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  • 1. Introduction

  • 2. Main results

  • 3. Further results

  • Acknowledgment

  • References

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation Fixed Point Theory and Applications Volume 2007, Article ID 60732, 7 pages doi:10.1155/2007/60732 Research Article The Equivalence between T-Stabilities of The Krasnoselskij and The Mann Iterations S¸tefan M. S¸oltuz Received 20 June 2007; Accepted 14 September 2007 Recommended by Hichem Ben-El-Mechaiekh We prove the equivalence between the T-stabilities of the Krasnoselskij and the Mann iterations; a consequence is the equivalence with the T-stability of the Picard-Banach iteration. Copyright © 2007 S¸tefan M. S¸oltuz. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1. Introduction Let X be a normed space and T a selfmap of X.Letx 0 be a point of X, and assume that x n+1 = f (T,x n ) is an iteration procedure, involving T, which yields a sequence {x n } of points from X.Suppose {x n } converges to a fixed point x ∗ of T.Let{ξ n } be an arbitrary sequence in X,andset  n =ξ n+1 − f (T,ξ n ) for all n ∈ N. Definit ion 1.1 [1]. If (lim n→∞  n = 0) ⇒ (lim n→∞ ξ n = p), then the iteration procedure x n+1 = f (T,x n )issaidtobeT-stable with respect to T. Remark 1.2 [1]. In practice, such a sequence {ξ n } could arise in the following way. Let x 0 be a point in X.Setx n+1 = f (T,x n ). Let ξ 0 = x 0 .Nowx 1 = f (T,x 0 ). Because of rounding or discretization in the function T, a new value ξ 1 approximately equal to x 1 might be obtained instead of the true value of f (T,x 0 ). Then to approximate x 2 ,thevalue f (T,ξ 1 ) is computed to yield ξ 2 , an approximation of f (T,ξ 1 ). This computation is continued to obtain {ξ n } an approximate sequence of {x n }. Let X be a normed space, D a nonempty, convex subset of X,andT a selfmap of D,let p 0 = e 0 ∈ D. The Mann iteration (see [2]) is defined by e n+1 =  1 − α n  e n + α n Te n , (1.1) 2 Fixed Point Theory and Applications where {α n }⊂(0,1). The Ishikawa iteration is defined (see [3]) by x n+1 =  1 − α n  x n + α n Ty n , y n =  1 − β n  x n + β n Tx n , (1.2) where {α n }⊂(0,1), {β n }⊂[0,1). The Krasnoselskij iteration (see [4]) is defined by p n+1 = (1 − λ)p n + λT p n , (1.3) where λ ∈ (0,1 ). Recently, the equivalence between the T-stabilities of Mann and Ishikawa iterations, respectively, for modified Mann-Ishikawa iterations was shown in [5]. In the present paper, we shall prove the equivalence between the T-stabilities of the Krasnosel- skij and the Mann iterations. Next, {u n },{v n }⊂X are arbitrary. Definit ion 1.3. (i) The Mann iteration (1.1)issaidtobeT-stable if and only if for all {α n }⊂(0,1) and for every sequence {u n }⊂X, lim n→∞ ε n = 0 =⇒ lim n→∞ u n = x ∗ , (1.4) where ε n :=u n+1 − (1 − α n )u n − α n Tu n . (ii) The Krasnoselskij iteration (1.3)issaidtobeT-stable if and only if for all λ ∈ (0,1), and for every sequence {v n }⊂X, lim n→∞ δ n = 0 =⇒ lim n→∞ v n = x ∗ , (1.5) where δ n :=v n+1 − (1 − λ)v n − λTv n . 2. Main results Theorem 2.1. Let X be a normed space and T : X → X a map with bounded range and {α n }⊂(0,1) satisfy lim n→∞ α n = λ, λ ∈ (0,1). Then the following are equivalent: (i) the Mann iteration is T-stable, (ii) the Krasnoselskij iteration is T-stable. Proof. We prove that (i) ⇒(ii). If lim n→∞ δ n = 0, then {v n } is bounded. Set M 1 := max  sup x∈X {T(x)},v 0 ,u 0   . (2.1) Observe that v 1 ≤δ 0 +(1− λ)v 0  + λTv 0 ≤δ 0 + M 1 .SetM := M 1 +1/λ.Suppose that v n ≤M to prove that v n+1 ≤M.Remarkthat   v n+1   ≤ δ n +(1− λ)δ n−1 + ···+(1− λ) n δ 0 + M 1 ≤ 1+(1− λ)+···+(1− λ) n + M 1 ≤ 1 1 − (1 − λ) + M 1 = M. (2.2) S¸tefan M. S¸oltuz 3 Suppose that lim n→∞ δ n = 0 to note that ε n =   v n+1 −  1 − α n  v n − α n Tv n   =   v n+1 − v n + λv n − λv n + α n v n − λTv n + λTv n − α n Tv n   ≤   v n+1 − (1 − λ)v n − λTv n   +   λ − α n     v n − Tv n   ≤   v n+1 − (1 − λ)v n − λTv n   +2M   λ − α n   = δ n +2M   λ − α n   −→ 0asn −→ ∞ . (2.3) Condition (i) assures that if lim n→∞ ε n = 0, then lim n→∞ v n = x ∗ .Thus,fora{v n } satisfy- ing lim n→∞ δ n = lim n→∞   v n+1 − (1 − λ)v n − λTv n   = 0, (2.4) we have shown that lim n→∞ v n = x ∗ . Conversely, we prove (ii) ⇒(i). First, we prove that {u n } is bounded. Since lim n→∞ α n = λ,forβ ∈ (0,1 ) given, there exists n 0 ∈ N,suchthat1− α n ≤ β,foralln ≥ n 0 .SetM 1 := max{sup x∈X Tx,u 0 } and M := n 0 +1+β/(1 − β)+M 1 to obtain   u n+1   ≤  ε n +  1 − α 1  ε n−1 +  1 − α 1  1 − α 2  ε n−2 + ···+  1 − α 1  1 − α 2  ···  1 − α n 0  ε n−n 0  +  1 − α 1  1 − α 2  ···  1 − α n 0  1 − α n 0 +1  ε n−n 0 −1 + ···+  1 − α 1  1 − α 2  ···  1 − α n  ε 0 + M 1 ≤  n 0 +1  +  1 − α n 0 +1  +  1 − α n 0 +1  1 − α n 0 +2  ··· +  1 − α n 0 +1  ···  1 − α n  ε 0 + M 1 ≤ n 0 +1+β + β 2 + ···+ β n−n 0 + M 1 <M. (2.5) Suppose lim n→∞ ε n = 0. Observe that δ n =   u n+1 − (1 − λ)u n − λTu n   =   u n+1 − u n + λu n − λTu n + α n u n − α n u n − α n Tu n + α n Tu n   ≤   u n+1 −  1 − α n  u n − α n Tu n   +   λ − α n     u n − Tu n   ≤   u n+1 −  1 − α n  u n − α n Tu n   +2M   λ − α n   = ε n +2M   λ − α n   −→ 0asn −→ ∞ . (2.6) 4 Fixed Point Theory and Applications Condition (ii) assures that if lim n→∞ δ n = 0, then lim n→∞ v n = x ∗ .Thus,fora{u n } satis- fying lim n→∞ ε n = lim n→∞   u n+1 −  1 − α n  u n − α n Tu n   = 0, (2.7) we have shown that lim n→∞ u n = x ∗ .  Remark 2.2. Let X be a normed space and T : X → X a map with bounded range and {α n }⊂(0,1) satisfy lim n→∞ α n = λ, λ ∈ (0,1). If the Mann iteration is not T-stable, then the Krasnoselskij iteration is not T-stable, and conversely. Example 2.3. Let T : [0,1) → [0,1) be given by Tx = x 2 ,andλ = 1/2. Then the Krasnosel- skij iteration converges to the unique fixed point x ∗ = 0, and it is not T-stable. The Krasnoselskij iteration converges because, supposing F : = sup n p n <1, the sequence p n → 0, as we can see from p n+1 =  1 − 1 2  p n + 1 2 p 2 n = 1 2 p n + 1 2 p 2 n = 1 2 p n  1+p n  ≤ 1+F 2 p n =  1+F 2  n p 0 −→ 0; (2.8) set v n = n/(n + 1) and note that v n does not converge to zero, while δ n does: δ n =     n +1 n +2 − 1 2 n n +1 − 1 2 n 2 (n +1) 2     = n 2 +4n +2 2(n +1) 2 (n +2) −→ 0. (2.9) The Mann iteration also converges because (supposing E : = sup n e n < 1) one has e n+1 =  1 − α n  e n + α n e 2 n =  1 − (1 − E)α n  e n ≤ n  k=1  1 − (1 − E)α k  e 0 ≤ exp  − (1 − E) n  k=1 α k  e 0 −→ 0; (2.10) the last inequality is true because 1 − x ≤ exp(−x), ∀x ≥ 0, and  α n = +∞. Take u n = n/(n +1)→ 1, and note that ε n → 0 because ε n =     n +1 n +2 −  1 − α n  n n +1 − α n n 2 (n +1) 2     = α n n 2 +  2α n +1  n +1 (n +1) 2 (n +2) . (2.11) So the Mann iteration is not T-stable. Actually, by use of Theorem 2.1, one can easily obtain the non-T-stability of the other iteration, provided that the previous one is not stable. The fol low ing result takes in consideration the case in which no condition on {α n } are imposed. Theorem 2.4. Let X be a normed space and T : X → X a map, and {α n }⊂(0,1).If lim n→∞   v n − Tv n   = 0, lim n→∞   u n − Tu n   = 0, (2.12) S¸tefan M. S¸oltuz 5 then the following are equivalent: (i) the Mann iteration is T-stable, (ii) the Krasnoselskij iteration is T-stable. Proof. We prove that (i) ⇒(ii). Suppose lim n→∞ δ n = 0, to note that, ε n =   v n+1 −  1 − α n  v n − α n Tv n   =   v n+1 − v n + λv n − λv n + α n v n − λTv n + λTv n − α n Tv n   ≤   v n+1 − (1 − λ)v n − λTv n   +   λ − α n     v n − Tv n   ≤ δ n +2   v n − Tv n   −→ 0asn −→ ∞ . (2.13) Condition (i) assures that if lim n→∞ ε n = 0, then lim n→∞ v n = x ∗ .Thus,fora{v n } satisfy- ing lim n→∞ δ n = lim n→∞   v n+1 − (1 − λ)v n − λTv n   = 0, (2.14) we have shown that lim n→∞ v n = x ∗ . Conversely, we prove (ii) ⇒(i). Suppose lim n→∞ ε n = 0. Observe that δ n =   u n+1 − (1 − λ)u n − λTu n   =   u n+1 − u n + λu n − λTu n + α n u n − α n u n − α n Tu n + α n Tu n   ≤   u n+1 − (1 − α n )u n − α n Tu n   +   λ − α n     u n − Tu n   ≤ ε n +2   u n − Tu n   −→ 0asn −→ ∞ . (2.15) Condition (ii) assures that if lim n→∞ δ n = 0, then lim n→∞ v n = x ∗ .Thus,fora{u n } satis- fying lim n→∞ ε n = lim n→∞   u n+1 −  1 − α n  u n − α n Tu n   = 0, (2.16) we have shown that lim n→∞ u n = x ∗ .  Remark 2.5. Let X be a normed space and T : X →X amap,{α n }⊂(0,1) and lim n→∞ v n − Tv n =0, lim n→∞ u n − Tu n =0. If the Mann iteration is not T-stable, then the Kras- noselskij iteration is not T-stable, and conversely. Note that one can consider the usual conditions λ = 1/2, limα n = 0, and  α n =∞in Theorem 2.4 and Remark 2.5. Example 2.6. Again, let T : [0,1) → [0,1) be given by Tx = x 2 ,andλ = 1/2, α n = 1/n.Set v n = u n = n/(n + 1), to note that lim n→∞ u n = 1, and lim n→∞   v n − Tv n   = lim n→∞ n (n +1) 2 = 0. (2.17) Hence, neither the Mann nor the Krasnoselskij iteration is T-stable, as we can see from Example 2.3. 6 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 3. Further results Let q 0 ∈ X be fixed, and let q n+1 = Tq n be the Picard-Banach iteration. Definit ion 3.1. The Picard iteration is said to be T-stable if and only if for every sequence {q n }⊂X given, lim n→∞ Δ n = 0 =⇒ lim n→∞ q n = x ∗ , (3.1) where Δ n :=q n+1 − Tq n . In [6], the equivalence between the T-stabilities of Picard-Banach iteration and Mann iteration is given, that is, the following holds. Theorem 3.2 [6]. Let X be a normed space and T : X → X a map. If lim n→∞   q n − Tq n   = 0, lim n→∞   u n − Tu n   = 0, (3.2) then the following are equivalent: (i) for all {α n }⊂(0,1), the Mann iteration is T-stable, (ii) the Picard iteration is T-stable. Theorems 2.4 and 3.2 lead to the following conclusion. Corollary 3.3. Let X be a normed space and T : X → X a map. If lim n→∞   q n − Tq n   = 0, lim n→∞   v n − Tv n   = 0, lim n→∞   u n − Tu n   = 0, (3.3) then the following are equivalent: (i) for all {α n }⊂(0,1), the Mann iteration is T-stable, (ii) the Picard-Banach iteration is T-stable, (iii) the Krasnoselskij iteration is T-stable. Remark 3.4. Let X be a normed space and T : X → X amap,{α n }⊂(0,1) and lim n→∞ q n − Tq n =0, lim n→∞ v n − Tv n =0, lim n→∞ u n − Tu n =0. If the Mann or Krasnoselskij iteration is not T-stable, then the Picard-Banach iteration is not T-stable, and conversely. Example 3.5. To see that the Picard-Banach iteration is also not T-stable, consider T : [0,1) → [0,1), by Tx = x 2 . Indeed, setting q n = n/(n + 1), we have lim n→∞ q n = lim n→∞ n n +1 = 1, lim n→∞     n n +1 −  n n +1  2     = n (n +1) 2 = 0. (3.4) S¸tefan M. S¸oltuz 7 Acknowledgment The author is indebted to referee for carefully reading the paper and for making useful suggestions. References [1] A. M. Harder and T. L. Hicks, “Stability results for fixed point iteration procedures,” Mathemat- ica Japonica, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 693–706, 1988. [2] W. R. Mann, “Mean value methods in iteration,” Proceedings of the American Mathematical So- ciety, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 506–510, 1953. [3] S. Ishikawa, “Fixed points by a new iteration method,” Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 147–150, 1974. [4]M.A.Krasnosel’ski ˘ ı, “Two remarks on the method of successive approximations,” Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk, vol. 10, no. 1(63), pp. 123–127, 1955. [5] B. E. Rhoades and S¸. M. S¸ oltuz, “The equivalence between the T-stabilities of Mann and Ishikawa iterations,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 318, no. 2, pp. 472– 475, 2006. [6] S¸. M. S¸oltuz, “The equivalence between the T-stabilities of Picard-Banach and Mann-Ishikawa iterations,” to appear in Applied Mathematics E—Notes. S¸tefan M. S¸oltuz: Departamento de Matematicas, Universidad de Los Andes, Carrera 1 no. 18A-10, Bogota, Colombia Current address: Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, 400110 Cluj-Napoca, Romania Email address: smsoltuz@gmail.com . Ben-El-Mechaiekh We prove the equivalence between the T-stabilities of the Krasnoselskij and the Mann iterations; a consequence is the equivalence with the T-stability of the Picard-Banach iteration. Copyright. Corporation Fixed Point Theory and Applications Volume 2007, Article ID 60732, 7 pages doi:10.1155/2007/60732 Research Article The Equivalence between T-Stabilities of The Krasnoselskij and The Mann Iterations S¸tefan. respectively, for modified Mann- Ishikawa iterations was shown in [5]. In the present paper, we shall prove the equivalence between the T-stabilities of the Krasnosel- skij and the Mann iterations. Next, {u n },{v n }⊂X

Ngày đăng: 22/06/2014, 19:20