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The impact of think pair share strategy in improving english majored students’ speaking skill

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BANKING ACADEMY OF VIETNAM FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES GRADUATION THESIS THE IMPACT OF THINK-PAIR-SHARE STRATEGY IN IMPROVING ENGLISH-MAJORED STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL Supervisor : Ms Tran Thi Thu Thuy (M.A) Student’s name: Do Thi Quynh Trang Class : K22ATCA Student code : 22A7510019 Hanoi, May 2023 DECLARATIONS I declare that the thesis entitled “The Impact of Think Pair Share Strategy (TPS) in Improving English-majored Students’ Speaking Skill” is my own research work, not copied from anyone else, which I have researched, read, translated, synthesized and performed by myself The theoretical content in the thesis I used some references as presented in the references section The data, software program and results in the thesis are honest and have not been published in any other works Hanoi, 22nd May, 2023 Do Thi Quynh Trang i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS To everyone who helped me successfully complete my thesis, I would want to offer my profound gratitude I was able to accomplish the most challenging assignment during my four years of university because to everyone's assistance, direction, and support during my studies First of all, I want to express my sincerest thanks to the instructor, Ms Tran Thi Thu Thuy She eagerly provided me with the knowledge I needed right away and diligently edited as I conducted my investigation This thesis would not have been possible without her committed oversight and direction Next, I would want to express my sincere gratitude to each and every survey respondent I could not have finished my research without their support and assistance Finally, I want to express my gratitude to my family and all my friends who have supported and encouraged me as I have worked to finish my thesis ii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATIONS i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS v LIST OF FIGURES vi LIST OF TABLES vii ABSTRACT viii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study 1.2 Research objectives 1.3 Research questions 1.4 Significance of the study 1.5 Scope and limitation of the study 1.6 Structure of the study CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Speaking skill 2.1.1 Definition of speaking 2.1.3 Speaking skill 2.1.2 The importance of speaking skill 2.1.4 Speaking skill aspects 2.1.5 Difficulties in learning speaking skills 2.1.6 Speaking strategies and speaking approach 2.2 Think-pair-share strategy 11 2.2.1 Definitions of Think Pair Share 11 2.2.2 Role of Think- Pair-Share strategy in teaching and learning English 12 2.2.3 Role of Think-pair-share strategy in improving speaking skill 13 2.2.4 Techniques of applying Think-pair-share strategy in English speaking class 14 iii 2.3 Previous studies of Think Pair Share strategy related to speaking skills 15 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY 18 3.1 Research locale 18 3.2 Research design 18 3.3 Research instrument 19 3.3.1 Questionnaires 19 3.3.2 Interview 20 3.4 Data gathering procedures 21 3.5 Validity and Reliability of data analysis 22 CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 23 4.1 Students’ attitudes toward using Think-Pair-Share strategy in speaking class 23 4.1.1 General information 23 4.1.2 The interest of students in Think-pair-share strategy 24 4.2 Students’ attitude on effectiveness of Think-Pair-Share strategy in speaking class 25 4.2.2 Reliability of the measurement 25 4.2.3 The effectiveness of using Think-pair-share strategy in speaking class 27 Think-pair-share strategy in speaking class 27 4.3 Students’ difficulties in deploying the Think-Pair-Share strategy 33 4.3.1 Students’ difficulties in following steps when using Think-Pair-Share strategy 33 4.3.2 Teachers’ instruction with Think-Pair-Share strategy in class 35 CHAPTER V: RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION 39 5.1 Recommendations 39 5.1.1 Recommendation to teachers 39 5.1.2 Recommendation to students 40 5.1.3 For further studies 41 5.2 Conclusion 42 APPENDIX 50 iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ESL English as Second Language CAR Classroom Action Research TPS Think-Pair-Share v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 4.1 The students who have used Think-Pair-Share strategy in Speaking I Figure 4.2 Students’ attitudes toward Think-Pair-Share strategy in speaking class Figure 4.3 Students’ attitudes toward speaking English when using Thinkpair share strategy Figure 4.4 Vocabulary improvement when using Think-Pair-Share strategy in speaking class Figure 4.5 The improvement of students when using Think-Pair-Share strategy Figure 4.6 Confidence and social skill enhancement when using Think-PairShare strategy Figure 4.7 Students’ difficulties when using Think-Pair-Share strategy Figure 4.8 The frequency of teacher giving clear instruction with Think-PairShare Figure 4.9 The frequency of teacher giving enough time for Think-Pair-Share Figure 4.10 10 Students’ viewpoint on the amount of time spending on activities using Think-Pair-Share strategy vi LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1 Dörnyei and Scott’ (1995) Taxonomy of Speaking Strategies Categories Table 4.2 Reliability Statistics Table 4.3 Item-Total Statistics vii ABSTRACT The title of the thesis: The Impact of Think Pair Share Strategy (TPS) in Improving English-majored Students’ Speaking Skill Author: Do Thi Quynh Trang, student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Banking Academy of Vietnam Advisor: Mrs Tran Thi Thu Thuy (M.A) Key words: speaking skill, Think-Pair-Share strategy, impact, speaking I, Englishmajored students Abstract: Nowadays, English is present everywhere and plays an important role in daily life from communication to opportunities in studying, working, expanding relationships to business cooperation business… In which, speaking skill is often recognized as an important and essential skill of the process of learning foreign languages in general and English in particular This study was done to find out the effectiveness of Think Pair Share strategy in improving students’ speaking skill, and students’ attitudes toward the strategy This tactic highlights the increased engagement of students in classroom English-language communication Primary data was collected through questionnaires and interviews This was used to analyze their interests, as well as difficulties related to implementing TPS strategy which can help students improve their speaking skill To overcome these difficulties, the writer proposes some recommendations that can assist teachers and students to utilize the full potential of the Think-Pair-Share strategy Research findings to show Think-Pair-Share strategy’s effectiveness for collaborative learning, enhanced engagement and ensuring wider student participation as well as improved understanding, comprehension skill development amongst others viii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study In the modern era, English is crucial In addition to its use in science and technology, people use English as a communication tool in economics, politics, social issues, trade, multilateral relations, and for job promotion According to the British Council (2010, p 3), "English is critical for countries' successful participation in the global economy, that it provides individuals with access to crucial knowledge, skills, and employment opportunities, and that it enables organizations to create and sustain international links." The Vietnamese government therefore focuses on the objective of enhancing students' proficiency in all English language abilities, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking, due to its significance in this globalized world Speaking is the main skill compared to other skills, such as writing, reading, and listening Speaking is the main language because it shows people’s language measurement (Shteiwi & Hamuda, 2016) Besides, speaking is important for the students to master because it can make the students communicate easily (Nazara, 2011) There are a number of problems that hinder students' communication when students practice speaking in class, which are low self-esteem, lack of topical knowledge, inactive participation and use of mother tongue in communication For students to master their speaking skills, many learning and teaching methods have been applied By still making reference to the course material and learning objectives, this teaching style teaches students how to voice their opinions and how to respect those of others The Think Pair Share strategy aims to change how students interact The students express their thoughts to other students more easily Svinicki and Janes (2011) contend that students feel more at ease participating in a broad discussion of a subject when using the Think-Pair-Share strategy Additionally, according to Zaim and Radjab (2004), the Think-Pair-Share strategy allows students to develop their speaking abilities while they are learning They also allows for increased creativity which adds more value when developing solutions or discussing topics collaboratively among peers The Think-Pair-Share strategy is an effective technique for engaging students in the classroom However, it does come with a few challenges such as difficulty when sharing information or findings from the discussion among classmates due to factors like inactive classmates and lack of vocabulary The findings show that the sharing step is considered the most difficult when it comes to doing Think-Pair-Share strategy in the classroom The interviewees’ answers gave more information about why they found it hard to share in front of all their classmates It can be solved by providing incentives for active participation during class which encourages all participants to share their thoughts freely without fear of judgment or being ignored The instruction of teachers plays an important role in the learning process One example is when a teacher implements the Think-Pair-Share strategy; providing clear instructions will help students understand each step easily and more effectively, with enough time given to complete it Most participants in the survey shared that their teachers often gave them clear instruction and enough time for thinking, pairing and sharing However, some of them did not regularly get the instruction clearly and they needed more time to think, pair and share Having proper guidance from instructors gives students immense benefits as they can create meaningful discussions among themselves about topics or material being studied during class hours In conclusion, research findings indicate most students mostly agree on Think-PairShare strategy’s effectiveness for collaborative learning, enhanced engagement and ensuring wider student participation as well as improved speaking skill, comprehension skill development amongst others It thus stands out from other professional teaching strategies in various classroom aspects making it a preferred choice among teachers looking to achieve greater levels of learning outcomes among their students in speaking class 43 REFERENCES Ansari, M.S (2015) Speaking Anxiety in ESL / EFL Classrooms : A Holistic Approach and Practical Study Apriyanti, D L., & Ayu, M (2020) THINK-PAIR-SHARE: ENGAGING STUDENTS IN SPEAKING ACTIVITIES IN CLASSROOM Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning, 1(1), 13–19 https://doi.org/10.33365/jeltl.v1i1.246 Ardhy, S (2018, December 29).The application of think-pair-share strategy in improving students’ speaking ability Ardhy | IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Literature https://ejournal.iainpalopo.ac.id/index.php/ideas/article/view/510/1276 Brown, G A., & Yule, G (1983) Teaching the spoken language Cambridge Cambridge University Press - References - Scientific Research Publishing (n.d.) https://www.scirp.org/(S(i43dyn45teexjx455qlt3d2q))/reference/ReferencesPapers.a spx?ReferenceID=410466 Cameron, L (2001) Teaching Languages to Young Learners Cambridge Cambridge University Press - References - Scientific Research Publishing (n.d.) https://www.scirp.org/(S(351jmbntvnsjt1aadkposzje))/reference/ReferencesPapers.a spx?ReferenceID=1501872 Coleman , H (2010) The English Language in Development British Council https://www.britishcouncil.org/research-policy-insight/policy-reports/the-englisheffect 44 Dewi Sanjani, E (2015) Improving students’ speaking ability using think-pair-share of cooperative learning for the 8thgrade students of mts n karangmojo in the academic year of 2014/2015 https://eprints.uny.ac.id/23132/ Dörnyei, Z (2007) Research Methods in Applied Linguistics: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methodologies OUP Oxford Dörnyei, Z., & Scott, M (1997) Communication Strategies in a Second Language: Definitions and Taxonomies Language Learning, 47(1), 173–210 https://doi.org/10.1111/0023-8333.51997005 Education Fraser, H., & Affairs, D O E T a Y (2001) Teaching Pronunciation: A Handbook for Teachers and Trainers Three Frameworks for an Integrated Approach Greenbaum, S., & Nelson, G (2018) In An introduction to English grammar Routledge Harmer, J (1998) How to teach English Harlow Longman - References - Scientific Research Publishing (n.d.) https://www.scirp.org/(S(351jmbntvnsjt1aadkposzje))/reference/ReferencesPapers.a spx?ReferenceID=538297 Harmer, J (2001) The Practice of English Language Teaching (3rd ed.) 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Is TPS strategy effective to you? In what way? What difficulties did you face with the use of the TPS strategy in Speaking class I? 4.How often did you think-pair-share in speaking class? Is that enough? How satisfactory re you with the use of TPS strategy in class? 54 Item-Total Statistics Using TPS strategy, I Scale Scale Corrected Cronbach's Mean if Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item Item Item Correlation Deleted Deleted Deleted 29,562 31,666 ,868 ,906 29,356 33,538 ,732 ,915 29,753 35,383 ,552 ,926 29,493 31,420 ,827 ,909 enthusiastically speak English The use of the TPS strategy motivate me to practice speaking in English The use of TPS strategy is more interesting than other strategies in learning to speak English The use of the TPS strategy helped me activate my English vocabulary in speaking 55 With the TPS strategy I 29,288 36,236 ,662 ,920 29,315 34,358 ,672 ,919 29,274 31,646 ,837 ,908 29,384 33,656 ,728 ,915 29,342 34,423 ,671 ,919 get the right language usage model especially for speaking skill The use of the TPS strategy not only helped me in improving my speaking skill but also my listening one The use of the TPS strategy helped me get ideas for speaking practice With TPS, I can confidently share my opinion in front of others I can work with every classmate, so it enhances my social skills Table 4.3 Item-Total Statistics 56 57

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