The objectives of thisresearch are to evaluate maxims in the movie script Monsters Inc flout in order tomake fun and characterize the types of humor that result from maxim flouting.. Int
Field: English Language
Field: English Language
Code: Supervisor: Tran Thi Le Dung PhD
I, the undersigned, hereby certify my authority of the study project reportentitled A PRAGMATIC ANALYSIS OF HUMOR IN MOVIE SCRIPTMONSTERS INC (Phân tích tinh hai hước trong kịch bản phim công ty quáivật qua ngữ dụng học) submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for thedegree of Master in English Language Except where the reference is indicated, noother person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the text of thethesis
Hanoi, 2023
(Signature and full name)Dates caaseaasersernss
Trang 4It has been a long journey for me to finish my thesis There are also manypeople who walked along with me to support and motivate me during the time ofdoing the research
First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Tran Thi
Le Dung PhD, my supervisor, who has patiently and constantly supported methrough the stages of the study, and whose stimulating ideas, expertise, andsuggestions have inspired me greatly through my growth as an academic researcher
A special word of thanks goes to all the lecturers of the M.A course at HanoiOpen University and many others, without their supports and encouragements itwould never have been possible for me to have this thesis accomplished
Finally, I am greatly indebted to my family, my friends for the sacrifice theyhave devoted to the fulfillment of this academic work
Trang 5ABSTRACTThis research is carried out to investigate linguistic factors that contribute tothe comedic effect in the movie script for Monsters, Inc The objectives of thisresearch are to evaluate maxims in the movie script Monsters Inc flout in order tomake fun and characterize the types of humor that result from maxim flouting Inthis study, humor in Movie Script Monsters Inc is examined conceptually in theframework theory of Grice's conversational maxims which are based onGrice's cooperative principle The research is mainly carried out through thesupport of qualitative, quantitative and descriptive approach The data such aswords, phrases, clauses, and sentences was found as the form of utterances Datacontexts were conversations in movie script Monsters, Inc According to the study'sfindings, this research reveals two findings First, the characters in Monsters Incmovie script disobey all kinds of rules in an effort to make funny The maxims ofquality flouting, quantity flouting, relation flouting and manner flouting are listedhere Second, unintentional conversational humor which predominates in everydayspeech is portrayed through the film This includes irony, sarcasm, overstatement,teasing, clever reply to serious statement, replies to rhetorical questions and pun.Finally, the study was concluded to demonstrate the benefit of humor in dailylife Therefore, it not only aids English learners but also enables them to reach theoutside world and broaden their knowledge of several languages.
Figure 1 Analytical construct
Table 3.1 Flouting maximof quality
Table 3.2 Flouting maxim of quantity
Table 3.3 Flouting maxim of relation
Table 3.4 Flouting maxim of manner
Table 3.5 Types of maxim flouting and forms
Trang 81.2 Aims and objectives of the study
1.2.1 Aims of the study
1.2.2 Objectives of the study
1.3 Research questions
1.4 Methodology of the study
1.5 Scope of the study
1.6 Significance of the study
1.7 Structure of the study
2.1 Review of previous studies
2.2 Review of theoretical background
Trang 93.4 Humor created through flouting maxim of manner 3.5 Findings of maxim flouting and forms of humor3.6 Summary.
1.1 Rationale
Throughout daily life, humor plays a significant role Humor is auniversally understood language It lowers barriers between people If you canlaugh together, then you have a connection with that person As the walls arebroken down, the urge to carry on the dialogue rises Humor is a powerful andeffective means of communication because it dismantles barriers If humor isskillfully camouflaged as delight, it may successfully smuggle new ideas intopeople's hearts Any conversation is greatly enhanced with a good laugh.Therefore, humor can be used as a technique to improve relationships andinformal interactions among the people who utilize it Since humor may be used toease tension, weariness, and fatigue in modern situations, it is crucial tounderstand its uses A speaker can express the truth subtly and gracefully whileemploying comedy without upsetting anyone by doing so Every hilariouscircumstance should try to amuse viewers and make them laugh as this is the mainpurpose of humor Although humor serves a variety of societal purposes, itsprimary use is to make others laugh, entertain, or feel good The main purposes ofhumor in conversation, according to Attardo [2], are outcomes that the speaker canobtain directly by incorporating hilarious passages or segments into his or herdiscourse
People are able to find humor in almost any situation, but not with everyone.Since humor is such a personal thing, what some people find funny, others may findoutrageous Humor then becomes problematic Culture has an impact on thephenomena of humor Every community or culture has its own distinctive anddistinctively different sorts of comedy Humor aids in the understanding of socialmores and attitudes As a result, comedy is something that cannot be sharedbetween nations What may be funny to someone from one region may not be at allfunny to someone from another A person's interpretation, moderated by the culturalenvironment, determines whether or not they grasp the joke According to Felsch[11], comedy frequently differs by locale and is difficult to translate across culturalboundaries Because comedy frequently depends on context, someone who does notcomprehend the context is likely to find humor incomprehensible Even thoughpeople from other countries may have problems comprehending it, American
Trang 11comedy is one of the best-known types of humor Using humor as a communicationtechnique is particularly common in America American humor differs from Britishhumor in that it is unique Despite speaking the same language, Americans andBritons do not have the same values when it comes to comedy Because of thecultural contrasts between America and Britain, American humor tends to be moreslapstick in nature The comedy in America is more overt and direct On the otherhand, British jokes typically have a subtly dark or satirical undertone.According to Marwick [21], British people have employed comedy as a form
of social or political commentary or protest It encourages British people to usepolitics and society as amusing themes Over the years, there has been a lot of workdone on the linguistics of comedy In this case, a few possible approaches to look atare the semiotic approach, sociolinguistic approach, stylistic approach, andpragmatic approach Humor is viewed by the pragmatic community as aninfringement on Grice's Cooperative Principle It is crucial to conduct a deeperinvestigation of humor production applying the Cooperative Principle'sphilosophical framework since hilarious phrases are created by maxim-flouting theCooperative Principle Due to people's ability to subjectively judge humor, it might
be interpreted as either hilarious or offensive Humor does not go against theCooperative Principle in the same way that other modes of communication, likelying, do People often enjoy being amused, and conversations, business dealings,and other everyday encounters frequently include large amounts of humor As aresult, humor is no longer viewed as a poor communication technique like lying, butrather as an essential component of discussion
In the course of a typical day, people encounter a range of humor that isconveyed in different ways and serves a variety of functions Some humor,according to Martin [20], reaches people through the media In addition to theregular jokes and witty remarks broadcast on radio, individuals can find humorthrough newspaper comic strips and cartoons, comedies, light reading, stand-upcomedy, political satire, blooper shows, comedies, and comedies Politicians,religious leaders, motivational speakers, and educators frequently use humor in theirspeeches, sermons, and lectures As closely related phenomena as humor and themedia are, it might be challenging to address one without also addressing the other.The media is full with hilarious language, from cartoons and comic strips to Internetjokes, amusing ads, comedies, and witty editorial and opinion piece comments
Trang 12In this study, the researcher will examine how the cooperative principle isviolated in a movie's conversation According to Grice, four guiding ideas form thefoundation of the cooperation principle: the maxims of quality, quantity,relationships, and manners Flouting is the term used to describe breaking themaxims rule In comedic situations, the breaking of maxims is also common.Metaphor, irony, tautology, sarcasm, exaggeration, banter, understatement,overstatement, and rhetorical questions are all examples of flouting According toAttardo [2] when more than one of Grice's cooperative principle maxims areviolated, it includes many amusing encounters That is, in the course of a discourse,speakers may intentionally break the rules of cooperation in an effort to get a riseout of their listeners The study's data, which relates to the formation of amusingthoughts of the cooperative principle, was taken from the Monsters, Inc script Thisdata obtained is sufficient and can be used to predict the consequences ofdisobeying the principle of cooperation The major goal of the discussion is todemonstrate how the Monsters Inc script violate the cooperative principle.
A computer-animated comedy film about monsters called Monsters Inc wasmade by Pixar Animation Studio for Walt Disney Pictures and released in theUnited States in 2001 Monsters, Incorporated is another name for Monsters, Inc.The film's screenplay was written by Andrew Stanton and Daniel Gerson, and it wasdirected by Pete Docter The two monsters at the core of the movie are MikeWazowski (Crystal), Mike Wazowski's one-eyed sidekick and the hairy James P
"Sulley" Sullivan (Goodman), who both work for the energy-producing factoryMonsters, Inc, which terrifies children to create power Monsters are required to terrifychildren and elicit screams from them so that additional electricity may be generatedfor the metropolis However, the children are poisonous to the monsters, and after one
of the children escapes, two of the monsters have the realization that things might not
be as they think they are In this film, there is a mixed variety of humorous examples.Verbal sarcasm and comedic circumstances were two strategies employed todemonstrate funny effect in the movie As a result, we may use these when studying,instructing, and utilizing the English language in daily life, particularly inconversations If students like learning English through movies, they might not feelbored From the research background above, the researcher has decided to choose thetopic “A Pragmatic Analysis of Humor in Movie Script Monsters Inc”
Trang 131.2 Aims and objectives of the study
1.2.1 Aims of the study
This study is hoped to help lecturers and learners get knowledge inpragmatics and understand the use of the principle of cooperation by floutingmaxims that cause humor in movie script Monsters Inc Additionally, it is alsoconsidered as an effective resource for teaching and learning English
1.2.2 Objectives of the study
In order to achieve the above - mentioned aims, the following objectives can
This study intends to answer the following questions:
1 What kinds of maxims are flouted by the characters creating humor in MonstersInc movie?
2 How humor is created by the characters through flouting maxim?
1.4 Methodology of the study
The methods used in this study include:
Research approach
The main aim of the study is to analyze the maxims that are flouted bycharacters creating humor in Monster Inc movie, describe as well as explain thedifferent types of humor that are exhibited by characters in the movie Monsters Incthrough the flouting of several maxims Therefore, to achieve the aims stated,descriptive, qualitative as well as quantitative methods were applied in the study,which are mainly used to analyze humor in Monsters Inc movie
Research methods
The main method employed in this study is the descriptive method withquantitative and qualitative approach Creswell [7] explains that descriptive,qualitative and quantitative research are techniques that can be utilized to determinethe significance of a social phenomenon that takes place in a society This is in linewith the aim of this research, which is to look into a social phenomenon known aslinguistic comedy, thus this finding is appropriate The cooperation principle theory
Trang 14was applied in this study to assist researchers in the process of data analysis and inproviding answers to the two different problem formulations.
The descriptive, qualitative, quantitative research approach were utilizedthroughout the course of this investigation As stated by Hancock [14], qualitativeresearch is research that is focused on providing explanations of social phenomena.During this time, Vander Step and Johnston [29, p.7] explained that qualitativeresearch results in narrative or textual descriptions of the phenomenon that is beingstudied It implies that the researcher conducting qualitative research determines thesignificance of the phenomenon by spontaneously describing it The researcherassesses the data in qualitative studies by describing it and putting it in another way.The phenomena being discussed in this study include the various ways thecharacters in the movie Monsters Inc used maxim flouting to produce humor, aswell as the several ways that humor can take different forms Analyses of theseevents were qualitative in nature The purpose of qualitative research is to describeevents rather than predict them To completely appreciate the researcher's viewpoint
is the goal More emphasis is placed on meaning in qualitative research Descriptivequalitative research, as defined by Wiersma [29], is study that uses words ratherthan numbers or measurements to explain phenomena Therefore, Bogdan andBiklen [5] thought that the researcher should study the data in all of its richness asclosely as possible to the form in which it is recorded or transcribed because thedata in qualitative research are acquired in the form of words or images rather thanstatistics “Qualitative research focuses on how individuals understand and makemeaning of their experiences and the environment in which they live," according toHolloway [16, p 1] It seeks to comprehend the social realities of specific persons,communities and civilizations The maxim-flouting of the cooperative principle inthe movie Monsters Inc served as the basis for this study's aims of investigation.This research also made use of the quantitative approach in order to have theinformation shown as a percentage, which also served the purpose of assisting theresearcher in his or her interpretation The findings were analyzed based onquantitative research conducted by the researcher It was possible to establish thefrequency of occurrences as well as the percentages for each group by applyingquantitative methods As a result, the researcher had sufficient evidence to reachtheir conclusion In addition, a pragmatic approach was utilized throughout the dataanalysis process
Trang 15Finally, this study utilized a descriptive approach since it utilized narrativedescription in both its description and analysis of the phenomena that were the focus
of the study Therefore, it is not just a matter of analyzing and describing the data;rather, it is also a matter of interpreting the data in order to acquire a fuller and morein-depth comprehension of the maxim flouting that occurs in the film Monsters, Inc.Data collection techniques
For achieving the aims and objectives of the study with high reliability, twodata collection techniques have been employed: selecting materials and collectingwords, phrases, utterance, dialogues from Monsters Inc's The primary data ofqualitative research, according to Lofland & Lofland in Moleong [22] are languageand action As a result, the primary source of data for this study was dialogue in 32scenes from the screenplay for the film Monsters Inc What is more, Bakhtin [3,p-91] argued that, “An utterance is a link in the verbal communication of a certaintopic” The change in speech subject determines the utterance's bounds Speechactions are conscious of one another and mirror one another; they are not apathetic
to or independent of one another Every statement must be interpreted as arefutation of the subject's prior claims
The data collected for the study is the film named Monster Inc and it wasreleased in the United States in 2001
Furthermore, Google search engine was used to select materials The moviescript Monster Inc was obtained from http:// was just one series from this movie that needed to be examined since itadequately captured the defiance of cooperative principle maxims to create humor,its expressions and its intent
Data analysis techniques
As stated by Denscombe [9, p.274], “qualitative data needs to be preparedlyorganized before they can be analyzed” After collecting the data, the authordescribes, analyzes, and gives conclusions about humor found in Monster Inc’sscript
The procedure of data analysis includes the following steps:
1 The researcher saw the Monsters Inc movie
2 The script was searched and downloaded by the researcher
3 The conversation in the film was compared to the script carefully
4 The information from the script was gathered and categorized
Trang 165 The researcher used the categorizations provided by the data sheet todetermine the various sorts of norm-busting humor present in Monsters Inc.
6 The researcher gave a conclusion based on the data analysis and makesuggestions
1.5 Scope of the study
- In this research, the researcher intends to choose Monsters Inc movieproduced by Pixar
- The scope of this research is pragmatic based on the theory of maxims byGrice Cooperation is guided by four guiding principles: maxim of quality, maxim
of quantity, maxim of relation and maxim of manner Additionally, this studyfocuses on maxims that are flouted in order to pinpoint specific quotes from the filmand demonstrate how doing so might be humorous To locate the utterances thatviolate a maxim, research material will be obtained from the text script of the film
as well as from the actual movie you are watching
1.6 Significance of the study
Theoretically, the research will make a substantial contribution topragmatics, particularly in understanding how the cooperation principle is used byflouting the maxims that cause humor in Movie Script Monsters Inc
Practically, linguistics teachers and students can benefit from this research
by learning more about pragmatics, particularly as it relates to the cooperativeprinciple They can also use this study as a model for future research on comedythat takes in other linguistic approaches such as sociolinguistics, semiotics, andstylistics Next, the findings of this study can also aid readers in comprehendingeach character's entire conversation in terms of how the cooperative principle wasviolated in the Movie Script Monsters Inc Finally, the results of this study can helpthe researcher do future research better and broaden more knowledge base onpragmatic studies
1.7 Structure of the study
For achieving the aims stated above, this study consists of 4 chapters besidereferences:
Chapter 1 is the Introduction of the study which shows the reasons why thetopic is chosen, what the research aims at as well as the scope, the significance andthe structural organization of the study
Trang 17Chapter 2 is the Literature review and Theoretical background of thestudy This chapter will give the brief review of related literature and theoreticalbackground of every matter mentioned in the study.
Chapter 3 is the Humor in Movie Script Monsters Inc In this chapter, itpresents and analyzes kinds of maxims and the ways humor is created throughflouting maxim in Monsters Inc movie
Chapter 4 is the Conclusion of the study which presents the recapitulation
of the study, the limitations of the study and some suggestions for further stud
2.1 Review of previous studies
Many studies in the realm of pragmatics examine the phenomenon of maximflouting There are, however, very few studies that link the linguistic phenomena ofmaxim flouting to the development of humor These earlier studies served asreferences for the researcher doing this investigation
Risti Utami Dewi [10] examined the various rhetorical strategies and maximflouting to produce humor A methodology used in the investigation was descriptiveand qualitative The first finding demonstrates that there are four different types ofmaxims that are humorously disregarded The maxim of quality has been broken themost (20 times) The maxim of relation is flouted seven times, the maxim of manner
is flouted four times, and the maxim of quantity happens two times after that Thesecond finding shows that the characters employ a variety of rhetorical strategies,such as exaggeration, sarcasm, irony, metaphor, pun, teasing, responses to rhetoricalquestions, and replies to serious statements
Septi Dyah Anggraini [1] is the second researcher She examined the rules thatthe individuals in Modern Family Season 4 broke in order to make jokes, as well asthe types of humor that resulted from maxim breaking The descriptive qualitativemethod was used in the study Three conclusions can be drawn from this study.First, the characters make use of all four sorts of maxim flouting to make jokes Thecharacters typically use maxim of quality flouting to make jokes The second type
of comedy shown in this film are jokes and spontaneous conversational humor.Because it is difficult to find in casual speech, unintentional humor does not happen.There are eight types of impromptu humor that the characters use in theirinteractions They come in several forms, including overstatement, sarcasm, irony,metaphor, pun, teasing, replies to rhetorical question and clever replies to seriousstatement Third, Modern Family Season 4 contains all the elements of humor,including social management, recommitment, mediation, and functionalization.Muhammad Harits [15] worked on a study titled "Using Maxims to CreateHumor in the Film "THE BIG BANG THEORY" Using Grice's CooperativePrinciple." He examined the principle that was violated in one of the season's 20episodes of the TV comedy series The Big Bang Theory The author bases his work
on the maxim of cooperation and the theoretical concept of cooperation from H.P.Grice in order to identify any offensive language used by the characters in the film
Trang 19The author's sources for information include both the conversation script and thedialogue text in the movie The author then conducted analysis by looking formaxims that were broken in character dialogue The author then adds it to thecategory of violating maxims Next, the author demonstrates how breaking rules incharacter conversation creates the comedic atmosphere and attractiveness that comefrom breaking rules in every category Due to the importance of language andcontext, humor is on the rise The implication of this thesis is that the author candemonstrate how the movie's maxim-flouting cooperation principle theorycontributes to laughter The author can investigate the phenomenon of floutinglanguage in this film thanks to H.P Grice's cooperative principle hypothesis.Compared to those earlier studies, this one is unique First off, whereas thisstudy used qualitative methodology, the preceding three studies used descriptivequalitative research This researcher will concentrate on humor that makes use ofthem to identify the kinds of flouting maxims used in the movie script MonstersInc The researcher uses Grice’s theory.
2.2 Review of theoretical background
2.2.1 Pragmatics
Pragmatics is the study of how language and meaning change depending onthe specifics of a given situation According to Leech [18], pragmatics is just one ofseveral subfields of linguistics that have existed for about twenty years but have justrecently gained widespread attention The growing recognition among linguists that
a grasp of pragmatics is required as a basis for exposing the nature of language,specifically how language is used in communication, is driving the current surge ofinterest in the field of pragmatics Leech [18] said that the field of study known aspragmatics investigates how context influences the interpretation of words.Osisanwo [23] defined that the scope of pragmatics extends not only to theprocess of communication itself, but also to the parties involved, the informationthey bring to the table about the world, the conclusions drawn from the text based
on the context, and the following content: the influence of interaction's nonverbalelements
According to Trask [28], the field of linguistics known as pragmaticsexplores how utterances convey meaning in context A linguistic expression canhave one of two meanings Linguistic expressions with the first kind of meaning areinseparable from the word and cannot be removed Semantics is the study of the
Trang 20meaning of this form The second type of meaning, which is not dependent on thespecific linguistic expression that it conveys, is the form of meaning that emerges as
a result of the interaction between the specific linguistic expression and the context
in which it is used It is not specific to the linguistic expression it conveys.Pragmatics is the field that studies this type of meaning
Additionally, Yule [32] defined pragmatics as being concerned with fourdomains First off, pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning The study ofpragmatics focuses on the transmission of meaning from a source to an audience aswell as how that audience understands that meaning The study of speaker meaning
is known as pragmatics The core of the academic field known as pragmatics is thestudy of meaning as it is conveyed by a speaker (or writer) and understood by alistener (or reader) As a result, it is more important to conduct an analysis of whatpeople mean by their utterances as opposed to attempting to decipher the meanings
of individual words or phrases contained within those utterances Secondly,pragmatics is the study of contextual meaning Regarding who they are speaking to,where they are speaking, when they are speaking, and under what circumstances, it
is important to consider how speakers structure what they desire to convey Thiskind of research always requires the interpretation of what individuals actuallymean when they say things in specific contexts, as well as how those contextsinfluence what people say Thirdly, the study of pragmatics examines how more istransmitted than it is expressed This type of study looks into how a sizable chunk
of what is not spoken is perceived to be a part of what is communicated The finalone is the investigation of how relative distance is conveyed
Finally, Levinson [19] concluded that pragmatics is the study of theinteraction between language and context, which serves as the basis forunderstanding and explaining language Pragmatics is the study of how languageand context interact The phrase "language comprehension" in this definition refers
to the notion that an utterance of a language necessitates knowledge that extendsbeyond the word's literal meaning and the context in which it is used Anotherdefinition of pragmatics is the ability to use language to connect utterances orsentences to contexts that correspond to those utterances or sentences Another way
to think of pragmatics is as an analysis of language use
With the help of the definitions given, it is feasible to draw the conclusionthat studying language through the prism of pragmatics enables one to talk about the
Trang 21intended meanings, presumptions, purposes, and types of activities that individualsengage in when speaking.
2.2.2 Pragmatic of humor
Humor is viewed pragmatically as a breach of Grice's cooperative principle
It is socially unacceptable to use certain communication techniques that violate thecooperative principle, including lying Humor, though, is unique Even though aspeaker normally violates the cooperation principle when creating humor, it isgenerally accepted because the goal is amusement
Wijana [30] argued that as comedy involves contradiction and conflict, itmay be studied using linguistics The standards of both textual and interpersonalpragmatics are used in linguistics to explain aspects of incongruity and conflict.Interpersonal incongruity is caused by breaking the politeness principle, whereastextual incongruity is caused by breaking the cooperation principle
While humor may involve some degree of violating the cooperativeprinciple, as argued by Raskin and Attardo [25], information may be shared throughcooperation
Raskin [24, p.87] suggested that “The cooperative principle still governs thejoke-telling mode of communication because humor has communicative functions”
In summary, jokes and other forms of humor can arise in discussion whenone party violates the cooperative principle, and their primary purpose is to makethe other person laugh
2.2.3 Cooperative principle
The concept of implicature, as introduced by Grice [1997], was used todescribe what a speaker could indicate, suggest, or mean in addition to or instead ofwhat the speaker said out loud Additionally, conversational entailment refers toinferences drawn from utterance forms based on specific cooperating principles thatgovern conversational validity and conventional acceptance As a result, Brown andYule [6] showed that the cooperative principle, which is a general concept ofconversation, is where the idea of conversational implicature originates
The phrase "Have you got any cash on you?" is an example of Grice'sconversational allusion because the speaker genuinely hopes the listener willunderstand The listener then replies: "Can I borrow it?" In this case, the speaker isalluding to something that is not obvious from the simple meaning of the sentence This
is a rule that guides effective conversation, so listeners can infer this message from the
Trang 22speaker's speech Grice argues that entailment, defined as the listener's utterancesderived from the speaker's utterances, can be computed by considering three factors.According to Finch [12], individuals would cooperate during thecommunication process in order to minimize misunderstanding The basic principle
is to contribute according to what is required at the end of a discussion exchange inwhich you have participated, or when you reach an agreed-upon goal According toLeech [18], the cooperative principle permits one conversational partner to speakwhile assuming that the other is being cooperative Cooperative principle thusserves the purpose of controlling speech in order to further a supposed illocutionary
or discourse objective
All utterance interpretation is predicated on a general premise, according toGrice in Leech [18] The cooperative principle, which states that a speaker andhearer are working toward a common objective, serves as the basis for thisinterpretation The following are components of cooperative principles:
- Maxim of quantity which is allowed requires you to provide your donation asdetailed as possible (for the objectives of the exchange as it currently stands)
- Maxim of quality that does not make your contribution any more information than
is necessary Do not express what you know in your heart to be untrue Do not makestatements for which you do not have sufficient evidence
- Maxim of relation which renders your contribution significant
- Maxim of manner which is transparent (avoid obscurity of expression, ambiguity,
be concise and orderly)
When defining the maxims of quantity and quality, Leech [18, p 84]suggested that they can be taken into consideration together because they frequentlyfunction in opposition to one another: the speaker's desire to avoid telling a lielimits the amount of information they are willing to share
Another type of maxim is the maxim of relation, and it asks us to be relevantnot only to what is being said but also to the context in which it is being expressed.According to Leech [18], personal goals and social objectives can both be included
in the scope of conversational goals For instance, the suitable response to thequestion "Where is my box of chocolates?" is a description of the location wherethe box is stored B "It's in your bedroom" or "It's on the table." The alternativeresponse is "The kids were in your room this morning," which is also an option Ifsomeone responds in such a way, it does not necessarily mean that they are not
Trang 23willing to cooperate, but there is an interpretation that can be drawn from theirresponse The box, which the kids carried into the room, has a place that has beenexplained Additionally, Black [4, p.24] noted that "maxims of quantity, quality,and relation should be respected by cooperating speakers," adding that "maxims ofmanners in such situations are largely a matter of convention."
On the other hand, a speaker is said to be in violation of a maxim when,according to Thomas [27] in Cutting [8], he knows what those who hear may notperceive it as true He also realizes that listeners only understand the superficialmeaning of words They deliberately create deceptive allusions to achieve theirends Whether intentional or not, maxim violation is a form of subtle deception.Listeners mistakenly believe that the speaker is cooperating with them because thespeaker intentionally provides incomplete information or says things that aredishonest, irrelevant, or confusing Thus, although the task of the principles ofcooperation is to ensure the effectiveness and normal acceptance of dialogue, thereare violations of these four principles
In general, there are two ways to put the maxims into practice: the first one is
to observe the maxim, and the second one is to act in a way that does not observethe maxim These are both respectable choices Observance of maxim
a Maxim of quality
Speakers are asked to talk truthfully and share their honest opinions Grice [13 p.46]claimed that the maxim of quality forbids the speaker from making claims that aredeemed to be untrue or inadequate
In other words, it is expected that the speaker will be real and honest For instance:A: Why didn't you attend the party the previous night?
B: L attended my niece's wedding
In this conversation, speaker B freely acknowledges that she was obligated to attendthe wedding of her niece and had to miss the party
b Maxim of quantity
Based on Grice [13], the maxim of quantity states that a speaker should onlycontribute as much information as is required for the discussion at hand Forinstance:
A: Where are you headed?
B: I'm heading to the mail facility
Trang 24In this case, speaker B correctly answers the query of speaker A She immediatelyreplies the query of speaker A and includes all pertinent details in their contribution.
A: This morning, where was Ann?
B: She went to the store to pick up some supplies for tonight's barbecue party.The example illustrates how speaker B should have responded and commandedsince they make it quite apparent where Ann was Non-observance of maxim
Cutting [8] identified these four methods of maxim defiance as choosing out,breaking, infringing, and flouting When the speaker disregards the maxim, it isconsidered non-observance of the maxim
a Opting out
When a speaker chooses not to use a maxim, it conveys that they areunwilling to cooperate, despite the fact that they do not wish to appearuncooperative Sometimes, due to legal or ethical considerations, they are unable torespond in the manner that is anticipated, and when this occurs, they explain why(for example, "I'm afraid I can't give you that information")
When requested to divulge the identity of an accident victim before alertingthe families, a police officer may respond with "I'm afraid I can't give you thatinformation" or "no comment," which is a violation of the maxims
b Violating a maxim
Breaking the maxim can lead to hearers being misled According to Grice, aviolation can also take place in any one of the maxim's four sub principles such asviolating towards maxim of quantity, quality, relation, and manner
Trang 25Cutting [8] said that violations of the quantification principle occur when thespeaker does not provide the listener with sufficient information about the topicbeing discussed or the big picture being presented If the speaker is dishonest andmisinforms the listener, even if it is a lie, this is considered a violation of the qualityprinciple Cutting [8] said that speakers can be dishonest and prone to misleadinglisteners, thus violating quality principles Additionally, when a speaker changes thesubject in order to avoid an answer or a topic brought up by another interlocutor,they are breaching the relational principle Cutting [8] characterized a violation ofthe relational principle as when speakers attempt to divert attention by changing thesubject The last one goes against the manners maxim Cutting [8] claimed thatevading giving a direct and acceptable response during a discussion by using vague
or indirect allusions is against the etiquette norm
Thomas claims that this adage is violated when the speaker knowinglywithholds facts or makes a false, irrelevant, or confusing claim, and the listenerwilfully assumes that they are complying Below is an illustration of a violation.A: Does your dog bit people?
B: No, A (stoops to stroke it and is bit) You said that your dog doesn't bite B:That's not my dog
Cutting [8, p.40]
c Infringing a maxim
Thomas in Cutting [8, p.41] stated that “A speaker infringing a maxim fails toobserve a maxims because of their imperfect linguistics performance Below is anexample of infringement
English speaker: Would you want strawberry or chicken?
Non-English speaker: Yes
Just by having a poor mastery of the language, the speaker violates the principle.She/he does not comprehend the question and is unable to provide a meaningfulresponse.
d Flouting a maxim
Black [4] claimed that there are times when people communicate for theirown aims or motivations without using cooperative principles Speakers have anoption between violating and disobeying the maxims if they receive no cooperativeresponse in their speech Contravening the maxims is not the same as flouting them.According to Finch [12, p.160], “Flouting is more likely to be understood than
Trang 26actual infringement because it incorporates certain components of communicationfailure” Contrary to flouting, which is done purposely to help listeners understand themeaning of the neglected maxim Violation of a maxim is something a speaker does.Maxim flouting, in other words, occurs when the speakers don't seem to beadhering to the maxims but nevertheless expect the listeners to understand theunderlying meaning It is also possible to disregard each of the four cooperationprinciple maxims.
Thus, when a speaker of a dialogue flouts a maxim, there will be a good causefor it, and the speaker himself or herself will already have believed that the hearerwill get the meaning of what he or she is doing According to Cutting [8, p 37-39],flouting the precept means:
e Flouting maxim of quality
The speakers repeatedly violate various quality maxims First, the speakermay say something simply that does not reflect his or her thoughts clearly Second,people can exaggerate something and go against the maxim, as when they say, "Imight eat a horse." Third, speakers sometimes ignore quality maxims by usingmetaphors like "Don't do that." “*Wet blankets, we just want to have fun,”Irony and sarcasm are the last two methods to break the quality rule Whenyou say something that completely contradicts what you intend, such as “The cobbler'schildren have no shoes” It is irony because a cobbler is a professional shoemaker, sothe expectation is that her own children would have many shoes, not zero
Sarcasm is an unkind form of irony that is frequently employed to do harm.Sarcasm, on the other hand, displays a negative attitude while implying a favorableone For example
A: Mm What's the point of this?
B: Well, he is unable to pay for his apartment now that I can't live with him Itherefore wondered whether it would be acceptable for him to stay with us for a fewweeks
A: Sure You know what, though? Why not use our room, you guys?B's remark is met with sarcasm from A Sarcasm is a type of conversationalhumor A's statement implies the inverse Since A uses sarcasm to make fun of andhumiliate B, it fulfills a social management purpose
Trang 27The speaker who violates the quantity requirement looks to deliver eitherinsufficient or excessive information As an example:
A: How do I seem, then?
B: I like your sneakers
B doesn't say explicitly that the hoodie and pants don't look good together;nonetheless, he is aware that A will infer this from his silence due to the fact that Aasks about B's overall appearance but is only told about a portion of it If we take asecond look at the elderly woman living in the retirement community who served asthe starting point for this lesson, we can see that she violates the principle of quality
by contradicting herself when she says “Oh sure, you'll hear other things, but that'swhat I think” The person being interviewed is aware that she is withholding some
of the information that he requires to have a complete understanding of what isbeing stated Because of this, he will inquire in the future, "What would the otherpeople say?" The elderly woman was aware that the interviewer would find out thatshe had further information, but it's possible that she wanted to be pushed intoproviding it anyhow It's comparable to saying "I had an incredible time last night,"which begs the follow-up question, "Go on—tell me what happened then!"
e Flouting maxim of relation
When speakers ask listeners to imagine what they do not say and to drawconnections between their current statement and previous ones, they are violatingrelational maxims When a speaker deviates from the relation maxim, it is anindication that they are giving unrelated information For instance:
A: What do you think of David?
B: His flat mate is an excellent chef
Cutting [8]
B doesn't say out loud that she wasn't pleased with Mark, but by excludinghim from her response and ostensibly expressing something irrelevant, she suggeststhat she wasn't
¢ Flouting maxim of manner
When a speaker responds in an ambiguous manner, it happens It indicatesthat the dialogue has more than one meaning According to Cutting [8, p.39],people who violate the precept of manners by acting mysteriously are frequentlyattempting to exclude a third party, as in:
Trang 28A: Where are you going to?
B: I was thinking of going out to get some of that funny white stuff forsomeone
A: Alright, but don't delay; the dinner is almost ready
Cutting, [8, p.39]
In order to prevent his little daughter from becoming interested and asking forthe ice cream before her lunch, B avoids saying "ice cream" and "Michelle" andinstead uses the ambiguous phrases "that funny white stuff" and "someone." Inorder to emphasize an idea, writers will occasionally use ambiguity in their writing Definition
The linguistic study of humor has received a lot of attention over the course
of history The semantic strategy, social linguistics strategy, stylistic strategy, andpragmatic strategy are just a few that could be investigated in this situation Thepragmatic community sees humor as a violation of Grice's cooperative concept Ithas been essential to undertake a deeper investigation of humor productionemploying the cooperative principle theory because humorous utterances arecreated by maxims that disregard the cooperative principle This approach isimportant because humor is difficult since it can be interpreted in different ways bydifferent individuals, leading them to find it amusing or not Humor does not goagainst the cooperative principle in the same way that other types ofcommunication, like lying, do People often like being amused, and conversations,business dealings, and other everyday encounters frequently include large amounts
of humor As a result, unlike lying, telling jokes is not disregarded as anunproductive means of communication but is instead accepted as an essentialcomponent of everyday conversation Since humor is a form of popular culture and
a style of dressing, it is closely related to daily life Although many academics haveattempted to define comedy, none have succeeded According to Attardo [2, p.3], it
is impossible to define comedy in a way that is entirely clear
Trang 29However, Singh [26, p.65] asserts that the term "humor" might refer to twodifferent things To begin, one definition of humor is the capacity to comprehendsomething that is regarded as hilarious or entertaining thing Second, one definition
of wit is the capacity of an individual to articulate their perception of what is witty
or humorous If I may put it another way, we may say that someone who possessesthese qualities also possesses the attribute of being hilarious Therefore, in a broadsense, the term "humor" can be applied to everything and everything that is deemed
to be humorous, amusing, or funny
Raskin [24, p.95] described humor as the strangeness, secularity,facetiousness, comicality, and fun of an action, speech, or writing that arouseslaughter Humor can also refer to the ability to recognize absurdity or humor, aswell as the ability to communicate humor or jocose treatment of a subject throughspeech, writing, or other compositions In terms of its functions, humor's qualitiessupport people's cognitive growth and communication abilities
Langan-Fox [17] claimed that humor has two functions Priority one goes tothe psychological function Humor is a sophisticated mental absurdity that isinfluenced by the combination of numerous cognitive-affective processes.Therefore, a good sense of humor can aid in improving cognitive-affectivecapacities The second quality is communication skills Humor is a social skill thatboosts acceptance and impact in interpersonal interactions It allows for flexibility
in the transmission of messages that would not otherwise be received
As a conclusion, humor is produced by humans using language in ways thatare amusing, absurd, secular, and incongruous The ability to create humor has animpact on a person's social and personal life Individually, comedy activates avariety of cognitive-affective processes because it uses linguistic play As a result, itinfluences how well a person's cognitive and affective abilities are developing Inrelation to the societal impact, humor transmits signals that may not be wellreceived because it is a flexible medium of communication Therefore, usingcomedy to express criticism of certain social concerns is helpful Forms of humor
In the course of an average day, most of people come across a broad diversity
of comedy, which is expressed in different ways and with different objectives.Martin [20, p 10] claims that some comedy originates in the media Humor may befound in a wide variety of media, from newspaper comics and cartoons to comedic
Trang 30films and books to radio hosts and comedians to blooper reels and stand-up routines
to political satire and hilarious commercials Politicians, religious leaders,motivational speakers, and educators frequently include humor into their speeches,sermons, and lectures
However most of the jokes and giggles that people experience every daycome from their interactions with others A discussion between a lover, a friend, acoworker, a business partner, a store clerk and a client, a doctor and a patient, ateacher and a student, or even two strangers in a bank queue will likely containinterpersonal comedy
Martin [20] highlighted that people differ in the degree to which they areable to generate humor in their day-to-day encounters with other people Mostpeople find laughter to be such a pleasant experience, and they place a great value
on people who are particularly skilled at causing laughter for other people Theseindividuals are people who are frequently characterized as being humorous and theyare in high demand as companions and lovers Some of them are so adept atbringing a smile to others' faces that they go on to become paid humorists, joiningthe ranks of comic book writers, comedians (both writers and performers) Furtherevidence of how highly people appreciate the emotional high that humor brings isthe fact that people spend billions of dollars on comedic media every year.Martin [20] also divided the comedy that occurs in conversation organically intothree categories: jokes, which are lighthearted stories commonly shared betweenfriends and family; unplanned or "spontaneous," comedy occurs when two individualsare having a conversation and one or both of them decides to make a joke
a Jokes
Martin [20] asserted that some people take pleasure in making others laugh duringinformal conversations by telling jokes, which are brief, amusing anecdotes that endwith a punch line To distinguish them from the kind of lighthearted humor andwitty remarks that both jokes and joking can also refer to, these are also frequentlyreferred to as produced jokes This is done to emphasize the distinction between thetwo types of humor Attardo [2] defined a prepared joke is one that has been usedbefore in a way that is similar to the speaker's delivery Examples include jokesfrom joke books and collections Its language is fairly interchangeable and does notrely on the context An example of one of these jokes is provided below:
Trang 31A man visits a psychiatrist, who administers a number of tests to him He thenmakes his results public.
Doctor: I apologize for having to inform you, but you are utterly insane.Client: Hell is a good place to get a second opinion
Doctor: I see that you lack beauty as well
(Long and Grasser in Martin, 2007)Jokes are a great way to keep students interested in and engaged in theirEnglish education They provide a means of presenting various societal perspectivesand circumstances Additionally, they're fantastic for giving students the chance touse English in a more natural, everyday situation
With humor, students will still be learning how to use the English language,but they will be distracted from the monotony of punctuation exercises andtextbooks They provide an excellent opportunity to practice inflection andarticulation, and students will likely encounter a significant amount of newvocabulary as well
The fact that jokes can help students become more aware of the intricacies ofthe language is perhaps the single most important reason to tell jokes in theclassroom setting They will understand how some words can have at least twodifferent meanings or how some words are homophones, such as "red" and "read" inthe dilemma "high contrast and red all finished?"
During the periods of time spent training and learning unfamiliar dialects,jokes can be an effective tactic to use It is beneficial and essential for learning, just
as presenting the language, meanings of etymological wonders, and outlining themwith models that are easy to understand and remember
Jokes is a crucial and helpful tool in the process of acquiring, learning, andremembering foreign tongues They serve to grab and protect the attention of thestudent or understudy by creating a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere, and theypromote the road toward learning and securing another language
Jokes are a great way to put a student's linguistic skills to the test because theireffectiveness depends on the recipient not just understanding the language but alsobeing familiar with slang terms and topical references To appreciate a joke, youneed a respectable background in the language and a generally high aptitude for it.There is a buildup followed by a punch line Everything up to the last sentence
in a set-up causes the listener to form preconceived notions about how they should
Trang 32interpret the situation The humorous and shocking transformation brought about bythe punch line gives the impression that humor does not require a big disparitybetween two things This joke's punch line uses the dictionary meaning of the word
"second opinion" to flip the traditionally solemn doctor-patient relationship onto itshead It's clear from the story's tone that it's not meant to be taken seriously, and thatit's all just for laughs This joke also has a combative undertone
In ordinary conversation, jokes are typically started with verbal or nonverbalclues like "Did you know the woman " or by sticking to established standard formslike " An elderly man entered a nightclub " that let the audience know this is a funnystory and they should expect to laugh Despite the fact that joke tellers typically attempt
to attach their jokes to the current content of discussion, a joke is a humorous nuggetthat stands on its own and provides all the background knowledge the reader needs toget the full laugh As a result, it is applicable to different settings for debate
b Spontaneous conversational humor
As stated by Martin [20], the majority of comedy people encounter in regularsocial encounters does not come from pre-written jokes Since it is more context-dependent than joke delivery, spontaneous conversational comedy typically losespart of its wit when recalled later He points out that unlike joke-telling, suchconversational humor typically lacks distinct nonverbal cues that indicate ahilarious aim, such as a particular tone of voice or a glint in the eye, making itdifficult for the listener to identify whether the speaker is being serious or joking.Spontaneous conversational humor can take many distinct forms and terms,which are separated from one another by their purposes or applications of comedy
e Irony
According to Martin [20], a speaker uses irony when she or he makes astatement whose literal interpretation differs from the intended interpretation Thefollowing statement contains an instance of irony “What a beautiful day!”
The statement assumes a sarcastic tone when the speaker makes it in unfavorableweather, such as when it's chilly or rainy outside The literal meaning of the phrase
"saying something lovely using the word "beautiful" is the opposite of what ismeant because the speaker would like to convey how miserable the weather is
e Satire
Social structures or social policies might be criticized through humor [Martin,20] The classic phrase for this is satire Satire is considered a derogatory style ofhumor Below is a satirical illustration
A: I'm interested in the inmates who reside there Clearly, they are quite bored
Trang 33B: Well, you can even throw a party inside the jail as long as you have money.The statement made by speaker B is sarcastic in nature He wants to conveythat when money speaks, anyone can accomplish anything, even in prison, throughhis words In other words, citizens can pay off the government.
Two buddies register for a marathon One of them asks about a buddy wholooked to be quite worn out
A: Are you all right?
B: You could have knocked me over with a feather!
The remark "You could have knocked me over with a feather!" is an example
of an overstatement made by speaker B in this instance When something touchesher or him, she or he exaggerates the function of a feather, claiming that it is a veryheavy thing that might cause someone to fall
se Teasing
Teasing is a light-hearted comment made on the listener's looks, behavior, andpersonality In contrast to sarcasm, there is no genuine aim to offend anyoneFor example:
A: How did you treat your hair?
B: I decided to try something new
A: Are you becoming old?
A should have responded with a compliment, but instead he teases in order tomake a funny comment His joke is that she changed the color of her hair to makeherself look older
e Replies to rhetorical questions
There is no expectation of a response when rhetorical questions are asked.Responding to one surprises both the person who posed the question and breaks aconversational expectation So this could be funny, and it would likely just be said
to make a friend or acquaintance chuckle For illustration:
Trang 34A: Could you shut the window?
B: You should move around more regularly, in my opinion
Since A's question is rhetorical, there is no need for a response B should haveresponded to the question without even closing the door, but instead decides to do
so, suggesting that B is likewise too lazy to do so B should instantly close the door
¢ Clever reply to serious statement
Martin [20] also said that a smart, peculiar, or ludicrous response is one of theorigins of comedy when a speaker reacts to a serious speech The language is deliberatelymisconstrued to hinder a speaker from responding to the true meaning of the remark As
an illustration, consider the following exchange froma first school meeting:
A: I've thought about you
B: So you got to meet my husband?
It is considered as clever replies to serious statement because the response that
B provides to the statement made by A makes no sense This occurs due to the fact that
it is highly improbable that A had previously met the husband of B and talked a greatdeal of information regarding her or him before they had their first school meeting
e Pun
According to Martin [20], a pun is a word play Based on a homophone, which
is a word that sounds the same as another but has a distinct meaning, it conjures up
a different connotation for the phrase For instance:
A: How do turtles communicate?
B: Using a shell phone
In this discussion, the word "sell" is sounded similarly to how the word "cell"sounds in a mobile phone The two terms have different meanings The term "sell"alludes to the tough shell that protects the body of the turtle, but "cell" is acomponent of the term "cell phone," which refers to a mobile phone
¢ Self- deprecation
Martin [20] claimed that self-deprecation uses the speaker as the focus of comedy
It is sometimes referred to as underestimating oneself This type of comedy is used
to establish rapport with the audience, show modesty, and make them feelcomfortable For instance, Vladimir Nabokov, the author of the novel Lolita, oncemade fun of himself by declaring, "Lolita is renowned, not I I'm a nameless authorwho writes in a very esoteric and doubly obscure genre He made this statement toexpress his modesty on the success of his book Lolita
Trang 35As stated by Martin [20], it is a phrase or term that is purposefully misinterpreted
to invoke a dual meaning, frequently pertaining to sexual matters It can also be defined
as semantic ambiguity that invites several interpretations For instance:
The boy: Wow, you have some really large melons there, man You grew themyourself, right? Is there one here?
The girl: “EXCUSE ME”?
The boy shows her a group of watermelons in the background
The boy: “The watermelons, can I have one?”
The girl: “Oh, without a doubt This is for you.”
This scene's events are a typical comic plot device The girl believed the boy wassaying something wrong despite the fact that his words had a double meaning
e Transformations of frozen expression
Martin [20] said that speakers who adapt well-known proverbs or sayings intooriginal assertions are able to modify frozen language
For instance, a man with no hair may lament, "There is some hair today, there is nohair tomorrow." It is essentially an adaptation of the popular motivating adage, "Smiletoday, cry tomorrow." However, the guy modifies the proverb to create a funny impact
c Unintentional humor
According to Martin [20], accidental verbal humor and accidental physicalhumor are the two sorts of inadvertent comedy When someone trips over a peel ofbanana or pours some water on their clothes, it might be considered accidentalphysical humor When they occur in an unexpected and odd fashion, these kinds ofthings are amusing as long as the person experiencing them is not gravely injured orhumiliated Slapstick and screwball comedies are likewise built on the principles ofthis type of comedy Speaker misconceptions that lead to unintentional languagehumor include logical fallacies, Freudian slips, malapropisms, and spoonerisms.Spoonerisms are grammatical mistakes when the first sounds of two or more wordsare flipped around, giving the sentences a surprising and humorous new meaning
As an illustration, it's been reported that a man once toasted Queen Victoria with thephrase "Our queer old dean gets three cheers."
2.2.5 Movie
A movie is a form of visual communication that uses sound and movingvisuals to convey stories or impart information that aids in learning new things A
Trang 36movie is a motion picture that keeps crowds at the multiplex entertained Amultiplex is a specific kind of cinema Previously, movies could only be seen intheaters, but today, people may view movies on a variety of electronic devices,including televisions, VCD players, laptops, mobile phones, and more The mostpopular form of art nowadays is the movie.
In spite of the fact that there are a great number of movies that might bedissected in terms of the presence of flout maxim, the researcher for this projectdecided to focus on the Monsters Inc movie as the subject of the investigation
The factory contains a big warehouse full of thousands of doors, "scare floors"where the doors are opened and energy from screaming human youngsters is contained,
as well as a simulator area where employees may perfect their scare skills Young peopleare viewed as poisonous in the business, therefore working there is dangerous
The action of the narrative occurs in the monster-only metropolis ofMonstropolis Although Monstropolis is not a part of the human world, it isaccessible from children's bedrooms via their closets A door becomes a doorwaybetween the worlds of humans and monsters when it is properly activated.Monsters, Inc., a utility corporation that uses monsters to frighten kids and harvest
Trang 37energy from their cries, supplies the city with electricity The business features asizable warehouse filled with doors, "scare floors" with motion-activated doors and
a one-of-a-kind classroom for training where staff members hone their scaretechniques
James P "Sully" Sullivan (Goodman), the company's greatest fright-maker, isassisted by Michael "Mike" Wazowski (Crystal), a close friend of Sullivan's Henry
J Waternoose III, the company's CEO is Sulley's biggest opponent and is played byBuscemi Children are more difficult to frighten than they used to be, which hascaused Monstropolis to be in the midst of an energy crisis
After doing the job, Sully discovers an open door on his fear floor one day.Even though he doesn't find anyone in the chamber concealed behind the door, theyoung child (Gibbs), who is only 2 years old, follows him back into the monsterrealm In contrast to being terrified of him, she refers to him as "Kitty" and adoresplaying with him Sully continually leading the child back to her cell becausemonsters believe that humans are fatally harmful The girl is finally trapped in themonster dimension when Randall deactivates and stores the door After Sully bringsthe child into a restaurant to meet Mike and her presence is detected by the generalpublic, they hide the girl at Sully's house while the Child Detection Agency (CDA)searches for her Sully ultimately calls the child "Boo" and starts to bond with herafter realizing that she is not toxic He also notices that her laughter is moreferocious than her screams
The following morning, Sully and Mike trick Boo into going to work bydressing her in a monster costume As soon as Mike goes into the room, Randalltraps him in a box, mistaking him for Boo, even though he has agreed to assist them
in getting her back to her bedroom Boo will be taken hostage by Randall so he canput her in a machine that will record her screams
Sully and Mike try to keep Boo safe from Randall and his screammachine in the series of fights, chases, and disasters that ensue Waternooseexiles Sully and Mike to the Himalayas, where they encounter the AbominableSnowman (John Ratzenberger) Randall pursues Sully and Mike through theorganization's door-moving roller coaster system as they flee through asettlement at the foot of the mountain When Boo's laughter opens the storagedoors, the pursuit enters and leaves the human realm Randall is finally defeated
by Sully and Boo After Sully throws
Trang 38The analytical schema in Figure 1 is drawn by Grice’s cooperative principle
[Observance of maxim | [ Non- observance of maxim
Opting out | [Violating | [infringing | | PFlouúg |
Maxim of quality | [Maxim of quantity | | Maximofrelation | | Maximofmamer |
" ăn”
| Jokes | [Spontaneous conversational humor _ | [ Unintentional humor
a Irony e Replies to rhetorical question
b Sarcasm f Clever replies to serious statement
Trang 392.3 Summary
These sections presented above is an overview on the theories used as thefoundation of this study It consists of concepts, definitions and theories related tothe research’s theoretical background Firstly, the definitions of pragmatics is given
so as to help readers understand what the author mainly aims to in the first place.Secondly, a wide range of definitions, characteristics and classifications ofcooperative principle are presented entirely To add, the author also distinguishesfour kinds of maxim, including maxim of quality, maxim of quantity, maxim ofrelation and maxim of manner Next, concepts of flouting the maxims are presentedsubsequently to provide more comprehensive knowledge supporting the study’sbackground Last but not least, the author summaries all types of humor withvarious examples and detailed explanations
Trang 40CHAPTER 3: HUMOR IN MOVIE SCRIPT MONSTERS INC3.1 Humor created through flouting maxim of quality
The maxim of quality can be disregarded in a number of different ways First, thespeakers can just say something simply that does not reflect his or her thoughtsclearly Second, they might exaggerate and break the rule Third, by employing ametaphor, a speaker can go against the rule of excellence Irony and sarcasm are thefinal two methods to violate the quality maxim Irony is the expression of theantithesis of a statement while also implying the contrary Sarcasm is an unfriendlysort of irony that is typically used to cause harm to other people All in all,according to Cutting [8] pointed out that speaker may flout the maxim quality byexaggerating as in the irony, overstatement and sarcasm
Table 3.1 Flouting maxim of qualityData Utterance Type Explanation
Mr Bile, can you
tell me what you did
Bile: I fell down?
Ms Flint: No, no,
before that Can
anyone tell me Mr
Bile's big mistake?
Ms Flint: Let's
take a look at the
tape Here we go
Ms Flint: Right
there See? The
door! You left it
wide open
(scene 1)
I The entire event is revealed to be a trainingexercise for novice monsters, during whichthey are judged on how effectively theyscare people This situational irony of acowardly, clumsy, naive-looking monster
is getting scared by the screams of a child.The fact that he is designed to scare isdelightfully underlined by the incongruity
of the character's name, which is Bile, andhis naive statement, which is "My friendscall me Phlegm" representing his laid-backpersonality Irony is used in this situation,
so it is called flouting the maxim ofquality