Để ôn thi phần Writing của tiếng Anh Aptis, bạn nên đọc kỹ câu hỏi và hiểu rõ yêu cầu của từng phần thi. Hãy chắc chắn rằng bạn viết đúng chủ đề, sử dụng ngữ pháp và từ vựng chính xác. Sau khi hoàn thành bài viết, hãy kiểm tra lại để sửa lỗi ngữ pháp, chính tả và dấu câu. Sử dụng các cấu trúc câu khác nhau như câu đơn, câu ghép và câu phức để làm bài tốt hơn. Chúc bạn ôn tập tốt và đạt kết quả cao trong phần thi Writing của tiếng Anh Aptis
KỸ NĂNG VIẾT WRITING Let's begin! Are you ready? PART HOÀN THÀNH CÂU ĐƠN - 1,5 từ Easy as a piece of cake What is your favourite animal ? I love cats What did you last night? I studied HOW ARE YOU FEELING ? I'm tired WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE SEASON ? Definitely, It's spring WHAT IS YOUR JOB ? I'm a teacher VIẾT ĐOẠN VĂN NGĂN - 20,30 từ - phút TELL US ABOUT THE DAY WHEN/WHAT/WHERE/HOW YES/NO QUESTION/WHY TELL ME ABOUT TELL ME ABOUT THE DAY AND TIME YOU CAN COME AND THE FOOD YOU ENJOY COOKING ? TRẢ LỜI TỪNG Ý RIÊNG BIỆT Câu trả lời trực tiế p => lý => ví dụ DÙNG TỪ NỐ I ĐẺ GHÉP CÂU MẠCH LẠC I can join the club on Sunday evening because I not have to study then I would love to make some Japanese food, for example Sushi or Ramen When / Where / What / How ? When you physical activities and what kind of excercise you want to take ? Direct answer: Trả lời trực tiếp Detail: Đưa lý cụ thể Example: Đưa ví dụ Repeat When you physical activities and what kind of exercise you want to take? I usually P.E in the evening because that is when I finish my study at school I normally cardio exercises because they help me to burn fat greatly, For example, Burpees & Squat Jumps When and where you usually use computer ? I usually use computer in the morning because I have to take online class at the time I tend to go to quiet places to use computers, such as my own room or the library YES/NO QUESTION / WHY ? DIRECT ANSWER: My answer is Yes / No REASON : Giải thích chi tiết REASON : Giải thích chi tiết Từ nối VIẾT CÂU TRẢ LỜI - 30,40 từ 10 phút Children should be encouraged to read as many books as possible What you think about this? I believe this is the right thing to do, reading books helps children develop their creativity and imagination Plus, meaning from books is beneficial to children's mental development I believe this is the wrong thing to do, children should be allowed to whatever makes them feel happy Moreover, not many children are patient enough to read a book VIẾT MAIL - INFORMAL 1.Greetings: Chào hỏi Reasons for writing: Lý viết mail Details: Nêu chi tiết việc Expression : Bày tỏ cảm nghĩ X Action: Hành động Ending: Chào tạm biệt & Kết thư VIẾT MAIL - INFORMAL 1.Greetings: Chào hỏi Reasons for writing: Lý viết mail Details: Nêu chi tiết việc Expression : Bày tỏ cảm nghĩ Action: Hành động Ending: Chào tạm biệt & Kết thư 1) Chào hỏi Hi + name, How are things / How is life / How's it going ? ( dạo bạn nào) I hope you're fine / I hope you and your family are well ( Tôi hy vọng bạn ổn ) 2) Viết lý (tùy chọn) I'm just writing to let you know about + ADJ + news: viết thư bạn biết tin (đáng thất vọng) I'm writing to tell you about ( ADJ news) I am writing this email to share + ADJ news + with you CỤM TỪ HỮU ÍCH - Tiêu cực: Disappointing news ( đáng thất vọng), Unacceptable news ( tin thể chấp nhận được), unpleasant news ( tin gây khó chịu), bad news ( tin xấu) - Tích cực: Good news, pleasant news, joyful news ( tin vui/tốt) 3) Nêu chi tiết việc Did you know that + paraphrase ( tường thuật) lại đề 4) Bày tỏ thái độ (tuỳ chọn) - I'm very + ADJ + to learn about the news - I'm + ADJ + when I heard about the news Im on cloud nine when I heard about the news Tích cực: Delighted/ Over the moon / On cloud nine/ Overjoyed - How exciting! ( thật đáng mong chờ làm sao) Tiêu cực: Dissapointed/ Dissatisfied/ Discontent/ Frustrated - What an inconvenience! ( mà bất tiện thế) - How frustrating ( thật đáng thất vọng) - What a rip-off ( đắt đi) 5) Hành động - I suggest/ I think - I'm going to write a letter to the manager to express my thoughts/feeling - I'm going to call them tonight and talk about it 6) Cái kết - Well, time to go / Got to go now ( tớ phải ) - Drop me a line soon ( nhớ viết thư sớm cho tớ) - Look after yourself ( giữ sức khỏe ) - Well it's time to say goodbye ( đến lúc tớ phải ) Best wishes/ Lots of love/ Your friend/ Hugs and kisses VIẾT MAIL - FORMAL (Lịch thiệp) 1) Greetings: Chào hỏi 2) Reasons for writing: Lý viết đơn 3) Details: Nêu chi tiết việc 4) Expression : Bày tỏ cảm nghĩ +) : Diễn giải nguyên cho cảm xúc 5) Suggestion: Đưa gợi ý 6) Ending: Chào tạm biệt & Kết thư 1) Chào hỏi + giới thiệu Dear Mrs / Ms Kim Dear Sir / Madam Dear club manager I am Kim Anh, I have been a club's member for ages/2 weeks 2) Viết lý I am writing in response to your letter about + news (news chung ) I am writing this email to express my feelings about + n I am writing to complain about + n CỤM TỪ HỮU DỤNG the cancellation of the event ( việc kiện bị hỗn) the recent change of the membership fees ( thay đổi phí clb) the late shipment of my order (hàng bị giao muộn) the upcoming event (sự kiện tới) 3) Nêu chi tiết việc According to the news/ your email, (paraphrase lại đề bài) 4) Bày tỏ thái độ 4+) - Honestly/ To be honest, I feel very ADJ to hear the news Tích cực: Delighted / excited / content/ pleased/ blissful Tiêu cực: Dissapointed/ Discontent/ Frustrated Nguyên - Because I want to meet him and also have prepared several question to ask him ( vắng mặt) I spent months for it I have been looking forward to Ving Many members have been waiting for this event and now this happens As student, we not have that much money to spare I feel that the members' opinion were not taken into account when making this decision 5) Đưa lời gợi ý/ ý kiến I propose/ I suggest/ I believe that/ I would recommend that you should (tui gợi ý anh nên ) I would be grateful if you could ( tui biết ơn anh ) Another solution / alternative is to (1 cách giải khác nên ) - muốn đưa nhiều lời gợi ý CỤM TỪ HỮU DỤNG I think you should consider raising membership fee only 5% (not 20%) I would be greatful if you could reschedual the meeting, so that Ms Kim can come and join with us One more solution is to invite another famous singer to attract more people 6) Cái kết I would be grateful if you could look into the matter I look forward to your prompt reply Here are my ideas, I hope they will be useful for our club's upcoming plan Looking forward to hearing from you soon if my idea is acceptable Best regards / Yours sincerely / Yours faithfully Writing Book club Task 2: Can you tell me where and when you often buy books? Task 3: Q1: Can you tell me about your favorite time and place to read? Q2: I want to buy my friend a book as a gift, but I don't know what he likes to read Can you give me some advice? Q3: People are more inclined to read books on computers What you think about this? Part 4: Our Club is preparing to organize a talk show by a famous author next year Which author you think we should invite, and what topic should the author speak on? Remember that we want to engage as many audiences as possible, including young and older people Please send us your suggestions and your reasons The Manager Email your friend who is also a club member Email to club manager Task 2: Can you tell me the place and when you often buy books? I usually buy books at Nha Nam - a famous bookstore in Vietnam because they offers a variety of books so I can choose freely most of the time When I’m free, I can go and buy some books Task 3: Q1: Can you tell me about your favorite time and place to read? I love reading books at night because It is silent so I can focus on my books The most comfortable place I can think of when I read is my bed There’s nothing better than lying comfortably on your bed and reading interesting books Task : Q2: I want to buy my friend a book as a gift, but I don't know what he likes to read Can you give me some advice? I recommend reading… Fiction The creative content of fictions is interesting/ appealing Romantic novels Reading books about true love is just amazing Everyone love a romantic love story Detective novels Detective novels are really interesting You can’t stop reading after you find out who the murderer is Q3: People are more inclined to read books on computers What you think about this? I agree because reading books on computer or smart device is very convenient It saves you a lot of space and money for paper books There are new devices such as Kindle to support this trend too Task 4: Q1: Write an email to your friend, who is also a member of the club Tell your friend how you feel and what suggestions you will make and why Write about 50 words Dear Rose How is life ? Did you know about our club's upcoming talk show ? I think we should invite Nguyen Nhat Anh He is a very famous author who writes mostly children and teen books I would like to hear him talk about the inspiration that helped him write his books What you think? Love, Jennie Email to club manager Dear Mrs Kim Anh, I am Jennie, I have been a club’s member for months I am writing in response to your latest email According to the news, our club will have a talk show and a famous author will be invited as the guest speaker I propose inviting Nguyen Nhat Anh - a famous Vietnamese actor who writes mostly children and teen books He is loved by a lot of people in the reading community because his books are brilliantly written Regarding the topic of our talk show, we can ask Nguyen Nhat Anh to share about the sources of inspiration that help him write his book I believe our club has a lot of potential writers and his sharing can really teach them something Looking forward to your reply if my recommendation is acceptable Sincerely Jennie