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  • Introduction


    • Alamouti's transmit diversityscheme for OFDM systems

      • Space-frequency coding

      • Space-time coding

    • AR models considerations

      • AR channel model in SF-OFDM

      • AR channel model in ST-OFDM

    • Unifying SF-OFDM and ST-OFDM signal models

  • MMSE estimation

    • MMSE estimation of the multipath channels

    • MMSE estimation of KL coefficients

    • Estimation of H,o(n) and H(n+1)

  • Performance Analysis

    • Cramer-Rao lower bound for random KL coefficients

    • Bayesian MSE

    • Mismatch analysis

    • Theoretical SER for SF/ST-OFDM systems

  • Simulations

    • Mean-square-error performance ofthe channel estimation

    • MMSE approach

      • SNR design mismatch

      • Correlation mismatch

      • Performance of the truncated estimator

  • Conclusion

  • Acknowledgments


Nội dung

Hindawi Publishing Corporation EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing Volume 2006, Article ID 39026, Pages 1–14 DOI 10.1155/ASP/2006/39026 A Low-Complexity Time-Domain MMSE Channel Estimator for Space-Time/Frequency Block-Coded OFDM Systems Habib S¸ enol, 1 Hakan Ali C¸ırpan, 2 Erdal Panayırcı, 3 and Mesut C¸evik 2 1 Department of Computer Engineering, Kadir Has University, Cibali 34230, Istanbul, Turkey 2 Department of Electrical Engineering, Istanbul University, Avcilar 34850, Istanbul, Turkey 3 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bilkent University, Bilkent 06800, Ankara, Turkey Received 1 June 2005; Revised 8 February 2006; Accepted 18 February 2006 Focusing on transmit diversity orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission through frequency-selective channels, this paper pursues a channel estimation approach in time domain for both space-frequency OFDM (SF-OFDM) and space-time OFDM (ST-OFDM) systems based on AR channel modelling. The paper proposes a computationally efficient, pilot- aided linear minimum mean-square-error (MMSE) time-domain channel estimation algorithm for OFDM systems with trans- mitter diversity in unknown wireless fading channels. The proposed approach employs a convenient representation of the channel impulse responses based on the Karhunen-Loeve (KL) orthogonal expansion and finds MMSE estimates of the uncorrelated KL series expansion coefficients. Based on such an expansion, no matrix inversion is required in the proposed MMSE estimator. Sub- sequently, optimal rank reduction is applied to obtain significant taps resulting in a smaller computational load on the proposed estimation algorithm. The performance of the proposed approach is studied through the analytical results and computer sim- ulations. In order to explore the performance, the closed-form expression for the average symbol error rate (SER) probability is derived for the maximum ratio receive combiner (MRRC). We then consider the stochastic Cramer-Rao lower bound(CRLB) and derive the closed-form expression for the random KL coefficients, and consequently exploit the performance of the MMSE channel estimator based on the evaluation of minimum Bayesian MSE. We also analyze the effect of a modelling mismatch on the estimator performance. Simulation results confirm our theoretical analysis and illustrate that the proposed algorithms are capable of tracking fast fading and improving overall performance. Copyright © 2006 Hindawi Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved. 1. INTRODUCTION Next generations of broadband wireless communications systems aim to support different types of applications with a high quality of service and high-data rates by employing a variety of techniques capable of achieving the highest possi- ble spectrum efficiency [1]. The fulfilment of the constantly increasing demand for high-data rate and high quality of ser- vice requires the use of much more spectrally efficient and flexible modulation and coding techniques, with greater im- munity against severe frequency-selective fading. The com- bined application of OFDM and transmit antenna diversity appears to be capable of enabling the types of capacities and data rates needed for broadband wireless services [2–8]. OFDM has emerged as an attractive and powerful al- ternative to conventional modulation schemes in the recent past due to its various advantages in lessening the severe ef- fect of frequency-selective fading. The broadband channel undergoes severe multipath fading, the equalizer in a con- ventional single-carrier modulation becomes prohibitively complex to implement. OFDM is therefore chosen over a single-carrier solution due to lower complexity of equalizers [1]. In OFDM, the entire signal bandwidth is divided into a number of narrowbands or orthogonal subcarriers, and sig- nal is transmitted in the narrowbands in parallel. Therefore, it reduces intersymbol interference (ISI), obviates the need for complex equalization, and thus greatly simplifies chan- nel estimation/equalization task. Moreover, its structure also allows efficient hardware implementations using fast Fourier transform (FFT) and polyphase filtering [2]. On the other hand, due to dispersive property of the wireless channel, sub- carriers on those deep fades may be severely attenuated. To robustify the performance against deep fades, diversity tech- niques have to be used. Transmit antenna diversity is an ef- fective technique for combatting fading in mobile in multi- path wireless channels [4, 9]. Among a number of antenna diversity methods, the Alamouti method is very simple to implement [9]. This is an example for space-time block code (STBC) for two transmit antennas, and the simplicity of the receiver is attributed to the orthogonal nature of the code 2 EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing [10, 11]. The orthogonal structure of these space-time block codes enable the maximum likelihood decoding to be im- plemented in a simple way through decoupling of the signal transmitted from different antennas rather than joint detec- tion resulting in linear processing [9]. The use of OFDM in transmitter diversity systems mo- tives exploitation of diversity dimensions. Inspired by this fact, a number of coding schemes have been proposed re- cently to achieve maximum diversity gain [6–8]. Among them, ST-OFDM has been proposed recently for delay spread channels. On the other hand, transmitter OFDM also of- fers the possibility of coding in a form of SF-OFDM [6–8]. OFDM maps the frequency-selective channel into a set of flat fading subchannels, whereas space-time/frequency en- coding/decoding facilitates equalization and achieves perfor- mance gains by exploiting the diversity available with trans- mit antennas. Moreover, SF-OFDM and ST-OFDM trans- mitter diversity systems were compared in [6], under the as- sumption that the channel responses are known or can be estimated accurately at the receiver. It was shown that the SF- OFDM system has the same performance as a previously re- ported ST-OFDM scheme in slow fading environments but shows better performance in the more difficult fast fading environments. Also, since, SF-OFDM transmitter diversity scheme performs the decoding within one OFDM block, it only requires half of the decoder memory needed for the ST- OFDM system of the same block size. Similarly, the decoder latency for SF-OFDM is also half that of the ST-OFDM im- plementation. Channel estimation for transmit diversity OFDM sys- tems has attracted much attention with pioneering works by Li et al. [4]andLi[5]. A robust channel estimator for OFDM systems with transmitter diversity has been first de- veloped with the temporal estimation by using the correla- tion of the channel parameters at different frequencies [4]. Its simplified approaches have been then presented by iden- tifying significant taps [5]. Among many other techniques, pilot-aided MMSE estimation was also applied in the con- text of space-time block coding (STBC) either in the time do- main for the estimation of channel impulse response (CIR) [12, 13] or in the frequency domain for the estimation of transfer function (TF) [14]. However channel estimation in the time domain turns out to be more efficient since the number of unknown parameters is greatly decreased com- pared to that in the frequency domain. Focusing on transmit diversity OFDM transmissions through frequency-selective fading channels, this paper pursues a time-domain MMSE channel estimation approach for both SF-OFDM and ST- OFDM systems. We derive a low complexity MMSE channel estimation algorithm for both transmiter diversity OFDM systems based on AR channel modelling. In the development of the MMSE channel estimation algorithm, the channel taps are assumed to be random processes. Moreover, orthogonal series representation based on the KL expansion of a random process is applied which makes the expansion coefficient ran- dom variables uncorrelated [15, 16]. Thus, the algorithm es- timates the uncorrelated complex expansion coefficients us- ing the MMSE criterion. The layout of the paper is as follows. In Section 2,agen- eral model for transmit diversity OFDM systems together with SF and ST coding, AR channel modelling, and unified signal model are presented. In Section 3, an MMSE channel estimation algorithm is developed for the KL expansion co- efficients. Performance of the proposed algorithm is studied based on the evaluation of the modified Cramer-Rao bound of the channel parameters and the SNR and correlation mis- match analysis together with closed-form expression for the average SER probability in Section 4. Some simulation exam- ples are provided in Section 5. Finally, conclusions are drawn in Section 6. 2. SYSTEM MODEL 2.1. Alamouti’s transmit diversity scheme for OFDM systems In this paper, we consider a transmitter diversity scheme in conjunction with OFDM signaling. Many transmit diversity schemes have been proposed in the literature offering dif- ferent complexity versus performance trade-offs. We choose Alamouti’s transmit diversity scheme due to its simple im- plementation and good performance [9]. The Alamouti’s scheme imposes an orthogonal spatio-temporal structure on the transmitted symbols that guarantees full (i.e., order 2) spatial diversity. We consider the Alamouti transmitter diversity coding scheme, employed in an OFDM system utilizing K subcar- riers per antenna transmissions. Note that K is chosen as an even integer. The fading channel between the μth transmit antenna and the receive antenna is assumed to be frequency selective and is described by the discrete-time baseband equivalent impulse response h μ (n) = [h μ,0 (n), , h μ,L (n)] T , with L standing for the channel order. At each time index n, the input serial information sym- bols with symbol duration T s are converted into a data vec- tor X(n) = [X(n,0), , X(n, K − 1)] T by means of a serial- to-parallel converter. Its block duration is KT s .Moreover, X(n, k) denote the kth forward polyphase component of the serial data symbols, that is, X(n, k) = X(nK + k)fork = 0, 1,2, , K − 1andn = 0,1, 2, , N − 1. Polyphase com- ponent X(n, k) can also be viewed as the data symbol to be transmitted on the kth tone during the block instant n.The transmitter diversity encoder arranges X(n) into two vectors X 1 (n)andX 2 (n) according to an appropriate coding scheme described in [6, 9]. The coded vector X 1 (n)ismodulated by an IFFT into an OFDM sequence. Then cyclic prefix is added to the OFDM symbol sequence, and the resulting sig- nal is transmitted through the first transmit antenna. Sim- ilarly, X 2 (n) is modulated by IFFT, cyclically extended, and transmitted from the second transmit antenna. At the receiver side, the antenna receives a noisy super- position of the transmissions through the fading channels. We assume ideal carrier synchronization, timing, and perfect symbol-rate sampling, and the cyclic prefix is removed at the receiver end. Habib S¸enol et al. 3 X(n) Serial to parallel Space- frequency encoding X(n,0) −X ∗ (n,1) . . . X(n, K − 2) −X ∗ (n, K − 1) X(n,1) X ∗ (n,0) . . . X(n, K − 1) X ∗ (n, K − 2) Pilot insertion & IFFT & add cyclic prefix Pilot insertion & IFFT & add cyclic prefix Tx − 1 Tx − 2 Figure 1: Space-frequency coding on two adjacent FFT frequency bins. The generation of coded vectors X 1 (n)andX 2 (n)from the information symbols leads to corresponding transmit diversity OFDM scheme. In our system, the generation of X 1 (n)andX 2 (n) is performed via the space-frequency cod- ing and space-time coding, respectively, which were first sug- gested in [9] and later generalized in [7, 8]. Space-frequency coding We first consider a strategy which basically consists of coding across OFDM tones and is therefore called space-frequency coding [6–8]. Resorting to coding across tones, the set of generally correlated OFDM subchannels is first divided into groups of subchannels. This subchannel grouping with ap- propriate system parameters does preserve diversity gain while simplifying not only the code construction but decod- ing algorithm significantly as well [6]. A block diagram of a two-branch space-frequency OFDM transmitter diversity system is shown in Figure 1. Resorting subchannel grouping, X(n) is coded into two vectors X 1 (n)andX 2 (n) by the space- frequency encoder as X 1 (n) =  X(n,0),−X ∗ (n,1), , X(n, K − 2), − X ∗ (n, K − 1)  T , X 2 (n) =  X(n,1),X ∗ (n,0), , X(n, K − 1), X ∗ (n, K − 2)  T , (1) where ( ·) ∗ stands for complex conjugation. In space- frequency Alamouti scheme, X 1 (n)andX 2 (n) are transmit- ted through the first and second antenna elements, respec- tively, during the OFDM block instant n. The operations of the space-frequency block encoder can best be described in terms of even and odd polyphase component vectors. If we denote even and odd component vectors of X (n)as X e (n) =  X(n,0),X(n,2), , X(n, K − 4), X(n, K − 2)  T , X o (n) =  X(n,1),X(n,3), , X(n, K − 3), X(n, K − 1)  T , (2) then the space-frequency block code transmission matrix may be represented by Space −→ Frequency ↓  X e (n) X o (n) −X ∗ o (n) X ∗ e (n)  . (3) If the received signal sequence is parsed in even and odd blocks of K/2tones,Y e (n) = [Y (n,0),Y(n,2), , Y(n, K − 2)] T and Y o (n) = [Y(n,1),Y(n,3), , Y(n, K − 1)] T , the re- ceived signal can be expressed in vector form as Y e (n) = X e (n)H 1,e (n)+X o (n)H 2,e (n)+W e (n), Y o (n) =−X † o (n)H 1,o (n)+X † e (n)H 2,o (n)+W o (n), (4) where X e (n)andX o (n)areK/2 × K/2 diagonal matri- ces whose elements are X e (n)andX o (n), respectively, and ( ·) † denotes conjugate transpose. Let H μ,e (n) = [H μ (n,0), H μ (n,2), , H μ (n, K − 2)] T and H μ,o (n) = [H μ (n,1), H μ (n,3), , H μ (n, K − 1)] T be K/2 length vectors denoting the even and odd component vectors of the channel attenu- ations between the μth transmitter and the receiver. Finally, W e (n)andW o (n) are zero-mean, i.i.d. Gaussian vectors with covariance matrix σ 2 I K/2 . Space-time coding In contrast to SF-OFDM coding, ST encoder maps every two consecutive symbol blocks X(n)andX(n+1) to the following 2K × 2matrix: Space −→ Time ↓  X(n) X(n +1) −X ∗ (n +1) X ∗ (n)  . (5) 4 EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing X(n) Serial to parallel Space- time encoding −X ∗ (n +1,0) −X ∗ (n +1,1) . . . −X ∗ (n +1,K − 1) X(n,0) X(n,1) . . . X(n, K − 1) X ∗ (n,0) X ∗ (n,1) . . . X ∗ (n, K − 1) X(n +1,0) X(n +1,1) . . . X(n +1,K − 1) Pilot insertion & IFFT & add cyclic prefix Pilot insertion & IFFT & add cyclic prefix Tx − 1 Tx − 2 Figure 2: Space-time coding on two adjacent OFDM blocks. The columns are transmitted in successive time intervals with the upper and lower blocks in a given column sent simul- taneously through the first and second transmit antennas, respectively, as shown in Figure 2.Ifwefocusoneachre- ceived block separately, each pair of two consecutive received blocks Y(n) = [Y(n,0), , Y(n, K − 1)] T and Y(n +1) = [Y(n +1,0), , Y(n +1,K − 1)] T are given by Y(n) = X(n)H 1 (n) + X(n +1)H 2 (n)+W(n), Y(n +1) =−X † (n +1)H 1 (n +1) + X † (n)H 2 (n +1)+W(n +1), (6) where X(n)andX(n +1)areK × K diagonal matrices whose elements are X(n)andX(n + 1), respectively. H μ (n) is the channel frequency response between the μth transmit- ter and the receiver antenna at the nth time slot which is ob- tained from channel impulse response h μ (n). Finally, W(n) and W(n + 1) are zero-mean, i.i.d. Gaussian vectors with covariance matrix σ 2 I K per dimension. Having specified the received signal models (4)and(6), we proceed to explore channel models. 2.2. AR models considerations Channel estimation in transmit diversity systems results in ill-posed problem since for every incoming signal, extra un- knowns appear. However, imposing structure on channel variations render estimation problem tractable. Fortunately many wireless channels exhibit structured variations hence fit into some evolution model. Among different models, the AR model is adopted herein for channel dynamics. Since only the first few correlation terms are important to finitely parametrize structured variations of a wireless channel in the design of a channel estimator, low-order AR models can cap- ture most of the channel tap dynamics and lead to effective estimation techniques. Thus this paper associates channel ef- fect in SF/ST-OFDM systems with a first-order AR process. AR channel model in SF-OFDM The even and odd component vectors of the channels H μ,e (n) and H μ,o (n) between the μth transmitter and the receiver can be modelled as a first-order AR process. An AR process can be represented as H μ,o (n) = αH μ,e (n)+η μ,o (n), (7) where α can be obtained from the normalized exponential discrete channel correlation for different subcarriers in SF- OFDM case. Moreover, using (7), simple manipulations lead to the covariance matrix C η μ,o (n) = (1 −|α| 2 )I K/2 of zero- mean Gaussian AR process noise η μ,o (n). AR channel model in ST-OFDM Similarly, the channel frequency response H μ (n) between the μth transmitter and the receiver antenna at the nth time slot varies accordingly: H μ (n +1)= αH μ (n)+η μ (n + 1), (8) where α is related to Doppler frequency f d and symbol dura- tion T s via α = J o (2πf d T s ) in ST-OFDM. Using (8), we ob- tain the covariance matrix of zero-mean Gaussian AR process noise η μ (n +1)asC η μ (n+1) = (1 −|α| 2 )I K . 2.3. Unifying SF-OFDM and ST-OFDM signal models The transmitter diversity OFDM schemes considered here can be unified into one general model for channel estima- tion. Considering signal models (4)and(6) with correspond- ing AR models (7)and(8), we unify SF-OFDM and ST- OFDM in the following equivalent model:  Y 1 Y 2  =  X 1 X 2 −X † 2 X † 1  H 1 H 2  +  W 1 W 2  . (9) Habib S¸enol et al. 5 For convenience, we list the corresponding vectors and ma- trices for SF-OFDM as  Y 1 Y 2  =  Y e (n) Y o (n)/α  ,  X 1 X 2 −X † 2 X † 1  =  X e (n) X o (n) −X † o (n) X † e (n)  ,  H 1 H 2  =  H 1,e (n) H 2,e (n)  ,  W 1 W 2  =  W e (n) 1/α  W o (n) − X † o (n)η 1,o (n)+X † e (n)η 2,o (n)   , (10) where W 1 ∼ N (0, σ 2 I K/2 ), W 2 ∼ N (0, σ 2 +2(1−|α| 2 )/ |α| 2 I K/2 ). Similarly for ST-OFDM,  Y 1 Y 2  =  Y(n) Y(n +1)/α  ,  X 1 X 2 −X † 2 X † 1  =  X(n) X(n +1) −X † (n +1) X † (n)  ,  H 1 H 2  =  H 1 (n) H 2 (n)  ,  W 1 W 2  =  W(n) 1/α  W(n+1)−X † (n+1)η 1 (n+1)+X † (n)η 2 (n+1)   . (11) Note that W 1 ∼ N (0, σ 2 I K )andW 2 ∼ N (0, σ 2 +2(1−|α| 2 )/ |α| 2 I K ). Relying on the unifying model (9), we will develop a channel estimation algorithm according to the MMSE crite- rion and then explore the performance of the estimator. An MMSE approach adapted herein explicitly models the chan- nel parameters by the KL series representation since KL ex- pansion allows one to tackle the estimation of correlated pa- rameters as a parameter estimation problem of the uncorre- lated coefficients. 3. MMSE ESTIMATION Pilots-symbols-assisted techniques can provide information about an undersampled version of the channel that may be easier to identify. In this paper, we therefore address the prob- lem of estimating channel parameters by exploiting the dis- tributed training symbols. 3.1. MMSE estimation of the multipath channels Since both SF and ST block-coded OFDM systems have sym- metric structure in frequency and time, respectively, the pi- lot symbols should be uniformly placed in pairs. Specifically, we also assume that even number of symbols are placed be- tween pilot pairs for SF-OFDM systems. Based on these pi- lot structures, (9) is modified to represent the sig nal model corresponding to pilot sy mbols as follows:  Y 1,p Y 2,p     Y p =  X 1,p X 2,p −X † 2,p X † 1,p     X p  H 1,p H 2,p     H p +  W 1,p W 2,p     , W p (12) where ( ·) p is introduced to represent the vectors correspond- ing to pilot locations. For a class of QPSK-modulated pilot symbols, the new observation model can be formed by premultiplying both sides of (12)by X † p : X † p Y p = X † p X p H p + X † p W p . (13) Since X † p X p = 2I 2K p , and letting  Y p = X † p Y p and  W p = X † p W p ,(13)canberewrittenas  Y p = 2H p +  W p (14) namely,   Y 1,p  Y 2,p  = 2  H 1,p H 2,p  +   W 1,p  W 2,p  , (15) where  Y 1,p = X † 1,p Y 1,p − X 2,p Y 2,p ,  Y 2,p = X † 2,p Y 1,p + X 1,p Y 2,p ,  W 1,p = X † 1,p W 1,p − X 2,p W 2,p ,  W 2,p = X † 2,p W 1,p + X 1,p W 2,p , (16) and note that  W 1,p ∼ N (0, σ 2 I K p )and  W 2,p ∼ N (0, σ 2 I K p ) where σ 2 = (σ 2 (1 + |α| 2 )+2(1−|α| 2 ))/|α| 2 . By writing each row of (16) separately, we obtain the following obser- vation equation set to estimate the channels H 1,p and H 2,p :  Y μ,p = 2H μ,p +  W μ,p μ = 1, 2. (17) Since our goal is to develop channel estimation in time do- main, (17) can be expressed in terms of h μ by using H μ,p  Fh μ in (17). Thus we can conclude that the observation mod- els for the estimation of channel impulse responses h μ are  Y μ,p = 2Fh μ +  W μ,p , μ = 1, 2, (18) where F is a K p × L FFT matrix generated based on pilot in- dices and K p is the number of pilot symbols per one OFDM block. Since (18)offers a Bayesian linear model representa- tion, one can obtain a closed-form expression for the MMSE estimation of channel vectors h 1 and h 2 . We should first make the assumptions that impulse responses h 1 and h 2 are i.i.d. zero-mean complex Gaussian vectors with covari- ance C h ,andh 1 and h 2 are independent from  W 1,p ∼ N (0, σ 2 I K p )and  W 2,p ∼ N (0, σ 2 I K p ) and employ PSK pi- lot symbolassumption to obtain MMSE estimates of h 1 and 6 EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing h 2 [17]:  h μ =  2F † F + σ 2 2 C −1 h  −1 F †  Y μ,p , μ = 1, 2. (19) Under the assumption that uniformly spaced pilot symbols are inserted with pilot spacing interval Δ and K = Δ × K p , correspondingly, F † F reduces to F † F = K p I L . Then according to (19), and F † F = K p I L , we arrive at the expression  h μ =  2K p I L + σ 2 2 C −1 h  −1 F †  Y μ,p , μ = 1, 2. (20) Asitcanbeseenfrom(20) MMSE estimation of h 1 and h 2 for SF-OFDM and ST-OFDM systems still requires the inver- sion of C −1 h . Therefore i t suffers from a high computational complexity. However, it is possible to reduce complexity of the MMSE algorithm by expanding multipath channel as a linear combination of orthogonal basis vectors. The orthog- onality of the basis vectors makes the channel representa- tion efficient and mathematically convenient. KL transform which amounts to a generalization of the DFT for random processes can be employed here. This transformation is re- lated to diagonalization of the channel correlation matrix by the unitary eigenvector transformation, C h = ΨΛΨ † , (21) where Ψ = [ψ 0 , ψ 1 , , ψ L−1 ], ψ l ’s are the orthonormal basis vectors, and g μ = [g μ,0 , g μ,1 , , g μ,L−1 ] T is zero-mean Gaus- sian vector with diagonal covariance matrix Λ = E{g μ g † μ }. Thus the vectors h 1 and h 2 can b e expressed as a lin- ear combination of the orthonormal basis vectors, that is, as h μ = Ψg μ where μ is the multipath channel index. As a result, the channel estimation problem in this application is equiva- lent to estimating the i.i.d. complex Gaussian vectors g 1 and g 2 which represent KL expansion coefficients for multipath channels h 1 and h 2 . 3.2. MMSE estimation of KL coefficients Substituting h μ = Ψg μ in unified observation model (18), we can rewrite it as  Y μ,p = 2FΨg μ +  W μ,p , μ = 1, 2, (22) which is also recognized as a Bayesian linear model, and re- call that g μ ∼ N (0, Λ). As a result, the MMSE estimator of KL coefficients g μ is g μ = Λ  2K p Λ + σ 2 2 I L  −1 Ψ † F †  Y μ,p = ΓΨ † F †  Y μ,p , μ = 1, 2, (23) where Γ = Λ  2K p Λ + σ 2 2 I L  −1 = diag  2λ 0 4K p λ 0 + σ 2 , 2λ 1 4K p λ 1 + σ 2 , , 2λ L−1 4K p λ L−1 + σ 2  (24) and λ 0 , λ 1 , , λ L−1 are the singular values of Λ. MMSE estimator of g requires 4L 2 +4LK p +2L real multi- plications. From the results presented in [18], ML estimator of g μ whichrequires4L 2 +4LK p real multiplications can be obtained as g μ = 1 2K p Ψ † F †  Y μ,p , μ = 1, 2. (25) It is clear that the complexity of the MMSE estimator in (20) is reduced by the application of KL expansion. However, the complexity of the g μ can be further reduced by exploiting the optimal truncation property of the KL expansion [15]. A tr u ncated expansion g μ r can be formed by selecting r or- thonormal basis vectors from all basis vectors that satisfy C h Ψ = ΨΛ. Thus, a rank-r approximation to Λ r is defined as Λ r = diag{λ 0 , λ 1 , , λ r−1 ,0, ,0}. Since the trailing L − r var iances {λ g l } L−1 l =r are small com- pared to the leading r variances {λ g l } r−1 l =0 , the trailing L − r variances are set to zero to produce the approximation. How- ever, typically the pattern of eigenvalues for Λ splits the eigenvectors into dominant and subdominant sets. Then the choice of r is more or less obvious. The optimal truncated KL (rank-r) estimator of (23)nowbecomes g μ r = Γ r Ψ † F †  Y μ,p , (26) where Γ r = Λ r  2K p Λ r + σ 2 2 I L  −1 = diag  2λ 0 4K p λ 0 + σ 2 , 2λ 1 4K p λ 1 + σ 2 , , 2λ r−1 4K p λ r−1 + σ 2 ,0, ,0  . (27) Thus, the truncated MMSE estimator of g μ (26)requires 4Lr +4LK p +2r real multiplications. 3.3. Estimation of H μ,o (n) and H μ (n +1) For the Bayesian MMSE estimation of the channel param- eters H μ,o (n)andH μ (n + 1) for SF-OFDM and ST-OFDM, respectively, the unified signal model in (9)canberewritten by exploiting AR representation in (7)and(8)as  Y 1 Y 2  = 1 α  X 1 X 2 −X † 2 X † 1  H 1 + H 2 +  +  W 1 + W 2 +  . (28) The corresponding vectors for SF-OFDM can be listed as  H 1 + H 2 +  =  H 1,o (n) H 2,o (n)  ,  W 1 + W 2 +  =  W e (n) − 1/α[X e (n)η 1,o (n) − X o (n)η 2,o (n)] 1/αW o (n)  . (29) Habib S¸enol et al. 7 Moreover for ST-OFDM,  H 1 + H 2 +  =  H 1 (n +1) H 2 (n +1)  ,  W 1 + W 2 +  =  W(n)−(1/α)[X(n)η 1 (n+1)−X(n+1)η 2 (n+1) ] (1/α)W(n+1)  . (30) Note that W 1 + ∼ N (0,(σ 2 +2(1−|α| 2 )/|α| 2 )I)andW 2 + ∼ N (0, σ 2 /|α| 2 I). According to the unified model in (28), cor- responding pilot model in (12), and H μ + = FΨg μ + , the ob- servation model becomes  Y μ,p = 2 α FΨg μ + +  W μ + ,p , μ = 1, 2, (31) where  W 1 + ,p = X † 1,p W 1 + ,p − X 2,p W 2 + ,p ,  W 2 + ,p = X † 2,p W 1 + ,p + X 1,p W 2 + ,p , (32) and note that  W μ + ,p ∼ N (0, σ 2 I). Thus, the estimation of the KL coefficient vector g μ + is g μ + =  ΓΨ † F †  Y μ,p , μ = 1, 2, (33) where  Γ = Λ  2 α ∗ K p Λ + α 2 σ 2 I L  −1 = diag  2α ∗ λ 0 4K p λ 0 + |α| 2 σ 2 , 2α ∗ λ 1 4K p λ 1 + |α| 2 σ 2 , , 2α ∗ λ L−1 4K p λ L−1 + |α| 2 σ 2  . (34) Note that, choosing α = 1 results in H μ,o = H μ,e and H μ (n +1)= H μ (n), respectively, which significantly simpli- fies the channel estimation task in transmit diversity OFDM systems. The performance analysis issues elaborated in the next section only consider the Bayesian MMSE estimator of g μ for H μ,e (n)andH μ (n). However extensions for g μ + are straight- forward. 4. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS In this section, we turn our attention to analytical per- formance results. We first exploit the performance of the MMSE channel estimator based on the evaluation of mod- ified Cramer-Rao lower bound, Bayesian MSE together with mismatch analysis. We then derive the closed-form expres- sion for the average SER probability of MRRC. 4.1. Cramer-Rao lower bound for random KL coefficients In this paper, the estimation of unknown random parameters g μ is considered via MMSE approach; the modified Fisher in- formation matrix(FIM) therefore needs to be taken into ac- count in the derivation of stochastic CRLB [19]. Fortunately, the modified FIM can be obtained by a straightforward mod- ification of J(g μ )FIMas J M  g μ   J  g μ  + J P  g μ  , (35) where J P (g μ ) represents the a priori information. Under the assumption that g μ and  W μ,p are independent of each other and  W μ,p is a zero mean, from [19]and(31) the conditional PDF is given by p   Y μ,p | g μ  = 1 π K p   C  W μ,p   × exp  −   Y μ,p − 2FΨg μ  † C −1  W μ,p ×   Y μ,p − 2FΨg μ   (36) from wh ich the derivatives follow as ∂ ln p   Y μ,p | g μ  ∂g T μ = 2   Y μ,p − 2FΨg μ  † C −1  W μ,p FΨ, ∂ 2 ln p   Y μ,p | g μ  ∂g ∗ μ ∂g T μ =−4Ψ † F † C −1  W μ,p FΨ, (37) where the superscript ( ·) ∗ indicates the conjugation opera- tion. Using C  W μ,p = σ 2 I K p , Ψ † Ψ = I L ,andF † F = K p I L ,and taking the expected value yields the following simple form: J(g μ ) =−E  ∂ 2 ln p   Y μ,p | g μ  ∂g ∗ μ ∂g T μ  =− E  − 4K p σ 2 I L  = 4K p σ 2 I L . (38) Second term in (35) is easily obtained as follows. Consider the prior PDF of g μ (n)as p(g μ ) = 1 π L |Λ| exp  − g † μ Λ −1 g μ  . (39) The r espective derivatives are found as ∂ ln p  g μ  ∂g T μ =−g † μ Λ −1 , ∂ 2 ln p  g μ  ∂g ∗ μ ∂g T μ =−Λ −1 . (40) Upon taking the negative expectations, second term in (35) becomes J P (g μ ) =−E  ∂ 2 ln p(g μ ) ∂g ∗ μ ∂g T μ  =− E  − Λ −1  = Λ −1 . (41) 8 EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing Substituting (38)and(41)in(35) produces for the modified FIM the following: J M  g μ  = J  g μ  + J P  g μ  = 4K p σ 2 I L + Λ −1 = 2 σ 2  2K p I L + σ 2 2 Λ −1  = 2 σ 2 Γ −1 . (42) Inverting the matrix J M (g μ ) yields CRLB   g μ  = J −1 M  g μ  = σ 2 2 Γ. (43) 4.2. Bayesian MSE From the performance of the MMSE estimator for the Bayesian linear model theorem [ 17], the error covariance matrix is ob- tained as C  μ =  Λ −1 +(2FΨ) † C −1  W μ,p  2FΨ   −1 = σ 2 2  2K p I L + σ 2 2 Λ −1  −1 = σ 2 2 Γ. (44) Comparing (43)with(44), the error covariance matr ix of the MMSE estimator coincides with the stochastic CRLB of the random vector estimator. Thus, g μ achieves the stochastic CRLB. We now formalize the Bayesian MSE of the full-rank es- timator which is actually an extension of previous evaluation methodology presented in [20, 21]: B MSE   g μ  = 1 L tr  C  μ  = 1 L tr  σ 2 2 Γ  = 1 L L−1  i=0 σ 2 λ i σ 2 +4K p λ i , (45) where, substituting σ 2 = 1/SNR in σ 2 , σ 2 = 1+|α| 2 / |α| 2 SNR +2(1 −|α| 2 )/|α| 2 , and tr denotes trace operator on matrices. Following the results presented in [20, 21], B MSE (g μ ) givenin(45) can also be computed for the truncated (low- rank) case as follows: B MSE (g μ r ) = 1 L r−1  i=0 σ 2 λ i σ 2 +4K p λ i + 1 L L−1  i=r λ i . (46) Notice that the second term in (46) is the sum of the powers in the KL transform coefficients not used in the truncated estimator. Thus, truncated B MSE (g μ r )canbelowerbounded by (1/L)  L−1 i =r λ i which will cause an irreducible error floor in the SER results. 4.3. Mismatch analysis In mobile wireless communications, the channel statistics depend on the particular environment, for example, in- door or outdoor, urban or suburban, and change with time. Hence, it is important to analyze the performance degrada- tion due to a mismatch of the estimator with respect to the channel statistics as well as the SNR, and to study the choice of the channel correlation and SNR for this estimator so that it is robust to variations in the channel statistics. As a perfor- mancemeasure,weuseBayesianMSE(45). In practice, the true channel correlations and SNR are not known. If the MMSE channel estimator is designed to match the correlation of a multipath channel impulse re- sponse C h and SNR, but the true channel parameters  h μ have the correlation C  h and the true  SNR, then average Bayesian MSE for the designed channel estimator is extended from [21]asfollows (i) SNR mismatch: B MSE (g μ ) = 1 L L−1  i=0 λ i σ 2 4K p λ i + σ 4 /σ 2 (4K p λ i + σ 2 ) 2 , (47) where σ 2 = 1+|α| 2 |α| 2 SNR + 2(1 −|α| 2 ) |α| 2 , σ 2 = 1+|α| 2 |α| 2  SNR + 2(1 −|α| 2 ) |α| 2 . (48) (ii) Correlation mismatch: B MSE (g μ ) = 1 L L−1  i=0  λ i σ 2 +4K p λ i   λ i + λ i − 2β i  σ 2 +4K p λ i , (49) where  λ i is the ith diagonal element of  Λ = Ψ † C  h Ψ,andβ i is ith diagonal element of the real part of the crosscorrelation matrix between g μ and g μ . 4.4. Theoretical S ER for SF/ST-OFDM systems Let us define Y = [ Y 1 Y ∗ 2 ] T and cast (9)inamatrix/vector form:  Y 1 Y ∗ 2     Y =  H 1 H 2 H † 2 −H † 1     H  X 1 X 2     X +  W 1 W ∗ 2     , W (50) where H μ = diag(H μ ). By premultiplying (50)byH † the signal model for maximal ratio receive combiner (MRRC) can be obtained as  ˘ Y 1 ˘ Y 2  =   H 1  2 +  H 2  2 0 0  H 1  2 +  H 2  2  ×  X 1 X 2  +  ˘ W 1 ˘ W 2 ,  , (51) Habib S¸enol et al. 9 where ˘ Y 1 = H † 1 Y 1 + H 2 Y ∗ 2 , ˘ Y 2 = H † 2 Y 1 − H 1 Y ∗ 2 , ˘ W 1 = H † 1 W 1 + H 2 W ∗ 2 , ˘ W 2 = H † 2 W 1 − H 1 W ∗ 2 . (52) Thus, at the output of MRRC the signal for kth subchan- nel is ˘ Y μ (k) =    H 1 (k)   2 +   H 2 (k)   2  X μ (k)+ ˘ W μ (k). (53) Assuming that H μ (k) = ρ μ e − jθ μ ,  ˘ W μ (k) | ρ 1 , ρ 2 , θ 1 , θ 2  ∼ N (0, ˘ σ 2 ), where ˘ σ 2 = (ρ 2 1 +ρ 2 2 )σ 2 , and the faded signal energy at MRRC ˘ E s = (ρ 2 1 + ρ 2 2 ) 2 E s . Thus, the symbol error probabil- ity of QPSK for given ρ 1 , ρ 2 , θ 1 , θ 2 is Pr  e | ρ 1 , ρ 2 , θ 1 , θ 2  = 2Q   ˘ E s ˘ σ 2  − Q 2   ˘ E s ˘ σ 2  = 2Q   (ρ 2 1 + ρ 2 2 ) E s σ 2  − Q 2   (ρ 2 1 + ρ 2 2 ) E s σ 2  = 2Q   (ρ 2 1 + ρ 2 2 )SNR  − Q 2   (ρ 2 1 + ρ 2 2 )SNR  . (54) Bearing in mind that Pr(e |ρ 1 , ρ 2 , θ 1 , θ 2 )doesnotdependon θ 1 and θ 2 , note that Pr  e | ρ 1 , ρ 2  =  π −π Pr  e, θ 1 , θ 2 | ρ 1 , ρ 2  dθ 2 dθ 1 =  π −π Pr  e | ρ 1 , ρ 2 , θ 1 , θ 2  p  θ 1  p  θ 2  dθ 2 dθ 1 = Pr  e | ρ 1 , ρ 2 , θ 1 , θ 2   π −π p  θ 1  p  θ 2  dθ 2 dθ 1 = Pr  e | ρ 1 , ρ 2 , θ 1 , θ 2  . (55) We then substitute (55) in the fol l owing equation: Pr(e) =  ∞ 0  π −π p  ρ 1 , ρ 2 , θ 1 , θ 2  × Pr  e | ρ 1 , ρ 2 , θ 1 , θ 2  dθ 2 dθ 1 dρ 2 dρ 1 =  ∞ 0  π −π p  ρ 1 , ρ 2 , θ 1 , θ 2  × Pr  e | ρ 1 , ρ 2  dθ 2 dθ 1 dρ 2 dρ 1 =  ∞ 0 p  ρ 1 , ρ 2  Pr  e | ρ 1 , ρ 2  dρ 2 dρ 1 . (56) Since channels H 1 and H 2 are independent, ρ 1 and ρ 2 are also independent, p(ρ 1 , ρ 2 ) = p(ρ 1 )p(ρ 2 ). Thus (56) takes the fol- lowing form: Pr(e) =  ∞ 0 p  ρ 1  p  ρ 2  Pr  e | ρ 1 , ρ 2  dρ 2 dρ 1 =  ∞ 0 4ρ 1 ρ 2 e −  ρ 2 1 +ρ 2 2  ×  2Q    ρ 2 1 + ρ 2 2  SNR  − Q 2    ρ 2 1 + ρ 2 2  SNR  dρ 2 dρ 1 . (57) If we now apply ρ 1 = ζ cos(α)andρ 2 = ζ sin(α)transfor- mations, we arrive at the following SER expression for ST- OFDM and SF-OFDM systems: Pr(e) =  ∞ 0  π/2 0 2ζ 3 sin(2α)e −ζ 2 ×  2Q   ζ 2 SNR  − Q 2   ζ 2 SNR  dαdζ =  ∞ 0 2ζ 3 e −ζ 2  2Q   ζ 2 SNR  − Q 2   ζ 2 SNR  dζ = 3 4 −  1 2 + 1 π arctan  γ 2   γ 3 2 γ 3 − γ 2 2 γ 1 (58) or by neglecting the Q 2 (·)termin(58) we get simplified for m as Pr(e) = 1 − γ 3 2 γ 3 , (59) where γ 1 = 1 2π(SNR +1) , γ 2 =  SNR SNR +2 , γ 3 = SNR +3 SNR . (60) 5. SIMULATIONS In this section, we investigate the performance of the pilot-aided MMSE channel estimation algorithm proposed for both SF-OFDM and ST-OFDM systems. The diversity scheme with two transmit and one receive antenna is consid- ered. Channel impulse responses h μ are generated according to C h = (1/K 2 )F † C H F where C H is the covariance matrix of the doubly-selective fading channel model. In this model, H μ (k)’s are with an exponentially decaying power-delay pro- file θ(τ μ ) = C exp(−τ μ /τ rms )anddelaysτ μ that are uniformly and independently distributed over the length of the cyclic prefix. C is a normalizing constant. Note that the normal- ized discrete channel correlations for different subcarriers and blocks of this channel model were presented in [3]as follows: c f (k, k  ) = 1 − exp  − L  1/τ rms +2πj(k − k  )/K  τ rms  1 − exp  − L/τ rms  1/τ rms +2πj  k − k   /K  , c t (n, n  ) = J o  2π(n − n  ) f d T s  , (61) where J o is the zeroth-order Bessel function of the first kind and f d is the Doppler frequency. The scenario for SF-OFDM simulation study consists of a wireless QPSK OFDM system. The system has a 2.344 MHz bandwidth (for the pulse roll-off factor a = 0.2) and is di- vided into 512 tones with a total period of 136 microseconds, of which 5.12 microseconds constitute the cyclix prefix (L = 20). The uncoded data rate is 7.813 Mbits/s. We assume that 10 EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing 10 −4 10 −3 10 −2 Average mean-square error (MSE) 0 5 10 15 20 25 Average SNR (dB) Theoretical stochastic CRLB for τ rms = 5 MMSE simulation for τ rms = 5 Theoretical CRLB MLE simulation for τ rms = 5 MMSE simulation for τ rms = 9 MMSE simulation for τ rms = 9 Figure 3: Performance of the proposed MMSE and MLE together with BMSE and CRLB for ST-OFDM. the rms width is τ rms = 5samples(1.28 microseconds) for the power-delay profile. Keeping the transmission efficiency 3.333 bits/s/Hz fixed, we also simulate ST-OFDM system. 5.1. Mean-square-error performance of the channel estimation The proposed MMSE channel estimators of (23) are imple- mented for both SF-OFDM and ST-OFDM, and compared in terms of average Bayesian MSE for a wide range of signal-to- noise ratio (SNR) levels. Average Bayesian mean-square er- ror(BMSE) is defined as the norm of the differenc e between the vectors g = [g T 1 , g T 2 ] T and g, representing the true and the estimated values of channel parameters, respectively. Namely, MSE = 1 2L g − g 2 . (62) 5.2. MMSE approach We use a pilot symbol for every ten (Δ = 10) symbols. The MSE at each SNR point is averaged over 10000 realizations. We compare the experimental MSE per formance and its the- oretical Bayesian MSE of the proposed full-rank MMSE es- timator with maximum likelihood (ML) estimator and its corresponding Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) for SF and ST-OFDM systems. Figures 3 and 4 confirm that MMSE esti- mator performs better than ML estimator at low SNR. How- ever, the two approaches have comparable performance at high SNRs. To observe the performance, we also present the MMSE and ML estimated channel SER results together with theoretical SER in Figures 5 and 6. Due to the fact that spaces between the pilot symbols are not chosen as a factor of the number of subcarriers, an error floor is observed in Figures 3, 4, 5,and6. In the case of choosing the pilot space as a factor of number of subcarriers, the error floor vanishes because of 10 −4 10 −3 10 −2 Average mean square error (MSE) 0 5 10 15 20 25 Average SNR (dB) Theoretical stochastic CRLB MMSE simulation for f d = 0Hz Theoretical CRLB MLE simulation for f d = 0Hz MMSE simulation for f d = 100 Hz MLE simulation for f d = 100 Hz Figure 4: Performance of the proposed MMSE and MLE together with BMSE and CRLB for ST-OFDM. 10 −5 10 −4 10 −3 10 −2 10 −1 Symbol error rate (SER) 0 5 10 15 20 25 Average SNR (dB) Theoretical SER MMSE simulation for τ rms = 5 MLE simulation for τ rms = 5 MMSE simulation for τ rms = 9 MLE simulation for τ rms = 9 Figure 5: Symbol error rate results for SF-OFDM. the fact that the orthogonality condition between the subcar- riers at pilot locations is satisfied. In other words, the curves labeled as simulation results for MMSE estimator and ML es- timator fit to the theoretical curve at high SNRs. It also shows that the MMSE-estimated channel SER results are better than ML-estimated channel SER especially at low SNR. SNR design mismatch In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed full- rank MMSE estimator to mismatch only in SNR design, the estimator is tested when SNRs of 10 and 30 dB are used in the design. The MSE curves for a design SNR of 10, 30 dB are [...]... the actual channel statistics and SNR may vary within OFDM block, we have also analyzed the effect of modelling mismatch on the estimator performance and shown both analytically and through simulations that the performance degradation due to such mismatch is negligible for low-SNR values Obvious directions for future work include developing sequential MMSE, Kalman filtering, and sequential MonteCarlo-based... 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MonteCarlo-based approaches to track channel variations ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Performance of the truncated estimator The truncated estimator performance is also studied as a function of the number of KL coefficients Figures 11 and 12 are plotted for L = 40, τrms = 5 samples and L = 40, fd = 100 Hz, respectively Figures 11 and 12 present the MSE result of the truncated MMSE estimator for SNR = 10, 20, and 30 dB If only a. .. 3, pp 1555–1559, Vancouver, BC, Canada, September 2002 [13] X Hou, Y Xu, B Zheng, and H Luo, A time-domain approach for channel estimation in MIMO-OFDM-based wireless networks,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol E88-B, no 1, pp 3–9, 2005 [14] H Miao and M J Juntti, “Data aided channel estimation for wireless MIMO-OFDM systems,” in Multicarrier Spread Spectrum, K Fazel and S Kaiser, Eds., pp... faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Istanbul Technical 14 University, where he was a Professor and the Head of the Telecommunications Chair He has also been a Part-Time Consultant to several leading companies in telecommunications in Turkey From 1979 to 1981, he was with the Department of Computer Science, Michigan State University, as a Fulbright-Hays Fellow and a NATO Senior Scientist... expansion representation of the channel via KL transform Based on such representation, we show that no matrix inversion is needed in the MMSE algorithm Therefore, the computational cost for implementing the proposed MMSE estimator is low and computation is numerically stable Moreover, the performance of our proposed method was first studied through the derivation of stochastic CRLB for Bayesian approach... that a design for worst correlation is robust to mismatch To analyze full-rank MMSE estimator s performance further, we need to study sensitivity of the estimator to design errors, that is, correlation mismatch We therefore designed the estimator for a uniform channel correlation which gives the worst MSE performance among all channels [20, 22] and c f (k) = 1 − exp 2π jLk/K 2π jk/K (63) 12 EURASIP... pp 211–218, Kluwer Academic, Boston, Mass, USA, 2004 [15] K.-W Yip and T.-S Ng, “Karhunen-Lo` ve expansion of the e WSSUS channel output and its application to efficient simulation,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol 15, no 4, pp 640–646, 1997 [16] E Panayırcı and H A Cırpan, Channel estimation for space¸ time block coded OFDM systems in the presence of multipath fading,” in Proceedings... 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Ngày đăng: 22/06/2014, 23:20