Group number: 8 Instructor: MSc Nguyễn Minh Phương
Class: KTEE206(GĐ1-HK2-2022-2023).1
Name of the students: Mai Thành Hưng – 2112150076
Phan Tuấn Hưng – 2114510034
Lê Mạnh Tuấn – 2112450615 Ngô Phương Hiền – 2211250618
Trang 2No Group member Student ID % Of contribution
I Abstract 3
II Background 3
III Literature review 4
IV Research purpose 6
V Research methodology and method 7
1 Data collection techniques 7
2 Data collection sources 8
3 Sampling technique 9
4 Data analysis techniques 9
a Quantitative analysis 9
b Qualitative analysis 10
5 Ethics in research 10
6 Validity & Reliability 11
VI Significance of the Study 11
VII Contribution of the Study 12
VIII Scope of the Study 13
IX Limitation of the Study 13
X Structure of Thesis Report 14
XI Research timescale 15
XII Reference 16
I Abstract
Trang 3The goal of this study is to analyze the behavior of online food ordering serviceamong Hanoi students and go in depth about the deciding factors leading to suchchoices In order to conduct a thorough study, this report used a mixed methodincluded conducting interviews using questionnaires on 200 students experienced inthe usage of online ordering services and a number of relatable articles taken fromtrustworthy sources The data is then processed and analyzed using the Stata software
II Background
To match client expectations, online meal delivery services rely on mobile apps
or websites that provide a variety of filters and payment choices The ability tocompare menus and prices between restaurants, simple and quick ordering, less fuss,less misunderstandings and miscommunications, and minimal human involvement areall examples of service benefits Numerous products have helped it become morewell-liked in Vietnam, especially with young clients In 2017, 37% of service userswere between the ages of 25 and 34.(Statista, 2019)
Since online meal delivery is based on information technology, thecharacteristics of the Vietnamese people are one of the factors that promotedevelopment Consumers in this age group and smaller brackets, such as students, arefrequently more inclined than consumers in other age groups to embrace and utilizetechnology Through online food delivery, restaurants may operate more efficiently.This may be evident in the fact that employees are spending more time assistingcustomers who are dining in person and less time processing phone orders There isalso less likelihood of misunderstanding brought on by human error In addition torestaurants that also provide online meal delivery services (such as The PizzaCompany, KFC, and The Coffee House), there are independent service providers onthe market, with some of the famous brands are Now, Grab Food, and Go Viet beingthe strongest businesses in the sector at the moment
Even if the industry has strong growth potential, independent service providersstill face a number of challenges brought on by several risks, including issues with thehigh expenses associated with building a delivery team and the requirement for asufficient population density to be profitable Additionally, as this business modelpartly fostered the development of this business model, consumers are increasinglychoosing to use the services of independent providers rather than restaurants because
it offers some superior advantages such as comparing menus and costs of numerousrestaurants
Consumer behavior, especially that of students, has been significantly impacted
by the internet's and technology's rapid development In the past, shoppers had to go
Trang 4directly to the store or supermarket to make a purchase; today, all they have to do is sitdown and use a computer, phone, or other device Customers can purchase thingsusing any other internet-capable device through e-commerce websites According to aNielsen study from 2018, the connected and hectic lifestyle of today's society,especially in major cities, is having an impact on consumer behavior When shopping,customers frequently want convenience Many people would prefer that theirproblems be solved quickly and easily than that they have to spend a lot of time andeffort in order to achieve their basic needs The growing desire for convenience hasled to the development of goods that make life simpler, like prepared meals, homedelivery services, and purchasing technology services "On-demand" products.According to a 2018 Nielsen study, 33% of customers use meal delivery services oreat in restaurants worldwide According to an article written by Nielsen in 2018, quickfood restaurants, express delivery services, and roadside stalls are all providing moremeals A growing trend in Vietnam's food service industry is online meal delivery (oronline ordering), which caters to consumers who prefer eating out rather than cookingfor themselves or their families According to the GCOMM research, 99% ofcustomers who participated in the poll stated they use online ordering services at leasttwice or three times each month Of those, 39% of individuals use the app to buymeals twice or three times per week The market has started to develop a group ofyoung consumers (1%) who have a daily habit of using mobile applications to placefood orders, according to research in 2019 by Quang Minh
Although the online meal delivery industry is still in its early stages, youngconsumers such as students have already begun to use it, and more people areexpected to sign up in the future They still prefer to dine in restaurants to save moneyand maintain food safety and hygiene because they want to experience the locationmost of the time In other words, while some students believe that using an onlinemeal delivery service is convenient and that they’d do so frequently, another groupbelieves that the service is unnecessary and holds a variety of other beliefs It is clearthat students have differing opinions and assessments of this type of service Let ussee the students' views regarding online meal delivery services, and what factors come
to play in creating those opinions, influencing whether or not students’ wish to utilizethe service?
III Literature review
According to Minh Ngoc Nguyen's research from 2021, Vietnam's online mealdelivery market is still relatively new but expanding quickly The market for this nichewas worth around 587 million dollars in 2020, and by 2022, it was expected to reach a
$1 billion valuation The rivalry in this industry is severe due to Vietnam's potential as
Trang 5an emerging market for these services Notably, Asian meal delivery companies havedominated this sector from the start While the meal delivery division of SoutheastAsia's super app Grab, GrabFood, controlled 40% of the industry in 2020, Sea Group,another Singaporean tech powerhouse, just acquired the Vietnamese app Now andtook over 42% of the Vietnamese food delivery market In the same year, the rest ofthe market was shared between two unicorn startups, South Korea’s Baemin andIndonesia’s Gojek Meanwhile, Loship, a homegrown delivery startup, has recentlyjoined the race Although it has yet to gain a major percentage of the market, it has sofar received significant attention and funding from investors
Research on “C$c y%u t& 'nh h()ng đ%n quy%t đ+nh s, d-ng ng d-ng di đ/ng đ0 ti1u th- th2c ph3m c4a ng(5i ti1u d6ng: Nghi1n c.u th2c nghi9m đ&i v;i ng d-ng giao h<ng Grabfood” by Huynh Thi Cam Ly (Newcastle Business School, Newcastle
University, Australia) and MSc Tran Thi Bach Yen (Can Tho University) (2020)explain the factors influencing customer satisfaction and the intention to use theGrabFood application by interviewing 220 people for their study The gatheredinformation was then examined using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) andmultivariate According to research, there are three key groupings of characteristicsinfluencing consumers' decisions to use GrabFood: brand recognition, convenience,and social influence In which, social influence factors have the largest impact,followed by brand and convenience
According to Dr N Sumathi and S Josphin's study conducted in 2017, one ofthe most important services for fast food businesses is the online meal orderingsystem This made it feasible to use an easy electronic payment system and was alsobeneficial for credit card users to make payments quickly The goal of this study is tolessen both the workload of personnel and the lengthy lines of customers waiting toplace their food orders at the counter
According to a research article by Varsha Chavan in 2015, the introduction of
a smart device-based interface has made it easier for customers to monitor orders,which has aided restaurants in handling client orders quickly This demonstrates theimplementation of wireless communication and smartphone technology which leads to
an increase in business productivity According to their research analysis, this system
is appropriate, efficient, and simple to use, which is likely to enhance the totalrestaurant industry going forward
The study "Technology at the Table: An Overview of Food Delivery Apps" byauthor Catarina Jardim Ribeiro (2018) assesses the general state of deliveryapplications using qualitative and quantitative approaches and conclude to these
Trang 6specific outcomes: highlighting the prevalence of online food ordering services andemphasizing that convenience and delivery accuracy are the most crucial elements forcustomer satisfaction along with user frustrations, such as bad food quality and slowdelivery times and successfully analyzing the relationship between customersatisfaction, loyalty, and trust between two parties in e-commerce However, theauthor did not thoroughly examine the drawbacks and restrictions of online paymentmethods, nor did he offer a fix for the present issues with online meal orderingapplications.
IV Research purpose
Research question
To offer a thorough understanding of the online food ordering behavior of Hanoistudents, the primary aim is to investigate the following research query: "What are thekey factors that influence students' decision to use online food and beverage orderingservices in Hanoi, and how do these factors impact their decision-making process?" Inorder to address this inquiry, a set of sub-questions has been formulated, including thefollowing:
What is an online food ordering service? How has it developed in recent years
in Vietnam?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of online food ordering? What arethe challenges and opportunities that service brings to customers andbusinesses?
What factors and how do they determine the online food ordering of people ingeneral and of Hanoi students in particular?
How can these factors be used to develop a food and beverage business inHanoi?
Research objective
The main aim of this study is to identify the factors that impact the use of online foodand drink ordering services among students in Hanoi, and to analyze their relativeimportance By examining these factors and their effects, the study aims to identifyboth the challenges and opportunities associated with this service, and to providerecommendations for delivery and food businesses To achieve this objective, theauthor has set specific goals that include:
Taking a close look at how individuals in general, and Hanoi students inparticular, use online food and drink ordering platforms Build a sound
Trang 7Tư tưởng
Hồ Chí… 100% (1)
Tư tưởng Hồ
Chí Minh None
Tóm tắt Tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh
Trang 8theoretical and theoretical basis from there to prove the causes influencing theresearched behaviors.
Identifying the backdrop for service development: Industry 4.0, e-commerce,the sluggish economic trend, and the COVID-19 epidemic assists indetermining the elements that influence online food and beverage orderingbehavior
After identifying the elements, arrange them according to the criteria so thattheir effect on the behavior of buying food and beverages online can be readilyassessed
Issuing recommendations to assist food and beverage businesses in developingand expanding online
○ Promotional activities: advertising, discounts…
○ Reference pages: food reviewers…
● Attitude towards products
V Research methodology and method
The mixed research methodology is the preferred methodology that the authorevaluated and opted to use in this study Mixed research methodology is theintegration of the use of quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques andanalytical procedures in the same research project (Saunders, et al., 2019) Theresearch conducted, meanwhile, requires both As such, due to the nature of thethesis, to ensure the validity of the research’s results, the use of both qualitative andquantitative data is necessary to its goal
Ôn thi cuối kì Tthcm
- ádasd
Tư tưởng HồChí Minh None
Tư tưởng - Thầy Triệu - Cuối kỳ
Tư tưởng HồChí Minh None
Trang 91 Data collection techniques
The "archival and documentary research" and "survey strategy using questionnaires" are the two main methodologies employed in the study In addition
to using the scales materials from earlier studies, a preliminary survey of 20 personswas conducted to find the best ones for the questionnaire
The digitalization of data and the creation of online archives, along with open datainitiatives by governments and businesses, have increased the scope for researchers touse an archival or documentary research strategy (Saunders, et al., 2019) In practice,groups have examined and investigated the practice of ordering food and beverages
online Because of this, both qualitative and quantitative searches use archival and documentary research methods that seek to obtain secondary data Using
trustworthy journals, publications, reports, and prior studies Authors can discoverand support their claims using documents and scholarly evidence However, eachapproach has benefits and drawbacks When referencing sources, factors such astrustworthiness, novelty, and ethics need to be carefully ensured to yield clean andobjective data In addition, researchers should be mindful about the purposes of thesources because some documents were not originally created for a research purpose(Saunders, et al., 2019) The use of different sources with no correlations may harmthe final result of the research
This study employs the "survey strategy" and "questionnaires" in quantitativemethodology The reason is that, with behavioral research as the primary goal, aquestionnaire-based survey is ideal since it enables the author to survey a largenumber of people (about 250) in the most cost-effective manner The process can beeasily monitored and the data obtained can be compared through the supportingsoftware Furthermore, the survey strategy is perceived as authoritative by people ingeneral and is relatively easy both to explain and to understand (Saunders, et al.,2019) Regarding restrictions, the amount of data gathered will be fairly constrainedbecause few respondents are willing to dedicate time to complete the questionnaire,and the data may not ensure the veracity of the study Specifically, the questionnaireincludes 20 questions to evaluate the validity of 10 variables and is divided into 4parts with the following purposes:
Determining the food ordering habit
Uncovering the factors affecting people’s online food order
Charting the frequency of people order
Trang 10Identifying the level of satisfaction brought about by food delivering service
2 Data collection sources
As previously mentioned, primary data was gathered online through questionnairesconducted in several colleges and universities in various Hanoi districts The processwill last from April 15 until June 15, 2023
Additionally, publications, reports, data pages, and several reliable precursors are used
in regard to secondary data:
“Consumer food service” published on Euromonitor
“Food delivery trends in Vietnam 2022” published on Q&Me
Other reports, articles, news from relevant Governmental Departments andInternet sources
3 Sampling technique
Because students are the primary study subject, convenience sampling, a type ofsampling where the first available primary data source will be used for the researchwithout additional requirements (Saunders, et al., 2019), was chosen as the samplingapproach as the more efficient and productive approach because the target population
is not too unique or challenging to reach The research team will visit schools inseveral Hanoi districts to bring the internet link-based questionnaire Students willrespond once they have returned home, when they feel comfortable and have plenty offree time, thus providing the most valuable answers Additionally, due to the fact thatdata was only gathered once from each person and that observations were made over a2-month period, The temporal horizon used in this study is cross-sectional
4 Data analysis techniques
The author employs "Thematic Narrative Analysis" to examine quantitative datagathered from sources in addition to a variety of techniques when working withqualitative data, including "Descriptive analysis" to compare the degree of influence,
"Correlation analysis" to highlight the main variables influencing the choice to use
the service, and "Regression analysis" to determine how and how much they affectthem As a result, this study was carried out using "Stata" and "SmartPLS" software
a Quantitative analysis
Definition and selection of cases: