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Factors affecting the training quality and satisfaction of graduates among the stated owned vocational schools in hanoi city

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FACTORS AFFECTING THE TRAINING QUALITY AND SATISFACTION OF GRADUATES AMONG THE STATED-OWNED VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS IN HANOI CITY A DISSERTATION PAPER Presented to School of Graduate Studies Central Philippine University, Philippines In Collaboration with Thai Nguyen University, Vietnam In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree DOCTOR OF MANAGEMENT (with concentration in Business Management) NGUYEN DUC DUNG APRIL, 2023 i Acknowledgement In grateful recognition and sincerest thanks for the encouragement, guidance and unselfish sharing of their knowledge, time, effort and skills, and for the untiring motivation that leads to the completion of this study, the Researcher acknowledges the following: Prof Dr Rowena M Libo-on, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, Central Philippine University, Philippines, for her untiring effort and belief that this collaboration is possible thus enabling us to pursue the DBM degree; Assoc Prof Dr Tran Nhuan Kien – my research advisor, for his selfless guidance and assistance thereby making this paper a scholarly work; Dr Do Dinh Long - Vice Director of Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Business Administration (TUEBA), Thai Nguyen University - for his encouragements and elaborate comments and suggestions Dr Bui Thi Minh Hang - Director of Institute of International Education (IIE), Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Business Administration, Thai Nguyen University - for her great supports and kind understanding Professors from Faculty of the Graduate Program of the College of Business and Accountancy Central Philippine University, Philippines CPU and Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Business Administration, who composed the Oral Defense Committee, for their lectures, suggestions, comments and corrections to improve this study; IIE staffs, for providing the necessary research materials and useful information during the course; My family members, colleagues and friends, for the loves and supports … and to all who have contributed to make this study a success ii Declaration of Authorship I hereby declare that this doctoral thesis was carried out by myself under the guidance and supervision of Dr Lorna T Grande The data and figures presented in this doctoral thesis were for analysis, comments, and evaluations from various resources by my own work and had been duly acknowledged in the reference part In addition, other comments, reviews and data used by other authors, and organizations had been acknowledged, and explicitly cited I will take full responsibility for any fraud detected in my thesis (if any) Author Nguyen Duc Dung iii Table of Content Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Objectives of the Study 1.2.1 General Objective 1.2.2 Specific Objectives 1.3 Theoretical Framework 1.3.1 Theories of Service Quality 1.3.2 Theories of Satisfaction 1.4 Conceptual Framework 1.5 The Operational Definitions 1.6 Significance of the Study 1.7 Scope and limitations of the Study 10 Chapter 2: Review of Literature and Related Study 11 2.1 Related Literature 12 2.2 Related Studies 25 Chapter 3: Methodology 32 3.1 Research Design 32 3.2 Ethical Consideration 33 3.3 Population, Sample Size and Sampling Technique 34 3.4 Research Instrument 35 3.4.1 Questionnaires for Determining Factors Affecting the Training Quality among the Stated-owned Vocational Schools in Hanoi city 35 3.4.2 Questionnaires for Assessing the Satisfaction of the Graduates with the Training Quality among the Stated-owned Vocational Schools in Hanoi city 39 3.5 Data Gathering Procedure 40 3.5.1 Primary Data Gathering 40 3.5.2 Secondary Data Gathering 41 3.6 Data Processing and Data Analysis 41 Chapter 4: Results and Discussion 45 4.1 Characteristics of the ten (10) Stated-owned Vocational Schools in Hanoi city 45 4.1.1 Organizational Structure, Staff, Teachers 45 4.1.2 Facilities 46 iv 4.1.3 Training services 46 4.1.4 Results of Enrollment, Graduation and Job Placement 47 4.2 Profile of the Respondents 47 4.3 Factors affecting the Training Quality among the Stated-owned Vocational Schools in Hanoi city 50 4.3.1 Impacts of the Factors on the Training Quality among the Stated-owned Vocational Schools in Hanoi city as Rated by the Respondents 50 4.3.2 Significant Differences Between the Means Given to the Factors Affecting the Training Quality among the Stated-owned Vocational Schools in Hanoi city and the Students’ profile 59 4.3.3 Reliability Analysis of Scale 65 4.3.4 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) 71 4.3.5 Multiple Regression Analysis 76 4.4 Factors Affecting the Satisfaction of Graduates with the Training Quality among the Stated-owned Vocational Schools in Hanoi city 80 4.4.1 Satisfaction of the graduates with the Training Quality provided at the Stated-owned Vocational Schools in Hanoi city as Rated by the Respondents 80 4.4.2 Significant Differences Between the Satisfaction Levels of the Graduates with the Training Quality among the Stated-owned Vocational Schools in Hanoi city 90 4.4.5 Multiple Regression Analysis 95 Chapter 5: Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations 97 5.1 Summary of Findings 97 5.2 Conclusions 99 5.3 Recommendations 102 Reference 105 Appendice 108 Survey questionnaire 01 108 Survey questionnaire 02 111 v List of Tables Table 3.1: Names of Ten (10) the Stated-Owned Vocational Schools in Hanoi city 35 Table 3.2: Likert Scale for Questionnaire No 36 Table 3.3: Measurement of the Variables for Questionnaire No 36 Table 3.4: Proposed Factors and the Variables Influencing the Training Quality among the Vocational Schools in Hanoi city 37 Table 3.5: Likert Scale for Questionnaire No 39 Table 3.6: Measurement of the Variables for Questionnaire No 39 Table 4.1: Computed Table of Frequency and Percentage of the Respondents’ Profile 48 Table 4.2: Impacts of Variables on the Training Quality in Terms of Tangibility Rated by Respondents 51 Table 4.3: Impacts of Variables on the Training Quality in Terms of Teachers Rated by Respondents 52 Table 4.4: Impacts of Variables on the Training Quality in Terms of Curricula Rated by Respondents 53 Table 4.5: Impacts of Variables on the Training Quality in Terms of Supports to Students Rated by Respondents 54 Table 4.6: Impacts of Variables on the Training Quality in Terms of Administration Rated by Respondents 55 Table 4.7: Impacts of Variables on the Training Quality in Terms of Tuition Payment Rated by Respondents 56 Table 4.8: Impacts of Variables on the Training Quality in Terms of Social Activities Rated by Respondents 57 Table 4.9: General Impacts of the Factors on the Training quality among the Stated-owned Vocational Schools in Hanoi city 58 Table 4.10: Summary of Factors/ Variables Affecting the Training Quality among the Statedowned Vocational Schools in Hanoi city 59 Table 4.11: The Computed T-test for Equality of Means between the Respondents’ Genders and Their Assessment of the Impact of the Factors on the Training Quality 60 Table 4.12: The Computed T-test for Equality of Means between the Respondents’ Ages and Their Assessment of the Impact of the Factors on the Training Quality 61 vi Table 4.13: The Computed T-test for Equality of Means between the Respondents’ Ethnicity and Their Assessment of the Impact of the Factors on the Training Quality 62 Table 4.14: The Computed T-test for Equality of Means between the Respondents’ Place of Residence and Their Assessment of the Impact of the Factors on the Training Quality 63 Table 4.15: The Computed T-test for Equality of Means between the Respondents’ Learning Status and Their Assessment of the Impact of the Factors on the Training Quality 64 Table 4.16: Reliability and Item-Total Statistics of Tangibility 65 Table 4.17: Reliability and Item-Total Statistics of Teachers 66 Table 4.18: Reliability and Item-Total Statistics of Curricula 67 Table 4.19: Reliability and Item-Total Statistics of Supports to Students 68 Table 4.20: Reliability and Item-Total Statistics of Administration 68 Table 4.21: Reliability and Item-Total Statistics of Tuition Payment 69 Table 4.22: Reliability and Item-Total Statistics of Social Activities 70 Table 4.23: Reliability and Item-Total Statistics of FAQ 70 Table 4.24: Summary of Cronbach’s Alpha of Independent Variables 71 Table 4.25: KMO and Bartlett’s test 72 Table 4.26: Total Variance Explained 72 Table 4.27: Component Score Coefficient Matrix 73 Table 4.28: KMO and Bartlett’s test 75 Table 4.29: Total Variance Explained 76 Table 4.30: Model Summary 76 Table 4.31: ANOVA 77 Table 4.32: Coefficients 77 Table 4.33: Testing Result of the Hypothesis Pair 78 Table 4.34: Satisfaction Levels with the Training Quality in Terms of Tangibility as Perceived by the Respondents 81 Table 4.35: Satisfaction Levels with the Training Quality in Terms of Teachers as Perceived by the Respondents 81 Table 4.36: Satisfaction Levels with the Training Quality in Terms of Curricula as Perceived by the Respondents 83 Table 4.37: Satisfaction Levels with the Training Quality in Terms of Supports to Students as Perceived by the Respondents 84 vii Table 4.38: Satisfaction Levels with the Training Service in Terms of Administration as Perceived by the Respondents 85 Table 4.39: Satisfaction Levels with the Training Quality in Terms of Tuition Payments as Perceived by the Respondents 86 Table 4.40: Satisfaction Levels with the Training Service in Terms of Social Activities as Perceived by the Respondents 87 Table 4.41: General Satisfaction with the Training Service Among the Stated-owned Vocational Schools in Hanoi city as Perceived by the Respondents 88 Table 4.42: Summary of Items Relating to Training Service Dissatisfied by the Respondents at the Stated-owned Vocational Schools in Hanoi city 89 Table 4.43: The computed T-test for Equality of Means between the Respondents’ Genders and Their Satisfaction Levels with the Training Service 91 Table 4.44: The computed T-test for Equality of Means between the Respondents’ Ages and Their Satisfaction Levels with the Training Service 92 Table 4.45: The computed T-test for Equality of Means between the Respondents’ Ethnicity and Their Satisfaction Levels with the Training Service 93 Table 4.46: The computed T-test for Equality of Means between the Respondents’ Places of residence and Their Satisfaction Levels with the Training Service 93 Table 4.47: Coefficients 95 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1: Factor Affecting the Training Quality and Satisfaction of Graduates among the Vocational Schools in Hanoi city Figure 3.1: Research Process 33 Figure 4.1: Histogram of the Standardized Residuals 79 Figure 4.2: Scatterplot Graph 79 ix ABSTRACT It is the fact that the ten state-owned vocational schools have been facing unprecedented issues recently The number of applicants has dropped sharply over the last few years This is very challenging for the existence of these schools These schools have fierce competition with private training centers especially in the suburban districts There have been hundreds of private vocational schools and job centers since 2000s in Hanoi city These vocational schools are profit-oriented and they have invested much money on the teaching facilities and well as teaching resources Recent reports indicate some percent of students quitting their studies at the stated owned vocational schools in Hanoi city annually These students may be dissatisfied with the training quality at these vocational schools or they can switch to other training centers for better training Moreover, there are many complaints from the employers that the new graduates from these schools seem not to meet the requirements of the tasks at work The author conducted this study to identify the factors affecting the training quality at the stated-owned vocational schools in Hanoi city There were seven thirty-seven variables being used to determine the importance levels on which each variable has effect The study also assessed the satisfaction levels of the respondents with the training quality at these schools There were 400 current and former students serving as the respondents of the study – 200 respondents were selected from the second-year students and 200 are former students Two sets of questionnaires were used to collect the primary data for the analysis 400 respondents were asked to fill the first questionnaire; 200 graduates were required to fill the second questionnaire Based on the thorough analysis, the results of the study can be summarized as follow: The stated-owned vocational schools in Hanoi city not have enough full-time teachers to fulfill the tasks especially teaching activities Twenty-seven items belonging to factors are rated to have high and vary high impacts on the training quality at the stated-owned vocational schools in Hanoi city Among these factors, teaching staff is rated with highest impact score Twenty-one items related to training services provided at the stated-owned vocational schools in Hanoi city were dissatisfied by the graduates Items belonging to factor “curricula” received more dissatisfaction than those of other The author proposed recommendations so that the managers of the stated-owned vocational schools in Hanoi city can make better policies to enhance the training quality in the time to come

Ngày đăng: 20/02/2024, 13:55


