1 Adverbs of frequency and adverbial phrases We often use adverbs of frequency and adverbial phrases like always, normally, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never, once/twice a week,
Trang 1Vicky Antoniou Sain Nichols
Trang 2v >cky Antoniou Sam Nichols
Trang 3Present perfect simple and continuous, Past simple;
comparatives, superlatives and (not) as as
Past perfect simple and continuous, Past simple;
(a) few, (a) little, much, many
Trang 4123 126 130 134 138 140
Trang 5Present simple, present continuous, statjye verbs
Choose the correct form.
Where's Joe? I hope he does/is doing
He/She/It likes it He/She/It doesn't
like it Does he/she/it
• timetables (future sense)
• with stative verbs
1 come from the UK.
It rains more in the UK than it does in Greece
They visit their grandma every Sunday.
The train arrives at 8 p.m.
1 know the answer to the first question.
1 Adverbs of frequency and adverbial phrases
We often use adverbs of frequency and
adverbial phrases like always, normally, usually,
often, sometimes, rarely, never, once/twice a
week, most of the time, all the time, every day, on
Saturdays, at the weekend, etc with the present
simple form
1 usually walk to school.
Dad rarely gets home before seven.
1 see my cousin twice a week.
Do you use your MP3 player every day?
We have training on Saturdays.
1 meet my friends at the weekend.
Note: Adverbs of frequency usually come after the verb be and before other verbs They can also come at the beginning
or end of a sentence or clause Adverbial phrases usually come at the beginning or end of a sentence or clause
Trang 6^resent continuous
Mtfri— =: ve Negative Question Short answer
Yes, you/ are
they aren't.
I is/'s He/She/ is not/ Is he/she/ Yes, he/she/ is.
Example: : :e~:ng now
:: s tuations
v~_ e arrangements
3—cyng habits
We are swimming in the seo.
He is studying for his exams this week
Are you going to the cinema on Friday?
She is always biting her nails!
: f frequency and adverbial phrases
I -r jse adverbs of frequency and adverbial phrases
i f r* " f moment, right now, these days, today, this evening,
IprTcrT'A next summer, on Saturday, etc with the present
z rtr.c - s
Amy's drying her hair at the moment Tom's working in a restaurant these days
I'm meeting Jack for coffee tomorrow.
My pen friend is arriving on Saturday.
Itese are verbs that describe a state (e.g think) and not an action (e.g run) We don't normally use them in the
[ca rcr Rjous fo r m
*erbs often describe:
- p e n gs, e.g dislike, hate, like, love, trust
- m m rc believing, e.g agree, believe, find (= think, feel), guess,
1* ’: a realise, remember, suppose, think, understand
- 3-ts e.g hope, need, prefer, want, wish
■ : e.g feel, hear, see, smell, taste
a e rc v 2\ring, e.g appear, belong to, have, look (= seem), own, seem
/ love going to parties!
1 believe that she is telling the truth.
These days 1 prefer football to basketball
Your coat feels very wet!
He looks a bit unhappy to me.
Jh : - : ve uses of stative verbs
■ r Z3m use- some stative verbs in the continuous form, but the
■ iJW :fe ~ave,look
1 think she is pretty, (have an opinion) I'm thinking about the party tonight, (consider) Can you see that man? (observe, look at) I'm seeing Jane tonight, (visit)
Do you have any money? (own, possess) I'm having a shower at the moment, (do, experience)
It looks like it's raining, (seem, appear) What are you looking at? (see, direct your eyes at)
5c2c # ~ y'erbs with can
1 -f use can before stative verbs used for senses, e.g feel,
mmszt see, smell, taste.
Can you feel the wind on your face?
1 can't hear the music.
1 can see the book on that shelf.
1 can smell something burning.
Can you taste chilli in this soup?
Trang 71 Choose the correct answer Use the words in
italics to help you.
1 I normally meet / am meeting my best
friend after school
2 Lina does / is doing her homework at the
this evening, and M r -Jones and 11 _ my sister Our daughter Lucy usuallyi _ after
him, but she4 _ at her friend's house forthe night
You can watch TV, but the PVP player5 _ at the moment Someone8 _ to fix it tomorrow, if you get boredwith the TV, you can use my laptop to go online And if you
get hungry, w e7 _ the pizza menus in
the kitchen drawer
The baby usually * _ all evening, buthe9 _ a cold at the moment, so he mightwake up -Just give him a little milk and hell go back to sleep
I always10 _ my mobile with me, socall if you have any questions
Thanks, Jennifer
2 Complete the sentences with the present
simple or continuous form of the verbs in
It often (snow) here in
winter, but it (not snow)
I _(go) to chess club once
a week, but I _(not go)
this week because I'm ill
her cousin tomorrow because she never
Trang 8: ut the adverb or adverbial phrase in brackets in the correct gap in each sentence.
My brother _is _ home from work at this time, (usually)
: Call me back later, please, because I am having my dinner _
right now)
cook _ dinner for the whole family, (sometimes)
4 We are having a party _ , and you're invited! (this evening)
5 wonder where Kelly is, because she arrives _ late for work, (rarely)
6 Phil is taking his driving test _ (on Saturday)
I Cc -nplete the dialogue with the present simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
J«nny: Hi, Natalie How are you?
Natalie: Fine, thanks
(watch) a film at the moment Don't you normally (go) shopping on Saturdays?
Jenny: Yes, 1 normally 4
birthday and he5
(do), but 1 have to buy a present for my brother It's his (have) a party on Friday night Do you want to come?
to play basketball You can come if you want to
Jenny: Great, see you then Bye
Natalie: Bye!
Trang 9• O ®
6 Write questions using the prompts
you/usually/stay/at home/Monday evenings Do you usually s/ay at hiUM QH Monday evenings
1 you/know/if Olivia/come/to the meeting/tomorrow _
2 Max and his brother/meet/us/in the cafe/this evening _
5 who/you/work with/at the moment _
6 what/time/the train for Berlin/leave/tomorrow morning _
7 Choose the correct form of the stative verbs below.
1 Lucy! You didn't hear what I said! What
2 You look very nice tonight
6 I'm sorry, but w e
shoes in your size
7 Have a look through this telescope What
8 You seem very interested in what's outside
What at?
8 Complete the sentences with verbs from the box
in the present simple or continuous form
believe find hate make prefer
realise wear take
when he says he didn't break the window?
2 What type of restaurant _you , Indian or Italian?
3 I'm sure that lady perfume.
It's very strong!
4 I now that he was only
trying to help me
5 No, I don't her, but we'll
never be best friends
6 What _you _with you when you go on holiday next week?
difficult to make new friends?
8 I _plans to move abroad nextyear, maybe to Australia
9 Complete the sentences with can or can't and a
stative verb
woman over there? She's my sister
2 I think I've got a cold I _theflowers!
3 I _the heat from the oven It's
so hot!
4 I anything except the baby
crying He's so loud!
5 Is there any sugar in this tea? I
Trang 10Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first Use the word in bold.
know she won't tell anyone my secrets,
/ trust her got to till anyone my secrets.
Something in here is making a terrible smell!
Complete the text with the present simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
Right now, many young people just like you _(watch) TV Maybe they
(try) to find a good programme to watch Others 3
(search) the Internet for music videos or perhaps they 4_
of the screen, but still they 7_ (seem) to be bored
(think) as you read this:‘I usuallysNow, perhaps you 8 _
(watch) TV a lot, but I’m not addicted.’ Perhaps you are right But the next time someone asks
you,‘W h at10 _ (you do) this weekend?’, think about the answer
If it’s ‘just watching TV’, then you just might have a problem
Trang 119 0 0 E "
12 Complete the postcard with the present simple or continuous form of words from the box
drink enjoy go snow stay think visit want wish work
Dear Luq,
myself so much here- in
Canada, It is ver^ cM, but beautiful! We
% _ in \og cabins near a beautiful
wood Most da'js we
swing and rr^
brother snowboards It's great fun Cm v|ou sKi? It
| It's verv| cos|
Tomorrow w eu
I nearfrj I 1_
-I man who
the town to buN| souvenirs! Hie on the s^'r slopes
sass that there is \ots to do in the town I'm reaVVj wcitel!
_ of 'jou a nd!
_'jOUwot here.
Love, 5&n
13 Choose the correct answer
1 We to the cinema on Saturday if you 6 Tom usually his homework before he watches TV
3 My friends most of their time indoors her mobile
14 Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first Use the word in bold
1 John is travelling to Spain tomorrow
Although it's Sunday, _
because I have to work
5 I'm having Sally and Jane around for dinner tonight, coming
Sally and Jane _myhouse for dinner tonight
6 This chocolate ice cream is good!
tastes _delicious!
Trang 12Get it right! 1
Present simple, Present continuous, stativeverbs
O ne verb in each sentence is in the wrong form Underline it and rewrite it correctly.
am thinking that Richard goes to volleyball practice every Saturday because he wants to see Alison
It seems that he is liking her and wants to ask her to go out with him
: am meeting Mrs Wilson this evening when her train is arriving at the station
Do you have a photo of her because I don't know what she is looking like? _
~he astronomy club usually is going on a trip every summer and everyone always enjoys it
! his year, we travel to London and we are planning to visit a lot of interesting places
- My brother and sister are always fighting and they never are agreeing about anything
am not knowing what to do sometimes when they start arguing with each other
Six verbs in the blog are in the wrong form Underline them and rewrite them correctly.
Monday, 17 October
| next summer! My dad says we can go for two weeks!
: «e 2learn about Scotland at school at the moment,
=r_d it 3is seeming to be a really interesting
clace It 4is having beautiful countryside, and
“he people are really friendly I 5am wanting to
-*isit Edinburgh Castle and lots of other places
I think the weather can be a bit cold, but I
don't care! I 6save all my pocket money so I have
enough to spend when I get there I can't wait!
More soon Watch this space
' 1 Work with a partner Say if you agree or disagree with each statement. 1
Explain why.
1 1 pre-fev playing sp o r+ s to wa+clrvi^g +kem.
2 I am doing less homework now than in the past.
3 I belCeve' y o u / c a w t r u s t m o st people*
4 cU&li&e people taC& ut elate,.
5 1 Sf&tA too +iw\e Wd+cWwg TV o r ov\ +lr\e ln+erwef.
6 1 don't have enough free time to do the things 1 like
7 I iM w p liM M ln g ' to -d o -so m e th in # weekend/.
8 *) a m y a io f aomecvAene utteneaUaa tfab yean.
Trang 13Choose the correct answer.
When I was young, I w ould/
u se d to believe in the tooth fairy.
didn't talk about it Did
talk about it?
He/She/It talked about
it He/She/It
didn't talk about it Did
• past situations or states
We went to the cinema last night.
We played basketball three times a week when 1 was at school They visited their grandma every Sunday.
Did you have a pet when you were younger?
We often use time phrases like at that moment, then,
suddenly, and when with the past simple, as well as more
specific time phrases like yesterday, last night/week/
month, etc., two days/weeks, etc ago, and dates like in
2008, in 1996, etc.
When it started to rainf she put up her umbrella.
Exams finished two weeks ago.
1 went to Scotland last month.
In 2003, 1 went to Paris for the first time.
Trang 14Past simple, Past continuous, used to/wou
At eight o'clock yesterday, I was eating dinner.
The sun was shining and the birds were singing when Julie went for a walk.
I was watching TV when suddenly someone knocked on the door.
She was talking on her mobile phone while she was driving.
\:tes: The past continuous is not usually used with stative verbs, e.g.,
X was need-h^beip:
✓ Sne needed help.
~~e phrases usually used with the past continuous are
rfw/e, as, when, meanwhile, at that time and all morningl
~ernoon/day, etc.
It started to rain as she was walking to work.
While I was painting the bedroom, my sister was hanging out with her friends.
I was looking after my brother ail afternoon.
As and while usually come before the past continuous, and when usually comes before the past simple, e.g., I was
working when Lili called While I was working; Lili called.
tVe can use both the past simple and past continuous in the same sentence to show that one event was in progress
when another event happened We usually use as, when and while to connect the two actions.
past habits that don't happen any more
past states that are no longer true
I used to go to gym three times a week; but now I don't have time Thirty years ago, people didn't use to have mobile phones.
Trang 151 Write the words in the correct order.
1 I / the bus / caught / yesterday / to work /
2 it was raining / because / didn't / 1 / for a walk / go /
3 I got/TV / when / watching / my / sister / was / home/
4 break/your arm /you/how/did/?
5 last summer / in a French village / spent / we /
6 last night / Jenny / what / was / wearing / at the party / ?
7 a loud party / while / my neighbours / 1 / were having
/ to study, / was trying /
8 you / to the cinema / last night / did / go / ?
2 Choose the correct answer.
1 She to the park when it began to rain
3 .to the supermarket last night?
A Were you going
B Did you go
4 While she , I was looking after the baby
A was cooking
B cooked
5 I was working at my computer when suddenly
all the lights
A were going off
B went off
6 Which towns when you were travelling in
A were you visiting
B did you visit
7 Why to the beach yesterday? It was really
A didn't you come
B weren't you coming
(hear) what you said Can
(go) to the museum (go) to the
3 Ted was having a shower when the phone
Trang 16- Choose the correct answer.
' The new student told me that he would / used to live in Spain when he was younger
1 Fiona didn't used to / use to get on well with Sarah She got on her nerves
When I was a child, I used to / would believe in ghosts
- When my parents were kids, people wouldn't / didn't use to have computers
5 When you were young, did you use / would you to play hide and seek?
f in the old days, everyone would / didn't used to help pick the olives
: Match the sentences (1 -8) with their functions (a-h)
1 I was talking on the phone when the doorbell rang
2 Tom wrote three letters before he had lunch
i While Jane was watering the plants, I was
cooking lunch
4 On holiday, we would go for a walk every evening
after supper
5 At five o'clock yesterday, I was having a shower
6 I used to think rap music was boring, but now I like it
Shakespeare died in 1616
3 The wind was blowing and the waves were crashing
on the beach
a past states that are no longer true
b an event that happened at a specific time
in the past
c two or more actions in progress at the same time in the past
d an action in progress in the past
e an action that was in progress when another action happened
f past habits that don't happen any more
g background description
h finished action in the past
: Read the letter and choose the best answers
-, Lucy,
I bet you’re surprised to get a letter from me! I can’t use my
oc-rputer at the moment because we haven’t got a telephone
-e yet.
We1 moved / were moving into our new house two weeks
ago. It was still in a terrible mess and we needed to do a lot
of work on it It 'Has exhausting! It 2 used to / would be an old
f.srmhouse and - can you believe it! - it 3 didn’t have / hadn’t
central heating or hot water, or even electricity For more
zran a week we 4 were cleaning / cleaned and painting all day,
every day I 5 took / was taking time off school to help, which
was great! Mum and I did the cleaning, while Dad and Simon
did the painting, but it was fun and 6 didn’t feel / wasn’t
feeling like work a t all The other day we all 7 went / were
going shopping and 8 bought / were buying new curtains
and carpets Simon 9 didn’t enjoy / wasn’t enjoying that; he
says shopping for curtains is for girls He’s so annoying!
Anyway, the place is looking really nice now I’m sending
you a photo of what it 10 wou\d / used to look like before all
our work!
I hope you can come and visit soon
Trang 17Thanks for your email I was pleased to hear
your exams! That's great!
Here's my news Do you remember John? He
email the other day, saying that he lives in my
neighbourhood (I don't know where he
that we must meet sometime soon
him and his family at their new house and I
about old times, of course, and while we
fabulous meal
Next weekend he's coming to visit us Why don't
you join us?
All the best,
. —
8 Rewrite the sentences in the negative and
question form
1 Dennis used to play football every Saturday
2 I bought a new computer last week
3 My sister got her driving licence last week
4 Peter sent me three emails yesterday
5 Mum was cooking dinner when you called
6 Kate and Sally were shopping at this time yesterday
Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first Use the word in bold
1 People were very hard-working in the past, used
People in the past
2 Dad told us stories when we were young, would
Dad when wewere young
3 There was a big movement of Cypriots to the UK
Trang 18! Complete the conversation with the correct form of words from the box.
Are these your holiday photos?
Yes Do you want to see them?
Oh, that's Gino
How1 _you _ him?
Well, w e 2 _to go to the same cafe every morning for breakfast One morning we
So then what6 _?
When he7 _we were English, he8 _ to us and asked us if therewere any songs we wanted him to play After that he9 come to the cafe everyday and have a coffee with us He got on very well with my sister
Mm Oh, here's the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Yes We 10 there, too It was very interesting It was one of my best holidays ever
' Write questions about the past using 12 Complete the sentences with the correct form of words from the
the prompts
1 you / used to / have / a bike / when /
be young
2 what /he /do /when /you /visit /him
3 who /you /talkto/ when / 1 /call
break climb fail go leave tell used to visit wash will
1 I can't remember where I
2 She cried when she
3 W e _
my mobile phone.her History test
strange noise
4 She told me she
5 He
up the mountain when we heard a
_ her grandparents last
_his arm when he fell off his bike
you climb trees when
4 you / get/to the concert/on time you were young?
? 7 While Sam was watching TV, Jill
her hair on holiday
5 how long/it take/you/get/to Rome
10 Although we didn't often share meals in the week, we
always have Sunday lunch together
Trang 1913 Choose the correct answer.
I was walking in the park _ suddenly a
tennis ball hit me
they drove away
., I went to India for the first
C then
D before
I was playing video games _ my brother
was listening to music
.an irritating noise
They got into the car and
_ the ship sailed away, people waved
At that time As
up very late in
9 tennis a minute ago? You were, I saw you
A Would you play C Weren't you playing
B Did you use to D Didn't you play
10 I was reading quietly _ a bird flew in thewindow
A suddenly
B when
14 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
1 I was watching TV suddenly someone
I was doing my homework _
was practising the piano
While I walking home, I lost my phone
6 A: You stayed out until three o'clock! What were you ?
B: I was video games at Simon'shouse
A: What
B: I
you do at the weekend? to the cinema I thatnew horror film It's terrifying!
15 Read and complete the text with the correct form of verbs from the box.
climb drive find get go pack park read search take
What I did on my holidays
What did I do on rri'f holidays? Well, for a start, I had a terrible time We ' _ _tamping in Scotland as a family One August morning we 1 _ Up rea[^ ear^ - -our rucksacks, loaded the car and set off It wasn't long before we werearguing It was hot, and we were tired Dad 4 _ while Mum
- - - tt* map Then Pad 1 - - _ttie wrong road and told Mum
•bo*, a terrible map reader Ho really t a his temper! So the, toot it in turns to drivs It* whole journey was like that
fin *, * arrived at tt* campsite We ’ - at fc bottom „f a M, ^ fcn
s t0 uf> the hl"' ^ m<™ber, we were carrying all our camping equipment, too We
— ^or '10Urs seemed to me At last we got to the campsite It was dark so
- : - f° r the t0rCh' but Wh6n he ,0 _ ^ didn't have
ariN[ batteries So we waited until the morning to put up our tents.
In the morning we saw what the place was like Its true, the scenery and the view were beautiful, but there was nothing to do except go for walks
That s what ( did on my holidays.
Trang 20
G et it right! 1
Past simple, Past continuous, used to/woujd
5 • :he sentence is correct, put a tick If it isn't, rewrite the
;=rstence using the correct form of used to or would.
Did you used to be a teacher?
The family that used to live next door was very sociable
He wouldn't like science when he was at school
hey used to made biscuits at this factory
Grandma would read stories to me when I was a child
,Vere they used to have a fishing boat?
; ne verb in each sentence is in the wrong form
_ n derline it and rewrite it correctly
' Dad was forgetting to lock the door when he left
,Ve lived in that house for five years before we were decorating it
The teacher thought Joe was cheating in the test, but he weren't
,vas thinking that you were on holiday,
opened the door and was stepping outside
She talked on the phone when her boss came in
tVork with a partner Answer the questions
' How do you think people used to live without computers?
What was your last holiday like?
3 What hobby did you use to do, but you don't do now?
- What famous places did you visit last year?
£ What do you think life was like 50 years ago?
Trang 21Grammar Review 1
tennis every weekend
from Spanish to American Each day of the school week has a different cultural theme and students have the chance to explore the wider world W ith cooking, art and music workshops, this special week will be exciting and colourful The African dance group, Vivizo,
prepare a special performance for the students and teach them about life and music in Africa.
On Tuesday, the school4
Natasha Bisout, a French chef, who will be showing students the basics of French cooking The week w ill continue with American football player, Brad Hicks, who 5 for a different kind of PE lesson, and retired Spanish artist, Lucius G ab illo ,6 to the students about Spanish art styles on Friday The school7 this special week every year with interesting guests, exciting activities and a break from regular lessons.
W e 8 it will be a fantastic experience for both students and teachers of Kingsbury School.
Complete the sentences with the correct present
form of the verb in brackets.
1 Sandra rarely _
-the house before eight o'clock
2 Penny and
Sarah - (leave)
(not/talk) to each other these days
3 Craig usually _ (drink)
juice in the morning
the moment
5 Do you mind not talking so loudly? I
_ (try) to listen to the
Trang 22in i ii mm i i iii 11 urn ii mum m i in n ' mini
4 Complete the sentences with the correct present form of words
*rom the box.
buy hear like look own realise sing sleep
1 Doesn't he _going out at the weekends?
2 I that I upset him the other day
3 Turn the TV up, please I can't it!
that magazine every week
the red car outside She's very lucky!
_ right now, so be quiet
5 Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first
_se the word in bold.
Amy is considering buying a new bike,
2 Christopher knows why he got a low mark in the test,
4 She really doesn't like people going into her bedroom,
She _ her bedroom
5 Remember to bring the beach towels this time!
This time, _ the beach towels!
: Complete the sentences with the correct past form of words
■rom the box.
cook finish pack play practise scream shop walk
‘ At that moment, she into the classroom
2 W e for summer clothes when we saw Alice
with the dog in the garden
I Meanwhile, Tim _
4 Isabelle when she saw the spider
5 Then w e our bags and left
6 I went to the shop when I _my homework
7 I _the violin at that time, so I couldn't talk on the
8 Sue _ dinner as I was washing up
Trang 23# 0 0
Complete the sentences with the correct past simple or continuous form of the words in brackets.
Betty (clean) the whole house yesterday
When the phone rang, I _(get) ready for work
She _(not/do) anything when James called
Was the town pretty when you _(live) here?
The family
The doorbell rang just as I
(walk) the dog through the fields when they visited the countryside last year (go) to sleep
(not/eat) the last slice of bread
8 Choose the correct answer.
1 I _ flowers every day from the field near my
house when I was younger
A was collecting C collected
B am collecting D wouldn't collect
2 Paul and Jenny _ be best friends when they
were children
3 When I lived in Liverpool, w e _ down to the
sea every Sunday
B were going D use to go
I can't come out at the moment; I _
B would tidy D am tidying
5 At nine o'clock yesterday morning, they _
around the zoo
A would walk C were walking
6 Sorry, Bob isn't here He _ _ five minutes ago
A was leaving C would leave
7 Mark _ to school early yesterday to see the
teacher before the other children arrived
A Would he not live C Did he use to live
B Would he live D Is he living
Get it right!
If the sentence is correct, put a tick If it isn't, rewrite the sentence using
the correct form of used to or would.
1 There would be lots of green parks here
2 I didn't used to like vegetables
3 We would often go for walks in the park
4 Did you would know Linda?
5 They would play until the sun went down!
6 I wouldn't use to play football when I was younger
Trang 24Ch oose the correct words.
When are we going seeing/
to see the photograph, Libby?
No, you w on't / don't see it next week! You can see it now! Look!
anemail Will
/ think it will rain later.
The new mobile phone shop will open tomorrow.
I'll have the chocolate cake and a coffee, please.
Shall 1 show you how to use the camera?
W ill you help me with my homeworkf please?
Shall we go to the library now?
1 won't be late; / promise I'll be home at half past nine
No> / won't eat that!
.Ye often use these time words and phrases with the future
I simple: today, later, tomorrow, on Monday/Tuesday, etc., soon,
at/before six o'clock, in half an hour/five days/a week/month, etc.,
in the future/2050, next week/month/year, this week/summer, etc.,
I when I'm older/thirty-five, etc.
I'll see you later.
Shall we go swimming next week?
More people will have computers in 2050
The weather will get worse next week.
I'll have my own robot when I'm older.
1 We usually use shall with offers and suggestions, for/and we, e.g., Shall 1 show you howto use this camera?
2 We can also use the future simple after phrases like 1 hope , / think , 1 expect , I'm sure , /guess , I'm afraid ,
or words like probably and perhaps, e.g., / expect I'll see you later ; Perhaps it will rain this afternoon.
Trang 25She/It/We/
bytonight Will
have finished by tonight?
• actions that will be completed by a specific time in the future Tom will have fixed the bike by seven this evening.
1 won't have recorded the film before you get here
W ill they have arrived in half an hour?
We often use these time words and phrases with the future perfect:
| by six o'clock! tonight! then 1 the weekend/the time , in two weeks'!
Will they have bought the new computer by the weekend?
months'/years' time, in time, until!till, before the end of the day/seven
o'clock!Dad gets home, etc.
Joe will have finished his computer project in two weeks'time.
[ Notes: We only use until or till in negative future perfect sentences, e.g., / won't have finished this job until eleven tonight.
later Will
be working later?
• actions or events in progress at a specific time in the future
• a future action that has already been arranged
They'll be playing their favourite online game all afternoon He'll be waiting for us at seven outside the Internet cafe.
We often use these time words and phrases with the future
continuous: tomorrow, a week!month/year from now, soon,
this time tomorrow!next week/monthlyear, at half past five,
etc., all afternoon!evening!night, etc., when , in 2050/two
hours!days, etc.
People will be using space cars a hundred years from now.
1 will be taking my exams this time tomorrow.
Will Mum be making lunch when we get home?
It is/'s going to
is not / isn't going to Is he/she/it
• future plans and intentions
• predictions based on present
She's going to text her friend later.
Are you going to turn off the computer before you go to bed?
Jane's playing well She isn't going to lose this game!
Trang 26ifie often use these time words and phrases with going to: soon,
cz*r, this afternoon, tonight, tomorrow, on Monday/Tuesday, etc., at
-re weekend, next week/month, etc., in a few minutes, one day, when.
It's going to rain this afternoon.
Are they going to watch a DVD at the weekend? Alice isn't going to go to school next week.
I'm going to have lunch when I go home
Everything's going to be different in the future.
I We usually use going to for plans when we talk about plans that are already made at the time of speaking.
1 »Ve can use expressions like Look out! with going to when we are making a prediction based on present evidence, e.g.,
Look out! That tree's going to fall on your car!
Yiil We/They are/'re You/We/They are not/aren't Are you/we/they
~-ture arrangements made before the
: ne of speaking
I'm meeting Sandy and Luke at the weekend
They aren't playing football this afternoon
Is Jon calling this evening?
jfoe often use these time words and phrases with
r e oresent continuous for the future: today,
ccerr at eight o'clock, etc., this evening, tomorrow,
~ ihe weekend, next summer, on Saturday, etc.
I'm not going out this evening.
Are you coming to the cinema tomorrow?
We aren't having a computer lesson at the weekend
They're going to Africa next summer.
timetables or events that are programmed to happen at a
time or date in the future
The plane arrives at half past ten.
The concert doesn't start until nine o'clock
Does school end on 25th June this year?
*Ve often use these time words and phrases with the present
£ nple for the future: at eight o'clock, etc., on 12th May, etc.,
re fore, after, until/till, What time ?, When ?, in ten minutes, as
soon as, when, once.
The coach leaves before nine.
What time does the shop open tomorrow?
Once the film starts, all mobile phones must be off.
We only use until or till in negative present simple sentences about the future, e.g., The bus doesn't arrive till midnight
We do not use will after e.g., before, after, until/till, when, as soon as, once I'll call you as soon as I get home.
Trang 27— ; _ £
1 Read the sentences and choose the correct answer.
1 I'll help you with your homework
This is a request / an offer
2 We're going to stay in a log cabin this summer!
This is a plan / a prediction
3 At eight o'clock this evening, my family and I will
be watching TV
This is talking about a decision made at the
time of speaking / an action in progress at a
specific time in the future
4 I will have read this book by the end of the week
This is talking about an action that will / won't be
completed by a specific time in the future
5 The 2016 Olympics take place in Rio de Janeiro
This is a fixed event in the future /
a suggestion
6 Shall I take the dog for a walk?
This is a future event that has been arranged /
has not been arranged
3 Match to make sentences.
Choose the correct answer
1 Will / Have you come to the party with me? It's going to be fun!
2 Will they have spent / spend all their money by the end of the weekend?
3 Life will be very different in the future / before.
4 My sister doesn't / won't take part in the
concert She's too embarrassed
5 The teacher won't / shall not be angry about
us being a little bit late
6 Paul won't have / won't finished his project in time He's really lazy!
7 I promise I will / will have be home in time for
8 Will you have finish / finished dinner by the time I get home?
6 Let's run! My favourite programme f cleaned my jeans in time for me to wear them tonight
4 Rewrite the sentences in the negative and question form.
1 Owen will be working on his project tomorrow 4 Robots will have replaced teachers by 2025.
2 We're going to learn about online businesses in
the next lesson
5 The film starts at half past seven.
6 Simon's taking his pet cat to school tomorrow!
3 Mum will like my new ringtone!
2 6
Trang 28\ - * W N
Complete the sentences about what Mary will be doing
Use the future continuous form
At seven o'clock, Mary
2 At half past eight,
3 At ten o'clock, _
4 At twelve o'clock, _
5 At three o'clock, Mary and Ria
6 At quarter past five, Mary and Rob
7 At half past six, _
8 At nine o'clock, _
5 Write the words in the correct order
1 sports centre / the / half past eight / at / opens /
2 for / studying / Ben's / this weekend / his exams /
3 music lessons / her / is / going to stop / Clare / ?
4 will / what / fifty years from now / be / wearing / people / ?
5 to America / Anna and I / in August / are going /
The Future
u v w u w l f T T T
Mary's list for Friday
07.00 have a shower 08.30 eat breakfast
1Z00 to the Internet cafe meet 4dam for I 3.00 watch a 5.15
on TV with take Riley for a walk with Rob make food for the party with 9-00 dance at the party!
6 will have learned / before / the English lesson /Trudi / the new vocabulary /
7 a birthday party / the girls / will / have / next year / ?
8 at the villa / for us / will / be / Uncle Norman / waiting /
' Complete the email with words and phrases from the box
leave home before half past nine Anyway, do y o u 5
I need some help choosing my phone! We6
to come with us?
meet you outside Phones
4 Pun! at ten o’clock I hope th a t7 be too early for you I’m sure it
won’t 8 me long to choose my phone After that, you and I can go to
the Internet cafe and meet Joe and the other kids What do you think? Text me this
evening to tell me if you’re coming.
Talk soon,
Trang 298 Make questions from the prompts Use the answers to help you
choose the correct future form.
1 you / type / this email / for me / please
B: Yes, of course I'll do it right now!
2 it/be/a nice day/tomorrow
B: No, he might not have finished it by then
5 the technology class / start / at midday
B: Yes, and we're going to order some pizza, too!
8 Dad / arrive / in London / by nine tonight
A: 1
B: No, the plane won't have landed by then
9 Choose the correct answer.
1 Oscar and Nick _ together next Saturday afternoon
2 Hey, Jess What _ to the school party?
3 Do you promise you _ your temper when I tell you what
4 I'm sorry The report _ ready on time.
5 By July, w e _ in this house for ten years.
6 This time next week, Lisa _ with her cousins in Italy
7 Mum and Dad _ each other for 20 years next month
8 When we visit Egypt, I _ lots of photos of the pyramids
0 Read and choose the correct answer.
W hat will the mobile phones
of the future 1 _ like? W ill
th e y 2 _ a lot by, say, the year 2030? Well, in the future, your mobile phone 3 _ yo u rlife lt 4 _ working before you wake
up It will know your timetable and it will wake you up at the right time every day Your mobile phone is also 5 _ your home,
by turning on the heating when you need to get up early to study for a test, for example I t 6 _ your music and video centre, too, when you are away from home
W hile you're sleeping, it'll find programmes that it knows7 _ you and record them for you to watch in your free time It 8 _ you plan what to have for dinner
by sending you ideas based on what it knows you like! Yes, the mobile phone of the future
9 very different from the ones we use today In fact, the only thing i t 10 _ do for you is your homework!
Trang 30Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Lee: Walter, what do you think you 1 (do) this time next year?
Walter: Well, actually, 12 (go) to college in England The course3
_(start) on the 20th September and it4 _
(finish) at the end of July
Lee: So you 5 (not be) here this time next year, for sure
Walter: No, I won't In fact, by this time next year 16 _(be) in England for
six months
Lee: Where7 - you _ (live) when you're in England?
Walter: 18 _(stay) with my aunt until I find somewhere better We've
already planned that
Lee: That's great! 19 (miss) you when you go 110 _
(send) lots of emails, I promise!
Walter: Me, too!
12 Complete the sentences with the correct future form of the words in brackets
(make) lunch by the time Dad gets home?
The rock concert
(enjoy) this CD
- (end) at eleven, so we can catch the last bus home
- 1 _ (carry) those books for you?
This time next week, George and Lily (lie) on the beach in Spain!
They need a holiday because they're so hard-working
8 I (not/leave) by the time you get here, so I'll see you later
9 I (go) to the supermarket What do we need?
3 Complete the text with one word in each gap
I believe our lives will
is that we1 _
veq different in the year 2050 One thing watch TV or read boofcs in the future Mo, people their iPhones for music and TV programmes, and we'll all
read e-boofcs on small computers that we can carry everywhere with us Houses and cars
4 _ changed a lot, too, by 2.050 People will
, i7smart houses with computers that control everything 6ars
they loot now Computers1.lllvN IUUN IIUVN i - - control the cars, too, so we won t
have to do a driving test Mso in to5o, a lot of people will be travelling in the sfcy using
TViere will be a lot of robots in 20<30 In fact, I thmfc robots
-going to do most of the jobs Teachers, doctors and police officers will all be robots
to when my children have an english lesson in 2060, a robot will be
them! tA/er^ family is 9°'n9 ° - ave 3
robot in the house to do all the worlc I'm looting forward to that
ever again!
, won't tidy my room
Trang 31I arrived in "Paris last night and I KNOW I 1
pad an<Ji 11 to the top of the 6iffel Tower tomorrow I thinfc it'll be really good
and I'm looting forward to it! I'm going to tate lots of photos from the toP^
On Tuesday, we? _ Uncle Tean and Auntie Marie-Claude and we «
boat on the river I hope 15 ill! Then all Wednesday morning wo II
Paris on one of those tour buses That's going to be very interesting because
all the important places £y the end of Wednesday, well8 -all of ?ans
We travel home on Thursday The train < - ?aris at eleven, and we'll be ,n
London in time for lunch! f>o, 110 -lou on Thursday evening at football, as usual.
Have a good weet enjoy playing on the computer with Toe - I'm sure you will!
“5ee you soon,
6arl _ _ —».— —■— —
15 Write sentences using the prompts Use the most 16
appropriate future form each time
1 what / your brother /do/ when he leaves / school?
he / have got / any / plans?
2 in my opinion/ people/use/fewer cars/in the future
3 Blair / eat / all the chocolate cake / before we get
home / so / 1 / buy / some more!
4 their / next Maths test / be / on Tuesday morning
5 we / write / fifty emails / by the end of today!
6 Mum / meet / my teacher / at seven tonight - I'm
afraid / she / not be / pleased with my report!
Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first Use the word in bold
1 Cheryl is doing her homework between five and six o'clock
The sky is blue It _
rain this afternoon
3 Harry's going to cook dinner now It will take him two hours
In an hour, Harry dinner
4 What time is the school concert on Friday?
startWhat time onFriday?
Trang 32— ».m -i* - - - - * -i - —
Read the dialogue Underline the mistake in each of the sentences in italics
fVrite the correct word on the lines.
Nate: Hi Kenny What are you do at the weekend? 1
Kenny: Well, I'm going to go to Sam's birthday party on Saturday evening
Sate: What time is it start?2
<enny: I think it starts at seven o'clock
N ate: Oh, well, I'll come, too I'll have do all my homework by that time.3
Kenny: Will you going to do your homework on Saturday afternoon, then?4
Sate: Yes, I usually do I like to have Sundays free so I can see my friends
Anyway, are you be able to come to my house on Sunday? 5 _
Kenny: I'm not sure I will be played football for the team at twelve 6
The match starts at 11.30 Why?
Nate: I'm getting a new computer game at the weekend I'll have buy it by Sunday
and I'd like you to come and play 7
<enny: Great idea! OK, well, I'll change my plans I know I do my homework on Saturday afternoon,
the same as you.8 Then I'll come straight to your house after football on Sunday.
Nate: Cool! See you Sunday!
I I *'the sentence is correct, put a tick If it isn't, rewrite the sentence correctly.
V iss Timms will have told us about the test later
Gossip Girl will have finished by half past nine
Gina's seeing the doctor at ten tomorrow morning
Shall we watch a DVD this evening?
- jrry! We will be missing the school bus!
t's going to get hotter in the future!
think the music shop is closing by the time we get there
The kids will have met at the cinema at seven tomorrow
: Vork with a partner Answer the questions below.
What do you believe will happen in the future?
What are you going to do when you leave school?
What will you be doing at this time next week?
What do you think you will be doing in ten years'time?
What will you have done by the end of next weekend?
z What do you think people will use mobile phones and computers for in 2020?
Trang 33Conditionals are formed by two clauses; an /^clause and a main clause
Zero conditional
If + present simple // present simple • to talk about general truths If it rains, the ground gets wet
if water heats up, it turns to steam.
If + present simple // imperative • to give directions or tell
someone what to do
if your tent door is open, close it
if you need some help, ask!
1 First conditional
If + present simple // will/can/may/
If + past simple // would/could/might
• to talk about imaginary or unlikely present or future situations
ifl made a lot of money 1 could buy an aeroplane.
Ifl got to the final in the competition, 1 would celebrate with my friends.
• to give advice Ifl were you; 1 would do your homework.
Use of the if-clause in conditionals Example
We can often use the if-clause after the main clause When
we use the if-clause second, we don't use a comma.
1 will ring Sarah back if 1 get cut off
if 1 get cut off, 1 will ring Sarah back.
Use of unless in conditionals Example
We often use unless at the start of conditionals to mean
if not.
Unless is also often used with negative forms in the second
Unless 1 have to help Matt with his bike; 1 will go to the party.
If I don't have to help Matt with his bike, 1 will go to the party Unless 1 go shopping, 1 won't have anything for dinner.
Ifl don't go shopping, 1 won't have anything for dinner.
Circle the correct answers.
But if you prefer something mor relaxing, you can / would go kayak,, ,y.
Well, if I could choose again,
I will / would go kayaking!
Trang 34Practice
Complete the first conditional sentences with words from the box.
Conditionals: zero, first, second
can’t go leave take part will won’t
If I go horse riding on Saturday, I _call you, so you can join me
If you don't finish your swimming lesson too late, we could for a bike ride
Unless I install the new software tonight, I _
If the doctor says my knee is better, I can
Unless I find someone to go on holiday with, I
If the weather is bad, I might not
_ use it at the weekend
in the nature walk on Saturday
Safety Tips for Campers
Follow our safety tips to have a safe and problem-free camping experience
■ If you get water from a close-by stream or river,1 boil / you boil it before you drink it
■ 1 Tie / Ties your bags of food high in the trees if there are bears near your campsite Bears w ill
eat any food they can reach!
■ If you have lights or torches on in your ten t,3 switch / you switch them off! Light attracts
insects like mosquitoes
■ If 4 you light / light a campfire, make sure that it is completely out before you leave the area
* E Share / You share the cooking and washing up if you are camping as a group, so that you all
have time to do fun things, too!
* Most campsites have a warden or someone to contact in an emergency Check who on the
campsite is available to help If you6 have / had any problems while you’re camping, contact
someone immediately
Happy Camping!
3 Use the prompts to write sentences giving advice in the second conditional.
1 A: I need to book the transport for the weekend trip
B: organise the hotel rooms first / be you
I if _
A: My laptop is broken, but I'm going to try to fix it
B: buy a new one / be you
if _
A: I'm thinking about organising a group holiday on a houseboat!
B: be you / check who can come first
If _
A: I'm worried about taking part in the performance
B: not worry / be you
if _ .You have been practising for months.
5 A: I'm going to ask Wendy to come and watch the new horror film at the cinema
B: not ask Wendy / be you
if _ Wendy thinks horror films are terrifying!
6 A: The school fair is tomorrow, but it's going to rain
B: be you / not go
If _ , It will be too wet
» > ]
Trang 352 2 2 L ,
-4 Label each conditional situation real, possible future or imaginary.
If you are scared of heights, the'Tallest Buildings'tour isn't for you!
If I made a fortune, I could relax on a beach every
day -If I ran a hotel, I would have a health centre for the
guests -If I get really good at writing stories, I could enter a writing competition
If you see a bug, don't scream!
6 If I were you, I would ask how much the desktop computer
costs -7 If Gary comes back from holiday in time, he can come to the cinema with us
8 If we don't have to take the exam on Monday, we can go shopping instead _
9 If snow melts, it becomes water.
10 If Paul and Jenny have theatre tickets for tomorrow, I might join them to watch the play
5 Match to make conditional sentences.
1 If you make a mistake,
2 If I could climb the highest mountain,
3 If he already owned the CD,
4 If Sarah has her party on Saturday,
5 If I knew the teacher,
6 If I take the train,
a don't worry too much,
b we can travel together,
c he wouldn't buy it
d I would!
e he could help me with the project,
f I may go
6 Choose the correct answer.
If Jack loses the chess game, he _ out of
If Dad goes away for the weekend, I _
make an effort to do something fun with Mum
Trang 36C - oose the correct answer.
Unless you're exhausted, w e _ up the tower
A can climb
B couldn't climb
If team sports are too competitive for you,_
A you will try
B you can try
If an avalanche happens, it _
A can be very dangerous
B would be very dangerous
ff I could live anywhere I wanted, I _ !
A would live in a lighthouse
B will live in a lighthouse
If I go to the shops on Saturday, I
A would buy a new laptop
B might buy a new laptop
Unless you enjoy long walks, _ !
A don't go hiking
B you can't go hiking
individual sports like golf
: Read the text and circle true (T) or false (F).
A l p i n e F o r e s t S k i C e n ts ? ©
z i dlities and services
T«Ve have a large selection of skis and skiing equipment at our Alpine Forest Ski Centre and our enthusiastic assistants can help to find the best choice for you If you plan to go skiing or snowboarding, you need
A the necessary safety equipment You can rent helmets, knee pads and arm pads from us If you prefer snowboarding, you are in luck! Our new selection of snowboards has just arrived and is available for hire
If you don't norm ally ski, don't worry! Take advantage of our trained skiing and snowboarding
::::essionals They are available to give you group or private lessons from the very first day!
Unless you're an experienced skier or snowboarder, you can take part in the 'slope-starter' lessons
■ rich help you to become fam iliar with our slopes and popular tracks
If you love excitement, fun and the crunch of snow beneath your skis, you w ill have an unforgettable experience! For more information or queries, please contact the manager
The centre has helpful staff and all the
equipment if you want to go skiing T / F
Unless you plan to ski or snowboard, you don't
If you want to go snowboarding, the centre can
Unless you already ski, you will have problems
Unless you are part of a group, the
If you have the starter lessons, you will be
If you want to learn more, you can speak to
9 Choose the correct answer.
1 If he needs a ride to the bowling alley, he could /would send me a text message.
2 If she wants to learn how to dance, she would / might have to think about having lessons.
3 If I were / am him, I would take the opportunity
to go to Africa
4 If you're not busy on Friday, we can / can't surf
the Internet at my flat
5 He can't go running unless he got / gets some
new trainers
6 If the football is on TV tonight, I will / would
definitely watch it!
Trang 37« o o
10 Complete the conditionals in the text with words from the box.
didn’t get invite sit will would work
Hi Tom, how are you?
I'm fine, but very busy!
Oh Well, there's a party at Sarah's house tonight Do you want to come?
Yeah, I always start my homework late, too
Unless I just6 down and do it, like tonight, I will never finish it!
Yeah Well call me about Saturday
I will Oh,7 _Bill to the cinema if you want to
I will, thanks Speak to you soon
OK, bye!
11 Write the words in the correct order to
make conditional sentences.
1 lots of photos of her, / be
embarrassed / she might / we take / if
If _
2 hang up/unless/get through to
them soon,/you
12 Read and choose the correct answer.
3 open/it's too hot/the window/if /
during the night,
If _
4 over there / your battery, / to charge /
if / you need / you can do it
are coming together for an unforgettable action-packed adventure weekend in South West England The camping and outdoor sports event was organised to promote outdoor activities
‘If more people knew about the wide range of outdoor sports and activities,
we 1 _ arrange many more eventslike this one to bring people together,’
commented organiser Simon Byrne
Statistics show that being outdoors is good for your health, and doctorsclaim that if people spent more time outside, they2 _ be more relaxedand have a more positive attitude in their daily lives
‘Last year we had 200 people If more that 300 people attend this year,
w e3 _ win a prize for the biggest outdoor event in the UK,’ NatalieHenderson, a camp leader, claims ‘If we 4 _ show that being awayfrom the TV and computer games can improve health and happiness, we
5 work on making the UK a healthier country.’ The organisers arevery optimistic about the event, which will include kayaking, mountain biking, rock climbing and camping over the two-day adventure weekend
We wish them good luck, and if the weather continues to be warm, it
6 be an enj oyable weekend for all!
Trang 38I : ~ plete the text with the conditionals below.
d it take a long tim e to com plete the training and get to where you
are now ?
>es but 1 _ For me, sky diving was my big dream Even at the
age of eight I wore a backpack and pretended to jump out of a plane
W you are enthusiastic about your chosen sport, you can make your
: -earn a reality
Were there any moments when you thought about giving up?
“ 'here was a time, after my accident, when the first parachute
cidn't open, when I thought, 'Should I carry on?' But I still loved
shy diving, so I made the decision to continue I just thought
1 _ and I really need that excitement 3 Do you give up or do
>ou carry on? There's no right or wrong answer It depends whether
you feel comfortable carrying on You should always do what's right
xx you and follow how you feel
What advice would you give young people reading this?
- _ But they have to remember that before they start anything they need to have lessons and get3<r\ice about the best way to start B u t5 _
A 'If I stop this now, I won't have anything exciting in my life.'
B It can be difficult, though, if something happens which makes you think about what you're doing
C if you think extreme sports are for you, I can definitely recommend them!
I if you work hard, you can succeed at anything!
E if you want any more advice from a top sky-diver, Steven can answer your questions online
: If young people are interested in extreme sports, I would tell them to go for it!
* - Complete the sentences using the correct form of
:~e words in brackets.
' You can have our tickets if w e
(not/be) back in time for the festival
2 I would goto Berlin if I _(know)
how to speak German
• If l (not/have) plans, I could
come horse riding with you
- Unless you organise a sports event well, it may
(not/be) as good as you
5 If I (ask) to go sailing with
them, they would probably say'yes'
6 Unless he tries harder to talk to new people, he
(not/make) any friends
15 Complete each sentence with one word in each gap.
Josie back
2 I won't have any time outdoors _ Iwork all summer
3 If I can't find the book I want in the library, I'll
it from the shop
4 I _ ask her to join us for the pizzaand film night if she didn't drive me crazy all the time!
5 He _ get lost unless he finds outwhere to go
not, I'll ask someone else!
Trang 39H
# G ®
9 #
16 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
words from the box
become listen will/know will/enter
get have will/not/be able take
1 If I drove a fast car, I driving
competitions at the race track
2 Unless you book a table at the restaurant, we
to eat there
3 Unless she learns how to swim, she can't
a surfer
4 Unless the dentist _ a look at his
teeth, he will continue to be in pain
5 If I _ trapped in an avalanche while
skiing, I would think about trying a new sport
6 If Harry _ to the teacher, he won't
have any problems with his homework
7 If l _ children, I would let them goon
holiday with their friends
8 If you look at the safety instructions carefully,
you _ what to do in an emergency
17 Complete the second sentence so it means thesame as the first Use the word in bold
1 If you don't buy a helmet, you can't ride your bike
you can't ride your bike
2 If he doesn't pass his exams, he will have more lessons
passesIf _have more lessons
3 Unless an adult goes with you, you can't go!
be able toUnless
4 Flying a kite isn't fun unless it's windy,
I f l won a million pounds
Well, this week’s competition is about big money! We want you, our
readers, to tell us exactly what you would do if you 3
(win) a million pounds We are looking for the best and most
creative answers So if you 4 (think) o f a new, original
idea for how you’d use the money, let us know!
Unfortunately the prize for this writing competition isn’t a million
pounds, but if you 5 (write) the winning answer, you
can enjoy a weekend trip to Paris for you and a lucky friend.
If you 6 (be) ready for the challenge and you want
that weekend away, send your answers on a postcard to:
We all talk about what we could do if we 1 (have) a
lot of money We might buy a big house for all our friends to live
in, or we might give money to charity and save the rest We all have
different ideas about what w e’d do if our dream 2
(come) true and we won a fortune!
Bits and Bobs Weekly
Million Pound Com petition
PO Box 45921
Trang 40— — _ .
Get it right!
s : : k at the underlined word in each sentence.
- :~e sentence is correct, put a tick.
* : isn't, rewrite the underlined word correctly.
f 1 pass my driving test, I would drive us to the cottage
: Jnless I finish my homework, I can't go out.
can watch the tennis competition if it was still on
If I chose playing the violin as my hobby, I can be very good by now _
Jnless she speaks to her dad about the party on Friday, she won't be able to go
t would be hard for beginners if they take the advanced classes
2C " - ere is one mistake in the first clause of each sentence.
- 5write each sentence correctly.
' If Natalie rang me back today, I will meet her for a game of tennis
If Brad books the room now, the hotel will be full!
If I am you, I would call the sports club to check if they have basketballs for you to use
If he buys all the shirts in the shop, he would still want more!
Unless he doesn't try apple pie, he won't know if he likes it or riot!
Unless Sarah really doesn't need new school shoes, I won't buy them for her!
/[Let’s (SMB
Work with a partner Say if you agree or disagree with each statement
Explain why.
Unless you have the right attitude, you won't be successful
: There is nothing entertaining to do if the weather conditions are bad
3 You can only start learning a musical instrument if you have lots of free time
Unless you like the cinema, you won't enjoy going to the theatre
5 If you were famous, you wouldn't have time to hang out with your friends
Shopping is fun if you have lots of friends with you
If you did things that you enjoyed, you would be happier
8 Unless you put time and effort into your hobby, you will always do it badly