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Modal verb potx

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ASSIGNMENT ON WRITING Abstract Sidney Greenbaum said that : “All the auxiliary verbs except be, do and have are called modals. Unlike other auxiliary verbs modals only exist in their helping form; they cannot act alone as the main verb in a sentence. Be, do, and have also differ from the other auxiliaries in that they can also serve as ordinary verbs in a given sentence”. And Rosenbaum claimed that : “functional diversity in language as seen from a consideration of modal in English” “Essays on the English Language”(R.Quirk, 1968, page 369-54). Modal verbs are one part of speech which are not easy for students. They often have to face a lot of problems when using modal verbs appropriately. With the hope that broadening learner's knowledges about modal verbs as well as how to use them better,my research analyzes deeply about the kinds, positions and functions of modal verbs. By researching and collecting useful informations from books and internet, I hope this study will help students use modal verbs well. Key words: modal verbs, verbs, kinds, positions, functions Outline I. Introduction 1. Rationale 2. Aim 3. Scope of assignment II. Procedures III. Findings 1. Over view of verb 2. Over view of modal verbs IV. Analysis and interpretation V. Conclusion References I. Introduction 1. Rationale “Introduction to Morden English”, (Adams, 1973, page 281-93). Adams said that : “Modal verbs are very familiar group from people learning English”. Ever since 6 th grade students were acquainted with them through the simple sentence as “Can I help you ?”, “I can swin”. Since then, the knowledge of the modal verbs are “Silently” added in the curriculum. Say “Silently” because except grage 12, there is a grade level grammar title specialize in this group that would be complementary solusion through isolated phrases only. So when preparing to enter college no less exam to worry because they suddenly feel the modal verb is not easy at all. “The Grammar of Case”, (Anderson, 1971, page 1-34). Anderson claimed and asked that : “Where is what causes this condition ?”. This is due to the complex characteristics of the modal verb. We can say without any group from the complex as dividing the group. Have you ever wondered why the question “Could you open the door for me ?” We again use could (past of can) while the current context ? 2. Aim “Readings in English Transformational Grammar” (Jacobs and Rosenbaum, 1970, page 205-53). The main aims and purposes of this study “Modal verb” - Finding the cause of the complexity of this group - Using as appropriate in your life - Study the modal explanations and complete the associated exercises and take another step toward English fluency. 3. Scope of assignment “A modern English Grammar on Historical Principles” (Jespersen, 1949, page 364-59). Jespersen said that : “Modal verbs are special verbs which behave very differently from normal verbs”. Here are some important diffirences. That is special in English. “Studies in the connection of clauses in current English” (Karlsen, 1959, page 463-23). Karlsen claimed that : “In addition to features such as auxiliary verbs”, Modal verb have more defects lack some unique characteristics as follows : - No “TO” in prototypes and when verb follows. And modal verbs are used together with the base form of another verb. You may leave if you wish We must finish on this time He can speak French and Japaness - Modal verbs do not take “-s”, “-ing” , “-ed” in the third person She can use my phone She should be here by 9:00 - You use “not” to make modal verbs negative, even in simple present and simple past. She should not be late They might not come to the party - Many madal verb can not be used in the past tenses or the future tense He will can go with us ( not correct) She musted study very hard ( not correct ) II. Procedures All the auxiliary verbs except be, do and have are called modals. Unlike other auxiliary verbs modals only exist in their helping form; they cannot act alone as the main verb in a sentence. Be, do, and have also differ from the other auxiliaries in that they can also serve as ordinary verbs in a given sentence. The modal verbs are: CAN, COULD, MAY, MIGHT, MUST, SHALL, SHOULD, OUGHT TO, WILL, WOULD. http://www.learnenglish.de/grammar/verbmodal.htm (Please check insert) III. Findings 1. Over view of verb http://www.learnenglish.de http://www.vietgle.vn http://www.englishtime.us http://www.perfect-english-grammar.com http://www.usingenglish.com … 2. Over view of modal verbs A University Grammar of English, R.A.Close, Randolph Quirk and Sidney Greenbaum Introduction to modern English, Adams The Grammar of case, Anderson Prosodic system and Internation in English, Crystal An Introduction to the Pronounciation of English, Gimson …. IV. Analysis and interpretation “The Grammar of English predicate Complement Constructions” (Rosenbaum, 1976, page 686-072). The first, you must realize that the modal verbs have three different uses. But more trouble is not from any in this group have been used in three ways that the only two ways. 1. Option I : This using is the easiest way, the verb will bring the common sense. Characteristics : using verbs time Examples would include word CAN mean “Can” only the capacity of the object and if the sentence in the current or future use CAN, also past the mandatory use could. Example : - Now I can swim cross this river in 5 minutes (now) - When I was a child I could swim cross this river in 5 minutes ( past) 2. Option 2 : This using in proposal Characteristics : Not using verbs time How to use the word and share it does not depend entirely on the meaning and tense that depends on the content, and the formal object of the spoken word. Example : • When ask for help, we can say : - Can you … ? - Will you …. ? - Could you ….? - May you … ? ( not use ) - Might you … ? ( not use ) • When you want to help anyone say : - Can I …. ? - Shall I ….? • While permission to use question : - May I … ?  Obviously, When you use : Can I …? and Could I …? not due to past or present that due polite, formality of words alone. Want to know when to use the phrases of the conversation V. Conclusion The using modal verbs is an important roles in English. Being able to use four skills well. It is necessary for learners to approach the process of speaking in your communication. 1. Probability “On voice in the English Verb”(Svartvik, 1966, page 65-92). First, they can be used when we want to say how sure we are that something happened / is happening / will happen. We often call these 'modals of deduction' or 'speculation' or 'certainty' or 'probability'. Example : It’s snowing, so it must be very cold outside I don’t know where Kane is. He could have missed the train This bill can be right. 200$ for two cups of coffee 2. Ability “Grammar of contemporary English” (Quirk, 1972, page 72-15). We use “can” and “could” to talk about a skill or ability Example : She can speak six language Her grandfather could play golf very well 3. Obligation and Advice “The Grammar of English Nominalization of English” (Lees, 1960, page 207-36). We can use verbs such as “must” or “should” to say when something is necessary or unnecessary, or to give advice Example : Children must do their homework We have to wear a uniform at work You should stop smoking 4. Permission “Foundations of language” (Halliday, 1967, page 179-21). We can use verbs such as “can”, “could” and “may” to ask for and give permission. We also use modal verbs to say something is not allowed. Example : Could I leave early today, please ? You may not use the car tonight Can we swim in the lake ? 5. Habits “English complex Sentences” (Hudson, 1970, page 37-21). We can use “will”, and “would” to talk about habits or thing we usually do , or did in the past . Example : When I live in Japan, we would often eat in the restaurant next to my flat. Kane will always be late ! Refirences RANDOLPH QUIRK & SIDNEY GREENBAUM (1973) A University Grammar of English, USA ADAMS, V. (1973) Introduction to Modern English, London ANDERSON (1971) The Grammar of Case, Cambridge HALLIDAY, M.A.K (1967) Functional Diversity in Language as seen from a Consideration of Madality and Mood in English, Cambridge HUDSON, R.A (1970) English complex Sentences, Amsterdam JACOBS (1970) Readings in English Transformational Grammar, Waltham JESPERSEN (1949) A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles, London and Copenhagen KARLSEN (1959) Studies in the connection of clauses in Current English, Bergen LEES, R.B (1960) The Grammar of English Nominalization, Indiana QUIRK, R. (1972) A Grammar of contemporary English, London ROSENBAUM, P.S (1976) The Grammar of English predicate Complement Constructions, Cambridge STARTVIK (1966) On voice in the English Verb, The Hague . use modal verbs well. Key words: modal verbs, verbs, kinds, positions, functions Outline I. Introduction 1. Rationale 2. Aim 3. Scope of assignment II. Procedures III. Findings 1. Over view of verb 2 features such as auxiliary verbs”, Modal verb have more defects lack some unique characteristics as follows : - No “TO” in prototypes and when verb follows. And modal verbs are used together with. “All the auxiliary verbs except be, do and have are called modals. Unlike other auxiliary verbs modals only exist in their helping form; they cannot act alone as the main verb in a sentence.

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