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Đọc Tiếng Anh 4 EN32

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Tiêu đề The Harder Hard Sell
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Đọc Tiếng Anh 4 EN32 The Harder Hard Sell It was Lord Leverhulme, the British soap pioneer, who is said to have complained that he knew half of his advertising budget was wasted, but didn’t know which half. The real effects of advertising have become more measurable, exposing another, potentially more horrible, truth for industry: in more cases, it can be a lot more than half of the budget that is going down the drain.

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Đọc - Tiếng Anh 4 - EN32 The Harder Hard Sell

It was Lord Leverhulme, the British soap pioneer, who is said to have complainedthat he knew half of his advertising budget was wasted, but didn’t know which half.The real effects of advertising have become more measurable, exposing another,potentially more horrible, truth for industry: in more cases, it can be a lot morethan half of the budget that is going down the drain

The advertising industry is passing through one of the most disorienting periods inits history This is due to a combination of long-term changes, such as the growingdiversity of media and the arrival of new technologies, notably the internet Withbetter-informed consumers, the result is that some of the traditional methods ofadvertising and marketing simply no longer work

The media are the message

But spending on advertising is up again and is expected to grow this year by 4.7 percent to $343 billion How will the money be spent? There are plenty of alternatives

to straightforward advertising They range from public relations to direct mail andinclude customer promotions (like paying a retailer for shelf space), telemarketing,exhibitions, sponsoring events, product placements and more These have becomesuch an inseparable part of the industry that big agencies are now willing toprovide most of them

As ever, the debate in the industry centers on the best way to achieve results It ismore cost-effective, for instance, to use a public relations agency to invite ajournalist out to lunch and persuade him to write about a product than to pay for adisplay ad in that journalist’s newspaper? Should you launch a new car with glossymagazine ads, or – as some car makers now do – simply park demonstrationmodels in shopping malls and motorway service stations? And is it better to buy aseries of ads on a specialist cable TV channel or splurge $2.2m on a single 30-second commercial during this year’s Super Bowl?

Net Sales

Such decisions are ever harder to make For a start, people are spending less timereading newspapers and magazines, but are going to the cinema more, listening tomore radios and turning in ever-increasing numbers to a new medium, the Internet

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(see chart 1) No one knows just how important the Internet will eventually be as

an advertising medium Some advertisers think it will be a highly cost-effective way

of reaching certain group of consumers But not everyone uses Internet and nor is itseen as being as being particularly good at building brands So far, the Internetaccounts for only a tiny slice of the overall advertising pie (see chart 2) although itsshare has begun to grow rapidly

Despite all of these new developments, many in the advertising business remainconfident Rupert Howell, chairman of the London arm of McCann Erickson, pointsout that TV never killed radio, which in turn never killed radio, which in turn neverkilled newspapers They did pose huge creative challenges, but that’s OK, hemaintains: “The advertising industry is relentlessly inventive; that’s what we do.”

Câu 1: What are alternatives to straightforward advertising?

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a They are ranged from public relations to direct mail

b They may be Exhibitions and direct mail

c They may be telemarketing and email

d It should be sponsoring events

Câu 2: What kinds of method of advertising are big agencies now willing to provide?

a Lord Leverhulme, an inventor of soap in Great Britain

b Lord Leverhulme, the British soap pioneer

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c Lord Leverhulme

d A British man

Câu 4: What message do you think this passage send you?

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a The development of advertising

b The big challenges on advertising industry

c The advantages of traditional methods of advertising

d The disadvantages of internet advertising

Câu 5: Inviting a journalist out to lunch and persuading him to write about a product is said to be

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a Well known method

b More expensive way

c More popular way

d More cost effective approach Câu trả lời đúng

Câu 6: What are the key to the confidence of many advertising business?

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a Spending on advertising this year

b Spending on mail and internet this year

c Spending on customers promotions in many year

d Spending on public relations in the coming year

Câu 9: Advertising on internet has begun to…

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a Replace traditional methods of advertising in recent year

b grow rapidly in recent years

c Decrease slightly in recent year

d Kill radios in the advertising field

Câu 10 What are the main causes of the most disorienting periods in the history

of advertising industry?

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a Long term-changes, such as the growing diversity of media and the development

of new technologies

b Better informed consumers due to a lot of other means of communication

c Disappearance of traditional method of advertising such as radio, newspaper…

d Appearance of many other Marketing methods

Into the Unknown

In the days of Stanley and Livingstone, much of the world was still unexplored.Today, most places on the surface of the world have been mapped Some places,

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however, are still waiting to be discovered Some of these are underground, indeep caves called blue holes.

A blue holes is a special kind of inlandunderwater cave The cave forms when theearth above it falls in Some of the world’s most spectacular blue holes are located

in the Bahamas The islands there may have more than a thousand blues holes.These caves are very deep – for example, Dean’s Blue Hole, the deepest blue hole

in the world, is more than 660 feet (200 meters) deep

Diving into blue holes is extremely dangerous Near the top of a blue hole, there is

a layer of poisonous gas This gas causes itching, dizziness, and – in large amounts –death Divers must also be fast They have to get in and out of a cave before theiroxygen run out Additionally, it’s very dark in these caves, so it is very easy to getlost Divers therefore have to follow a guideline as they swim through a blue hole Ifthey lose the guideline, they may not find their way back out of the cave

If blue holes are so dangerous, why do explorers and scientists risk their lives toexplore them? One reason is that these underwater caves can provide valuablescientific information They provide clues about geology, archaeology, and evenastrobiology – the study of life in the universe For example, some blue holecreatures, such as the remipede, probably haven’t changed for millions of years.Divers have also found bacteria that can live without oxygen Similar life formsprobably existed on Earth billions of years ago

In addition, the oxygen-free environment of the blue holes preserves bones ofhumans and animals that fell into the caves long ago By studying the blue holes,

we can understand what life was like in prehistorictimes As cave diver Kenny Broadsays, “I can think of no other environment on Earth that is so challenging to exploreand gives us so much scientifically.”

Windows on an Alien World?

An inland blue hole’s water is very still and has different layers A layer of freshrainwater floats on top of salt water The fresh water keeps oxygen from theatmosphere from reaching the salt water Brightly colored bacteria live where thetwo layers meet Scientists believe these bacteria could teach us about life in outerspace Astrobiologist Kevin Hand says the bacteria may be similar to forms of lifethat might exist on Jupiter’s fourth largest moon, Europa “Our study of life’s

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extremes on Earth,” says Hand, can help increase “our understanding of habitableenvironments off Earth.”

Câu 11: How many blue holes are there in Bahamas?

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a People found more than 10000 holes

b People found more than 200 holes

c People found more than 660 holes

d People found more than 1000 holes

Câu 12: What are blue holes?

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a A kind of carven which contain saltwater

b A kind of circular cave

c A kind of inland under water cave

d A kind of undersea cave

Câu 13: Exploration of blue holes are said to be

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a Extremely poisonous and insignificant to scientists

b Extremely pleasant and safe

c Extremely risky, threatening but significant to scientists

d Extremely Important to researchers and scientists

Câu 14: According to the passage, today some of blue holes in deep cave need to be

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a Got a line

b Mapped

c Protected

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d Explored

Câu 15: Why do explorers risk their lives in such dangerous caves?

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a Because of the scientific information in these underwater caves

b Because of the money that they can earn from this exploration

c Because they like the risks and interest in exploring the unknown thing

d Because of the clues about astrobiology that they can get from this exploration

Câu 16: Some blue hole creatures have …

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a Stayed the same for millions years

b Differed from each other for millions years

c Changed for millions years

d Unchanged for thousands years

Câu 17 How many blue holes are there in Bahamas?

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a People found more than 200 holes

b People found more than 660 holes

c People found more than 1000 holes

d People found more than 10000 holes

Câu 18: Where are the world’s most spectacular blue holes discovered?

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a In Clarence Town

b In Bahamas

c In Egypt

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d In Guam

Câu 19: Why diving into blue holes is extremely dangerous?

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a because of poisonous gas

b because of hydrogen gas

c because of dangerous animals

d because of lack of oxygen

Câu 20 What are divers are suggested?

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a To move fast when being in blue holes

b To move fast when being in blue holes and To follow a guideline when swimming through a blue hole

c Not to discover the cave alone but in group

d To follow a guideline when swimming through a blue hole

Câu 21 Who does exploring the unknown suit?

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a Scientists who need to explore for their work

b The people who are healthy, brave, and wanna discover the unknown for their work

c Both A,B and C

d All people who like discovering the unknown things

Câu 22: Why diving into blue holes is extremely dangerous?

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a because of dangerous animals

b because of hydrogen gas

c because of lack of oxygen

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d because of poisonous gas

Show me the money

Five teenagers tell us how they’re already earning their own money.

A Hannah Ferguson

‘The original idea was to set up a website so that other girls my age could ordermake-up cheaply You see, I realized that if I bought lots of make-up from HongKong and then sold it through a website, I could make a profit In the beginning, themoney came from my parents, but I paid them back at the end of the first month.Gradually the site grew and now I send make-up all over the country, and we offeradvice and tips online I’ve got a couple of people who work for me part-time, likeAlison – she’s our beautician I want to finish my education, and hopefully keep thewebsite running at the same time, and then go into business in a big way afteruniversity The most important thing at this stage is that I’ve proved to myself that Ican do it The money is nice, of course, but it’s not the main reason I’m doing it.’

B Craig Little

‘There’s never been that much money at home, especially since Mum and Dad gotdivorced, so I decided to try to make some myself I’m only 14, so there are legalrestrictions on what kind of work I can do, but I managed to get part-time work in acomputer shop It’s good because it’s something I know about, and it means thatMum doesn’t have to worry about giving me an allowance I can even help her outwith bills occasionally I don’t spend much each week, so I usually manage to put alittle in the bank for a rainy day, as they say.’

C Naomi Webster

‘Starting at the bottom and working your way up certainly teaches you a lot Itmeans that I already understand how the place works where the money comesfrom I’ve always wanted to go into hairdressing and I think it’s important to startearning your money as soon as you can I mean, Mum and Dad work for theirmoney, so why shouldn’t I? I don’t think about the future too much – I’m too busylearning and enjoying myself I never have any money left at the end of the month,but I don’t mind because I know that I spend it on things I enjoy

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D Neil Chalmers

‘Delivering pizzas wouldn’t be my first choice as a career, but it’s fine for this stage

of my life I get to meet people, even if it is only briefly, and I like to be outdoors.Nobody’s going to get rich doing this, but the money does make a big differenceand I notice it at the weekend when I can afford things that maybe others can’t Ithink of myself as quite an ambitious person, and I’m planning on studying to be anarchitect, so I’m not sure this experience is that relevant, really One thing I’velearned is that you value money much more when you’ve earned it, and Iappreciate the effort my mum and dad put in to make sure the family has enough.The worst thing about the job is the unsociable hours – when everyone’s outpartying, I often have to be on my motorbike with a pizza.’

E Julian Partridge

‘I couldn’t stand the idea of working, so I had to come up with some other way ofmaking money My parents usually give me what I need, but I was planning acamping holiday with friends and it was important to me that I earned the moneysomehow I decided to go to eBay – the website where you can sell all your old stuff

to people from around the world I didn’t think I had anything to sell until my unclepointed out that I had lots of old action figures They were still in the boxes, andapparently people collect them We sat down and worked out what they wereworth and I sold them In the end, we didn’t make as much as I’d hoped, but it wasstill enough to go on holiday with.’

Câu 23: By which works does he gain money, in Partridge case?

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a By working for eBay

b By collecting action figures on eBay

c By selling his old items to his friends on holiday

d By selling his action figures on eBay

Câu 24: Chalmers’ first choice as a carrier is delivering pizza because

Chọn một câu trả lời:

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a He think that it could be suitable for him at that stage

b He hasn’t got any other choice

c He could have chance to meet people

d He likes to be out door

Câu 25: At the beginning stage, she …

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a Used her own money

b Borrowed money from her parents

c Borrowed money from a bank

d Lend their parents her money

Câu 26: What is Ferguson’ first idea when setting up a web?

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a To buy products from Hong kong

b To sell make-up cheaply to the girl of her age

c Sometime paid the family bill

d Squandered her money

Ngày đăng: 27/03/2024, 04:18



