When you reod, it''''s importont to know whot every word meons.. AII of 0 sudden, knowing whot thot one word meons is importont!. Whot should you do when you come to 0 word ond you think yo
Kenneth Hodkinson I Sandra Adam
Cambridge and Toront 。
Trang 3Senior Editor: Will Tripp
Editor: Rach l mith
Senior D ig er: Deborah Rodman
Cover Desig : Mic elle Moh kern
IIIustrations: Ruth Flanigan
@ 2012 by Educators Publishing Service AII rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced
or utilized in a y for m o r by a ny electronic or mech nical mea ns, including photocop ing, wirho ut
p rmi ssion in writing from the publisher
Printed in Benton Harbor, MI, in ]une 2015
ISBN 978-0-8388-7602-2
Trang 4Review for Lesson 4 36 Review for Lesson 12 112
The Talking Tree 42 The Lost City of the Incas 119 Review for Lesson 5 45 Review for Lesson 13 123
What It’'s Like to Be 300 Million Elephant Country 130
Review for Lesson 6 55
Wave to Me and 1'11
Review for Lesson 15 144
Review for Lesson 7 65
Get Close to Mother Nature 71
Review for Lesson 8 74
Trang 5Welcome to Wordly Wise 3000@
You've been leorning words since you were 0 tiny boby At first, you leorned them only by heoring other people tolk Now thot you're 0 reoder, you hove onother woy to leorn words
When you reod, it's importont to know whot every word meons You con try skipping 0 word you don't know But this might couse 0 problem Reod this sentence:
Anyone wíthout 0 megtob wíll not get ínto the show
If you hove no ideo of whot 0 megtab is, you might not get in AII of 0 sudden, knowing whot thot one word meons is importont!
The more words you know, the better You will understond more of whot you reod Wordly Wíse 3000 con't teoch you a !l the words you’II need, but it will help you leorn lots of them.lt con olso help you leorn how to leorn even more words
How 00 Vou Figure Out What 0 Word Means?
Whot should you do when you come to 0 word ond you think you don't know whot it meons? Following some eosy steps con help you Say It
First, sound it out Then soy it to yourself It might sound like 0 word you know Sometimes you know 0 word in your heod without knowing whot it looks like in print So if you motch up whot you know ond whot you reod- you hove the word!
Trang 6If the word shelter doesn't look fomilior, look ot the words oround it
Rain ond under the porch might give you 0 clue You might even do
o Think-Aloud:
I know that if you don γ want to get wet outside when it rains, you
need to get under something.ln this sentence, the dog went
under the porch to stay dry $0 shelter must mean "something
that protects you.ι Yes, that makes sense in this sentence
Use Word Parts
If the context doesn• help, look ot the ports of the word Does it hove
ony ports you know? These con help you figure out whot it meons
Reod this sentence:
The miners put on their hard hats before going to work
If you don't know the meoning of miner, try looking ot ports of the
word You might know thot 0 mine is 0 ploce underground where
people get cool ond other voluoble things A lot of times, -er ot the
end of 0 word meons " 0 person who does something." For exomple,
o teacher teoches in 0 school So 0 miner might be someone who
works in 0 mine You would put on 0 hord hot if you were going into 0
mine Thot meoning of miner mokes sense
Look It Up
If soying the word or using context ond word ports don't work, you
con look it up You con find the word in 0 dictionory-either 0 book or
online-or 0 glossory
Nobody knows the meoning of every word, but good reoders know
how to figure out words they don't know
Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2 v
Trang 7틸 Free Websife: WordlyWise3000.com
Go to www.WordlyWise3000.com ond you will find:
(Word Lists for 011 the leSSOnS) You can read and hear the words and their definitions online
You can download the Word Lists onto your MP3 player Then you can study them wherever you are-at home or
on the bus, for example
[A Quick Check question for every word) You can check to make sure you got the meaning of each word Then you’11 know which ones you still need
to study
[ Gomes for every bo。k)
There is 0 set of games for Lessons 1-5, Lessons 6-10, and Lessons 11-15 Use them to practice your words-and to have fun
Good luck in your study of words It tokes some work, but it will poyo什in the end
Trang 8to www.WordlyWise3000.com Lesson
Study the words Then do the exercises that follow
n 1 The back part of the leg between the knee
and the ankle
My left calf itches where the poison ivy touched it
2 A young cow or bul l
The baby calf stays close to its mother
n 1 The sharp curved nail on the toe of 0 bird or
anima l
Karl held out his hand, and the parrot wrapped its
claws around his finger
2 The part of 0 crab or lobster used for gripping
The lobster grabbed the clam with its big claw
and held it
To scratch or dig with sharp nails
Our dog clawed at the back door so that she
could come into the house
n 1 Two things of the same kind
There are 0 couple of cups on the shelf Will you
bring me one?
2 Two people who do things together
The couple skated slowly around the rink, moving
with the music
n A pillow or 0 pad with 0 soft filling
Tammy rested her head on the cushion and soon
fell asleep
1 Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2
Trang 9f1ap
n Something attached on only one side so that
it can move freely
Colin licked the flap of the envelope and then pressed it down
ι To move up and down
We heard the geese flap their wings as they flew over the pond
n 1 A person who takes care of horses
The groom led the horse out of the stall to
brush it
2 A man who is getting married
The groom slipped the wedding ring on the bride's finger
ν To clean or make neat
The mother cat groomed the kitten's fur by licking
it until it was smooth
n A part that each person gets of 0 whole Your share of the pizza will be two slices
ν To use or enjoy with others
My sister and I share 0 bedroom
n Anything that covers or protects
Our dog looks for shelfer under the bed when
Trang 10yard
n 1 The lond oround 0 building
We lived in 0 house with 0 lorge yard
2 A length equol to three feet, or thirty-six inches
You need three yards of cloth to moke your
costume for the ploy
n The word nome for O It stonds for nothing
Three plus zero equols three
Look at the group of words next to the number Then circle the letfer of
the word that has the same meaning
o to move up ond down
(d) shore (c) shelter
(b) clow
Ð to use with others
(0) groom
(d) colf (c) yord
(b) zero
Ð the word nome fα O
(0) couple
(d) cushion (c) clow
o the lond oround 0 building
(b) shelter
덩 something thot protects
(0) colf
3 Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2
Trang 11(b) the curved noil of 0 bird
(d) the curved horn of 0 cow
(b) the orm between hond ond elbow
(d) the bock port of the lower leg
(b) 0 mon getting morried (d) 0 womon getting morried
(b) to use with others (d) to swing from side to side
(b) 0 pod with 0 soft filling (d) 0 young cow
Trang 12Look at each group of words Three are rel하ed in some way.One
does not belong Find the word that does not belong and circle it
opple couple
groom two
ø poir
Circle the letfer of the correct answer to each question
o Which of the following is equol to 0 yard?
(0) twelve inches (b) 0 couple (c) three feet (d) zero
(d) 0 cove (c) 0 clow
a Which of the following could provide shelfer?
(0) 0 colf (b) 0 cushion
(d) 0 shork (c) 0 colf
밍 Which of the following hos claws?
(0) 0 groom (b) 0 crob
(d) 0 swing
잉 Which of the following might hove 0 flap?
(0) 0 tent (b) 0 couple (c) 0 bird
Trang 13Bailey Finds a New Home
Sandra Adams and Ken Hodkinson live at Sugar Wood
imagine he can
At first Ken and Sandra didn’t want me.1\l1any times I waited
couple of seconds to make my move So I would rub against
always said, “Don't let him in Don’t let him in." And they shut the door in my face
It's true that I already had 0 home But I had to share it with two other cats who liked to bully me.That was no fun.1 wanted
The number I came up with was zero As we cats saμ “Purr-fect!"
the door for hours and Ken and Sandra always closed it in my
be right there on the doorstep when they came home
Before long, the rain turned to snow This was even better I was
their car pull into the yard Then I watched them hurry toward the house As soon as they saw me, I started to meow like 0 little lost kitten
Trang 14In no time, I was inside the house Sandra dried me with 0
warm, fluffy towel Ken kept saying, “Don’t feed him Don't feed
him." But I wasrγt looking for food just then.1 was looking for 0 new
home At last, I thought I had found it I was right Before long, they
were feeding me Sandra talked to my old owners about me They
missed me, but they had two other cats I didn't feel bad
Cats spend 0 lot of time sleeping, so Sandra made 0 soft
cushion for me to use To be honest, I prefer their bed They also
made 0 cat door for me with 0 little flap.1 just push it open with
my nose and it closes behind me Sandra likes to groom me I think
I do it better myself, but it gives her 0 lot of pleasure I try not t。
sharpen my claws on their furniture I think they are happy to have
me around
Answer each of the questions with 0 sentence
o How did Bailey know there were zero cats at Sugar Wood Farm?
e How do you know that Ken didn't want to share his home with Bailey?
Ð Why do you think Bailey rubbed against Sandra's calf and not Ke따?
Trang 15덩 What happened to Bailey 0 couple of days after he was let into the house?
ø How do you know that Bailey can come in and go out to the yard easily?
o Why didn't Bailey need to have Sandra groom him?
o Howo付endo you think Bailey sleeps on the cushion Sandra made for him? Explain your answer
<:) 00 you think Bailey likes having the cat door with the flap? Explain your answer
calf ~ What are some ways Bailey might use his claws?
Trang 16Hidden Message Write the word that is missing from
each sentence in the boxes next to it AII the words are
from Lesson 1 except for 3 and 10 The shaded boxes will
answer this riddle:
Joonne bet Joe thot her dog could jump higher thon 0
house How did she win the bet?
l I I I I
1 The cloth was one wide
2 Sue forgot her lunch, so I offered to mine
with her
3 is the opposite of bad
4 Ramon needs a of stamps for his letter
5 Ellen put the back on the sofa, after it fell
6 Three, two, one, _ _ _
7 The kitten scratched my arm with its _ _
8 The baby followed its mother to
the barn
9 The children ran for as soon
as the rain started
11 The leads the horse to the stable
12 Large birds must their wings
to get into the air
Trang 17n Anything thot hoppens in on unplonned woy,
especiolly when it couses injury α domoge
The accident hoppened when one cor went
through 0 red light ond hit onother one
n A person who does tricks thot toke greot
strength ond good control in moving the body
The acrobat did 0 flip on the tightrope, ond the
crowd in the circus tent gosped
n 1 A signol, such os 0 bell or buzzer, thot worns
people α tells them to toke octiorγ
8eth shut off the alarm on the clock ond went
ν To moke somebody ofroid α feorful
Idon’t wont to alarm you, but what is thot noise
in the backyord?
v To spring back after hitting something
The ball bounced three feet in the oir after I\l1aya
////.,// / / /
Trang 18n A tool like 0 bowl with 0 handle.lt can be large
or small and is used for digging into and lifting
loose or soft materials
l\110ther used 0 metal scoop to put flour into the
mixing bowl
Dan cupped his hands to scoop water from
the pond
and to keep it from falling
The shelf will fall without the wooden support
ν To hold something in place or to keep it from
Anne supported the sign while Ryan nailed it to
the post
The fishing line was in such 0 tangle that Bill had
1 tripped and fell when my feet got tangled in
the rope
Trang 19weigh
ν 1 To find out how heovy something is
Lucy weighed the puppy, ond leorned thot it
hod goined olmost two pounds since lost week
2 To hove 0 certoin omount of heoviness
The boby weighed seven pounds when he
wos born
weight n The meosure of how heovy
something is
The weight of 0 stick of butter is four ounces
Look at the group of words next to the number Then circle the letfer of the word that has the same meaning
o something thot is not plonned
(0) gop (b) ocrobot (c) occident
Ð 0 mix-up of things twisted together
(0) tongle (b) olorm (c) scoop
Trang 20Look at the word next to the number Then circle the le付erof the
group of words that has the same meaning
ø bounce
(0) to moke ofroid
(c) to foll over
(b) to spring bock (d) to meosure how heovy something is
(b) 0 quick movement of the hond
o ocrobot
(0) 0 mon who is getting
(d) 0 person with good control
in moving the body
(c) two people who do things
Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2
(0) to hold in ploce
(c) to couse domoge
Trang 21Look at each group of words Three are related in some way One
does not belong Find the word that does not belong and circle it
o pie coke occident Ice creom
Ð c10w openlng gop hole
Ð mix-up tongle knot needle
잉 bowl cushion scoop spoon
o bounce throw cotch olorm
Circle the letter of the correct answer to each question
o Which of the following is on enormous number?
(0) ten (b) zero (c) one million (d) 0 couple
Ð Which of the following could be used os 0 support?
(0) 0 stock of bricks (b) 0 piece of string (c) 0 hondkerchief (d) 0 rubber bond
딩 Which of the following do you expect acrobats to do?
(0) wolk on their honds (c) stoy owoy from high ploces
(b) toke core of sick onimols (d) repoir cors
잉 Which of the following con you bounce?
(0) 0 dreom (b) on iron (c) 0 boll (d) 0 color
덩 Which of the following con be weighed?
(0) the flu (b) hoppiness (c) 0 sunset (d) 0 tomoto
Trang 22뚫린 필
on the Fly
Fast Food
are afraid of bats because they think we will get tangled in their
not very likely
dorγt you think? People hate mosquitoes because they bite But
You probably don't believe that I can catch bugs in the dark
bounce back to me.The sounds tell me just where the bug is as I
fly after it My big ears help me catch the sounds No matter how
Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2
Trang 23So when you see 0 bunch of us swooping ond flying in circles just os it's getting dork, don’t be alarmed Thot's when the bugs come out Flying bugs ore our fost food.Thot is, they ore fost, but
we ore foster We ore just enjoying our dinner
Answer each of the questions with 0 sentence
O How do you know fhot o bot weighs more tm
F Wrh미ìy끼isn't 0 bat뼈f매。미뻐lar빼d if바f i띠fηsuωJdden미1끼삐|
P HOW Qre Q bof ormn ocr。bqiQlike?
gap 덩 Which supports 0 bat better, its wings or its legs? Why?
Trang 24@ 00 bats fly into houses by accident? Explain your answer
How do bats and people feel about enormous numbers of
mosquitoes in the air?
it is dark?
뿔縮훨뿔뿔 iiíí
Trang 25Crossword Puzzle Solve the puzzle by writing the missing word in each sentence in the boxes with the
_ _ , theyle付the building
10 This piece of wood will _ _
the table until we can fix the leg
11 Rosa threw the ball at the window
where the tree fell on it
4 The tail on Jaime's kite got
in the tree
7 We 디apped when the _ _
did a back flip
throw it to the next player
Trang 26t o www.WordlyWise3000.com Lesson
Study the words Then do the exercises that follow
n 1 One of the two long, thin feelers on the
head of many insects and of some animals such
as lobsters
The beetle moved one antenna to the left when
2 A metal rod or wire used to send and receive
radio and television messages
the station more clearly
n The state of being firm and steady
Tanya lost her balance on the diving board and
fell into the pool
ν 1 To stay in 0 steady position without falling
The acrobat balanced carefully on her partner's
Trang 27After we waxed the floor by hand, Jerome used 0
machine to polish it
n A large object in space that moves in 0
regular path around the sun or some other star
The rings around the planet Saturn are made up
of many pieces of ice
Trang 28slope
n A surfoce, 0 line, or 0 piece of lond thot is
higher ot one point thon ot onother
This ski slope is too steep for beginners
the word that has the same meaning
(d) joint (c) plonet
Trang 29Look at the word next to the number Then circle the letter of the
group of words that has the same meaning
(d) 0 door thot swings freely
(b) to spring bock ofter hitting something
Trang 30i 많 활펠펼탤렌 l
does not belong Find the word that does not belong and circle it
joint even
moon steody
Circle the letfer of the correct answer to each question
(0) 0 yord (b) 0 song (c) 0 toste (d) 0 smell
(d) sweet (c) high
Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2
(0) 0 lobster (b) on elephont (c) 0 robbit
Trang 31Read the passage, then answer the questions that follow it
Greetings from Mars You hove probobly seen pictures of robots Imogine thot
o robot could tolk to you obout itself It might soy something like this
me Their power comes from electricity My computer controls 011
of them
They send pictures to my computer 1 con look to the right α left,
up or down, wherever the computer tells me to If 1 om exploring
o ploce with mony boulders, my television comeros tell my
computer Then it helps me go oround them If 1 get too close to 0
hove ears either Insteod my antenna picks up messoges sent by humons bock in the United Stotes It olso sends messoges bock
to them
1 do 011 kinds of work Some jobs 1 do better thon humons This
is becouse 1 never get tired As long os 1 hove electricity, 1 keep on working.1 con olso work in ploces where it is difficult for people
to go.On I\110rs, there is no oir ond very 1 바le woter Humons need both.1 get olong just fine without them
Trang 32Some robots stoy in one ploce I move oround on six wheels
If I find myself going down 0 slope, my computer keeps me from
folling over If thot were to hoppen, I wouldn't be oble to get bock
on my wheels ogoin Just like people, I hove to keep my balance I
don't wont to hove on occident while I' m moving obout
You hove two orms I hove only one It hos joints in it, like your
wrist ond elbow, but my orm is mode of meto l lt hos 0 scoop ot
the end of it thot I con use to dig into the ground Everything I
leorn goes into my computer Humons built me to find out whot it
is like here on I\1I0rs They will use what they learned when the first
humons come here
I will never return home to Earth How do I feel about that? Well,
becouse I'm 0 machine So staying here on Mars doesn't bother
me ot 011
Answer each of the questions with a sentence
o What happens to the motor of 0 robot if the electricity is shut 0什?
a How do you know that Spirit will probably not fall off 0 cliff?
Ð What might happen to Spirit if its antenna breaks off?
mm -
Trang 33humons?
These two words are pronounced the same but have different spellings and meanings A mussel is a kind of shellfish with a long, slender, dark blue shell
Trang 34Hidden Message Write the word that is missing from each sentence in the boxes next to it 씨 I the words are from lesson 3 The shaded boxes will answer this riddle:
You throw away the outside and cook the inside;
then you eat the outside and throw away the inside
3 Myarm hurts from
throwing the ball
4 The Mars has li付lewater
5 This large fell from higher up the
10 The for the car radio snapped off
Trang 35Lesson to www.WordlyWise3000.com
훨뀔睡톨 Study the words Then do the exercises that follow
Gorillas and chimpanzees are members of the
ape family
inside the skul l It is what we think with It controls
this problem
n A large cave
Trang 36chimney
to let the smoke from 0 fire rise ond escope
As we skied post the cobin, we sow smoke
coming from the chimney
n A piece of moteriol mode of string or rope
knotted together in 0 woy thot leoves evenly
In the museum, we sow severol spears used long
ogo to hunt onimols
n A burning stick held in the hond to give light
The runner corried the Olympic torch to the city
where the gomes were going to begin
Trang 37o on onimol reloted to monkeys
(0) speor (b) ope (c) torch (d) chimney
a 0 moteriol thot hos evenly spoced holes
(0) net (b) torch (c) dozen (d) flome
훌) 0 stick set on fire to give light
(0) broin (b) covern (c) speor (d) torch
o the glowing gos we see when something burns
(0) speor (b) flome (c) chimney (d) covern
덩 the groy nerve celis pocked inside the heod
(0) covern (b) bronch (c) broin (d) dozen
Look at the word next to the number Then circle the le付erof the group of words that has the same meaning
Trang 38(b) ony lorge number (d) 0 group of twelve
o dozen
(0) two things of the same kind
(c) 0 length equol to three feet
(b) on opening thot lets smoke go outside (d) 0 fire burning out of control
o chimney
(c) on oven used for boking
(b) 0 group of onimols
~ bronch
(0) the part of 0 tree that grows
from the moin stem
(d) 0 row of books (c) the port of 0 tree that
grows underground
Look at each group of words Three are related in some waι One
does not belong Find the word that does not belong and circle it
Trang 39Circle the letter of the correct answer to each question
o Which of the following does 0 torch do?
(0) dig in the ground (b) give off light
Ð In which of the following ploces will you probobly see on ape?
(0) in 0 school (b) in 0 hospitol
밍 Which of the following con you do with 0 spear?
잉 Which of the following might you see coming from 0 chimney?
o Which of the following con you do with 0 net?
(c) drow 0 picture (d) dig 0 hole
Trang 40Read the passage, then answer the questions that follow it
Hello Whot do you think life wos like long, long ogo? Whot if
you could trovel bock in time thousonds of yeors? Whot if
5ays 5a-so
you could meet someone your own oge from bock then?
Imogine whot thot person might soy to you
Hello! My nome is So-so 1 live in 0 time thot you coll the Ice
Age.Thot is becouse ice covers much of the lond But not the
port where 1 live My fomily ond 1 ond some other fomilies live in 0
cavern We enter through 0 smoll opening Inside there is 0 lot of
room We olwoys hove 0 fire burning This keeps us worm ond dry
At night, the flames give us light to see by Our lorge cove hos 0
hole in the ceiling It octs os 0 chimney This keeps our shelter cozy
You might think thot becouse we live in 0 cove we're not much
different from apes But thot's not true Ilook like you My brain is
obout the some size os yours, too Of course, my life is different from
yours in mony woys You live in 0 house or oportment And you
weor clothes thot ore cut to fit your body My clothes ore mode
from onimol skins.1 wrop them oround me to keep worm
You probobly own lots of things.1 hove very few First, 1 hove
my furs They cover me ond keep me worm ot night Second, 1
hove some shorp stones 1 use these os tools to cut ond moke
things Third, 1 hove 0 neckloce of shells My mother mode it for
me Lost, 1 hove my spear.1 proctice throwing it every doy My orm
is becoming stronger My oim is becoming more exoct.1’mtoo
young to go with the hunters now But one doy 1'11 join them to hunt
lorge onimols like deer, wild horses, ond tigers For now, 1 use 0 net
In my fomily, 1’m the youngest My job is to keep our fire
burning while the others ore busy Some ore out hunting Others
ore looking for berries ond other things to eot When the fire storts
to get low, 1 odd some dry branches to it It is very bod for us if the
Wordly Wise 3000 • Book 2