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Lesson 17

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Tiêu đề Lesson 17: Vocabulary, Structures, and Practice Exercises
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32 time-management n / ˈtaɪmˈmænɪdʒmənt / sự quản lí thời gian1 have arguments with sb cãi nhau, tranh cãi2 rain cat and dog be chalk and cheesemưa to, mưa xối xả khác một trời một vực3

Trang 1


I Vocabulary

5 diabetic a / ˌdaɪəˈbetɪk / thuộc bệnh tiểu đường

6 retinopathy n / ˌretɪnˈɒpəθi /i / bệnh võng mạc

7 age-related a /ˌeɪdʒrɪˈleɪtɪd / thay đổi theo tuổi tác

9 degeneration n / dɪˌdʒenəˈreɪʃən / sự suy thoái

10 thought-rising


a a

/ˈθi /ɔ:tˌraɪzɪŋ / / ˈθi /ɔ:tprəˌvəʊkɪŋ /

nảy ra suy nghĩ

cứ mãi suy nghĩ về một vấn đề

11 collaboration n / ˈkəˌlæbəˈreɪʃən̩ / sự cộng tác

12 applicant




n n n a

/ ˈæplɪkənt / / əˌplɪkəˈbɪləti / / ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən̩ / / əˈplɪkəbəl̩ /

người nộp đơn xin việc tính áp dụng được đơn xin việc, ứng dụng thích hợp

14 transformation n / ˌtrænsfəˈmeɪʃən̩ / sự biến đổi

15 progression n / prəˈɡreʃən̩ / sự tiến triển

16 evolution n / ˌiːvəˈluːʃn̩ə / sự tiến hóa

18 conservationist n /.ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃənɪst / người ủng hộ chiến dịch bảo vệ môi


19 tranquilize v / ˈtræn.kwɪlaɪz / gây mê

21 captivity n / kæpˈtɪvəti / tình trạng bị giam cầm

23 approval n / əˈpruːvəl̩ / sự tán thành, sự chấp nhận

24 transmission n / trænzˈmɪʃən̩ / sự truyền

25 combination n / ˌkɒmbɪˈneɪʃən̩ / sự kết hợp

26 supplement n / ˈsʌplɪmənt / phần bổ sung, phần phụ

27 displacement n / dɪsˈpleɪsmənt / sự dời chỗ

28 substitute n / ˈsʌbstɪtʃuːt / người vật thế, vật thay thế

29 energy-saving a / ˈenədʒiˈseɪvɪŋ / tiết kiệm năng lượng

30 renewable


a a

/ rɪˈnjuːəbəl̩ / / ˌnɒnrɪˈnjuːəbəl̩ /

có thể làm mới được không thể làm mới được

Trang 2

32 time-management n / ˈtaɪmˈmænɪdʒmənt / sự quản lí thời gian

33 neighboring



a n n

/ ˈneɪbərɪŋ / / ˈneɪbərˌhʊd / / ˈneɪbər /

bên cạnh, láng giềng khu vực gần kề, hàng xóm người hàng xóm

34 remittance n / rɪˈmɪtəns / sự gửi tiền qua bưu điện

35 infrastructure n / ˈɪnfrəˌstrʌktʃər / cơ sở hạ tầng

II Structures

1 have arguments with sb cãi nhau, tranh cãi

2 rain cat and dog

be chalk and cheese

mưa to, mưa xối xả khác một trời một vực

3 team up with sb hợp sức với ai đó để thực hiện việc gì đó

4 macular degeneration thoái hoá điểm vàng

5 sincerely advise sb to do st chân thành khuyên ai nên làm gì

6 water off a duck's back như nước đổ đầu vịt

7 face up to chấp nhận, đối mặt với một sự thật nào đó, thường là

điều không vui, khó khăn

8 the hard/ soft sell

be sold on st

be sold out (of st)

sell up

sell sb down the river

sell sb a pup

bán cái gì một cách nhồi nhét/ mời mọc thích thú cái gì

bán hết sạch bán hàng hoá (của người mắc nợ bị phá sản) bán rẻ ai

bán đồ dỏm; bịp

10 raise awareness of st nâng cao ý thức về

11 due to = on account of = owing to = because of = as a result of: bởi vì

13 in the event of = in case of phòng khi

14 take a gap year to do St bỏ ra một năm để làm gì

15 obey the traffic rules chấp hành luật giao thông

III Practice exercise 17

Question 1: If you take a learning course, you will engage with learning materials mainly at home or work

Question 2: The wedding procedure in Vietnam, both in the past and at present, includes three stages: the

ceremony, the engagement ceremony and the wedding ceremony

A proposal B organization C asking D arrangement

Question 3: Kate and Jane often had arguments with each other over trivial things They are

A cat and dog B chalk and cheese C rain and sun D heat and fire

Question 4: Google DeepMind has teamed up with Moorfields Eye Hospital in London to work on

two major conditions that cause sight loss: diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

Trang 3

A diminishing B checking C raising D diagnosing

Question 5: Romeo and Juliet was one of the most plays written by William Shakespeare early in his writing career about two lovers' tragedy

A thought-rising B thought-provoking C thought-lifting D thought-raising

Question 6: I sincerely advised him to take an IT course in the evening alongside his work But he

refused to follow my advice It is like

A water off a duck's back B water off a leaf’s palm

C water off a duck's head D water off a sweat potato lamp

Question 7: Environmental pollution is one of the primary issues that no single country can

alone but requires the collaboration of all nations

A face up to B put up to C put up with D keep up with

Question 8: One of the main drawbacks of artificial intelligence and its is that many people have been replaced by smart robots in work and face unemployment

A applicant B applicability C applications D applicable

Question 9: Thanks to Darwin's theory of , human beings can understand why some species disappeared while others managed to survive

A evolution B emergence C transformation D progression

Question 10: Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park, which was as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2003, attracts millions of tourists each year

A considered B recognized C regarded D believed

Question 11: Thanks to the better living standard, people's life in Vietnam has a tendency to increase

Question 12: Expressing her at the ruling, conservationist Sarita Subramaniam questioned whether officials would make a fair attempt to tranquilize and capture the tigress, which is also a mother

to two cubs, and move them to captivity

A pressure B disappointment C measure D enjoyment

Question 13: India's tiger population is strictly protected and any attempt to kill one of the animals

requires from authorities under the country's Wildlife Protection Act

A allowance B responsibility C approval D transmission

Question 14: To achieve a nice body, you can use a waist trainer, but remember that it is only a

to a healthy lifestyle with regular exercising and a balanced diet

A combination B supplement C displacement D substitute

Question 15: Using renewable energy instead of nonrenewable one is one of the most effective


A energy-saved B energy-saving C to-save-energy D saving-energy

Question 16: We cannot go to the concert because all the tickets have been

Question 17: Due to the generation gap, sometimes parents make efforts to have a good relationship with

the children, but in

Question 18: It is necessary to public awareness of the importance of endangered species' preservation

Question 19: It is widely believed that lifelong learning is the to success

Question 20: skills are one of the essential skills for people in the hectic life nowadays.

Trang 4

Question 21: Indians and most people in South Asian countries commonly speak more than one language daily, as a matter of routine

A neighboring B neighborhood C neighbor D neighbored

Question 22: Due to their religious, ethnic and social diversity, more than 30 million Indians access and

transfer from countries as various as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Malaysia, Singapore, the US, Canada, the UK and Australia

Question 23: Many people try to find a job without considering the working environment

A well-paying B well-pay C well-paid D well-to-pay

Question 24: I cannot his overdependence any more He is always asking for my help even when he just faces a small problem in life

A face up to B keep up with C put up with D get on with

Question 25: overfishing, global warming and loss of nesting habitat, sea turtles have become

critically endangered

A Due to B Thanks to C In the event of D On account of

Question 26: You should choose a job to which you can effectively the knowledge and skills acquired at university

Question 27: Many students take a year to do voluntary work before going to university

Question 28: We are raising funds for people with visual in the city

A breakages B failures C impairments D damages

Question 29: The number of traffic accidents in Hanoi is continuously rising because of not only drivers

failing to obey the traffic rules but also the infrastructure

A inadequate B upgraded C restored D innovated

Question 30: It's becoming clear that humans have caused most of the past century's warming by

heat-trapping gases as we power our modern lives

A relieving B publishing C releasing D unraveling



Ngày đăng: 07/04/2024, 09:16

