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ASTM D117-22 Standard Guide for Sampling, Test Methods, and Specifications for Electrical Insulating Liquids

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Tiêu đề Standard Guide for Sampling, Test Methods, and Specifications for Electrical Insulating Liquids
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Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D92Test Method for Flash and Fire Points by ClevelandOpen Cup TesterD97Test Method for Pour Point of Petroleum ProductsD287Test Method for API Gra

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Designation: D11722

Standard Guide for

Sampling, Test Methods, and Specifications for Electrical

This standard is issued under the fixed designation D117; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval A

superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1 Scope

1.1 This guide describes methods of testing and

specifica-tions for electrical insulating liquids intended for use in

electrical cables, transformers, liquid-filled circuit breakers,

and other electrical apparatus where the liquids are used as

insulating, or heat transfer media, or both

1.2 The purpose of this guide is to outline the applicability

of the available test methods Where more than one is available

for measuring a given property, their relative advantages are

described, along with an indication of laboratory convenience,

precision, (95 % confidence limits), and applicability to

spe-cific types of electrical insulating liquids

1.3 This guide is classified into the following categories:

Sampling Practices, Physical Tests, Electrical Tests, Chemical

Tests, and Specifications Within each test category, the test

methods are listed alphabetically by property measured A list

of standards follows:

Category Section ASTM Standard

Physical Tests:

Aniline Point 4 D611

Coefficient of Thermal


Examination: Visual Infrared 7 D1524 , D2144 , D2129

Flash and Fire Point 8 D92

Interfacial Tension 9 D971

Pour Point of Petroleum


10 D97 , D5949 , D5950

Particle Count in Mineral

Insulating Oil

Refractive Index and Specific

Optical Dispersion

Relative Density (Specific


13 D287 , D1217 , D1298 , D1481 ,


Specific Heat 14 D2766

Thermal Conductivity 15 D2717

Viscosity 16 D445 , D2161 , D7042

Electrical Tests:

Category Section ASTM Standard Dielectric Breakdown Voltage 17 D877 , D1816 , D3300

Dissipation Factor and Rela-tive Permittivity (Dielectric Constant)

Gassing Characteristic Under Thermal Stress

Gassing Tendency 20 D2300

Resistivity 21 D1169

Chemical Tests:

Acidity, Approximate 22 D1534

Carbon-Type Composition 23 D2140

Compatibility with Construc-tion Material

Copper Content 25 D3635

Elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP-AES)

Furanic Compounds in Electrical Insulating Liquids

Dissolved Gas Analysis 28 D3612

Gas Content of Cable and Capacitor Liquids

29 D831 , D1827 , D2945

Neutralization (Acid and Base) Numbers

30 D664 , D974

Oxidation Inhibitor Content 31 D2668 , D4768

Oxidation Stability 32 D1934 , D2112 , D2440

Polychlorinated Biphenyl Content (PCB)

Sulfur, Corrosive 34 D1275

Water Content 35 D1533


Mineral Insulating Liquid for Electrical Apparatus

Less Flammable Electrical Insulating Liquids

Silicone Fluid used for Electrical Insulation

Natural (Vegetable Oil) Ester Fluids used in Electrical Apparatus

1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard The values stated in parentheses are provided for information only

1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the

safety concerns, if any, associated with its use It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

1.6 This international standard was developed in

accor-dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-ization established in the Decision on Principles for the

1 This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D27 on Electrical

Insulating Liquids and Gases and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee

D27.01 on Mineral.

Current edition approved May 1, 2022 Published June 2022 Originally

published as D117 – 21 T Last previous edition approved in 2018 as D117 – 18.

DOI: 10.1520/D0117-22.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 United States

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Development of International Standards, Guides and

Recom-mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical

Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

2 Referenced Documents

2.1 ASTM Standards:2

D92Test Method for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland

Open Cup Tester

D97Test Method for Pour Point of Petroleum Products

D287Test Method for API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and

Petroleum Products (Hydrometer Method)

D445Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent

and Opaque Liquids (and Calculation of Dynamic


D611Test Methods for Aniline Point and Mixed Aniline

Point of Petroleum Products and Hydrocarbon Solvents

D664Test Method for Acid Number of Petroleum Products

by Potentiometric Titration

D831Test Method for Gas Content of Cable and Capacitor


D877Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of

Insulating Liquids Using Disk Electrodes

D923Practices for Sampling Electrical Insulating Liquids

D924Test Method for Dissipation Factor (or Power Factor)

and Relative Permittivity (Dielectric Constant) of

Electri-cal Insulating Liquids

D971Test Method for Interfacial Tension of Insulating

Liquids Against Water by the Ring Method

D974Test Method for Acid and Base Number by

Color-Indicator Titration

D1169Test Method for Specific Resistance (Resistivity) of

Electrical Insulating Liquids

D1217Test Method for Density and Relative Density

(Spe-cific Gravity) of Liquids by Bingham Pycnometer

D1218Test Method for Refractive Index and Refractive

Dispersion of Hydrocarbon Liquids

D1250Guide for the Use of the Joint API and ASTM

Adjunct for Temperature and Pressure Volume Correction

Factors for Generalized Crude Oils, Refined Products, and

Lubricating Oils: API MPMS Chapter 11.1

D1275Test Method for Corrosive Sulfur in Electrical

Insu-lating Liquids

D1298Test Method for Density, Relative Density, or API

Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum

Prod-ucts by Hydrometer Method

D1481Test Method for Density and Relative Density

(Spe-cific Gravity) of Viscous Materials by Lipkin Bicapillary


D1500Test Method for ASTM Color of Petroleum Products

(ASTM Color Scale)

D1524Test Method for Visual Examination of Used

Elec-trical Insulating Liquids in the Field

D1533Test Method for Water in Insulating Liquids by

Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration

D1534Test Method for Approximate Acidity in Electrical Insulating Liquids by Color-Indicator Titration

D1816Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating Liquids Using VDE Electrodes

D1827Test Method for Gas Content (Nonacidic) of Insulat-ing Liquids by Displacement with Carbon Dioxide (With-drawn 2009)3

D1903Practice for Determining the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Electrical Insulating Liquids of Petroleum Origin, and Askarels

D1934Test Method for Oxidative Aging of Electrical Insu-lating Liquids by Open-Beaker Method

D2112Test Method for Oxidation Stability of Inhibited Mineral Insulating Oil by Pressure Vessel

D2129Test Method for Color of Clear Electrical Insulating Liquids (Platinum-Cobalt Scale)

D2140Practice for Calculating Carbon-Type Composition

of Insulating Oils of Petroleum Origin D2144Practices for Examination of Electrical Insulating Oils by Infrared Absorption

D2161Practice for Conversion of Kinematic Viscosity to Saybolt Universal Viscosity or to Saybolt Furol Viscosity D2300Test Method for Gassing of Electrical Insulating Liquids Under Electrical Stress and Ionization (Modified Pirelli Method)

D2440Test Method for Oxidation Stability of Mineral Insulating Oil

D2668Test Method for di-tert-Butyl- p-Cresol and

2,6-di-tert-Butyl Phenol in Electrical Insulating Oil by

Infra-red Absorp D2717Test Method for Thermal Conductivity of Liquids (Withdrawn 2018)3

D2766Test Method for Specific Heat of Liquids and Solids (Withdrawn 2018)3

D2864Terminology Relating to Electrical Insulating Liq-uids and Gases

D2945Test Method for Gas Content of Insulating Oils (Withdrawn 2012)3

D3300Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating Liquids Under Impulse Conditions

D3455Test Methods for Compatibility of Construction Ma-terial with Electrical Insulating Oil of Petroleum Origin D3487Specification for Mineral Insulating Oil Used in Electrical Apparatus

D3612Test Method for Analysis of Gases Dissolved in Electrical Insulating Oil by Gas Chromatography D3635Test Method for Dissolved Copper In Electrical Insulating Oil By Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry D4052Test Method for Density, Relative Density, and API Gravity of Liquids by Digital Density Meter

D4059Test Method for Analysis of Polychlorinated Biphe-nyls in Insulating Liquids by Gas Chromatography D4652Specification for Silicone Liquid Used for Electrical Insulation

D4768Test Method for Analysis of 2,6-Ditertiary-Butyl

2 For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or

contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org For Annual Book of ASTM

Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on

the ASTM website.

3 The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on www.astm.org.

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Para-Cresol and 2,6-Ditertiary-Butyl Phenol in Insulating

Liquids by Gas Chromatography

D5185Test Method for Multielement Determination of

Used and Unused Lubricating Oils and Base Oils by

Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission

Spectrom-etry (ICP-AES)

D5222Specification for High Fire-Point Mineral Electrical

Insulating Oils

D5837Test Method for Furanic Compounds in Electrical

Insulating Liquids by High-Performance Liquid

Chroma-tography (HPLC)

D5949Test Method for Pour Point of Petroleum Products

(Automatic Pressure Pulsing Method)

D5950Test Method for Pour Point of Petroleum Products

(Automatic Tilt Method)

D6786Test Method for Particle Count in Mineral Insulating

Oil Using Automatic Optical Particle Counters

D6871Specification for Natural (Vegetable Oil) Ester Fluids

Used in Electrical Apparatus

D7042Test Method for Dynamic Viscosity and Density of

Liquids by Stabinger Viscometer (and the Calculation of

Kinematic Viscosity)

D7150Test Method for the Determination of Gassing

Char-acteristics of Insulating Liquids Under Thermal Stress

D7151Test Method for Determination of Elements in

Insu-lating Oils by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic

Emis-sion Spectrometry (ICP-AES)

2.2 ASTM Adjunct:4

Adjunct to D1250Guide for Petroleum Measurement Tables

(API MPMS Chapter 11.1)


3 Sampling

3.1 Accurate sampling, whether of the complete contents or

only parts thereof, is extremely important from the standpoint

of evaluation of the quality of the product sampled Obviously,

careless sampling procedure or contamination in the sampling

equipment will result in a sample that is not truly

representa-tive This generally leads to erroneous conclusions concerning

quality and incurs loss of the time, effort, and expense involved

in securing, transporting, and testing the sample

3.2 Sample the insulating liquid in accordance with

Prac-tices D923as appropriate


4 Aniline Point

4.1 Scope—Test MethodD611covers the determination of

the aniline point of petroleum products, provided that the

aniline point is below the bubble point and above the

solidifi-cation point of the aniline-sample mixture

4.2 Summary of Test Method:

4.2.1 Test Method D611 —Equal volumes of aniline and test

specimen or aniline and test specimen plus n-heptane are

placed in a tube and mixed mechanically The mixture is heated

at a controlled rate until the two phases become miscible The mixture is then cooled at a controlled rate, and the temperature

at which the two phases separate is recorded as the aniline point

4.3 Significance and Use—The aniline point of an insulating

liquid indicates the solvency of the liquid for some materials that are in contact with the liquid A higher aniline point implies a lower aromaticity and a lower degree of solvency for some materials

5 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

5.1 Scope—PracticeD1903covers the determination of the coefficient of thermal expansion of electrical insulating liquids

of petroleum origin

5.2 Definition:

5.2.1 coeffıcient of thermal expansion—the change in

vol-ume per unit volvol-ume per degree change in temperature It is commonly stated as the average coefficient over a given temperature range

5.3 Summary of Practice—The specific gravity of insulating

liquids is determined at two temperatures below 90 °C and separated by not less than 5 °C nor more than 14 °C Test methods used may be D287, D1217,D1298, or D1481 The calculation of average coefficient of thermal expansion over this temperature range is given in Practice D1903

5.4 Significance and Use—A knowledge of the coefficient of

expansion of a liquid is essential to compute the required size

of a container to accommodate a volume of liquid over the full temperature range to which it will be subjected It is also used

to compute the volume of void space that would exist in an inelastic device filled with the liquid after the liquid has cooled

to a lower temperature

6 Color

6.1 Scope—Test MethodD1500covers the visual determi-nation of color of a wide variety of liquid petroleum products, including mineral insulating liquids

6.2 Summary of Test Method:

6.2.1 Test Method D1500 —The test specimen is placed in a

glass sample jar (an ordinary 125-mL test specimen bottle is satisfactory for routine tests) The color of the sample by transmitted light is compared with a series of tinted glass standards The glass standard matching the sample is selected,

or if an exact match is not possible, the next darker glass is selected The results are reported numerically on a scale of 0.5

to 8.0

6.3 Significance—A low color number is an essential

re-quirement for inspection of assembled apparatus in a tank An increase in the color number during service is an indicator of deterioration or contamination of the insulating liquid

7 Examination: Visual/Infrared

7.1 Scope:

7.1.1 Both visual examination and qualitative infrared ab-sorption are described in this section The test methods are:

4 Available from ASTM International Headquarters Order Adjunct No

ADJ-ADJD1250 Original adjunct produced in 1983.

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7.1.2 Test Method D1524 —This is a visual examination of

mineral insulating liquids that have been used in transformers,

liquid-filled circuit breakers, or other electrical apparatus as

insulating or cooling media, or both

7.1.3 Practices D2144 —The infrared absorption from 2.5 to

25 µm (4000 to 400 cm−1) is recorded as a means of (a)

establishing continuity by comparison with the spectra of

previous shipments by the same supplier, (b) for the detection

of some types of contaminants, (c) for the identification of

liquids in storage or service This practice is not intended for

the determination of the various constituents of a liquid

7.2 Summary of Test Methods:

7.2.1 Test Method D1524 —The condition of the test

speci-men is estimated by observation of cloudiness, foreign

particles, or suspended matter in the sample by reflected light

By use of this test method and Test MethodsD1500orD2129,

the color and condition of a test specimen of electrical

insulating liquid may be estimated during a field inspection,

thus assisting in the decision as to whether or not the sample

should be sent to a central laboratory for full evaluation

7.2.2 Practices D2144 —The infrared spectrum is recorded

from 2.5 to 25 µm (4000 to 400 cm−1) either as the absorption

spectrum itself, or as the differential between the test specimen

and reference liquid The spectra are compared with reference

spectra to establish the identity of the liquid

7.3 Significance and Use:

7.3.1 Practices D2144 —The infrared spectrum of an

elec-trical insulating liquid indicates the general chemical

compo-sition of the sample Because of the complex mixture of

compounds present in insulating liquids, the spectrum is not

sharply defined and may not be suitable for quantitative

estimation of components The identity of the liquid can be

quickly established as being the same or different from

previous samples by comparison with the reference spectra

8 Flash and Fire Point

8.1 Scope:

8.1.1 Test Method D92 covers the determination of flash

and fire points of all petroleum products except fuel oil and

those having an open cup flash below 79 °C (175 °F)

8.1.2 This test method should be used solely to measure and

describe the properties of materials in response to heat and

flame under controlled laboratory conditions and should not be

used for the description, appraisal, or regulation of the fire

hazard of materials under actual fire conditions

8.2 Definitions:

8.2.1 flash point—the temperature at which vapors above

the liquid surface first ignite when a small test flame is passed

across the surface under specified conditions

8.2.2 fire point—the temperature at which liquid first ignites

and burns for at least 5 s when a small test flame is passed

across the surface under specified conditions

8.3 Summary of Test Method—Fill the test cup to the

specified level with the test specimen Heat the sample initially

at 14 °C ⁄min to 17 °C ⁄min (25 °F ⁄min to 30 °F ⁄min) until the

temperature is 56 °C (100 °F) below the expected flash point

Reduce the rate of temperature change to 5 °C ⁄min to 6 °C ⁄min

(9 °F ⁄min to 11 °F ⁄min) and apply the test flame every 2 °C (or

5 °F) until a flash occurs Continue heating and testing every

2 °C (or 5 °F) until the liquid continues to burn for at least 5 s The procedure is described in Test MethodD92

8.4 Significance and Use—The flash point and fire point

tests give an indication of the flammability of a liquid They may also be used to provide a qualitative indication of contamination with more flammable materials In the latter context, the flash point test is more sensitive

9 Interfacial Tension

9.1 Scope—These test methods cover the measurement,

under nonequilibrium conditions, of the interfacial tension of insulating liquids against water These test methods have been shown by experience to give a reliable indication of the presence of hydrophilic compounds

9.2 Definition:

9.2.1 interfacial tension—the molecular attractive force

be-tween unlike molecules at an interface It is usually expressed

in millinewtons per meter

9.3 Summary of Test Methods:

9.3.1 Test Method D971 —Interfacial tension is determined

by measuring the force necessary to detach a platinum wire upward from the oil water interface To calculate the interfacial tension, the force so measured is corrected by an empirically determined factor which depends upon the force applied, the densities of both oil and water, and the dimensions of the ring The measurement is completed within 1 min of the formation

of the interface

9.4 Significance and Use—Interfacial tension measurements

on electrical insulating liquids provide a sensitive means of detecting small amounts of soluble polar contaminants and products of oxidation A high value for new mineral insulating liquid indicates the absence of most undesirable polar contami-nants The test is frequently applied to service-aged liquids as

an indication of the degree of deterioration

10 Pour Point of Petroleum Products

10.1 Scope—The pour point is applicable to any petroleum


10.2 Definition:

10.2.1 pour point—the lowest temperature, expressed as a

multiple of 3 °C at which the liquid is observed to flow when cooled and examined under prescribed conditions

10.3 Summary of Test Methods:

10.3.1 After preliminary heating, the test specimen is cooled at a specified rate and examined at intervals of 3 °C for flow characteristics The lowest temperature at which move-ment of the liquid is observed within 5 s is reported as the pour point The procedure is described in Test Method D97 10.3.2 Test MethodD5949covers the determination of pour point of petroleum products by an automatic instrument that applies a controlled burst of nitrogen gas onto the specimen surface while the specimen is being cooled and detects movement of the surface of the test specimen with an optical eye

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10.3.3 Test methodD5950covers the determination of pour

point of petroleum products by an automatic instrument that

tilts the test jar during cooling and detects movement of the

surface of the test specimen with an optical eye

10.4 Significance and Use:

10.4.1 The pour point of an insulating liquid gives an

indication of the temperature below which it may not be

possible to pour or remove the liquid from its container

10.4.2 In connection with liquid for use in cable systems,

the pour point may be useful to indicate the point at which no

free movement will take place in the cable or to indicate the

temperature at which partial separation of wax may occur

10.4.3 The pour point of an electrical insulating liquid is

important as an index of the lowest temperature to which the

material may be cooled without seriously limiting the degree of

circulation of the liquid Some materials are sensitive to

temperature cycling or prolonged storage at low temperatures,

and their pour points may not adequately predict their low

temperature flow properties

11 Particle Count in Mineral Insulating Oil Using

Automatic Optical Particle Counters

11.1 Scope—Test MethodD6786 covers the determination

of particle concentration and particle size distribution in

mineral insulating liquid It is suitable for testing liquids

having a viscosity of 6 to 20 mm2/s at 40 °C The test method

is specific to liquid automatic particle analyzers that use the

light extinction principle

11.2 Summary of Test Method:

11.2.1 Samples are taken in particle-clean bottles that are

suitable for particle analysis The sample bottle is agitated to

redistribute particles in the liquid, then the liquid is placed in

an automatic particle counter, where the number of particles

and their size distribution are determined by the light extinction


11.2.2 As particles pass through the sensing zone of the

instrument, the quantity of light reaching the detector is

obscured This signal is translated to an equivalent projected

area diameter based on calibration with a NIST-traceable liquid

(ISO Medium Test Dust suspension)

11.3 Significance and Use:

11.3.1 Particles in insulating liquid can have a detrimental

effect on the dielectric properties of the liquid, depending on

the size, concentration, and nature of the particles The source

of these particles can be external contaminants, liquid

degra-dation byproducts, or internal materials such as metals, carbon,

or cellulose fibers

11.3.2 Particle counts provide a general degree of

contami-nation level and may be useful in assessing the condition of

specific types of electrical equipment Particle counts can also

be used to determine filtering effectiveness when processing


11.3.3 If more specific knowledge of the nature of the

particles is needed, other tests such as metals analysis or fiber

identification and counting must be performed

12 Refractive Index and Specific Optical Dispersion

12.1 Scope:

12.1.1 Test Method D1218 —Describes a precise method for

determining refractive index accurate to 0.00006 and refractive dispersion accurate to 0.00012 The liquid must be transparent,

no darker than ASTM 4.0 color (see Test MethodD1500) and have a refractive index between 1.33 and 1.50 The specific optical dispersion is calculated by dividing the refractive dispersion value by the specific gravity of the liquid

12.2 Definitions:

12.2.1 refractive index—the ratio of the velocity of light in

air to its velocity in the substance under test

12.2.2 specific optical dispersion —the difference between

the refractive indexes of light of two different wave lengths, both indexes measured at the same temperature, the difference being divided by the specific gravity also measured at the test temperature For convenience, the specific dispersion value is multiplied by 104

12.3 Summary of Test Method:

12.3.1 The two methods differ in the accuracy of the refractometer used After adjusting the instrument temperature

to 25°C, apply the test specimen to the refracting prism, read the refractive index, and read the compensator dial reading From the correlation tables supplied with the instrument obtain the refractive dispersion Calculate the specific optical disper-sion by dividing refractive disperdisper-sion by the specific gravity of the liquid

12.4 Significance and Use:

12.4.1 Refractive Index of an insulating liquid varies with

its composition and with the nature and amount of contami-nants held in solution Where the refractive index of an insulating liquid when new is known, determinations made on the same liquid after periods of service may form a basis for estimating any change in composition or the degree of con-tamination acquired through service

12.4.2 Specific Optical Dispersion serves as a quick index

to the amount of unsaturated compounds present in a liquid As the dispersion values for paraffinic and naphthenic compounds are nearly the same and are essentially independent of molecu-lar weight and structural differences, values above a minimum

of about 97 bear a direct relationship to the amount of aromatic compounds present in insulating liquid

13 Relative Density (Specific Gravity)

13.1 Scope:

13.1.1 The methods used to measure relative density (spe-cific gravity) may use a hydrometer, pycnometer, or an oscillating tube Test Method D287 —Uses an API hydrometer and is

limited to liquids having a Reid vapor pressure of 180 kPa (26 psi) or less Test Method D1217 —Covers the use of a

pycnom-eter to measure the relative density (specific gravity) of petroleum fractions Test Method D1298 —Covers the use of a

hydrom-eter to measure relative density (specific gravity) directly or the measurement of API gravity followed by conversion to relative density (specific gravity) This test method is limited to liquids having a Reid vapor pressure of 179 kPa (26 psi) or less This

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test method is most suitable for use with mobile transparent

liquids, although it can also be used with viscous liquids if

sufficient care is taken in the measurement Test Method D1481 —Covers the determination of

the densities of liquids more viscous than 15 mm2/s at 20 °C

The liquid should not have a vapor pressure greater than 13 kPa

(100 mm Hg) at the test temperature To measure the density of

less viscous liquids more accurately than permitted by the

hydrometer method, Test MethodD1217is available Test Method D4052 —Covers the measurement of

relative density (specific gravity) by the measurement of

change in oscillation frequency of a vibrating glass tube filled

with test liquid

13.2 Definition:

13.2.1 relative density (specific gravity)—the ratio of the

mass (weighed in vacuum) of a given volume of liquid at 15 °C

(60 °F) to the mass of an equal volume of pure water at the

same temperature When reporting results, explicitly state the

reference temperature, for example, specific gravity 15/15 °C

13.3 Summary of Test Method:

13.3.1 API gravity may be measured at the liquid

tempera-ture using a hydrometer (Test Methods D287 or D1298) or

Digital Density Meter (Test MethodD4052) and converting to

15 °C or 60 °F using adjunct to Guide D1250.4

13.3.2 Relative density (specific gravity) may be measured

at the liquid temperature using a hydrometer (Test Method

D1298) or by Digital Density Meter (Test MethodD4052) and

converted to 15 °C or 60 °F using adjunct to GuideD1250.4

13.3.3 Test Method D1481 —The liquid is drawn into the

bicapillary pycnometer through the removable siphon arm and

adjusted to volume at the temperature of test After

equilibra-tion at the test temperature, liquid levels are read; and the

pycnometer is removed from the thermostated bath, cooled to

room temperature, and weighed Density or relative density

(specific gravity), as desired, is then calculated from the

volume at the test temperature, and the weight of the sample

The effect of air buoyancy is included in the calculation

13.4 Significance and Use:

13.4.1 Electrical insulating liquids are usually sold on the

basis of volume delivered at 15 °C (60 °F) Delivery is often

made on the basis of net weight of product in drums, and the

specific gravities often are measured at temperatures other than

15 °C The values of relative density (specific gravity) at 15 °C

must be known to calculate the volume at 15 °C of the liquid


13.4.2 The relative density (specific gravity) of a mineral

insulating liquid influences the heat transfer rates and may be

pertinent in determining suitability for use in specific

applica-tions In certain cold climates, ice may form in de-energized

electrical equipment exposed to temperatures below 0 °C, and

the maximum specific gravity of the liquid used in such

equipment should be at a value that will ensure that ice will not

float in the liquid at any temperature the liquid might attain

13.4.3 When making additions of insulating liquid to

appa-ratus in service, a difference in relative density (specific

gravity) may indicate a tendency of the two bodies of liquid to

remain in separate layers rather than mixing into a

homoge-neous single body of liquid Such conditions have caused serious overheating of self-cooled apparatus Suitable precau-tions should be taken to ensure mixing

14 Specific Heat

14.1 Scope—Test Method D2766 covers determination of the specific heat of electrical insulating liquids of petroleum origin

14.2 Definition:

14.2.1 specific heat (or heat capacity) of a substance—a

thermodynamic property that is a measure of the amount of energy required to produce a given temperature change within

a unit quantity of that substance The standard unit of heat capacity is J/(kg·°C) at some defined temperature

14.3 Summary of Test Method—The specific heat is

deter-mined by Test Method D2766 The measurement is made by heating a test specimen at a known and fixed rate Once dynamic heating equilibrium is obtained, the heat flow is recorded as a function of temperature The heat flow normal-ized to specimen mass and heating rate is directly proportional

to the specimen’s specific heat capacity

14.4 Significance and Use—A knowledge of the specific

heat is helpful in designing adequate heat transfer properties for electrical apparatus A higher specific heat value indicates a more efficient heat transfer medium

15 Thermal Conductivity

15.1 Scope—Test MethodD2717covers the determination

of the thermal conductivity of electrical insulating liquids of petroleum origin

15.2 Definition:

15.2.1 thermal conductivity—the ability of a substance to

transfer energy as heat in the absence of mass transport phenomena The standard unit of thermal conductivity is as follows:


15.3 Summary of Test Method—The thermal conductivity is

determined by Test MethodD2717 This test method measures the temperature gradient produced across the liquid by a known amount of energy introduced into the test cell by an electrically heated platinum element

15.4 Significance and Use—A knowledge of thermal

con-ductivity is helpful in designing adequate heat transfer prop-erties for electrical apparatus A high value indicates a good heat transfer efficiency property for the liquid

16 Viscosity

16.1 Scope:

16.1.1 Test Method D445 —This test method specifies a

procedure for the determination of the kinematic viscosity of liquid petroleum products, both transparent and opaque, by measuring the time for a volume of liquid to flow under gravity through a calibrated glass capillary viscometer The dynamic viscosity can be obtained by multiplying the kinematic viscos-ity by the densviscos-ity of the liquid

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16.1.2 Practice D2161 —Provides tables or equations for the

conversion of centistokes into Saybolt Universal Seconds or

Saybolt Furol Seconds at the same temperatures

16.2 Summary of Test Methods:

16.2.1 Test Method D445 —The time is measured in seconds

for a fixed volume of liquid to flow under gravity through the

capillary of a calibrated viscometer under a reproducible

driving head and at a closely controlled temperature The

kinematic viscosity is the product of the measured flow time

and the calibration constant of the viscometer

16.2.2 Practice D2161 —The Saybolt Universal viscosity

equivalent to a given kinematic viscosity varies with the

temperature at which the determination is made The basic

conversion values are given in Table 1 of this practice for

37.8 °C (100 °F) Factors are given for converting units at

other temperatures The Saybolt Furol viscosity equivalents are

given in Table 3 of this practice for 50.0 °C and 98.9 °C

(122 °F and 210 °F) only

16.2.3 Test Method D7042 —This test method covers and

specifies a procedure for the concurrent measurement of both

the dynamic viscosity, η, and the density, ρ, of liquid petroleum

products and crude oils, both transparent and opaque The

kinematic viscosity, ν, can be obtained by dividing the dynamic

viscosity, η, by the density, ρ, obtained at the same test


16.3 Significance and Use:

16.3.1 The fundamental and preferred method for

measur-ing kinematic viscosity is by use of Test MethodD445

16.3.2 Viscosity of electrical insulating liquids influences

their heat transfer properties, and consequently the temperature

rise of energized electrical apparatus containing the liquid At

low temperatures, the resulting higher viscosity influences the

speed of moving parts, such as those in power circuit breakers,

switchgear, load tapchanger mechanisms, pumps, and

regula-tors Viscosity controls insulating liquid processing conditions,

such as dehydration, degassification and filtration, and liquid

impregnation rates High viscosity may adversely affect the

starting up of apparatus in cold climates (for example, spare

transformers and replacements) Viscosity affects pressure

drop, liquid flow, and cooling rates in circulating liquid

systems, such as in pipe-type cables and transformers


17 Dielectric Breakdown Voltage

17.1 Scope:

17.1.1 There are two standard test methods for determining

the dielectric breakdown voltage of electrical insulating liquids

at commercial power frequencies,D877 andD1816, and one

standard test method for determining the dielectric breakdown

voltage of insulating liquids under impulse conditions,D3300

17.1.2 Test Method D877 —Applicable to petroleum liquids,

hydrocarbons, and askarels commonly used as insulating and

cooling media in cables, transformers, liquid-filled circuit

breakers, and similar apparatus The suitability of Test Method

D877 for testing liquids having viscosities exceeding 900

mm2/s at 40 °C (104 °F) has not been determined

17.1.3 Test Method D1816 —This test method covers the

determination of the dielectric breakdown voltage of insulating liquids (liquids of petroleum origin, silicone liquids, high fire-point mineral electrical insulating liquids, synthetic ester liquids and natural ester liquids) This test method is applicable

to insulating liquids commonly used in cables, transformers, liquid-filled circuit breakers, and similar apparatus as an insulating and cooling medium Refer to Terminology D2864 for definitions used in this test method

17.1.4 Test Method D3300 —Applicable to any liquid

com-monly used as an insulating and cooling medium in high-voltage apparatus subjected to impulse conditions, such as transient voltage stresses arising from such causes as nearby lightning strikes and high-voltage switching operations

17.2 Definition:

17.2.1 dielectric breakdown voltage—the potential

differ-ence at which electrical failure occurs in an electrical insulating material or insulation structure, under prescribed test condi-tions

17.3 Summary of Test Methods:

17.3.1 Test Method D877 —The insulating liquid is tested in

a test cup between two 25.4-mm (1-in.) diameter disk elec-trodes spaced 2.54 mm (0.100 in.) apart A 60-Hz voltage is applied between the electrodes and raised from zero at a uniform rate of 3 kV/s The dielectric breakdown voltage is recorded, prior to the occurrence of disruptive discharge, when the voltage across the specimen has dropped to less than 100 V

In the referee procedure, one breakdown test is made on each

of five fillings of the test cup, and the average and individual values of breakdown voltage are reported

17.3.2 Test Method D1816 —The liquid is tested in a test cell

between spherically capped (VDE) electrodes spaced either 1

mm (0.040 in.) or 2 mm (0.080 in.) apart The liquid is stirred before and during application of voltage by means of a motor-driven stirrer A 60-Hz voltage is applied between the electrodes and raised from zero at a uniform rate of 0.5 kV/s The voltage at which the current produced by breakdown of the liquid reaches the range of 2 to 20 mA, tripping a circuit breaker, is considered to be the dielectric breakdown voltage

In the procedure, five breakdown tests are made on one filling

of the test cell If the five breakdowns fall within the statistical requirements, the average value is reported If not, five additional breakdowns are required with the average of the ten values reported

17.3.3 Test Method D3300 —The electrode system consists

of either: (1) two 12.7-mm (0.5-in.) diameter spheres spaced 3.8 mm (0.15 in.) apart or (2) a 12.7-mm (0.5-in.) diameter

sphere and a steel phonograph needle of 0.06-mm radius of curvature of point, spaced 25.4 mm (1.0 in.) apart The polarity

of the needle with respect to the sphere can be either positive

or negative The electrodes are immersed in the liquid in a test cell An impulse wave of 1.2 by 50 µs wave shape (times to reach crest value and to decay to half of crest value, respec-tively) is applied at progressively higher voltages until break-down occurs

17.4 Significance and Use:

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liquid at commercial power frequencies is of importance as a

measure of the liquid’s ability to withstand electric stress It is

the voltage at which breakdown occurs between two electrodes

under prescribed test conditions It also serves to indicate the

presence of contaminating agents, such as water, dirt, moist

cellulosic fibers, or conducting particles in the liquid, one or

more of which may be present when low dielectric breakdown

values are found by test However, a high dielectric breakdown

voltage does not indicate the absence of all contaminants See

Appendix X1 of either test method for other influences that

affect the dielectric breakdown voltage of a liquid The ability of an insulating liquid to resist

break-down under the test conditions is an indication of the ability of

the insulating liquid to perform its insulating function in

electrical apparatus The average breakdown voltage is

com-monly used in specifications for the qualification and

accep-tance of insulating liquids It is also used as a control test for

the refining of new or reclaiming of used insulating liquids

Because of the complex interactions of the factors affecting

dielectric breakdown voltage the values obtained cannot be

used for design purposes The square-edged disk electrodes of Test Method

D877 are relatively insensitive to dissolved water in

concen-trations below 60 % of the saturation level This method is

recommended for acceptance tests on unprocessed insulating

liquids received from vendors in tank cars, tank trucks, and

drums It also may be used for the routine testing of liquids

from selected power systems apparatus The more uniform electric field associated with

VDE electrodes employed in Test Method D1816 is more

sensitive to the deleterious effects of moisture in solution,

especially when cellulosic fibers are present in the liquid, than

is the field in Test MethodD877 Test MethodD1816can be

used for processed or as received liquids Filtering and

dehy-drating the liquid may increase Test MethodD1816dielectric

breakdown voltages substantially

17.4.2 Impulse Conditions (Test Method D3300 ): This test method is most commonly performed

using a negative polarity point opposing a grounded sphere

(NPS) The NPS breakdown voltage of fresh unused liquids

measured in the highly divergent field in this configuration

depends on liquid composition; decreasing with increasing

concentration of aromatic, particularly polyaromatic,

hydrocar-bon molecules This test method may be used to evaluate the

continuity of composition of a liquid from shipment to

ship-ment The NPS impulse breakdown voltage of a liquid can also

be substantially lowered by contact with materials of

construction, by service aging, and by other impurities Test

results lower than those expected for a given fresh liquid may

also indicate use or contamination of that liquid Although polarity of the voltage wave has little or

no effect on the breakdown strength of an liquid in uniform

fields, polarity does have a marked effect on the breakdown

voltage of an liquid in nonuniform electric fields

18 Dissipation Factor and Relative Permittivity

(Dielectric Constant)

18.1 Scope:

18.1.1 Test Method D924 covers new electrical insulating liquids as well as liquids in service or subsequent to service in cables, transformers, liquid-filled circuit breakers, and other electrical apparatus

18.1.2 This test method provides a procedure for making referee and routine tests at a commercial frequency of approxi-mately 60 Hz

18.2 Summary of Test Method:

18.2.1 The loss characteristic is commonly measured in terms of dissipation factor (tangent of the loss angle) or of power factor (sine of the loss angle) For values up to 0.05, dissipation factor and power factor values are equal to each other within about one part in one thousand and the two terms may be considered interchangeable

18.2.2 Test Method D924 —The liquid test specimens are

tested in a three-terminal or guarded electrode test cell main-tained at the desired test temperature Using a bridge circuit, measure the loss characteristics and capacitance following the instructions appropriate to the bridge being used For routine tests, a two-electrode cell may be used

18.3 Significance and Use:

18.3.1 Dissipation Factor (or Power Factor)—This

prop-erty is a measure of the dielectric losses in a liquid, and hence,

of the amount of energy dissipated as heat A low value of dissipation factor (or power factor) indicates low dielectric losses and a low level of soluble polar ionic or colloidal contaminants This characteristic may be useful as a means of quality control and as an indication of liquid changes in service resulting from contamination and liquid deterioration

18.3.2 Relative Permittivity (Dielectric Constant)—

Insulating liquids are used in general either to insulate com-ponents of an electrical network from each other and from ground, alone or in combination with solid insulating materials,

or to function as the dielectric of a capacitor For the first use,

a low value of relative permittivity is often desirable in order

to have the capacitance be as small as possible, consistent with acceptable chemical and heat transfer properties However, an intermediate value of relative permittivity may sometimes be advantageous in achieving a better voltage distribution be-tween the liquid and solid insulating materials with which the liquid may be in series When used as the dielectric in a capacitor, it is desirable to have a higher value of relative permittivity so the physical size of the capacitor may be as small as possible

19 Gassing Characteristics of Insulating Liquids Under Thermal Stress at Low Temperature

19.1 Scope:

19.1.1 Test Method D7150 describes the procedures to determine the low temperature (120°C) gassing characteristics

of insulating liquids specifically and without the influence of other electrical apparatus materials or electrical stresses This test method was primarily designed for insulating mineral liquid It can be applied to other insulating liquids in which dissolved gas-in-liquid analysis (Test MethodD3612) is com-monly performed

19.1.2 This test method is particularly suited for detection

of the phenomenon sometimes known as “stray gassing” and is

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also referred to in CIGRE TF11 B39 1.3 This test method is

performed on electrical insulating liquids to determine the

propensity of the liquid to produce certain gases such as

hydrogen and hydrocarbons at low temperatures

19.1.3 This test method details two procedures: Method A describes the procedure for determining

the gassing characteristics of a new, unused insulating liquid,

as received, at 120 °C for 164 h Method B describes the procedure for processing

the insulating liquid through an attapulgite clay column to

remove organic contaminants and other reactive groups that

may influence the gassing behavior of an insulating liquid,

which is suspected of being contaminated This procedure

applies to both new and used insulating liquids

19.2 Summary of Test Method:

19.2.1 Method A—Insulating liquid is filtered through a

mixed cellulose ester filter A portion of the test specimen is

sparged for 30 min with dry air A test specimen is then placed

into a glass syringe, capped and aged at 120 °C 6 2 °C for 164

h The test is run in duplicate The other portion of the test

specimen is sparged for 30 min with dry nitrogen A test

specimen is then placed into a glass syringe, capped and aged

at 120 °C 6 2 °C for 164 h The test is run in duplicate After,

the test specimens have cooled, dissolved gas-in-liquid

analy-sis is then performed according to Test Method D3612

19.2.2 Method B—Insulating liquid is passed through a

heated (60 °C to 70 °C) attapulgite clay column at a rate of 3

mL to 5 mL per minute The insulating liquid is contacted with

the attapulgite clay at a ratio of 1 g clay to 33 mL (range: 30

mL to 35 mL) of insulating liquid (0.25 lb clay: 1 gal of

insulating liquid) The insulating liquid is collected and

sub-jected to the testing as outlined in19.2.1

19.3 Significance and Use:

19.3.1 Generation of combustible gases is used to determine

the condition of liquid-filled electrical apparatus Many years

of empirical evidence has yielded guidelines such as those

given in IEEE C 57.104, IEC 60599 and IEC 61464 Industry

experience has shown that electric and thermal faulted in

liquid-filled electrical apparatus are the usual sources that

generate gases Experience has shown that some of the gases

could form in the liquid at low temperatures or as a result of

contamination, without any other influences

19.3.2 Some severely hydro-treated electrical equipment

insulating liquids subjected to thermal stress and liquids that

contain certain types of contamination may produce specific

gases at lower temperatures than normally expected for their

generation and hence, falsely indicate abnormal operation of

the electrical apparatus Some new liquids have produced large

amounts of gases, especially hydrogen, without the influence of

other electrical apparatus materials or electrical stresses This

renders interpretation of the dissolved gas analysis more


19.3.3 Heating for 164 h has been found to be a sufficient

amount of time to reach a stable and characteristic gassing


19.3.4 This method uses both dry air and dry nitrogen as the

sparging gas This is to reflect either a electrical apparatus

preservation system that allows oxygen to contact the liquid or

one that is sealed from the outside atmosphere Liquids sparged with air generally produce much more hydrogen as a percent-age of the total combustible gas content as compared to liquids sparged with nitrogen as these produce more hydrocarbons in relation to hydrogen

20 Gassing Tendency

20.1 Scope—Test MethodD2300 describes a procedure to measure the rate at which gas is evolved or absorbed by insulating liquids when subjected to electrical stress of suffi-cient intensity to cause ionization The liquid test specimen is initially saturated with a selected gas (usually hydrogen) at atmospheric pressure

20.2 Summary of Test Method:

20.2.1 Test Method D2300 —After being saturated with a

gas (usually hydrogen) the liquid is subjected to a radial electrical stress at a controlled temperature The gas space above the liquid is ionized due to the electrical stresses; and therefore, the liquid surface at the liquid-gas interface is subjected to ion bombardment The evolution or absorption of gas is measured with a gas burette and reported in µL/min

20.3 Significance and Use—This test method indicates

whether insulating liquids are gas absorbing or gas evolving under the test conditions Numerical results obtained in differ-ent laboratories may differ significantly in magnitude, and the results of this test method should be considered as qualitative

in nature

20.3.1 For certain applications when insulating liquid is stressed at high voltage gradients, it is desirable to be able to determine the rate of gas evolution or gas absorption under specified test conditions At the present time, correlation of such test results with equipment performance is limited

21 Resistivity

21.1 Scope:

21.1.1 Test Method D1169 covers the determination of specific resistance (resistivity) applied to new electrical insu-lating liquids, as well as to liquids in service, or subsequent to service, in cables, transformers, liquid-filled circuit breakers, and other electrical apparatus

21.1.2 This test method covers a procedure for making referee and routine tests with dc potential

21.2 Definition:

21.2.1 specific resistance (resistivity)—of a liquid, the ratio

of the dc potential gradient in volts per centimeter paralleling the current flow within the test specimen, to the current density

in amperes per square centimeter at a given instant of time and under prescribed conditions This is numerically equal to the resistance between opposite faces of a centimeter cube of a liquid It is measured in ohm centimeters

21.3 Summary of Test Method:

21.3.1 Test Method D1169 —The liquid test specimen is

tested in three-terminal, or guarded-electrode test cell main-tained at the desired test temperature A dc voltage is applied of such magnitude that the electric stress in the liquid is between

200 and 1200 V/mm The current flowing between the high-voltage and guarded measuring electrode is measured at the

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end of 1 min of electrification and the resistivity calculated

using specified equations appropriate to the method of

mea-surement used A two-electrode cell may be used for routine


21.4 Significance and Use—The resistivity of a liquid is a

measure of its electrical insulating properties under conditions

comparable to those of the test High resistivity reflects low

content of free ions and ion-forming particles and normally

indicates a low concentration of conductive contaminants


22 Acidity, Approximate

22.1 Scope—Test MethodD1534covers the determination

of the approximate total acid value of used electrical insulating

liquids, in general, those having viscosities less than 24 mm2/s

at 40°C It is a simple procedure that can be applied in the field

Where a quantitative neutralization value is required, use Test

MethodD664orD974 These test methods should be applied

in the laboratory

22.2 Summary of Test Method:

22.2.1 Test Method D1534 —To determine whether the

acid-ity is greater or less than a fixed arbitrary value, a fixed volume

of liquid to be tested is added to the test bottle or graduated

cylinder, together with a small amount of indicator

(phenol-phthalein) and the appropriate quantity of standard potassium

hydroxide solution The mixture is shaken and allowed to

separate The color of the aqueous layer at the bottom of the

container when testing mineral liquids, or at the top when

testing askarels, determines whether the acidity is less than or

greater than the arbitrary value chosen

22.3 Significance and Use:

22.3.1 The approximate acidity of used electrical insulating

liquids is an estimate of the total acid value of the liquid As

acid values increase, usually due to oxidation of the liquid in

service, the impairment of those liquid qualities, important to

proper functioning of specific apparatus, increases In general,

acidic by-products produce increased dielectric loss, increased

corrosivity, and may cause thermal difficulties attributable to

insoluble components called “sludge.” This test method is

adapted to a specific volume of liquid; total acid values of 0.05

to 0.5 mg of potassium hydroxide per gram of liquid is a range

which is functionally significant

23 Carbon-Type Composition

23.1 Scope—This practice covers the determination of

carbon-type composition of insulating liquids by correlation

with basic physical properties Carbon-type composition is

expressed as percentage of aromatic carbons, percentage of

naphthenic carbons, and percentage of paraffinic carbons

Viscosity, relative density (or specific gravity), and refractive

index are the only measurements required for use of this test


23.2 Summary of Test Method:

23.2.1 Practice D2140 —The viscosity, density and specific

gravity, and refractive index of the liquid are measured From

these values, the viscosity-gravity constant and refractivity

intercept are calculated Using these two computed values, percentage of aromatic carbons, naphthenic carbons, and paraffinic carbons are estimated from a correlation chart

23.3 Significance and Use—The primary purpose of this

practice is to characterize the carbon-type composition of a liquid It is also applicable in observing the effect on liquid constitution of various refining processes, such as solvent extraction, acid treatment, and so forth It has secondary application in relating the chemical nature of a liquid to other phenomena that have been demonstrated to be related to liquid composition

24 Compatibility with Construction Material

24.1 Scope—This test method covers screening for the

compatibility of materials of construction with electrical insu-lating liquid for use in electrical equipment Solid materials that can be tested for compatibility include varnishes, dip coatings, core steel, core steel coatings, gaskets, and wire enamels

24.2 Summary of Test Method:

24.2.1 Test Methods D3455 —The electrical insulating liquid

and the material whose compatibility is being tested are aged for 164 h at 100 °C Changes in the liquid and compatibility sample are observed and appropriate tests conducted

24.3 Significance and Use:

24.3.1 The magnitude of the change in the electrical prop-erties of the insulating liquid is of importance in determining the contamination of the liquid by the test specimen

24.3.2 Physical and chemical changes in the liquid such as color, interfacial tension, and acidity also indicate solubility or other adverse effects of the test specimen on the liquid 24.3.3 The physical changes of the test specimen, such as hardness, swelling, and discoloration, show the effect of the liquid on the test specimen and are used to determine the suitability of the material for use in insulating liquid

24.3.4 A material meeting the criteria recommended does not necessarily indicate suitability for use in electrical equip-ment Other properties must also be considered Additionally, certain materials containing additives may meet the require-ments of this procedure, yet be unsatisfactory when subjected

to longer term evaluations

25 Copper Content

25.1 Scope:

25.1.1 Test Method D3635 —Covers the determination of

copper in new or used electrical insulating liquid For flame atomization, the lower limit of detectability is of the order of 0.1 mg/kg For nonflame atomization, the lower limit of detectability is less than 0.01 mg/kg

25.2 Summary of Test Method:

25.2.1 Test Method D3635 —The test specimen of liquid is

filtered and diluted with an appropriate organic solvent and analyzed in an atomic absorption spectrophotometer Alterna-tive procedures are provided for instruments employing flame and nonflame atomization Concentration is determined by means of calibration curves prepared from standard samples

Ngày đăng: 10/03/2024, 04:14