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Tiêu đề Ngữ Pháp Tiểu Học Tổng ễn Tập Kiến Thức Nâng Cao (Hướng Thi HSG Và Các Trường Chất Lượng Cao Vào Lớp 6)
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Chọn dạng danh từ số nhiều đúng Exercise 4: Circle the correct noun in brackets Chọn Danh từ đúng2. Trang 13 Exercise 3: Choose the correct article in brackets to fill in the blanks.. Tr

Trang 1






toothache /ˈtuːθeɪk/ đau răng

earache /ˈɪəreɪk/ đau tai

sore throat /sɔː(r)/ /θrəʊt/ đau họng

stomach ache /ˈstʌmək/ eɪk đau bụng

pain /peɪn/ cơn đau

temperature /ˈtemprətʃə(r)/ nhiệt độ

stomach /ˈstʌmək/ cái bụng

Trang 2

throat /θrəʊt/ cổ họng

ear /ɪə(r)/ tai

tooth/teeth tuːθ/ /tiːθ/ răng (1 cái)/ răng (nhiều cái)

backache /ˈbækeɪk/ đau lưng

should not /ʃəd nɒt/ không nên

take … to the doctor /teɪk tuː ðə ˈdɒktə(r)/ mang … tới bác sĩ

go to the doctor /ɡəʊ tuː ðə ˈdɒktə(r)/ đi khám bác sĩ

take a rest /teɪk ə rest/ nghỉ ngơi

go to the dentist /ɡəʊ tuː ðə ˈdentɪst/ đi khám nha sĩ

eat a lot of fruit /iːt ə lɒt əv fruːt/ ăn nhiều hoa quả

carry heavy things /ˈkæri ˈhevi θɪŋz/ mang vác vật nặng

eat a lot of sweets / iːt ə lɒt əv swiːts/ ăn nhiều kẹo

wash the hand /wɒʃ ðə hænd/ rửa tay

do morning exercise /duː ˈmɔːnɪŋ ˈeksəsaɪz/ tập thể dục buổi sáng

brush the teeth /brʌʃ ðə tiːθ/ đánh răng

keep the nails short and clean /kiːp ðə neɪlz ʃɔːt ənd kliːn/ giữ móng tay ngắn và sạch sẽ

take a shower /teɪk ə ˈʃaʊə(r)/ tắm (vòi sen)

window /ˈwɪndəʊ/ cửa sổ

accident /ˈæksɪdənt/ tai nạn

stove /stəʊv/ bếp ga

kitchen /ˈkɪtʃɪn/ nhà bếp

balcony /ˈbælkəni/ ban công

call for help /kɒ:l fə[r] help/ nhờ giúp đỡ

Trang 3

loudly /ˈlaʊdli/ to (âm thanh)

prevent … from … /prɪˈvent/ frəm ngăn chặn … khỏi cái gì

make sure /meɪk ʃʊə(r)/ đảm bảo rằng

allow /əˈlaʊ/ cho phép

play with the knife /pleɪ ðə wɪð naɪf/ nghịch dao

cut yourself /kʌt jɔːˈself/ tự cắt chảy máu

get a burn /get ə bɜːn/ bị bỏng

touch the stove /tʌtʃ ðə stəʊv/ chạm vào bếp ga

play with matches /pleɪ wɪð ˈmætʃzɪ/ nghịch diêm

ride the bike too fast /raɪd ðə baɪk tuː fɑːst/ đi xe đạp quá nhanh

climb the tree /klaɪm ðə triː/ leo trèo cây cối

run down the stairs /rʌn daʊn ðə steə(r)z/ chạy xuống cầu thang

break the leg/arm /breɪk ðə leg ɑːm/ làm gãy chân/tay

roll off /rəʊl ɒf/ lăn ra (khỏi cái gì)

dangerous /ˈdeɪndʒərəs/ nguy hiểm

common /ˈkɒmən/ thông thường

safe /seɪf/ an toàn

go somewhere /ɡəʊ ˈsʌmweə(r)/ đi đâu đó

learn about /lɜːn əˈbaʊt/ học về

pagoda /pəˈɡəʊdə/ chùa

museum /mjuˈziːəm/ bảo tàng

bridge /brɪdʒ/ cầu (cầu đường)

Trang 4

temple /ˈtempl/ đền, miếu

theatre /ˈθɪətə(r)/ rạp hát, nhà hát

West Lake /west leɪk hồ tây

statue /ˈstætʃuː/ tượng

tree /triː/ cây cối

friendly /ˈfrendli/ thân thiện

in the middle of /ɪn ðə ˈmɪdl əv/ nằm giữa

more … than i expected /mɔː(r) ðæn aɪ ɪkˈspektɪd/ hơn … là tôi tưởng

one day /wʌn deɪ/ một ngày nào đó

hometown /ˈhəʊmtaʊn/ quê nhà

city /ˈsɪti/ thành phố

lake /leɪk/ hồ

countryside /ˈkʌntrisaɪd/ vùng quê

mountain /ˈmaʊntən/ núi non

town /taʊn/ thị trấn

East /iːst/ Phía Đông, Phương Đông

county /ˈkaʊnti/ quận

Trang 5

beautiful /ˈbjuːtɪfl/ xinh đẹp

quiet /ˈkwaɪət/ yên lặng, yên tĩnh

expensive /ɪkˈspensɪv/ đắt đỏ

peaceful /ˈpiːsfl/ yên bình

nice /naɪs/ xinh xắn, đẹp đẽ

jog /dʒɒg/ chạy bộ

camp /kæmp/ cắm trại

hike /haik/ đi bộ đường dài

karate /kə'rɑ:ti/ võ karate

read /ri:d/ đọc

listen to music /'lisn tu: 'mju:zik/ nghe nhạc

play football /plei 'fʊtbɔ:l/ chơi bóng đá

play chess /plei t∫es/ chơi cờ

play tennis /plei tenis/ chơi quần vợt

play badminton /plei 'bædmintən/ chơi cầu lông

play volleyball /plei ˈvɑːliˌbɑːl/ chơi bóng chuyền

play computer game /plei kəm'pju:tə[r] chơi trò chơi trên máy

go swimming /gəʊ 'swimiη/ đi bơi

go fishing /gəʊ 'fi∫iη/ đi câu cá

go camping /gəʊ 'kæmpiŋ/ đi cắm trại

go shopping /gəʊ '∫ɒpiŋ/ đi mua sắm

watch TV /wɒt∫ ti: vi:/ xem ti vi

Fox /fɒks/ con cáo

Wolf /wʊlf/ con sói

Hare /heə[r]/ con thỏ rừng

Bird /bɜ:d/ con chim

Crow /krəʊ/ con quạ

Mouse /maʊs/ con chuột

Happen /'hæpən/ xảy ra

Order /'ɔ:də[r]/ ra lệnh

Trang 6

Find /faind/ tìm thấy

Grow /grəʊ/ trồng

Exchange /iks't∫eindʒ/ trao đổi

Allow /ə'laʊ/ cho phép

Greedy /'gri:di/ tham lam

Honest /'ɒnist/ trung thực

Wise /waiz/ thông thái

Stupid /'stju:pid/ ngốc nghếch

Poor /pɔ:[r]/ nghèo

Rich /rit∫/ giàu

Seed /si:d/ hạt

watermelon /ˈwɑːtɚˌmɛlən/ quả dưa hấu

Lucky /'lʌki/ may mắn

Surprised /sə'praizd/ ngạc nhiên

Amazing /ə'meiziη/ ngạc nhiên

Journalist /'dʒɜ:nəlist/ nhà báo

Pilot /'pailət/ phi công

architect /'ɑ:kitekt/ kiến trúc sư

Writer /'raitə[r]/ nhà văn

engineer /endʒi'niə[r]/ kĩ sư

footballer /'fʊtbɔ:lə[r]/ cầu thủ

patient /'pei∫nt/ bệnh nhân

singer /siŋə[r]/ ca sĩ

athlete /'æθli:t/ lực sĩ

staff /stɑ:f/ nhân viên

design /di'zain/ thiết kế

look after /lʊk 'ɑ:ftə[r]/ chăm sóc

grow up /grəʊ ʌp/ lái

Hope /həʊp/ hi vọng

Drive /draiv/ trưởng thành

Trang 7

space /speis/ vũ trụ

Spaceship /'speis∫ip/ tàu vũ trụ

Astronaut /'æstrənɔ:t/ phi hành gia

Dream /dri:m/ mơ ước

Travel /'trævl/ du lịch

bus stop /'bʌs stɒp/ trạm xe buýt

post office /'pəʊstɒfis/ bưu điện

museum /mju:'ziəm/ bảo tàng

stadium /'steidiəm/ sân vận động

restaurant /'restrɒnt/ nhà hàng

take a bus /teik ei bʌs/ đi bằng xe buýt

take a coach /teik ei kəʊt∫/ đi bằng xe tập huấn

take a boat /teik ei bəʊt/ đi bằng tàu

go on foot /gəʊ ɒn fʊt/ đi bộ

get on /get ɒn/ lên xe

get off /get ɔ:f/ xuống xe

stop /stɒp/ dừng /đổ

get lost /get lɒst/ bị lạc

opposite /'ɒpəzit/ đối diện

left /left/ bên trái

right /rait/ bên phải

between /bi'twi:n/ ở giữa

corner /'kɔ:nə[r]/ góc

Trang 8


Exercise 1 All the words in bold are nouns Circle the countable noun and underline the uncountable noun in each sentence

(Khoanh tròn vào DT đếm được; gạch chân DT không đếm được)

Exercise 2 Circle the correct noun in brackets

(Khoanh tròn từ đúng)


1 There is a lot of traffic in the city today

2 Everybody should eat lots of fruit and vegetables

3 We had a lot of fun at the beach yesterday

4 My elder brother plays chess very well

5 You can find a lot of information using a computer

6 My grandmother always gives me good advice

7 My mother brought some new furniture for my bedroom

8 I don’t eat a lot of meat, but I like burgers

9 We took a lot of luggage on our holiday

10 I love fried rice and noodles

11 How much money have you got? - I’ve got $10!

12 I like pop music and I’ve got lots of CDs

13 I do my homework in the kitchen with my brothers

14 Can I have a pencil and some paper, please?

15 Today, the weather will be sunny with a few clouds

1 What language do (people/ person) in France speak?

1 Do you wear (glass/ glasses)?

2 Be careful when you come down the (stair/ stairs)

3 My brother always wears his (jean/ jeans) at the weekend

4 My dad built three new (shelf/ shelves) for my books

5 Please can I have 1 kg of (tomato/ tomatoes)?

Trang 9

Exercise 3: Circle the correct plural in brackets

(Chọn dạng danh từ số nhiều đúng)

Exercise 4: Circle the correct noun in brackets

(Chọn Danh từ đúng)

6 Do you like roast (potato/ potatoes)?

7 What colour are the (bus/ buses) in your town?

8 May I borrow your (scissor/ scissors)?

9 How many (foot/ feet) does a centipede have?

10 Are you scared of (mouse/ mice)?

11 How many times a day do you brush your (teeth/ tooth)?

12 How many (children/ child) are there in your class?

13 Mum bought some (strawberry/ strawberries)

14 Do you wear (short/ shorts) to school?

1 Jim takes a (bus/ buses) to school every day

2 The fairy gave the girl (wish/ wishes)

3 Many (persons/ people) take the subway every day

4 A lot of girls in my class have long (hair/ hairs)

5 In France, there are many different kinds of (cheese/ cheeses)

6 We get wool from (sheeps/ sheep)

7 Cats like chasing (mouse/ mice)

8 Put the (knifes/ knives) and forks on the table

9 Some (man/ men) like playing football

10 We made a lot of (sandwich/ sandwiches) for the picnic

11 There are five different (fish/ fishes) in the aquarium

12 How many (child/ children) are there in your class?

13 My baby sister has only got two (tooth/ teeth)

14 Those three (women/ woman) are sisters

15 There are four (chairs/ chair) around the table

Trang 10

Exercise 5: Choose the correct answer

(Chọn đáp án đúng)

1 My (uncle/ aunt) is a waiter in a big restaurant

2 Both Mr and Mrs Naylor are (policemen/ police officers)

3 My (grandfather/ grandmother) only wears lipstick wen she goes out

4 Cleopatra was a beautiful (king/ queen) of Egypt

5 My (brother/ sister) goes to a all-boys school

6 Our teacher has a baby (son/ daughter) Her name is Sally

7 Madonna is a famous singer and (actor/ actress)

8 Mr John Green is our new (headmaster/ headmistress)

9 In fairy tales, (princes/ princesses) often wear beautiful dresses

10 The (hero/ heroine) of this book is called Tom

11 Annie wants to be (an air steward/ a flight attendant) when she grows up

12 My sister is getting married tomorrow She will be a beautiful (bridge/ bridgegroom)!

13 My neighbor, Mr Adams, is the (mayor/ mayoress) of our city

14 The (bull/ cow) has a beautiful calf

15 Both my brother and sister want to be (firemen/ firefighters) when they grow up

1 Being rich doesn’t always bring

A happy B happily C happiest D happiness

2 All children need their parents’

A lovely B love C loving D loved

3 Some made at school can last our lives

A friendly B friend C friendships D friendliness

4 Fire officers show great when they fight fires

A courage B courageous C courageously D encourage

5 Please show towards your teachers and classmates

A respectful B respects C respect D respectfully

6 is always best

A Honest B Honestly C Dishonesty D Honesty

Trang 11

Exercise 6: Choose the correct answer

(Chọn đáp án đúng)

7 Everyone knows the of learning English

A import B important C importantly D importance

8 People should always tell the

A truth B truthfully C truthful D truthfulness

9 My teacher shows a lot of with us

A patient B patients C patience D patiently

10 My parents were full of when I won the competition

A proud B proudly C pride D prideful

11 I love the and quiet of the countryside

A peace B peaceful C peacefully D peacefulness

12 Having a good is very important

A educator B education C educate D educating

1 In many cultures, people nod to show

A agree B agreeing C agreement D agreed

2 A person of his will get a job easily

A able B unable C ableness D ability

3 You can show your driving licence to prove your

A identify B identifiable C identified D identity

4 We need a to help us understand this letter It’s written in German

A translate B translating C translated D translator

5 Sonia is very concerned about her She’s always looking in the mirror

A appear B appearing C appearance D appeared

6 Julie is very interested in

A photograph B photographic C photography D photographer

7 Georgr is a very good

A piano B pianist C pianoforte D pianissimo

8 The Internet is a wonderful source of

Trang 12


Exercise 1: Circle the correct article in brackets

(Khoanh tròn mạo từ phù hợp)

A inform B informative C informing D information

9 Your passport shows your

A nation B national C nationality D nationalist

10 What forms of do you enjoy?

A entertains B entertain C entertainment D entertaingly

11 The Japanese warriors showed exceptional

A brave B braving C braved D bravery

12 How did the universe come into ?

A exist B existence C existing D existed

1 Paris is (a/ the) capital of France

2 (A/ The) Amazon River is very long

3 We saw (the/ an) exciting film at the cinema

4 (The/ An) Internet has changed the way we live

5 This is (an/ a) easy exercise

6 Take (a/ an) umbrella with you It’s raining

7 Can I borrow (a/ an) pen, please?

8 Sam rode on (a/ an) elephant in India

9 Can I play on (the/ an) computer now?

10 The teacher is wearing (a/ an) orange dress today

11 I saw (a/ an) large snake at the zoo

12 Mount Everest is in (a/ the) Himalayas

13 Can I have (a/ an) apple, please?

14 What is (the/ a) time?

15 (The/ A) weather is very good today

Trang 13

Exercise 3: Choose the correct article in brackets to fill in the blanks

(Chọn mạo từ phù hợp trong ngoặc để điền vào chỗ trống)

1 I really like to listen to music on my music player

Trang 14

Exercise 4: Choose the correct answer

(Chọn đáp án đúng)

football Cricket is (9) (a/ the) game played between two teams of eleven players It is (10)

(a/ an) exciting game

1 Is there university in your town?

Trang 15

Exercise A: Circle the correct quantifier in brackets

(Khoanh tròn Lượng từ đúng cho câu)

Exercise 2: Circle the correct quantifier in brackets

(Khoanh tròn Lượng từ đúng)

1 I don’t have (some/ much) homework tonight

2 Are there (many/ a) museums in your town?

3 I have (some/ an) apples Would you like one?

4 Would you like more rice?

Thank you Just (little/ a little), please

5 How (much/ many) pocket money do you get?

6 I like (a little/ lots) of sugar in my tea

7 We just need (many/ a few) pencils for the project

8 How (little/ many) brothers and sisters do you have?

Ann is very popular She has (a lot of/ a few) friends

9 Your homework is excellent You made very (a few/ few) mistakes

10 How (many/ much) time do we have?

11 Not (many/ much) children live near my house

12 Could I have (a few/ a little) more orange juice, please?

13 There are (a few/ a little) books missing

14 Martha likes to eat (lots/ lot) of candies

1 Harry is ill today He ate (too many/ too much) chocolate yesterday

2 Jim could not finish the test There were (too much/ too many) questions

3 Don’t take (too many/ too much) orange juice Leave some for me!

4 (Not many/ Not much) students come to school by car Most people take the bus

5 It is (not much/ not many) fun to go to the beach on your own I prefer to go with my friends




Trang 16

Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer

(Chọn đáp án đúng)

6 I cannot watch TV tonight I have (too many/ too much) homework

7 (Not much/ Not many) girls play football in my school They prefer volleyball

8 Mr Lee could not find a seat on the train There were (too many/ too much) people

9 Hurry up! There is (not many/ not much) time left

10 Sonia could not sleep Her brother was making (too many/ too much) noise in his room

11 There are (too much/ too many) chairs in this room

12 In the summer, there is (not many/ not much) rain

13 There is (not many/ not much) ice cream in the fridge

14 There were (too much/ too many) mistakes in my homework

15 (Not much/ Not many) names begin with the letter U

1 Henry’s very popular He’s got friends

A much B a few C plenty D lots of

2 Jane: Are we going to be late?

Belty: No, we’ve got of time

A much B many C plenty D more

3 Mum, you gave her meat than me! It’s not fair!

A much B more C a lot of D plenty

4 Would you like ketchup with your chips?

A some B plenty C much D many

5 I haven’t got pocket money left

A some B any C a little D many

6 How people are there in your family?

A much B many C plenty D more

7 How does a new mountain bike cost?

A much B many C plenty D more

8 I don’t have time to talk now

A plenty B less C a few D enough

9 I can speak Malay

Trang 17

Exercise 4: Choose the correct answer

(Chọn đáp án đúng)

A much B a little C a few D any

10 Have you got rice?

A many B a few C plenty D enough

11 I don’t want noodles, thank you

A a little B any C plenty D a few

12 We need extra chairs because there are people here

A more B less C many D much

1 I get the pocket money out of all my friends

A little B least C few D much

2 Leave space at the top of the page for your name

A much B some C many D any

3 There are wild pandas left in the world today

A much B little C any D few

4 You have been told times not to run in the corridors

A several B little C any D much

5 John did the work, but got the highest marks in the test

A much B little C few D least

6 There has been rain this year The rivers are dry

A any B much C few D little

7 I don’t have colored pencils with me Can I borrow yours?

A some B much C any D few

8 people don’t know how to use the Internet these days

A Much B Few C Little D Least

9 progress has been made on the building site due to the recent heavy rains

A Few B Any C Little D Least

10 There are places left for the school trip

A a little B any C most D several

11 children like eating ice cream

Trang 18

A Much B Least C Most D Any

12 Did you put sugar in this coffee?

A any B several C many D few

Trang 19

Exercise 1: Choose the correct subject or object pronoun

(Chọn Đại từ Chủ ngữ/ Đại từ Tân ngữ thích hợp)

Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer

5 Our new teacher is Mrs Green I like very much

A it B she C her D him

6 am ten years old

A She B We C He D I

7 Michael is from London lives in the city centre

A We B He C They D It

8 “John! Sally! Are ready for school?” asked Father

A you B she C they D he

9 The students stood up when saw the Principal

A he B she C we D they

10 This is my cat is called Mog

A They B It C We D You

1 Who gave that lovely ring?

A we B she C you D they

2 I rang Daisy and she told the news

A myself B I C she D me


Trang 20

Exercise 3 : Choose the correct possessive pronoun or possessive adjective

(Chọn Đại từ sở hữu hoặc Tính từ sở hữu thích hợp)

3 Mum, can you pass a banana, please?

7 Tell all about your holiday

A our B us C you D ourselves

8 Can help you to more food?

A I B them C you D they

9 It was my cousin’s birthday, so I sent a card

A him B himself C he D them

10 Dolphins live in the sea but are mammals

A them B he C they D themselves

11 Here’s an important letter for parents Please give it to as soon as you get home

A themselves B they C you D them

12 I emailed my friend and told all my news

A she B her C you D them

1 Mark drove his wife’s car to work because wouldn’t start

A it B he C his D him

2 It was a good idea of to catch the early train

A him B he C yours D your

3 Are these books on the table?

A you B your C yours D us

4 They are moving to the city to be closer to grandchildren

A their B theirs C his D your

Trang 21

Exercise 4: Choose the correct reflexive pronoun

(Chọn đại từ phản thân thích hợp)

5 bus always seems to be the last one to arrive

A Ours B Our C Us D We

6 My sister borrowed a towel from me She had left at hoome

A her B she C him D hers

7 The teacher asked the class whose rubbish was on the floor

Jim apologised and admitted it was

A him B he C his D it

8 That’s not our classroom is on the first floor

A Our B Ours C You D We

9 Is this your bicycle, Marie?

No, it’s not is over there

A My B Me C I D Mine

10 My aunt invited several friends of to the cinema

A hers B her C his D she

11 A friend of lives in Manila

A me B my C mine D I

12 Mr and Mrs Chen met some neighbours of when they went to the supermarket

A they B theirs C their D them

1 She enjoyed at the birthday party

A herself B himself C itself D myself

2 Shall I turn the computer off? - No, it turns off

A herself B himself C itself D myself

3 Anne, have a lovely holiday and enjoy !

A itself B himself C myself D yourself

4 Did your brothers have a good time camping? - Yes, they really enjoyed

A yourself B yourselves C ourselves D themselves

5 My uncle lives by

A herself B himself C itself D myself

Trang 22

Exercise 5: Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronoun or possessive adjective in brackets

(Điền vào chỗ trống với Đại từ phù hợp)

Exercise 6: Circle the correct indefinite pronoun in brackets

(Khoanh tròn Đại từ bất định phù hợp)

6 Be careful! Don’t cut with that knife!

A itself B himself C myself D yourself

7 I did my homework by

A itself B himself C myself D yourself

8 He fell over but didn’t hurt

A itself B himself C myself D yourself

9 Children! Please be quiet and behave

A yourself B yourselves C ourselves D themselves

10 There was nobody in the kitchen, so we helped to the biscuits

A yourself B yourselves C ourselves D themselves

(1) (Our/ Ours) world is a wonderful place, but some people can be greedy We must learn

to share things and be responsible Things like water don’t belong to us It’s not (2) (your/ yours) or (3) (my/ mine) We must be responsible while using it So, remember to turn off the taps properly and to have a shower rather than a bath This saves a lot of water And public spaces: they are not (4) (our/ ours) They are not (5) (my/ mine) or (6) (your/ yours) We must share them and behave responsibly So, we must remember to throw (7) (our/ ours) liter into rubbish bins When we’re walking in the countryside, we must remember that the flowers abd trees belong to everyone So, we shouldn’t pick big bunches of flowers to take home to (8) (our/ ours) mothers The flowers are not really (9) (her/ hers) It’s better to leave them

in the ground, so all visitors can enjoy them And we should never carve words into tree trunks The trees aren’t (10) (our/ ours) They belong to everyone So, we all must remember that the world belongs to us all It’s not yours or mine or his or (11) (her/ hers) It’s (12) (our/ ours) and we all must look after it

1 I’m bored I have (nothing/ something) to do

Trang 23

Exercise 7: Choose the correct indefinite pronoun

(Chọn Đại từ bất định phù hợp)

2 Lucy has (everything/ something) to tell us

3 Harry could not find his maths book (nowhere/ anywhere)

4 Can (no one/ anyone) lend me a pencil, please?

5 (somebody/ Nobody) failed the test We all passed

6 Not (somebody/ everybody) has a mobile phone

7 Sally did not eat (anything/ something) for breakfast

8 Ron had a terrible day (Nothing/ Everything) went wrong

9 Listen to me (no one/ everyone)!

10 (Someone/ Anyone) forgot to turn off the computer

11 Dan couldn’t find his phone (nowhere/ anywhere)

12 He looked (everywhere/ anywhere) for his keys

13 The teacher asked us a question but (no one/ anyone) knew the answer

14 I’m very hungry Have you got (nothing/ anything) to eat?

15.(Nothing/ Something) woke me up last night but I don’t know what it was

1 Oh! I’ve got in my eye It hurts!

A someone B something C anything D nothing

2 of the answers are correct

A None B Nobody C Something D Everything

3 wants to be happy

A No one B Everything C Everyone D Nothing

4 Children, make sure you take home with you this afternoon Remember to take all your work and all your other belongings

A anything B nothing C none D everything

5 Dad, phoned for you, but I don’t know who it was

A no one B someone C everyone D something

6 is going out to play until you have all finished the exercises!

A Everybody B Somebody C Nobody D Nothing

7 Jill: Shh!

Trang 24

Exercise 8: Circle the correct demonstrative pronoun

(Khoanh tròn Đại từ chỉ định phù hợp)

Katy: What? - Jill: I though I heard

A something B nothing C everything D anyone

8 Has got my pen?

A nothing B something C everything D somebody

9 My pen friend has sent me by post I wonder what it is!

A everything B anything C something D nothing

10 I went to my friend’s house, but there was there So, I came home

A everything B anybody C nothing D nobody

11 I know I have to phone , but I can’t remember who!

A someone B something C no one D everyone

12 Sorry, what did you say? - , I didn’t say a word!

A Everything B Nobody C Nothing D Something

1 Could you pass me (this/ that) pen, please?

2 (This/ These) sandwich is delicious

3 (This/ These) sentences are easy

4 Do you know (that/ those) boy in the yellow shirt?

5 I’ve never met (that/ those) children before

6 Come and sit on (this/ that) chair next to me

7 Have you heard (this/ these) story before?

8 Who do (this/ these) pencils belong to?

9 (Those/ These) tall trees over there are the oldest in the park

10 I don’t like (these/ that) colour green

11 (These/ That) book is all about horses

12 (These/ This) chairs are taken Please sit somewhere else

13 All (these/ those) books over there belong to the library

14 (These/ This) computer isn’t working Can I use another one?

15 I’ve finished (this/ those) exercise Shall I do another one?

Trang 25

Exercise 1: Circle the correct adjective in brackets

(Chọn tính từ đúng)

Exercise 2: Choose the correct adjective in brackets to fill in the blanks

(Chọn Tính từ đúng điền vào chỗ trống)

1 There is a very (highly/ high) tower in the city

2 The children had a (short/ shorts) break

3 The planet Mars is (red/ redder)

4 The (badly/ bad) dog barked all night

5 I watched a (longing/ long) film on TV last night

6 My brother is (tall/ taller) and slim

7 The students are very (noisy/ noise) this morning

8 Please use a (tall/ blue) pen to write down the answers

9 I live in a (large/ largely) flat

10 The teacher told the children a (funnily/ funny) story

11 This is a (use/ useful) exercise

12 I am (happy/ happiness) to see my friends

13 The new neighbour is very (friend/ friendly)

14 This is a (good/ best) book

15 Mr Adams was (crossing/ cross) because James was late

Greece is a country in Europe Its capital city is Athens, which is a very (1) (beautiful/ beauty) city with many very (2) (elder/ old) monuments One very (3) (fame/ famous) monument is the Acropolis There are lots of islands in Greece and it also has a very (4) (long/ length) coastline Many tourists go to Greece on holiday to enjoy the warm (5) (blue/ yellow) sea, and to get the (6) (taste/ tasty) Greek food Greeks eat a lot of (7) (freshly/ fresh) fish and vegetables Greek houses are usually (8) (white/ whiter) and have (9) (flat/ flatly) roofs People can use these roofs to dry fruit in the (10) (hot/ hottest) summer and collect rainwater in the winter


Trang 26

Exercise 4: Choose the correct answer

(Chọn đáp án đúng)

1 Have you ever tried Thai food?

2 We keep our umbrellas in a big, china pot near the door

3 Marco Polo was an Italian explorer

4 Can you make a paper plane that can fly?

5 She is wearing leather shoes

6 My mother bought me a cotton dress yesterday

7 Is that a Japanese camera?

8 We spent our holiday in a Malay village near the sea

9 Here are some photos of the Chinese temples we visited

10 It’s cold! I’m going to put on a woollen jumper

11 I like that glass vase!

12 Curry is a famous Indian dish Mmm!

13 May I have some more French bread, please?

14 She wore her silk shirt for the party

15 I find Mexican food very spicy

1 It is usually very in Spain in the summer

A sunshine B sun C sunny D sunless

2 Switzerland is a very country

A beauty B beautifully C beautify D beautiful

3 When I broke my led, it was very

A pained B painful C painless D pain

4 My brother is very He is always losing things

A careful B care C careless D carelessly

5 Mountain climbing can be

Exercise 3: Underline the adjectives of material Circle the adjectives of origin

(Gạch chân tính từ chỉ chất liệu Khoanh tròn tính từ chỉ nguồn gốc)

Trang 27

Exercise 5: Choose the correct answer

(Chọn đáp án đúng)

A danger B dangerously C endanger D dangerous

6 A dictionary is a very book

A use B useful C useless D used

7 JK Rowling is a writer of children’s books

A famous B famously C fame D infamous

8 I went to bed late last night, so today I am very

A sleepy B asleep C slept D sleep

9 Tom: How was your holiday? - Lisa: I had a great time It was

A wonderful B wondered C wonder D wondering

10 Mother: Why have you brought that kitten home?

Sally: Oh, it was just sitting on the road all alone and

A help B helpful C helpless D helplessly

1 Our new sports teacher is a man

A slim, Indian, tall

B tall, slim, Indian

C Indian, tall, slim

D slim, tall, Indian

2 My baby sister has eyes

A round, black, big

B black, round, big

C big, round, black

D round, big, black

3 My brother gave me an game

A new, exciting, computer

B computer, new, exciting

C exciting, computer, new

D exciting, new, computer

4 We all salt around our table

Trang 28

A wooden, old, dining

B old, dining, wooden

C old, wooden, dining

D wooden, dining, old

5 My father gave my mother a vase for her birthday

A beautiful, Venetian, flower

B Venetian, beautiful, flower

C flower, beautiful, Venetian

D beautiful, flower, Venetian

6 I put on my shirt

A cotton, white, new

B white, new, cotton

C new, cotton, white

D new, white, cotton

7 We went to a café and had a dish of noodles

A hot, tasty, Chinese

B Chinese, hot, tasty

C tasty, hot, Chinese

D Chinese, tasty, hot

8 Our neighbor has a motorbike

A Japanese, red, powerful

B powerful, red, Japanese

C red, powerful, Chinese

D Japanese, powerful, red

9 I need a bag for the new term

A new, leather, school

B leather, new, school

C new, school, leather

D leather, school, new

10 I’m wearing a pair of jeans

A old, blue, denim

Trang 29

Exercise 6: Choose the correct answer

(Chọn đáp án đúng)

B blue, old, denim

C denim, old, blue

D old, denim, blue

11 Amy opened her present and it was a blouse

A green, lovely, floral

B green, floral, lovely

C lovely, green, floral

D floral, lovely, green

12 I love the smell of sheets on my bed

A clean, linen, white

B white, linen, clean

C white, clean, linen

D clean, white, linen

1 Some programms they show on TV are

A bored B boringly C boring D bore

2 Some of the clothes in that shop are not at all

A fashion B fashionable C fashioned D fashionably

3 The lead actress in that film is a very woman

A attractive B attracted C attractively D attracting

4 Working in the paddy fields can be extremely for the farmers

A tired B tirednees C tiring D tiredly

5 I’m not really interested in music

A classic B classics C classical D class

6 There was a very programme on TV last night

A information B informative C informing D informed

7 Be careful when you pick mushrooms Some of them are

A poison B poisoned C poisoning D poisonous

8 It is to get the correct information from our office

Trang 30

Exercise 7: Circle the correct adjective in brackets

(Chọn Tính từ phù hợp)

A advisible B advisable C advised D advising

9 Both my sisters play an instrument, but I’m not at all like them

A musical B music C musicals D musician

10 Who is for this mess?

A responsible B responsible C responding D responded

11 My mother often becomes if my sister or I get home late

A anxiety B anxious C anxieties D anxiously

12 My brother tried to make a cake, but the result was

A disaster B disaster C disastrously D Disastrous

1 Mark was (confused/ confusing) about what to do next, so he asked his teacher

2 The news about the accident was (shocked/ shocking)

3 My mother was (shocked/ shocking) when my brother came home so dirty after football practice

4 Tony was really (exciting/ excited) about getting a brand new motorbike

5 “It was one of the most (excited/ exciting) movies I’ve seen in a long time!” exclaimed Joey

6 Tess is (interested/ interesting) in sports

7 I read an (interested/ interesting) book last week

8 Mr Lee had a (tired/ tiring) day at the office today

9 My father was (tired/ tiring) after a long day at work

10 Your test results were (surprised/ surprising)

11 I was (surprised/ surprising) when she gave me a present

12 George was (bored/ boring) with playing on the computer

13 It’s (bored/ boring) here Let’s go to the beach!

14 The instructions for making the model were (confused/ confusing)

Trang 31

1 There are parking spaces reserved for (the disable/ the disabled) in malls

2 Each weekend, I work with (the homeless/ the houseless), that is, the people who sleep in the street

3 (The young/ The old) today have more gadgets to play with

4 (The Dutch/ The Germans) are from the Netherlands

5 (The blind/ The deaf) are able to hear things better than people who can see

6 What language do (the Welsh/ Wales) speak?

7 Retirement homes are starting helplines for (the young/ the elderly)

8 (The unemployed/ The non-employed) can register themselves at the new job centre

9 (The English/ English) are famous for their traditional afternoon tea

10 There are a lot of organizations which help (the rich/ the poor) in our city

11 Some people believe that (the rich/ the poor) should pay more tax

12 (The Chinese/ The French) love bread and cheese

13 Many people think that (the rich/ the young) today watch too much TV

14 Mrs Lee works for a society for (the disabled/ the deaf), that is, people who can’t hear

15 What does your community to do help (the handicap/ the handicapped)?

Exercise 8: Circle the correct adjectives used as noun in brackets

(Khoanh tròn Tính từ được sử dụng như một danh từ phù hợp)

Trang 32

Exercise 1 Choose the correct answer

(Chọn đáp án đúng)

Exercise 2 Choose the correct comparative or superlative adjective

(Chọn Tính từ so sánh hơn hoặc tính từ so sánh hơn nhất phù hợp)

1 The Pacific Ocean is the ocean in the world

A deepest B deeper C deep D deeply

2 The Dead Sea is the part of the world not under an ocean

A low B lower C lowly D lowest

3 The cheetah is the land animal

A fastest B faster C fast D fastly

4 The world’s paid flight is between two islands in Scotland The 2.7km trip takes about a minute

A shortly B short C shorter D shortest

5 Jericho is believed to be the city in the world

A older B elder C oldest D old

6 I think the mosquito is the insect of all

A dead B deadliner C deadly D deadliest

7 The ‘Walkie-Talkie’ is one of the skyscrapers in London

A newer B newly C new D newest

8 The Pacific Ocean is the ocean in the world

A larger B largely C largest D large

9 Mercury is the planet to the sun

A near B nearly C nearer D nearest

10 The Nile is the river in the world

A longer B longest C longing D long

1 Your brother isn’t as as my brother



Trang 35

Exercise 4 Choose the correct answer

(Chọn đáp án đúng)

Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur and Colombo are three busy and important Asian cities Jakarta is the (1) (larger/ largest) with a population of over nine million people Kuala Lumpur is not as (2) (big/ bigger) as that It has a population of about two million people Colombo is the (3) (smaller/ smallest) of the three cities There are about six million people in Colombo However, the vibrant city of Colombo is the (4) (older/ oldest) of the three There was a settlement there over two thousand years ago Jakarta was founded in the fifth century, but Kuala Lumpur is the (5)

(more recent/ most recent) city It was founded in 1857

Each city is special and different Of course, Kuala Lumpur is known for the Petronas Twin Towers These were the (6) (taller/ tallest) twin towers in the world when they were built Colombo is building skyscrapers too The Ceylinco Celestial Residencies are one of the (7) (taller/ tallest) buildings on the island of Sri Lanka and in the whole of South Asia Jakarta is known to be one of the (8) (hotter/ hottest) and (9) (more humid/ most humid) capital cities in the world The (10) (heavier/ heaviest) rains fall during the months of December and January During the hot season, the temperature can be (11) (higher/ highest) than 35C Fortunately, Colombo is a little (12) (cool/ cooler) with a maximum temperature of about 30C Whatever the weather, each city is worth a visit

1 Eight o’clock in the morning is one of times to drive to get to work

A the worse B bad

C the worst D worst

2 That was one of holidays I’ve had in a long time

A the most wonderful B the more wonderful

C the wonderful D most wonderful

3 The New York City Hall is one of buildings in the city

A oldest B old

C the older D the oldest

4 Playing football close to a busy road is one of things you can do

Exercise 3: Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative or superlative adjective in brackets

(Điền Tính từ so sánh hơn hoặc tính từ so sánh hơn nhất vào chỗ trống)

Trang 36

A the most dangerous B the more dangerous

C most dangerous D dangerous

5 The flowers in the park aren’t they were last year

A so pretty than B prettier as

C as pretty as D as prettier than

6 The new neighbors are people in our street

A the friendly B the friendlier

C the friendliest D friendly

7 Our cat is pet in the world

A more lovable B most lovable

C the most lovable D the more lovable

8 When she heard the news, she returned a sheet

A as white than B white than

C more white as D as white as

9 The Lord of the Rings was one of the films I’ve ever seen

A more enjoyable B enjoyable

C most enjoyable D most enjoying

10 We stayed in one of rooms in the hotel

A the nice B the more nice

C the nicest D the more nicest

11 Sometimes, cycling is taking the bus

A quicker than B as quick

C as quick than D quick than

12 Tokyo is Madrid

A more expensive than B more expensive as

C expensive than D expensive as

Trang 37

Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer

Trang 38

Exercise 2 Choose the correct adverb

Trang 40

Exercise 3 Choose the correct answer

2 We have sports at school

A times three a week

B three times week

C three a week

D three times a week

3 Bill remembers to wipe his feet when he comes in

A rarely

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2024, 10:46


