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English 2-Week 12.Docx

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UBND HUYỆN IAGRAI TRƯỜNG TH BÙI THỊ XUÂN Giáo viên Trần Thị Tuyết Mai KẾ HOẠCH GIẢNG DẠY TUẦN 15 Năm học 2023 2024 Bộ môn Tiếng Anh ( Từ ngày 11/12/2023 đến ngày 15/12/2023) Thứ ngày Buổi Tiết Tiết th[.]

UBND HUYỆN IAGRAI KẾ HOẠCH GIẢNG DẠY TUẦN 15 TRƯỜNG TH BÙI THỊ XUÂN Năm học 2023-2024 Giáo viên: Trần Thị Tuyết Mai Bộ môn: Tiếng Anh ( Từ ngày 11/12/2023 đến ngày 15/12/2023) Thứ ngày Buổi Tiết Sáng Thứ Hai 11/12/2023 Chiều Sáng Thứ Ba 12/12/2023 Chiều Thứ Tư 13/12/2023 Sáng Tiết theo PPCT 57 58 57 58 57 58 57 58 Lớp 3+4 3+4 4E 4E 3G 3G 3F 3F 57 4D 58 4D 59 4D 60 4D 57 3C 58 3C 57 4C 58 4C 59 60 59 4E 4E 3+4 Bài Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 1-Activity 4-6 Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 2-Activity 1-3 Unit 9: OUR SPORTS DAY Lesson 1-Activity 4-6 Unit 9: OUR SPORTS DAY Lesson 2-Activity 1-3 Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 1-Activity 4-6 Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 2-Activity 1-3 Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 1-Activity 4-6 Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 2-Activity 1-3 Unit 9: OUR SPORTS DAY Lesson 1-Activity 4-6 Unit 9: OUR SPORTS DAY Lesson 2-Activity 1-3 Unit 9: OUR SPORTS DAY Lesson 2-Activity 4-6 Unit 9: OUR SPORTS DAY Lesson 3-Activity 1-3 Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 1-Activity 4-6 Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 2-Activity 1-3 Unit 9: OUR SPORTS DAY Lesson 1-Activity 4-6 Unit 9: OUR SPORTS DAY Lesson 2-Activity 1-3 Unit 9: OUR SPORTS DAY Lesson 2-Activity 4-6 Unit 9: OUR SPORTS DAY Lesson 3-Activity 1-3 Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 2-Activity 4-6 Chiều Sáng Thứ Năm 14/12/2023 Chiều Thứ Sáu 15/12/2023 Sáng 60 59 60 59 60 59 60 59 60 23 24 23 24 23 24 23 24 3+4 3F 3F 3G 3G 3C 3C 4C 4C 5A 5A 5B 5B 2A 2A 2B 2B Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 3-Activity 1-3 Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 2-Activity 4-6 Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 3-Activity 1-3 Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 2-Activity 4-6 Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 3-Activity 1-3 Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 2-Activity 4-6 Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 3-Activity 1-3 Unit 9: OUR SPORTS DAY Lesson 2-Activity 4-6 Unit 9: OUR SPORTS DAY Lesson 3-Activity 1-3 UNIT 8: WHAT ARE YOU READING? Lesson UNIT 8: WHAT ARE YOU READING? Lesson UNIT 8: WHAT ARE YOU READING? Lesson UNIT 8: WHAT ARE YOU READING? Lesson Unit 5: Unit 5: Unit 5: Unit 5: FREE TIME ACTIVITIES FREE TIME ACTIVITIES FREE TIME ACTIVITIES FREE TIME ACTIVITIES GVBM Trần Thị Tuyết Mai – Lesson – Lesson – Lesson – Lesson WEEK 12 Date of preparing: 10/12/2023 Class: 2A,2B Date of teaching: 15/12/2023 UNIT 5: FREE TIME ACTIVITIES Lesson (page 34) I.Objectives By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following: Language knowledge and skills Vocabulary: soccer, tag, hopscotch, hide-and-seek Sentence pattern: “Let's play (soccer)” “OK” Skills: To be able to suggest activities Identify and use vocabulary items about free time activities Competences Self-control and independent learning: Building up an awareness of taking care of others in their family or community Communication and collaboration: Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork Critical thinking and creativity: Building up responsive and independentworking characteristics to be a life-long learner Attributes Kindness: Knowing how to suggest activities in the free time Diligence and Honesty: Being hardworking in studying Accountability: Becoming responsible for others II.Teaching aids and materials - Teacher’s aids: Tiếng Anh i-Learn Smart Start Student’s Book and Teacher’s book, Class CDs, Flashcards, DCR & DHA on Eduhome, Projector/Interactive Whiteboard /TV (if any), PowerPoint slides - Students’ aids: Tiếng Anh i-Learn Smart Start Student’s Book, Workbook, Notebook III.Procedures Time Warm-up ( minutes) Teacher’s activities Warm-up Sing “What’s this? What’s that?” song (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=UKNiCMrd3nU) “Hot Potato” game - Prepare some pictures or flashcards and Student’s activities -Sing the song -Look and listen sticks them on the board - Point to a picture and asks, “What’s that?” - Get a soft ball and throw it to a student - He / She must answer then throw the ball to the other student which has to answer the following question Continue the game to the end New lesson New lesson A Listen A Listen and point Repeat (CD1 and point Track 66) Repeat -Use some pictures to introduce the new (CD1 words (soccer, tag, hopscotch, hide and Track 66) seek) Ask students if they know about ( minutes) the games and help them understand how to play - Have students listen to each new word - Arrange the flashcards on the board, play audio, and point to each picture in their books - Play audio again and have students listen and repeat Have students work in pairs, one of them points to the picture in the book and the other says the word "Guess" "Guess" game game - Arrange the flashcards on the board and ( minutes) write a number under each card - Have students look at the flashcards for the count of ten Turn the flashcards over to face the board when the students are not looking Call out a number and have students take turns to guess the face-down card Turn the card over after each guess B Listen and point (CD1 – Track 67) B Listen - Have students look at the picture and and point identify the details (CD1 – - Introduce the situation: “The children Track 67) -Look and answer the questions -Play the game -Look and listen -Listen to each word -Listen, point and say -Listen and repeat -Work in pairs, point and say - Look and listen -Look at the pictures and listen -Try to guess the missing flashcard -Play the game -Look at the picture and identify -Listen ( minutes) are playing together.” - Play audio and have students look at the picture - Demonstrate the activity by pointing to the new vocabulary items Play audio Have students listen and point C Sing (CD1 – Track 68) C Sing - Have students turn to page 70 (CD1 – - Play audio and have students listen Track 68) ( minutes) - Read the lyrics and actions following them - Play audio and have students listen, sing along, and the actions "Pretend" "Pretend" game game - Put flashcards in a bag (soccer, tag, ( minutes) hopscotch, hide and seek) - Divide the class into four teams - Have one student come to the front of the class and choose an action from the bag then an action silently - Have the other students try to guess the what the action is and call it out E.g Play soccer -Give the first team to guess correct one point The team that gets the most points win Workbook Workbook - page 32 page 32 A Look, read, and circle ( minutes) - Have students identify the pictures and read the words - Ask students to call out the activity of picture number 1, then think and circle the correct words This is an example - Have students the remains then compare their answers - Check understanding as a whole class and give the correct answers to the students B Look and write -Listen and look at the picture -Listen -Listen and point -Turn to page 70 -Listen -Read the lyric and the actions -Listen, sing along and the actions -Look at the board -Work in teams -Play the game -Guess the word -Look and check -Identify the pictures and read them aloud -Call out -Do the remains then compare the answer -Check - Set up time limit by 1minute timer bomb (source: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=vwqQPeeVM1s) - Have students start their work, try to complete the crossword When the time ends by explosion students stop doing their exercises - Have students change their workbooks together Check understanding as a whole class and give the correct answers to the students Wrap up Game: "Simon says" game -Listen -Start work, try to complete the crossword -Swap book and check Wrap up Game: "Simon says" game -Play the game -Tell students they must only follow commands that start with "Simon says ( minutes) …" (E.g Simons says play tag.) -Demonstrate the game by giving the students different commands If the command starts with "Simon says …" students must the action If it doesn’t start with "Simon says …" students who the action must sit down -Have one student come to the front of the class to be "Simon" Swap roles and repeat with a new "Simon" D ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary): ……………………………………………………………………………………… ….… …………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………….… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ****************************************************************** Date of preparing: 10/12/2023 Class: 2A, 2B Date of teaching: 15/12/2023 UNIT 5: FREE TIME ACTIVITIES Lesson (Page 35) I.Objectives:By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following: 1.Knowledge Vocabulary: soccer, tag, hopscotch, hide and seek Structures: Let's play (soccer) OK 2.Language skills To be able to suggest activities Practice language skills – the structure “Let’s ….” 3.Core competencies & Personal qualities -Raising interests and good habits in learning English Buildi-ng up responsive and independent-working characteristics to be a life-long learner -Practicing communicative skills through learning activities -Demonstrating team-working and problem-solving skills through learning activities II.Teaching aids: Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks III.Procedures: Time Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Warm-up Warm-up ( minutes) Sing Hopscotch with Numbers song ( source: -Sing the song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTB6KlYPg8 ) "Flashcard walk" game -Divide the class into four teams -Look and listen -Place flashcards (soccer, tag, hopscotch, hide and seek) on the classroom floor -Look and answer the -Have students from each team come up questions the front -Play some music and have the students -Play the game walk around the flashcards -Stop the music and say a word -Have the students pick up the correct flashcard then run to the board and write down (E.g Let’s play (soccer).) -Give the first team to pick and write the correct number one point The team that gets the most points wins New lesson New lesson *“Guess” *“Guess” game game -Divide the class into two teams ( minutes) -Tell students some words that related to a game and have them guess what it is -E.g Teacher: counting 1,2,3 - hide, -Students: play hide and seek -The team guesses correctly will get one point D Point D Point and say and say Practice (optional) Practice -Divide the class into two teams (optional) -Show a flashcard to the class ( minutes) -Have Team A say the statement and Team B respond -Swap roles and repeat E.g.(Teacher shows a flashcard "tag".) • Team A: "Let's play tag." • Team B: "OK." Point and Point and say say -Divide the class into pairs ( minutes) -Have Student A point to a picture and Student B say a statement Have Student A respond -Swap roles and repeat -Afterwards, have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class E Play the E Play the "Chain" game "Chain" -Have students look at the example game -Divide the class into groups of four ( minutes) -Have the students stand up -Have Student A turn to Student B and say a statement, then have Student B -Look and listen -Listen to the teacher -Listen and guess -Team A ask and team B answer -Swap role - Look and listen -Point to the picture and say -Swap role and repeat -Look at the example -Work in groups -Stand up -Play the game respond -Next, have Student B turn to Student C and say a statement, then have Student C respond -Continue until all students have practiced Have some groups demonstrate the activity in front of the class Workbook - Workbook - page 33 page 33 C Listen and circle (WB 19) ( 10 -Have students look at exercise C, minutes) identify the numbers and pictures then guess the answers could be -Play audio Have students listen and circle the correct picture -Have students listen again and check their answers -Check understanding as a whole class and give the correct answers to the students D Look, read, and put a (√) or a (x) -Have students look at the pictures, read the sentences and tick the correct box, cross the remains Teacher and students correct all the exercises as a whole class Wrap up Wrap up Game: Game: Unscramble the sentences "Simon -Divide the class into groups of four says" game -Give each group a set of flashcards with wrong order sentences ( minutes) soccer OK Let’s play hide Let’s tag play hopscotch and seek Let’s Let’s -Continue -Some students demonstrate in front of the class -Look and identify -Listen and circle -Listen agian and check their answers -Listen and check -Look at pictures -Play the game -Check -Play the game play OK OK play - Give the students two minutes - Have students arrange words to make sentences The first team with all the correct sentences wins D ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary): ……………………………………………………………………………………… ….… ……………………………………………………………………………………… … ****************************************************************** Ký duyệt GVBM Ký duyệt Tổ trưởng Ký duyệt nhà trường Trần Thị Tuyết Mai Bùi Văn Quý Chu Mạnh Mơn

Ngày đăng: 10/01/2024, 09:08
