Self-spontaneous parking lot rise throughout the city because people''''s parking needs rise 7Abstract In recent years, large cities of Vietnam have implemented many measures to develop sta
NGUYEN DUY KHANH Student ID: 18146028 DINH CONG DANH Student ID: 18146009 HUYNH HUU HAI TRIEU Student ID: 18146065
Ho Chi Minh City, December 2021
Trang 2Abstract 1
Trang 33.5.2 Algorithm model for license plate recognition 33
Trang 4Figure 1.2 The vacant lands become temporary parking, significantly affecting urban beauty 3
Figure 1.0.5 The penetration rate of “smart” parking spaces in the public domain reached 11% in 2018
Figure 2.0.1 Self-spontaneous parking lot rise throughout the city because people's parking needs rise 7
In recent years, large cities of Vietnam have implemented many measures to developstatic traffic in urban areas However, plans to overcome the lack of parking lots have notyet promoted efficiency Therefore, application of IoT for parking lots is completelynecessary, when traditional parking lots cannot meet the increasing demand for vehiclestoday In addition, It is also impossible not to mention the remarkable role of IoT This is
a network connecting devices together, in which devices can transmit information anddata with each other without human intervention Moreover, we apply machine vision inidentifying vehicle license plates and available places, then transfer data to our website to
be able to easily control and help customers to capture the status of the parking lot.Besides, we also encountered many difficulties in the idea and deploying a smart parkinglot First, it can be mentioned as the process of collecting data on license plates so that thesystem can learn and identify Vietnam's license plate Second, it is a challenge for us todesign a website and send data to it, as we take a lot of time to be able to build a websiteand transmit data as well as information up completely Finally, the system is almostcomplete when it is possible to identify and analyze the number of license plates, countthe remaining space up to 90% and transfer data to the website correctly
Trang 51.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Problems in Vietnam
In metropolises, the large population entails that the moving needs of the people increasesand also directly increase individual vehicles City managers should solve some issuesabout flow traffic so that minimizes traffic jams in peak hours, building additionalinfrastructure such as highways, undergrounds, expanding additional routes to meet thedensity of vehicles, and developing a lot of parking lots to serve the demand for residents.For instance, in some large cities of our country today, like Ho Chi Minh City, finding aparking lot in the city center is very difficult, because the car traffic daily in the city isalways bigger a lot compared to the number of built-in parking lots So users are difficult
to find parking lot to send their vehicles
Figure 1.0.1 Traffic congestion in metropolises on peak hours
Not only that, the lack of measures to develop static traffic in the city has contributed toslowing the progress of building new parking lot Besides, plans to overcome the lack ofparking lots have not yet been effective because investors have not seen their potential.Currently, the condition of parking lot is gradually becoming a problem in big cities inour country on Tet holidays and as usual days Meanwhile, there are also a lot ofspontaneous parking lots with the aim of profit from people's car deposits but does notguarantee security, quality management and especially taking ticket prices veryexpensive, making many parts of people dissatisfied So it can be seen that the demandfor smart and safe parking at the moment is currently extremely large
Trang 6Spontaneous parking lots have lost the aesthetics of the urban area without meeting safetyand convenience So we believe that the development of smart parking lot is an urgentneed for our current situation.
1.1.2 Suitable solutions for current parking lot status in our country
Manual counting
In order to resolve that need, namely increasing the interaction between car owners andowners of parking, IoT parking lot was established to help customers can capture thesituation of the parking lot anywhere With current situation, the car owner when it comes
to a place, it will be very difficult to find a available place, because they won't know theparking lots around them or not, so updating the parking lot status up to the websites areextremely necessary, that helps the car owner quickly reach where they want to minimizethe time on the road, causing traffic jams just because they search for a place to send acar To do this, there are many common ways to do today that can be listed as Themanual counting method, the owner of the parking lot will hire people who areconsecutively counting the parking lot in about 30-60 minutes and updating parking lotstatus on their website This manual count is also quite main the corpses for small parkinglots and in the beautiful weather conditions, or the day of less cars We believe that thecountless space with bare eyes is often very time consuming, and cannot be exactly if weincrease the project scale to dozens of hectares of land It is very difficult for employees
to manage it all
Trang 7Another method is also used for a long time that is use ultrasonic sensors This is amethod that is usually applied in parking car in commercial centers or high-riseapartments The convenience point this way is to reduce labor costs, supervise 24/7activities without the need for intervention, adjustation of people, vehicle directions to thedesired parking area during low hours points to save electricity and management,favorable for maintenance, and repair of equipment in the parking lot if necessary,absolute security system, anti-data loss The downside of the use of sensor systems that
we can list, which are not suitable for large-sized car beaches, because it cost a lot ofmoney for sensors to set in a large land
Figure 1.0.3 Using ultrasonic control sensors in parking lot
Image processing technique
As for our IoT parking lot, technology we use in this project, it is a image processingcombined with the data transfer method on our website We suppose this is an effectivesolution for medium and big parking lots, as it can solve the problems that traditional carsare encountered, while minimizing installation costs as well as appropriate With moreterrain than installing sensor system
Trang 8Figure 1.0.4 Detect occupancy by image processing
1.1.3 IoT Parking Lot Demand
The IoT parking lot devices are connected to a raspberry that receive control signals fromcameras, sensors, or a website Cameras received the signal and information about licenseplates and places then Raspberry transmitted to the website to store, so the owner canmanage its customer information from a long distance
Especially for big cities, parking problems are difficult to solve effectively By 2023,market spending for smart parking products and services was expected to grow with aCAGR 14% and exceed 3.8 billion dollars under the IoT Analytics report Thanks togrowth of market spending, it forced everyone to act to find a specific solution toovercome the problem instead of holding traditional models
Figure 1.0.5 The penetration rate of “smart” parking spaces in the public domain reached 11% in
2018 and is expected to reach 16% by 2023
Trang 9Many people believe that the IoT parking lot system does not guarantee enough trust ofsafety Specifically, in order to operate this system, cutting the human resources isobvious, so people will think that there is a lack of people who look after their property.Not only that, they also believe that the device they are monitoring will not be equal tohumans However, despite cutting down human resources, we believe that the IoTParking Lot System still ensures the ability to protect users' properties IoT technologyallows devices to connect with each other and send data to the website, which allows thesupervisor to manage the parking lot from a long distance Not only that, using bothphysical cards and license plates will be a huge obstacle for the crook to aim at our carpark.
Another problem, many businesses are still hesitating in replacing traditional parking lotswith smart parking lots because they think no matter whether to reduce labor, they stillhave to pay a not small amount of expense in maintaining the IoT parking lot This isindeed not wrong, but if we look at the parking needs of our country, it will notice thepotential of the IoT parking lot system Indeed, the IoT parking lot system will solve mostprevious problems of traditional car parks, while increasing performance as well as beingconvenient, comfortable for customers every time they come here This is the goal wetargeted
of parking lot at anywhere to be able to easily make their decisions easily
Trang 102.1 Demand for parking lot in Vietnam
Realizing the reality of many shortcomings in car parking in Ho Chi Minh City Our teamhas launched smart parking lot system Thus product are highly appreciated for safety forusers while saving time and employee costs According to the statistics of Ho Chi MinhCity Police, the average in the city occurred 50-100 of motorbike losses in which thehospitals, supermarkets, commercial centers, markets, etc accounting for 30% The mainreason is because the crook used a fake ticket, the number plate or the car holder lost theticket The idea of the parking system was born from there With high security, our teamdecided to apply this model as the topic for our project We will provide the actual data topersuade investors, potential partners or readers as your business will attract manycustomers in a growing business and can guarantee sales out defy competition This isone of the most important parts of the business plan, including considering the size of thecurrent market and market development trends Many the next part of the business plan
as the production part , Marketing and the total capital you need, will be based on theforecast about sales mentioned in this section Here are the parts that we want to mention
in product market analysis
Figure 2.0.1 Self-spontaneous parking lot rise throughout the city because people's parking needs
As we have seen, the needs of the customer are endless but the ability to respond to isfinite, so it is necessary to focus on the current urgent needs of our customers Therefore,our team has focused on finding out save the needs of customers about products that we
Trang 11want to introduce to customers, a project that feasibility is quite high, meeting the needfor the current urgent level The traffic jam is always a hot topic, there are many channelssuch as press, radio, television posting this issue, and has a channel specializing inproviding information about traffic spots in the area The city to inform every people, thecar flow moves too much on the streets is a lot that the capacity of the current streets islimited so the occurrence of the parking points is article weak to reduce traffic jams, butdue to the amount of vehicles too much, the current parking points have not reallyresponded to the requirements that customers want, the reason is:
● Safety levels of the above car parking points are not safe and secure
● Serving attitudes of car senders to non-delicate customers, as well as professionallevels
● Vehicle sending time makes customers uncomfortable because they have to waituntil a long time for their turn
● Customers take a long time to go to nearby parking lot because they cannot knowtheir current status
2.2 Global smart parking systems market size
The global smart parking market was valued at $ 6.05 billion in 2019 and is expected toreach $ 11.13 billion in 2027, reaching the CAGR speed of 12.6%
Smart parking system market is based on hardware, software, services, types andapplications According to the smart hardware parking system are segmented into (Pucks,Camera & Lprs, smart, meters, signs, parking ports), according to software (parkingguide systems, analytical solutions ) According to the service (consulting services,technical services), by type (off-street, on-street), by application (security & supervision,intelligent payment system, electronic parking , Identify number plates) .In 2020,segment of parking guidelines and accounting for nearly 75.0% of total revenue Thesesystems have become popular in the market because they support drivers to save time byproviding information about free space, parking guides, available space and timeavailable These systems ensure a better driving experience for drivers by tracking thestatus of many ultrasonic sensors and electrical signals and providing user-friendlygraphical interface
Trang 12Figure 2.0.2 Global parking system market size predicted
2.3 Available technologies used in smart parking lot
2.3.1 Image processing technique
Gaussian filter
The Gaussian filter is said to be the most useful filter, implemented by convolutionalizingthe input image with a Gaussian filter matrix and then adding them together to form theoutput image
The general idea is that the value of each pixel will depend more on the nearby pixelsthan on the distant pixels The weight of the dependence is taken according to theGaussian function (also used in the normal distribution)
Trang 13Figure 2.0.3 Gaussian filter matrix representationAssume the image is one-dimensional The pixel in the center will have the greatestweight The pixels further away from the center will have a decreasing weight as thedistance from them to the center point increases Thus, the closer the point is to thecenter, the more it will contribute to the central point value.
Figure 2.0.4 Image filter formula based on 2-dimensional Gaussian function (horizontal and
Furthermore, instead of operating on color channels separately like mean filter or Gaussfilter, Bilateral filter can perform purposeful color measurement in CIE-Lab color space,smoothing color and preserve the edges in a way that is more suitable for humanperception
Trang 14Figure 2.0.5 Photos before and after the Bilateral filter
Canny Edge Detector
Canny edge detects the edge intensity and direction by calculating the gradient of theimage using edge detection operators Edges correspond to a change of pixels' intensity
To detect it, the easiest way is to apply filters that highlight this intensity change in bothdirections: horizontal (x) and vertical (y)
Perform a Gaussian blur on the image The blur removes some of the noise before furtherprocessing the image Non maximum suppression works by finding the pixel with themaximum value in an edge In the above image, it occurs when pixel q has an intensitythat is larger than both p and r where pixels p and r are the pixels in the gradient direction
of q If this condition is true, then we keep the pixel, otherwise we set the pixel to zero(make it a black pixel)
Double thresholding sets two thresholds, a high and a low threshold, normalized all thevalues such that they will only range from 0 to 1 Pixels with a high value are most likely
to be edges It helps to choose a threshold ratio instead of a specific value and multiplethat by the max pixel value in the image
Figure 2.0.6 Color image of rear car
Trang 15Tesseract is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) leading engine today This tool isdistributed with the Apache 2.0 open-source license It supports character recognition onimage files and outputs as plain text, html, pdf, tsv, invisible-text-only pdf The user canuse it directly or the programmer can use the functions through the API.
Currently, Tesseract has developed to version 3.0x and can work on 3 popular operatingsystems: Window, Mac and Linux This tool supports character recognition of more than
100 different languages, including Vietnamese Not only that, we can train the program touse Tesseract to be able to recognize a certain language
The request recognition system must first be trained with patterns of specific characters.Intelligent systems with high recognition accuracy for most fonts are now commonplace.Some systems are also capable of reconstructing the document's formatting close to theoriginal, including: images, columns, tables, and non-text elements Currently, withVietnamese characters, word recognition software capable of directly identifyingdocuments scanned through scanners is no longer stored as an intermediate image file.Document pages can be scanned and stored as multi-page files The results are stored inthe format of Microsoft Word, Excel to serve the needs of data digitization well
Figure 2.0.7 Tesseract OCR text localization and detection
2.3.2 RFID Techinique
RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification (radio frequency recognition) It is aremote radio recognition technique, allowing data on a chip to be read "do not expose"through the radio wave path at a distance from 50 cm to 10 meters, depending on the type
of RFID label card
Service users will be provided with a magnetic card This type of card contains ICs withidentity information about a product, animal or person to identify and track radio waves
In the parking lot, the magnetic cards will be connected to the car sending informationand that means your information are managed better Basically, magnetic cards like a IDcar owners and vehicles Information on this card is unique Each RFID card will have a
Trang 16different frequency range.
The basic RFID device includes an antenna or a coil, a transceiver (accompanied by thedecoder) and a RF card When operating, RFID antenna will have a radio signalingfunction to activate tags and read data related to vehicles RFID antenna will be mounted
on the transceiver or decoder
It acts as a signal reader/scanner When a card passes through the electromagnetic areadue to the antenna generate, the information on the card will be read and decoded
Figure 2.0.8 Basic working of RFID implemented in parking lot system
How IoT parking lot system use RFID technique ?
Parking lot management system using RFID technology includes RFID device set,computer has installed car parking management software, camera recorded images in theparking lot Operation of this system is as follows:
When the car through the lane on the parking lot, they will swipe the card at the RF cardreader installed outside the gate of the parking lot, while the camera is mounted in thislanes will record the sea images vehicle number Similarly, when taking the car from theparking, guests also need to scan a card at the reader If the information on two card scans
Trang 17is similar, the car will be taken out of the yard.
The highlight of this system is the security of guest's information as well as vehicles,limiting the maximum loss during the parking process This is the reason that automaticparking lots have no employees taking care but still much safer than traditional car parks
Figure 2.0.9 Using a lot of devices combining with RFID
Trang 193.1.2 Connection
Trang 20First, the automatic parking system recognizes the license plate at the entrance when thecar arrives at a specific location The software analyzes license plate data through imagerefinement techniques, image noise filters, and image processing algorithms to obtainaccurate information about each letter and number on the license plate The data is saved
in the database and open the entry barrier At that time, the cameras are installed in theparking lot allows the driver to check the percentage of cars in the parking lot and thenumber of parking spaces, and clearly identify each parking space These camerasprovide images of the parking lot and analyze from these images, and then it uses aCascade to classify each parking space as if it is occupied by car or not Cascade classifyneed to be trained in the parking lot to improve accuracy even in dark, bright places andobstacles in front of the camera When the vehicle is leaving, the software processesusing the information updated at the time of entry and the image captured when thevehicle is at the exit gate If the input and output data match, the system willautomatically check and open the barrier The system is constantly updated on thewebsite so that parking lot owners can manage all activities and conditions of the parkinglot
Figure 3.2 Raspberry pi 4
Trang 21With Raspberry Pi, we just need to install the operating system, the mouse, keyboard andscreen that can be used as a computer Raspberry PI is not fully replaced by a desktop orlaptop but it is a flexible device that can be used for electronic systems, computationalsystem settings, DIY projects, etc, with low expenses.
● Broadcom BCM2711, Quad core Cortex-A72 (ARM v8) 64-bit SoC @ 1.5GHz
● 2GB, 4GB or 8GB LPDDR4-3200 SDRAM (depending on model)
● 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz IEEE 803.31ac wireless, Bluetooth 5.0, BLE
● Gigabit Ethernet
● 2 USB 3.0 ports; 2 USB 2.0 ports
● Raspberry Pi standard 40 pin GPIO header (fully backwards compatible withprevious boards)
● 2 × micro-HDMI ports (up to 4kp60 supported)
● 2-lane MIPI DSI display port
● 2-lane MIPI CSI camera port
● 4-pole stereo audio and composite video port
● H.265 (4kp60 decode), H264 (1080p60 decode, 1080p30 encode)
● OpenGL ES 3.1, Vulkan 1.0
● Micro-SD card slot for loading operating system and data storage
● 5V DC via USB-C connector (minimum 3A*)
● 5V DC via GPIO header (minimum 3A*)
● Power over Ethernet (PoE) enabled (requires separate PoE HAT)
● Operating temperature: 0 – 50 degrees C ambient
3.1.2 RFID Card
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a technology that uses a radio wave connection
to automatically identify and track identification tags attached to the object This
Trang 22technology does not use light rays like barcodes or direct contact In other words, RFIDcan replace barcodes on products sold at retail supermarkets Instead of having to put thedevice to the barcode to scan, RFID allows information that can be passed through smalldistances without a physical contact So, all of the benefits above, we recognize thistechnology is really appropriate with our project.
In recent decades, the theory of RFID technology has been enriched and improved, andRFID tags have been developed rapidly, including active, passive, and semi-passive tags.RFID tags are also used more and more widely In the civil aspect, RFID are used insome main fields like Identification, Access Control, Tracking, Anti-counterfeiting,Management, or Counting
Figure 3.3 The applications of RFID
In this project, we develop RFID technology as a means for us to manage our car parking
in the most professional and effective way
3.3.3 Module RFID RC522
RFID RF522 module is a reader by using MFRC522 chip, which accepts the ID codefrom the RFID card then sends the ID code to Raspberry It is usually accompanied by anRFID tag in a credit card format and an RFID tag in a keychain format The cards canhave 1K or 4K memory divided into sectors and blocks The RFID reader module RC522
is also used to write RFID tags To read the information encoded on a tag, it is placed inclose proximity to the Reader (does not need to be within direct line-of-sight of thereader) A Reader generates an electromagnetic field which causes electrons to movethrough the tag’s antenna and subsequently power the chip
Trang 23Figure 3.4 The RC522 RFID Reader module
Trang 24● IRQ: interrupt pin that alerts the microcontroller when an RFID tag approaches theRFID reader RC522.
● MISO / SCL / TX: This pin has three functions When the SPI interface is enabled,
it functions as slave output and master input
● MOSI: entry in the SPI interface
● SCK: clock signal of the SPI interface
● SS / SDA / RX: The pin acts as a signal input when the SPI interface is enabled
3.3.4 16x02 LCD Display Module
LCD 1602 is a liquid crystal display This component is a kind of dot matrix module It isused to show letters, numbers, and characters, etc It's composed of 5x7 or 5x11 dotmatrix positions, with each position can display one character we input LCD 1602 canseparate characters and lines by a dot pitch between two characters and a space betweenlines The meaning number of the LCD can show 2 rows with 16 characters in each row
Figure 3.6 16x02 LCD pinout
Pinout Configuration:
● Vss (Ground): Ground pin connected to system ground
● Vdd (+5 Volt): Powers the LCD with +5V (4.7V – 5.3V)
● VE (Contrast V): Decides the contrast level of display Grounded to get maximum contrast
● Register Select: Connected to Microcontroller to shift between command/data
Trang 25● Read/Write: Used to read or write data Normally grounded to write data to LCD
● Enable: Connected to Microcontroller Pin and toggled between 1 and 0 for data acknowledgement
● LED Positive: Backlight LED pin positive terminal
● LED Negative: Backlight LED pin negative terminal
● Data pins: Data pins 0 to 7 form a 8-bit data line They can be connected to Microcontroller to send 8-bit data These LCD’s can also operate on 4-bit mode in such cases Data pins 4,5,6 and 7 will be left free
● Operating Voltage is 4.7V to 5.3V
● Current consumption is 1mA without backlight
● Alphanumeric LCD display module, meaning can display alphabets and numbers
● Consists of two rows and each row can print 16 characters
● Each character is build by a 5×8 pixel box
● Can work on both 8-bit and 4-bit mode
● It can also display any custom generated characters
● Available in Green and Blue Backlight
At present, LCDs are used frequently in CD/DVD players, digital watches, computers,etc It is also used in many electronic projects and devices to display messages In screenindustries, LCDs have replaced the CRTs (Cathode Ray Tubes) because these displaysuse more power as compared to LCD, heavier & larger
In this project, we use LCD 16x02 for the purpose of displaying available space in theparking lot, and also showing "Full Slot" when the parking lot has no space available
3.3.5 I2C Module
I2C is a simple method of communication that combines the best features of SPI and