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de HSG Tieng Anh 9

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Part 2: Read the passage below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D 10 points GREEK THEATRES The word theatre comes from Greek and literally means seeing place.. The theatre [r]

(1)ĐỀ THI ĐỀ XUẤT MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian làm bài thi: 150 phút Ngày thi:01/03/2011 (Đề thi có 04 trang) I/ Phonetics (1pt) A Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from others 1/ a cat b ceiling c nice d center 2/ a down b bowl c cow d now B Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group 1/ a international b interactive c information d television 2/ a artificial b environment c prohibitive d illiteracy II/ Match the beginnings of the questions from A to B (1pt) A Don’t you think we should complain Why don’t you explain Hasn’t he already asked Do you think they’ll object B a you for some money? b to them about having to wait? c to us doing overtime? d it to her? 1: ……… , 2: ……… , 3:……… , 4: ……… , III/ Supply the correct verb form (2pts) The fairytale of Cinderella is completely familiar to us from storybooks that were read to us when we (1.be)…………… young The story popularity can be seen in the fact that it continues to be retold and recreated in the books and movies to this day The story of the young woman, Cinderella, (2 mistreat)……………… by her step mother and stepsister, and made to wait on them hand and foot, (3 have)…………… become a classic that never (4 lose)……………… its appeal Perhaps this is because the fantasy of being saved from a terrible life by a charming prince (5 let)……………… As escape from our own lives for a new minutes and into a world of guaranteed happy endings (6 take)………………… a break from life through fantasy is a form of relaxation which does not harm when done in moderation However, (7 try)……… to escape too often or for very long periods of time possibly (8 indicate)…………… problems in your life that you are not facing As with most things, a balanced approach of healthier, and a firm grip on reality is essential 1/ ……………, 2/ ………………., 3/ ………………, 4/ ………………., 5/ ……………, 6/ ………………., 7/ ………………, 8/ ………………., IV/ Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in brackets (2pts) Something very (1)…………………….(interest) has happened to the dietary habits of many Americans As recently as 30 years ago, meals served up in American homes and in most restaurants were usually quite (2)………………… (predict) Back then, you could expect some kind of meat (chicken, beef, pork or lamb), served with potatoes and vegetables While Italian food enjoyed some(3) …………(popular), most Americans ate their parents had eaten, and that (4)………………….(mean) the kind of diet that had been brought over from such European countries as the United Kingdom and Germany Today, however, a large percentage of Americans experiment quite regularly with food from other parts of the world There is an(5)…………………(aware) of healthier and choices, and one finds more (6)………… (vary) in the average diet Rice, for example, was once a rare (7)……………… (see) on dinner plates in New York or Chicago, but now it is a regular part of many American meal (8)……………… (serve) 1/ ……………, 2/ ………………, 3/ …………… , 4/ ………………, 5/ ……………, 6/ ………………, 7/ …………… , 8/ ………………, V/ Choose the best answers to complete the sentences (2ts) (2) 1/ Ahmad took off his shoes before entering the house a changed b threw c removed d extracted 2/ Do not talk to Jason as he is in a bad……………………… a temper b action c conduct d feeling 3/ Mrs Hon wanted to know……………………teacher was teaching her daughter Science a what b whose c which d who 4/ Sam had a black …………on his nose when he scratched it with his dirty fingers a pigment b mole c smudge d lump 5/ Why is Melanie always speaking……………………for him? a in b to c down d up 6/ Sarah’s grandmother loves to take morning strolls in the………………… a field b promenade c house d pedestrian crossing 7/ can you please switch………………….to another television channel? a on b up c against d over 8/ The basketball match was called off because of the heavy rain a delayed b postponed c cancelled d ignored VI/ Circle the letter of the underlined part which is not correct Then correct it.(2pts) Children enjoy telling and listening to the ghosts stories, especially on Hallowween night A telling and listening B ghots stories C espcially D on Hallowween night After driving for twenty miles, he realised that he has been driving in the wrong direction A After driving B realised C has been driving D in Although the quantity was small, we had supplies enough to finish the experiment A Although B was C supplies enough D the Having finished his term paper before the deadline, it was dilivered to the professor before the class A finished B before the deadline C it was dilivered D before 1: ………… , 2: :………………, 3: ………………., 4: ………………, VII/ Lexical cloze- Choose the best answers to fill in the blanks (2pts) The 17th century was the period in which most of the (1)………………pirates roamed the oceans of the world, attacking and looting ships of all (2)……………… Of these pirates, Captain William Kidd was one of the most legendaries and ever since his trial and(3)………… in London in 1701, questions about where he buried his valuable treasure have excited the (4)……………of many In several locations along the eastern coast of North America- one of them Oak Island off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada- treasure(5)…………… have spent much time and money in efforts to dig up the gold and jewels that Kidd and his men (6)……………hid in deep ‘money pits’ until the day when they could return and dig them up again However, modern research has revealed that Kidd was not such a (7) …………… pirate as legend has printed him, and he probably never has a huge treasure to bury In fact, the most recent(8)…………… indicates that Kidd was probably not such a ruthless pirate but more of a ‘privateer’ who attacked only ships from countries at war with England a famous b good c beautiful d nice a locations b nationalities c places d areas a action b conduct c execution d experiment a ability b idea c opinion d imagination a researchers b hunters c readers d writers a surprisedly b surprisingly c particularly d supposedly a successful b careful c strong d splendid a realization b thought c discoveries d organization (3) VIII/ Fill in each blank with a suitable word (2pts) Miss Teo closed her record book (1)……………….sighed Her first year of teaching had been a real challenge At last, the school year was (2)…………… over and she was tired There had been so much going (3)……………… during the year that she had lost valuable time with her students who would now being moving (4)……………to the next level For the most part, she would regret losing those students who had really worked hard for her and clearly appreciated all the work she had done for them Miss Teo felt (5)…………….she had probably learnt as much as her students had, but they probably had no idea how much they had (6)…………… her Now with her holiday (7)……………… of her, she knew she would not miss the less enjoyable aspects of the job: the long and sometimes boring meetings, the countless forms to be filled in and the less-than-exciting hours of exam invigilation (8)………………… she would spend hours walking up and down the rows of pupils busily writing 1/ ……………… , 2/ …………………, 3/ ………………., 4/ …………… , 5/ ……………… , 6/ …………………, 7/……………… , 8/ ………………, IX/ Read the passage Then choose the best answer for each of the following questions(2pts) When buying a house, you must be sure to have it checked for termites A termite is much like an ant in its communal habits, although physically the two insects are distinct Like those of ants, termite colonies consist of different classes, each with its own particular job The most perfectly formed termites, both male and female, make up the reproductive class They have eyes, hard body walls, and fully developed wings A pair of reproductive termites founds the colony When new reproductive termites develop, they leave to form another colony They use their wings only this one time and then break them off The worker termites are small, blind and wingless, with soft bodies They make up the majority of the colony and all the work Soldiers are eyeless and wingless but are larger than the workers and have hard heads and strong jaws and legs They defend the colony and are care for by the workers The male and female of reproductive class remain inside a closed-in cell where the female lays thousands of eggs The workers place the eggs in cells and care for them Even if one colony is treated with poison, if a male and female of the reproductive class escape, they can form a colony Pest control companies can inspect a house for infestation of termites Often, a lay person can not spot the evidence, so it is critical to have the opinion of a professional Treatments vary depending upon the type of termite Questions: How are termites like ants? A They live in communities and each class has a specific duty B Their bodies are the same shape C The king and queen are imprisoned D The females’ reproductive capacities are the same The word “communal” in line is closest in the meaning to A eating B reproducing C organizational d social Which of the following is NOT true? A All termites have eyes B Some termites can not fly C Workers are smaller than soldiers D Termites not fly often Which of the following statements is probably true? A Thousands of termites may move together to develop a new colony B The male and female reproductives not venture out-doors except to form a new colony C There are more soldiers than workers D A worker could easily kill a soldier Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? A Termites Destroy Houses B Termites Work Well Together C The Habits and Physical Characteristics of Termites D The Relationship of Soldier And Worker Termites X/ Do as directed (3pts) Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the (4) original one 1/ How long is it since you saw Mary? =>When 2/ They say that he is a very generous man =>He 3/ Mr Long is a man of extreme honesty => Mr Long is an 4/ You should not go out alone at night =>You are 5/ We couldn’t have managed without my father’s money =>If it Make a complete sentence using the cues given below 6/ I/ afraid/ dentist because/ know/ hurt me => ĐỀ THI TUYỂN SINH LỚP 10 NĂM HỌC 2007-2008 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút không kể thời gian phát đề (1-3)Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.(0.6 pt) 1.A.set B.head C.heat D.dead 2.A.machine B.inspiration C.exchange D.champagne 3.A.pleased B.erased C.increased D.amused (4-22)Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.(3.8 pts) The examination will be held June, 2007 A.in B.on C.at D.to the first and second nights of Passover, Jewish families often enjoy the Seder A.In B.On C.Over D.At Wearing uniforms helps poor students feel equal other A.up B.on C.off D.to The boy was greatly proud _ his success at school A.on B.of C.at D.in Cong Vinh seems to be well-qualified the latest position A.in B.by C.for D.of He read this article on the website last night, _? A.doesn't he B.didn't he C.did he D.hasn't he 10 Are all the students used their summer vacation in the countryside? A.to spend B.spend C.to spending D.spending 11 Passover in Israel and by all Jewish people A.is hold B.is celebrating C.celebrates D.is celebrated 12 "When will Mr Ba retire? he began _for the company thirty years ago." A.to be worked B.to working C.will work D.to work 13 If Ba were rich, he around the world A.should travel B.travelled C.could travel D.must travel 14 They are still playing on the field it is raining heavily A.though B.because C.but D.despite 15 Study harder A.if you will pass the exam B.and you will pass the exam C.unless you pass the exam D.or you will pass the exam 16 The girl wishes she _in Nha Trang for the festival next week A.will stay B.could stay C.is staying D.can stay 17 On the way to school, Long often stops a newspaper A.to buy B.buy C.buying D.bought 18 The cooker _is displayed at Nguyen Kim Supermarket looks modern A.why B.who C.which D.whose 19 -"Let's go to Vung Tau on the weekend." A.That's a fine day B.That's a good trip C.Yes, please D.Yes, les's 20 -"Thanh you very much." A.Are you worried? B.You're welcome (5) C.Not all D.Nothing 21 For most households, lighting for 10 percent to 15 percent of the electricity bill A.accounts B.applies C.asks D.prepares 22 Ho Chi Minh will temperatures between 250C and 300C tomorrow a.experience B.arrive C.achieve D.occur (23-30)Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage.(1.6 pts) Mr Brown and some (23) _conservationists are on a very dirty beach now Today they are ready to meke beach a clean and beautiful place again After listening to Mr Brown's instructions, they are divided(24) three groups Group needs to walk along the shore Group should check the sand,(25) _group has to check among the rocks Garbage must be put into plastic bags, and the bags will be(26) by Mr Jones He will take the bags to the garbage(27) .Each member is given a map to find the right place They won't eat the picnic lunch(28) _by Mrs Smith until the whole area is clean.(29) _are eager to work hard so as to refresh this(30) area 23.A.voluntary B.volunteers C.volunteering D.volunteer 24.A.in B.to C.into D.onto 25.A.or B.and C.because D.though 26.A.selected B.chosen C.collected D.elected 27.A.dump B.yard C.area D.place 28.A.Them all B.They all C.All them D.All they 29.spoiling B.spoil C.spoiled D.spoils (31-34)Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C, D) that needs correcting.(0.8 pt) 31 You're tired as you got up too late to watch TV last night ABCD 32 The Internet is a very fast and convinient way for us to get a lot of informations ABCD 33 The bus is such an inexpensive means of transport that people take them very often ABCD 34 She has been playing as a professional tennis player from 1990s ABCD (35-38)Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.(0.8 pt) 35 The Internet has helped students study more _(effect) 36 It is that our environment is more and more polluted.(disappoint) 37 We are trying to have a(n) _world.(pollute) 38 I am thankful to my teacher who always gives me losts of to better my knowledge (courage) (39-42)Read the dialogue and then decide whether the statements that follow are True or False.(0.8 pt) Mrs.Lan: What's the matter, Mrs Linh? Mrs.Linh: I've just received my latest electricity bill It's so enormous Mrs.Lan: Let me see It's 350,000 VND What an enormous bill it is! Mrs.Linh: I paid 200,000 VND last month I don't know why it's highter this month Mrs.Lan: Which counter is installed in your house? Mrs.Linh: The usual mechanical counter was replaced with an electrionic counter at the beginning of this month It is said to run more exactly and be more convenient for the power officials to record monthly electricity numbers Mrs.Lan: I don't know what happens The usual mechanical counter is still used in my house Why don't you complaint to the Power Department of Ho Chi Minh City about it? Mrs.Linh: Thanks for your advice I am writting a complaint letter right now True False 39 The bill Mrs.Ling received last month was lower than the latest one 40 Mrs.Linh has spent 550,000 VND on electricity in the last two months 41 Mrs.Lan insisted that the electrical counter is wrong 42 Electricity numbers are recorded every month (43-46)Rewrite the sentences so that they are nearest in meaning to the sentence printed before them 43 Ba said: "Why don't we stop eating chicken to avoid being infected with bird flu?" Ba suggested that chicken shouldn't _ _ 44 The last time she went out with him was months ago (6) It is 45 There was too much snow for us to go out There was such _ 46 Miss Huong Tram is the best student in this class Nobody _ THE END OF THE TEST SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO KỲ THI TUYỂN SINH LỚP 10 CHUYÊN QUỐC HỌC THỪA THIÊN HUẾ MÔN: TIẾNG ANH - NĂM HỌC 2007-2008 ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài : 150 phút (Đề thi gồm có trang - Học sinh làm bài trên đề thi này) I GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY ( 35 points) Part 1: Choose the best answer among A,B,C or D (15 points) My mother used to ……… research in this library when she was a student A make B C making D doing Let’s go to the beach this weekend, ………… ? A shall we B we C don’t we D will we I wish he ……… that A doesn’t say B didn’t say C hasn’t said D hadn’t said My father has gone away He’ll be back ……… a week A for B at C until D in Don’t this all at once; Do it little little A by B to C from D with They are both good because they type carefully A typewriters B typists C typers D typemen We didn’t .to the station in time to catch the train A get B reach C arrive D approach I don’t think that purple shirt with your yellow skirt A suits B fits C goes D wears We had to stop for gasoline at a filling A garage B service C station D pump 10 you study harder, you won’t pass the examination A If B Although C Despite D Unless 11 He ordered them …… it again A don’t B not C not to D didn’t 12 Quite soon, the world is going to energy resources A run out of B get into C keep up with D come up again 13 We decided not to go camping because of the ………rain A great B strong C heavy D extra 14 Mary works at a supermarket She ……… $ an hour A pays B brings C takes D earns 15 The students have got ……… news about their exams A many B some C few D a few Part 2: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense or form (10 points) Quang (talk) to another student when I (see) him today That proposal ( consider) by the members right now Less than half of the cans of paint (use) up to now A: I (lose) my glasses I can’t find them anywhere I (look for) them for hours B: Don’t worry I (do) the same thing the other week but I (find) them a few days later He is working tomorrow If he (have) a day off tomorrow, he (go) to the beach Part 3: Correct the words in bold (10 points) (7) Ex:: Jane did a lot of mistakes in her composition … made…… … I’m afraid you’ve lost your test You only got 23% …………………… Congratulations! You’ve gained first prize in the competitions! …………………… I’ve asked everyone where Jane is, but none can tell me …………………… I’m a bit short of cash Can you borrow me some until tomorrow? …………………… Gills has got a good job and wins a good salary …………………… Do you mind if I make a photograph of you? …………………… Our school is nearby to the town centre …………………… It’s so peaceful living in the nature away from the city …………………… I feel asleep Do you mind if I go to bed? …………………… 10 My mother tried to avoid me from going to the club .………………… II READING COMPREHENSION ( 35 points) Part 1: Use one of these words in its correct form to complete the text (10 points) retire, promote, redundant, interview, contract, reference, pensioner, applicant, career, train, employment ADVICE TO YOUNG PEOPLE ABOUT TO START WORK In these days of high (0) unemployment, it is often difficult for young people to find a job If they are lucky enough to be asked to go for a(n) (1)…………………….………… , they may find that there are at least 20 other (2) ……………………… ……for the job If a company is thinking of offering you a job, they will ask you for at least one (3) ……………………… ……from either your previous employer or someone who knows you well Before taking up your job, you may have to sign a (4) ………………………… You will probably have to some (5) ………………………… , which help you to the job more successfully Once you have decided that this is your chosen (6)…………………………, you will then have to work hard to try and get (7) …………………………, which usually brings more responsibility and more money! If you are unlucky, you may be made (8)…………………………, and not be able to find another job It is also a good idea to pay some money into a (9) …………………………scheme, which will help you to look after yourself and your family when you are (10) ………………………… Finally, good luck! Part 2: Read the passage below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D (10 points) GREEK THEATRES The word theatre comes from Greek and literally means seeing place The theatre has been popular in ancient times People did not go to the theatre simply to see an interesting (1) for the plays formed part of religious festivals (2) early Greek theatres consisted of no more than a flat space with an altar at the foot of a hillside (3) that time, there were no (4) as there are in modern theatres, so the (5) stood or sat on the slopes of the hillside Gradually, special theatres were made by building large stone or wooden steps one (6) another up the hillside In later times, a hut was built at the far side of the acting area where it formed a background for the actors (7) the parts of the different characters Eventually, a (8) platform was built so that the actors could be seen more clearly This was the first appearance of anything (9) our modern stage As well as these permanent theatres, there were simple wooden stages (10) around by actors wandering from one place to another There was also a hut with curtains that served both as background scenery and as a dressing room A scene B performance C scenery D stage A Whole B Complete C Full D All A In B For C At D On A chairs B benches C seats D stools A watchers B players C viewers D audiences A among B between C around D behind A playing B making C doing D being A lifted B raised C moved D pulled A as B like C equal D similar 10 A carried B held C brought D fetched Part 3: Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space Use only ONE word in each space (15 points) A POP STAR John Lennon was (0)born in Liverpool in 1940 He was always (1) .on music and played in a pop group (2) school and Art college John (3) married to Cynthia in 1962 and they had a son (4) name was Julian At that time, John was a member of a group (5) “ The Beatles” Many beautiful songs (6) written (8) by John and wherever the group went, crowds of fans gathered to see them They (7) scream and faint when “ The Beatles” played and lots of people have their hair cut in a Beatles style Soon, everyone had heard (8) “The Beatles” and John was (9) richer than he had ever thought Having achieved world-wide success, John started to make records (10) his own after 1968 , and it was in the same year when (11) marriage to Cynthia came to an end He had met Yoko Ono (12) he married the following year John lost weight and grew his hair long , as can (13) seen on the covers of the records that he made with Yoko He set up home in the United States and had a son called Sean Many people considered John Lennon to be (14) most talented of all “The Beatles” He sang about peace and love and so when he was murdered by one of his fans, outside his New York apartment , the whole world (15) shocked More than 50,000 fans turned up to a ceremony in his memory He was only forty when he died III WRITING: ( 30 points) Part 1: There is a mistake in each sentence below Underline the mistake and write the correct sentence (10 points) EX: I am reading a book which it is very interesting → I am reading a book which is very interesting My mother, that is nearly 60, is coming to live with us Andrew has been a teacher of English since a very long time It is not easy to grow up children in a modern world I think we should go some sightseeing this afternoon The room where I am staying in is very noisy This is Peter, who his sister works at your school Do you want to see the pictures that we took them on holiday? Have you ever considered to become a professional footballer? I’ll give Tania your letter if she will come to school tomorrow 10 I’ve really got to cut up smoking Part 2: Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given Do not change the word given ( 10 points) Could you possibly help me with this box? (mind) Would “Who ate the cake?” she asked (had) She wanted What sort of weather did you have on holiday? (like) What I am not good at skiing, but I’d like to learn (not) I The exam wasn’t as hard as I expected (than) The exam Don’t forget to contact me if you come to London (touch) Don’t forget to Make sure that you don’t arrive late (turn) Make sure that Your English will improve if you keep practising (get) Your English Normally I have a ten-minute journey to school (me) (9) Normally 10 She is keen on meeting people from other countries (who) She wants Part 3: In about 250 words, write about the advantages and disadvantages of a child in a large family (10 points) Các bài viết liên quan: GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY: Part 1: Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) which best completes each sentence (2 points) Marie Curie _ the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 A award B awarded C was awarded D has awarded In Thailand, people are used _ on the left A drive B driving C to drive D to driving Many people become _ because of the natural disasters every year A homesick B homeless C homeland D homework I am a worker If I _ a singer, I _ a lot of money A was / will earn B were / will earn C were / would earn D am / would earn My younger brother is very good _ singing English songs A at B on C on D about Nice day, _ ? A does it B doesn’t it C is it D isn’t it Nguyen Du is considered a famous Vietnamese _ A poet B poem C poetry D poetic I suggest _ money for the poor people in our neighborhood A save B to save C saving D saved Part 2: Use the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets to complete the passage below (2 points) When I (1) _(go) to bed last night, I (2) _(fall) asleep immediately I must have been tired because I had worked so hard for several hours So I forgot (3) _ (close) the windows before (4) _ (get) onto bed If I had remembered, the thief couldn’t have got in but he (5) _ (give) a perfect opportunity (6) _ (enter) the house and everything (7) _(take) by him The next time I work late, I (8) _ (lock) the house carefully Part 3: Supply the correct word form (2 points) He is a famous stamp _ (collect) She sings very _ (beautiful) Some people believe that Thai boxing is a _ sport (danger) My brother is very _ in playing soccer (interest) The baby laughed _ as she played with her toys (happy) What kind of _ is there in this town ? (entertain) What’s the correct _ of this word ? (pronounce) Her clothes look very modern and _ (fashion) II READING: Part 1: Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following passage (2 points) Everyone wants to reduce (1) _ But the pollution problem is as complicated as it is (2) _It is complicated because much pollution is caused by things that benefit people For example, (3) _from automobiles causes large percentage (4) _air pollution But the automobile provides transportation to millions of people (5) _discharge much of the material that pollutes air and water, but factories give employment to a large number of people Thus, to end or greatly (6) _pollution immediately, people would have to stop using many things that benefit them Most people not want to that, of course But pollution can be gradually reduced in several ways (7) _ and engineers can work to find ways to lessen the amount of pollution that such things as automobiles and factories cause Governments can pass and enforce laws that (8) _ businesses and individuals to stop, or cut down on certain pollution activities A- pollute B- pollution C- polluted D- polluting A- seriousness B- serious C- seriously D- serioused (10) AAAAAA- exhaust B- exhausted C- exhaustedly D- exhauster to B- with C- in D- of hills B- mountains C- factories D- rivers reducing B-reduced C- reduce D- reduction doctors B- nurses C- workers D- scientists require B- requires C- required D- requiring Part 2: Fill in blanks with proper words ( points ) Television is an important (1) _ of the 20th century It has been so (2) _ that now we can’t imagine what life would be like if there were no (3) _ Television is the major mean (4) _ communication It brings pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes TV (5) _ can see and learn about people, places and things in far away lands TV enlarges our (6) _by introducing us to new ideas which may lead us to new hobbies and recreations In addition to the news, TV provides us with a variety of programs that can satisfy every taste Most people now like (7) _ their evenings watching TV It is more (8) _for them to sit at home watching TV more than to go out for amusement elsewhere Part 3: Read the passage Then tick T(True) or F ( False) (2 points) There are at least 2,000 different languages in the world Of all these languages, English is the most widely used It is used by business people, airline pilots and sea captains all over the world It is also the first language of sports and science So it is very important to learn English Chinese is also an important language because it has the greatest number of speakers There are not only over one billion people living in China today but also many Chinese people living outside China Chinese is widely spoken in many parts of Asia and Africa Russian is spoken in both Europe and Asia French is widely used in Europe and in parts of Canada, Africa and Asia From more than 2,000 languages, the United Nations has chosen six of them for business They are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish TF The number of languages in the world is not more than two thousands English is the language that is most popularly used in the world Business people, airline pilots use English but sea captains don’t English is not used in sports and science Chinese is an important language because many people like to use it People in many parts of Asia and Africa sometimes speak Chinese Russian is spoken in both Africa and Asia The United Nations has chosen Chinese, English, Spanish, Russian, French and Arabic for business III WRITING Part 1: Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning (3 points) Peter put two apples on the table Two apples _ Ann said to him, “Don’t wait for me if I am late.” Ann told _ What a pity! She can’t come here I wish _ I’m not a millionaire, so I can’t buy you a plane If _ No one in Daisy’s class is younger than her Daisy is  “Why don’t we go out for a while ?” He suggested  Part 2: Write about 120 - 150 words to give your own opinion on the following topic (3 points) “ What should teenagers to help community nowadays?” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (11)

Ngày đăng: 24/06/2021, 03:46

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