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Đề HSG tiếng anh 9 10 no.1

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Section 2. Listen to the recording and complete each of the following sentences with NO MORE THAN two words AND OR a number (16p) Sky high Gina dislike her first job as a (1)_______________________ The airline that Gina works for insists on at least (2)________________________ hours of flying experience from their captains. Gina says that because her husband is a travel writer he is tolerant of her job. The Notice to Pilots provides information about any (3) ___________that are experiencing problems. Gina says that if she has extra (4)_______________________she will need more fuel for her flight. Gina explains that many pilots she works with did a degree in (5)______________ at university. Gina says that all the (6)_______________________must be within reach of the two pilots in the cockpit. The pilots look at a (7)_________________ to check if anyone is standing at the cockpit entrance. Gina gets information from a (8)___________________________ about any small problem on the plane. Gina says what she really appreciates is night flight. 2.You will hear two psychologists talking about modern childhood. For questions 1 – 5, choose the answer (A, B, C, or D) which fits best 1. What does Daniel imply about past images of childhood? A. They are entirely fictional. B. They all show the misfortunes of childhood. C. They are diverse. D. They represent the innocence of childhood. 2. When mentioning the children throwing bags on the busstop, Louise is _____. A. critical B. amused C. angry D. sarcastic 3. According to Daniel, ______. A. children are failing to learn adequate social skills B. children do not eat a balanced diet C. children are becoming involved in political scandals D. children are far more sociable than they used to be 4. Louise believes that ________. A. parents are no longer interested in their children B. children should study harder to pass school exams C. modern life has a negative effect on children D. most parents are emotionally unstable 5. Daniel implies that _______. A. children would be happier if their parents taught them at home B. machines are more of a menace to children than people are C. teachers aren’t helping children to be competitive enough D. most teenage problems stem from an unbalanced diet Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other Question 1: A. worked B. stopped C. forced D. amounted Question 2: A. course B. courtesy C. resource D. force Question 3: A. . bombard B. discard C. mustard D. retard Question 4: A. intellectual B. situation C. digestion D. Greenwich Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position Question 1: A. focus B. injure C. offer D. provide Question 2: A. counterpart B. obedience C. aggressive D. tradition Question 3: A. volunteer B. evacuee C. magazine D. newspaper Question 4: A. photography B. proverbial C. advantageous D. tranquility Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer that best fits each of the blank in the following questions.Page 1 of 8 1. _______ to Jim myself, I can’t tell why he would do such terrible things. A. Not having spoken B. Not being spoken C. Being spoken not D. Having spoken not 2. She read the contract again and again _______ avoiding making spelling mistakes. A. in spite of B. with a view to C. by means of D. on behalf of 3. There is no excuse for your late submission You _______ the assignment by last Monday. A. must have finished B. will have finished C. should have finished D. might have finished 4. She believes that all countries should _______ the death penalty as it is inhumane. A. put down to B. catch up on C. get down to D. do away with 5. It can be seen from the article that many enterprises have gone _______ up since the outbreak of Covid 19 pandemic. A. arm B. leg C. belly D. stomach 6. The utterly _______ climbers were luckily rescued by helicopter at the last minute. A. exhausted B. exhausting C. exhaustion D. exhaust 7. The idea for the latest novel _______ from a drawing the freelance writer discovered in the attic. A. amended B. evolved C. transformed D. altered 8. _______, he felt unhappy and lonely in his own home. A. Though his family’s wealth B. Rich as was his family C. Rich as his family was D. Despite his family’s wealthy 9. The type of plants and animals living in and around a pond depends on the soil of the pond, _______, and the pond’s location. A. what is the quality of the water B. the quality of the water is C. the quality of the water D. what the quality of the water 10. Gale: “What’s your greatest phobia, Carol?” Carol: “_______” A. Worms, definitely. B. I haven’t made up my mind. C. What an absurd idea D. I’m afraid not. Question 11: As soon as the teacher came in, she ______ John why he ________ to class the previous day. A. askeddidn’t go B. had askedhadn’t gone C. will have askedhasn’t gone D. askedhadn’t gone Question 12: It was not until later _________ the man discovered that he had been cheated by salesgirl. A. when B. that C. before D. while Question13: _____ a scholarship, I entered one of the most privileged universities of the United Kingdom. A. To award B. Being awarded C. Having awarded D. Having been awarded Question 14: Shes been promising to pay back the money for six months, but she is forgetfull ____ the promise she has made. A. at B. with C. to D. of Question 15: If it hadnt been for the storm, the farmers _________ a great harvest last year. A. would have B. would have had C. had had D. should have Question 16: It would be nice to work with _________ people who accept new ideas. A. pigheaded B. openminded C. strongwilled D. singlehanded Question 17: Carl suggested _________ to the gym for a good workout. A. to go B. going C. to have gone D. having gone Question 18: When my boyfriend found a fly in his drink, he started to create a scene. Oh, honey, please dont make a ______ with it. A. fuss B. mess C. play D. scenePage 2 of 8 Question 19: Descriptive analysis of language merely reflects ______used without concern for the social prestige of these structures. A. how grammar structures and vocabulary is B. which are grammar structures and vocabulary C. how grammar structures and vocabulary are D. it is how grammar structures and vocabulary are Question 20: Regular radio broadcasting to inform and entertain the general public started in _____ 1920s. A. the B. a C. 0 D. an Question 21: Against all the _______, he won the national song contest and became quite wellknown. A. successes B. failures C. chances D. odds Question 22: With a good _________ of both Vietnamese and English, Miss Loan was assigned the task of oral interpretation for the visiting American delegation. A. insight B. knowledge C. command D. proficiency Question 23: There are some similarities in table _________ of different cultures in the world. A. ways B. etiquette C. styles D. manners Question 24: Despite the initial _________ result, they decided to go on with the proposed scheme. A. courage B. courageous C. discouraged D. discouraging Question 25: I bought my wife a(n) ______________ hat when I went abroad on a business trip. A. beautiful large copper Italian B. beautiful large Italian copper C. beautiful copper large Italian D. Italian beautiful large copper 26. I knew my mother would _________ a face the minute she saw my new hair cut. A. drag B. lift C. pull D. race 27. I think we ought to see the rest of the exhibition as quickly as we can, ___ that it closes in half an hour. A. granted B. assuming C. given D. knowing 28. After a fall in profits, the company decided _________ the hotel business. A. to pull out of B. to back off from C. to take out of D. to keep away from 29. In spite of working their fingers to the _________, all the staff were made redundant. A. nail B. edge C. flesh D. bone 30. Oil spills will _________ even the healthiest of marine ecosystem. A. play havoc on B. break ground with C. pay the consequences for D. take their toll on 31.Im pleased to announce that the company is in the _______________for the fifth year. A. blue B. red C. brown D. white 32. His English was roughly ______ with my Greek, so communication was rather difficult A. levelled B. on a par C. equal D. in tune 33. Well, I’m sorry, that’s all I can offer you. ______ . A. Take it or forget it B. Get it or forget it C. Take it or leave it D. Leave it or take it 34 He promised me an Oxford dictionary and to my great joy, he ______ his word. A. stood by B. stuck at C. went back on D. held onto 35. The police are ______ certain who the culprit is. A. in some ways B. more or less C. here and there D. by and by 36. Employees who have a ______ are encouraged to discuss it with the management. A. hindrance B. grievance C. disadvantage D. disturbance 37. Although the patient received intensive treatment, there was no ______ improvement in her condition.Page 3 of 8 A. decipherable B. legible C. discernible D. intelligible Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) Question 1: All the condition seemed optimal: the congenial company, the wonderful weather, the historic venue. A. hospitable B. difficult C. advanced D. complex Question 2: If you’re travelling through a tunnel and your vehicle stops working, a team will be sent out to you immediately. A. breaks down B. passes away C. gives up D. dozes off Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s Question 1: In some countries, so few students are accepted by the universities that admission is almost a guarantee of a good job upon graduation. A. a promise B. an uncertainty C. an assurance D. a pledge Question 2: The burglar crept into the house without making any noise. Thats why no one heard anything. A. inaudibly B. boisterously C. shrilly D. hurlyburly Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the option that best completes the following exchanges. Question 1: May I speak to Dr. Thomas, please? ____________________. A. Im sorry, hes seeing a patient at the moment. B. Yes, you may and he will connect you later. C. Thats fine, but I dont think hes working now. D. No, you cant as he must be free in a few minutes. Question 2: – Jack: “John, you look terrible What’s wrong with you?” John: “_________” A. Thanks for your question. B. I was so sick yesterday. C. The weather will be better. D. You must be wrong, too. Part 2: Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correcting in each of the 1. Its high time the government spend more money on vocational training. A B C D 2. Had not Mary attended the party, she would have never met her old friend Dan, whom she A B C had not seen for years. D 3. The chauffeur who was hired to drive Mr. William around daily was reprimanded for not A B C picking him on time. D 4. The public is sometimes uninformative about these natural disasters. A B C D 5. This gloomy house could be easily identical by the large oak tree outside. A B C D Part 3: Give the correct form of the words in capital letters. Write your answers in the spaces provided. 1. Nothing wrong will happen to you as long as you follow the strict _____________________set by the inspector. GUIDE 2. It is said that the problem of rapid climate change has been caused by too drastic_____________________. FOREST 3. His performance in the match today______________ his reputation as a great player. LIEPage 4 of 8 4. The weather is so __________________ that I do not know what to wear. CHANGE 5. Nobody wants to make friends with a an __________________ person ( HEART) Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase Vloggers are rapidly replacing celebrities as the people to follow online with many of them known (1) _______ their expertise in fashion, makeup, music and gaming. They have a simple (2) _______: they’re fun and entertaining, and you may aspire to be like them. Because they are persuasive public (3) _______, vloggers make money from advertising, often charging (4) _______ running into the thousands. Companies are jumping at the (5) _______ to get these nextdoorneighbourtype people to tell the world about their goods but if vloggers aren’t careful, the system will (6) _______. The best way to discover a brand is through a reallife friend. Word of mouth is still highly (7) _______ when it comes to brand awareness. (8) _______ a vlogger is just like a friend, their recommendation can have the same effect as a facetoface friend. The problem is (9) _______ many vloggers have become popular because of their honesty and authenticity. If they start promoting products simply because they’re being paid, fans will (10) _______ this and stop watching. 1 A. for B. in C. from D. with 2. A. attraction B. appeal C. charisma D. quality 3. A. movers B. figures C. profiles D. citizens 4. A. rates B. costs C. scales D. degrees 5. A. opening B. occasion C. access D. chance 6. A. speed up B. get down C. break down D. turn up 7. A. influential B. powered C. dominant D. worthwhile 8. A. So B. Since C. However D. Therefore 9. A. which B. when C. that D. why 10. A. glimpse B. concentrate C. tell D. spot Fill each of the gaps with ONE suitable word. Write your answers in the numbered spaces provided. CELL PHONES Cell phones have been popular in Japan since the early 1990s, but it was (1) _____________ until 1999 that their use really took off. The age of cell phones has emerged, but (2) _____________ it come problems. Cell phones are used on buses and trains, in restaurants, and in all areas of life. They cause problems when they (3) _____________ during meetings, concerts, weddings, or even funerals. Whats more, people speak loudly in public, and students read and text messages during lessons. (4) _____________ seriously, when a cell phone is used near a person using a pacemaker to regulate his heartbeat, its radio waves may (5) _____________ with the functioning of the pacemaker. Now, something is (6) _____________ done to solve these problems. In many places, new technology is being used to (7) _____________ cell phone calls. Airline passengers are requested to stop using cell phones while on board. Concert halls ask their (8) _____________ to switch their phones to the silent mode. However, phone users fear that if they do not answer their phones, they will (9) _____________ valuable business opportunities. Thats why many users do not (10) _____________ off their phones even when they are asked to. Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer Archaeological literature is rich in descriptions of pot making. Unlike modern industrial potters, prehistoric artisans created each of their pieces individually, using the simplest technology but demonstrating remarkable skills in making and adorning their vessels. The clay used in prehistoric pot making was invariably selected with the utmost care; often it was traded over considerable distances. The consistency of the clay was crucial; it was pounded meticulously and mixed with water to make it entirely even in texture. By careful kneading, the potter removed the air bubbles and made the clay as plastic as possible, allowing it to be molded into shape as the pot was builtPage 5 of 8 up. When a pot is fired, it loses its water and can crack, so the potter added a temper to the clay, a substance that helped reduce shrinkage and cracking. Since surface finishes provided a pleasing appearance and also improved the durability in daytoday uses, the potter smoothed the exterior surface of the pot with wet hands. Often a wet clay solution, known as a slip, was applied to the smooth surface. Brightly colored slips were often used and formed painted decorations on the vessel. In later times, glazes came into use in some areas. A glaze is a form of slip that turns to a glasslike finish during hightemperature firing. When a slip was not applied, the vessel was allowed to dry slowly until the external surface was almost like leather in texture. It was then rubbed with a round stone or similar object to give it a shiny, hard surface. Some pots were adorned with incised or stamped decorations. Most early pottery was then fired over open hearths. The vessels were covered with fastburning wood; as it burned, the ashes would fall around the pots and bake them evenly over a few hours. Far higher temperatures were attained in special ovens, known as kilns, which would not only bake the clay and remove its plasticity, but also dissolve carbons and iron compounds. Kilns were also used for glazing, when two firings were needed. Once fired, the pots were allowed to cool slowly, and small cracks were repaired before they were ready for use. 1. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. Why archaeologists study prehistoric pot making B. How early pottery was made and decorated C. The development of kilns used by early potters D. The variety of decorations on prehistoric pottery 2. The word meticulously in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_______. A. heavily B. initially C. carefully D. completely 3. According to paragraph 2, a temper was added to the clay in order to _______. A. minimize cracking and shrinkage B. mold a pot into shape C. remove the air bubbles D. make the clay more plastic 4. Which of the following was a process used by prehistoric potters to improve the texture of the clay? A. adding a temper B. removing the water C. beating on the clay D. firing the pot 5. Prehistoric potters applied slips and glazes to their vessels in order to _______. A. improve the appearance of the vessels B. prevent the vessels from leaking C. help the vessels to dry more quickly D. give the vessels a leatherlike quality 6. The word adorned in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______. A. added B. devised C. decorated D. mixed 7. According to the passage, the advantage of kilns over open fires was that the kilns ______. A. required less wood for burning B. reached higher temperatures C. kept ashes away from the pots D. baked vessels without cracking them 8. Which of the following terms is NOT defined in the passage? A. temper B. glazes C. kilns D. compounds 9. The passage mentions that when pottery is fired under burning wood, the ashes help_____. A. prevent the clay from cracking B. produce a more consistently baked pot C. attain a very high temperature D. give the vessel a glasslike finish 10. The word they in paragraph 4 refers to ______. A. kilns B. firings C. pots D. cracks Part Complete each sentence using the word in bracket so that the meaning stays the same. You must use between THREE and EIGHT words, including the words given in brackets. (0.5 point) 1. Immediately after Sam posted the Snapchat story, he got over 100 likes. (SOONER) → No _____________________________________________________ he got over 100 likes. 2. As far as I know, this professor has delivered some lectures on biotechnology. (BEST)Page 6 of 8 → To the _________________________________________ some lectures on biotechnology. 3. As there are no more questions, we can jump to conclusions now. (BEING) → There ____________________________________________________ to conclusions now. 4. Mr. Lee never thought that his son obtained a full scholarship to such a prestigious university. (OCCURRED) → It __________________________________________________ obtained a full scholarship to such a prestigious university. 5. There was no way that he cancelled the trip near the departure date. (QUESTION) → His cancellation of the trip near ______________________________________________. 6.No one at the conference heeded his pleas for a peaceful solution. (on) His pleas ______________________________________________ at the conference. 7.He doesn’t know what’s happening in the theatre world anymore. (out) He is _________________________________________ the theatre world these days. 8.As regards her whereabouts, you know as much as I do. (as) As far as her whereabouts ___________________________________________ mine. 9. I’m only here for a minute; I’m due at the hospital shortly. (FLYING) 10. We are in a very difficult situation and will have to do what the lawyer says. (BACKS)

You will hear part of a radio programme about bags for walkers For questions 1-10, complete the sentences Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer in the corresponding numbered boxes BAGS FOR WALKERS Rod’s shop sells bags and other (1) _ equipment A backpack could spoil your holiday if it doesn't (2) _ A 35-litre bag is good for (3) _ An upright bag is recommended for people who are going to (4) _ To protect breakable items choose a bag with a (5) _ A bag with (6) _ inside will allow you to separate your belongings External pockets can be used to carry tools that are (7) _ or dirty It is important that shoulder straps are (8) _ A horizontal bar will prevent shoulder straps from (9) _ Padded parts of the bag should have plenty of (10) _ so that sweat can escape Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions Question 1 A primary B hike C linguistics D divide Question 2 A promises B realizes C devises D socializes Question 3 A chauffer B chicken C chore D Michigan Question 4 A physical B mythology C rhythmic D psychology Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions Question 1 A indoor B damage C despite D canal Question 2 A generous B extensive C resources D eternal Question 3 A ridicule B politics C dogwhistle D cheerio Question 4 A inability B managerial C unbelievable D determination Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Question 1 She would always _ a clear impression of the incident A reconcile B rebuke C reflect D retain Question 2.His company went bankrupt, three years of hard work the drain A into B in C down D on Question 3He’s a tough politician – he knows how to the storm A ride out B run down C keep up D push back Question 4 Kathy was as pleased as when she heard she had passed the exam A punch B a poppy C a sunflower D a dungeon Question 5 The kids to get up this morning It _ and it was cold, and their bed was so warm A don't want / is raining B didn’t want / rained C weren't wanting / rained D didn't want / was raining Question 6 Almost 50 per cent of cancer _ are treated successfully A sufferers B patients C victims D invalids Question 7 I don't know why you insist blaming me all my troubles A on / for B in / for C at / on D over / for Question 8 The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, _ and perfected now A developed B have developed C are being developed D will have been developed Trang 1 Question 9 These trainers are the _ article Those others are just cheap imported copies A real B existent C authentic D genuine Question 10 A love marriage, however, does not necessarily much sharing of interests and responsibilities A take over B result in C hold on D keep to Question 11 of the brothers wants to give in Both are as stubborn as mules A None B Either C Neither D Each Question 12 The bridge will be completed at the end of next year, two years _ A hence B thus C consequently D therefore Question 13 We bought both sofas from big furniture warehouse that's just off the motorway A some B the C a D 0 Question 14 It is that you are cordially invited to attend A at our annual wine-tasting evening B on our annual wine-tasting evening C in our annual wine-tasting evening D our annual wine-tasting evening Question 15 _ are that they'll be late anyway, so we’d better wait for them for another moment A Opportunities B Chances C Fortunes D Lucks Question 16 When my parents traveled to Singapore, they bought me a piano on my birthday A precious grand ancient wooden B wooden grand ancient precious C precious ancient grand wooden D ancient grand precious wooden Question 17 Strangely, no one believed us when we told them we'd been visited by a creature from Mars, ? A didn’t we B did we C did they D didn’t they Question 18 Urbanization has resulted in _problems besides the benefits A vary B various C variety D variability Question 19.Demand for the products is expected to peak 5 years from now and then to _ A tapped off B fall down C set back C drift away Question 20 Mary usually buys her clothes It’s cheaper than going to a dressmaker A in public B on the shelf C off the peg D on the house Question 21 Reporters often investigate the lives of celebrities simply on the _ that they might discover something scandalous A upshot B up-chance C off-chance D off-shot Question 22 You look ; what’s wrong with you ? A castdown B downcast C downpour D downcrash Question 23 Since placing an advertisement in the local paper, we‘ve been with applications for the post A swamped B bogged C drowned D drenched Question 24 He shouts a lot, but as Shakespeare said: “ Much _ about nothing” A ado B adding C done D noise Question 25 I don’t like the way that Dennis is always trying to _ trouble between us A dish out B rub up C stir up D spark out Question 26: A small _ of emperor penguins on an island off the West Antarctic Peninsula is gone, and the most likely culprit is loss of sea ice caused by warming A school B swarm C colony D pack Question 27: Before he left school, his father told him to start thinking about choosing a(n) _ A profession B career C work D occupation Question 28: Individuals who have foreign language skills can appreciate more _ other peoples' values and ways of life A similarly B readily C untimely D straightforwardly Question 29: Dr Johnson is a very _ man in our neighbourhood A impossible B unlike C unpopular D disliked Question 30 He's been holding for over 20 years and intends to continue for as long as possible Trang 2 A the fort B the field C the horse D the reins Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the option that best completes following exchanges Question 1 - X: “Are you going to your family reunion this Christmas holiday?" - Y: “ _.” A As a matter of fact, I don't mind it at all B I do I've been excited about it now C However My parents and I are going to take D You bet All my uncles and aunts will take their children along, too Question 2 - X: "What's the problem, Harry?" -Y: “ .” A No problem B No trouble at all C Thank you for asking me about it D I can't remember where I left my glasses Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions Question 1 She must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed; normally she is very friendly, but she seems to be screaming at everyone today A have a bad day from the moment it begins B was in a bad mood C felt irritable D all are correct Question 2 It’s a lovely house and very big but nobody uses it so it’s a bit of a white elephant A something very expensive and useless B something very big and useful C something very beautiful and useful D something very cheap and useless Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions Question 1 Rather than assuming responsibility for explaining corporate losses, the CEO passed the buck to his CFO to explain the downturn A denied responsibilities B shifted the responsibility for something to someone else C made someone responsible for a problem that you should deal with D shouldered the blame Question 2 It is believed that conflicts between parents and children can be resolved by means of heart- to-heart talks A harmony B disagreements C differences D similarities Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions Question 1 The survey shows that today's generation of young people generally get along well with their parents and appreciate the way they're being risen A today's generation B get along C appreciate D being risen Question 2 His parents asked him to buy books which he found them useful and necessary for his study A to buy B them C necessary D study Question 3 Neither the clerks nor the department manager are being considered for promotion this time A nor B department C are D for promotion Question 4 Medical research indicates (A) but (B) large amounts of histamines (C) can be responsible for (D) colds, hay fever, and other respiratory reactions Question 5 Yttrium is (A) a silvery, (B) metallic element used in the (C) made of red phosphors for (D) television picture tubes Put each verb in brackets in the correct tense or form 1 I hope you (not / wait) _ too long I’m afraid the lift (break down) _ so I must walk down the stairs from the 24th floor 2 I (ask) _ Penny for her advice, but I’m not so sure that’s such a good idea now 3 We (buy) _ tickets for the film in advance, but as the cinema is half empty, we (not / need / do) so Trang 3 4 It was extraordinary! In fact, if I (not / see) it with my own eyes, I (never / believe) it 5 In a few minutes’ time, when the clock (strike) six, I (wait) here three-quarters of an hour Write the correct form of the word to fill in the blanks in the following sentences 1 Getting started on a rehabilitation regime sometimes requires help with _, a process to remove excess chemicals from the body (TOXIC) 2 When he was still unmarried ten years ago, he was _ and fancy-fee (FEET) 3 Some women found the discussions _ and went home (PUT) 4 They owned a _ orchard near the river so they didn't need to take care of it often (MAINTAIN) 5 This _ is suitable for some funereal songs (MISERY) Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap Use only one word in each gap There is an example at the beginning (0) A new kind of pollution Air pollution is a well-known problem, but now light pollution (0) is also causing concern Light pollution occurs because there are many electric lights around us which are so powerful that (1) _ stop us seeing the stars in the night sky It is now (2) _ a problem that in some places people (3) _ outdoor lighting is too bright could even be given a heavy fine Business owners, supermarkets and even home-owners (4) _ install security lights may face legal action if their lights are (5) _ bright that they spoil their neighbours’ enjoyment of the night sky Amazingly, many children growing up in big cities today (6) _ never seen the night sky properly because of the increase in light pollution And it is (7) _ only in cities – people living in the country are also affected (8) _ lights from nearby towns It is a problem for those (9) _trying to enjoy the stars, and for serious astronomers as well One university in the UK has come up with an interesting solution It has built a telescope in the Canary Islands and allows schools to use this via the internet But it does seem ridiculous that children can’t see the stars properly (10) _ using their computers! I Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space Sleeping disorders like insomnia can (1) _ to be a worrying question for many of us Almost anyone can easily conjure up at least one sleepless night of (2) and turning in bed awaiting the bliss of a deep dream Most probably, a third of us undergo the distressing experience at least once a week Even though it is possible for people to (3) _ without any sleep at all for a certain period of time, such occurrences are rather few and far (4) _ and there is no evidence to (5) _this assumption What is sure, however, is the fact that we do need some sleep to regenerate our strength and to (6) _ the brain to its proper activity No wonder, then, that the tiredness and fatigue that appear after a sleepless night (7) _ many of us to go for chemical support in the form of sleep (8) _ tablets or powders However long the problem of sleeplessness has afflicted many individuals, very little has been (9) _ in the question of its original causes We are conscious that it usually (10) those who are exposed to a great deal of stress, anxiety or depression It may also be (11) _ by overworking or unfavorable surroundings with scarcity of fresh air Sleeping pills may provide some relief and can act as an alternative in this desperate situation Yet, they do little to combat the ailment in full Consequently, our hopes should be placed on the medical authorities to (12) the root cause of insomnia before we take to being nocturnals leading our noisy lives in the dead of night 1 A present B entail C realize D prove 2 A rolling B wriggling C tossing D spinning 3 A operate B process C function D perform 4 A between B along C within D beyond 5 A proclaim B endure C invalidate D substantiate 6 A recuperate B restore C revive D resume 7 A exert B affect C enforce D compel Trang 4 8 A inducing B attaining C exacting D contributing 9 A disparaged B retrieved C detected D originated 10 A betrays B besets C bemoans D bestows 11 A engendered B applied C instigated D evolved 12 A emerge B release C determine D confess Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions From smartphones and tablets to apps and social media, society is ambushed from all sides with technology Naturally, all generations embrace it differently, with younger “digital natives” generally being more connected, more switched-on and more tech literate than older age groups According to Pew Research, 92% of Millennials (born 1981–1996) own smartphones, compared with 85% of Gen Xers (born 1965–1980) and 67% of Baby Boomers (born 1946–1964) In terms of tech behavior, older generations tend to use their phones mostly for making calls, whereas for younger generations, a phone is their digital window to the world Phones are used for social media, going online, texting, emailing, playing games, listening to music, and recording and watching videos The daily media consumption of different generations also vastly differs Gen Z and Millennials favor streaming and online services, with 46% of teens saying they use Netflix compared to 31% of those aged over 16 Furthermore, 16-24s spend 30% of their downtime watching TV or video, compared to 40% of time spent on these activities by the average UK adult Boomers spend a whopping 344 minutes a day watching regular TV, significantly more than any other age group Size also matters more depending on your decade of birth Younger generations prefer smaller screens sizes, opting for a smartphone as their go-to tech, while Generation X and technology newbies - the Boomers, are going bigger, owning more desktops and tablets Always in the front of the queue for the hottest tech, younger generations see technology as an integral part of their existence, and since few Millennials and Gen Z can remember a time without social media, they’re more fearless and carefree when it comes to technology So much so, that a LivePerson report revealed 65% of Millennials and Gen Z interact more with each other online than they do in the real world Fundamentally, these behaviors and preferred technologies combine to create a technological generation gap, where employees, shaped by their personal experiences, demonstrate different levels of ability and willingness to adopt new tech Constantly chasing the next update or device, switched on Millennials and Gen Z are quick to lap up the latest apps, games, and platforms, while Gen X and Boomers are generally slower to embrace technology - both at home and in the workplace Question 1 Which best serves as the title for the passage? A Bridging the technological generation gap B Decoding the ethical generational gap C The technological generation gap in family life D What is the technological generation gap? Question 2 The word “it” in paragraph 1 refers to _ A window B media C society D technology Question 3 According to paragraph 2, what is the technological characteristic of Millennials? A They are hesitant when discussing about technology B They are dependent on smartphones for almost every activity C They are optimistic about technology’s benefits to society D They are ignorant to the older ones’ advice about technology Question 4 The word “downtime” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _ A spare time B inactivity C suspension D stay Question 5 According to paragraph 4, which statement is correct about different generations and their gap? A Boomers are willing to queue overnight for a state-of-the-art mobile gadgets B Millennials and Gen Z are more accustomed to face-to-face than messaging C iPhones and other mobile devices are a necessary part of life by young people D Younger generations prefer bigger technological devices over portable ones Question 6 The word “embrace” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to _ A reject B include C cuddle D adopt Trang 5 Question 7 Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage? A Younger people always know more about technology than the older generation does B Digital savviness decrease with age is a major misunderstanding caused by media C The generation users are born into affects their choices for size of technological gadgets D Netflix is among the streaming services preferred by the Millennial generation Question 8 Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A There's a huge disparity in attitudes towards technology among different age groups B The difference in digital literacy and ability between generations is negligible C Generation gap issues in work life can result in workplace tensions and hinder team collaboration D Catering for the diverse digital habits and capabilities of individual students is essential Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it 1 I bet your friend could tell several stories about you (GOOD) → I bet your friend _ 2 Although Mia was a bit off colour, she decided to take the exam SET → Being under _ 3 This knife sharpener is completely useless (DEAD) → This _ 4 One should accept both good and bad things in life instead of holding fate responsible for anything wrong (SMOOTH) ➔ Rather _ smooth 5 That he decided to retire early marked the end of his distinguished career (CURTAIN) → His _ 6 It was more of a business arrangement than a marriage → It was not _ 7 She herself admitted to being rather selfish → On _ 8 You may not be considered qualified if you don't obey the game regulations → Failure _ 9 I will only be satisfied if the manager apologizes fully → Nothing short _ 10 The man's life was one of great poverty → Throughout _ Trang 6

Ngày đăng: 14/03/2024, 12:25



