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Anh 6 tuần 27 tiết 79,80,81

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KÊ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY TIẾNG ANH 6- NĂM HỌC: 2022 - 2023 Planning date: 12/ 03/ 2023 PERIOD 79: UNIT 10: OUR HOUSES IN THE FUTURE LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED A OBJECTIVES: Knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: understand the content of conversation about the topic ‘Our house in the future’ and Name lexical items related to the topic, Identify some phrases related to the location Competences: - Develop Ss’creativity,problem-solving and co-operation for designing a future house Qualities:- Show the love to their houses and nature - Have responsibility for protecting their houses and the environment by keeping their houses clean and tidy B Teaching aids: Textbook, computer, TV C Procedure: * Warm up: -T asks: ? Where you live ? ? What is your house like ? ? Do you like it or not ? Why ? ? Can you draw up your house in the future ? -Ss’ answerS Lead-in: Today we are going to learn about our houses in the future I.Pre-reading: complete the table (task1) Types of house: Location: Surrounding: Numbers of room: Appliances in the room : - T shows the statements on the screen and asks ss to predict and complete the table - Students guess II While – reading: Listen and read - T asks ss to listen to the CD once and check their answer Key: Types of house: UFO Location: In the mountains Surrounding: Many tall old trees Numbers of room: 20 KÊ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY TIẾNG ANH 6- NĂM HỌC: 2022 - 2023 Appliances in the room : A wireless TV - T asks ss to listen to the CD again, focusing on the pronunciation - T asks some students to practise reading the conversation (role-play) - T checks some pronunciation mistakes if necessary True/ False (Task 2) Teacher asks Ss to read the conversation again and tick T(true) or F(false) Ss share and compare with their friend T calls some Ss and corrects Key: T, T, 3T, 4F Order the words to make a phrase about a place.(Task 3) T asks Ss to work individually Ss share their answer in pair T goes around and offer help if necessary T calls some Ss to write their answer on the board T check their answer and give explaination if necessary Key: In the see In the city In the town In the mountains In the countryside On the moon In the sky III Post reading: Vocabulary: UFO: (n) Vật thể bay, đĩa bay không xác định Solar energy: lượng mặt trời Smart TV : Ti vi thông minh Robot:(n) Người máy Location: (n) Địa điểm Appliance: (n) Thiết bị Type of house: Loại nhà, kiểu nhà - T shows the English words on the board - T asks ss to give the Vietnamese meanings of the words - T writes on the board Game: Brainstorm - T divides the class into groups - One group describes what they can see out the window of their future house- Another groups try to guess where the house is Wrap up: - T consolidates the knowledge of the lesson IV Homework: - Learn the new words by heart - Do assignments B 1,2,3 (P.26,27 – Workbook) - Prepare for the new lesson: Unit 10 : A close look KÊ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY TIẾNG ANH 6- NĂM HỌC: 2022 - 2023 Planning date: 12/03/2023 PERIOD 80: UNIT 10: OUR HOUSES IN THE FUTURE Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK A OBJECTIVES Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to: -Use the lexical items related to the topic ‘Our houses in the future -Describe the hi-tech household appliances - Help Ss pronounce two-syllable words which has the first syllable stressed Competences: enhance self-learning capability, group work, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence - Develop the hi-tech future household appliances Qualities: - Have responsibility for protecting the household appliances - love , keep the appliances clean , tidy B TEACHING AIDS: - laptop, loudspeaker, TV C PROCEDURE: * Warm up: Kim’s game (7 minutes) - T shows the pictures of the appliances - T divides the class into two groups to play the game * Key: fridge, cooker, electric fan, stereo, computer, television (wireless TV), kettle, hairdryer, air conditioner I Vocabulary: 1.Presentation: Listen and repeat the appliances in the box.(Task1) -Play the recording and let Ss listen -Play the recording again with pauses for Ss to reapeat each word -Correct their prounciation KÊ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY TIẾNG ANH 6- NĂM HỌC: 2022 - 2023 Activity 2: Put the words into the correct column(Task 2) - Explain to Ss that in English some words/phrases - Let Ss work in pairs Tell them to put the words in activity into groups - Have Ss come to the board and stick the word into groups of rooms - Give the feedback - Encourage Ss to extend their vocabulary by adding as many words as possible to the groups Living room Bedroom Kitchen - wireless TV - wireless TV - modern fridge - hi-tech robot - automatic dishwasher Bathroom - automatic washing machine Practice: Match (Task3) - T asks Ss to work individually to match the appliances in A with the things they can or might in B - T calls some Ss to write the sentences on the board T checks their answers Eg: A hi-tech robot looks after children 1.c 2.d 3.b 4.e 5.a Key: VOCABULARY: - washing machine (n): máy giặt - dishwasher (n): máy rửa bát - automatic (adj): tự động - look after (v): trơng nom, chăm sóc - hi-tech (adj): cơng nghệ cao Ask and answer questions(task4) Ex: A: What does a wireless TV do? B: It helps us watch TV programmes from space - Ss work in pairs - Call some pairs to role play to exchanges in frond of the class - T and other Ss give comments II Pronunciation: Presentation: Stress in two-syllable words Listen and repeat the words (Task 5) - Give Ss a few minutes to look at the words – T explains that these words are all two-syllable nouns - Play the recording several time, if necessary – Ss listen and repeat - T calls some Ss to say the words - T corrects II Practice Listen and repeat the sentences:(Task 6) KÊ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY TIẾNG ANH 6- NĂM HỌC: 2022 - 2023 -Give Ss a few minutes to read the underline two-syllable words in the sentences - T encourages Ss to read aloud the words in frond of the class – Other Ss to give comments -Play the recording sentence by sentence - Ss listen and repeat - Ss practice with their friend- T goes around and help Ss T calls some Ss to read- T corrects III Wrap – up & Homework: - Aks one or two students to summarise what they have learnt in this period - Learn by heart the new words - Do Ex A.1,2 (P.26 – Workbook) - Prepare Unit 10: A closer look Planning date: 12/03/2023 PERIOD 67: UNIT 10: NATURAL WONDERS OF VIET NAM Lesson 3: A closer look – Grammar A OBJECTIVES:: Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to: - use countable nouns and uncountable nouns; - use quantifiers some, many, much, a few, a little with countable nouns and countable nouns; - use “must” and “mustn’t” to make classroom rules Competences: Ss will be able to practise doing exercixes with countable nouns and uncountable nouns and practicing classroom rules - Co-operation - Self- study creatively - Practise communicative skills Qualities: - Positive about nouns and classroom rules - Ss are interested in doing exercises with nouns and practicing classroom rules B TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, planning, laptop, TV C PROCEDURE: I WARM UP * Game: Unscrambled words - Teacher divides the class into groups of 3-6 students - Teacher delivers a set of unscrambled words which are some countable and uncountable nouns to each group - Students will have to work in groups to solve the quiz - The group with more correct sentences will be the winner KÊ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY TIẾNG ANH 6- NĂM HỌC: 2022 - 2023 Answer key: juice cream butter rock 7.backpack island plaster rice - Teacher writes on the board phrases “Countable and Uncountable” - Teacher draws students’ attention to the words finished in the game and ask them whether they know the types of these words - Teacher gives them the word cards and requires students to identify the category of each word - Teacher provides or confirms the answers and lead in the grammar focus of the lesson: The words “cream, rice, juice, butter” are uncountable nouns The words “rock, island, backpack, plaster” are countable nouns Today we are going to learn more about countable and uncountable nouns II PRESENTATION 1: Countable and uncountable nouns Task 1: Is the underlined noun countable or uncountable? Write C (countable) or U (uncountable) (p 51) -Teacher has students complete the underlined activity individually -Teacher then asks students to swap their textbooks to check their classmates’ answers Answer key: 1–C 2–U 3–U 4–C 5–U - Teacher draws students’ attention to the underlined words and confirm the use of countable and uncountable nouns “Countable nouns are for the people and things we can count using numbers Countable nouns can be singular." “Uncountable nouns are for the things that we cannot count with numbers They usually not have a plural form.” - Teacher then asks students to give some more examples of uncountable nouns that they know - Teacher reminds students to the “definition of countable nouns” “Countable nouns are for the people and things we can count using numbers” Some English uncountable nouns are countable in Vietnamese (E.g rice) Task Some, many, much, a few, a little: Matching - T asks Ss to match the words in column A with the words in column B KÊ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY TIẾNG ANH 6- NĂM HỌC: 2022 - 2023 A B some much a Countable nouns a little a few b Uncountable nouns many - Teacher has students work in groups of to match the words - T checks , explains and corrects Note: - Some , much, a little : Uncountable nouns - Some , many, a few : Countable nouns III PRACTICE Task 1: Choose the correct option for each sentence (p 52) - Teacher has students work on the exercise individually before they compare answers with each other - Teacher gives feedback as a class discussion Answer key: A B A B A Task 2: Fill each blank with ‘ a, any, som, much , many’ - Ss work in pairs to complete the task - T corrects Answer key: many any much some a IV PRESENTATION - Students are asked to watch a video concerning school rules, during which they will have to identify any school rules they have already mentioned in the Warmup activity - Teacher provides each pair of students with a copy of the script and the students watch the video a second timechecking on the script and highlighting the word(s) before each school rule - After watching the video, teacher elicits and discusses what students have understood, including the school rules they recognised from their warm-up activity - After gathering answers from students, teacher briefly summarizes the language item: “We use must to say that something is very necessary or very important.” “We use mustn’t to say that doing something is not allowed.” Note :must / mustn’t + V( bare) +… - Teacher asks students to write the form of this targeted grammar into their notebook and make up from to sentences according to their understading KÊ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY TIẾNG ANH 6- NĂM HỌC: 2022 - 2023 - Teacher calls out – students to read aloud their answers and check immediately in class V PRACTICE Fill each blank with must or mustn’t (p 52) - Teacher has students work on the exercise individually before they compare answers with each other - Teacher gives feedback as a class discussion Answer key: must musn’t must mustn’t must VI PRODUCTION Write some more rules for you and your classmates at school (p 52) - Teacher divides the class into groups of students - Teacher assigns the roles for each member by asking quetions: + Who's leader? + Who are rules makers / Idea thinkers? + Who's a note taker? + Who's a presenter? - Teacher asks students to work in group and make at least classroom rules in minutes - After that, the presenter of each team goes to the board and present about their rules - The other teams listen and give comments on their friends’ ideas - Teacher gives complement or good mark to the group with suitable rules after getting suggestions/ comments from the class VII WRAP-UP -To consolidate what students have learnt in the lesson Teacher asks students to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson VIII HOMEWORK: - Do Ex part B in work book on page 34,35 - Prepare: Communication KÊ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY TIẾNG ANH 6- NĂM HỌC: 2022 - 2023

Ngày đăng: 25/01/2024, 23:03
