Trang 5 Being qliveAnimols ond plonts olive!Locol environmentsAnimol bobiesHeolthy food ond drinkCheck your progressl.t1.21.31.41,56Br0121423Growing plonts2.1 Plont ports2.2 Growing seed
Being qlive l.t 1.2 1.3 1.4 1,5 Animols ond plonts olive! Locol environments Animol bobies Heolthy food ond drink Check your progress B r0 12 14 Growing plonts 2.1 Plont ports 2.2 Growing seeds 2.3 Plonts ond light 2.4 Check your progress Ourselves 3.-l We ore similor 3.2 We ore different 3.3 Our bodies 3.4 Our fontostic senses 3.5 Check your progress 16 IB 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 Mqteriols in my world 4,1 Whot is it mode of? 4.2 Using moteriols 4.3 Sorting moteriols 4.4 Check your progress 40 Pushes qnd pulls l In the ployground 42 5.2 How toys work 5,3 Pushes ond pulls oround us 5.4 Chonging movement 5.5 Check your progress 34 36 3B 44 46 48 50 Heoring sounds l Where sounds come from? , 6.2 Our eors 6.3 Sounds move 6.4 Check your progress Reference Glossory ond index Acknowledgements 52 54 56 5B 60 62 69 i ir :' ! : I I iJ "E I ;{ir v{F Can gou see o Iiving plont onimol non-living olive look ? Con Uou see o llvlng ? Con Uou see thlngs thot hove never been The Sun BI i.s hot but i,t Ls not otlve It i'so ? thtng w {q.-' "' il ;r: "' 't^ W{*'x,e -ey##,:q, ffie#ffi#": , a clipboard a digital camera Go outslde to k:';:ir ot llving thlngs Photograph or draw those Uou f,nd Look Jor the lorgest livlng thing Uou see Looh Jor the smoltest llving thlng Uou f,nd Try to f,nd six livlng thlngs Tath obout the photos below with Uour Jrlends Which photos show things that ore otlve? Whtch photos show thlngs thot ore non-[i,vi,ng? How Uou hnow whlch thlngs ore otlve? ru#Wgmffi Wmwa W,*aretrffi H"mm,"w*geffi "#" Some thlngs ore atlve 'n#' Some thlngs hove never been a[i,ve I E*;ir+, *lrv* ffi 1: ".: ai: \a :.:,: .- :t; t a- !,.-,.,.:i :.+.:j -Li ,::: ::a ., 'i,::-;L , : .i l.',t , ti I i i ltnl'".j; :, :: Eoch llvlng thlng needs o place ond li.ves [n o [oca[ ;',;:',;,: : ,: \:.t.: : ; : q:# 'e& to "._,i [Lve environmeni : pet fqrm ,,*.i ornpfil # # &.q # @- n.O - - ih' - I : -=.F-*a;' ' ,-,?*.-.:,irr:if-ittr: Looh at eoch an[ma[ Looh at eoch plant Where does [t [lve? Why does it llve there? Anlrnols be Jound i,n noturol envlronments They also be Jound on o OS O t ;.,;; i '',., Ln o zoo ond i,n homes Wh*rm #* pi*m?m 6r*,";,"€7 Thinh obout where you witt frnd plonts growlng outslde Go ond looh at the plonts Where they grow? Why theg grow where rheg do? ill*e:-rpmrm how mong p[ants Uou ftnd tn d{ferent envlronments ffifrn#s ##rTxffi t* s*hm*F Hove Uou seen blrds at schoot? Where Uou see them? Con we mohe the envlronment better Jor them? How could we mqhe a Jeedlng toble? Mahe a drowing to show how Uou could hetp the blrds ' '::lr'r" ffiffiffiW- wwf, Fa 'i# Eoch [[v[ng thing ', -B € ffiffiffi wffiffi ffi.ffiBffffi s#ffip*ffiffi & o locat envlronment The tocol envlronment gLves them o home, Jood ond woter li.ves [n I **ii:g *liv*