Trang 2 Kluwer Text in the Mathematical Sciences VOLUME21 A Graduate-Level Book Series Trang 3 through Examples and Exercises by Endre Pap Institute of Mathematics, University of Novi
Trang 2Kluwer Text in the Mathematical Sciences VOLUME21
A Graduate-Level Book Series
The titfes published in this series are listed at the end 0/ this vofume
Trang 3through Examples and Exercises
Endre Pap
Institute of Mathematics,
University of Novi Sad,
Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
Trang 4A c.I.P Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress
ISBN 978-90-481-5253-7 ISBN 978-94-017-1106-7 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-1106-7
Printed an acid-free paper
AII Rights Reserved
© 1999 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht
Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1999
N o part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
inc1uding photocopying, recording or by any information storage and
retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner
Trang 7227
.227 227 228 233
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Trang 8Preface
The book Complex Analysis through Examples and Exercises has come out from the
lectures and exercises that the author held mostly for mathematician and physists The book is an attempt to present the rat her involved subject of complex analysis through an active approach by the reader Thus this book is a complex combination
of theory and examples
Complex analysis is involved in all branches of mathematics It often happens that the complex analysis is the shortest path for solving a problem in real circum-stances We are using the (Cauchy) integral approach and the (Weierstrass) power
se ries approach
In the theory of complex analysis, on the hand one has an interplay of several mathematical disciplines, while on the other various methods, tools, and approaches
In view of that, the exposition of new notions and methods in our book is taken step
by step A minimal amount of expository theory is included at the beinning of each section, the Preliminaries, with maximum effort placed on weil selected examples
and exercises capturing the essence of the material Actually, I have divided the problems into two classes called Examples and Exercises (some of them often also
contain proofs of the statements from the Preliminaries) The examples contain complete solutions and serve as a model for solving similar problems given in the exercises The readers are left to find the solution in the exercisesj the answers, and, occasionally, some hints, are still given Special sections contain so called Composite Examples which consist of combinations of different types of examples explaining,
altogether, some problems completely and giving to the reader an opportunity to check his entire previously accepted knowledge
The necessary prerequisites are a standard undergraduate course on real tions of real variables I have tried to make the book self-contained as much as possible For that reason, I have also included in the Preliminaries and Examples
func-some of the mathematical tools mentioned
The book is prepared for undergraduate and graduate students in matheniatics, physics, technology, economics, and everybody with an interest in complex analysis
We have used for some calculations and drawings the mathematical software
Trang 9and advice about the text, and to Ivana Stajner for reading some part of the text
I would like to express my thanks to MarCicev Merima for typing the majority of the manuscript It is my pleasure to thank the Institute of Mathematics in Novi Sad for working conditions and financial support I would like to thank Kluwer Academic Publishers, especially Dr Paul Roos and Ms Angelique Hempel for their encouragement and patience
Trang 10Chapter 1
The Complex N umbers
1.1 Algebraic Properties
1.1.1 Preliminaries
The field of complex numbers Cis the set of all ordered pairs (a, b) where a and b
are real numbers and where addition and multiplication are defined by:
(a, b) + (c, d) = (a + c, b + d) (a, b)(c, d) = (ac - bd, bc + ad)
We will write a for the complex number (a,O) In fact, the mapping a 1-+ (a,O)
defines a field isomorphism of IR into C, hence we may consider IR as a subset of C If
we put z = (0,1), then (a, b) = a + bz For z = a + zb we put Re z = a and Imz = b
Real numbers are associated with points on the x-axis and called the real axis Purely imaginary numbers are associated with points on the y-axis and called the imaginary axis
Note that z2 = -1, so the equation z2+ 1 = 0 has a root in C If z = x+zy (x, y E
IR), then we define
Izl = Jx 2 + y2
to be the absolute value of z and z = x - zy is the conjugate of z We have Izl2 = zz
and the triangle inequality
Iz + wl s:; Izl + Iwl (z,w E C)
By the definition of complex numbers, each z in C can be identified with a unique
point (Rez,Imz) in the plane IR2 •
E Pap, Complex Analysis through Examples and Exercises
© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 1999
Trang 11cosO = Tz! and sm = Tz!
The point z = x+zy =I- 0 has polar coordinates (r, 0) : x = r cos 0, y = r sin O Clearly
r = Izl and 0 is the angle between the positive real axis and the line segment from
° to z Notice that 0 plus any multiple of 271" can be substituted for 0 in the above
equations The angle 0 is called the argument of z and is denoted by 0 = argz Let Zl = rl ( cos Ol + z sin Ol and Z2 = r2 ( cos O 2 + i sin ( 2 ) then
In particular, if z = r( cos 0 + z sin 0), then
zn = rn(cos(nO) + zsin(nO» (1.1 )
As a special case of (1.1) we obtain DeMoivre's formula:
The n-th root of z = r( cos 0 + z sin 0) are
For more explanations see the chapter on power series
1.1.2 Examples and Exercises
Example 1.1 Find the real numbers p and q such that the complex numbers
z = p + zq, W = P + z- be equal
Trang 121.1 ALGEBRAIC PROPERTIES 3 Solution We have that z = w is equivalent with Rez = Rew and Imz =
Immw Therefore p = p and q = !, pEllt, q2 = 1, i.e., ql = 1, q2 = -1 and pEllt
Finally we have w = x(l - z) for x E llt and x i= 0
d) From Re (~) = ° it follows that for every x E llt :
w x + zy 1 - z x + y + z(x - y)
- = - - - - =
z l+z 1-z 2 Hence W = x(l - z) for every x E llt
Example 1.3 Prove that
Hint It is easy to prove the case n = 2 and then use mathematical induction
to prove the general case
Example 1.4 Find for z = 1 + 2z the following numbers
a) zn j b) l/zj c) l/zn j d) Z2 + 2z + 5 + z
Trang 13E (~)(2z)k
IJ-l)k(n)22k+Z 't(-l)k( n )22k+1,
k=O 2k k=O 2k + 1 where [xl is the greatest integer part of x
Example 1.5 Find the positions of the following points in the complex plane:
a + za, a - za, -a + za, -a - za fOT a E lR?
Solution Using the trigonometrie representation (p,O) wc obtain
Trang 141.1 ALGEBRAIC PROPERTIES 5 Hence the four given points are the corners of the square in the circle with the center
at origin and the radius
J21a1-Example 1.6 Which subsets of the complex plain correspond to the complex bers with the following properties:
d) Imz 2 0; e) Izl :::; 2; f) 1 < Izl < 3;
g) Izl > 2; h) -7r < argz < 7r; i) ~ < argz < f?
a) Rez = Imz {::::=:} x = y, where z = x + iy
The desired sub set consists of the points of the straight line y = x (Figure 1.1)
Figure 1.1 Rez = Imz
b) Rez < 1 {::::=:} x < 1 and y is an arbitrary real number, where z = x + iy The desired subset is the half plane left from the straight li ne x = 1 (without the points
Trang 15x
Figure 1.2 Rez < 1
c) -1 :::; Re z :::; 1 means -1 :::; x :::; 1 and y is an arbitrary real number The
desired subset is the strip between straight lines x = -1 and x = 1, Figure 1.3
Figure 1.3 -1 :::; Rez :::; 1
d) Im x ~ 0 means y ~ 0 and x is an arbitrary real number The desired subset
Trang 16Figure 1.5 JzJ ~ 2
f) The ease 1 < JzJ < 3 reduces in a sirnilar way as in e) on 1 < JzJ = P < 3, where () is an arbitrary angle from the interval [0,27l'J The desired sub set is the
Trang 17Figure 1.6 1 < Izl < 3
g) For the case Izl > 2 we have JzJ = p > 2, () E [0, 27r] Therefore the desired subset is the whole complex plane without the disc Jzl ~ 2, Figure 1.7
Figure 1.7 Izl > 2 h) The condition -7r < arg z < 7r implies that p is arbitrary and -7r < () < 7r
Therefore the desired subset is the whole complex plane without the negative part
Trang 19Together with the condition 0 ::::; Re z ::::; 1 we have completely described the points
in the given triangle with vertices Zt, Z2 and Z3
Example 1.8 Prove that tor every z E C
Izl ::::; IRezl + IImzl ::::; -12 ·14
Solution The left part of the inequality follows from
Izl = v'Re 2z + Im2z::::; y'(IRezl + IImzl)2 = IRezl + IImzl
Trang 2011
Example 1.9 Find the complex numbers which are the corners 01 the triangle with
equal sides with vertices on unit circle and whose one vertex is on the negative part the real axis
Solution Let us put Zj = pj(cos8j + zsin8j),j = 1,2,3, for the soughtafter points
Trang 21e) 1 + 1VJ; 1 1) (3 + 13)(1 + 1VJ); g) C +11VJf; h) 1 + 1
1 - 1 Answers
Example 1.11 Find t and 0 so that the eomplex numbers
z = t + tf) and w = t(cosO + lsinO)
would be equal
Solution The equality z = w implies
Izl = Iwl and tan(argz) = tan(argw)
The first condition Izl = Iwl implies t2 = t2 + 0 2 , i.e., 0 2 = O Putting 0 = 0 in z and
w we obtain z = t and w = t for t an arbitrary real number
Example 1.12 Let C* be the set of alt eomplex numbers different from zero a) Prove that the set T of all eomplex numbers with modulus 1 is a multiplicative subgroup of the group (C*,.)
b) The multiplieative group C* is isomorphie with jR+ X T
Trang 22rl '" r2 <===} rl - r2 = 2br, k is an integer Let i be the corresponding quotient set Prove that R+ x T isomorphie with R+ xi The group c· is isomorphie with
R+ x i (check) Therefore by b) and transitivity of the isomorphisms of groups it follows c)
Example 1.13 Find the sum of complex numbers which are the vertices of a
n-polygon in circle with radius r with the center in (0,0) for n = 4,6, , 2p, p E F:!,
Trang 23Example 1.14 Prove that the condition Jor Jour points Zl,Z2,Z3 and Z4 be quent vertices oJ a parallelogram is the Jollowing
conse-Solution The equality Zl - Z2 + Z3 - Z4 = 0 implies
Exercise 1.15 For three given complex numbers Zl, Z2 and Z3, find Z4 such that the corresponding points in the complex plane will be the corners oJ a parallelogram
Rint Complex number Z4 can be obtained by Example 1.14:
Example 1.16 Starting with a complex number Z i- 0, find where the complex
numbers 2z,3z, ,nz are?
Solution For Z = p( cos () + z sin ()) we have
nz = np( cos () + z sin ()), the complex numbers nx, for n = 1,2, are on the half straight line y = tan () x
with modulus np
Example 1.17 Find the length oJ a side oJ a pentagon and the length oJ its diagonal
iJ it is inside the unit circle
Solution We have Zl = 1 Then
Trang 242 sin 2;, Figure 1.13 Find the length of
Exercise 1.18 Find where the points Z are for a fixed Zo :
a) Iz-zol=l; b) Iz + zol = 1; c) arg (z zo) = 4' ~
Trang 25d) arg (z - 1) = -; 7r 4 e) 7r 4 < arg (z + z) ::; 4; 7r f) larg (z - zo)1 < 0;
g) Re (zo z) = 0, for Zo E li; h) III < r; i) Re(zz) = !;
j) - = z z
Trang 261.1 ALGEBRAIC PROPERTIES 17 Answers a) The closed disc with center at (1,0) and radius r = 2, Figure 1.16
Trang 27e) The region between the straight half-lines
Y = x-I, y = ffx -1 ancl Y 2 1 inclucling the last straight half-line, Figure 1.20
Figure 1.20
Trang 281.1 ALGEBRAIC PROPERTIES 19 f) For Zo = a + zb the points z :
-0 < arg (z - zo) < 0 are in the region between straight half-lines
y - b = (x - a) tan 0 and y - b = (x - a) tan( -0), x ~ a
and y ~ b (y ::; b for the second), 0 E [0, i-l, and x ~ a and y ~ b (y ::; b for the
second), Figure 1.21
~Y ,
Figure 1.21
g) The points z are on the imaginary axis fOT Zo #-O FOT Zo = 0 the points z are arbitrary complex numbers (Examine the case Zo E C; Y = kx, k = ~~:O)
h) From I!I < r we obtain Izl > ;, the points z are outside of the cirele Izl = ~
i) The points z are on the straight li ne y = -i
j) Using the Euler representation z = pe'tp we obtain from ~ = z that
Trang 29and give a geometrie interpretation
Solution Since u u = lul2 we can easily obtain the desired equality Narnely,
(u + v)· (u + v) + (u - v)· (u - v) = 2u· u + 2v· v,
where we have used :u:E""V = u ± v
The geornetrical interpretation: the surn of squares of diagonals of a square is equal to the surn of the squares of its sides
Exercise 1.21 Let t be a real parameter ZI = (PI, 81 ) and Z2 = (P2' 82 ) fixed complex numbers Which curves are given in the complex plain by the following relations?
a) The circle with the center 0 and radius r = 2
b) The half straight line y = V3x, y ~ o
c) The circle with the center Z and radius r = 1
d) The straight half-line y = x, y ~ 0 translated for PIon the half straight line
y = tan ()I X, Y ~ 0, Figure 1.22
Figure 1.22
e) The circle with the center ZI and radius r = P2'
f) The line segment [zt, Z2], Figure 1.23
ZI = PI( COS ()I + z sin ()I), Z2 = P2( tos ()2 + z sin ()2)'
In particular, for ZI = Z2 we obtain
x = 2PI COS ()I COS t and y = 2PI sin ()I cos t, 0::; t < 211"
Trang 31h) The curve is given by the following parametrie equations
x = t + cos t, Y = sin t, t > 0, Figure 1.24
for k = 0,1,2,3,4
c) We have
lJlO(cos arctan(-1/3) + zsinarctan(-1/3))
417fi10 ( arctan(-1/3)+2k1r arctan(-1/3)+2k1r)
Write down in all examples all cases in the form a + zb, a, b E ~
Example 1.23 Solve the following equations in C :
a) x8 - 16 = 0; b) x 3 + 1 = 0; c) x 6 + z + 1 = O
a) The zeroes of the equation x 8 - 16 = 0 are the values of m,
m = y'16( cos 0 + z sin 0) = h( cos k: + z sin k47r),
Trang 33571"
for k = 0,1, ,5
Example 1.24 Using the equality cos t = sin t = y.} find:
a) cos TI;; b) sin f6-
a) Starting from the equality
we obtain
2 z z d
sm z = sm 2 cos 2 an cosz = cos 2 2 -Z sm • 2 2' Z
cos i + zsin i E {z Ilzl = I},
we have cos2 t + sin2 ~ = 1 Putting this in the second identity we obtain
cos ~ = J cos z + 1
Applying the last formula two times on cos ~ we obtain
b) In this case we start from the equality
Trang 34Example 1.26 Find the position 0] the vertices 0] the triangle with equal sides i]
the two vertices are -1 and 2 + t, Figure 1.25
Trang 35Solution First we shall show that for any triangle with equal sides we have
where Zl, Z2, Z3 are the vertices of the triangle with equal sides We have (see Figure 1.25)
Z2 - Zl = e 1r·/ 3 (z3 - zt} and Zl - Z3 = e 1r·/ 3 (z2 - Z3)
Dividing these two equalities we obtain
Since Zl and Z2 are known we can find Z3 by the last equality (we obtain two tions)
solu-Exercise 1.27 Find the following sums:
sin n tl cos T
Trang 361.1 ALGEBRA1C PROPERT1ES 27 Exercise 1.28 Find the following sums for real eonstants m and n 1= 2k7r
Exercise 1.29 Solve the equation z = zn-l (n is a natural number)
Exercise 1.30 Let m and n be integers Prove for z 1= 0 :
a) that (y'Z)m has ~ different values where (m, n) is the greatest eommon
divisor of the numbers m and n
b) That the sets of values of (y'Z)m and yrzm are equal, i.e.,
(y'Z)m = ;:;zm if and only if(n,m) = 1, i.e., n and m has no non-trivial eommon divisors
Exercise 1.31 Prove the identity
11 - ZlZ212 - IZI - z212 = (1 - IZlI2) (1 - IZ212)
Exercise 1.32 Prove the inequality
Exercise 1.33 Find the vertices of regular n- polygon if its center is at Z = 0 and one vertex is known
Answer The vertices are
b) 1f Zl + Z2 + Z3 + Z4 = 0 and IZII = IZ21 = IZ31 = IZ41 = 1, then the points
Zl, z2, Z3, Z4 are either vertiees of a triangle with equal sides or they are equal in pairs
Trang 37By the given conditions: Zl + Z2 + Z3 = 0 and IZil = 1, i = 1,2,3, we have
IZ3 - zll2 = 12z1 + z21 2 = (2z1 + z2)(2Z1 + Z2) = 5 + 2(ZlZ2 + ZlZ2),
and analogously
IZ3 - z212 = 12z2 + zll2 = 5 + 2(ZlZ2 + ZlZ2)'
Therefore IZ3 - zll = IZ3 - z21·
We can prove in a quite analogous way that IZ2 - zll = IZ3 - z21 Therefore the tri angle with vertices Zb Z2, Z3 is with equal sides
Example 1.35 Let the points Zb Z2, , Zn be on the same side with respect 0/ a straight line wh ich cross (0,0) Prove that the points
, , ,
Zl Z2 Zn have the same property and that Zl + Z2 + + Zn # 0, and that
it is obvious that Re Zk > 0 and Re lk > 0 for all k, which implies the desired properties
Exercise 1.36 Solve the equation (1 + ~) 3 = z
Example 1.37 Prove that the field 0/ complex numbers is the smallest field which contains the field 0/ real numbers and the solution 0/ the equation x2 + 1 = O Solution We will prove the desired result by reductio ad absurdum Suppose the contrary, that there exists a field T which contains IR, the solution of the equation
x 2 + 1 = 0 and is smaller than the field C, C :J T and C # T Then there exists
Zo = a + zb, z E C, such that a, b E IR and Zo (j T On the other side, since T contains
the solution of the equation x 2 + 1 = 0 we have z E T Therefore by T :J IR and the fact that T is a field we have x + yz E T for every x, y E IR Hence Zo ETaIso, which
is a contradiction
Example 1.38 Prove that there does not exist a total order in the field of complex
numbers whieh is compatible with the opemtions in this field and which extend the usual order of reals
Solution Suppose that there exists a total order ~ in the field C We shall
compare z = z and z = O Suppose that z ~ O Then Z2 ~ 0, -1 ~ O Contradiction Suppose now that z ~ O Then 0 = z - z ~ i Multiplying both sides by -z (-z ~ 0),
we obtain (-z)(-z) ~ 0, i.e., -1 ~ O Since we have obtained contradiction in both cases, we condude that such a total order ~ can not exist
Example 1.39 Let p be the eommutative ring of all polynomials with real eients endowed with the usual addition and multiplieation
eoeffi-Let J be a ideal ofthe elements oftheform (1+x 2 )Q(x), where Q is a polynomial,
in the ring P We define in P an equivalenee relation'" in the following way:
Prove that
a) the set of all polynomials of first order with respeet to + is isomorphie with the set PI J of all equivalenee classesj
b) PIJ is a fieldj
c) the field PI J is isomorphie with the field of alt eomplex numbers C
Solution a) Each polynomial P from P can be written in the polynomial form
P(x) = (x 2 + 1)Q(x) + ax + b (x E lR)
for some a, b E lR Therefore an equivalence dass from PI J has the form J + ax + b
for some a, b E lR The addition + in PI J is defined by
(J + (ax + b)) + (J + (ex + d)) = J + (a + e)x + b + d (1.3)
This implies the isomorphism between (PI J, +) and (PI, +), where pI is the set of all polynomials of the first order
b) By (1.3) the operation + in PI J is an inner operation The neutral element
is J + 0 and the inverse element of J + ax + b is the element J - ax - b The multiplication in PI J is given by
(J + (ax + b)) (J + (ex + d)) = J + ae(x 2 + 1) + x(be + ad) + bd + ae, i.e.,
(J + (ax + b)) (J + (ex + d)) = J + x(be + ad) + bd - ae (1.4)
Trang 39b b' - a a' = 1
c) Comparing the usual operations in C :
(az + b) + (cz + d) = (ae)z + b + d (az + b) (cz + d) = (bc + ad)z + bd - ae
with (1.3) and (1.4), respectively, follows the isomorphism between (C, +,.) and
Example 1.40 Prove the isomorphisms:
a) the group (C \ {O},·) with the group of matrices of the following form
[_~ !], a, b E IR and a2 + b 2 =I 0
with the matrix multiplication;
b) The group of quaternions
with matrix multiplications
c) The group of quaternions (K \ {O},·) with the group of matrices of the second order
(u,v E C \ {O})
with matrix multiplication
Rint For c) U se a) and b) in the deeomposition of the following matrix
where u = Wo + iWI and v = W2 + iW3
Example 1.41 Let Icl < 1 and w = _-
1 - cz What are the following sets in the z-complex plane:
Al = {zllwl < I}, A 2 = {zllwl = I}, and A 3 = {zllwl > I}?
Solution For set AI, the eondition Iwl < 1 is equivalent with the inequality
Iz - cl2 < 11 - czl\ i.e., (1 -lcI2)(lzI2 - 1) < O
Henee Al = {zllzl < I} In a quite analogous way we obtain
Rint Use the geometrie interpretation of the complex number
Exercise 1.44 Which curves are given by the following sets
a) {zllz - 111z + 11 = const},
b) {ziliz - 111 = const}?
Exercise 1.45 Prove the equality
(n - 2) E lakl 2 + I E akr E Elak +ail2
l::;k< i::;n