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Free trade zones include exportprocessing zones, exportprocessing companies, taxsuspension warehouses, bonded warehouses, special economic zones, commercialindustrial zones, and other economic zones established and provided with similar tax incentives as free trade zones, according to Decisions of the Prime Minister. The transactions between a free trade zone and an external party are considered exportimport. Based on current regulations, the General Department of Vietnam Customs said that a bonded warehouse must meet the definition of free trade zone as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 4 of the Law on export and import duties, and be a customscontrolled area as prescribed in Clause 4, Article 3 of the Law on Foreign Trade Management, the trading relationship between the free trade zone and the outside area is consider exportation and importation. Therefore, in the case of Khanh Viet Corporation, the General Department of Vietnam Customs said that the company imported goods from bonded warehouses into the country to produce export goods and exported products to foreign countries has met the requirements specified in Article 12 of Decree 1342016NDCP as amended and supplemented in Clause 6, Article 1 of Decree 182021NDCP. Therefore, they will be exempted from import duty and not subject to VAT following the regulations.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY AND TRADE VIET NAM INSTITUTE OF STRATEGY AND POLICY FOR INDUSTRY AND TRADE DO QUANG SOLUTIONS FOR SHIFTING THE STRUCTURE OF VIETNAMESE EXPORT COMMODITIES TO RUSSIAN FEDERATION SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL THESIS ECONOMICS Sector: Commerce Code : Hanoi - 2023 THE PROJECT WAS COMPLETED AT VIET NAM INSTITUTE OF STRATEGY AND POLICY FOR INDUSTRY AND TRADE Science instructor: Assoc Prof Dr Dinh Van Thanh Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen An Ha Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: The dissertation will be defended before the Institute-level State board of dissertation thesis On: date month year 2022 Thesis dissertation can be found at: - National Library of Hanoi - Library of Vietnam Institute of strategy and policy for industry and trade Hanoi - 2023 PREAMBLE The research necessity of the thesis topic Vietnam has been going to deeply integrate into the world economy to expand markets and to promote import and export in order to exploit Vietnam’s advantages in trade relations with other countries The process will inevitably lead to shifting of Vietnam’s export commodities to adapt to the change of the world market Vietnam and the Russian Federation established official diplomatic relations on January 30, 1950 An important milestone for the development of economic and trade cooperation relations between the two countries was the signing of the Declaration on the Strategic Partnership between the Russian Federation and Vietnam in 2001 May 29, 2015 The Free Trade Agreement officially signed between Vietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union (VN-EAEU FTA) in general and the Russian Federation in particular has opened up more opportunities for Vietnamese goods to penetrate market of the Russian Federation The two sides consider economic cooperation an important pillar of the comprehensive strategic partnership, will endeavor to expand cooperation on the basis of mutual benefits, determined to create favorable conditions With a population of over 140 million people, Russian Federation is a large market with great potential for Vietnam to boost exports and promote its comparative advantages This is also the traditional market of Vietnam, with a community of overseas Vietnamese living in, so there are many advantages when bringing Vietnamese commodities to the market However, statistics in 2021 show that the two-way trade turnover between Vietnam and Russian Federation only reached 5.51 billion USD, accounting for 0.82% of Vietnam’s total trade turnover in which export turnover reached 3.20 billion USD, ranked 26 th among the export markets of Vietnam’s commodities In addition, the structure of export commodities of Vietnam to Russian Federation for many years is still in disproportion The world economic context is ongoing rapidly evolved and changed while Vietnam is implementing new generation FTAs with many different partners Shifting the structure of export commodities to boost exports to the Russian Federation market will create many opportunities and conditions for trade development and increase exports with the remaining countries in the Eurasian Economic Union, of which the Russian Federation is a member, plays a very important role in connecting and developing Therefore, it is necessary to change and shift the structure of exports to the Russian Federation market In particular, it is necessary to study to find solutions from the State in the orientation of restructuring export goods to ensure scientific, systematic, comprehensive and feasible From the above reasons, it is necessary to study the topic “Solutions for shifting the structure of Vietnam export commodities to Russian Federation” and find out the orientation and solutions for shifting the structure of Vietnamese export commodities is necessary, creating a strong move to develop the export of Vietnam’s commodities to the market Objectives and tasks of the thesis 2.1 Objectives To explain and supplement the theoretical issues of shifting the structure of Vietnam export commodities to analyze and evaluate the reality of shifting the structure of Vietnam export commodities to Russian Federation and propose solutions in order to shift the structure of export commodities to Russian Federation by 2030 2.2 Research tasks - Conducting an overview of the relevant research situation to find out the theoretical and practical gaps that need further research of the thesis 5 - Systematizing, supplementing and establishing a number of key theoretical bases and international experiences on solutions for shifting the structure of Vietnamese export commodities to Russian Federation - Analyzing and evaluating the reality of the structure’s shift of Vietnamese export commodities to Russian Federation in the period 20162021; finding out the results, shortcomings and causes as a practical basis for the proposal solutions - Giving the context, proposed orientations and solutions with theoretical and practical bases to shift the structure of Vietnam’s export commodities to Russian Federation by 2030 The object and scope of the thesis 3.1 The object of the thesis The object of the research is the theoretical and practical issues of the structure’s shift of Vietnamese export commodities to Russian Federation 3.2 Research scope of the thesis - Regarding to the research content: Researching solutions to shift the structure of Vietnamese export commodities to Russian Federation by main implementing entities, which are the State, enterprises and associations - Regarding to the research space: Researching the structure’s shift of Vietnamese export commodities to Russian Federation - Regarding to the research time: Researching the reality of shifting the structure of Vietnamese export commodities to Russian Federation in the period 2016-2021, developing solutions and recommendations by 2030 Research Methodology - Dialectical materialism method; Historical and logical method; Methods of classification and systematization of the theory; Statistical and comparative methods; Expert interview 6 New findings of the thesis - In theoretical terms: The thesis has researched and supplemented a number of theoretical issues on the structure’s shift of export commodities of one country to a foreign market; Setting theoretical framework of the concept; identify the main contents and evaluation criteria, factors affecting the structure’s shift of exports, in relation to signed FTAs The thesis has reviewed international experience and drawn some lessons that can be applied and lessons to be avoided for Vietnam - In practical terms: The thesis has synthesized, analyzed and evaluated the reality of structure’s shift of Vietnamese export commodities from the State and enterprises On the basis of the new context, the thesis has proposed some solutions to shift the structure of Vietnamese export commodities to Russian Federation by 03 parties: the State, enterprises and industry associations effectively shift the structure of Vietnam’s export commodities to Russian Federation Structure of Thesis Excerpt for the Introduction, Conclusion, References, List of research works of the author and Appendix, the main content of the thesis is organized into 04 chapters as follows: Chapter 1: Overview of research works related to the thesis topic; Chapter 2: Main theoretical basis and international experience on shifting structure of export commodities of country to foreign market; Chapter 3: The reality of structure’s shift of Vietnamese export commodities to Russian Federation in the period of 2016-2021; Chapter 4: Context, orientation and solutions for shifting the structure of Vietnamese export commodities to Russian Federation 7 CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH WORKS RELATED TO THE THESIS TOPIC 1.1 Overview of research works 1.1.1 Research works related to international trade development The theoretical basis of international trade development, which includes the content of structure’s shift of export commodities, is mentioned in many economic theories such as mercantilism, absolute advantage of Adam Smith, and comparative advantage of David Ricardo, the theory the fator-endowment is also known as the Heckscher - Ohlin theory The theory of national competitive advantage (Michael Porter (1990), which explains why some countries take the lead in the production of certain products 1.1.2 Research works related to the export of commodity to Russian Federation and the Eurasian Economic Union Area In trade relations between countries with Russian Federation, Do Minh Hanh (1998), Trinh Thi Thanh Thuy (2007); In terms of formulating strategies and policies for international trade development, (Dinh Van Thanh, 2010); Approaching from the perspective of international trade policy of Russian Federation and the possibility of developing trade relations between Vietnam and Russian Federation (Dang Hung Son, 2012); Research on the impact of the free trade agreement of Vietnam - Eurasian Economic Union on trade between Vietnam and Russia, Bui Quy Thuan (2021) 1.1.3 Research works related to structure’s shift export commodities Economic restructuring to develop Vietnam’s exports in line with the changing trend of the world market for commodities and services, Nguyen Van Nam (2002), Nguyen Huu Khai (2006) Studying the experience on structure’s shift export commodities to foreign markets, Nguyen Huu Khai, Dao Ngoc Tien, Vu Thi Hien (2007), Balkay Diána (2012), Nay Myo Aung (2009), Selvon Hazel (2013), Ana Popa (2015) Current empirical studies on export channel selection (Li, Min, 2017), Le Tuan Loc (2015), Nong Ngoc Hung (2017); Solution to shift the structure of Vietnamese export commodities to one market (Dang Thanh Phuong, 2018), (Pham Nguyen Minh, 2018), (Nguyen Phuc Nam, 2021) 1.2 Comment on research gaps in theory and practice 1.2.1 Results and unresolved issues in published studies Analyzing some concepts that the thesis can use such as: the concept of export, shifting export commodities, trade liberalization, international economic integration, ; Analyzing and giving some policy implications; certain solutions to shift Vietnam’s exports in general, including the Russian market These assessments are important data that can be inherited and developed in the thesis 1.2.2 Issues that need further research in the thesis (thesis research gap) Firstly, studying and supplementing some theoretical issues such as clarifying the concepts and factors affecting structure’s shift of export commodities, especially for Russian Federation in relation to exports with regional FTAs Secondly, synthesizing and analyzing the reality of Vietnamese exports to Russian Federation and structure’s shift of Vietnamese export commodities to Russian Federation on the sides of the State and enterprises Thirdly, providing domestic and international contexts, perspectives and directions for shifting the structure of Vietnamese export commodities to Russian Federation These requirements are considered as guiding ideas throughout thesis conducting process Finally, proposing a number of solutions and recommendations for shifting the structure of Vietnamese export commodities to Russian Federation by 03 parties: the State, enterprises and industry associations, especially solutions on the State side in export management and orientation are feasible and highly synchronous 9 CHAPTER 2: MAIN THEORETICAL BASIS AND INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE ON SHIFTING STRUCTURE OF EXPORT COMMODITIES OF COUNTRY TO FOREIGN MARKET 2.1 The concept and content of structure’s shift of export commodities 2.1.1 The concept of structure’s shift of export commodities - Export of commodities “Export of commodities means the bringing of commodities out of the territory of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam or into special zones in the Vietnamese territory, which are regarded as exclusive customs zones according to the provisions of law” (Clause 1, Article 28, Commercial Law 2005) - Structure of export Structure of export is the totality of components of export commodities that make up the total export turnover of a country in stable and developing relationship and in a certain socio-economic conditions corresponding in a definite period Structure of export is the result of the process of creating wealth of an economy through international trade activities with a certain level of development of a country when participating in the process of international labor allocation - Structure of export commodities “Structure of export commodities is the entire of groups of export commodities in the total export turnover with their respective positions, proportions and relatively stable relationships” (Nguyen Huu Khai, 2007) - Structure’s shift of export commodities Structure’s shift of export commodities is the process of changing the quantity, proportion, value and relationship between the components in the structure of commodities These bring the structure’s shift of export commodities from one state to another to achieve a more optimal export structure, in line with the economic development process 10 2.1.2 The content of structure’s shift of export commodities - Shift among export commodity groups: is the shift in the structure of exports among export commodity groups of a country to a market which is the process of changing in position, proportion and the quality of the product groups in the direction of being more adaptive to the needs of the export market, while promoting the comparative advantages of each group of commodities, creating a reasonable export structure and meeting the export objectives - Shift in each export commodity group: the gradual decrease in the proportion of raw and semi-processed commodities, and the gradual increase in the proportion of processing and manufacturing commodities in each export commodity group 2.1.3 The role of parties in shifting the structure of export commodities The role of the State The role of the State consists of: (1) Orientating to develop commodity production for shifting the structure of export commodities; (2) Support enterprises for shifting the structure of export commodities; (3 Ensuring information to support enterprises for shifting the structure of export commodities products; (4) Ensuring a business environment for enterprises for shifting the structure of export commodities; (5) Coordinating for export development The role of enterprises The role of enterprises consists of: (1) Playing a central role in restructuring exports; (2) Being economic organizations performing the role of producing commodities for export, ensuring the stability of export-import growth; (3) Contributing to improving the quality and added value of export commodities The role of industry associations The role of associations consists of: (1) Acting as a bridge between the State and the market in shifting the structure of export commodities; (2) 11 Representing, conducting the right of supervision; (3) Representing for enterprises in the process of negotiating and signing FTA and other agreements; providing services to association’s members 2.2 Affecting factors and criteria for assessing the structure’s shift of export commodities 2.2.1 Affecting factors on shifting the structure of export commodities There are three groups of factors affecting the structure’s shift of export commodities: (1) International factors; (2) Country factors; (3) Competitiveness of enterprises and products 2.2.2 Criteria for assessing the restructuring of exports Index of assessing the ability to export commodities; The degree of shifting the structure of export commodities by scale and growth rate; The degree of shifting the structure of export commodities by quality and added value 2.3 Experience on shifting the structure of export commodities of some countries and lessons for Vietnam 2.3.1 Experience on shifting the structure of export commodities The thesis has learned the experience of The structure’s shift of export commodities of Belarus, Malaysia and Thailand and drawn some lessons for the State and enterprises in restructuring export goods to the Russia Federation CHAPTER 3: THE REALITY OF STRUCTURE’S SHIFT OF VIETNAM’S EXPORT COMMODITIES TO RUSSIAN FEDERATION IN THE PERIOD OF 2016-2021 3.1 Overview of Russian Federation 3.1.1 Market characteristics of Russian Federation The economy of Russian Federation has increased steadily for the period of 2000 -2020 Gross domestic product (GDP) rose steadily, foreign exchange reserves increased with a trade surplus The inflation rate is under 12 controlled, and the currency is stable Tax reform is progressing well and initially achieved positive results The legal framework is being completed As of the end of 2021, Russian Federation is the 11th largest economy in the world with a GDP of US$ 4.8 trillion, with a per capita income of US$ 11,590 3.1.2 Trade relations between Vietnam and Russian Federation Russian Federation established official diplomatic relations with Vietnam on January 30, 1950.VN - EAEU FTA was officially signed on May 29, 2015 and took effect from October 5, 2016 Comprehensive strategic partnership, the highest relationship framework of Vietnam on July 27, 2012 In November 2021, the heads of state of the two countries issued a “Joint Statement on the Vision of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between Vietnam and Russian Federation to 2030” Table Export - import turnover and trade balance between Vietnam and Russia in the period 2010-2021 Export Year Turnover (Mil USD) Total trade Import Growth rate (%) Balance (Mil USD) Turnover Growt (Mil h rate USD) (%) Turnove r (Mil USD) Growt h rate (%) 2010 829.70 - 999.10 - 1828.80 - -169.40 2011 1287.32 55.16 694.01 -30.54 1981.34 8.34 593.31 2012 1617.85 25.68 829.37 19.50 2447.22 23.51 788.48 2013 1921.17 18.75 855.13 3.11 2776.29 13.45 1066.04 2014 1724.91 -10.22 826.71 -3.32 2015 1438.34 -16.61 741.78 2016 1616.09 12.36 2017 2165.65 34.01 2551.62 -8.09 898.20 -10.27 2180.12 -14.56 696.55 1136.83 53.26 2752.92 26.27 479.25 1392.33 22.47 3557.98 29.24 773.32 13 2018 2446.40 12.96 2131.10 53.06 4577.50 28.65 315.30 2019 2667.59 9.04 1835.11 -13.89 4502.71 -1.63 832.48 2020 2849.20 6.81 2065.50 12.55 4914.70 9.15 783.70 2021 4893.32 71.74 2238.52 8.38 7131.84 45.11 2654.81 Source: UN Comtrade, 2022 3.1.3 Regulations on the import of commodities of Russian Federation Regulations on the import of commodities of Russian Federation include: (1) Procedures for import commodities; (2) The field of transportation, logistics and paymen; (3) Tariffs on commodities imported into Russian Federation 3.2 The reality of structure’s shift of Vietnam’s exports to Russian Federation 3.2.1 Results of structure’s shift of export commodities by size and growth rate Exports of Vietnam’s commodities to Russian Federation are mainly 02 large groups of commodities: Raw or processing commodities (SITC 0-4) and manufacturing commodities (SITC 5-8), accounting for over 99% in the total exports The group of non-classified commodities (SITC 9) accounts for a very small proportion, less than 0.1%, so it is not significant in the analysis of the export structure to the Russian market 14 Figure The trend of structure’s shift of export commodities to Russian Federation among commodity groups Source: UN Comtrade, 2022 Above figure shows the trend of structure’s shift of export commodities to Russian Federation among commodity groups in 2010, 2016 and 2021 The annual growth rate of the group tends to increase, reaching 16.54% in 2016, and 28 0.02% in 2021 The proportion of raw or processing commodities (groups 04) tends to decrease over the years to 45.14%, 23.50% and 18.27%, respectively For the group of manufacturing commodities (groups 5-8), the annual growth rate of this commodity group has decreased gradually over the years 11.13 % in 2016, and 9.46% in 2021 The group has an increasing trend in Vietnam’s commodity exports to Russian Federation, increasing by 54.86%, 76.50% and 81.73% respectively (1) Structure’s shift of raw or processing commodities from Vietnam to Russian Federation Figure 3.2 The trend of structure’s shift of raw or processing commodities to Russian Federation Source: UN Comtrade, 2022 15 Figure 3.2 shows the trend of trend of structure’s shift of raw or processing commodities (SITC group 0-4) to Russian Federation over the years 2010, 2016 and 2021 Figure 3.3 The trend of structure’s shift of manufacturing commodities to Russian Federation Source: UN Comtrade, 2022 3.2.2 Structure’s shift of Vietnam’s export commodities to Russian Federation by international trade indicators - Structure’s shift in groups of raw or processing commodities by The revealed comparative advantage The revealed comparative advantage (RCA) index of raw or processing commodities exported from Vietnam to Russian Federation in the period of 2016-2021 tends to increase from 2.08 in 2016 to 5.21 in 2021 However, the group’s RCA index products on the market of Russian Federation change frequently and tend to decrease quite strongly However, it tends to increase quite rapidly in 2019, 2020 and 2021 Table RCA index of certain countries which export raw or processing commodities to Russian Federation in the period of 2016 - 2021 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 16 India 12.56 12.95 12.40 12.50 12.32 12.47 Pakistan Thailand 36.54 4.45 38.79 4.25 37.39 7.44 37.49 7.65 37.45 7.49 Vietnam 1.56 1.22 3.12 5.37 37.21 7.23 5.19 China Malaysia 0.003 0.007 0.05 0.07 0.07 0.021 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.03 5.21 0.03 Source: Compiled by the author from UN Comtrade data Vietnam’s RCA of raw or processing commodities tends to increase from 2016 to 2021, especially in 2021 with an RCA of 5.21 Table 3 RCA of some countries which export manufacturing commodities to Russian Federation in the period of 2016 – 2021 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 India 18.74 19.92 21.9 21.68 20.98 19.14 Thailand 17.97 18.4 18.25 29.28 28.76 22.61 Malaysia 6.64 6.58 6.51 7.19 7.87 8.22 16.61 6.69 7.61 4.62 5.65 7.73 Vietnam Source: Compiled by the author from UN Comtrade data - Structure’s shift of export commodities by the trade intensity index Vietnam’s exports to Russian Federation are increasingly weaker This shows that Vietnam is increasingly losing its role as an important partner of Russian Federation, even to the lowest level compared to all other countries - Structure’s shift of export commodities by the export similarity index Vietnamese export commodities structure is less similar to most countries in the EAEU With a low level of export similarity, trade between Vietnam and its partners in the EAEU in general, and Russian Federation in particular may still have a lot of growth potential - Structure’s shift of export commodities by the trade complementarity index 17 The level of complementarity of our country’s exports to the import needs of most of the partners in the EAEU has been improved 3.2.3 Reality of solutions for shifting the structure of Vietnam’s export commodities to Russian Federation For the State Promulgating strategies for importing and exporting commodities over periods; Project on improving the competitiveness of Vietnam’s export products in the period of 2015 - 2020, with a vision to 2030; Project on development of regional markets for the period 2015 - 2020, vision to 2030 The State has adjusted import-export mechanisms and policies in the direction of encouraging exports, in line with the process of economic integration and trade liberalization For the enterprises and associations Many enterprises have applied for C/O to enjoy tax incentives Enterprises with a large volume of records and far from the central area are the ones benefit the most These are shown by significantly reduced by time, effort and costs There are a number of items that have high C/O rates in this market, such as seafood, textiles, plastic products and rice The associations, as representatives of the business community, have had many solutions to support enterprises to export to Russian Federation Timely information provided about the State’s policies, forecast of the situation and solutions of ministries and branches for export enterprises to know and find ways to adapt; Trade promotion organizations hold activities to provide information to connect trade, support businesses to organize seminars and business transactions… 3.3 General assessment 3.3.1 Achievements - Strategic orientation and export development policy in the right direction and timely support from the Government, efforts of state management agencies in export development and export restructuring 18 - Gradually reduce the proportion of raw or processing commodities and gradually increase the proportion of manufacturing commodities; - The structure of Vietnam’s exports meets relatively well the import needs of Russian Federation and is relatively stable - Gradually reduce the proportion of labor-intensive commodities and gradually increase the proportion of commodities with higher technology content - The change in export structure of commodity groups on the one hand shows that Vietnam’s production has had a positive shift with the proportion of manufacturing commodities accounting for more than 83.95% in total export, and on the other hand, it shows that the export strategy and policy of the State has been implemented in the right direction - The right, continuous and long-term efforts of enterprises in overcoming the challenge of separate regulations and not following international standards of Russian Federation, especially non-tariff trade barriers very strict - The business community has had solutions to change the commodities’ structure, to promote the export of high-value-added products, and to withstand the pressure of the market - Trade in commodities between Vietnam and Russian Federation is complementary, supporting each other rather than competitive - Successfully attracting FDI in the period 2016-2020 3.3.2 Shortcomings and reasons * Shortcomings - The total number of items, the number of product groups and the number of items within each product group have not changed much, showing the lack of diversification of Vietnam’s exports to Russian Federation - Commodities exported in raw or processing form with low added value Many export industries such as machinery, components and vehicles are still processing and dependent on imported raw materials - The added value of exported commodities is still low 19 - The quality of Vietnamese exports to Russian Federation has not improved, lacks variety and competitiveness is not high - Logistics activities, especially for the transport of export commodities, are also an export restriction to Russian Federation * The cause of the restriction - For the group of processed and manufactured commodities - mainly export processing for FDI enterprises, it shows that the added value is low as well as the supporting industry of Vietnam is still weak - Vietnam’s export commodities are facing stiff competition (in terms of price, design, packaging, quality, transportation, etc.) - Non-tariff barriers such as regulations on food hygiene and safety, regulations on quality quarantine - Incentives from the implementation of the VN-EAEU FTA are much lower than those in other FTAs such as CPTPP, RCEP, EVFTA - The ruble of Russian Federation in recent years has continuously fluctuated in a downward trend - The cooperation and coordination between the authorities of the two countries is still not close - Unpredictable and unstable developments of the regional situation (embargo, Russia-Ukrain conflict, etc.) CHAPTER 4: CONTEXT, ORIENTATION AND SOLUTIONS FOR SHIFTING THE STRUCTURE OF VIETNAMESE EXPORT COMMODITIES TO RUSSIAN FEDERATION 4.1 The international and domestic context affect to structure’s shift of Vietnamese exports to Russian Federation 4.1.1 International context World economic growth has improved after the Covid-19 pandemic, but still has many potential risks and is not stable Global trade maintains its growth momentum but faces many difficulties due to trade protectionism; Strengthening production linkages, strongly developing production and 20 distribution networks and regional and global supply chains will continue to strengthen; The expansion of trade liberalization and implementation of commitments in recent FTAs, including the VN-EAEU FTA; Economic competition based on the development of the 4th Industrial Revolution; Sustainable export development, green products associated with circular economy; The conflict between Russian Federation and Ukraine; The needs of Russian consumers change rapidly 4.1.2 Domestic context Macroeconomic stability; relatively stable export growth; promote economic institutional reform, improve business investment environment; Advantage of natural resources and labor; Vietnam’s industrial production capacity has improved sharply; The proportion of contributions of high-tech industries in the manufacturing and processing industry and the private sector is higher next year than in previous years; The quality and added value of exported commodities are now able to meet the requirements of Russian Federation 4.2 Viewpoints and orientations on the structure’s shift of Vietnamese export commodities to Russian Federation 4.2.1 The view on the structure’s shift of Vietnamese export commodities to Russian Federation - Meeting the objective of improving the quality, efficiency and added value of exported commodities; - Diversifying export products, attach importance to traditional export products, and at the same time need to actively expand new products - Developing key export products to Russian Federation, but not limited to fixed items that flexibly respond to market demands and price fluctuations - Gradually increasing the proportion of high-value-added exports that are domestically produced and gradually reduce the amount of processed exports and low-value-added commodities

Ngày đăng: 31/01/2024, 15:30


