inundation map on 30/Aug for Sub-4 (Scenario 3)
Flood inundation map on O1/Nov for Sub-4 (Scenario 3)
Flood inundation map on 30/Aug for Sub-5 (Scenario 3)
Flood inundation map on O1/Nov for Sub- (Scenario 3)
Flood inundation map on 30/Aug for Sub-6 (Scenario 3)
Flood inundation map on O1/Nov for Sub-6 (Scenario 3)
Flood inundation map on 30/Aug for Sub-7 (Scenario 3)
Flood inundation map on O1/Nov for Sub-7 (Scenario 3)
Table Title Page
‘Table 4.1: The data collection of stations in study area "
Table 42: The information of agricultural production in region 19
‘Table $.2: The area of field cells 31
‘Table 5.7: Flood water level at 30/August (Summer-Autumn) before and after have floodcontrol alternatives in (Scenario 2) 35
‘Table 5.8: Flood water level at O1/Nov (Spring-Winter) before and after have flood controL
alternatives in (Scenario 2) 35
‘Table 5.9: Flood water level at 30/August (Summer-Autumn) before and after have flood
control alternatives (Scenario 3) 36
‘Table 5.10: Flood water level aLĐ1/Nov (Spring-Winter) before and after have flood controlalternatives (Scenario 3) 36
Table 5.11: Summarize calculation results of inundation area in Summer-Autumn seasonafter completed flood control construction (Scenario2) 4
‘Table 5.12: Summarize caleuladion results of inundation area in Winter-Spring season aftercompleted flood control construction (Scenario 2) 46Table 5.13: Calculation results of inundation area in Summer-Autumn season after completed
Food control construction (Scenario 3) 47
‘Table 5.14: Calculation results of flood inundation area in Winter-Spring season after
completed flood control construction (Seenario 3) 48
‘Table 6.1: The stage for construction in scenatio 2 50Table 6.2: The stage for construction in scenario 3 30
Table 6.3: Scenario3: Alternatives for floodwater drainage in field internal by horizontalchannel systems 3
‘Table 64: Seenario3: Alternatives for floodwater drainage in internal field by channel
systems parallel with Tien river 35Table 6.5: Investment throughout the stages for scenario 2 38
Table 6.6: Investment throughout the stages for scenario 3 38
‘Table 6.7: Calculation results of flood inundation area in Summer-Autumn season of scenariol (Scenario 2) before and afler have stages construction 6
Table Title Page
‘Table 6.8: Calculation results of flood inundation area in Winter-Spring season of Sub
scenario! (scenario 2) before and after have stages construction “
‘Table 6.29: Summarize calculation results Initial investment cost and economic damage
reducing on scenario? after have stages construction 65
‘Table 6.30: Summarize calculation results initial investment cost and economic damage
‘reducing on scenatio3 after have slages construction 66
Table 6.31: Summarize calculation results of Economic Benefits and Costs Analysis forallscenarios as mentioned above contents as shown below 6
‘Table 6.32: Shows the cash flow in Investment, Operation and Maintenance (O&M), andBenefits of Alternative A 6sTable 6.33: Shows the cash flow in Investment, Operation and Maintenance (O&M), and
Benefits of Altemative B “
‘able 6.43: Comparison and select between alertative A and altemative B 0
‘Table 6.4: Sensitivity analysis or different interest rate for alternative A 10
‘Table 6.45: Summarize calculation results benefilveosts analysis for alternatives nTable 6.54: Summarize calculation and comparisons results for alternative A & alternative B
‘Table 5.3: Max water level calculation results along rivers and channels before & after have
flood control (Scenario 2) 81
‘Table 54: Max water level calculation results along rivers and channels before & after haveflood control (Scenario 3) 2
Table 5.5: Max flood water level at field cells before and after have flood control alternatives(Scenario 2) 83
‘Table 5.6: Max flood water level at field cells before and after have flood control alternatives(Scenario 3) 84Table 6.9: Calculation results of flood inundation area in Summer-Autumn season of Sub-
scenario 2 (Scenario 2) nô
‘Table 6.10: Calculation results of flood inundation area in Winter-Spring season of
‘Table 6.11: Calculation results of flood inundation area in Summer-Autumn season of
Table Title Page
‘Table 6,12: Calculation results of flood inundation area in Winter-Spring season of Sub
Trang 12‘The Cash flow in Investment, (OM), and Benefits of Sub-L
The cash flow in Investment, (OM), and Benefits of Sub-2
The cash flow in Investment, (OSM, and Benefits of Sub-+
‘The Cash flow in Investment, (O&M), and Benefits of Sub-2
The cash flow in Investment, (ORM), and Benefits of Sub-3
The canh flow in Investment, (O&M), and Benefits of Sub-#
The cash flow in Investment, (OM), and Benefits of Sub-S
The cash flow in Investment, (OM), and Benefits of Sub-6
‘The cash ow in Investment, (O&M), and Benefits of Sub-7
Calculation result of benefiscosts of altemative A, with
Calculation result of benefitscosts of alermatixe B, with
Calculation result of benefits/coss of alternative A, with
Calculation result of benefits/eosts of alternative B, with
Calculation result of benefitscosts of alternative A, with i=
Calculation result of benefits/costs of alternative B, with i
Calculation result of benefitsleosts of alternative A, with
Calculation result of beneffs/eosts of alternative B, with i
Trang 13INTRODUCTION1.1 Background
“The Mekong River (Figure 1.1) is one ofthe histori rivers of Asia, ranking twelfth inthe list(of Tongest rivers of the world It flows along the borders of six countries: China, Myanmar,
Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam A large delta in South of Vietnam, the Vietnam's
‘Mekong delta comprise of provinees: Long An, Dong Thap, Tien Giang, Ben Tre, Tra Vinh,
‘Vinh Long, An Giang, Can Tho, Kien Giang, Hau Giang, Soe Trang, Bac Lieu and Ca Mau asshown Figure 1.3 This dela is subdivided into four main regions: (a) Dong Thap Muoi, (b)Long Xuyen Quadrangle, (c) Bassac and Mekong (the region located between the Mekong
and Bassac river), and (d) west Bassac River region (the area on the westside of Bassac Riverbetween Long Xuyen and Mekong River) as shown in Figure 1.2
T T T ~
Map of ubided Region Mong iver Celta, Vietnam
Trang 14T T
, EaaRiver
Figure 1.3: Schematic representation of flow systems in dong Thap Muoi region
‘A large area in the northern part of Viet Nam's Mekong Delta (Dong Thap Muoi) is flooded
‘annually when the water level in the main channels rises above the river, canal banks and
particularly, the floodwater overflow border Vietnam-Cambodia Flooding has seriousnegative impacts on production and livelihood of the people In the past, the flooded areaswere almost unproductive or planted with floating rice of low yield Since the 1980s, as the
result of many projects funded by the Government to exploit the Dong Thap Muoi area, watercontrol structures have begun to promote development with a new perspective Double or
triple cropping patterns using high yielding varieties are new concept and have practiced inthe flooded area
Annually, floods still cause serious losses in terms of production, infrastructure damage and
hhuman lives In recent years, 1994, 1995, 1996, more than hundreds of people were flood
‘victims Particularly flood in 2000 is still vivid memory Total losses amounted to hundreds
Of million dollars This results as permanent threat to the communities, where people areliving in low-lying lands, The low-lying land in the delta is usually fertile that has beenexploited for the agricultural purposes Inundation occurs causing great damage for the
lowland inhabitants whose economy mainly depends on agriculture activities from flooding,
Trang 15‘This is a flood plain (closed floodplain systems) and contains agricultural atea, which
accounts about 72% of Dong Tháp Muoi region where agriculture is the mainstay ofeconomy, Nevertheless, flood has positive effects, for example, floodwaters carry sediments
40 enrich the rice fields, increase aquaculture production, and leach toxic ions from acidicsoils,
Flood controls in the Mekong Delta in general have been the focus of many studies by various
Vietnamese and international agencies particularly in Dong Thap Muoi region While themain problem is to minimize the impact and maximize benefits of flood and inundation using
flood control planning still in obscure
According to Vietnam's atlas, the Dong Thap Muoi region is located between 10°35-11°00Nlatitude and 105°20-106'00E longitude Its surrounded by Cambodia in North, Tien River
in the West and South, Van Co River in the East It covers the land of Long An, Dong Thapand Tien Giang Provinces as shown in Figure 1.3 The slope is from North-West to South-
East, the land surface of 1.0 to 3.5m Total area ofthe region is 7,088.6 km’, with agriculturalarea of 510,379.2 ha (72%) and it includes three provinces as
Long An: districts including are Tan Hung, Vinh Hung, Moc Hoa, Tan Thanh, Thanh
Hoa, Due Hue, Ben Lục, Thu Thua Total area of this province is 3,205.3 km*
‘Tien Giang: districts including are Cai Be, Cai Lay, Chau Thanh, Tan Phuoe, Total
area of this province is 1401.3 km”
Dong Tháp: district, one City including Hong Ngu, Tan Hong, Tam Nong, ThanhBinh, Cao Lanh, Thap Muoi, city Cao Lanh Total area of this province is 2,482 km’ (Source
statistical yearbook)
‘Some of the characteristics ofthese regions are described as follows
48) Water quality: Fresh water is available for the whole year Tidal effect inthe dry season:
“The semi diurnal tidal (twice daily) is dominant with amplitude of 1.0m and a high tidal waterlevel of 1.5m and coming along some main tives as Tien riever and Vam Co river
») Flooding: Annual inundation for periods of up to five months (from July to November)High flood occurs at the end of September and first of October, with water level from 3.7 to
5.12m compared with Hon Dau datum (at Vung Tau beach) During that time, 90% of thearea is submerged
«) Existing channels and hydraulic structures: except for the main rivers namely the Tien
river, Vam Co river and Phuoc Xuyen channel, the horizontal channel systems and the
parallels channel system with Tien rives,
1.2 Rational of the Study
“The natural limitations are deciding factors to exploit land resources of this region such as
‘lood inundation, alum soil and salt intrusion particularly in coastal belt Recognizing the high
potential for agricultural development in the region, the Government of Vietnam accorded a
high priority to this region for the design and construction of flood protection and flood
drainage project, These activities for flood control and potential development in region have
Trang 16been partially implemented, based on caleulaion results om historic flood 1996 The
purposes ofthese projects are to minimizing the flood effect on agricultural sector in Dong
‘Thap Muoi region
Although they brought economic benefit due to agricultural productions and improved
<rainage in region However, it has been observed that there are many limitations, after theparticularly historical flood 2000
1.3 Statement of the Problem
Flood and inundation are annual events, which might affect the infrastructure, house, andspecifically agricultural production, It not only interrupts socio-economic activities but alsobring negative impact in natural environment
The flood inundation in the Dong Thap Muoi region is mainly due to overflow across theVietnam ~ Cambodia border In addition, a part of the floodwater in the Dong Thap Muoi
originates from the rainfall within the region itself The floodwater in the Dong Tháp Muoi is,being drained out to the Tien River and Vam Co River Also, the flood drainage system is not
‘adequate enough to drain effectively that results high inundation depth causing permanent
threat to the communities, Some sluices have improved the flood control, but now theireffects are limited because of development efforts to date, and their physical conditions do not
‘permit stable and effective operation Specially, the historical flood of 2000 was very high, sothey were not fully effective as they planned In addition, the Government of Vietnam built
‘Tan Thanh-Lo Gach Dyke in order to conteol the overflow across Vietnam-Cambodia border
to protect the agricultural field from severe
Inecent years with climatic variability and extremity, the flow and water level upstream of
‘Vietnam Mekong River Delta and Cambodia border is increasing during the rainfall seasonand in addition, the Dyke (Tan Thanh-Lo Gach) is seriously downgraded and the bed level of
natural channel systems is raised due to siltation These factors impact the agriculturaldevelopment in the region, To address this, the project has been implemented with the flood
control alternatives based on flood year 1996 The flood event of year 2000 was severe with
discharge of floodwater across the border of 12,000 m'/s compared to 8,270 m'fs (1996
event) (Vietnam yearbook 2001) and the resultant damages were higher,
With the limitations shown after historical flood 2000, the Government of Vietnam haveassigned the Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development to establish flood control
alternatives in Dong Thap Muoi region with purpose of economie potential development inthis region in order to secure cultivation of two rice crops per year The objectives are
1) To control and reduce the water level for early floods in August ensuring safe
hharvesting of the Summer-Autumn erop
2) To improve the floodwater drainage conditions at the end of the flood season to
advance sowing of theWinter-Spring crop This allows sufficient time forthe eropping cycle,
“The proposal for the lood control alternatives ate given in detail in the next section In order
40 know the economic effectiveness of each alternative, an assessment and analysis of cost
and benefit of each alternation is needed,
Trang 17tation using Vietnam River System and Plain Model
‘To determine depth, area of inundation and the damage to agricultural sector for
different flood control alternatives
To compare and assess the economic effectiveness of the proposed flood controlalternatives
‘Conclusion and recommendations for implementation of flood control alternatives
1-5 Scope of the Study
“The scope of the study includes:
Collection of relevant data and information mainly from the secondary sources
Development of spatial database for the study area, using Geographie Information
‘System tool
Calibration and verification of VRSAP model using flood year 1996 and flood
1999 respectively
‘Simulation for flood year 2000 u 1g calibrated VRSAP model
Estimation of depth, area and duration of inundation, with/without flood control
Calculation of investment cost for flood control construction scenarios
Calculation of economic losses reduction in agricultural sector corresponding to
different flood control scenarios
Recommendations for alternatives to solve the problem of inundation in Future
Trang 18‘Studies of flood control inthe etudy
acea and related basin
‘New approaches of GIS application in
Water Resource
‘Approaches and methods for assessment of
flood control planning
Figure 2.1 Literature review of hydraulic and assessment flood control planning
2.1 Flood Routing Model
“The VRSAP model has been used in a number of water control studies in Viet Nam on both
low flow saltwater intrusion, and flood flow, such as: salinity intrusion studies in the MekongDelta supported by the Australian Government through the Interim Mekong Committee from
1981 to 1991; eco-development planning and pre-feasibility studies of water control in the
‘Quan Lo - Phung Hiep area of the Mekong Delta supported by the Mekong Secretariat andCanada’s CIDA! the UNDP-supported Mekong Delta Master Plan project studied by
NEDECO of the Netherlands, 1990-1993 In this project the VRSAP model was used tosimulate the flood flow and the low flow including salinity intrusions the study of flood
control planning for the Mekong Delta, a high priority study of the Vietnamese Government;flood flow and low flow-salinity intrusion studies in the Saigon-Dong Nai Basin; the drainagestudies of stom-generated rain water in the Nhieu Loc Thi Nghe canal system and waterresources development projects in the Mekong Delta and the Saigon-Dong Nai Basi
Khue (1978) developed VRSAP model based on the solution of the full Saint-Vernant
equations using the implicit Finite difference scheme that take the cross-sectional data inaverage of the segment Later in 1980s, VRSAP model was added with a subroutine thatcalculated salinity intrusion, This model has been widely used in recent water resources
planning projects, especially in recent topographic and hydraulic data and calibration for the
flood, 1996 in Vietnam part of Delta
Trang 19Lya, D.A and Goodwin, P (1987) examined stability and convergence characteristics of the
{our point implicit finite difference schemes due to Preissmann which has been wisely used in
‘open channel flow modeling The analysis is made for a general linear hyperbolic system of n
first order equations but is resrieted to the homogeneous or frictionless case In particular theeffects of a Weighting factor in space, as well as in time was considered
‘Nien (1998) developed KOD model for flood computation in the Vietnam Mekong River
Delta, The model is based on the full St.Vernant equations for unsteady flow in the riverchannel and equations for flow over structure, The solution is based on explicit scheme
Dutta (2000) applied Distributed Hydrologic model for the simulation of the flood inundationparameters and for flood warnings for any predicted rainfall event in Japan The physicallybased distributed hydrologic model considers five major components of hydrological cycle,
they are interception, and evapotranspiration, River flow, Overland flow, Subsurface flow andGround water flow, In this model, for river flow, diffusive approximation of St enant's
momentum equation is considered and an implicit finite difference scheme is used to solvethe equation for river network Similarly, for overland flow also diffusive approximation ofthe St.Venant's momentum equations ae considered and the equations ate solved by using an
implicit finite difference scheme,
Nhan (2000) developed HYDROGIS model, and used for flood and salinity intrusion
forecasting in the Mekong Delta The model is based on the full Saint Vernant equations.Upstream boundary conditions was based on the forecasted Mow at Pakse Downstreamconditions was forecasted tidal wate level in the river mouth, A comprehensive interface was
developed for data entry and presentation
‘Suphat and Nguyen (2000) developed a hydrologic-hydraulic modeling approach to simulate
the rainfall-runoff process and the flow in the large river basin, The rainfall-runoff modelswas first developed for the subeatchment of the river basin, which are combined to form alarge river basin This model was used to generate the runoff being modeled as lateral flow to
the hydrodynamic model in which the main streams in the basin are schematized,
Gupta, Babel and Ngoc (2003) used VRSAP model to simulate the flood phenomena in the
Mekong Delta Information on depth, duration, and spatial extent of inundation andestimation of damages caused by floods are needed for planning proper flood mitigation
2.2 Geographic Information System Application in Water Resources
Recently, as a results of development of technological science, many flood damage estimationmodels were developed with aid of flood simulation models based on high techniques such as
Geographical Information System (GIS) These models simulate a flood event with spatialdistribution of extent of flood, a criterion of new approach by aid of GIS and RS Spatial
information management and spatial analysis help managers for making decisions onstructural, non-structural floods mitigation measures
“Thapa er al (1992) described about the GIS assisted watershed management in the upper
Pokhara Valley in Nepal They studied the deteriorating condition of the watershed and
performed the spatial analysis using GIS as a tool The spatial analysis focused on the
identification ofthe locations under severe threat to environmental degradation and zoning ofthe land unit's were done in accordance with their physical suitability
Trang 20Leipnik et al (1993) explained about the implementation of GIS for water resources planning
and management GIS is designed to store information about the location, topology and.attributes of spatially referenced objects and many data base queries are performed through it,
‘They have described in detail about the stages in the implementation of GIS, andunderstanding ofthese stages help in using GIS in water resources planning and managemereffectively
Dutta er al, (1998) presented the methodology for flood damage assessment using GIS andDistributed Hydrology model and a case study in Ichinimiya River Basin, Chiba, Japan, The
IIS Distributed Hydrologic Model (Tha etal, 1996); which include four major componentsuch as overland flow, river flow, unsaturated zone flow, and saturated zone flow, was used inthis study for flood modeling He also deseribed the method to develop flood damage
assessment model with consideration of three categories in term of land use pattern as urban
«damage and damage to service by using various hypothetical damage functions which were
developed by Bhavnagri ea (1965), Beraden (1973) and Beggs (1974)
Heping et al (1998) presented the implementation of GIS technology on Urban FloodDynamic Simulation Model The main characteristics of Urban Flood Dynamic Simulation
‘Model are simulation of the detailed flood process, therefore, the results can be applied inmany aspects such as flood loss calculation, flood hazard map, regional planning, flood
insurance, lood control planning, ee
2.3 Approaches and Methods for Assessment of Flood Control Planning
‘The Red Commission for Flood control and Management (1973) made a study on the flood
control planning in Red River Delta and concluded that to protect Hanoi and downstream,areas from flooding in case do historical flood as occurred in 1971 itis necessary to divert
flood in to the sea through Day River Basin, Based on the land use condition on the basin aswell as structural conditions such as barrage and dikes and sluices along the floodways, thestudy indicated that the maximum discharge that the Fay Basin can carry tothe sea is 4800
Horn (1987) Use an approach to establish priorities for future flood control planning and
applied to hydrologic sub basins in the New Jersey Data on historical flood losses, floodpotential, and current and prior flood control planning efforts were compiled and entered intoFlood control database, accessed through a computer database management system The
selection of indicator variables, characterizing flood control planning need, was consideredalong with a system of the ranking and weighting these variables for assignment of planning
priority numbers to the sub basins, This approach provided an adequate sereening mechanismfor establishing an initial list of planning candidates, although more subjective factors mustthen be used for further evaluation,
Ouellette, Leblane and Roussell (1988) The economic yield of ä floodplain zoning program
‘was measured by cost-benefit analysis The methodology entails the use of a probabilistic
hydro economic model to evaluate expected flood damages with and without zoning Theapplication showed that this type of program, albeit cost-effective overall, may beunacceptable for various reasons tothe various parties involved
Trang 21'Nefeco (1993) curred out the study on optimal use of resources of Mekong Delta in Vietnam,
The study defined the water abstractions and their distribution over the delta and the low flow
period for different land use scenarios The study looked at surface and ground water
resources as well as consumptive use of water for drinking water supply and for irrigation ofagricultural land, The water Fequirement was calculated for the dry season only
‘Ty (1995) developed a new perspective of sustainable development for the Mekong Basin
development plan This repor listed five key issues of development planning: (1) Active
participation of the riparian countries, (2) Continuity and consistency of the basin planning
‘work, (3) Advanced technology and latest achievements in basin natural planning, (4) A soilfoundation of the basin development knowledge, and (5) Core human resoure
the basin development planning
‘minimized the expected value of flood damage and costs, given a flow or stage frequency
distribution A variety of permanent and emergency floodplain management options can be
‘examined in the method, and interactive effects of options on flood damage reduction can be
represented The approach was demonstrated and discussed for a hypothetical example.Limitations of the method in terms of forecast uncertainty and concave additive damagefunction forms was discussed along with extensions for addressing these more difficultsituations.
Braden and Douglas (2004) assessed the downstream economic consequences of development
designs lesing benefit transfer method to promote greater once-site water retention Itconcluded that once-site retention provides many services For residential properties, theeconomic value of those service was on the order of 0-0.5% of the market value depend on
the difference that retention makes to downstream flood exposure, For water qualityimprovements, the increases range up to 15% of the market value for waterside residences
‘where clarity of the water quality was greally improved The increases were much less forimprovements that are much less visible, properties that property value on average for allproperties in the flood plain The public sector realized additional benefit theough smaller
bridges, culverts, and other drainage infrastructure and through increased recharge Cities andindustries may avoid costly upgrades to waste water treatment facilities if low flow increase,
Hayes, Amasce (2004) An interdisciplinary team consisting of representatives from state{government and academia has developed an innovative flood tisk management plan thatcombines a large-scale nonstructural hazard mitigation plan with portions of a federally
authorized plan previously developed by the U.S Army Corps of Engineers Separateelements of the federally authorized plan were considered for inclusion inthe alternative plan
bbaved on the estimates of each element's marginal benefil/ cost ratio, potential environmentimpacts, and level of consistency with current policy, The plan involved retrofittingapproximately 1,500 residential and nonresidential structures in the 100- year floodplain and
require development of a structure-by-structure flood proofing benefiv/cost analysis computerprogram, At less the half the cost, the alternative plan achieved flood risk management goals,
ina significantly more cost-effective manner for an environmentally sensitive area
Trang 22‘This chapter describes systematic procedures for achieving the objectives ofthe study Figure
Sen aed retort of food conto
“asesoment fhe preniriesim l nấy area
ni vỏ inodaien potions
nai in apc octor Spent
Flood Control Planning Chieti
Taran Wasa Xsmall 300 (roi
land Use Map a
Trang 233.1 Approach for Research
The proposed methodological framework is comprised of two main components
‘+ Application of Vietnam River System and Plain Model (VRSAP model) forflood routing
‘+ Application of tool for development of flood inundation maps by using Acrview
GIS software, and simulating flood inundation from results of the VRSAP model
‘+ Estimation of damage and economic effectiveness to agricultural sector fordifferent flood control alternatives
3.2 Theoretical Consideration VRSAP Model
Khue (1978) developed VRSAP model, for simulation one-dimensional motion of water andsubstance (salinity, bio-chemical material, etc) An implicit finite difference scheme forsolving one-dimensional Saint-Vernant equations and advection dispersion equation are
applied for complex network of rivers and canals
3.2.1 Schematiz jon for hydraulic computation
In VRSAP model, river, canal and floodplain system are divided into segments, nodes, and
storage cells for hydraulic computation,
River segments link together at nodes Nodes are intersection points of one or several river
‘segments Fach segment links two nodes: the upstream node (4) and the downstream node (c)
‘Segments are described by representative cross section while plain cell by area corresponding
to land level
{In the network, nodes are code by natural numbers, form 1 to NN (NN are total number ofnodes) The coding is principally arbitrary and free from the place of nodes on the plane One
node may accept either given discharge Q,, inflow (+) or out flow (-) or given water level
as boundary The edge of an amputated branch is also one normal node, where the inflowdischarge is Q
‘Segments are basic finite difference elements ofthe problem, the Saint - Vernant equationsystem will be used to every segment, the water balance condition at nodes links them to form
aan equation system forthe whole network,
Trang 24-anal width at free surface (),
Be = canal width, including storage area, averaged over the segment (m), or storage width
«= lateral flow per unit length
(C= Chezy's resistance coefficient (m'"/s)
1b) Equation for storage cells:
‘This isthe continuity equation for storage cells
w G4)
‘Where V is the water volume, Q is in and out going discharges
Trang 25‘©) Equation for hydraulic structures and junction conditio
The flow must be conservative, so at confluences or tributaries the sum ofall discharges must
be zero, At hydraulic structure, flow rate is defined by the empirical formula:
Q=fi2u.zhha) 65)
Where Zi, Zh? are the upstream and downstream water levels and a is characteristicparameter of structures A structure may be modeled by one of two ways as a spillway and asluice The discharge, passing through a spillway is calculated as:
QemoY2e(Z,-2,)" for feetow G6
Q=#b,[2g(Z,—Z,À(Z,—Z, tor submerged flow G7
The discharge through sluices can be determined as flows:
Q= po2g JZ, —Z, for free flow G8)
=poy2g \Z,-Z, for submerged flow 69)
Where m,@,1,.H, are empirical coefficients for the structure; ở is the width of the
spillway; QD is the wet area of the sluice
3.2.3 Method of solution
To get numerical solutions, the considered river network is split into river branches, separated
by nodes A node is point in a river system A confluence or tributary is a node For ahydraulic structure in river, it is associated with two nodes Upstream and downstream nodes
are defined due to different water levels
“The numerical method is based on the implicit 4 points method for river branches instead ofhigh-resolution numerical methods, implicit finite difference scheme for storage cells and
linking discharge of hydraulic structures,
4) Finite difference scheme for river branch’s equation:
‘A branch with length [a,b] is split so that: nel
=4, <5, <0<4 5b, Ất =
at eT
Where 2X, (ik, l) are location of cross section Using difference scheme for any function f
are given below equations
Trang 26Z~3B0i'+/9+0=8)02, +9]
Sod bus " obra c/40x01</9] "b) Finite difference scheme or the storage equation
ro, _ -Z Tam
For cell& with wate level Z, surface area F Q, the discharge between nodes k andj
¢) The exchange of water between river, channel and plain cell
VRSAP distinguished two types of the exchange ofthe river flow and flood plain area,
‘Separated, conditionally connected cell:
‘This type is applied for the exchange, limited by small canal system or structure, There
‘water level difference between canal system and plain so that equation can be writen as:
r= Opn V2 V2 ~ZE oy
Qe discharge of rice-ietd
Z2 wate level inrice-feld
Z« water level in channel
Opened Adjacent Cell:
‘This type is applied for the cells freely connected with a segment of river or canal, Water
level in the plain equals to that in the canal system Submerged area of cell affect directly toflow atea in governing equations for this case, equation is
Epet 3-15)
re ‘
‘Where: B = canal width at free surface (m);
Trang 27'B,= canal width, including storage area, averaged over the segment (m),
or storage width;
total submerged area of cells along the river
Ax length of river segment where cell is connected (m)
= represent the computed vals
presen the observed vals
he sample size
333 Standard deviation
or] so =[~L¬‡(øi 2] G20)
‘STDP is the standard deviation of the computed data,
‘STDO is the standard deviation of the observed data,
Trang 28‘The coefficient of efficiency is commonly used for measurement of the degree of association
between computed and observed data, The value ofthis coefficient approaches to | for perfect
3.3.5 Root mean square error
E (Oi pi) 5
rn — =
Root mean square error can be regarded as measure of absolute error between the computedand observed data It tends to be zero for perfect agreement
34 Are view GIS in Simulation of Flood Inundation
A GIS, a system that is capable of assembling, storing, manipulating and displaying
‘geographically referenced information A GIS can perform complex operations on
‘geographical information, This technology are used in this thesis to simulate for quick
estimation of effected depth inundation, duration and area inundation in different floodcontrol alternatives scenarios during flood time, GIS spatial analysis technique are used for
this work as using the GIS tool for development of flood inundation maps by using AcrviewGIS software, from simulation results of the VRSAP model
‘The application tools of Acrview GIS software are shown detail in chapter five,
4.1 Data Collection
1 Hydrology dat
‘The all available hydrological data in the study area are collected and shown in the table 4.1
‘below and location ofall station is described in igure 4.1 below
‘Table 41: The data collection of stations in study area
No | Measurement factors | Station Location Collected data
Teena | Tan Chow Tien River | bang Hood eon
2 Nha | Cho Moi Tien River | PANE Mood seman
3 | Watertevel (hourly) | Cao Lanh Tien River | Pung Heed sen
* ein mgs | Mỹ Than | Tien River te NMẾC
5 | Water level (hourly) | My Tho Tien River During food season
6 [Wasrfet eas] oc ton West Vam Corner | Pung Hod season
7 Meine att | KienBih | LagBangechumel Paving Roe sven
8 Màn daly) Hung Thanh | Dong Tien Channel "na
9 | Rainfall (daily) | VinhHung | West Vam Co river eae
10 | Rainfa ityy | Tan An | West Vam Coriver | Pune fond sco
It | Discharge (daily) Kratie MeKong "”.
12 | Discharge (daily) Bien Ho Tolesap ee
13 | Discharge daily) | Bast Vam Co | Bast Vam Co river DU load season
14 | Discharge ail) | West Vam Co | West Vam Cover | Paving load gen
15 | Tidal tevel hourly) | VamKenh Tiensiver DỰ lod seus
16 | Tidal level (hourly) | Binh Dai Ham Luong river eee 19892000
17 | Tidal level (hourly) | Ben Trai Co Chien river "dẻ
Trang 30Figure 4.1: The location of all stations of study area
2 Bathymetric data: Cross section data, which are measured along the rivers of Tien river,
‘Van Co river and Channel systems are collected from the Institute Water Planning in SouthVietnam
3 Map: The collection Topography map (1/50.000) (use to develop DEM) and Land Use
‘map (1/50.000), are collected from secondary sources as; Water Resources University andalso download to get DEM 90m from free Internet
4 Agricultural documents: Collected Agricultural report of Dong Thap Muoi region in 2001and agricultural damage of region in flood 2000, are collected from the Institute Water
Planning in South Vietnam and second based Water Resources University The information ofagricultural production in region as given able 4.2 below
Trang 31‘Table 42: The information of agricultural production in region
Item Total Unit
1 Natural land area 7.088,60.0 ha
2, Agricultural land area 5103792 hà
3 Average yield rice two seasons 485 tonha
4 Yield rice of Summer-Autumn season 63 tonha
5 Yield rie of Spring-Winter season 339 tonha
6 Rice price 1668 USS/lon
7 Input for rice growth 40% of rice production
(Sources: Agricultural report in 2001 for provinces in Dong Thap Muoi region)
4.2 The Methodology of Research
‘Summary of esearch methodology ate shown in the flowchart 4.2 below:
Trang 32Figure 4.2: Methodological framework detail of thesis are summatize as shown below
yéaudic model (VRSAP Moda)
Input data RH, Q, Cros ection data
‘Model elitration fond 1996Node venison 8oed 1999
‘mulation ofhistarcal ood 2000
or change commrios in Afferent food contrlalleratver
(Output ens by simulation vate evel
Wate depth eid ftomDEM and Hyératlic mose
(G1 tod (map query, map calculation, image dassScsion, đc
loodarea đape fle wih change allematives
Tender areas wh comespanding
“There are four stations measuring daily discharge in region, E stations hourly observed data of
‘water level and 3 stations hourly of tidal level
2 VRSAP Model Setup, Calibration and Verification
Like other hydrod) VRSAP model requires data at boundaries: Flow data atupstream, rainfall data, tidal level and water
availablity of the data for flood 1996, 1999 and historical 2000, data using flood 2000 forsimulation, flood in 1996 are used for model calibration and the data of the flood 1999 areused for verification,
tamie model
level at station and cross section, Due to
‘5.2.1 Establish schematization of river network for VRSAP model
In VRSAP model, river, canal and floodplain system are divided into segments, nodes, andstorage cells for hydraulic computation
River segments link together at nodes Nodes are intersection points of 1, 2, 3 or several river
‘segments Fach segment links wo nodes: the upstream node (4) and the downstream node (©)
‘Segments are described by representative cross section while plain cell by area corresponding
to land level One node may accept either given discharge Q,, inflow (+) or out flow (-) orsiYen water level Z as boundary The edge of an amputated branch is also one normal node,
‘where the inflow discharge is Q, = 0
‘There was a schematization of the Mekong rive systems in Vietnam Mekong delta, which wasset up and this schematization is now accepted and is sued broadly for simulation the riversystem of Mekong river system,
Based on above large schematization inthis study also will be used but it have to added anddeveloped some nodes as well as segments of main channel system to meet with requirement
of thị study region (Dong Tháp Muoi)
Trang 34“The Establish Schemazation of river network for VRSAP model in Dong Thap Muoi region
is shown in Figure 5.1 in (Appendix A)
) Boundary conditions:
Upstream boundary conditions: The upstream boundary conditions of the model are the flow
discharges at Kratie (Qt) Bien Ho (Q2), Vam Co Dong (Q-0, and Vam Co Tay (Q4)
Downstream boundary conditions: The Downsteam are the tidal water levels at Vam Kenh
(H+, Binh Dai (Ht) and Ben Trai (HE),
Intermediary itself include: Rainfall within the region: Tan Chau, Cho Moi, Hung Thanh,Moc Hoa, Vinh Hung, Kien Binh, My Thuan, and Tan An
) Initial conditions
Initial conditions of flow discharge and water level ate required atthe first time step for every
node of the model, when the model is stable, the errors in the initial conditions would decayand have no effect on the model results after several time steps So tht, the initial conditions
‘of the model are chosen such a way as to achieve the model stability
5.22 Run model, calibration and verifieation
4) After completing input data for model, run model and output to compute results are carried
‘out The Model calibration is carried out to find the model parameters, The model parametersare considered in VRSAP model as channel roughness The data of floods in 1996 are used
for model calibration and the data ofthe flood 1999 are for model verification
‘The model calibration is carried out firstly with the investigation on the channel bottomroughness, Different values of roughness ate applied the same to all channel sections to find
‘out the most suitable value After that, difference channel sections are fine turned with the
variations of bottom roughness to get the best fit with observation data at the check points,
‘which are Tan Chau on the Tien river (node 1), Moe Hoa on Vam Co river (node 93) and
Hung Thanh on Phuoe Xuyen river (node 235) The bottom roughness that gives the best fitfor computed and observed water levels at checkpoints, is found to be range from 0.024 to(0405, which are suitable with experiment values of roughness of rivers
b) The results for calibration of flood 1996 and verification 1999 from run VRSAP model isshown the below
4 From simulation results of model calibration for flood 1996, as shown in Figure %2,Figure 5.3 and Figure 5.4 below Based on evaluation statistical ctiteria or ofcalculated and observed water level at check points such as Peak difference (AHmax)
and Efficiency Index (EI) their errors results are evaluated: AHimax at Tan Chau is
903m and El is 0.95, AHmax at Moc Hoa is 0.016m and EI is 0.97, AHmax at Hung
“Thanh is 0.107m and Elis 0191
‘Similarly, for evaluation of simulation results for verification by flood 1999 is carried out
‘The calculated and observed water levels at checkpoints for flood 1999 are shown in Figure
5.5 to Figure 5.7 below
Evaluation of statistical erteria (food 1999) such as Peak difference (AHmax) and
Trang 35Efficiency Index (ED are calculated AHmax at Tan Chau is 0.045m and El is 0.89,
AHmax at Moc Hoa is 0025m and El s 0.96, and AHmax at Hung Thanh is 0.077m
and EL is 093 Looking at the flood hydrograph at three stations and based oncalculation statistical criteria error, the verification result is suitable in Dong Thap
‘Muoi region, thus the calibration and verification results of VRSAP model for flood in
1996 and 1999 are acceptable The evaluation statistical criteria are represented inTable 5.1 {Appendix A)
Figure 5.2: Calculated and observed at Tan Chau station on Tien river flood 1996
Observed and calculated water level at Moc Hoa station flood 1996sáp
spa 1218 9
Figure 5.3: Calculated and observed at Moc Hoa station on Vam Co river flood 1996
Trang 36eae ae — Tớ in mh
Figure 5.4: Calculated and observed at Hung Thanh station Phuoe Xuyen channel 1996
Result of calibration for flood depth showed that the peaks are fitted well with observed valu
at three stations, though the shapes of the graphs are not the matches properly, especially at
‘Hung Thanh siaion However, ooking atthe flood hydrograph at three stations und based oncalculation statistical criteria error, the results are seems in acceptable limit
Observation and calculation water level at Tan Chau station flood 1989
Figure 5.5: Calculated and observed at Tan Chau station on Tien river flood 1999
Trang 371199 S97 595 79 91 116012671585 178 1912179 277 ars 273 a7 sts sr aes en TH)
bseGdedaionFigure 5.6: Calculated and observed at Moc Hoa station on Vam Co river flood 1999
Observed and calculated water level at Hung Thanh station flood 1999
Trang 3852.3 The simulation for historical flood year 2000 in flood control alternatives
‘With the expected damage, reduction by annual flood inundation, and in order to increase theagricultural production of region, options are flood control alternatives, having main purpose
as protection against early floods in August to ensure the safe harvest of the Summer-Autumn
crop Improvement of the drainage conditions al the end of the flood season to advancesowing of the Winter-Spring crop This allows sufficient time for the eropping cycle
1 The proposed flood control alternatives are considered as table below
Scenario! Without flood control measures,
Scenario 2: Alternatives for floodwater drainage in field internal by Horizontal
‘channel systemsSub- Scenario || Dredging of the Hong Ng channel with bed width B=40m, H=-4m,
‘and building up Sluice to remoxe floodwater at the end of channelDredging and Widening of the Dong Tien-Lagrange channel with bed widihtim, H=-3.5m, m=l.5 and building up Sluice for both of blocking the
‘saline waier intrusion and removingfloodwater at heDredging and Widen of the An Phong My How-Bac Dong_chumels with bed
Sub- Scenario 3 Ì iinh B=Lậm, H=-3m, m=1.5 and building up Sluice gate for both of blocking
the saline water intrusion andremoving floodwater atthe end of channelDredging and Widening of the Nguyen Van Tiep channel with bed widihL3m, H=-3m and building up Sluice gate for both of blocking the salinewater intrusion and removing floodwater atthe end of channel
Scenario3 | Alternatives for floodwater drainage in internal field by channel
systems parallel with Tien river
Building up the lood preventing Dyke Tan Thank-Lo Gach (elevation+6.5m at
Sub Scenario ! | Hong Nu and +55 a Vink Hung) Dredging and Widening [thế Tan Thanh
Lo Gach channe 33m at Hong Neu Vink Hung, Hm, m= 1.0)
Sub: Scenario 2
Sub- Scenario 4
Sub- Scenario 2 | Dredging and Widening of the 2Thang 9 channel with bed width B=30m, H:
im m=1.0 and building up Sluice at head of channel for flood control
‘Sub- Scenario 3 | Dredging and Widening of the Khang Chien channel with bed wit B=30m,
“im, m=1 and building up Sluice at head of channelSub- Scenario 4 Dredging and Widening ofthe Bình Than channel with bed wit B=20m,
mand building up Sluice at head of channelSub- Scenario S| Dredging and Widening ofthe Thong Nhat channel with bed wit B=20m,
3m, m=T and building up Sluice at head of channelSub- Scenario 6 | Dredging and Widening of the Song Trang channel with bed widih B=20m,
cảm, n=] and building up Slice at head of channel
‘Sub- Scenario 7 | Dredging and Widening ofthe Hai Tam channel with bed width
3m and building up Sluice at head of charmel
Trang 39“The proposal o building up of sluice at head and the end of channel
Site of Sluice Width (ay Height aa Bottom (m)
ability of floodwater drainage of region
‘This simulation result of flood 2000 for each sub-scenario is used for development of theflood inundation maps to estimate depth, area and time of inundation and determine the
damage to agricultural sector
‘Also, to assess the economic effectiveness ofthe different flood control alternatives based on
‘costs that have to invest in flood control with a value to reduce economic damage of flood inDong Thap Muoi region
‘The hydraulic modeling would provide information for water levels at different locations
throughout the study area; correspond with different flood control alternatives Thisinformation would be used lo assess the damage-cost related to the different inundation
scenarios based on land use data and value of agricultural products,
Trang 402 The caleulation results
With purpose: Protection against early floods in August and to ensure the safe harvest of
‘Summer-Autumn crops Improvement of the drainage conditions at the end of the flood
‘season to advance sowing of the Winter-Spring crop This allows sufficient time for the
cropping cycle
Determine the maximum water level in that region in order to get information offlood peak and peak time to concern to cultivation period, On the other hand, alsorely on this simulation result and some characteristic as: terrain, main channel route,road route to separate field cells in study region (as given below)
Determine water level at the end of August and first of November in order to
determine damage for Summer-Autumn crop and Winter-Spring crop against before
and after have flood contol alternatives
4) Results of simulation WL at nodes on main rivers (before have flood control)
The simulation resis at some nodesbefore have flood contelateratives
“The simulation results at nodes along rivers as Figure 58 above before flood controlconstruction are shown Figures: 5.9, 5.10, and 5.11