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Chuyên đề tốt nghiệp: Evaluation of Customer Satisfaction for Food Service at French Grill restaurant of JW Marriott Hanoi hotel

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Hanoi, March, 2023

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Nguyen Thi Hien — 11191848 — Business English 61C

Every success is associated with the support and assistance of others,

whether more or less, either explicitly or implicitly Throughout my tenure at National Economics University, I have gotten the attention and assistance of

numerous groups, persons, and teachers both inside and outside the institution.

As a result, first and foremost, I would want to convey my heartfelt appreciation to the professors who have joyfully guided and imparted information to me during the past three years of school I would especially like to thank to

Pham Thuc Anh, MBA, who actively directed and helped me during my internship

and thesis writing with a feeling of duty and enthusiasm.

I would also like to thank the Board of Directors and the staff of the JW Mariott Hanoi Hotel, particularly those in the F&B Department, for their enthusiastic assistance, pointing out flaws, and communicating more effectively.

The knowledge, in particular, assist me in gaining a more comprehensive

understanding of the relationship between the theory gained in school and the actual job at the firm I got the opportunity to meet new people, communicate with them, apply what I had learned in the hotel, and improve and gain new skills This is a really beneficial internship for me since it allows me to improve myself in

order to satisfy the work criteria in the future Thank you sincerely!

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The main purpose of this study is to thoroughly evaluate customer satisfaction with food service at the French Grill restaurant of JW Marriott Hanoi hotel This descriptive study investigates the impact of several important factors on customer satisfaction The existing literature was analyzed and reviewed to highlight some important concerns explored in this study The survey is handled

inferentially and quantitatively, with questionnaires used to conduct a survey The sample used for the study is 142 Through actual observation of business operations and direct participation in some working processes here combined with the results of actual surveys, surveys of customers, the process of analyzing and synthesizing collected data has shown as follows: The main purpose of this study is to thoroughly evaluate customer satisfaction with food service at the French Grill restaurant of JW Marriott Hanoi hotel This descriptive study investigates the impact of several important factors on customer satisfaction The existing literature was analyzed and reviewed to highlight important concerns explored in this study The survey is handled inferentially and quantitatively, with questionnaires used to

conduct a survey The sample used for the study is 142 Through actual observation of business operations and direct participation in some working processes here combined with the results of existing surveys, surveys of customers, the process of analyzing and synthesizing collected data has shown as follows:

The restaurant's customer satisfaction level with food service has achieved certain successes Customers appreciate the restaurant's food service including service quality and food quality The restaurant has provided customers with five-star quality dishes with a variety of menus, dishes that respond to the tastes of the majority of customers, and food that is served quickly and thoughtfully The service staff has the appearance to leave sympathy for customers and the service is very dedicated and attentive The restaurant also always creates favorable conditions in terms of facilities to meet the needs of customers.

In addition, there are still limitations that need to be resolved promptly.

Specifically, customers are still not satisfied with the qualifications of the restaurant staff, such as foreign language proficiency, and ability to solve arising


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Sometimes the restaurant does not serve food quickly to customers and the parking space is still cramped compared to the number of guests here Some dishes

according to customer reviews are not commensurate with the price.

In summary, the survey results are discussed to suggest some

recommendations to improve customer satisfaction with food service at JW Marriott Hanoi's French Grill restaurant as follows:

Restaurants should supplement and improve the quality of restaurant staff including restaurant staff and kitchen staff by retraining staff on foreign language

skills, professional expertise, and careful recruitment of new employees In addition, the restaurant should also improve equipment and systems to have a

modern facility to meet more customers Restaurants should also focus on the process of monitoring the process of serving food to customers and strengthen research on customer needs to provide the highest quality of food service


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TABLE OF CONTENTS - LH HH HT TH HT HH TH HH nưệt ivLIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES 00.0 0.cccccececceecceceeesceeeseeseeceeeeeeeaeceseeeeseeseeeeeeaes viiLIST OF LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .0.00 cccccccecseesceseeseeeeeeseeseeeeeseeseeseeneenseeaes viii

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1 Research Rationale - - su TH Thu TH Hư nh nh 1V000) l1 2

3 Research QuesfÏ0IS - - - c2 112111211121 11 11101110 11111111 HH ng ng rệt 2

4 Research Object and S€o0pe - ĩc L TH *S n1 HH ng ng ng riệp 2

4.1, Research ODjOCHS n ốốốốố.Ắ.e 2

4.2 ReSCAVCH SCOPE 1n ẺẺền.e 2

5 Research Methodology cccccccescccsseceseeceeeeeeeseecseneeeseecssneeseeeessneeeseeenseeenes 3

5.1 Data collection H1€fÏ1O(ÌS HH HH TH HH HH ng nh 35.2 Data processing IIL€ẨÏLOd À HT HH TH Hà HH HH nghệ 46 Research Structure 2 4

057.)405.010157 5INTRODUCTION OF FG RESTAURANT — JWM HỌTTEL - 5: 55+ <<<<<52 5

1.1 Organization profile Of JWNM - càng HH Hàn rệt 51.2 Overview of supply activities at FG restaurant 5c scsscssssserses 61.2.1 The CAPACILY 7e nen 6

1.2.2 System of products Services ANd CHSÍOHHF c co 00 1 196 9996 96 6

1.2.3 HUIHdH F€SOHFC€ SÍTLCÍHHT ST vn HH Hy ng rưy 61.3 Customer satisfaction with food service at FG restaurant 6IS nốố 6

1.3.2 Customer satisfaction with food service at FG reSÍdHTđHf - ‹ 7


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2.1.3 Overview Of foOd SEFViC€ DFOVỈSÏOHH cv kh 10

2.2 Customer safisfacfiOI G5 HH HH TH HH nh nưệt 10 2.2.1 Definition Of CUStOMED a.a ee.e 10

2.2.2 Definition of CUStOMMeEr SATISFACTION à- chinh niieiiresresvre 112.3 Customer satisfaction with fo0d serVÍC€ Le 12

2.3.1 Definition of customer satisfaction with food Service - 12

2.3.2 Customers' demands and expectations for food SẴ€FVÏC€ -.- «5+ 12 Customers’ demands for food Service - 5-25 2s + ssssrrsesree Customers’ expectations for fOOd S€TVIC€ - Ăn seeree 132.3.3 The factors of food service affecting customer Satisfaction - 13

CHAPTER 3: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION WITH FOOD SERVICE AT FG3.3 The successes, limitations of FG restaurant food service and reasons 283.3.1 The successes ANd F€(1SO1HS 2 HH HH HH ng, 28CHAPTER 4: RECOMMENDATION INCREASING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION


4.1 Supplementing and improving the quality of the workforce 35 4.1.1, Restaurant Management POŒFÏ- G5 < << << v.v 9x se 35

4.1.2 Service Staffs 8nh 364.2 Sufficiency of the system of equipment, material and technical facilities 384.3 Diversity of food and beverage products - - - 5s + csssserserexes 39

4.3.1 Diversity of food DFO(ÏLLCÍS G5 5< < S9 9 ng ve 39

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4.3.2 Diversity of beverage DFỌLLCÉS Ác tk HH ng 39

4.4 Improvement of quality management and strengthen supervision of

customer service at the r€SfA3UFiTIE - Ghi 394.5 Enhancement of customer demands research «+ +2 40

4.6 Diversity of payment methods - - 22522 * + ss+etrrtrrerrrrrrerrrrrree 41

CONCLUSION à '-" .-” -'^"^”^"-.-"^" 43

[3500099201 5


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Figure 3.1 Sample characteristics - - - 5 3< 131119 E9 ESErsesererserreee 16 Figure 3.2: Satisfaction research results on the factor "Reliability" at FG restaurant 19 Figure 3.4: Satisfaction research results on the factor "Service Capability" at FG TOSTAULANE P00 22 Figure 3.5: Satisfaction research results on the factor "Empathy" at FG restaurant 24 Figure 3.6: Satisfaction research results on the factor "Tangibility" at FG restaurant 25 Figure 3.7: Satisfaction research results on the factor "Perceived Price" at FG

T€S{AUITATIẨ cc cccccccecccessssssesssesssssesceesesssssecseeeesessssessseseeeeseeeeeees 27 Table 3.1 Results of assessing customers' satisfaction on quantitative indicators in

2021-2022 .- sex ssessees Error! Bookmark not defined.


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Abbreviation Meaning

FG French Grill restaurant

JWM JW Marriott Hotel Hanoi

CHRO Chief Human Resources Officer F&B Food and Beverage Service


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1 Research Rationale

Today's tremendous economic development, together with the expansion of science and technology, has substantially improved people's lives Not only has the material life improved, but so has the spiritual life, as seen by the increased

desire for travel and recreation This has created an opportunity for the tourism

industry in general, and the hotel and restaurant industry in particular, to grow Generally, the number of hotels and restaurants has expanded in recent years, and

products and services have been consistently upgraded and diversified to satisfy people's demands However, a problem emerges as a result of the severe competition between food service and accommodation enterprises by any business operating in any area that wants to live and grow development, the product that the business must be accepted by customers To succeed, businesses must constantly enhance their products and their product quality, especially in the Hotel-Restaurant industry, where the products are services, intangible products, feelings, and emotions Only after using the product or service does the customer receive a receipt While making selections to consume restaurant and hotel products and services, most customers rely on the views of acquaintances or their own

Observation, investigation, and information provided by hotel management during an internship at JWM, JWM is part of a luxury brand owned by Marriott Group, one of the world's largest enterprises With its precursor, the French Grill restaurant is one of the hotel's three main restaurants, but it claims to be the most appealing Although it is thought to be one of the most important revenue streams for the JWM, the restaurant has yet to make an impression on customers, and the crew servicing the restaurant is elderly and inexperienced, so there are some flaws in the service process Therefore, the technical capabilities are fairly limited These factors can have an impact on customer satisfaction when utilizing the restaurant's services, lowering the restaurant's competitiveness and income.

Given the reasons stated above, the problem is that there is a need for the study to improve customers’ satisfaction with food service at JWM's French Grill restaurant, so I chose the " Evaluation of Customer Satisfaction for Food Service at French Grill restaurant of JW Marriott Hanoi hotel" perform my research This chapter shows the theoretical basis of the topic, research objectives, research questions, research scope, research methodology and structure of the topic.

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2 Research Objectives

The purpose of this study was to investigate the following specific objectives: First, systematizing some fundamental theories concerning customers'

satisfaction with restaurant food service.

Second, conducting research to assess customers' satisfaction with food service at JWM Hanoi hotel's French Grill restaurant to identify triumphs, limitations, and the situation's causes.

Third, proposing several solutions and recommendations to improve customer

satisfaction with the food service at the JWM Hanoi hotel's French Grill restaurant.

3 Research Questions

To achieve the aforementioned goals, research is carried out to discover the answers to the following research questions:

Question 1: What are the factors to evaluate the quality of food service at a

This study focuses on customer satisfaction, factors affecting customer satisfaction, food service quality, the relationship between food service quality and customer satisfaction and evaluate the reality of customer satisfaction for food service at FG restaurant of JWM.

4.2 Research scope

- About the content: Theoretical and practical issues concerning customers' satisfaction with restaurant food service, with a focus on researching the drivers and factors influencing customers’ satisfaction with restaurant food service.

- About space: The survey of customers’ satisfaction with food service was conducted at the JW Marriott Hanoi hotel's French Grill restaurant.

* Data for the thesis were collected at the French Grill restaurant and the JW

Marriott Hanoi hotel in 2020 and 2021.

s The time to conduct a direct survey at the French Grill restaurant department was from January 3, 2023 to March 15, 2023.

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5 Research Methodology

5.1 Data collection methods

e Secondary data collection:

Analyze the hotel's internal environment by collecting papers, data on revenue, costs, profit, the total number of customers arriving to eat at the restaurant, customer source characteristics, and changes in the source of visitors to the house Customers, human resource qualifications, labor, business outcomes in finance-accounting departments, human resource management departments, F&B departments, and so on at the JWM, as well as documents obtained from the press and the internet.

e Primary data collection:

To gather primary data on the research issue, use field survey methods, a sociological survey in the form of a survey, and an in-depth interview Specifically:

- Field survey: examining customer behavior, restaurant facilities, and staff

attitudes while serving customers - Sociology survey by survey sheet:

+ Survey subject: domestic and international customers who eat at the French Grill restaurant.

+ Using questionnaires, survey several restaurant customers who use food service In addition to personal information about the respondents, such as gender, age, education level, and monthly personal income, the questionnaire collects information about the customer's appraisal of issues linked to customer

satisfaction when utilizing food service in the restaurant The measure

employed is a 5-point Likert scale, from 1-very dissatisfied to 5-very satisfied + After producing the questionnaire's content, send it to customers who use the restaurant's food service during the day's meals The voting period will extend from March 13 through March 16, 2023.

+ The customer receives the voucher instantly after completing the survey form According to Hair et al (1998), a sample size of 5 samples for 1 observed variable is used to assess the exploratory elements that require data collection With 28 observed variables in the survey of customers regarding customer

satisfaction with food service at the French Grill restaurant of the JWM, the required number of samples is 140 However, to secure the required number of

samples and to reject disqualified survey questions, the study performed a survey of 150 consumers, resulting in 150 survey questionnaires being issued

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to customers 142 valid questionnaires were obtained as a consequence of the results The survey questionnaire is prepared in the form of closed-ended questions to interview clients and acquire the necessary information for the research.

5.2 Data processing method

Following the collection of information, several data processing methods are used to calculate the suitable criteria for the issue.

- Statistical methods: gathering, synthesizing, and summarizing customer

opinions and real observations, presenting data, and calculating indices of

customers’ satisfaction with food service at the house JWM restaurant based on survey findings.

- Comparison method: compare and contrast the data from 2019 with that from 2020 to assess and draw conclusions about the change in the indicators.

- Analytical method: do an analysis based on the collected results, then determine the advantages, disadvantages, and causes of the advantages and disadvantages, and draw conclusions.

- Synthesis method: synthesize the data gathered at the JWM, drawing particular conclusions and judgments.

- Excel software calculation method: synthesis of collected information, enter data, then process on excel software to calculate, determining the average

number showing the level of satisfaction of customers with food service at the JWM’s French Grill restaurant.

6 Research Structure

CHAPTER I: Introduction to FG restaurant — JWM hotel

CHAPTER 2: Theoretical framework — Restaurant Food Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction

CHAPTER 3: Evaluating Customer Satisfaction with Food Service at FG

CHAPTER 4: Recommendations

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This chapter is designed to provide general and specific information about JWM hotel and FG restaurant such as organization profile of JWM, business products of FG restaurant and service quality of FG restaurant.

1.1 Organization profile of JWM

The founder of the group is Mr John Willard Marriott, Sr was born on

September 17, 1900 The first store established was a store called The Hot Shoppe serving hamburgers, and hot dogs, a type of Mexican food (tamales) and soft

drinks, with 9 seats opened on May 20, 1927.

Marriott opens its first Twin Bridges Motor hotel with 365 rooms Arlington, Virginia, USA J W Marriott, Jr, was in charge of the new hotel business when he was 25 years old.

After continuous development in the hotel business, in December 2007, Marriott opened its 3000th hotel: JW Marriott Beijing Hotel in China To date,

Marriott Hotels International has more than 4,000 hotels in nearly 100 countries

and territories around the globe.

The JW Marriott Hanoi 5-star hotel project is a symbolic work of the Bitexco Group Founded in 1985, Bitexco is involved in many different fields such as real estate, hydroelectric power plants, and financial investment, however, Bitexco group is best known in the field of real estate investment with a series of typical projects such as The Manor in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City; Bitexco Financial Tower; J.W Marriott Hotel Hanoi The JW Marriott Hanoi hotel construction project was started in 2009 on a large land area of up to 78,727 m2, belonging to the complex of works of the National Convention Center and Ba Dinh Hall (new)

in the district Tu Liem, Hanoi When the hotel was newly built, the hotel

encountered many difficulties due to the influence of the economic crisis in the world, the time of commencement in 2008 was an extremely difficult time for the

economy when the real estate market crisis and banks tightened lending However,

the hotel was built non-stop with the efforts of Bitexco Group.

On November 6, Marriott Hotels International officially introduced the first JW Marriott-branded hotel in Hanoi, an important milestone in the group's

development strategy in Southeast Asia Together with Renaissance Riverside

Hotel in Ho Chi Minh City In Ho Chi Minh City, JW Marriott Hanoi is the second

hotel of Marriott Hotels International in the Vietnam market.

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1.2 Overview of supply activities at FG restaurant

1.2.1 The capacity

FG Restaurant is a luxurious and high-class restaurant belonging to JWM hotel.

The restaurant is located in the central lobby area with a capacity of 92 seats for

dinner with a modern design and lively presentation, including 4 private rooms and a fresh seafood restaurant The restaurant has a unique seafood counter designed to simulate The Hot Shoppe with 9 seats.

1.2.2 System ofproducts services and customers

The restaurant serves traditional French dishes The space is divided into 4

zones to respond to the demands of quietness and views of customers The restaurant menu has a variety of dishes including desserts, appetizers, main dishes, side dishes, and drinks Inside the restaurant, there are four private rooms for customers who want to enjoy a meal in a private atmosphere The restaurant's service hours with specific meals are as follows: breakfast is served from 6:30 am to 10:30 am; lunch is served from 11:30 to 14:30; dinner is served from 18:30 to

FG restaurant serves mainly customers staying in the hotel area, customers

in the apartment complex, and retail customers outside who need to use food

service at the restaurant.

1.2.3 Human resource structure

Through the table of the restaurant's labor structure (Details in Appendix 1),

we see that the human resources at FG restaurant have high qualifications, mainly university degrees, the rest are college degrees and there are no workers at the high school level The number of male employees compared to the number of female employees at JWM hotel's FG restaurant is less Male workers focus more on jobs that require a lot of health, taking turns working the night shift The service staff at FG restaurant is young This is the restaurant's advantage when it comes to having a dynamic, creative, and enthusiastic workforce The foreign language level of the staff at the restaurant is quite high and the staff mainly communicates with

customers in English.

1.3 Customer satisfaction with food service at FG restaurant

1.3.1 Overall

FG restaurant has surveyed all customers who utilize food service at the restaurant to determine how satisfied they are with the restaurant over the past year

after the Covid-19 pandemic, after discovering that the number of customers is unstable and lower than the objective established by the restaurant Regarding the

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overall criteria, the restaurant gave three basic factors including GSS (Overall satisfaction), Intent to recommend the property, and Intent to consider the brand.

The following is a chart of the overall perception and rating of customers from

1/2022 to 12/2022 (Details in Appendix 2)

According to the statistics table, the customer rating score is correspondingly high (average from 6 to 9 points) But nonetheless, the restaurant's revenue remains lower than the predetermined aim.

1.3.2 Customer satisfaction with food service at FG restaurant

To measure more accurately about food service, it is necessary to focus analysis on two main criteria: service quality and food quality.

The first is with the quality of the food Some customers are dissatisfied with the food service at FG restaurant For some reason, most of the time the restaurant is very crowded Although the food quality is still guaranteed However, the quality of service provided by the staff is not as expected by customers Because too many customers will lead to the staff not being able to take care of

customers properly Besides, the use of the service of ordering food to the room also makes customers unhappy Because customers will have to wait 45 minutes or an hour to be able to enjoy the food That is a very long time Therefore, the level of customer satisfaction on this indicator is only 6 to 8 points.

The second is with service quality The restaurant thinks that the service quality here is quite good The service staff is very friendly and the service is relatively great But besides that, FG restaurant can't provide perfect service to customers because of several reasons such as the staff's qualifications, poor communication skills, and low skill levels The human resources department here makes the most of resources such as interns and seasonal staffs who have not been trained and do not have much experience in the profession But it is because of the

friendliness factor and the openness of the staff which made customers quite

satisfied and gave it a score from 7 to 9 points Regarding the quality of food here, it is generally good, compared to the price of what customers receive But each customer's demand is different, the restaurant cannot satisfy all customers Therefore, in a certain way, the taste or decoration of the food, the way the food is placed, or the quantity of food makes difficult customers unhappy Especially Korean customers, and long-time customers using the hotel's services They are too familiar with the environment and the foods here, so it is easy to evaluate and compare the quality of food over time It is for some of these reasons that the score that customers evaluate this factor is only from 6 points to 9 points, but the number

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of 8 and 9 points is very small compared to 6 and 7 points.

As the leading restaurant of a high-end hotel in Hanoi, the restaurant must tackle this critical matter FG restaurant will have to completely satisfy all

customers to the maximum extent feasible by recognizing and remedying the

restaurant's deficiencies in food service Only through improving customer satisfaction with the restaurant's food service can the number of loyal customers and new customers be raised, consequently raising the restaurant's revenue.

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This chapter goes through the study's theoretical and conceptual foundations To gain knowledge about the problem at hand, conceptual frameworks and theoretical views will be employed Other writers’, practitioners’,

and theorists' findings and results will be evaluated in order to gain a better

understanding of the subject at hand and the structure of the research model.

2.1 Food service quality

2.1.1 Definition of service

The definition of services in economics is understood as things that are similar to goods but are immaterial.

According to Zeithaml and Britner (2000): “Services are behaviors, processes, and ways of doing a certain job to create use value for customers, satisfy the needs and expectations of customers" (Zeithaml, V.A and Bitner, M.J.

(2000) “Services Marketing Integrating Customer Focus across the Firm” 2nd

Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston)

According to Kotler and Armstrong (2004): "Services are activities or benefits that businesses can offer to customers to establish, strengthen and expand

long-term cooperative relationships with customers" (“Study guide principles of marketing” by Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong)

The concept of service that is now widely used is a service concept as

defined by ISO-9004-2:1991E: “A service is the result brought about by

interactive activities between the supplier and the customer, as well as the such as through supplier activities to satisfy consumer demand” (Vietnamese Standard TCVN 5204-2:1995)

In summary, there are many definitions of service expressed from different points of view, but in general: Service is an activity whose product is intangible It deals with relationships with customers or with customer-owned property without the transfer of ownership.

2.1.2 Definition of food service quality Service quality

According to Philip Crosby (1996): “Service quality is the fulfillment of

requirements” (“The masters of quality” Part 1, Vol43: 643-73)

According to W Edward Deming (2000): “Service quality is the predictable

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level of reliability guaranteed at the lowest cost, consistent with the market” (“The

masters of quality” Part 4, Vol56: 843-55)

According to Hoseph M Jurran (2001): “Service quality is the suitability of use, which is assessed by consumers” (“SERVQUAL: A multiple-item scale for

measuring consumer perception of service quality”, Vol 351-39)

As Zeithaml] (1991) explains that service quality is the customer's assessment of the superiority and overall excellence of an entity It is a form of attitude and consequences from a comparison between what is expected and perceived what we receive (Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1991), “Refinement and

reassessment of Servqual scale” Journal of Retailing, Vol.67: 420 - 50.)

The definition of service that is now widely used is the definition of service as defined by ISO-9004-2:1991E: “A service is the result brought about by the interaction activities between the supplier and the customer, as well as through activities of suppliers to satisfy consumer needs” (Vietnamese Standard TCVN Food service quality in restaurant

Based on the definition of service quality, food service quality in a

restaurant can also be understood as the minimum level of food service provision that the restaurant has chosen to satisfy a high level of customer needs in its

target customer market.

The quality of food service at a restaurant is the level of customer satisfaction with the food service at the restaurant.

2.1.3 Overview of food service provision

The process of serving food in a restaurant must be sequential through the stages of serving preparation, serving customers, and cleaning up These stages include specific jobs, which directly affect the service quality of a restaurant as well as the psychology and interests of customers, so it is impossible to miss any

small details The process is summarized according to the diagram (Details in

Appendix 3)

2.2 Customer satisfaction

2.2.1 Definition of customer

An organization's customers are a collection of individuals, groups of people, businesses, who have a need to use the company's products and desire to

satisfy that need In the market economy, customers have a very important position, customers are God Customers are the ones who give us everything.

Tom Peters considers customers as "assets that add value": “Jt is the most


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important asset even though its value is not recorded in the company's books Therefore, companies must see customers as capital that needs to be managed and promoted like any other source of capital.” (Journal of Service Marketing, 16(2),

158-179 by Tom Peters)

Peters Drucker, the father of management, said that the goal of the company is to create customers Customers are the most important people to us They don't depend on us, we depend on them They are not outsiders but part of our business When we serve customers, we are not helping them, but they are helping us by

allowing us to serve ("Customer Relationship Management" by Peters Drucker, ver2, 243-250)

Thus, customers are the people we serve whether they pay for our services

or not, customers include external customers and internal customers

2.2.2 Definition of customer satisfaction

There are many different definitions of customer satisfaction and there is quite a bit of debate about this definition Many researchers believe that satisfaction is the difference between customer expectations and the actual perception received.

According to Fornell (1995): “Satisfaction or disappointment after

consumption is defined as the customer's response to the perceived difference between pre-consumption expectations and the actual perception of the product

after consuming it.” (Fornell, C (1995), “The Quality of Economic Output’)

Kotler (2003), defines satisfaction as: “Satisfaction as a feeling of satisfaction or disappointment of a person as a result of comparing the actual

received product (or outcome) about expectations waiting for them" (Philip Kotler (2003), “Marketing Management”, Statistical Publishing House, Hanoi)

Customer satisfaction is the fact that customers base some of their knowledge on a product or service which forms subjective evaluations or judgments It is a form of psychological feeling after customer needs are satisfied.

Customer satisfaction is formed based on experiences, especially accumulated when shopping and using good products service After purchasing and using the product, the customer will have a comparison between reality and expectation, from which to evaluate satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

Therefore, it is understandable that the feeling of pleasure or possible disappointment arises from the comparison between the actual benefits of the product and their expectations Whether the customer is satisfied or not after purchase depends on them comparing the actual benefits of the product with their


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expectations before buying The product concept here is understood not only as an

ordinary physical object but also includes a service.

This definition clearly shows that satisfaction is the comparison between

actual perceived benefits and expectations If actual benefits are not as expected,

customers will be disappointed If actual benefits meet, customers will be disappointed If the actual benefits are higher than the customer's expectations, it will create a phenomenon of higher satisfaction or satisfaction exceeding expectations.

2.3 Customer satisfaction with food service

2.3.1 Definition of customer satisfaction with food service

Based on the definition of customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction with food service is understood as a summarized psychological state when the emotions

surrounding expectations are combined with previous emotions of consumers about the experience of consuming food services It is the satisfaction and joy of what the food service brings to them More understandably, if after using a restaurant's food service, customers feel comfortable, satisfied, and happy, that restaurant has succeeded with its food service.

2.3.2 Customers' demands and expectations for food service Customers’ demands for food service

The demand is the psychological state of the person when they feel a lack

of material or spiritual.

There are many ways to classify different demands, but according to Maslow (1972): human demands are divided into two main groups: basic physiological demands, safety demands, social demands, and social demands for

esteem and demand for self-expression In particular, the basic demands related to human physiological factors such as the desire to have enough food, water, sleep These basic demands are indispensable because if people don't get enough of these needs, they won't survive so they will struggle to survive in daily life Demands that are higher than the basic demands are called higher-order demands These demands include elements of safety, social, and self-actualization needs, such as the need for protection, order, and stability; the need to participate in social activities, to be a member of a certain social group; the need for self-expression, self-fulfillment, and achievement (“Maslow’s hierarchy of needs”, GoBranding, translated by Thuy Huyen in 7/2022)

Thus, the customer's demand for food service belongs to the physiological demands of human beings, which is the essential demand of the customer Food


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demands are the requirements for food services that customers need to satisfy their Customers’ expectations for food service

Customer expectations are defined as the level of quality that customers expect to receive and are the result of previous consumer experiences with products and services Thus, customers’ expectations for food service at a restaurant include the consumption experience and demonstrate the ability to

deliver in terms of the quality of the restaurant Therefore, this is a direct factor to

evaluate the restaurant's capacity Expectations can also positively affect the

perceived quality and subsequently perceived value Therefore, the restaurant

needs to ensure good service quality, service process, and competitive price to satisfy customers' needs or meet customers’ expectations about products and services or to avoid undesirable situations, managers should not let customers have too high expectations before using the restaurant's products and services.

2.3.3 The factors of food service affecting customer satisfaction Reliability

Expressed in the ability to perform the service appropriately and on time initially Fulfilling trust is one of the basic expectations of customers, they trust the service provided by the restaurant to be exactly what they expect Reliability in food service is reflected in the following factors: “The restaurant provides the food service as promised”, “The restaurant provides food service in accordance with the requirements of the customers from the beginning”, “The restaurant is

always concerned with satisfactorily resolving client queries or complaints”, and

“The restaurant is vigilant about avoiding mistakes while providing food services to consumers”. Responsiveness

Responsiveness is the ability to provide services in the fastest way to satisfy customer needs In the event of a service failure, the ability to quickly recover can create a positive perception of quality Responsiveness is demonstrated through: “Customers are served quickly at restaurants”, “Staff assists and supports customers”, “The restaurant is prepared to fulfill the requirements of customers”, and “Staff always listen to customer feedback”. Service capacity

Shown in the professionalism of the service staff, from the attitude to the working style, is the willingness to help customers positively, and the ability to


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grasp the psychology and needs of each person to best meet the wishes of the

customer Service capacity is demonstrated through: “Staff have conveyed trust to customers using food service’, “Customers are at comfort when using the service”, “Customers are treated politely and with respect by the staff’, and “Staffs have

high professional qualifications, good communication skills, and experience in handling challenging situations”. Empathy

It is expressed through caring for customer thoughtfully and sharing with customers wondering about product quality Restaurants need time to find out what

customers need, what they need when they come to use the service at the

restaurant, and how they want to get the product, which is shown through: “The restaurant is very concerned about each individual customer”, “Customers' requirements are grasped and understood by staff’, “The restaurant creates all favorable conditions for customers”, and “The restaurant is attentive about

customers’ demands and responds to them” Tangibility

The more intangible a service is, the more customers will trust the tangible Coming to a restaurant, the first impression for customers is feeling, customers can partly assess the quality of service at the restaurant and they will feel secure when coming to a restaurant with full pages of equipment, modern luxury facilities, and

professional, polite, and attentive staff; which is shown through: “Restaurant is in

a convenient location”, “The garage parking area is quite large”, “The restaurant

is equipped with cutting-edge technology”, “Staff are well-dressed, have a professional appearance, and wear polite and impressive attire”, and “The restaurant has an extensive and varied menu of food and drinks”. Perceived price

Products and services are intangible, so it is often difficult to evaluate before buying, price is often seen as a substitute tool, affecting the satisfaction of the service that consumers use Customers often compare among competitors at the

same price, which side has better service quality to choose to come back for the

next time This indicator is represented by: “The price customers pay is proportional to the quality of service customers receive’, “The restaurant's prices are competitive with those of comparable hotels’ restaurants”, “The product's price

99 66!

is consistent and less fluctuating”, “The restaurant serves promotions that are

appropriate for each consumer”, “Consumers have instant access to product pricing information”, and “Restaurant has a convenient and quick payment


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(According to "Scientific Journal of Can Tho University", part D: Economics and Law and "Scientific Journal of Ho Chi Minh City Open University"

- No 7 (3) 2012)


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The specific objective of the study is to assess customer satisfaction with food service at FG restaurant through qualitative factors including reliability,

responsiveness, service capability, empathy, tangibility, perceived price, and

quantitative factor The findings of the study will be addressed to find out the

successes and limitations of restaurants in food service and the causes based on the customer survey results Questionnaires are used to collect information from respondents.

3.1 Sample characteristics

We gathered 150 responses from FG restaurant’s customers The survey

was delivered in the form of giving the survey directly at the restaurant I guarantee respondents’ confidentiality, and participants can opt out of the poll at any moment Following an evaluation of the honesty of the responses, 142/150 was valid There is a total of 142 samples that can be analyzed.

Income Over 30 million VND 10-30 million VND

Age 18 — 40 years old 41-60 years old Others

Nationality Vietnamese Korean Japanese Others

Gender Male Female

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Figure 3.1 Sample characteristics

Customers were randomly selected for the survey, which was distributed to all customers who visited the restaurant on weekends The number of customers at the restaurant will be higher on weekends than on weekdays At this time, people of all ages, occupations, and genders have free opportunity to enjoy food, thus the survey results will also include information from a wide spectrum of customer

Classifying customers by nationality shows that the percentage of Vietnamese customer accounts for the most significant proportion, followed by the proportion of Korean, Japanese, and some customers from other countries.


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Specifically, of the 142 customers surveyed, there are 29.58% Vietnamese, 26.76% Korean, 16.2% Japanese, 19.97% Asian outside of the 3 countries mentioned above and customers from other countries in Europe, America, and

Australia are 7.75%, 6.34%, and 1.4%, respectively From the above data, it can

be seen that although the number of Vietnamese customers surveyed accounted for the most significant proportion, the difference was not too large compared to the number of international customers.

To the summary of survey data, out of 142 customers participating in the survey, there are 84 male customers, accounting for 58.45% of which the number of female customers is 59, accounting for 41.55% Although there is a difference of about 17% between the proportion of male and female customers, the reason for this is that the number of customers at the hotel to attend conferences and meetings is relatively large, but this customer accounts for the majority which the percentage

of male customers is large.

The study has reached a diverse number of customers in the age group from under 18 years old to over 60 years old The age group from 18-40 years old accounts for 50.7%, from 41 to 60 years old is 37.32% and only 4.23% of customers are under 18 years old and 7.75% are over 60 years old This is understandable because the group of customers from 18-60 years old are of

working age, so they have a stable income, can pay, and have greater demand than other age groups.

Statistics show that the group of customers who work in business or are entrepreneurs accounted for the highest proportion of 39.44%, followed by the group of subjects working in other professions accounted for 26.76%, workers/employees accounted for the proportion The remaining 19.72% accounts for a small percentage This is completely reasonable because business people or other business-related jobs who need to use services at the restaurant are the hotel's

target customers.

From the survey results, it can be seen that up to 69.01% of customers have an income of over 30 million VND, customers with income from 10 to 30 million also account for 28,88% and less than 10 million accounted for only 2.11% JWM hotel is a 5-star hotel, so customers who have demand for this service are a group

of customers with high and stable incomes.

Through the survey, up to 43.66% of customers use the service because of convenience JWM Hotel has a convenient location, near My Dinh Stadium, the National Convention Center, and convenient transportation, so that is one of the


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reasons for the large percentage of customers using the service here In addition, the group of customers using the service by invitation and recommendation also accounted for 24.65%, due to the wealthy and varied menu accounting for 21.83%, the remaining reasons accounted for a very small percentage.

It was found that the food service at the restaurant is known by customers mainly through the media, social networks (38.03%), and friends and relatives introduced (30.28%) This proves that the restaurant's marketing is relatively

effective and the restaurant also builds trust with its customers.

In general, the customers participating in the survey have used the service at the restaurant many times Specifically, up to 85.21% of customers used the service more than twice, and 11.97% used the service for the second time This shows that FG restaurant food service has a relatively stable number of loyal

3.2 Evaluation of customer satisfaction for food service at FG restaurant by indicators

By the method of data analysis and processing, the following formula is applied to process the survey results:

Average value according to the evaluation of "n" customers about the "i" service of the "k" company:

Xịt = n - n os /n, XijkXdiL, Xijk

Including: “n” is the number of survey customers and “Xijk” is the score

corresponding to the service quality level according to the "i" customer's assessment of the "j" service of the "k" company.

Criteria to evaluate the customer satisfaction scale is: (1.00-1.80): completely unsatisfied; (1.81-2.60 points): not satisfied; (2.61 - 3.40 points):

normal; (3.41-4.20 points): satisfied; (4.21-5.00 points): completely satisfied.

The survey and results for this component will investigate the reality of consumer satisfaction with food service in restaurants based on six main determinants: reliability, responsiveness, service capability, empathy, tangibility, and perceived price.

3.2.1 Reliability

Through the survey, the results of customers’ satisfaction with the factor "Reliability" at FG restaurant demonstrate that the restaurant had responded to the basic requirements for a 5-star restaurant and to the expectations of


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The result is shown in the bar chart below:

The restaurant is vigilant about

avoiding mistakes while providingfood services to consumers.

The restaurant is always concernedwith satisfactorily resolving

client queries or complaints

The restaurant provides food servicein accordance with the requirementsof the customers from the beginning

The restaurant provides

the food service as promised

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

m Very dissatfied #Dissatified Normal Satisfied TM Very satisfied

Figure 3.2: Satisfaction research results on the factor "Reliability" at FG restaurant

The survey results show that customers are completely satisfied with the restaurant's "Reliability" index, and customers have a good assessment of the criteria set out with this index (4.32/5 points) Specifically, nearly half of customers are satisfied (51.94%), more than a quarter of the customers are satisfied (28.35%), and almost a quarter of the customers rated it normal (19.37%) and although no customer rate it low, i.e very dissatisfied, there are still a few customers who feel unsatisfied about the reliability factor for food service at the restaurant (0.35%) In fact, in the process of providing services, the restaurant always tries to make customers feel confident when using the service at the restaurant by providing the food service as promised, catering service according to customers' requirements from the beginning, paying attention to solving and handling customers' questions or complaints satisfactorily when problems occur to bring the highest satisfaction to customers That is shown through the results of the survey when the average scores of the criteria are all open high, at very satisfied, specifically: Most of the customers rated very satisfied with the criterion "The restaurant provides food service by the requirements of the customers from the beginning" (61.27%), achieving a very high average score (4.49/5 points), more than half of customers are very satisfied with the criterion "The restaurant provides the food service as promised" (51.4%), achieving the second highest average score (at 4.29/5 points) and the criterion "The restaurant is vigilant about avoiding

mistakes while providing food services to consumers" scored a lower average (at

4.3/5 points) with nearly half of customers rating it very satisfied (47, 89%).


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The above results were achieved due to the close direction of the management, restaurant supervisors have set reasonable and correct regulations and processes, trained staff in performing customer service, and handle and resolve

customer inquiries and complaints quickly and satisfactorily to provide the highest

quality service Besides, the staff at the restaurant all have good professional qualifications, enthusiasm for their profession, and work to bring great experiences to customers This has contributed to the satisfaction of customers with the food service at the restaurant.

However, besides the results achieved, there are still a few customers who feel dissatisfied with the criterion "The restaurant is always concerned with satisfactorily resolving client queries or complaints" (1.4%) Most of these customers are foreigners, especially Koreans, and are middle-aged with an income higher than 30 million Because this number of customers has had a lot of experience in food service from all over the world They are all successful and smart so they have high requirements for the restaurant It is difficult to respond to all of the demands they gave The reason that there are still such reviews by customers can be due to many objective reasons such as different needs and preferences from customers, due to the overload of customers, leading to unresolved problems thoroughly, or because some staffs are still indifferent to

customers’ feedback This is a lesson for the restaurant to learn from experience

and need more effective solutions in handling complaints and complaints from customers in a skillful, quick, and satisfactory way to improve satisfaction for

3.2.2 Responsiveness

Through the survey, the results of customers’ satisfaction with the factor

"Responsiveness" at FG restaurant prove that the restaurant has done well in understanding the requirements of customers and responding to them accurately and quickly.

The results are shown in the bar chart below:


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Staff always listen to customer feedbackThe restaurant is prepared to

fulfill the requirements of customersStaff assists

and supports customers

Customers are served

quickly at restaurants0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70il

m Very dissatified #Dissatified Normal Satisfied TM Very satisfied

Figure 3.3: Satisfaction research results on the factor "Responsiveness" at FG restaurant

Responsiveness is one of the factors to measure and assess the satisfaction

of customers with food service at a restaurant The results show that customers rated the restaurant's responsiveness as very satisfied (with an average score of 4.38/5 points Specifically, more than half of customers are completely satisfied

with the restaurant's responsiveness (55.41%), nearly a quarter of customers are satisfied (28.87%), and a few remaining guests rate it normal (14.79%), the rest are not satisfied and very dissatisfied.

The fact shows that the ability to respond to the service demands of customers is good in terms of service quality, supply space, product, and service system because of good management, and service, and is fully equipped, sufficient facilities, comfortable and modern equipment, application of advanced science and technology, professional staff, passion for work, always ready to meet all requirements of customers, experienced, dedicated, visionary management team, available suppliers, smooth coordination with related departments to best satisfy the needs of all customers Therefore, the rate of evaluation on the criteria "Staff assists and supports customers", "The restaurant is prepared to fulfill the requirements of customers", and "Staff always listen to customer feedback " all achieved relatively high average scores (4.51/5, 4.26/5, 4.44/5 points) with very high satisfaction rates compared to other criteria (64.09%, 45.75%, and 59.16% respectively) This proves that the restaurant and its staff have succeeded in satisfying customers The restaurant's staff are responsive and have high professional skills The restaurant's management team is also very experienced and has foresight The measuring service systems are also very well implemented.

However, besides that, there are still bad reviews, especially the criterion


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"Customers are served quickly at restaurants" when there are still a few customers (about 2%) are not satisfied and very unsatisfied This parameter has proven that in many cases, the restaurant has not made the most of its time Customers using

food service are many different customers, with different demands and time

budgets The cause of this situation can be mentioned several objective reasons such as the customer's request to use the service immediately, a problem with input materials, and the restaurant is suddenly crowded, so it is not possible to use the service promptly respond or subjective reasons from the restaurant side such as staff shortage at present leading to an overload of work in the service process,

delayed response to customer requests, and lack of uniqueness That requires the

restaurant management to take timely measures to overcome the shortage of staff and overcome objective causes to ensure the best service provision for customers.

3.2.3 Service Capability

Through the survey, the results of customers’ satisfaction with the factor "Service Capability" at FG restaurant show that the service capacity at the

restaurant is rated at a very good level, but this score is not high compared to a restaurant at a 5-star hotel.

The results are shown in the bar chart below:

Staff with high professional qualifications,good communication skills, and experience

in handling challenging situations

Customers are treated politelyand with respect by the staff.

Customers are at comfortwhen using the service.

Staff has conveyed trust to

customers using food service0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80| m= Very dissatified TM Dissatified2 Normal Satisfied 8 Very satisfied

Figure 3.4: Satisfaction research results on the factor "Service Capability" at FG restaurant

Through the pie chart, we can see that this factor has a high average score (4.3/5 points) This criterion is evaluated through the factors of the level of trust transmission of food service at the restaurant by employees to customers in the process of using the service, the safety that customers feel when using the service at the restaurant, the service attitude and professional qualifications of the staff can


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be the response Specific results show that nearly half of the customers feel very satisfied (47.49%), more than a quarter of customers are satisfied (33.1%), nearly a quarter of customers feel normal (18.49%) and very few customers are still

unsatisfied with the service capacity at FG restaurant (0.18%).

Among the criteria given, the criterion that shows the service attitude, the staff's enthusiasm to help and support in the process of customers using the service at the restaurant is "Customers are treated politely and with respect by the staff" achieved the highest average score (4.63/5 points) with the rate of very satisfied customers accounting for 73.24%, satisfied accounting for 16.2% and normal with 10.56% customers rated In addition, the criterion "Staff with high professional qualifications, good communication skills, and experience in handling challenging situations" also achieved an average score of very satisfied (4.25/5 points) From there, it shows that the service attitude of the restaurant staff towards customers is

very good.

Although the two criteria "Staff has conveyed trust to customers using food service", and "Customers are at comfort when using the service" both achieved average scores at satisfaction ratings of 4.14/5 points and 4.16/5 points but that score shows the limitations of the restaurant's service capacity The reason for this situation is that although the good service attitude, professional expertise, and communication skills responded to by the staff in the restaurant, all have college and university degrees or higher Many staffs have many years of experience in the profession, but foreign language proficiency is still limited because almost all staffs can only use English at an average level, but some other languages such as Korean, Japanese, and Chinese are limited in number staff can use it fluently, but this customer group is one of the main customers of the restaurant, leading to

difficulties in communication to convey trust to customers about the restaurant's

products and services like to make them feel safe using the service Therefore, the

requirement for JWM hotel in general, and FG restaurant, in particular, is to pay

more attention to recruitment and staff training in addition to professional

qualifications but also the ability to use language to serve customers in an even better way.

3.2.4 Empathy

Through the survey, the results of customers' satisfaction with the factor "Empathy" at FG restaurant prove that restaurant staff has a certain sensitivity in the process of serving customers, staff can understand the wishes and feelings of customers to serve customers in the most thoughtful and dedicated way.


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The results are shown in the bar chart below:

The restaurant is attentive aboutcustomers’ demands and responds to

The restaurant creates all

favorable conditions for customers aS

Customers’ requirements are graspedand understood by staff

The restaurant is very concerned

about each individual customer (Ci EEE

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70= Very dissatified TM Dissatified Normal Satisfied TM Very satisfied

Figure 3.5: Satisfaction research results on the factor "Empathy" at FG

(Source: The author's actual survey data processing results) With a high average score of 4.37/5 points, the level of customer satisfaction on the empathy factor is relatively good Specifically, there is more than half of customers rated very satisfied (52.29%), more than a quarter of customers rated satisfied (31.93%), almost a quarter of customers rated normal (14.44%), and still a few customers rated dissatisfaction (0.35%) In that, the criterion "The restaurant is very concerned about each customer" achieved the highest average score of 4.49/5 points with 62.67% of customers rating very satisfied The criterion "The restaurant is attentive to customers’ demands and responds to them" also achieved an average score of 4.33/5 points - a relatively high score This shows that the restaurant can respond to the arising requirements of customers in the process of using the service, such as a very diverse system of additional products and services at the hotel or the space preparation requirements for the restaurant's special parties are well response by the restaurant with an enthusiastic, attentive service attitude, always caring and asking questions to customers during the process of using the service at the restaurant In addition, the criterion "The restaurant creates all favorable conditions for customers" was also evaluated with an average score of 4.3, showing that the system of facilities, the arrangement of facilities, and equipment are also evaluated like the staff at FG restaurant can respond to the requirements of customers.

However, with a relatively average score of 4.35/5 points with the criterion

"Customer’s requirements are grasped and understood by staff", there are still a few customers who are not satisfied (1.41%) It can be seen that customer needs


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are limitless, each customer has different preferences and customs depending on each region, and each country, so it is possible to understanding and capturing the food demands of each customer is very difficult.

3.2.5 Tangibility

Through the survey, the results of customers' satisfaction with the factor "Tangibility"’ at FG restaurant prove that the restaurant has responded to

customers’ requirements for convenience and satisfaction with the restaurant's facilities.

The results are shown in the bar chart below:

The restaurant has an extensiveand varied menu of food and drinks

Staff are well-dressed,

have a professional appearance,

and wear polite and impressive attireThe restaurant is equippedwith cutting-edge technology

The garage parkingarea is quite large

Restaurant in a

convenient location0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80uit

TM Very dissatified TMDissatified Normal TM Satisfied TM Very satisfied

Figure 3.6: Satisfaction research results on the factor 'Tangibility"' at FG

(Source: The author's actual survey data processing results) The survey of customer satisfaction on the "tangibility" factor shows that customers rated this indicator at a fairly high level with an average score of 4.24/5 points There are most of the customers rate it as very satisfied and satisfied (83,26%), a quarter of the customers rate it as normal (15,03%), and a few of the customers rate it as dissatisfied and very unsatisfied (1.88%).

This assessment is completely convincing because FG restaurant belongs to JWM hotel, one of the five-star hotels that have just come into operation in Hanoi, so it has invested heavily in modern technical facilities The restaurant is comfortable with a simple and cozy restaurant layout and decoration with a view

overlooking the green garden and large fish tank to attract and meet the high

demands of customers That is also the reason why the criterion "The restaurant is equipped with cutting-edge technology" has the highest average score (4.47/ 5 points) In addition, customers rated the criterion "Restaurant is in a convenient


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location" with an average score of 4.41/5 points as reasonable because the hotel's location is very close to My Dinh National Stadium, the National Convention Center, and the stadium Noi Bai international flight 30-45 minutes by car, and

relatively convenient traffic to move into the city center In addition to the service

attitude and professional expertise, the restaurant staff is also assessed to have a good-looking appearance, the restaurant's costume design is polite, creating an impression on customers when the criteria "Staffs are well-dressed, have a

professional appearance and wear polite and impressive attire” achieved an

average score of 4.42/5 points In addition, the criterion "The restaurant has an extensive and varied menu of food and drinks" is also rated well by customers with an average score of 4.3/5 points because the restaurant is capable of respond to the diverse requirements of customers' meals from Asian dishes, European dishes, and Indian dishes, including vegetarian, dietary needs, or customers who require Halah

dishes, all have their menus to meet the demands of each customer.

However, the criterion "The garage parking area is quite large" received a very low rating from customers, only reaching an average score of 3.58/5 points The reason this criterion has not been appreciated by customers is that JWM hotel is a combination of many services including food service, so the parking area of customers using food service at the restaurant will have a parking location the same as other customers using other services at the hotel Besides, the number of customers using other services of the hotel has a longer parking time than the food

service, sO sometimes the customers at the restaurant do not have much parking

space Therefore, the correct assessment is that the parking space of the FG restaurant is not spacious and comfortable This requires the hotel management to take practical measures to solve this situation.

3.2.6 Perceived Price

Through the survey, the results of customers’ satisfaction with the factor "Perceived Price" at FG restaurant show that the restaurant's price is rational but not completely satisfied customers because some customers still feel the

restaurant's food price is higher than the real service quality.

The results are shown in the bar chat below:


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