12: Metric Space Topology: Examples, Exercises and Solutionsby W-S CheungVol.. Title: Metric space topology : examples, exercises and solutions / Wing-Sum Cheung, the University of Hong
Trang 2I S A A C
Trang 3Series on Analysis, Applications and Computation
ISSN: 1793-4702
Series Editors: Heinrich G W Begehr (Freie Univ Berlin, Germany)
Robert Pertsch Gilbert (Univ Delaware, USA)
Tao Qian (Univ of Macau, China)
M W Wong (York Univ., Canada)
Advisory Board Members:
Mikhail S Agranovich (Moscow Inst of Elec & Math., Russia), Ryuichi Ashino (Osaka Kyoiku Univ., Japan),
Alain Bourgeat (Univ de Lyon, France),
Victor Burenkov (Cardiff Univ., UK),
Jinyuan Du (Wuhan Univ., China),
Antonio Fasano (Univ di Firenez, Italy),
Massimo Lanza de Cristoforis (Univ di Padova, Italy),
Bert-Wolfgang Schulze (Univ Potsdam, Germany),
Masahiro Yamamoto (Univ of Tokyo, Japan) &
Armand Wirgin (CNRS-Marseille, France)
Vol 12: Metric Space Topology: Examples, Exercises and Solutions
by W-S Cheung
Vol 11: Hardy Operators on Euclidean Spaces and Related Topics
by S Lu, Z Fu, F Zhao & S Shi
Vol 10: Fractional Differential Equations and Inclusions:
Classical and Advanced Topics
by S Abbas, M Benchohra, J E Lazreg, J J Nieto & Y Zhou
Vol 9: Nonlinear Waves: A Geometrical Approach
by P Popivanov & A Slavova
Vol 8: The Linearised Dam-Break Problem
by D J Needham, S McGovern & J A Leach
Vol 7: The “Golden” Non-Euclidean Geometry: Hilbert’s Fourth Problem,
“Golden” Dynamical Systems, and the Fine-Structure Constant
by A Stakhov & S Aranson, Assisted by S Olsen
Vol 6: An Introduction to Pseudo-Differential Operators
Trang 4I S A A C
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Cheung, Wing-Sum (Mathematician), author
Title: Metric space topology : examples, exercises and solutions /
Wing-Sum Cheung, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Description: New Jersey : World Scientific, [2024] | Series: Series on analysis, applications and computation, 1793-4702 ; Vol 12 | Includes bibliographical references and index
Identifiers: LCCN 2023023176 | ISBN 9789811266973 (hardcover) |
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Trang 6in heaven
Trang 8This is a volume on the Topology of Metric Spaces, which is a ject the author has been teaching in the last couple of decades Itcan serve as a textbook or a reference on the subject concerned,mainly for advanced level undergraduates concentrating onMathematics, Physics, Economics and Finance, etc A commonserious drawback of most existing references/textbooks at this level
sub-is the lack of worked examples/exercsub-ises with detailed solutions Sothe readers are frequently frustrated for not being able to solve theexercises or not being able to tell whether their solutions are valid
To overcome this drawback, it is the purpose of the presentvolume to provide plenty of worked examples and exercises,including True-or-False type questions and open-ended questions,with detailed solutions True-or-False type questions and open-endedquestions are particularly effective in helping the readers to get abirds eye view of the subject and to master the materials Theyare also instrumental in nurturing the mathematical insight and themathematical maturity of the readers
The emphasis of most standard textbooks or reference books
on the subject is the abstract and theoretical aspect, but such anapproach may not be readily digestible by most readers Inorder to master a new concept, it is most effective to first keep
in mind a few simple, concrete and familiar examples, and thenwhen dealing with a problem in the general setting, consider firstthe problem in such simple concrete settings In many situations,the treatment of a problem in a simple setting could serve as a clue
to tackle the problem in the general setting On the other hand,pictorization or visualization of abstract problems into simplepictures is very often instrumental to the rigorous treatment of theproblems However, this is rarely provided in most standard
Trang 9references In view of this, in this volume, within each section ineach chapter, blended with the concise and rigorous treatments onthe materials and before tackling problems in the more abstractsettings, there will be a number of concrete examples/exercises,supplemented with simple pictorizations as appropriate, to help thereaders master the concepts.
The learning outcomes of the volume include:
• Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the basicfeatures of mathematical analysis and point set topology (e.g.,able to identify objects that are topologically equivalent)
• Apply knowledge and skills acquired in mathematicalanalysis to analyze and handle novel situations in a critical way(e.g., able to determine whether a specific function is uniformlycontinuous)
• Think creatively and laterally to generate innovative examplesand solutions to non-standard problems (e.g., able to constructcounterexamples to inaccurate mathematical statements)
• Acquire sufficient background for further studies in FunctionalAnalysis, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Differential and
Physics, Engineering, Economics and Finance, etc
Throughout the 30+ years of teaching experience of the author, themost frequently asked question is “What is the use of the subject?”
To be absolutely frank, many branches of pure mathematics do notfind any direct application in the real world whatsoever In fact,except for a small portion of the students who would go on forfurther studies and take mathematics research as their careers,most theorems or results they have learnt in their mathematicscourses will not be seen or used for the rest of their lives So it isperfectly fine for them to forget all the mathematics contents theyhave learnt at school or in college But one thing they shouldnever forget is the study process of and the way of thinking in
Trang 10mathematics, that is, the mathematics training they haveundergone It is not the mathematical contents they have learnt thatare important but the mathematics training they received Propermathematics training nurtures logical arguments, analytical power,critical thinking, and rational thinking With these attributes, onecould excel in any career one may go into So the target of thisvolume is, through numerous worked examples and exercises, toguide the readers argue logically, think critically, analyze variouspossible scenarios, and to nurture a mathematical and logical mindthat is able to tackle novel and ill-posed problems they may encounter
in the future With that, the so-called life long self-learning would
no longer be a burden but instead, would turn into a basic instinct.The volume is perfect as a textbook or a reference for a one-semester course on Introduction to Metric Space Topology It is theintention of the author to make it concise instead of stuffing it withunessential materials, as the latter may distract the readers from thenatural flow of the development of the subject Less is more Foradvanced undergraduate level students, mastering the central theme
of a subject would be much more beneficial than dabbling in a widerrange of materials shallowly and prematurely
Finally, the author would like to express his gratitude to themany students who have taken his course on the subject Theirenthusiastic comments and feedback on the teaching materials haveprovided strong incentive for his determination to write up this book.The professional assistance rendered by the staff of World Scientific,especially Lai Fun Kwong, is also gratefully acknowledged
Trang 12A Note on the Convention
exclusively adopting the following convention:
Trang 14About the Author
Wing-Sum Cheung was a full Professor of the Department ofMathematics of the University of Hong Kong before he retired in
2022 He is currently the Director of Undergraduate Admissions ofthe Faculty of Science and an Honorary Professor of the Department
of Mathematics of the University of Hong Kong He holds a BSc(with 1st class honors) from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, an
MA and a PhD from Harvard University, USA He has served as Head
of Department of Mathematics and Associate Dean of the Faculty ofScience of the University of Hong Kong, Vice-President of the HongKong Mathematical Society, Council Member of the Southeast AsianMathematical Society, Council Member of the Hong Kong Institute ofScience, Leader of the Hong Kong International Olympiad Team, andHonorary Consultant of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
of the Government of Cambodia He has published over 200 journalarticles, conference proceedings and book chapters, in which over
140 appeared in ISI journals He has been named a top 1% highlycited researcher in the world by Clarivate Analytics’ Essential ScienceIndicator for 6 times in the last decade He is on the editorial board of
a number of international mathematical journals including Abstract
Trang 15and Applied Analysis, Asian European Journal of Mathematics, FarEast Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Journal of Inequalities andApplications, etc His current research interests include Differen-tial Geometry, Exterior Differential Systems, Calculus of Variations,Analytic Inequalities, and Differential Equations.
Trang 16A Note on the Convention xi
1.1 Definitions and Examples 1
Exercise 1.1: Part A 10
Exercise 1.1: Part B 14
1.2 Topology of Metric Spaces 36
Exercise 1.2: Part A 50
Exercise 1.2: Part B 64
1.3 Compactness 85
Exercise 1.3: Part A 90
Exercise 1.3: Part B 94
1.4 Compactness in the Euclidean Space R n 108
Exercise 1.4: Part A 115
Exercise 1.4: Part B 118
2 Limits and Continuity 129 2.1 Convergence in a Metric Space 129
Exercise 2.1: Part A 134
Exercise 2.1: Part B 138
2.2 Complete Metric Spaces 145
Exercise 2.2: Part A 150
Exercise 2.2: Part B 155
2.3 Continuity and Homeomorphism 172
Exercise 2.3: Part A 193
Exercise 2.3: Part B 204
3 Connectedness 233 3.1 Connectedness 233
Exercise 3.1: Part A 245
Exercise 3.1: Part B 249
Trang 173.2 Path-connectedness 266
Exercise 3.2: Part A 278
Exercise 3.2: Part B 281
4 Uniform Continuity 295 4.1 Uniform Continuity 296
Exercise 4.1: Part A 301
Exercise 4.1: Part B 309
4.2 Contraction and Banach’s Fixed Point Theorem 322
Exercise 4.2: Part A 330
Exercise 4.2: Part B 332
5 Uniform Convergence 349 5.1 Sequence of Functions 349
Exercise 5.1: Part A 368
Exercise 5.1: Part B 377
5.2 Series of Functions 389
Exercise 5.2: Part A 395
Exercise 5.2: Part B 401
Trang 18Metric Spaces
In this chapter, the basic concept of metric spaces will be introduced.Naively, they are simply nonempty sets equipped with a structurecalled metric For the less matured students, at the beginning, thisstructure may appear to be a bit abstract and difficult to master.But in practice, this seemingly new concept is nothing more than
needs to do is that whenever one needs to work on a problem in an
would be able to see the clue of how to proceed in the general case
In fact, in general, the most effective way to master a new concept
in any branch of mathematics is to keep in mind a couple of typicalconcrete examples and think of these examples all the time It is justthat easy
1.1 Definitions and Examples
Definition 1.1.1 Let X be a nonempty set A metric on X is areal-valued function
distance between x and y with respect to d The pair (X, d) is called
a metric space and elements in X are referred to as points in X Forthe sake of convenience, in case there is a clearly defined metric d on
X, we shall simply call X a metric space
Trang 19δxy :=
= y
1 if x = y Then d is a well-defined metric called the discrete metric and(X, d) is called a discrete metric space Notice that in a discretemetric space, all distinct points have the same distance 1, nomatter how “far” or “close” they are from each other
(iii) Let X :=Rn and de(x, y) :=x − y for any x, y ∈ Rn, where
z :=
for any x = (x1, , xn), y = (y1, , yn) ∈ Rn Then de is
(Rn, de) is called a Euclidean metric space In general, when
metric space (Rn, de) In the sequel, unless it is specifically
Rn for (Rn, de) in case no confusion may arise
Trang 20(iv) Let X :=C and dC(x, y) :=|x − y| for any x, y ∈ C, where, as
Euclidean space (R2, de) In fact, it is easy to see that under the
points in R2, and under this identification, dC(x, y) = de(x, y)
100(x1− y1)2+ (x2− y2)2 forany x = (x1, x2) and y = (y1, y2)∈ R2 Then ˜d is a well-defined
R, ˜d= de
(vi) Let X := S1⊂ R2and d(x, y) := the arc length of the smaller arc
is a typical example of “intrinsic metric” that can be defined on ametric space It is called intrinsic as the distance between twopoints can be measured without referring to the ambient space
Then for you, the “distance” between two points A, B on therubber band is d(A, B) instead of de(A, B), because the latter isthe Euclidean distance between the two points A, B which isattained by the straight line segment joining the two points, butfor you, the ant, unless you can fly, you cannot travel from A to Balong the straight line segment joining the two points
there is a unique “great circle” on X passing through x, y
Define d(x, y) := the arc length of the smaller arc on the
circles In this case we define d(x, y) := π = half of the arclength of any such great circles Then, similar to Example (vi),
d is a well-defined intrinsic metric on X
Trang 21(viii) Let X :=Rn and dS : X× X → R be defined by
dS(x, y) :=
|xi− yi|k
for any x = (x1, , xn), y = (y1, , yn)∈ Rn Then dk is awell-defined metric on Rn Note that dk = de, dS, nor d∞.(xi) Let X := C[a, b ] Clearly, X is a real vector space under point-
d1(f, g) :=
where, as usual,
|f − g|(x) := |f(x) − g(x)| for any x ∈ [a, b ]
space [See Exercise 1.1, Part B, Problem #4.]
Trang 22(xii) Similar to Example (xi) above, let X := C[a, b ] For any f ,
Then (X, d∞) is a metric space Clearly, d∞is different from dp,
example, Exercise 1.2, Part B, Problem #19 for details),(X, d∞), (X, d1), and (X, d2) are very different metric spaces
with sup{|xn| : n ∈ N} < ∞ For any elements x = {xn}n ∈N
d(x, y) := sup{|xn− yn| : n ∈ N} Then it is elementary to verify that (∞, d) is a metric space
Remark From Example 1.1.2, we see that on the same nonemptyset, different metrics could be defined and they could in turn make thesame underlying set into metric spaces with very differentproperties
be a nonempty subset The distance from x to A is defined as
d(x, A) := inf
d(x, a) : a∈ A
Trang 23and the diameter of A is defined as
d(a1, a2) : a1, a2∈ A
(see Exercise 1.1, Part B, Problem #1.) A is said to be bounded if
bounded if its image is bounded
d(2, 0, 0), S2
= 1,d(S2) = 2
Note that both values are attained in S2 That is, there exist a point
p∈ S2(namely, p = (1, 0, 0)) such that d
(2, 0, 0), p
= d(2, 0, 0), S2
S2will do) such that d(r, s) = d(S2) = 2
d(2, A) = 1,d(A) = 1
Note that neither of these values is attained in A
Definition 1.1.6 Let (X, d) be a metric space, and A, B be nonemptysubsets of X The distance between A and B is
d(A, B) := inf{d(a, b) : a ∈ A, b ∈ B}
general not true
Trang 24Example 1.1.7 In (R, d), let A := (0, 1), B := [3, 4], and C :=
neither of the infima is attained
“inner-product spaces” In general, an inner-“inner-product space is an orderedpair (V,
called the inner-product in V satisfying
α1x1+ α2x2, y 1 x1, y 2 x2, yfor any x1, x2, y∈ V and any α1, α2∈ R
Note that by (I2) and (I3),
is bilinear If (V,
: V → Rby
V Hence in particular, every inner-product space is automatically anormed vector space
Trang 25Now if (V, ) is a normed vector space, define
Then it is easily checked that d satisfies (M1) – (M3) and thus (V, d)
is a metric space In general, we have the relations
{inner product spaces} {normed vector spaces}
{metric spaces}
gives rise to the usual metric spaceRn Similarly, C[a, b ] is an innerproduct space with
and it gives rise to the metric space in Example 1.1.2(xii)
d|Y is a well-defined metric on Y and hence (Y, d|Y) is also a metricspace which is known as a metric subspace of X For the sake of sim-plicity, unless ambiguity may arise, we normally drop the restriction
induced by d on Y
Example 1.1.10
d = de In particular, for any x, y ∈ Y , dY(x, y) = de(x, y) =
|x − y|
Trang 26(ii) Let Y := N ⊂ R Then (Y, d) is a metric subspace of R with
d = de In particular, for any m, n∈ Y, dY(m, n) = de(m, n) =
|m − n|
Example 1.1.2 (vi), (X, d) is a well-defined metric space On
while de(n, s) = 2
For the rest of this chapter, unless otherwise specified, X will ways stand for a metric space, and S, T , etc., will stand forarbitrary subsets of X
Trang 27al-Exercise 1.1
Part A: True or False Questions
For each of the following statements, determine if it is true or false
If it is true, prove it If it is false, give a counterexample or provideproper justification
Then dsatisfies (i) and (ii) but it fails to satisfy (M2).
Proof (ii) and (iii) are exactly (M2) and (M3) For (M1), for anyx,
y ∈ X, by (i), (iii) and (ii), we have
Trang 28Proof (M1) and (M2) are clearly satisfied For any x, y, z ∈ R,
d((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) :=
|x1− x2| + |y1− y2|2,for any (x1, y1), (x2, y2)∈ R2, is a metric on R2
|xi− yi| : i = 1, , nfor any x = (x1, , xn) and y = (y1, , yn) ∈ Rn is a well-
Trang 31Part B: Problems
Solution: Recall that we definedd(S) := inf{d(x, y) : x, y ∈ S}for anyφ= S ⊂ X So if we want to the extend the domain of definition
of diameter so as to include the empty set, in order to make things defined in a “consistent” or “continuous” manner, we should define
whatinf φshould be Now observe that for anyA,B ⊂ R, ifA⊂ B,
we must have inf A ≤ sup B As φ ⊂ B for all B ⊂ R, we must haveinf φ≤ sup Bfor allB⊂ R Hence this leaves us no choice but
to define inf φ :=−∞and sod(φ)must also be defined as−∞.
R by
˜d(x, y) := min(M, d(x, y))for any x, y∈ X Is (X, ˜d) a metric space?
Answer: Yes.
Proof We need to verify the conditions (M1)-(M3).
(M1): Since d(x, y) ≥ 0 and M > 0, we haved(x, y)˜ ≥ 0 for any
x, y ∈ X Furthermore, for any x, y ∈ X, if x = y, then
≤ M ≤ ˜d(x, z)≤ ˜d(x, z) + ˜d(y, z)
Trang 32Case 2:d(y, z)˜ ≥ M Similar to Case 1, we have
˜d(x, y) = min(M, d(x, y))
Combining, we see that (M3) also holds.
(a) d(x, y) := [|x − y| ]
[x] := the largest integer that is less than or equal to x,
(b) d(x, y) := (x− y)2
1+ |x|.(d) d(x, y) :=
(c) Yes.
Trang 33Proof It is clear thatd(x, y) ≥ 0 andd(x, x) = 0for allx,
Taking absolute values on both sides and simplify, we have|x| =
|y| Putting it back to (*), we have x = y and so (M1) is satisfied (M2) is obvious (M3) follows immediately from the usual triangle inequality for absolute value:
≤ |f(x) − f(z)| + |f(z) − f(y)|
= d(x, z) + d(z, y)
(d) Yes.
from the usual triangle inequality for absolute value.
4 Prove Example 1.1.2 (xi) and (xii), that is, on C[a, b ],
Solution: For p = 1, it is clear that d1(f, g) ≥ 0for all f, g ∈C[a, b ] andd1(f, g) = 0 forf = g Furthermore, if d1(f, g) = 0,
Since |f − g| ≥ 0and is continuous on[a, b ], this forcesf − g = 0
on [a, b ] and sof = g Hence (M1) is satisfied Next, it is obvious
Trang 34that (M2) also holds Finally, for (M3), letf,g,h∈ X, we have
Hence (M3) also holds and sod1is a metric.
Next, for p = 2, it is clear thatd2(f, g) ≥ 0for allf, g ∈ C[a, b ]
andd2(f, g) = 0forf = g Furthermore, ifd2(f, g) = 0, then
b a(f − g)2(x)dx1
= 0
By the continuity of f − g, this forces f − g = 0 on[a, b ] and so
f = g Hence (M1) is satisfied Next, it is obvious that (M2) also holds Finally, for (M3), let f,g,h∈ X By the elementary Cauchy– Schwarz inequality, we have
+ 2
0(f (x)− h(x))2dx
0(h(x)− g(x))2dx
= (d(f, h) + d(h, g))2
Hence (M3) also holds Sod2 is a metric.
Trang 35However, d(f, g) :=
b a(f− g)2(x)dx is not a metric, as triangle inequality (M3) is violated For instance, take f :≡ 1, g :≡ 2, and
5 Let{(Xn, dn)}n ∈Nbe a sequence of metric spaces and {cn}n ∈N
(a) We need to show (M1)-(M3).
(M1): For any x, y ∈ PN and every n = 1, , N, since
dn is a metric on Xn , all dn(xn, yn) are non-negative real numbers Hence being a finite sum of non-negative real numbers,
Trang 36dN(x, y)≥ 0 Furthermore, for any x,y∈ PN ,
dN(x, y) = 0⇐⇒
Trang 37cndn(xn, zn)
1 + dn(xn, zn) + dn(zn, yn)+
cndn(xn, zn)
1 + dn(xn, zn) +
cndn(zn, yn)
1 + dn(zn, yn)
= dN(x, z) + dN(z, y)
(c) (M1): Again, it is easily seen thatdN(x, y)≥ 0 for anyx, y∈
PN Furthermore, for anyx,y∈ PN ,
Trang 386 Let dk(k = 1, 2) and d∞ be metrics onRn defined by
dk(x, y) :=
|xi− yi|2≥
|xi− yi|
Taking the square root on both sides, we have
|xi− yi|2
≤ maxi=1, ,n|xi− yi| = d∞(x, y)
The third inequalityd∞≤ d2 is obvious Finally, it is easy to see that
i=1, ,n|xi− yi|2≤
|xi− yi|2≤
|xi− yi|
which is exactly the last inequality.
Trang 397 Let X = C[0, 1] be the set of continuous real-valued functions
2−kmin{|f(rk)− g(rk)|, 1}
Prove that (X, d) is a metric space
(a) (X, d∞) is a metric space:
Clearly, d∞(f, g) ≥ 0 and d∞(f, f ) = 0 for all f, g ∈ X Furthermore, ifd∞(f, g) = 0, then for allt∈ [0, 1],
Trang 40Next, for(X, d2), (M1) and (M2) are clear For (M3), letf,g,
h∈ X By Cauchy–Schwarz inequality,
d22(f, g) =
0(f (x)− g(x))2dx
0(f (x)− h(x) + h(x) − g(x))2dx
0(f (x)− h(x))2dx +
0(h(x)− g(x))2dx+ 2
0(h(x)− g(x))2dx
+ 2
0(f (x)− h(x))2dx
0(h(x)− g(x))2dx
=[d(f, h) + d(h, g)]2
Hence (M3) also holds.
(b) (M1): It is obvious that d(f, g) ≥ 0 for all f, g ∈ X and
there exists ∈ N such that f (r) = g(r), then d(f, g) ≥
2−|f(r)− g(r)| > 0 Hence we must havef (rk) = g(rk)
for allk∈ N That is,f = g on{rk : k ∈ N}which is dense
in[0, 1] Since bothf andg are continuous, this forcesf = g
on[0, 1].
(M2): Trivial.
(M3): Observe first the following elementary inequality
for alla,b,c≥ 0witha≤ b + c Hence for anyf,g,h ∈ X,