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Wordly wise 2

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When you reod, it''''s importont to know whot every word meons.. AII of 0 sudden, knowing whot thot one word meons is importont!. Whot should you do when you come to 0 word ond you think yo

WORDLYWISE 3000@TH, Kenneth Hodkinson I Sandra Adam EDUCATORS PUBLISHING SERVICE Cambridge and Toront 。 Editorial Project M anager: Kate Moltz Senior Editor: Will Tripp Editor: Rachel Smith Senior Designer: Debora h Rodman Cover Design: M ichelle Mohnkern IIIustrations: Ruth Flanigan @ 2012 by Educa tors Publishing Service AII rights reserved No part of thi s boo k may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic or mechanical mea ns, including photocopying, wirh out permi ssion in writing from the publisher Printed in Benton Harbor, M I, in ]une 2015 ISBN 978-0-8388-7602-2 89 10 PPG 1817 16 15 Contents Lesson 1 Lesson 9 75 Bailey Finds 0 New Home 6 Going Around in Circles 80 Review for Lesson 1 9 Review for Lesson 9 83 Lesson 2 10 Lesson 10 84 Fast Food on the Fly 15 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 89 Review for Lesson 2 18 Review for Lesson 10 93 Lesson 3 19 Lesson 11 94 Greetings from Mars 24 Watch Out for Dragons 99 Review for Lesson 3 27 Review for Lesson 11 102 Lesson 4 28 Lesson 12 103 Sa-so Says Hello 33 Castles of Sand 108 Review for Lesson 4 36 Review for Lesson 12 112 Lesson 5 37 Lesson 13 113 The Talking Tree 42 The Lost City of the Incas 119 Review for Lesson 5 45 Review for Lesson 13 123 Lesson 6 46 Lesson 14 124 What It’'s Like to Be 300 Million Elephant Country 130 Years Old 52 Review for Lesson 14 134 Review for Lesson 6 55 Lesson 7 Lesson 15 135 56 Music of the Island 140 Wave to Me and 1'11 Review for Lesson 15 144 Wave Back 62 Review for Lesson 7 65 Lesson 8 66 Get Close to Mother Nature 71 Review for Lesson 8 74 Welcome to Wordly Wise 3000@ You've been leorning words since you were 0 tiny boby.At first, you leorned them only by heoring other people tolk Now thot you're 0 reoder, you hove onother woy to leorn words When you reod, it's importont to know whot every word meons.You con try skipping 0 word you don 't know But this might couse 0 problem Reod this sentence: Anyone wíthout 0 megtob wíll not get ínto the show If you hove no ideo of whot 0 megtab is, you might not get in AII of 0 sudden, knowing whot thot one word meons is importont! The more words you know, the better.You will understond more of whot you reod Wordly Wíse 3000 con't teoch you a !l the words you ’ II need, but it will help you leorn lots of them.lt con olso help you leorn how to leorn even more words How 00 Vou Figure Out What 0 Word Means? Whot should you do when you come to 0 word ond you think you don't know whot it meons? Following some eosy steps con help you Say It First, sound it out Then soy it to yourself It might sound like 0 word you know Sometimes you know 0 word in your heod without knowing whot it looks like in print So if you motch up whot you know ond whot you reod- you hove the word! Use Context If this doesn• work, toke the next step : look ot the context-the other words ond sentences oround it Reod this sentence: When ít raíned, the dog looked for shelter under the porch IV If the word shelter doesn't look fomilio r, look ot the words oround it Rain ond under the porch might give you 0 clue You might even do o Think-Aloud: I know that if you don γ want to get wet outside when it rains, you need to get under something.ln this sentence, the dog went under the porch to stay dry $0 shelter must mean "something that protects you.ι Yes, that makes sense in this sentence Use Word Parts If the context doesn• help, look ot the ports of the word Does it hove ony ports you know? These con help you figure out whot it meons Reod this sentence: The miners put on their hard hats before going to work If you don't know the meoning of miner, try looking ot ports of the word You might know thot 0 mine is 0 ploce underground where people get cool ond other voluoble things A lot of times, -er ot the end of 0 word meons "0 person who does something " For exomple, o teacher teoches in 0 school So 0 miner might be someone who works in 0 mine.You would put on 0 hord hot if you were going into 0 mine Thot meoning of miner mokes sense Look It Up If soying the word or using context ond word ports don't work, you con look it up You con find the word in 0 dictionory-either 0 book or online-or 0 glossory Nobody knows the meoning of every word, but good reoders know how to figure out words they don't know Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2 v 틸 Free Websife: WordlyWise3000.com Go to www.WordlyWise3000.com ond you will find: (Word Lists for 011 the leSSOnS) You can read and hear the words and their definitions online You can download the Word Lists onto your MP3 player Then you can study them wherever you are-at home or on the bus, for example [ A Quick Check question for every word ) You can check to make sure you got the meaning of each word Then you’11 know which ones you still need to study [ Gomes for every bo。k) There is 0 set of games for Lessons 1-5, Lessons 6-10, and Lessons 11-15 Use them to practice your words-and to have fun Good luck in your study of words It tokes some work, but it will poyo什 in the end VI Lesson For more practice and games, go to www.WordlyWise3000.com 훨월龜톨 Study the words Then do the exercises that follow calf n 1 The back part of the leg between the knee and the ankle My left calf itches where the poison ivy touched it 2 A young cow or bull The baby calf stays close to its mother claw n 1 The sharp curved nail on the toe of 0 bird or anima l Karl held out his hand, and the parrot wrapped its claws around his finger 2 The part of 0 crab or lobster used for gripping The lobster grabbed the clam with its big claw and held it V To scratch or dig with sharp nails Our dog clawed at the back door so that she could come into the house couple n 1 Two things of the same kind There are 0 couple of cups on the shelf.Will you bring me one? 2 Two people who do things together The couple skated slowly around the rink, moving with the music @ m m cushion · 。-。 n A pillow or 0 pad with 0 soft filling 。z 녁 。 Tammy rested her head on the cushion and soon ζ「 1- 〔 fell asleep 녁〉m Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2 1 f1ap n Something attached on only one side so that it can move freely Colin licked the flap of the envelope and then pressed it down ι To move up and down We heard the geese flap their wings as they flew over the pond groom n 1 A person who takes care of horses The groom led the horse out of the stall to brush it 2 A man who is getting married The groom slipped the wedding ring on the bride's finger ν To clean or make neat The mother cat groomed the kitten's fur by licking it until it was smooth share n A part that each person gets of 0 whole Your share of the pizza will be two slices ν To use or enjoy with others My sister and I share 0 bedroom shelfer n Anything that covers or protects Our dog looks for shelfer under the bed when he hears thunder ν To give protection or safety to someone or something The small porch shelfered us from the rain 2 Lesson 1 yard n 1 The lond oround 0 building We lived in 0 house with 0 lorge yard 2 A length equol to three feet, or thirty-six inches You need three yards of cloth to moke your costume for the ploy zer。 n The word nome for O It stonds for nothing Three plus zero equols three Look at the group of words next to the number Then circle the letfer of the word that has the same meaning o to move up ond down (0) clow (b) shelter (c) flap (d) groom Ð to use with others (0) groom (b) clow (c) shelter (d) shore Ð the word nome fα O (0) couple (b) zero (c) yord (d) colf o the lond oround 0 building (0) yord (b) groom (c) clow (d) cushion @ (c) zero αm ·。-。 덩 something thot protects 。z→ (0) colf (b) shelter (d) couple I 。 1 「 - 〔 녁〉m Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2 3

Ngày đăng: 21/03/2024, 16:42
