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Lesson 23

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Nội dung

4 characteristic of sb to do st điển hình của ai đó mà làm việc gì5 on the spot = at once = immediately: ngay lập tức7 insist on st/ doing st khăng khăng làm gì8 persist/ resist in st/ d

Trang 1


I Vocabulary

tình nguyện viên, làm tình nguyện chủ nghĩa/ tinh thần tình nguyện

9 excursion n / ɪkˈskɜːʃən̩ / chuyến du ngoạn, tham quan

10 expedition n / ˌekspəˈdɪʃən̩ / cuộc viễn chinh, thám hiểm

11 pilgrimage n / ˈpɪlɡrɪmɪdʒ / cuộc hành hương

12 sightseeing n / ˈsaɪtˌsiːɪŋ / sự ngắm cảnh

13 logician n / ləˈdʒɪʃən̩ / người có logic, khoa học

chưa được gia công/ xử lí không thể gia công/ xử lí không qua gia công/ xử lí

17 authority n / ɔːˈθɒrəti /ɒrəti / uy quyền, quyền lực, quyền thế

19 inevitably adv / ɪˈnevɪtəbli / một cách không thể tránh khỏi

20 contend v / kənˈtend / chiến đấu, đấu tranh

21 densely adv / ˈdensli / một cách dày đặc, đông đúc

Trang 2

4 characteristic of sb to do st điển hình của ai đó mà làm việc gì

5 on the spot = at once = immediately: ngay lập tức

7 insist on st/ doing st khăng khăng làm gì

8 persist/ resist in st/ doing st cố chấp làm gì

9 all in all nói chung, tóm lại, chung qui là, …

10 beyond a joke không còn là trò đùa nữa

13 break the ice: bắt đầu một cuộc trò chuyện với người mà bạn chưa thân thiết

III Practice exercise 23

Question 1: Ms McGonagall is such a woman that we all respect her.

A respectful B respecting C respectable D respective

Question 2: The Beatles in 1970 and its members followed their individual careers.

Question 3: After quite a(n) starting point, the contestant gained confidence and delivered an impressive performance.

Question 4: The Braille alphabet has been one of the greatest in human history A invention B inventions C inventors D inventive

Question 5: Daniel inherited the whole legacy of his grandma when she last week A brought up B passed out C passed away D brought around

Question 6: believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who help to bring

happiness to others.

A Voluntary B Voluntarily C Volunteer D Volunteers

Question 7: The lottery winner was willing to spend a considerable sum of money to charity to help those in need.

Question 8: Many experts believe that noise is the main cause of approximately half of all cases of


Question 9: People migrate to urban areas on a massive for many reasons.

Trang 3

A scale B level C extent D number

Question 10: Not all the winners will receive great prizes, but nobody leaves A blank-handed B clear-handed C empty-handed D white-handed

Question 11: In some cities of developed countries, buses and other means of public transport run

renewable energy.

Question 12: It is quite of young people to vent their anger on social media A characteristic B habitual C customary D regular

Question 13: A university is an institution of higher education and research, which grants

degrees at all levels in a variety of subjects.

A secondary B optional C academic D vocational

Question 14: It is important for young people to the identity of our culture.

Question 15: Jefferson once said that one must be determined and on what he thinks is right.

Question 16: The interviewees are supposed to give their answers to the job offers A on the spot B all in all C beyond the joke D within reach

Question 17: People have always depended on wildlife and plants for food, clothing, medicine, shelter

and many other .

Question 18: When you are staying at a popular resort, there are plenty of to go on A excursions B expeditions C pilgrimages D sightseeing

Question 19: There's a path that out of the village to a beautiful 14th-century church.

Question 20: The earliest substantial work in the field of artificial intelligence was in the mid-20th century by the British logician and computer pioneer Alan Mathison Turing.

Question 21: waste is putting city dweller's health at a real risk.

A Treatment B Untreated C Non-treatment D Non-treated

Question 22: It's much safer for cyclists to get around these days with cycle everywhere.

Question 23: Local authorities should find ways to limit the use of private cars and encourage city

to use public transport.

Question 24: The greenhouse takes place when certain gases in the atmosphere trap sun's heat.

Question 25: To have the competitive advantage in the lob market, students need to have developed their

throughout their time at university.

A employs B employable C employment D employability

Question 26: The club committee is of the president, the secretary and seven other members.

Question 27: The stores will inevitably end up with each other to increase their market shares.

A contesting B contending C competing D completing

Question 28: Tony was totally opposed but if you give him some time to think about what you said I'm

sure he will to your point of view.

Trang 4

Question 29: The map of top ten most densely countries in the world includes Monaco, Singapore, Bahrain, Malta and Bangladesh.

A populated B populating C population D popular

Question 30: Anna organized a few games to the ice when the new students first arrived.

Ngày đăng: 07/04/2024, 09:16
