HYDRODYNAMICS – NATURAL WATER BODIES Edited by Harry Edmar Schulz, André Luiz Andrade Simões and Raquel Jahara Lobosco Hydrodynamics – Natural Water Bodies Edited by Harry Edmar Schulz, André Luiz Andrade Simões and Raquel Jahara Lobosco Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright © 2011 InTech All chapters are Open Access distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon published articles even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. After this work has been published by InTech, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work. Any republication, referencing or personal use of the work must explicitly identify the original source. As for readers, this license allows users to download, copy and build upon published chapters even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. Notice Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published chapters. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book. Publishing Process Manager Bojana Zelenika Technical Editor Teodora Smiljanic Cover Designer InTech Design Team Image Copyright André Luiz Andrade Simões, 2011. First published December, 2011 Printed in Croatia A free online edition of this book is available at www.intechopen.com Additional hard copies can be obtained from orders@intechweb.org Hydrodynamics – Natural Water Bodies, Edited by Harry Edmar Schulz, André Luiz Andrade Simões and Raquel Jahara Lobosco p. cm. ISBN 978-953-307-893-9 free online editions of InTech Books and Journals can be found at www.intechopen.com Contents Preface IX Part 1 Tidal and Wave Dynamics: Rivers, Lakes and Reservoirs 1 Chapter 1 A Hydroinformatic Tool for Sustainable Estuarine Management 3 António A.L.S. Duarte Chapter 2 Hydrodynamic Control of Plankton Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity in Subtropical Shallow Lakes 27 Luciana de Souza Cardoso, Carlos Ruberto Fragoso Jr., Rafael Siqueira Souza and David da Motta Marques Chapter 3 A Study Case of Hydrodynamics and Water Quality Modelling: Coatzacoalcos River, Mexico 49 Franklin Torres-Bejarano, Hermilo Ramirez and Clemente Rodríguez Chapter 4 Challenges and Solutions for Hydrodynamic and Water Quality in Rivers in the Amazon Basin 67 Alan Cavalcanti da Cunha, Daímio Chaves Brito, Antonio C. Brasil Junior, Luis Aramis dos Reis Pinheiro, Helenilza Ferreira Albuquerque Cunha, Eldo Santos and Alex V. Krusche Chapter 5 Hydrodynamic Pressure Evaluation of Reservoir Subjected to Ground Excitation Based on SBFEM 89 Shangming Li Part 2 Tidal and Wave Dynamics: Seas and Oceans 109 Chapter 6 Numerical Modeling of the Ocean Circulation: From Process Studies to Operational Forecasting – The Mediterranean Example 111 Steve Brenner VI Contents Chapter 7 Freshwater Dispersion Plume in the Sea: Dynamic Description and Case Study 129 Renata Archetti and Maurizio Mancini Part 3 Tidal and Wave Dynamics: Estuaries and Bays 153 Chapter 8 The Hydrodynamic Modelling of Reefal Bays – Placing Coral Reefs at the Center of Bay Circulation 155 Ava Maxam and Dale Webber Chapter 9 Astronomical Tide and Typhoon-Induced Storm Surge in Hangzhou Bay, China 179 Jisheng Zhang, Chi Zhang, XiuguangWu and Yakun Guo Chapter 10 Experimental Investigation on Motions of Immersing Tunnel Element under Irregular Wave Actions 199 Zhijie Chen, Yongxue Wang, Weiguang Zuo, Binxin Zheng and Zhi Zeng, Jia He Chapter 11 Formation and Evolution of Wetland and Landform in the Yangtze River Estuary Over the Past 50 Years Based on Digitized Sea Maps and Multi-Temporal Satellite Images 215 Xie Xiaoping Part 4 Multiphase Phenomena: Air-Water Flows and Sediments 235 Chapter 12 Stepped Spillways: Theoretical, Experimental and Numerical Studies 237 André Luiz Andrade Simões, Harry Edmar Schulz, Raquel Jahara Lobosco and Rodrigo de Melo Porto Chapter 13 Sediment Gravity Flows: Study Based on Experimental Simulations 263 Rafael Manica Preface “Water is the beginning of everything” (Tales of Mileto) “Air is the beginning of everything” (Anaxímenes of Mileto) Introduction Why is it important to study Hydrodynamics? The answer may be strictly technical, but it may also involve some kind of human feeling about our environment, and our (eventual) limitations to deal with its fluidic constituents. As teachers, when talking to our students about the importance of quantifying fluids, we (authors) go to the blackboard and draw, in blue color, a small circumference in the center of the board, and add the obvious name “Earth”. Some words are then said, in the sense that Hydrodynamics is important, because we are beings strictly adapted to live immersed in a fluidic environment (air), and because we are beings composed basically by simple fluidic solutions (water solutions), encapsulated in fine carbon membranes. Then, with a red chalk, we draw two crosses: one inside and the other outside the circumference, explaining: “our environment is very limited. We can only survive in the space covered by the blue line. No one of us can survive in the inner part of this sphere, or in the outer space. Despite all films, games, and books about contacts with aliens, and endless journeys across the universe, our present knowledge only allows to suggest that it is much most probable that the human being will extinct while in this fine fluid membrane, than to create sustainable artificial environments in the cosmos”. Sometimes, to add some drama, we project the known image of the earth on a wall (the image of the blue sphere), and then we blow a soap bubble, explaining that the image gives the false impression that the entire sphere is our home. But our “home” is better represented by the liquid film of the soap bubble (only the film) and then we touch the bubble, exploding it, showing its fragility. In the sequence, we explain that a first reason to understand fluids would be, then, to guarantee the maintenance of the fluidic environment (the film), so that we could also guarantee our survival as much as possible. Further, as we move ourselves and produce our things immersed in fluid, it is interesting to optimize such operations, in order to facilitate our survival. Still further, because our organisms interchange heat X Preface and mass in cellular and corporal scales between different fluids, the understanding of these transports permits to understand the spreading of diseases, the delivering of medicines to cells, and the use of physical properties of fluids in internal treatments, allowing to improve our quality of life. Finally, the observation of the inner part of the sphere, the outer space and its constituents, shows that many “highly energetic” phenomena behave like the fluids around us, giving us the hope that the knowledge of fluids can help, in the future, to quantify, reproduce, control and use energy sources similar to those of the stars, allowing to “move through the cosmos”, and (only then) also to create sustainable artificial environments, and to leave this “limited film” when necessary. Of course, this “speech” may be viewed as a sort of escapism, related to a fiction of the future. In fact, the day-by-day activities show that we are spending our time with “more important” things, like the fighting among us for the dividends of the next fashion wave (or the next technical wave), the hierarchy among nations, or the hierarchy of the cultures of the different nations. So, fighters, warriors, or generals, still seem to be the agents that write our history. But global survival, or, in other words, the guarantee of any future history, will need other agents, devoted to other activities. The hope lies on the generation of knowledge, in which the knowledge about fluids is vital. Context of the present book “Hydrodynamics - Natural Water Bodies” A quick search in virtual book stores may result in more than hundred titles involving the word “Hydrodynamics”. Considering the superposition existing with Fluid Mechanics, the number of titles grows much more. Considering all these titles, why to organize another book on Hydrodynamics? One answer could be: because the researchers always try new points of view to understand and treat the problems related to Hydrodynamics. Even a much known phenomenon may be re-explained from a point of view that introduces different tools (conceptual, numerical or practical) into the discussion of fluids. And eventually a detail shows to be useful, or even very relevant. So, it is necessary to give the opportunity to the different authors to expose their points of view. Among the historically relevant books on Hydrodynamics, some should be mentioned here. For example, the volumes “Hydrodynamics” and “Hydraulics”, by Daniel Bernoulli (1738) and his father, Johann Bernoulli (1743), respectively, present many interesting sketches and the analyses that converged to the so called “Bernoulli equation”, later deduced more properly by Leonhard Euler. Although there are unpleasant questions about the authorship of the main ideas, as pointed out by Rouse (1967) and Calero (2008), both books are placed in a “prominent position” in the history, because of their significant contributions. The volume written by Sir Horace Lamb (1879), now named “Hydrodynamics”, considers the basic equations, the vortex motion, tidal waves, among other interesting topics. Considering the classical equations and procedures followed to study fluid motion, the books “Fundamentals of Hydro and Aerodynamics“ and “Applied Hydro and Aerodynamics“ by Prandtl and [...]... (%) 0.526 0.497 0.473 Var Var Var 2:37 2:41 3:21 2:35 2:41 3:19 14 51 37 10 45 35 57 56 55 0.511 Var 5:18 5:16 34 - - S1 – S5 0.497 Var 8:38 8:35 35 - - S1 – S2 S2 – S3 1.105 0.949 Var Var 1:14 1:24 1:14 1:24 52 61 40 70 62 62 S1 – S3 1 st (Dec.-89) EXPER S1 – S2 S2 – S3 S3 – S5 S1 – S3 3 rd (Nov.-90) EXPER DUFLOW EXPER DUFLOW DISPERSION C OEFFICIENT (m 2 s-1 ) 1.023 Var 2:38 2:38 58 - - Table 1 Hydraulic... scale This time scale is generally shorter than the time scale of the biogeochemical renewal processes and gives an estimate of the water- mass retention within the river basin system So, the influence of hydrodynamics must not be neglected on 4 Hydrodynamics – Natural Water Bodies estuarine eutrophication vulnerability assessment, because flushing time is determinant for the transport capacity and the... limited number of sampling or measuring stations) The analysis of water column and benthos field data observed in the Mondego estuary (Portugal), over the last two decades, allowed us to conclude that hydrodynamics was a major factor controlling the occurrence of macroalgae blooms, as determinant of nutrients 6 Hydrodynamics – Natural Water Bodies availability and uptake conditions (Martins et al., 2001)... industrial and mining activities or road-river accidents Generally, there are two approaches to calculate the transport of solutes in water bodies One is the more classical calculation based on exact river morphological and hydraulic input 12 Hydrodynamics – Natural Water Bodies data and the other is the calculation based on estimation of transport parameters such as travel time and dispersion coefficients... welcomed by the professionals dealing with Hydrodynamics The book Hydrodynamics - Natural Water Bodies is organized in the following manner: Part 1: Tidal and Wave Dynamics: Rivers, Lakes and Reservoirs Part 2: Tidal and Wave Dynamics: Seas and Oceans Part 3: Tidal and Wave Dynamics: Estuaries and Bays Part 4: Multiphase Phenomena: Air -Water Flows and Sediments Hydrodynamics is a very rich area of study,... application of two or three-dimensional transport models are often required 14 Hydrodynamics – Natural Water Bodies Ever increasing computational capacities provide the development of powerful and userfriendly mathematical models for the simulation and forecast of quality changes in receiving waters after land runoff, mining and wastewater discharges The results of several research works have showed that... discharges carried out during part of the tidal cycle and continuous discharges that are usual in periods of greater rainfall, considering the water demand for existing intensive oriziculture activity in the Pranto river catchment 10 Hydrodynamics – Natural Water Bodies Fig 8 Pranto river annual (1993-94) flow discharge into the Mondego estuary south arm In this study, the tidal harmonic signal at Figueira... of freshwater input (from Mondego River), while the south arm of this estuary is shallower (2 to 4 m deep, during high tide) and presents an extensive intertidal zone covering almost 75% of its total area during the ebb tide The irregularity of its morphology and bathymetry is depicted in Fig 4 (Duarte, 2005) Fig 4 The Mondego estuary (main zone) bathymetry 8 Hydrodynamics – Natural Water Bodies For... MONDEST model finite elements mesh and outline of the control sections 16 Hydrodynamics – Natural Water Bodies The size of the elements to consider in the spatial discrimination of the simulated domain of numerical models must be established as a function of larger or smaller spatial gradients than those displayed by the variables (water level and velocity) in that domain In the case of the Mondego estuary,... analyses were carried out to define the accurate values to adopt for the main calibration parameters used in both (hydrodynamic and water transport) modules of Mondest model: one for the Manning bottom friction coefficient (n) and horizontal Eddy 20 Hydrodynamics – Natural Water Bodies viscosity coefficient (Eh); and the other for the horizontal dispersion coefficient (Dh) For each calibration parameter, . HYDRODYNAMICS – NATURAL WATER BODIES Edited by Harry Edmar Schulz, André Luiz Andrade Simões and Raquel Jahara Lobosco Hydrodynamics – Natural Water Bodies Edited. gives an estimate of the water- mass retention within the river basin system. So, the influence of hydrodynamics must not be neglected on Hydrodynamics – Natural Water Bodies 4 estuarine. allowed us to conclude that hydrodynamics was a major factor controlling the occurrence of macroalgae blooms, as determinant of nutrients Hydrodynamics – Natural Water Bodies 6 availability