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Bài báo cáo Assignment 2 về môn Internet of Things (IoT) của BTEC đã đạt điểm Merit, thể hiện sự hiểu biết sâu sắc và kỹ năng ứng dụng tốt. Bài báo cáo đã cung cấp một cái nhìn tổng quan về IoT, bao gồm cả lịch sử, nguyên lý hoạt động, và các ứng dụng thực tế. Đặc biệt, bài báo cáo đã tập trung vào việc phân tích các vấn đề an ninh và quyền riêng tư liên quan đến IoT, cũng như đề xuất các giải pháp để giải quyết những vấn đề này. Bài báo cáo cũng đã đề cập đến các công nghệ và tiêu chuẩn mới nhất trong lĩnh vực IoT. Sự cố gắng và nỗ lực đã giúp bài báo cáo đạt được điểm số cao.

ASSIGNMENT 2 FRONT SHEET Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing Unit number and title Unit 43: Internet of Things Submission date 18/11/2023 Date Received 1st submission 18/11/2023 Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission Student Name Nguyen Thanh Tai Student ID BD00196 Class IT05202 Assessor name Truong Dang Hieu Student declaration I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice Student’s signature Grading grid P3 P4 P5 P6 M3 M4 M5 D2 Page | 1 Perfomed Student: Nguyen Thanh Tai  Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback: Grade: Assessor Signature: Date: Internal Verifier’s Comments: Signature & Date: Page | 2 Perfomed Student: Nguyen Thanh Tai TABLE OF CONTENT Contents TABLE OF CONTENT 3 LIST OF TABLES 4 LIST OF FIGURE 5 LIST OF THE ACRONYM .6 INTRODUCTION 7 Chapter 1: Outline a plan for an appropriate IoT application, using common architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware and APIs 8 3.1 Inves gate architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware and API techniques available to develop IoT applica ons.(P3) 8 4.1 Determine a specific problem to solve using IoT.(P4) 11 4.1.1 Plan an IoT applica on for a specific target end user in the form of a document 11 4.1.2 System Design .13 5.1 Select the most appropriate IoT architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware and API techniques to include in an applica on to solve this problem (M3) 15 5.1.1 Select hardware device 15 5.1.2 Select control so ware 18 6.1 Apply selected techniques to create an IoT applica on development plan (M4) 19 Chapter 2: Develop an IoT application using any combination of hardware, software, data, platforms and services .27 6.1 Employ an appropriate set of tools to develop a plan into an IoT applica on.(P5) 27 6.1.1 Result 27 6.1.2 Source code of the system 29 7.1 Run end user experiments and examines feedback.(P6) 33 7.1.1 Test opera on 33 7.1.2 user opinion survey 34 8.1 Reconcile and evaluate end user feedback and determine advantages and disadvantages of your chosen IoT techniques (M5) .37 9.1 Make mul ple itera ons of your IoT applica on and modify each itera on with enhancements gathered from user feedback and experimenta on (D2) .38 CONCLUSION 40 CRITICAL EVALUATION 41 REFERENCES 42 Page | 3 Perfomed Student: Nguyen Thanh Tai LIST OF TABLES Page | 4 Perfomed Student: Nguyen Thanh Tai LIST OF FIGURE Figure 0.1: Block Diagram 13 Figure 0.2:Algorithm Diagram 14 Figure 0.3: Arduino 16 Figure 0.4: ESP8266 17 Figure 0.5: Blynk 19 Figure 0.6: Project planning 20 Figure 0.7: Buy equipment 21 Figure 0.8: Hardware assembly 22 Figure 0.9: Write Program 23 Figure 0.10: Power Supplies 24 Figure 0.11: Select port 25 Figure 0.12: Uploads code 25 Figure 0.13: Serial 25 Figure 0.14: Keypad 26 Figure 0.15: Picture of project (1) 27 Figure 0.16: Picture of project (2) 28 Figure 0.17: Picture of project (3) 28 Figure 0.18: Code of the system(1) 29 Figure 0.19: Code of the system(2) 29 Figure 0.20: Code of the system(3) 30 Figure 0.21: Code of the system(4) 30 Figure 0.22: Code of the system(5) 31 Figure 0.23: Code of the system(6) 31 Figure 0.24: Code of the system(7) 32 Figure 0.25: Code of the system(8) 32 Figure 0.26: Code of the system(10) 33 Figure 0.27: Survey (1) 35 Figure 0.28: Survey(2) 35 Figure 0.29: Survey (3) 35 Figure 0.30: Survey(4) 36 Figure 0.31: Survey(5) 36 Figure 0.32: User comment(1); 38 Figure 0.33: User comment(2) 39 Page | 5 Perfomed Student: Nguyen Thanh Tai IoT LIST OF THE ACRONYM IoTaaS API Internet of Things GPS Internet of Things as a Service Applica on Programming Interface Global Posi oning System Page | 6 Perfomed Student: Nguyen Thanh Tai INTRODUCTION Not long ago, the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) became a familiar part of our daily lives IoT represents the connec on of billions of devices, sensors and informa on systems over the Internet, allowing them to exchange informa on and perform tasks that previously seemed impossible The subject of IoT is not only an important step forward in technology development, but also an opportunity for us to understand how to connect devices and applica ons together to create a smart and convenient world In this course, we will explore the fundamental aspects of IoT, from sensors and connec vity to data analy cs and prac cal applica ons We will see that IoT is not just a new field of technology but also an opportunity to create innova ve and exci ng solu ons for the real world IoT has changed the way we interact with our surroundings and brought many benefits in many fields, from industry, agriculture, healthcare to smart homes and the world of technology In this course, we will learn how to build IoT systems, become familiar with the tools and techniques needed to develop IoT applica ons, and understand how IoT projects can help solve real-world problems interna onal Let's enter the world of IoT together and explore its endless poten al to create future advancement and innova on At the heart of my role is the exci ng challenge of envisioning, planning and developing IoT products, services and applica ons tailored to our customers' unique needs Under the guidance of my astute manager, I embarked on a thrilling journey to create a groundbreaking IoT solu on for a poten al client Page | 7 Perfomed Student: Nguyen Thanh Tai Chapter 1: Outline a plan for an appropriate IoT application, using common architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware and APIs 3.1 Inves gate architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware and API techniques available to develop IoT applica ons.(P3) Our idea is an infrared an -the system that takes advantage of cu ng-edge technology to improve security and protec on This system detects unlawful movement and intrusions using infrared sensors, promp ng quick warnings and reac ons The project is built with the goal of delivering dependable and efficient security, giving consumers piece of mind With the use of infrared technology, it provides a strong and sophis cated solu on for protec ng important assets and premises Architectural models - 3-storey model:  Sensor Floor: At this floor, use infrared sensors to detect the movement of people or objects in the area to be protected  Middle Layer (Gateway): Data from the sensor is sent to a Gateway, usually an intermediate IoT device or network computer, to process and transmit data to the applica on layer  Applica on Layer: At this layer, there is an IoT applica on dedicated to the an -the system This applica on receives data from the Gateway and manages the an -the system, triggers alarms and sends no fica ons to users - 4-storey model:  Sensor Floor: At this floor, infrared sensors are used to detect mo on  Network Layer: Data from the sensor is sent to an intermediate IoT device or IoT network node (IoT node) The network layer handles communica on and transfers data to the background layer  Back-End: Data from the network layer is fed into the IoT data storage system or IoT server Here, data is stored, processed and analyzed to determine if there is any suspicious movement  Applica on Layer: This layer manages and processes data, checks for unwanted mo on events, and sends alerts to users via mobile apps or through no fica on mechanisms FrameWork To create a complete and efficient IoT system, you can use the following classes:  Sensor layer: This layer contains IoT devices or sensors to collect data from the environment Chungs I use infrared sensors to develop the project  Connec vity Layer: This layer manages how data from the sensor is transmi ed to the IoT system It Page | 8 Perfomed Student: Nguyen Thanh Tai includes a Wi-Fi communica on protocol, and a gateway to collect and transmit data to the network or cloud  Analy cs Layer: This layer uses data from the Data layer to perform analysis, extract important informa on, and create reports or predic ons It includes data analysis tools, machine learning algorithms, and data visualiza on  Product Infrastructure Layer: The Product Infrastructure Layer provides the infrastructure for managing and controlling IoT devices It includes device management, firmware updates and remote configura on This ensures that the equipment is properly installed and maintained  Smart Apps Layer: Smart applica on layer includes applica ons that interact with IoT systems These applica ons can be web or mobile applica ons, allowing users to monitor and control devices, receive no fica ons, and access analy cal data For crea ng Internet of Things (IoT) applica ons and solu ons, there are numerous frameworks and pla orms available These frameworks offer tools, libraries, and services that make IoT crea on and maintenance easier Here are several well-known IoT frameworks:  Arduino: Arduino is an open-source hardware and so ware pla orm that is popular for prototyping IoT devices It includes a wide range of compa ble sensors and shields, making it easy to build IoT prototypes  ESP8266: is a Wi-Fi module with Internet connec vity and is integrated on some embedded boards such as NodeMCU, Wemos, and ESP-01 The ESP8266 can act as an access point, a client connec ng to another access point, or both It is widely used in IoT (Internet of Things) applica ons such as smart sensors, device control systems, or remote control applica ons This module is cheap and very easy to use, along with compa bility with many different types of microcontrollers Tools I use the following tools to make the project - Infrared Sensor: Used to detect movement - IoT Gateway device or Node: Used to collect data from sensors and transmit to the network or pla orm layer - IoT Server or Storage System: Stores and processes data from sensors - Mobile device (Smartphone or Tablet): Use to receive alerts and no fica ons from IoT applica ons Hardware Page | 9 Several types of Sensors and Output loads : Perfomed Student: Nguyen Thanh Tai Sensor: Humidity Sensor, Gas Sensor, Water Sensor, Light Sensor, Mo on Sensor, Touch Sensor,Utralsonic Sensor, Temperature Sensor,… Output loads: Led, Servo Motor, Buzzer, Stepper Motor, Relay, GPIO,… APIs - Devices and apps in an Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem communicate and exchange data using an API (Applica on Programming Interface) set of rules and interfaces IoT APIs facilitate communica on and interac on between various IoT system elements, such as sensors, devices, services, and apps - In the context of IoT, APIs essen ally specify how informa on is sent and received between devices and pla orms, as well as how commands and no fica ons can be sent and received IOT APIs usually offer the ability to access and manage data gathered from devices as well as remotely manage, control, and monitor them - Here are some common APIs:  MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport): MQTT is a lightweight and powerful communica on protocol, commonly used for sending messages between devices in IoT environments  CoAP (Constrained Applica on Protocol): CoAP is a lightweight communica on protocol, op mized for devices with limited resources It is commonly used for communica on between IoT devices and servers  HTTP/HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol/Secure): HTTP and HTTPS protocols are commonly used to communicate between IoT devices and web service pla orms  RESTful API (Representa onal State Transfer): RESTful API provides a communica on architecture based on HTTP methods It is commonly used to create interfaces between devices and web applica ons  WebSocket: WebSocket is a protocol that allows devices and servers to communicate in real me It is suitable for applica ons that need low latency  AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol): AMQP is a standard protocol for communica on between applica ons and services, o en used in large IoT systems  Bluetooth APIs: For IoT applica ons that use Bluetooth connec vity, APIs such as the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) API are provided to manage connec vity and communica ons - Blynk is an IoT (Internet of Things) pla orm that helps connect and manage smart devices via the internet Here are some preliminary characteris cs about Blynk Cloud:  Friendly User Interface: Blynk provides a simple and friendly user interface, helping users easily interact with their IoT devices  Mul -Pla orm Support: Blynk supports mul -pla orm, including iOS, Android and web pla orms This helps users control and monitor devices from any mobile device with an internet connec on Page | 10 Perfomed Student: Nguyen Thanh Tai

Ngày đăng: 12/03/2024, 21:52