Trang 25 mixture, an element, and a compound?✓A mixture is a combination of two or more substances in which the substance retain their distinct identities.✓An element is a substance that
Trang 2I- Conversation partice
Trang 3→ Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes in undergoes
Trang 42 Why is chemistry often called the central science?
→ Because a basic knowledge of chemistry isessential for students of biology, physics, geology,ecology, and many other subjects
Trang 5→ Modern chemistry start in the nineteenth
Trang 64 Explain the role of technological advances
in chemical studying?
→The technological advances enable scientists to break down substances into ever smaller components and consequently to explain many of their physical and chemical characteristics.
Trang 75 What can you tell about the future of chemistry?
→ Chemistry will continue to play a pivotal role inall areas of science and technology
Trang 86 Give three major advances have enabled us to prevent and treat diseases?
→They are public health measures, surgery withanesthesia, and the introduction of vaccines andantibiotics
Trang 9treatment of disease and in the pharmaceutical
→ Chemist in the pharmaceutical industry areresearching potent drugs with few or no side effects totreat cancer, AIDS, and many other diseases
Trang 108 What are the major and potential sources of
energy in the twenty first century?
→ The major and potentials sources of energy arefossil fuels, nuclear fission, and solar energy
Trang 11research and development in the twenty century have provided us with?
→ The name materials are polymer, ceramic, liquid
crystals, adhesives, and coating
Trang 1210 What is superconductor?
→Superconductor are material that have no electrical
resistance and can therefore conduct electricity with
Trang 1311 What is “molecular computing”?
→ Molecular computing is the science of usingindividual molecules to build computer programs
Trang 1412 Why is chemistry important for agriculture?
→ Chemist can devises way to increase the production of fertilizers that are less harmful to the environment and substances that would selectively kill weeds.
Trang 17Infectious (/in´fekʃəs/) adj: lây, nhiễm
Infectious diseases: Bệnh nhiễm trùng
Trang 18Medicine (n): dược phẩm
Surgery /'sз:dƷəri/ (n): phẫu thuật
Anesthesia /ˌænəsˈθiʒə/(n): sự gây tê Microbes (n): vi khuẩn, vi trùng
Energy (n): năng lượng
Environment (n): môi trường
By-product (n): sản phẩm phụ
Trang 19Agriculture (n): nông nghiêp
Fertilizer /'fə:tilaizə/(n): phân bón
Trang 20III- Grammar
Trang 23II- Conversation pratice
Trang 241 Give the definition of matter, a substance, a mixture, an element, and a compound ?
✓Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass.
✓A substance is a form of matter that have a definite composition and distinct properties.
Trang 25mixture, an element, and a compound?
✓A mixture is a combination of two or more substances in which the substance retain their distinct identities.
✓An element is a substance that cannot be
separated into simpler substances by chemical means.
Trang 261 Give the definition of matter, a substance, a
mixture, an element, and a compound ?
✓A compound is a substance formed when
two or more chemical elements are chemically bonded together
Trang 27Compound: hợp chất Atom: nguyên tử
Molecule: phân tử Composition: thành phần
Trang 282 Give an example of a homogeneous mixture
and an example of heterogeneous mixture?
➢When sugar dissolves in water, we obtain ahomogeneous mixture
Trang 292 Give an example of a homogeneous mixture and an example of heterogeneous mixture?
➢When sand is mixed with iron powder, weobtain heterogeneous mixture
Trang 30Mineral: khoáng
Trang 32Separate (v) : tách, phân chia
Trang 33between a physical property and a chemical
property ?
heating a block of ice and recording the temperature
at which the ice is converted to water
Trang 344 Using examples, explain the difference
between a physical property and a chemical property ?
Trang 35Block of ice: băng
Record (v): ghi lại
Trang 365. How does an intensive property differ from an
extensive property? Which of the followingproperties are intensive and which are extensive?
→ An extensive property depends on the amount
of matter; An intensive property depends on the
type of matter
Trang 375. How does an intensive property differ from anextensive property? Which of the following
properties are intensive and which are extensive?
→Mass, length, and volume are extensive
properties Temperature and density are intensive properties.
Trang 38Extensive (adj): rộng, rộng rãi
Extensive property: đại lượng dung độ
Intensive (adj): chuyên sâu, tập chung
Intensive property: Tính chất cường độ
Volume: thể tích
Density: mật độ
Temperature: nhiệt độ
Length: độ dài Width: rộng Heigh: cao
Trang 39III- Grammar
Trang 42I- Conversation partice
Trang 43→ An atom is the basis unit of an element that can enter into chemical combination
Trang 442 Name three subatomic particles and tell something about their characteristics?
→ They are electrons, protons, and neutrons.Electrons are negatively charges particles Protonsare positively charges particles Neutrons are
electrically neutral particles
Trang 45→ While the protons are confined to the nucleus
on the atoms, the electrons are conceived of as being spread out about the nucleus at some
distance from it.
+ The basic structure of an atom consists of
electrons surrounding a nucleus that contains
protons and neutrons
Trang 46Structure (n): cấu trúc
Theory (n): học thuyết
Unit (n): đơn vị
Chemical combination: kết hợp hóa học
Indivisible (adj): không phân chia được
Demonstrate (v): chứng minh
Internal (adj): bên trong
Internal structure: bên trong cấu trúc
Trang 47Particle (n): hạt
Negative (adj): âm
Charged: tích điện
Negatively charged particles : hạt mang điện âm
Positive (adj): dương
Positively charged particles: hạt mang điện dương
Subatomic particle: hạt cơ bản của nguyên tử
Concentrated (adj): tập chung, đậm đặc
Trang 48oppositely: đối diện
perceive (v): nhận thức, nhận biết constitute (v): cấu thành
Trang 49and mass number?
→ One is the number of protons in the nucleus and the
other is the total number of neutrons and protons
present in the atom's nucleus
Trang 505 How can the number of electrons, proton and neutrons in an atom be calculated?
→ The atomic number is the number of protons in
an atom of an element In a neutral atom the number
of protons is equal to the number of electron
Trang 515 How can the number of electrons, proton and
neutrons in an atom be calculated?
→ The number of neutrons in an atom is equal tothe difference between the mass number and theatomic number
Trang 52Atomic number: số nguyên tử
Mass number: số khối
Trang 536 What do we call atoms of the same elements
with different mass numbers?
→ Isotopes
Trang 54→ Carbon 12 and Carbon 14 are both isotopes of
carbon, one with 6 neutrons and one with 8 neutrons (both with 6 proton)
Trang 55Isotope: đồng vị
Aggregate(n): tập hợp lại, kết tủa Arrangement (n): sắp xếp, bố trí Rearrangement (n): sự sắp xếp lại Forces: lực
chemical forces: liên kết hóa học chemical bond: liên kết hóa học
Trang 568 What is the difference between an atom and a
Trang 57of a polyatomic molecule containing atoms of the
same element?
→ Molecules containing more than two atoms are called polyatomic molecules
Trang 5910 What is an ion?
→ An ion is a charged species formed from a
neutral atom or molecule when electrons are gained
or lost as the result of a chemical change?
Trang 6011 Give an example of the each of the following?
Trang 632-I- Conversation practice
Trang 641 Why is water importance for human being?
Water is an excellent solvent for many ionic compounds, as well as for other substances capable of forming hydrogen bonds with water
Trang 652 Why does water possess a high specific heat?
→ The reason is that to raise the temperature of
water (that is, to increase the average kinetic energy
of water molecules), we must first break the many inter-molecular hydrogen bonds
+ Water has high heat capacity due to its lower
molar mass as specific heat is inversely to the mass
of substance, secondly due to its tight hydrogen
bonding it has high heat capacity as compared to many but many substances have higher than water
Trang 663 Why can water in the lakes and oceans moderate the climate of the earth?
→ The huge quantities of water that are present
in the lakes and oceans moderate the climate of
the earth by absorbing heat in the summer and
giving off heat in the winter, with only small
changes in the temperature of the body of
Trang 67Solvent (n): dung môi
Capable (adj): có khả năng
hydrogen bond (n): liên kết hidro
Trang 69inter-molecular (adj): giữa các phân tử absorb (v): hấp thụ
climate (n): khí hậu
adjacent (adj): liền kề, gần sát
moderate (v): kiểm soát, điều khiển
Trang 704 Why does the ice float at the surface of
liquid water?
→ Because the water’s solid form is less dense
than its liquid form.
Trang 71→ There are two pairs of nonbonding electrons
on the oxygen atom
Trang 726 What do you know about other characteristic properties of water?
→ Water is an excellent solvent for many ioniccompounds, as well as for other substances capable offorming hydrogen bonds with water
Trang 73striking (adj): nổi bật
Floats(n, v): phao, nổi
solid state (n): trạng thái rắn
liquid state (n): trạng thải lỏng
electronic structure (n): cấu trúc electron
two pair of nonbonding electrons: 2 cặp e tự do, ko tham gia liên kết
Trang 74polar (adj): phân cực
polar molecule: phân tử phân cực
dimentional (adj): không gian
tetrahedrally (adj): tứ diện
thermal expansion:
giãn nở nhiệt
Trang 77I- Conversation partice
Trang 781 Define solute, solvent, and solution by
describing the process of dissolving a solid in a
→ The solute is the substance present in a smaller amount, and the solvent is the substance present in a larger amount.
Trang 791 Define solute, solvent, and solution by
describing the process of dissolving a solid in a
→ A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or
more substance
Trang 802 What is the different between a nonelectrolyte
and an electronlyte ?
→ An electrolyte is a substance that, when dissolved in water, results in a solution that can conduct electricity A nonelectrolyte does not conduct electricity when dissolved in water.
Trang 81seawater (n): nước biển
aqueous solutions: dung dich nước categories(n): loại
Trang 82electrolytes: chất điện giải, chất điện ly nonelectrolytes: chất không điện ly conduct electricity: dẫn điện
restriction: sự hạn chế
involved: có tính liên quan
original states: trạng thái ban đầu
component: thành phần
Trang 833 How do chemists characterize solutions ?
→ Chemists characterize solutions by their capacity
to dissolve a solute
Trang 844 Distinguish an unsaturated solution , a
saturated solution , and a supersaturated
solution ?
→ An unsaturated solution contains less solute
than it has the capacity to dissolve
Trang 85saturated solution , and a supersaturated
solution ?
→ A saturated solution contains the maximum amount of a solute that will dissolve in a given solvent at a specific temperature
Trang 865 Distinguish an unsaturated solution , a
saturated solution , and a supersaturated solution ?
→ A supersaturated solution contains more solute than is present in a saturated solution.
Trang 875 How does a crystal differ from a
precipitate ? From which type of solution
does crystallization or precipitation occur?
→ Precipitation made up of small particle, whereas crystals may be lager and well formed The solution is supersaturated
Trang 886 What is colloid ?
→ A colloid is a dispersion of particle of onesubstance throughout a dispersing medium made ofother suntance
Trang 897 Define the following concentration terms and
give their units: percent by mass , mole
fraction , molarity, and molality Why is
molarity a convenient concentration unit in
Trang 907 Define the following concentration terms and
give their units: percent by mass , mole
fraction , and molarity Why is molarity a
convenient concentration unit in chemistry?
→ The mole fraction of component of a solution,
say, component A, is written XA and is the ratio of the mole of A to the sum of moles of all component (No unit)
Trang 917 Define the following concentration terms and
give their units: percent by mass , mole
fraction , and molarity Why is molarity a
convenient concentration unit in chemistry?
→ Molarity was defined as the number of moles of solute on 1 liter of solution Unit of molarity are
Trang 92saturated: bão hòa
unsaturated solution: dung dịch không bão hòa stable: ổn định
crystal: tinh thể
Crystallization: quá trình kết tinh
Precipitation: kết tủa
Colloid: keo
Trang 94percent by mass: nồng độ phần trăm
mole fraction: số phần mol
molarity: nồng độ mol
Trang 95each of the following species:
, Cl - , Fe 2+ ? d) A solution is made by dissolving 0.304 g of ferrous sulfate in
500 ml water to make the solution What are the percent by
mass, mole fraction, molality, and molarity of ferrous sulfate (density of water is 1 g/ml)?
e) What mass, in the gram of lithium sulfide required to prepare exactly 100 ml of 0.25 M solution of lithium sulfide?
f) A solution has a cesium hydroxide concentration of 1.8 x
10-10 M What is the pH, pOH, and [H+] of this solution?
j) What mass of barium sulfate can be formed when 50 ml of a 0.2 M solution of barium chloride is mixed with 50 ml of a 0.2
M solution potassium sulfate?
:2658Fe; 1735Cl ; 1840Ar
Trang 98I- Conversation partice
Trang 99→ The pH of a solution is defined a the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration (in mol/L)
Trang 1002 Why do chemists normally choose to discuss the acidity of a solution in terms of pH rather
than hydrogen ion concentration [H+].
→ Because the concentrations of H+ and OHions in aqueous solution are frequently very small numbers.
Trang 101-alone, can you conclude that the solution is acidic? If not, what addition information would
you need?
→ This is acidic solution because pH of solution is smaller than 7.
Trang 1024 Can the pH of a solution be zero or negative?
If so, give examples to illustrate these values?
→ Yes, the pH of a solution can be zero or negative Ex: If [H⁺] = 1 = 10^(-0) then pH = -log [H⁺] = 0
[H⁺] > 1 → pH < 0
Trang 104dimensionless quantity: số lượng không thứ nguyên gastric juices (n): dịch vị của dạ dày
facilitate (v): tạo điều kiện
digestion: sự tiêu hóa
Trang 1056 Fill in the word “acidic”, “basic” or “neutral”
for the following solutions:
Trang 10610 Name the gas that is largely responsible for
the acid rain phenomenon.
→Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is believed to be responsible for high acidity of rainwater
Trang 10711 List three detrimental effect of acid rain?
Trang 1087 Briefly discuss two industrial processes that
lead to acid rain?
→ The burning of fossil fuels in industry, in power land and in home accounts for most of the SO2 emitted to the atmosphere which can also acid rain
Trang 109→ The most direct approach is to remove sulfur from fossil fuels before combustion, but this is technologically difficult to accomplish A
cheaper but less efficient way is to remove SO2
as it is formed For example, in one process
powdered limestone is injected into the power plant boiler or furnace along with coal.
Trang 110Statues (n): tượng
stone leprosy(n): đá phong
Rainwater : nước mưa
volcanic : núi lửa
eruptions :phun trào
coal : hóa thạch
fossil fuels: nhiên liệu hóa thạch
Troposphere: tầng đối lưu
Trang 11114 Carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide are both polar molecules and their geometry is similar
Why is SO2 not considered a major greenhouse gas?
→ Because sulfur dioxide can dissolve well in water to induce acidic solution
Trang 11215 What does the term “ greenhouse effect”
mean? What is the criterion for classifying a gas
as a greenhouse gas?
→ Greenhouse effect is the trapping of heat near
Earth’s surface by gases in the atmosphere, particularly carbon dioxide The gas exits trace gas in Earth’s